/b/, America is the richest country in the planet, with the best schools and Universities.
So how come millions and millions of americans are so utterly retarded and ignorant?
How does this happen?
The smartest stay away from most people and browse 4chan.
Educated citizenry is an enemy of tyranny. Our government knows what they're doing.
Most intelligent people are alone because they don't want to be friends with people who either don't take school seriously, or have learning disabilities.
>America is the richest country in the planet, with the best schools and Universities.
Two of those things are false.
huh? How exactlly does the government keep people uneducated?
What about the millions that do get an education?
What is the difference?
People go to /b/
they are absolutely true
welfare makes you stupid
then how do you explain millions low-income rednecks/white trash?
Public education, mainstream media, and corporate interest. Look up The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto.
Not all niggers have shit colored skin
this guy looks cool
cucks gtfo
middle states are full inbred DNA, since colonial times
Many Americans choose not to take full advantage of those things and instead choose to do things like go on /b/
here's why, OP:
liberals fight for better education, conservatives want a dumbed down populace with only "the 3 R's" (reading writing and artithmetic) being the whole of anyone's education---unless they want to pay for it.
Compared to middle eastern standards you could consider then outbred, tbph.
>Compared to middle eastern standards
lol nice benchmark
No liberals fight for a liberal bias education system
Reality has a liberal bias.
sciene and reason == liberal bias amiright?
By convincing a large portion of the population that they don't need an education, because it'll brainwash them into being liberals, and cause baby Jesus to cry.
No not at all that would be a science class and common sense
that's pretty much it
if people were taught to think for themselves, they'd come up with an option to this rat race shit
and the 1% can't handle that
>Our government knows what they're doing.
tbh, right now is the perfect time to be seeing your gov as a fucking joke m8
blaming shit on the government is also a typical among the lazy and uneducated.
Every first world country has a small portion of its general population which is stupid as fuck. The problem with the US is that we have 300 million + people living here so if even 1% of the population is stupid as fuck that is automatically in the millions.
they don't have to be smart. the dumb ones, that could barely function in society, were still allowed to have children. even encouraged to.
what we really need is more obstacles in this ocuntry. we're too free. life's too great. it's too easy.
Lead based paint and poor water system maintenance.
I'd like to find a way to dissolve powerful corporations faster and more effectively.
the problem is that its more like 50% in the us, not 1%
Because poverty.
it's already happening. corporations are losing control. people like trump want to reverse the course and keep corporations in control.
>posts some shitty picture
>evidence that Americans are stupid
>using a shitty picture as evidence that others are stupid
sorry anon hit a nerve
which shitty red state do you live in?
it looks like all of Pa is in there when in fact it should only be the eastern half. the west is dumbfuck too
sorry bud, face reality
yeah but who lives out in western PA?
Blue states like OR and WA. Nobody lives out there to matter. OK so they elect their shitty Republican US Reps. I stand corrected.
It depends on ideology of the people
the key power (and money from that) control is gatekeeping. ever since the industrial revolution corporations have been in charge of what gets produced. that is being eroded today and will get much worse.
Doesn't the government educate?
>America is the richest country in the planet, with the best schools and Universities.
lol, ok.
I think they're not stupid at all.
They're having fun because they can.
no, you educate yourself
government often has to be the educator to when the private sector balks
>california not shitty
leftist fag.
California's all right except for the stupid dipshit rednecks who'll vote Trump.
They do have pretty good universities, but a lot of money and time is wasted on stupid shit like art and social sciences.
I have nothing against art and shit, but I think spending tens of thousands of dollars to get a useless degree is retarded.
>stupid shit like art and social sciences.
yeah knowledge and creativity: totally useless
get back to work serf
Education is completely dependant on the individual...
Indoctrination into white christian america is the real problem
>average IQ 113
lol wait no joke
are you saying
California is all right
like right wing or
all right as in okay
Lol i dont know why i think this is so funny
Yeah but how can you be a productive part of society if you aren't Saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ?
No... we still produce the most STEM grads.
This is what i hate about conservitards... They complain about how the free market will influence new products and ideas
>BUT FUCK YOU if you study something I think is pointless.
Yeah well the charm has worn off. The cool as fuck California we heard about in the 1970s just isn't coming back.
you must be high
Republican Jesus freaks are dumbing the human gene pool
I may or may not have been drinking.
Poverty, poor funding of public schools, lowering standards of education (No Child Left Behind and Obama's followup Common Core have been disasters due to standardized testing requirements), a history of anti-intellectualism (it runs in our blood almost inextricably next to anti-elitism), TERRIBLE textbooks thanks to Texas (who has the power to buy and influence the content of the countries textbooks due to their population number, look it up), straight up Eugenics programs (the U.S. invented that shit in the late 1800s and used them on poor communities),
Its a whole bunch of different things. We are a big country of many different ethnicities and cultures and it is difficult to rally everyone around the necessity of education when so many people are already affected by the above.
- a scientist
but wait I thought it was all Billary's fault
>Obama's followup Common Core
teabagger confirmed
but government should supply some decent schooling.
whatever you study has to have a proven market value
god seriously put a bullet in my head if I thought that way about everything
How the fuck are you supposed to make money with a degree in something with absolutely no real-life value?
Nigga you wasting 4 years of your life and money you could use to buy a fucking house to get a paper that says you're an art expert.
Lots of inbreeding.
Look at the U.K. for reference
Right because being creative or knowledgeable never helped anyone make money. Everyone works at McDonald's or is on the dole.
You faggots are sure angry.
>a history of anti-intellectualism
This one.
Everything else is kinda bullshit.
Drop a jew in Mississippi and he'll find a way to a phd eventually.
Its culture.
we should drop you in a bad part of town in your thong underwear faggot
>most rich
We are 21 quadrillion $$$ in debt
People have different interests. Some people like academia. Some people like working with there hands watching nascar and drinking beer is there anything wrong with that? Manifest Destiny niggers.
>le liberal bias meme
Feel-good, idealistic, indoctrination factories with safe spaces are hardly representative of reality.
Once you're a year or two out of college you will understand. There's a reason almost nobody flips from republican to democrat but the reverse happens all the time.
That is the result of poor and less densely populated areas of the US. If you go to the Boston-DC corridor where the majority of Americans live everyone is over-educated, liberal faggots, much like Europe.
The fat inbred Christian Republican is pretty much a stereotype of our least populated areas and our smallest demographics.
Nigga learn to read.
Nothing wrong about art related shit, but spending ridiculous sums of money to get a degree in it is nuts.
doesn't matter at all
countries issue bounds because people are willing to buy it at interest rates lower than growth.
It works nothing like personal debt.
Shut the fuck up you fucking eurofuck
whos your dentist teas sipping cunt
Christianity and the stupid ignorant fucks it endears.
Are we ignoring America's debt? Its not the richest coubtry in the world.
Yes I'll turn into this totally self-hating racist who votes against my own interests.
Oh wait, I didn't.
spending ridiculous sums to get any degree is, actually
Most of our population is in the northeast along 95 and not in the red area.
Also the blue should reach allt he way down to northern VA.
Anyways your picture sucks and so did your comment.
>America is the richest country in the planet, with the best schools and Universities.
Unless you misspelled Canada, you're entirely fucking wrong.
You mean like /r/The_Donald?!
Really? Trump is going to gracefully bow out and hand Hilary the job. They ruined the republican party and Trump is gonna personally profit from all this. They are trying to make one dominant "party" and eventually eliminate democracy without people ever realizing it. They know what they're doing.
>America is the richest country in the planet
>with the best schools and Universities
also false
>millions and millions of americans are so utterly retarded and ignorant
true. you can blame diet and brainwashing from their government in believing they are the best at everything
not really
Then explain our inflation because of the "personal debt"
Everyone has degrees because the area is rich, to the point where even people working shitty jobs have a higher education.
wtf? can you even google for 5 seconds?
US GDP per capita is more than 10k usd higher than Canada
If you give people the freedom to do whatever they want, they choose to do nothing.
Biggest safe space on the internet
Republicans are self hating?
Also I'm middle class. How is it in my best interest to pay more taxes for benefits I'm ineligible to claim?
Not everyone flips burgers for a living champ.
and let me guess--liberals caused this hell
>durr hurr flipping burgers
you're actually proving OP's point js
Canadian here
Are you retarded
>he thinks 4chan cares about leddit
Getting some CTR vibes tbh
>Human beings will not do anything unless you have a gun to their head
Most retarded thing I've ever read.
inflation is pretty low by historical standards.
you've been attending trump ralies havent you?
How about you answer my question.
This is how:
Yeah ok... shame your retarded supporters?
Really winning people over here...
Not him, but I'm a registered Democrat and I think Common Core is retarded. It tries to teach kids the mental shortcuts that form naturally from doing math the preCC way and backfires. Those shortcuts, when presented as the lesson plan, don't make sense to a mind that's still learning to think mathematically. Its basically teaching kids to run before they can walk.
I don't know why you're such a huge faggot. Sorry.
we're ranked like 24th in education, but I guess being ranked so low we'd produce fucking retards like you who spout nonsense and say "in the planet" instead of on.
You republicans and your taxes it's so sad. You prolly think welfare is so expensive. Well the truth is your taxes go to the military and to Medicare.
>If you give christians the freedom to do whatever they want, they choose to do nothing.
You're retarded.
>he's still talking about Reddit
So, Tumblr represents all democrats because some liberals hang out there?
The funny thing is only right-leaning armchair teachers are really the only ones making a huge stink about it, so it sends up red flags as to whether it's a legitimate gripe.
Regardless today's society structure will always have the poor
>So how come millions and millions of americans are so utterly retarded and ignorant?
Because about half the population are idiots, its not just the United States you Euro cucks have your fair share of dipshits too; but your media tells you that Americans are worse off to keep you distracted from your own societies problems.
Now with that said the American public school system and University system are really fucked up right now. The public schools are overly centralized and obsessed with state mandated testing rather than actual education and now they're getting even more fucked up with federal initiatives like "common core" which is so ridiculous that it has been disavowed by the people who did the studies which the government claims justify the changes. Meanwhile our universities are overrun by the same sort of PC SJW conformist bullshit that has already destroyed the establishment left in Europe.
Still got nothing?
0/10... record remains uncorrected
unless you change it
like making education more freely available
but oh no we can't have that
That gets funded regardless, more taxes will pay for more gibs.
That is in no way true
>Psh, you Republicans and your hating extortion. I'd much rather be threatened with violence and so should you.
and I'll respond to your next post before you have to make it
>Extortion: the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
If they did one of these for the current "election", all the Shillary and Drumpf states would wind up in the bottom half.
>If you give christians the freedom to do whatever they want, they try to make everyone else live by their 2000 year old sheep herder manual.
Well you could have at least said that page is actually full of anti-trump people trying to look like trump supporters are 12 year olds.
But you had to play the strawman game and point at tumblr. Typical conservative bootlicking
>taxes are theft
>niggers are taking my money
What's there to argue? You're a reptile who thinks you have no obligation to society.
As someone who lives in a rural area with rednecks and white-trash it's mainly how people are raised in these locations. Camouflage,hunting,trucks,beer,Jesus, and mountain dew are very popular among these people. From the ones that I've met they don't pay attention too hard in school. Usually they learn and do what there fathers did, Mechanic,electrician,construction, and other various jobs that require muscle power. Typically your rednecks aren't that smart but, there better than white trash. It's not exactly there fault that they don't get a lot of income, its just how there raised and how they rejected education throughout there life.
Highest GDP by a wide margin and most wealth owned by private citizens.
We do have $20 trillion in debt which I think is a big fucking problem for the future; but as a percentage of GDP its about equal to the debt of England and the other European countries that aren't in deep shit yet and less than China which has been borrowing huge amounts over the past few years.
Another thing you republicans fight for lower taxes for everyone when we should be hitting the top 1% for more taxes including every Fortune 500 company. Taxes should be based on income.
>all the Shillary and Drumpf states would wind up in the bottom half.
huh? how can all states be in the botto half?
If you mean dumbing down the standards so more minorities 'pass the exam', thereby advancing the goal if Equality of Outcome vs. Opportunity, then yes.
Because Americans don't believe in natural selection, natural selection cannot occur there. Retards end up fucking other retards and making retard babies, and then the cycle repeats itself.
> dumbing down the standards so more minorities 'pass the exam',
wow sure is tinfoil in here
>what is the electoral college
Nobody said US intelligence follows normal distribution
Those guys make more money than doctors in my country.
so you consider white rural christians minorities?
not an argument
>obligation to society
This is literally the equivalent of original sin. When liberal fucktards bring up this argument I can't help but laugh
>Taxes are moral because you use roads lol duh
If you don't voluntarilly purchase or commission something, you have no obligation to pay for or support it. If you disagree, when and where do you want me to drop off my Pog collection? I don't want it, so you have to buy it. It's worth $300, so you'll be paying me that much. If you don't pay it, you'll be going to jail unfortunately. Oh yeah, and you only get to use it when I say. Pretty great, right?
Average IQ in Mississippi is 85, well, I guess I'm a genius down here then.
Too bad they can't afford to go there, kek
>Taxes should be based on income
Aren't they already?
Don't both the rich and the poor pay the same percentage?
its a matter of degrees.
Of course you should at least pay for the police, military, basic infrastructure, and social safety.
"Not signing up" for those things is bullshit, because you *will* use them anyways.
They can actually.
For example, a skilled mechanic could get citizenship very quickly and a ticked from the US costs about 1500$.
they already make more money here than doctors in your country.
It's not a matter of degrees, it's a logical conclusion that extortion is immoral. Something built from an immoral premise is immoral no matter how you twist it. All of those things should be privatized so people who want to voluntarily have access to those services can do so. I don't have a right to others property and they don't have a right to mine without consent. There is no excuse or reason for the contrary.
>>obligation to society
>This is literally the equivalent of original sin.
Actually no, it's you cringingly dismissing progressive taxation as "theft."
So you admit the rich shirk their tax responsibilities. Refreshing.
Except I've never called it theft. It's extortion, by definition. It's a fact that can't be refuted. If you insist that by your very birth you have handed 'society' a blank check of obligation on demand without your consent, then yes, it is original sin. I'd love to see you argue otherwise with any logical reasoning
Yes, but they'd have cheaper but still german-tier medical care (private hospitals), drinkable tap water, higher quality food, no dangerous minorities(except a few gypsies), normal-weight women etc.
They're not as bad as the ghetto niggers.
But you probably are a nigger and this thread is bait.
>it's a logical conclusion that extortion is immoral.
I disagree with your premise, it came out of your ass.
If you move into territory already claimed by a specific country/society, it is moral for them to impose conditions for habitation. If you don't like it, don't come, or establish your own country in unclaimed territory.
One party would destroy the illusion. Two parties that clearly work together makes us think we still have democracy.
Also kek
>liberals fight for better education
>It's extortion, by definition.
Then you're still a dipshit.
Fucking Cafeteria Constitutionalist. Kek.
Once i got my bachelors and started making money a lot of money i became a republican and spent several grand on guns.
lets say tax is 20%
poor man has 100$, so he pays 20$
rich man has 1000$, so he pays 200$
isn't this how things already work?
>compares societal obligations to "original sin"
>complains about anons' lack of logical reasoning
Again, original sin. I was born here and and forced to pay taxes for services I don't want or need against my consent. You call that moral? And by the way, your argument completely falls apart because even if you LEAVE THE COUNTRY and RENOUNCE YOUR CITIZENSHIP you still are forced to pay taxes for the USA, and receive no benefits. Please explain how that isn't immoral.
because they're stupid , especially trump supporters
Can't wait till college is free.
yes we do actually
and then goobers like you demonize it all as just "liberal arts bullshit"
and then you and other useful dipshits like you elect Republicans to cut funding to education
Do either of you have an argument? Seems like you're embarrassed that you can't use your brain and have resorted to petty name calling.
Can't wait to see your "rate yourself" pic with intelligence level maxed out.
Poor man pays no raxes and collects welfare. Middle class pays 20-25% in taxes and gets no social benifits
How is paying out 20 bucks you don't have "no taxes?"
Meanwhile some rich faggot farts $200 every day
not really "fair"
Yes because everybody under the age of 16 will realize the benefits of education on thier future selves.
shut up faggot
Hows college?
So much success has made us weak.
That'll happen when you let in a bunch of 3rd world immigrants.
Why, do you need someone to tutor your flunking grades, anon?
Yep, that's pretty much what I thought. Come back when the other three quarters of your brain wake up.
> I was born here and and forced to pay taxes for services I don't want or need against my consent.
Yes this is moral. Its an established country. You are free to leave.
> RENOUNCE YOUR CITIZENSHIP you still are forced to pay taxes for the USA
now you are just making shit up.
You are absolutely allowed to renounce your citizenship and not pay taxes to the US state, as long as you don't reside here.
Go ahead.
>durr hurr fucking beaners rooned muh country
Lol you're so fuckin wrong. The eastern end is all niggers and a handful of rich neighborhoods, the middle of the state is all redneck except Harrisburg and then Pittsburgh is one infrastructure overhaul from being one of the greatest cities of the country's country
>Go ahead.
Anon can't quit the US. He's too big of a hypocrite gleaning the benefits of this society to rise to the challenge,
Nah graduated a year and a half ago, making 82k right now, voting for trump in november
>hurrr durrr everyone should like beaners
hurrr durrr
Persons who wish to renounce U.S. citizenship should be aware of the fact that renunciation of U.S. citizenship may have no effect whatsoever on his or her U.S. tax or military service obligations (contact the Internal Revenue Service or U.S. Selective Service for more information). In addition, the act of renouncing U.S. citizenship does not allow persons to avoid possible prosecution for crimes which they may have committed in the United States, or escape the repayment of financial obligations previously incurred in the United States or incurred as United States citizens abroad.
You've been refuted.
>implying enough people push for third parties to make a change
Shut the fuck up tin foil hat retard. If you want to blame anyone blame American citizens who complain about presidents and politics and the government when they dont vote (not just presidential, local is just as important). People have been going to polls less and less every election cycle.
>being this BTFO
Liberal here. Arts majors really are useless bullshit, bro. It's fine as a hobby but the vast majority of people can't make a career doing it. It's like sports that way except that schools offer degrees in it anyway.
You've been lied to.
They've set up a narrative in your head, and you swallowed it like a lemming.
Divide et imperia, oldest tactic in the book.
While you're yelling at your neighbor, your COUNTRYMEN, for being "hillbillies" or "inbred" they're laughing all the way to the bank and amassing the largest concentrations of wealth in world history.
>I live in a gated community in southern California
>I don't have to deal with beaners and niggers so I don't see how shitty they are
Yeah, we know.
I'll guarantee you, you'll never be able to win an argument with that nigger on the left. The one on the right will make you suck his dick with a shotgun up your ass.
>being this BTFO
not refuted at all.
> may have no effect whatsoever on his or her U.S. tax or military service obligations
those obligations come from residing in the US.
> or escape the repayment of financial obligations previously incurred in the United States or incurred as United States citizens abroad.
Yes you have to pay for taxes already accrued before you leave. Makes sense.
propaganda, hollywood, movies, ignorant people abroad that believe this shit.
These dubs speak holy truth.
I never hated niggers until i worked night shifts at a gas station in jacksonville florida during college.
Gee, I wonder why American education is in the shitter.
Wouldn't have anything to do with having to cater to these fine folks now would it?
Actually you have. Here's more information for you
fuckin this
I would never work in a gas station in an area like that.
You got balls of steel bro.
Did you not have to deal with a shitload of shitty trashy white people doing that as well? Jacksonville is an armpit.
It's better than sports. Art teaches people how to think conceptually and it nurtures creativity.
Valuable in any profession.
>This guy will get in college with a lower test score because he's a nigger.
>If a company hasn't filled their quota, he will get a job over a more qualified white person
No I haven't, and I read all the information.
You can very well meet your previous/current obligations, renounce US citizenship and leave the country forever.
Again, go ahead please.
Sure, and I think classes should be offered but that's one thing. A degree is another.
>I live in mommy's basement
>I read stuff on stormfag.com
actually pretty obvious
Trashy white people are nothing compared to Florida niggers.
>being this TBFO
I don't understand what you're saying.
If all men are equal, they should pay equal percentage.
It doesn't matter if he makes a billion or a thousand dollars a month.
I am not rich but I think it's fair that way.
well thankfully you don't get to make that decision
I had issues with romanians but they werent terrible i dont know if i woukd call them white. Blacks were a constant everyday problem. Whites never gave me shit except one guy married to a nigger, mexicans never gave me shit. Boss was an asshole nigger. Fuck niggers. Had gangs around, watched a nigger punched another nigger in the face once. I went directly into programming after that shitshow and its all good
Can we talk about this?
>Muh stormfront boogeyman
Calm down Carl. Go read a buzzfeed article about how terrible white people are.
You want to eliminate taxes?
Support living wages. Then we don't have to subsidize them.
I grew up in Alabama so I'm sorry to say I have spent plenty of time around both. I didn't think either was any worse than the other though. Just different and equally insufferable. There are plenty of great blacks out there too. I'm glad I'm nowhere near that part of the country anymore though.
you are totally a stormfag
revel in it
beaners are scum
that's why you're a Trumpfag too
Talk about what?
Why thankfully? If I got to make the decision, lots of clueless kids would have to pick something else to major in and they would therefore finish school better prepared for the world.
>correcting the record this hard
>richest country in the planet, with the best schools and Universities.
wanna factor that national debt in? also what is "distribution of wealth"?
>utterly retarded and ignorant?
you're free to say and do what you want, free to blow through one of the many wildly inadequate public schools doing the bare minimum to pass and having staff paid to clean up after your sorry ass, hoping you were lucky enough to be born/live in an area with enough income with taxes to flood to the local overcrowded understaffed school you go to enough to maybe throw you something that looks a little like an education, then take your learned adult self into the world talking down on others and citing rights and amendments you've never read as to why it's okay spew whatever nonsense your infantile brain conjures up with whatever Professor TV and Dr.Wifi have added to the joke that passes for schooling in the united states.
yeah well again thankfully there are actual qualified individuals with degrees in other majors you probably think are shit who are going to be making the recommendations as to what a course of study should entail
>liberal here
not really
So triggered you can't even type right lel.
>being this BTFO
>being this 12 this hard
>stale memes
>FBTO this hard
Because the ignorant choose to remain so and they can't be forced to change, such is the fault in human freedom
and yet when someone does try to change things, the ignorant don't want anyone else to change either
Here's your (you)
.05 has been deposited into your account.
Correct the Record thanks you.
The guy in OP's pic is at least smart than this shit.
>still posting stale memes
so how's your summer btw
Lol just several grand? I've spent about $100,000 if not more on firearms this lasty year alone...
Probably tries to at least take care of his family too.
Nice job shit posting you too. >>699064231
The conservatives are right. You're entitled to NOTHING in this world except life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
summerfag go back to junior high
Kek which of your requirements for being defined as a liberal did I fail to meet by saying art majors were a waste of time? Jesus fucking Christ...
Probably because they don't have the best schools and universities, you fucking moron.
>you too.
>social science is a waste
Economics is a social science. Good luck using a commodity currency or going back to the barter system
except a liberal--Thomas Jefferson--came up with those phrases
try again faggot
That's a funny way to spell realist.
>Crying about racism on 4chan.
Is Reddit still down?
This is a lie and you know it
No you didn't. Maybe if you own a gunshop otherwise no. That would be between 150 and 250 guns
you pretty much carried about two big buckets of water for Donald Trump with those posts fam
not a liberal
not there anyway
Well it was a liberal named John Locke, actually. Well except he said pursuit of property so Jefferson did change that
anything that isn't engineering that proves that jet fuel can't melt steel beams tier education is SHIT
>pursuit of happiness.
unless that involves fucking people of your same sex, worshiping something other than jeesus, smoking whatever you wanna smoke, etc and so on
overall inherent human ignorance + shit media + shit education system till 12° year + lack of being humble= that shit storm
>Correct the Record superpac just got started
Are you trying to be obvious?
OK so two liberals
anon is still rekt
My mom and dad are both is teachers. Common core is terrible. You know it is because you had a shit education like every else.
wow faggot's mad
maybe you should consider some 2nd Amendment "solutions" kek
so when did you turn gay
Might be the fucking massive population you idiot
We spend too much on defense, spitting out unnecessary soldiers; people that will die for our country because (many of) them can't secure anything. I attribute this to a lack of educational funding.
White guy, went to high school in b-more city. By grade 12 most people were barely literate because it's almost impossible to fail in a public city school.
The liberals are literally against free speech.
There is a difference between hating someone who thinks differently than you and making it illegal to think differently than you.
Conservatives are more the former and liberals are more the latter.
It's a cringing stale meme that lost its lulz about a month ago and you are a useful idiot for Trump
I'm a teacher and common core is not bad. Go look them up and find why they are terrible and then come back with something other than some second hand bullshit.
This wasn't even an answer.
John lock and Thomas Jefferson would be rallying to malitia to kill everyone in the government for betraying us all, and not a single modern liberal would follow the into battle.
>The liberals are literally against free speech.
progressives =/= liberals
look it up
America isn't rich. America makes these things called a trust fund. Right now America is not trustworthy. Other countries are doing swell by industrializing on their own.
But they all come to the same fate. Therefor America is more a test subject than a living example of a productive society.
Fucking dumbshits.
cool story bro
but right-wing dipshits are still the only ones making asses out of themselves over Common Core, not actual teachers
Being a liberal then and now is an entirely different thing.
Remember Abe was a republican and according to liberals we all hate blacks.
A republican literally freed them.
>in the planet
>the planet
pick one
>against free speech
more like you got your fucking ass handed to you for saying "nigger" and now all liberals are nazis to you
Right. Get a nigger to work.
Bell curve. For every MIT grad there is a redneck like that.
I'm not mad, I just think it's funny that you would say something that is so very obviously a lie
talking shit on art majors is not "liberal" it's something some stupid ignorant anti-education dipshit would say
stop being a faggot
Yeah he was a republican who literally started a civil war to protect the power of the federal government lol
They get the liberal version and submit themselves to big govt.
>mom and dads perfessional experience of decades of teaching is second hand and invalid
You aren't a teacher and if you are lmao enjoy being poor you fucked up by going into teaching. I know you are a lying liberal though
actually Jefferson would be wondering why we don't have stronger gun laws to keep nutballs like you from going Civil War 2 in the first place
A chain is only as strong as its' weakest link
>look it up
shut up faggot
And a nigger like this.
>Abe started the war
Nice b8
tl;dr - Too much defense spending, not enough spent on education.
No wonder we have so many tards, only the naturally intelligent could learn in such a shitty learning environment.
nah thats bullshit GOP paranoia.
I got a phd from stanford and I'm still a fiscal conservative.
Its the science vs bible battle that they really fear, for good reason
It's neither liberal or conservative, retard. It's not a political statement at all. Guess that's why you can't explain yourself.
>best universities
>best schools
No actually Thomas Jefferson and other liberal-leaning Founding Fathers like Franklin and Madison are still the basis of modern-day liberalism. You just want to demonize liberals as commies because that's what ignorant fucks like you do.
Lol yeah what a crazy thing to lie about.
Older teachers are often more rigid about pedagogy, less open to change, this shouldn't come as a surprise.
Anyway yeah I'm a liberal but i'm not a liar. Did you look at the standards? Which do you think are bad?
not a lie
teachers are by and large liberal, and they push for more comprehensive education standards
Republicans always stall this shit. Always.
Stop being a dipshit.
>Liberal leaning
>Owned and fucked slaves
Yeah they were good little liberals just like you.
Pure tumblr trash buzzword.
You dont know anything about what being teacher, you know what being a student is. A lot of shit goes on behind the scenese that i know because i am close with my parents. Common core is just a bunch of standardized testing. The tests are made way too easy so everyone can be expected to pass them except slow children. It's horse shit and a waste of time.
actually you have a lot to learn about what being "liberal" is.
ya dun goofed
>assblasted art history major detected
that was retarded anon
Still haven't answered the question fag.
classical liberals advocate the free market economy, because, unless people are free to make contracts and to sell their labour, or unless they are free to save their incomes and then invest them as they see fit, or unless they are free to run enterprises when they have obtained the capital, they are not really free
In contrast, progressive liberalism principally advocates egalitarianism and ‘social justice.’ Progressive liberals believe themselves to be defenders of minorities and the downtrodden.
>giving me another opportunity to say "correct the record"
>not realizing this means more people are going to google it
It was a fact.
You just didn't like it and didn't know how to respond to it.
So you insulted me....like a good little liberal.
>Common core is just a bunch of standardized testing
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know what standards are? Common core standards simply say what students have to learn... the testing is totally separate. You have no idea what you are talking about. There are multiple standardized tests tied to common core, God this is painful
faggot no one cares about your cool story
if I Google "common core" it will be a bunch of stupid -right wing bullshit pushed by Republicans
not teachers trying to repeal it
I just want to say thank you to you
Reminder you are probably arguing with a 15 year old non American who can't even vote.
He's just baiting you because he's bored.
I don't know why you're such a massive faggot. no. Sorry. Try some soul searching.
You dont know shit about teaching it's obvious. Every year them take more and more from you. Everytime money gets tight, school funding gets cut. Enjoy that cunt. Dont be purprised when you are forced to pay into your pention and cant move out of the county without losing your pention. They will have their thumb on you like every other teacher. Thats why teachers dont leave, they lose most their pention, the only thing of real value they have.
no it was exceptionally cringeworthy
>like a good little liberal.
like this
you might take a break from posting
Then explain how cities like baltimore, cities that have been under the control of liberals for decades are some of the most backwards, illiterate, crime ridden shitholes in the country. Why do they encourage programs like affirmative action that actively discourage the nurturing of the smart and capable. Why is it that programs like welfare and foodstamps and state funded healthcare are nothing more than tools to control the uneducated masses and keep them as they are, complacent and uneducated. Liberals actively encourage mediocrity, because it is much easier to control the population that way.
I'm sure getting BTFO is pretty cringeworthy.
Tell me more.
Haha just admit you have no idea what you're talking about, sperglord.
You just agreed that it's a bunch of standadized testing, government boot licker
What is the free rider problem for $500
Because they are full of stupid black people who listen to other stupid black people.
funny some faggot using every opportunity to post a cringing meme like "correct the record" is the 15 year old who can't vote
I hope this is what you actually meant
That has absolutely nothing to do with what we are discussing and I am pretty sure a lot of those budget cuts come from conservatives, not liberals, so doesn't that help my point? It is the liberals who are fighting for union rights for teachers...
I meant you are an underage faggot baiting people until your mommy calls you up for tendies.
You are fucking brainwashed kid.
What no I didn't... The common core standards have no tests... they are not tests... they don't contain tests... are you retarded?
I have explained it. Teachers try to diversify education, conservatives like you tend to white-knight obstruct attempts at the local, state and Congressional levels.
Sorry that makes you so mad you ignore it and go off on something stupid.
I'm getting trolled aren't I... dang it :/
Dude, I know what he's doing. I like to say it.
"correct the record"
Google that shit.
Shit bricks.
An actual Hillary SuperPAC is spending 6 million dollars to "correct" people on the internet and troll their comments.
This is some fucking Chinese communist shit.
>durr like a good little liberal
>good goy
social justice is shit, affirmative action is shit.
But so is right-wing anti-intellectualism, rejection of science, and the pushing of religious doctrine as facts.
What this country needs is more nuanced discussions and less tribalism.
Dude you aren't a fucking teacher. Your opinion is worthless. Your just supporting the politics you like and know nothing of the profession
>durr art majors are loosers
thanks for proving my suspicions
you're a dipshit doubling down on your shitty conservative philosophy
USA military and nukes kick ass. Military don't need a bunch of smart dudes just like a few hundred geniuses and the rest millions of dumbasses who follow orders. This is the secret of American society.
I know all about that shit.
Its actually fucking pathetic she had to hire people to agree with her.
>your mommy calls you up for tendies.
you'd know something about that, actually
I didn't want to embarrass you
but the secret's out now
And you will likely be waiting tables after college if you don't change your major.
No. I am not a "shill" and you sound like a 12 year old child home for the summer.
Terrible comebacks.
They literally stole Chinese communist tactics
Like... What the fuck happens when she actually gets into power?
>still replying
>still pretending to be a "liberal here"
top kekkkkellelellekekkekekekkekekekkEKKEKEKEoneoneone!!!111!!!!oneoneonekekekkeke!KK!EKEKK!EKEKkEKE!ONE!KEKKEK1k1ek!Ek!OE!NEN!OEN
Fucking idiot they do have tests with scores. Here is a liberal article tasking about common core test scores.
I like my nigga music, fuck you asshole trying to get people to buy into your shit, it's a free country. You don't want blacks around go live in your Jewish utopia Israel. I like my gentile country, kike fucker.
Well... I am actually a teacher but I'm not gonna like timestamp a picture of myself with my license for you lol. I teach secondary science, licensed for both physical and life science. I teach in the rural south so I know a thing or two about shitty government in schools. I have no love for the federal government or even state government but still the common core standards themselves aren't bad, they are just a set of requirements of what students have to learn and they are well crafted, especially compared to some of the garbage, rote-memorization, factory-worker training type bullshit that many states had before
sorry reality is often unvarnished
your a faggot
>durr I'm a teacher
>durr common core sucks
>durr I'm not a right-winger
>you aren't also continuing to reply
You don't have a lot of friends do you
>your a faggot
top kek
Spoken like a true liberal
Teachers are nothing, any attempt made by a teacher to "diversify education" is immediatly smashed by programs such as common core and no child left behind. And any ambition is quickly squeezed out of the majority by their own unions that encourage seniority over merit. Fancy that, a liberal concept that encourages mediocrity in order to force its members to obey
>durr I'm a liburul
>no rilly i promise
My thought lean more this way as well. Both ends of the spectrum are shit and people have been fooled into thinking one is better than the other
I know--I get a lot of practice here