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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>699041479 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 210
Thread images: 151
Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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RIP QB.jpg
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no spooking happening
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Reporting for duty!
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Nano claim.

Hello my friends.
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>Top Doc claimed
Oh, so it's everybody just using the character as a second face? makes more sense since she has no good things to her character. only one worse is the evil chick from plastic neesan.
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Last thread was cancer
Let's make this better
what the fuck does this mean
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Alrighty. Good night.
Getting some interesting art going there.
>Rattle rattle
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Claiming Lilly
Isn't /b/ supposed to allow anything(that doesn't break US laws)? It is the random board after all
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what would you do to my waifu? :)
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Try making a Katawa Shoujo thread on /b/

Bet you get banned.
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Saber claim
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Remember when I said I was on a streak of days without suicidal thoughts?
Well. I lost that streak
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still here


its ok maybe one day
i dont think id enjoy that much
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Haha the thread hit image limit, we did it reddit, we saved /b/!
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something witty.png
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whats wrong?
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Mai's kill count: 1
I'm not saying everyone is using her as a second face, rather when someone is spamming they blame it on her. That might very well be the case though, as most of the oldfags switched their waifus once everyone caught onto their elitist bullshit. Now they hide because they're too pussy to show their faces.
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Good job fam
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Claimu! so what happened while i was gone?
Not sure if i met you, what's the matter?
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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I just CAN'T SEE what the problem with posting Lilly would be, though.
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I once had one that managed to extend across several threads. It seems odd that they would ban us though and not the loli and shota threads
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There's a storm brewing in my area help me edition
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Close up those wounds and kiss her better.
I've never seen you before. But the doctor is always in for healing hugs and kind words. Talk?
Hi-ho, Nui! Are Doc Martens a good, Grand Tailor-approved boot?
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your creativity amazes me

yuuko <3
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A Little Lewd Kiss Galil.png
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She is literally a Finnish rape elf.And friends with Galil because they're both AK based.
Look up "Ruby Ridge ATF" and "Waco ATF".Ask /k/ as well.
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and to her? :D
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Why would they ban Katawa Shoujo?


Still cuddly
Spaming has become so much faster now that we can coordinate in the secret IRC with spidey, Suiseiseki , and the banana spamer.
They don't even know what hit them!
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/b/ is the only place FOR loli and shota.

I think /KS/ threads belong on either /jp/ or /v/ I can't remember.

But the old KS threads on /b/ were hardcore circlejerk threads. And just like pony, are no longer allowed on /b/. Only difference is Pony gets their own rule.
Now, to save all of the 4th chan!
>Why would they ban Katawa Shoujo?
I'm completely BLIND as to why!
But, you know what they say. Play with fire, and you get BURNED.
Seriously, though, I'm really down on my luck here. I don't have a LEG to stand on!
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The same reason they ban these I guess. Not that they really break any rules
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do you like her? :)
/vg/ is for ks threads
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If you gave me a fair start
I didn't even know you played this
Hey there nui how are you?
You didn't miss much tbh
>Esdeath caused a scene again
So the usual
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I didn't HEAR a joke for one of them.
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Sup faggets
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I really want MP5A2 tho. That sweet li'l submachine loli.
Respectful burial. But not before collecting evidence.
Of course you wouldn't hear it. I typed it.
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The only rule we could even come close to breaking is the avatar one. But these aren't avatars. They are waifus~
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your waifu is hot
I like how you say that but the flood comes in so slow it's either 1 guy or 4 blind retards.
Global rule 13
t. 4chan lawyer
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Well, to start with, today's 08/11. And every 11th day of every month a get a little depressed. And I was looking old shit again. I've found Some pics of my mom. I was starting to forget her face. And then, everything back again. I'm crying. And sad. I'm feeling alone and cold
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always watching.2.jpg
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They're avatars.
look at them feet
What is sarcasm?
Baby don't shitpost
Don't shitpost no more
>Your husky
No mom I'm fat
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yeah i bought it when it came out
I'm cringing this is so bad
Shhhhhhh. Not avatars
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Maybe you post avatars. I just post cute pictures of my waifu like the thread wants me too.

I have no claim to an Identity through pictures I post.
no, you're DAYUM.
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Yeah what he said
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They look pretty nice, but if you have a dog you might have to put them somewhere high, unless they're a very well behaved grown up Golden.
Oh shit what did he do?

I've been fine, just ate a huge meal.
We all lose things, and she wouldn't want you to be upset, she would want you to focus on the future.
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How you feel about your waifu isn't really related to the thread. From what I've heard, it used to be about discussing your waifu, but that is no more.
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Respect status:Gone.
Jk fam lolis not my thing but whatever floats your boat (or rocks your cock).MP5s are fun to shoot, some guy had one at Knob Creek a while back.
Take a few shots.Unless that gets you sad as well.Then just watch your favorite animu/TV show/ movie while eating some good food.
I can't think of a PUNny way to combine cute and claim so have this instead;
u r a qt bb
God, Im tired
My GTA business wont run itself though
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Do you even know you're waifu's birthday?
Her favorite food?
What are her ambitions?
Her goals?

Here's an easy one. How old is she?
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what i would do to your waifu
Oh shut the fuck up. They're obviously avatars. If the mods hated these threads, they would of gotten rid of them long ago. It's just because we're on /b/ and we're a decent enough size of a community they haven't done anything.
There actually was a time when there were two avatar threads though, the mods deleted the second and gave them a choice to merge or get banned.
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Miho claimed

Im back from my road trip.
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I know I'm having an autistic meltdown I'm closing this tab.
Who are these people in hiding?
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hang in there bud! I hope you get through this bummer of a day.

Your pal shino
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I cant really say what she would want at the end. She started to lose her mind because of everything that happened to her
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>Implying I'm actually a tall blonde half Scottish and half Japanese blind girl irl
>Implying I wouldn't use a skeleton as my avatar if I had one
hope you feel better soon

If you want to talk or anything im here
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Cool, I never really got into it for some reason
Who do you play most as?
He got into a fight with his friend, he stole his sister's panties
>If you remember the story
He was called out on it today

Sweet what did you eat?
Why are you tired man?


>we're a decent enough size of a community they haven't done anything.

That is a fucking lie.
They don't care about communities on their boards, they care about content.

An example of a huge group that was ostracized to the point of being exiled is >>>/mlp/

Hell, I bet the only reason drawthreads are allowed is because they produce "original content" no matter how bland, boring, or bad it is.
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Claim Yami
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This is my fetish.
This is a common misperception. I am, in fact, -not in any way, shape or form- a cute, cutie, qt, qtpi, qt3.14.
>not cute!
nice feet
Wanna erp?
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Syndra [110].jpg
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yes >:D
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That's totally Mugi.
Yuuko-chan <3
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Idk m8 you look pretty cute to me
Nice doubledubs. How long ago did you lose her? A parent can be hard to move on from.
I keep them on my feet or locked up in my room away from children and animals. I clean them every few days and treat them weekly with dubbin and wonder balsam.
I like the loli.
>cute, innocent, sweet
>the love is pure and has nothing to do with shiny rocks or a nice house
>can still be smart
>hugs and cuddles ad infinitum
But there's a special place in my heart for subguns even though I'm more into DMRs and SRs, too.
Talk. It's safe here, Anon.
3 off.
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mccree mercy and mei are my favorties
I had a 3 day reprise from work, Its knocked the wind out of me
That and the eight mile run

Hello yu
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What can I say, I love women that dote on me and can't say no to big tits.
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it's a damn filename.jpg
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Read a book.
Birthday is never specified, her favorite food isn't specified but it's generally considered to be anything sweet. Maybe anpan. Her goal is to be killed by Ganta (character in the series), which could also be her ambition I guess. I should note that that's no longer her goal/ambition. Her age is somewhere between 16-17.
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Last month it marked 5 years.
I don't that there is much to say. When the pain started to consume her sanity little by little, I say Fuck This Shit, Ain't Gonna Look After Ya and I started to stay less and less at home. On her last week I went to hang out with my dad.
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Hello again.
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More blonds
>fap fap fap
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TheWonderfulNui (70).png
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Oh shit, sorry to hear that. not sure what to say, it'd be rude to ask what happened to her.

Do you have a pupper? my dogs always bring me comfort in bad times.
So wait, he said he stole a different girls panties but it was the sister of the friend? i hope he didn't get beaten to death.

Went to a Red Robin and now i feel fat, ate a cheeseburger, some kind of chicken and a lot of fries and liquids.
That's good to know, do you have any dogs and have they ever went through crazy means to rip and tear your boots?
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I don't have more blonds :/
MLP was only ostracized because it was spammed CONSTANTLY. People were using MLP to flood thread after thread, similar to how Spidey was used but on a scale 10x grander.
If MLP was on the level of x/Fur it wouldn't be a problem, but it wasn't, it was used as a source of constant spam by trolls.
Unlike MLP threads of the past on /b/, we're actually having conversations. It also doesn't help that 4chan was founded on anime and I'm sure they make a decent amount of money off add revenue. Because, who's more likely to click a J-List add? Us or MLP? I doubt they barely make any off of us if any, but still, we're relevant to a point.
4chan is about being anonymous so they're against avatars and names in general. There have been other avatar threads in the past, but instead of getting our own board those specific ones were banned.

Don't you know mods post in these threads?
I'm not entirely sure who's strong and who isn't so I'll just say Mccree looks like fun
>It's high noon
Reason enough to play him
Also genji looks really cool even though his ultimate gives me a headache
>And the eight mile run
I'm not sure what your job is but an 8 mile run sounds a bit more tiring
Hi there
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This is weak shit!
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Well, where I do live, it isn't ride to ask. It was cancer, tho. 4 different ones.
No puppies or anything like that.
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send me some similar stuff
Hey, we produce original content here as well!
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Read Kyou no Yuiko-san.
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Stop, you're costing me and arm and a leg, and these puns are making me speechless.

So... Janitors just hate it?


Ay Shino
Anime being a central theme does not protect these threads.

>mods post in these threads
Get back to work!
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Make /waifu/ great again
Join the elite
Anybody have femdom?

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What is the elite?
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Eh, it goes buy faster than youd think.
Only about an hour and a half or so.
I enjoyed it. It keep me swimsuit ready
I'm telling him/you to read it.
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At least some of them do
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genji is annoying yeah
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I lost my grandfather around that time. Kidney and heart failure are nasty. I knew it was coming so it wasn't too hard to deal with. I'd been mentally prepped for a couple of years before that. I still miss him. And obviously you still miss your mother. That's normal and healthy. I'd be more worried if you were totally fine. Just don't let it consume you, okay? Keep the important stuff- significant pictures, any artwork she created, her shadow box if she served, and anything valuable. But don't hoard crap like her favourite dress or that cute little stick picture you made for her when you were 3. You need to let go and accept that she's gone, but do so without forgetting her, okay?
No but I do have two cats and a couple of kid sisters who can't resist drawing on everything with markers and who will be shot dead if I catch them near my fucking $200 shoes which are also my only useable pair.
Hi Akame.
I realize that most of you have ether forgotten what /waifu/ is or are simply newfags who don't know.

/waifu/ is not where we make posts talking about our personal lives and our problems...we're not your fucking livejournal
/waifu/ is not some place where we giggle at memes....we're not fucking YTMND
/waifu/ is not some place where we make confessions we're not fucking grouphug
/waifu/ is not some place where we find pictures on other websites and post them here ...we're not fucking ebaumsworld
/waifu/ is not some site where we go to jerk off to hentai pics....we're not fucking aerisdies
/waifu/ is not some place that you go to, to get someone to hack your girlfriend's e-mail account because shes cheating on you for the 15th time...we're not your fucking personal army
/waifu/ is not some place you go to ask for help with a personal problem, we're not your fucking psychologist
/waifu/ isn't some place you go to trash talk other people you'll never meet simply because its an anonymous board with "no rules" and you can get away with it with out any repercussion...we're not a fucking group of internet tough guys
/waifu/ is not NICE

so /waifu/....what IS /waifu/...i want to see how long it takes for someone to get it.
Yea no just a lot of swear words, and he didn't want to see him anymore
It was something

Sounds pretty good, never been to red robin though, is it fast food or a restaurant?
>Hour and a half of running
Count me out god damn
Whats your occupation though?
I'm an elitist. I don't like it when people post low quality images, claim multiple waifu, or post 3D sluts.

Generally when people DO do this I make fun of them and try and turn the thread against them.

Lastly, I try and make other people feel as if they need to work toward some type of acceptance when it comes to joining the community.

YOU ARE NEW and you need to know it.

Nah, it's a meme. Older members started using 3rd party chat services and some of the newer members were not invited. These newer members started to get anally aggravated and began throwing "Elitist" tantrums.
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hi doctor
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>Nice copypasta
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Already love him
Are you playing ranked?
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You're not elite. Just right
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waifu's dead.

He's fucking dead. I don't know.. I just. Fuck. He texted me a little bit earlier about the threads, I tried to convince him not to but just FUCK. He thought the chick he was waifu with hated him. I wasn't here for it, but we were texting about it. Some asshole, according to this thread it was most likely Mai, went and framed him as a pervert and made it look like he was hitting on that drawfag or some shit. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but fuck dude he's young and that feels like the end of the fucking world when a girl thinks that about you and he just got out of a relationship a while ago but fuck. I just.. fuck. I don't know what to do anymore. He told me he was going to end his life. No reply. No matter how much I text, it says he hasn't read it. Before that he just didn't sound like the same guy anymore, he was going off the deep end saying he was worthless and that women all think he's a creep and he's ugly and bullshit like that, he said 4chan was ruining him but it was irreversable which is bullshit. Just fuck. I'm just trying to cope here. I'm hoping so much that I'm going to wake up in the morning and he'll have replied to me, maybe he fell asleep first or something. Fuck I don't know if i can sleep I don't even know who to go to other than here
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>Nah, it's a meme.
Is it, though
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do you like her?
McDonalds Griller
Actually really nice.
Ive missed it these passed few days. Did the run to keep my heart moving
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>I didnt want to post a picture anyways
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witty file name 6.jpg
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How do you keep the heart to run?
Yes you elitist whore
Some of these are valid:
>/waifu/ is not where we make posts talking about our personal lives and our problems...we're not your fucking livejournal
>/waifu/ is not some place where we make confessions we're not fucking grouphug
>/waifu/ is not some place you go to ask for help with a personal problem, we're not your fucking psychologist
He's right, we aren't a hugbox. Every time this place has turned into a hugbox it's gone to shit
>/waifu/ is not some site where we go to jerk off to hentai pics....we're not fucking aerisdies
This is important. We don't want to become like the furry/hentai/porn threads. That would be a literal circlejerk.

Remember the original rules:
Waifu claiming thread

The rules are very simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pictures of your waifu
>Discuss stuff
>Talk trash about other waifus
>Post fitting content, not over-sexualised content
>Most important: Have fun!

There isn't much more to these threads.
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It really SHOULD be. The only people who were really shouting "ELITIST, ELITIST" was that Mi Lu guy or whatever.

A lot of people here play together and chat off-thread. If people don't want you to join their chat, can you really blame THEM?

But forget that, how have you been, beautiful?
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TheWonderfulNui (175).jpg
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Ouch, well perhaps take your mind off of it by watching something with humor or just listen to something. do you perhaps have a plush?
That's pretty funny but sorta scary, a long time ago i had a Yellow Lab, he knew how to open doorknobs with his nose so we had to change them to the round doorknobs with locks to keep him out of places he shouldn't go.
That's kinda sad, i don't know why he showed that thing to his friend though, that was kinda nuts.

Kinda both, you have to wait a bit for them to make the stuff.
Who would you be?

you can have a lot of refills once you buy one drink and i kinda over did it.
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Not wanting to be rude but that doesn't really pay that well does it?
I guess if you like your job it's fine
Keep the body in motion and the mind will follow.
If I stop moving while Im awake I begin to get extremely lax.
Thats a big ol fuckin no no.
Im no bum

Kneesocks, hello Nui

Oh, thats not rude. Its true
I mostly work there for the experience
>Nice copypasta
You have it backwards. We make fun of them for being a bunch of inbred, circlejerking, hugbox faggots. When you have a community with less than 20 people it turns into one big redneck orgy. That place is total shit. Some of us left for that very reason.
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no just normals
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Nice try, but you can't fool me.
not me btwtbqhwyf
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Kyouko (9).png
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Nice numbers.
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>Hes kinda nuts
Understatement of the year

I've heard of that before, they have some sort of kfc restaurant in England

Overdoing it on refills
Might have been touchy subject
What are you hoping to get?
I see, I've heard some bad things from ranked overwatch that's why I asked
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hey faggots.jpg
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>nice numbers

but your waifu belongs in the dumpster
Eat shit asshole
Doggos are smart critters, Nui. Mine used to be able to tell when I was playing a piece of music incorrectly if he'd heard me do it right before. Most of them can count- go ahead, pull out three buscuits, put them in your pocket and take out two to give him. And of course they can learn a small, very marginal understanding of our language- enough to know what words like "cookies" mean, at any rate. Mine also tried to hide his shit once. He'd shat in the hallway and covered it up with some toilet paper. Doggos are clever for nonhumans.
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Homura (trash waifus everywhere).jpg
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upside down best.jpg
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I'm really not too sure on that. I used to be able to do that. Also, how the fuck do I make a treadmill tolerable? I really don't want to go outside anymore but I want to run.
Don't post that image ever again.
Fuck off Tomoko. That place has been slowly dying since it's conception. They have no new revenue of members or alternate viewpoints. It's the epitome of a neckbeard hugbox circlejerk. Having new members is important. These threads usually don't go over 40 posters, which is a nice round number and a good pace for posting. That and new/different members are constantly leaving and joining these threads. The elitists on the other hand will slowly lose members one by one until it's a barren waste land. And unlike here it's the same people ALL the time, no new faces or conversations.
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yeah its pretty bad
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Everyone post you're waifu wearing this cringe rodent hoodie!
Elitism goes both ways.
>I am above shitposters
>I am above oldfags
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John Dolmayan (1).png
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That's subjective.

I rate this 9 autisms out of 10.
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Oh, alright.
I was just asking.

It's their choice, people tend to build their own little "circles", like Tenryuu's WoW group or Karen's chat thingy. So no, you really can't blame them in that sense.

>Mi Lu
Literally who

And I've been alright, exams have been keeping me busy, had to do a few reports as well, but I've been keeping up so far, so there's that.

What about you, my dear Ananas?

>Mi Lu
Literally who.
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not 10?
get a job buddy
Hey-ho, dommy mommy!
I can relate to you.

now THAT'S autistic
I fucked up so badly that it's giving me diabetes.
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TheWonderfulNui (137).png
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Hello! so wait, you used to work at one of those?
Really? what's it like?
Damn, next thing you know one of them will start building machines.
You doing okay?
Don't ask then
wanna erp?
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I agree we could use new members, but there is nothing wrong with enjoying the company of people you come to like anyway.

Are you this Mi Lu guy? You seem very "anti-elitist" and was one of the loudest nay-sayer.

Exactly. It's the people crying about not being let in who should be laughed at.

Ah, fun stuff. I'll be doing that soon enough. Actually have to take some type of assessment test to see if I'm "college ready" and I already feel stupid lol.

I totally forgot how to math Exponents so I spent like two hours last night reviewing online.
>Mi Lu
Literally who.
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Homura (230).jpg
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If I rated it a ten and found an even more autistic picture later on I would have messed up.
Nice, would beg for her to crush my dick as hard as possible.
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Youre fine matey.
Im just there to have some work experience on my resume.
Im in my fourth year for accounting

I dont know man, I hate treadmills too.
I just like the outside, I dont mind the elements

Still do, pretty chill group there
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is it giving you
< ?
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plus one.jpg
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you can?

hello mercy how are you

ill punch ya in the gobba

im alright still annoyed but alright

yes pic related
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Welcome back
How are you?
Whole team of tjorborn sounds like something I don't want to see
The chicken is really good and it's fast pasted as well
They served Russian roulette chicken
>Different spices
It was a fun experience
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Doesn't have to do with elements. I just don't like being outside, mainly because of people.
Filthy Early Bake by a Filthy Jew.
If they had opposable thumbs they'd already be doing it. Dogs are probably some of the very brightest animals out there aside from ourselves. Their entire survival originally hinged on them being intelligent enough to work in packs and use tactical maneuvers to bring down prey several times their own size, back when they were wolves. They also seem capable of basic emotions like grief and remorse.
Not horrible. What about you, doll?
I'll tell her to spread 'em and suck her tits till her eyes go in different directions.
i literally just played that.... are you stalking me
bake the fucking thread already
Wtf you tryna promote your pic fag
Thread replies: 210
Thread images: 151

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