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Life advice. Post age and what advice would you give.

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Life advice.
Post age and what advice would you give.
No one gives a shit if you steal from wal-mart. However if it's a FOB minority, they WILL give a shit.

Old brown asian man will fucking lay his life down if you try to steal a candy bar. Black guy / White guy won't give two shits if you walk out with a television.

And ask myself everything that happens, how to bet, make money, etc.

> 49

Enjoy everything available to you in life in moderation.
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get your ass into a gym and good eating habits or you'll be a flabby sack of shit your entire life.
I don't get it
I just graduated, got a sweet job. Any tips on scoring some ladies? I've pretty much just devoted my life to school until now.

Also, how to make more money? I don't want to work for someone forever.
Not necessarily a Gym though
Put effort into what you do and hope that somebody important notices. It's too common today for people to not give a fuck, especially in customer service.
>> 49
Are you me?
The body isn't the only thing you get from going to a gym.

Being around like minded men is important. Make some bros, get confidence by seeing gym chicks scope you out after a couple months.

Go. To. A. Gym
No thanks I'd rather work on my own
>like minded men

Cmon bro, everyone isn't a gym rat. Find some shit you like to do, make your base there. Those are your like minded bros. Hit the gym when your own personal weights aren't enough, because staying in shape does wonders for a healthy mind

Never confuse staying in shape with being a shirtless dude bro though, get to a comfy place where you look good and feel healthy. Don't work out for anyone except yourself. Not the bitches. Not your trainer. Only you

Fuck whenever opportunities present themselves unless the person disgusts you

It's true, don't have to be a bro but it still does wonders for your self-image even if already it wasn't negative.
Be born rich, stupid and boring and you'll never notice problems and believe in the just world fallacy until you die.
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Be friend with fat and ugly girls in school or whatever always be good and nice to them help them defend them walk home make them feel good etc. if you fuck them give your best because this girls ALWAYS have at least 1 hot friend that you will love to bang and when girls are together they talk if fat and ugly talk good things about you to the hot friend you are already 70% in they pants without doing a shit and your chances getting the hot friend for a date or a fuck astronomically increase
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if it affects people other than yourself, make sure there's no possible way you could fuck it up

stop waiting for your friends to do something with their lives, you need to do you own thing.
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Finish what you start.
18, my advice would be to never post your real age on 4Chan.

Pursue your passion, there is no other option. Otherwise you're doing the grind. With passion, there is no grind. Money flows, connections are made easily and life is enriched.
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Do your fucking homework. It's really not easy to work entry level jobs if you want to make decent money. All the ones that pay decently are really fucking difficult (i.e. construction, caregivers, etc.)

So just fucking do your homework and get a decent job and shit. Then you can party when you have enough money to support yourself and buy hotel rooms and cocaine and fun shit like that.
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dont follw your cuck fantasy and do not let you gf fuck your big dick friend or you will follow this redditor fate
pic very relate
28. Never take research chemicals.
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50 here.
If you think you're gonna die young, you most likely won't; so... Take care. No need to rush death.

And FYI: Getting old hurts. Try yoga.
this guy knows what he's talking about
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Drink whisky
Go to a trade school lmao. Uni's are for betacucks seeking out a bunch of debt and a useless piece of paper.

If you are the smartest person I. The room you are in the wrong room. Associate with those who have high aspirations in life. The company you keep is important.
I actually remember this one, poor cuck. MrBigDick never goret.


My advice is: You're not special until you've accomplished something. It doesn't matter how much potential you see in yourself, until you actually achieve something don't expect anything from anyone or the world. No one will treat you special because maybe you could achieve some form of greatness. Work hard and show what you're made of or just admit you're nothing special and fly under the radar.
In* sorry typing on a phone
learn patience
learn to sacrifice
learn to make an effort
learn to diferenece friends

iam at the middle of the way (i really hope to die at 60, before if posible )
and my life is not good, is not bad, but definitelly not good
all cus i hate to sacrifice my time and dont have patience
seriously man, i finished my shift , i dont care for extras
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No one care about what you do, so if you wanna do something, do it, nobody give a fuck.

Take care of your parents, they are all you have, say you love them. If you have shitty parents then you are fucked, They are the only people that will really love you unconditionally.

If you want your 10/10 just be yourself, but your best self, no the piece of shit you are now. You will not like every girl, most will not click with you, but with the ones that you really get along, it will be fucking awsome.

Study some career you love or you will be a shitty and unhappy cunt with or without money.
what was the story?
what happened ??
Always think twice. Do not trust anyone and always do most important things by yourself. Stay fit and be patient. Never change for other people and never chase "bitches". Find shy, normal gf, because other ones are empty and you will need to think about everything. Better less pretty than more dumb!
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Don't let one shitty relationship stop you from interacting with other people.Especially if they were from tumblr or reddit.

Keeping up with the Jones is for sheep. Do what makes you happy. Rape a bitch.
What accomplishment should I get?
43, Don't eat yellow snow.
this picture doesnt make sense. he still has his heart why he so sad.
Snow cones are great
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If you're hesitating about doing something, just do it. Dive into every opportunity you get and don't let worry or anxiety stop you from doing something which you'll be happy you ended up doing anyway.

Rush B, no kevlar

Do not get married. No matter how well you think it will turn out.

Both of you are in prolonged lust and need to break up.

Travel. Make money. Fuck random girls.
The heartless bitch gutted him
This person was so important to him that when she left him she took with her a big part from him
motherfucking THIS

If you let anxiety rule your life, you're never going to be happy. Do the shit that makes you feel alive. You're going to regret not doing it more than you're going to regret doing it.

Had to learn this the hard way. Once you start getting over it, it really REALLY improves your life.
>seeing gym chicks scope you out after a couple months

The only reason you muppets go to gym's
Says the landwhale neckbeard.
Stay in school
Don't take drugs
Kick your loser friends to the curb
Don't have kids
Open an IRA with your first job
bad marriage experience ?
cus she took away his dick dude
Not really, I just don't see any advantage in it.
>don't take drugs

seriously? Acid and Shrooms are eye opening life changers.
top kek
Actually, I'm naturally muscular, very toned as i walk 5 miles a day, 14 stone 6'1" 43 years old and I ran the london marathon beeatch
guy cucked
girl left for bigger dick
So that's how you're living now ?
are you happy ?
>TFW iam the loser firend
welp not anymore, everyone dumped me
Thank you anon
Don't stay angry - it only hurts you
If you say you're going to do something, do it
Exercise in some way a couple times a week. You don't need to be a steroid monster, just don't be lazy
Very. Good life. Lots of money. If I date a girl, cool. If not, who cares. I'm okay with it.
Learn as much as you can when you get the chance.
Learn how to do everything n your own and you'll never need to depend on others.
start with IT and hardware
Kill yourself now. There is no point postponing that
28. Don't say no to any chance to get ass. You'll live to regret it.
thanks man :)
One more thing when you need to chose between two things and you can't make up your mind what do you do ?
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it was long time ago so i remember this
guy want his gf to fuck big D found some guy they did guy DO NOT WANT AND LIKE
gf love it she did it without him again agree ti take pics
eventually leave him for the bigger D
pic relate
thread was 10/10 for a reddit hell it was better then most of the threads here in the last few years because at some point his gf made acc 2 and start posting pics with her new bf kek telling how his old one was full of shit and he always talking her into fucking someone etc, and she didnt want to but eventually agree and that its his own fault basically she rekt him pretty hard
okay, how one stop bein angry ??
people have toldme iam angry with life
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Unfortunately I learned this at the end of my high school life.

But I'll be going to college next semester, can't wait, fuck hesitating about doing something

If you're unhappy, that's a problem. Problems need fixed, and they can only be fixed if you work on them and make changes. Some things solve themselves, but feeling discontented, miserable, and inadequate demands action. Hate your job? Feel lonely all the time? Have no money? No confidence? Make. Changes. Work your ass off. Force yourself to be social (fake it till you make it - trust me). Set goals and achieve them. Bottom line, if you're not happy, it's not you. It's what you're doing. Change what you're doing until you find what brings you happiness. Life should be enjoyed.
how do you find what u'r unhappy about
>measures weight in stone
>feels he has to prove himself on an anonymous image board

Fuck off, faggot.
dude what is that bread with cheese called ?
33 - don't bother going to college for anything but medicine or law. there's a saying in hiring - "six months after you're out of college, no one cares if you went or not"

btw, semi-retired at 33. weird story.
but i really hate people, if you tehre smiling, people will talk to you, and i really hate hearing people problems or stuf iam not interesed into

and is kinda a problem cus for some reason people feel like they can tellme everything
if you think your about to get fired... fucking search for a better job whilst thats happenin

Punch walls, kick dogs and move up to women.

That was when life really starts to hit flavortown.
Don't jerk off too much without moisture, because you will get some pretty annoying open scratches/wounds on your dick, and when you cum it will hurt.
anyone has any tips about this ?
Uhh this sounds like just a problem with you pal

don't date that bitch jamie, she'll fuck you up and you'll never recover. let your first love be someone who actually loves you back.

Bitches be like'n niggas that can cook and pay bills.
Don't become really good friends with a girl and then fall in love with her 2 days before her wedding. Also don't go to her house on the night of the wedding after drinking a leter of wine and having hardly anything to eat that day

Age 20

Protip: College is for getting certified not getting educated in the mainstream sense of what it means to go to college. If that makes sense.

Unless you're there for a reason having to do with your ACTUAL field of work you're just wasting your money.
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if i punch my wall i will break my fingers, also i find silly breaking stuff you need, usually i play an mmo

this might help
Who here has advice pertaining to relationships?

>tfw shit relationship
>tfw first relationship at 23
>tfw don't know what the fucks going on
Kill yourself before your obligations take away the opportunity.
Flip a coin
Good advice:

Don't listen to anyone who says fuck going to college. Go to college.
it didn't work
dammit, iam at that point
i tried and pussied out
now is way to late, too many people i care for
ur a unique guy wow look at you Mr anti people

9 times out of 10, security guards dont give a shit what you do. They just follow what the boss man says to keep the job
this is coming from a person who co-founded a company and hired over 300 employees in my career. I think I might have a bit more of a real-world perspective.
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>dont drop out of school
>dont join the military
>DO end your life, its so much easier.
do not go to an expensive college
no one gives a fuck where you go to school
go to a cheap ass college to get that stupid peice of paper called a diploma

You're getting fucked son that's what a relationship is. Sometimes the fucking is good, and sometimes the fucking is bad. Sometimes the fucking is physical, and sometimes the fucking is metaphorical. So get used to it you fucktard.

Life does not have something that us humans are comfortable calling a "meaning". This is why so many in the Western world are depressed, due to us not having manual labour to keep the realisation from ourselves. So you really should just accept that everything you do is worthless, since you'll be dead and forgotten soon regardless. Just fill life with adventure and stuff that makes you happy, don't care about what society cares about at large, since they'll all be dead about gland forgotten soon as well.
oh shut the fuck up

underage b&

-learn a martial art. local community college has cheap courses
-stay with your parents as long as you can saving every dime possible
-don't eat out so much, it makes you fat and wastes money
-invest that money you've been saving in the market.
-retire in your early 50s

Well fuck. I'm going for a PhD. am I wasting time ?

Yea but

>tfw don't know when to end it
>tfw holding onto something potentially pointless and just hurting yourself more
dont gay, really or just stay a closet, way eaiser life
dont steal over 18, cops will and can fuck up future oportunites from a stolen chocolate bar
dont do hard drugs, really just weed is ok but no more
No condom no fuck unless your being gay

trust no one, this is such a key rule I go by through experience. literally think of the worst someone has ever been and imagine that anger or backstabing shit on you, that WILL happen some day. Only trust someone you know through personality (naturally calm all the time). Today i can only trust one person, my aunt cause of the same blood line thoughts that we have are so common backstabing is impossible.
if it's anything other than medicine and you are wanting to be well-employed afterward, then yes.
>Work to live, not the opposite
>Go to college if it is necessary
>Find a hobby
I call BS. I can't decide between two girls in my uni that wants me, 'coz I think i want both of them equally and cant decide.
wtf ?? iam just sick of hearing other people problems, cus is all they talk about
and now iam underage and unique ?

fuck you two, not everyone needs to be a social butterfly
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Read as much as possible, listen to as much as possible, learn as much as possible. Learn survival skills and keep fit. Find something truly meaningful that you'd give your life for, because until that point you're not truly alive. Search for the truth, and apply it to everything around you (don't believe in bullshit for whatever reason) and always speak your mind on any and all issues.

Improve your life anon. Look into places which change your lifestyle. Always be the most stupid in the group, and focus on seeing what makes the smarter ones 'tick', once you done that - move up to even smarter people, as smart people run the world.

Fascist here, it changed my life.
Never take 250 μg of acid on your second trip...
200's way too much
Don't spend high school obsessing over one girl that turned you down. Keep your options open and get some variety in the bedroom. You can be an autistic beta and still get laid as long as you show confidence and politeness.
Well, pardon me.

Nobody gives a fuck.
2 things:
- never buy cheap peanutbutter
- never buy cheap coffee
Don't you get it? Fuck it…
Oh also have fun with short term fucktoys before settling for a long term relationship. I love my gf of 5 years and we plan to get married eventually, but fuck do I regret not getting around a bit and I am not going to be the dipshit who gives up a good thing because I didn't do something when I had the chance.
Mmm those hairy evolved ape legs.
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25, don't fuck up in college and/or change your major.

don't stick your dick in crazy. she'll ruin your life.
Definitely find something to preoccupy your mind. A bored mind leads to dangerous things

Get as many women pregnant as you possibly can. Don't worry about caring for the kids, that's her problem.
No, you're not wasting your time. Don't listen to some dumbasses on a japanese image board, most people who say "fuck college" on here say it because they underachieved and are butthurt
Don't waste time on unuseful friends. If they don't respond to calls or never do shit for you, delete them. They will only try slow you down anyways.

George Washington, the father of our country? Is that you?
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Fuck off nigger, we don't want your advice.
To add to this, so what if your friend has a better job than you, or is at a different stage in their life (married/ kids/ whatever). You can't change where they're at, you can only do your thing and you get there when you get there.

Chase money. Poor people think they're happy but they don't get to drink Chateau d'Yquem with blue vein cheese. They drink cask wine.
sorry if I seem pissy. There was a point over years where I actually tracked and graphed performance of college-educated vs non just to see what the fuck was going on.

The difference was staggering. The fail-out rate of college kids to do even basic, remedial code and engineering work was 40% higher than high school educated. Our senior engineer was a high school dropout and designed products that turned over millions in revenue.

I met with several other companies and got similar stories, albeit quietly. No one wants to openly admit it, but we'd rather see a HS dropout with intense passion than some college kid with no individuality to offer.

There's been a quiet change in HR the past few years at Fortune 500s to categorically and automatically deny college graduates' "employability weight" vs HS educated with "significant potential". I know for a fact there was a sea change like this at no less than 10 huge companies -- internally, they were calling most college grads "deadbeat workers". Just a heads up.

Indeed, tis I, fellow patriot. Long live the constitution!
61 here. Lots of good advice above. Get a solid education, make enough money to not have to worry about it, save some from the beginning and don't dip into it for trivial shit, read and learn and pay attention, take chances.

In the long run, all you have is memories and relationships.

Get the fuck off 4chan
Id it makes you happy fucking do it
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Please, please, nobody listen to this guy
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18 get a job as soon as possible
19 y/o here, finished first year in college, majoring in accounting and finance. got all A's so far. going to decent cheap local school, even tho couldve gotten into better more expensive schools. did I fuck up?

-Your job will take up the best years of your life. Make sure you don't fucking hate it or everything else around you (friends, family) will suffer for it.

-Fat girls are infinitely more horny and slutty than skinny girls. Two dates with a fat girl and she'll usually let you fuck her. She'll probably give you a blow job and let you do anal too...and she'll thank you for it.

-Keep exercising. It's very important for physical and mental health.

-When you die you won't remember the car you drive or the brands of clothes you had. You will remember the times you laughed and cried with friends and family. Money is no substitute.
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Not everyone is going to fancy you. There's going to be times where you'd feel really lonely and fall back on endlessly swiping on tinder. The most important thing is learning to be alone and be okay with it. Don't live your life for others, and tinder is a fucking shit show don't even go near it. I'm single and fucking stoked about it.
haven't lived much but just if you love something you have to learn to let it go sometimes, dont over rely on one thing too much
Kill yourself while people still care. Nothing is worth being alive.

Immediately make it clear that you are into her

If you want to get serious about a relationship, make sure it isn't with a damaged girl. It wont work out.

Don't pick up a girl in starbucks. Chances are they're crazy. They'll fuck like rabbits, but they won't leave you alone.

Best piece of advice - learn to bake. It makes you endearing. If you can make a nice dinner to go with it, people will agree to come over in minutes.
Enjoy your ban.

-Don't underestimate the ability of someone close to you to fuck up your life, do whatever you possibly can to cut the bad fruit off the tree they are a waste of your time and energy don't wait four years like i did

-Love is a bullshit idea but the reasons for love are not bullshit ideas

-The less afraid you are to say whats on your mind the better, you cant stay a robot forever

-This website will eventually turn you into a high functioning sociopath even pornhub is probably a better use of your time

-If you can find a way to escape civilization comfortably, do it and invite me
White dust on a bread's crust is chalk. Small amounts of chalk are milled in with flour to increase it's weight to save on the more expensive wheat, when baked it separates from the dough and is pushed to the outside of the crust.

Do what the fuck you want

whatever you say, chum.
gotta keep in mind, a lot of smaller companies set their standards by the G.
No, you're doing well. You picked a major that no one really cares what school you go to.
Hiring non-grad *jews*
Work, fuck, snort shit, hit gym, repeat
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I'll pass on the only three piece of advice I got from my father 40 years go, and which I have always found valuable.

1. Never pay for sex. There are enough people out there who will have sex with anyone or anything that you will never need to pay for it.

2. If you know there's going to be a fight, the crowd has gathered, and there's no way to back out, don't wait for the fight to start; don't grab the guy and dance with him -- you haul off and sucker punch him. Put him down as hard and as fast as you can. A street corner isn't a boxing ring or a dojo mat and there are no rules. (This has saved me from more beatings than I can count over the years.)

3. You don't have to win every fight, but you DO have to get at least one good shot in, even if it means a worse beating this time. You can't and won't win every fight because there's always someone bigger and tougher, and sometimes you'll be facing more than one person. The important thing is to make sure you cause enough damage that the *next* time they'll think twice and go looking for an easier target. And this has applicability far beyond street brawls. I've followed this advice throughout my life and as a result I've become a well-respected and very well-known community organizer and radical union agitator.
thanks for the reassurance m8. have a nice day
Great advice anon, much appreciated.
We're all willing to listen to more advice if you're willing to share.
>a useless piece of paper.
you mean like a vocational certificate?
you were in special ed till you dropped out, weren't you? that's why you're jealous of white collars who make more than you with less physical effort, isn't it? dont worry, the mental effort they put out is worth more than your weak body could ever produce, thats why they're paid more.
Blue cheese isnt that expensive. And as for wine, ive found no major quality difference between a $40 bottle and $15 bottle. At some point, youre just paying extra for a brand name to impress people with no quality difference from the less hoity brand that costs half the price.
cheese bread
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trips of truth
23, don't set aside your happiness for others and don't give up everything to make others happy.
> I don't take my own advice and now I'm stuck in a loop.
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Well, my grandfather also had a piece of advice he liked to give: "Never give advice; a wise man don't need it, and a fool won't heed it."
I don't know man. Truly I don't know where I'm going or what i'm doing with my life
I'm 26 with zero work experience and a shitty associates degree.


>Always think twice before doing anything stupid.

>Always make sure whether it's stupid or not, first.

Wait... Is that Hulk Hogan or God with a really bad dye job and ghetto head rag?
44. Go after women out of your league. You'll be surprised how often that works out.

9 year-olds talk. Don't fuck them
wear a condom when you fuck
flip a coin, when the coin is in mid air you will make your decision.

> Walk in like you own the place with a smile on your face and a friendly nod to passersby.

> Lift weights intensely and consistently.

> Don't try to look tough.... those guys just look like tools.

> Get to work 45 minutes early and get shit done. Stay 15 minutes late and prepare your desk for tomorrow.
I spent a year in college and then dropped out because I realized I could learn more in a single day in the library than I could in a week of classes. It simply wasn't worth the price I was paying. I decided that I'd be better off working for myself and using my expertise to benefit me rather than some wingtip-wearing Biff in a Brooks Brothers suit whose only talent was inheriting money. I've never gotten rich, but I've accomplished some pretty amazing things and never had to suck some college grad's dick to pay the rent.
That's awesome that you could do that, but what you did will not work for most people.
What are you studying? Do you enjoy it?

Don't get married because the coming revolution of VR porn will lead to a divorce rate of ~75%.

Build a business doing something you actually care about or are interested in.

Making a boatload of money doing something you don't like makes you feel empty inside.

YOLO is stupid, but it is true.
I'll start this fall. Robotics, electronics and stuff. Sometimes i do enjoy it sometimes it's just meh

Dont stick your dick in "crazy".
25, take drugs. If it isn't crack or if you don't inject it, if its a drug, take it. It might just be where I live and the fact I have lived in Ibiza but the people you meet who don't give a fuck and take whatever change every aspect of life. For the better. Take drugs. Feel good. Meet people. Love life.
You type and present yourself as a general moron. just so you know

any more pics?? please say yes
You obviously don't understand wine. The cost includes all matter of things: the demand first and foremost, the age of the grapevines, whether they were hand harvested or not, whether they were meticulously hand sorted or not, the oak treatment used the marketing and advertising used, etc.
Making a boatload of money doing something you don't like makes the success feel empty.

Also have a wank before making any major choices
that just doesn't work
My nigga, this shit is so true.

fuck off faggot
definitely underrated
had this typed as a response for a guy that inquired why i said friends is the last thing one should have on mind, money first. thread died but i guess this fits here?

just the opposite

when i was young i had a shot of making a lot of money very quickly and i took it as opposed to the reassurance of my studies that someday i'd have my financial stability. it was a gigantic risk but i put effort in it and with luck i managed to settle myself in financial comfort within few years on my twenties. i know have time to enjoy the little things of life like travelling and meeting people because money isn't an issue right now, but there's no guarantee i'll be like that for the next decade. my shit could go down very quickly and that is the problem of choosing easy, fast money over studies. you get it, but there's no reassurance that you're gonna keep it.

if i had felt that the risk wasn't worth it i would have continued with my studies in the hope that, with time and struggle, doors would've open for me in my area. it wouldn't be fast easy money and i'd probably be on my thirties when i started making good money but i'd have the reassurance that this financial stability would linger.

in either situations i wouldn't have friends in the beginning, so that's why i said friends is the last thing you should be worrying about, because you can always fix that later. but financial stability is something critical and the opportunity can pass you by if you don't have the guts to pursuit it when its time.
Baker. This is absolute garbage.

Realize that everyone around is false. Even if you think you know them, chances are, they wil turn their back on you when you need them the most, even if you were there for them when they needed you.

Dont put to much feelings into a girl nowdays. They are never satisfied, no mather how much effort you put into it.
They wil always look for something better, even if it means giving away their own happyness.
>what you did will not work for most people
Sure it will. It just takes imagination and drive. I'm always looking for creative ways to make a buck.

Before the Internet and online shopping became a thing, I used to go to import/export warehouses and buy up crates of stuff they couldn't sell on the cheap, then peddle it door to door. One day I got several cases of scented pens; the ink smelled like fruit associated with the colour of the ink. I got them for 25 cents for a pack of five. The day after welfare cheques came out, I went door to door in the projects and sold every last one to single moms looking for an affordable gift for their kids at $1 a pack and quadrupled my money in a single day.

I found a whole bin full of leather belts being sold 50 cents each at a department store on clearance. I bought the whole bin and an itinerant's license ($90 for the year) and sold them for $5 each or 3 for $10 door to door. Then I took the money and made a bulk wholesale purchase of incense, which I sold door to door in the students' ghetto. In two days I made about 200x my initial investment.

I made friends with a chemist at a local janitorial supply wholesaler, and he used to sell me industrial cleaning concentrates at wholesale rates, which I sold on to businesses which had been buying their cleaning supplies at the supermarket. I cut their costs in half and still made a huge profit.

*Anyone* can do this kind of stuff. You have to be careful not to make too much money, and you have to make sure not to do the same thing for too long, because established businesses will use taxes, bylaws, and red tape to shut you down, but if you keep switching things up and move on after taking a single bite, you can make enough to get by without having to punch a clock or wear a tie or get a college education.
I went to law school and I make bank. I also show up whenever I want, don't have to get my hands dirty and occasionally bang assistants. That piece of paper is fucking sweet.
Life advice? Get the hell of /b/ and go out and do something, i did it years ago and ill never regret it
Yes. The fact that 80% of the people in this thread haven't the balls to interact or leave their basement to go do social things and party like this makes me sad.
36 here too.

I am with this guy. None of this actually matters.


DO NOT waste hours in a gym actually do something. a retard pays to walk a stair master or run but go no where. Invest in yourself first always better yourself always learn
/thread cheers anon

don't get married. ever.

Dont go see the doctor, the whole medical system is controlled by the pharmaceutical companys, from the educations of doctors to the sales of medications and the research. They are not there to help you. They are there to sell as much medicaton and work hours as they can. If they help you, they'll earn less.
Your body can heal itself, just give it what it needs.
My advice is to NEVER USE lean meet to make hamburger patty. You should use FAT MEET.
Fuck as much puss as you can
> unless fag
>then an hero
Also, the ugly chicks in school will end up being hot.

Don't waste effort trying to be "likable" or "sympathetic" in every social situation. If some people are unhappy with the way you behave in your most neutral manner - don't even bother acknowledging their existence because it is just a waste for you to associate yourself with such people.

Get involved in something you love. Not only will you be happier, but you will gain experience, people skills, and connections.

Also, work hard, and people will notice you. You don't have to be the top dog, alpha leader type; if you work hard, and show genuine interest, you will get noticed, and you will move up.
>your family doesn't really care about you
>trust no one
>listen only to yourself
>use people as tools to your own ends
>major in a STEM field
>stop caring about women, and DO NOT GET MARRIED
Do research on common mental illnesses and learn how to spot them in other people (depression, bi-polar, borderline, psychopath etc.). Also substance abuse and impulse control (like gambling).

DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH A GIRL WITH ANY OF THESE CONDITIONS. No matter how horny you are, stay away from them and find an emotionally healthy mate.
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37. Stop being such a fucking faggot.


do what you enjoy. do it intensely and eventually someone will pay you for doing it.
>Don't put up with bullshit from anybody in your life
>Only go to college if you are getting a degree for a good job like engineering
>Spend 30-60 minutes a day improving yourself mentally of physically
always look people in the eye when you're talking to them
Always remember you are going to die in a few years and so is everyone else.
It sounds edgy / depressing but it helps put things into perspective and lets you enjoy life without worrying about peoples opinions.
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126 posters. This is insane.
I need to know this. How does one figure out what does he want from life ?
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First relationship I was in was like this /b/ro, best advice is to just end it now and deal with all the emotions later, wasting your time on someone is many times worse than being single, trust.
this so much
>No matter how horny you are, stay away from them and find an emotionally healthy mate.
what if i'm also mentally ill, can't control my impulses and i abuse substances eveyday?
you'll pull through. make the most of it
Would you mind posting a timestamped pic of your 90 y/o face?
Can't believe 90 year Olds use 4chan
Stop being a fag and get a grip of yourself.

Let the brain be the master of the body, not the other way around.
>fuck as many sluts as you can in your 20's so when you hit my age you'll have something to brag about when all your rowdy friends have settled down
>in your 30's don't keep fucking sluts, boozing, drugging like me, find you a qt about your age and start a real relationship like I didn't
>in your 40's start a family you don't wanna be left behind like me and also you shouldn't be on /b/, single, childless like me at my age. Maybe /sc/ or /TV/ but not /b/ or /pol/, k?
This shit really does work. at least for me. Usually if i dont make it mid-air. ill usually have a "ehh, fuck" or "alright, yeah" kind of reaction to the result and depending on which one i feel, i usually pick the corresponding choice and am happy with it
Never ever let anyone you know (friend, partner, parent) control you or your decisions. Think for yourself and make your own choices.
focus on yourself, dont get cought up in girls etc this point in life i think you gotta get it together and find your path,
Depends on your skill and personality
Tips on "scoring some ladies" says a lot about you. Do you want to fuck some slutty females, or look for one special lady, and treat her right? Your use of words seems like you prefer the former.
Have a big penis.

Don't be a useless, incompetent douche lord. Make yourself useful and treat people with respect, or fuck off.
18-dont worry too much about nailing some chick, theres more to life.
56..... fat drunk and stupid is no way to go thru life.
"Follow your dreams".
You act from your senses. Maybe you'll lay one day with your eyes closed and imagine a place that truly feels like home. Following your dreams means in this case to make this feeling of home become reality in some way. You just act from what you feel, just like how you eat when you are hungry or scratch when you are itchy.
So should I go to a gym or be around likeminded men?
Both at the same time is not possible
Get off this site before it consumes you
15 any advice for me in in honors and ap courses at the moment
my version of /thread
liberal chubby-cheeser
I bet you are super happy with your live

Stop givin' a fuck about bitches,

And start fuckin' bitches.

Know what I'm sayin'?

Don't be a dick
Would you trust a doctor that never went to medical school? That useless piece of paper sure becomes important when someone is about to cut you open.
25i-nobme is great
Or you could study something in engineering and make real money
>All you have to do in life is work and die
So if you have a job, you'll be fine
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If you take advice from everyone, you'll end up being average
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Study Chinese.
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It only gets harder from where you're standing. If you fail, then don't worry. There is always some rope around the corner
underage b&
but also, AP and honors classes are useless unless you're the top of your class and have some crazy awesome extra curricular activities to put on your college resume. Take if from someone who graduated with a 3.2 gpa in High School and took only 2 honors classes and I'm going to the same uni as a lot of those straight A try hard honors/AP kids.
Work during college or figure out a way to make passive income and pay down college debt as much as you can.
College debt will ruin your life, especially when you don't know what the future holds
You don't want to start adult life as a cripple

The same applies to Credit Cards.
They're for emergency use only, not to fund your lifestyle
If you don't have $$$ in the bank to pay off the total balance, then your ass is poor.
Stop acting nigga rich

Last, keep your mouth shut
I notice you young fags are such rats
Like little kids telling on everyone about everything on social media
Only bitches with no life do that shit
Be productive and stop gossiping
May I ask why? The only people who have ever advised me to study Chinese are doomsday Libertarians, who are irrationally convinced China will take over the world.
Almost all international business is conducted in English. What benefit would learning Chinese, one of the world's most complicated major languages, actually provide me?

Don't take women too seriously. They are gloried apes like the rest of us. When you are 18-30 hit on chicks a decade older than you. Chicks in their 30s are desperate for young cock. When youre 30 to dead hit on 25 year olds. 25 year olds can't control their biological need to have a kid and want and older matte man to be the father.
For a marketable skill, of course. A foreign language is a skill, but learning one such as Mandarin is more useful than, say, Korean or Japanese. I learned this the hard way.

Then of course, there's opportunity there if you're willing to live WAY BELOW your comfort zone.
Never drink beer in plastic bottles
Learn to cook
Try things out
Do your homework
If someone fucks with you fuck back harder
If you don't know someone be friendly by default
Learn at least basic handyman skill
Be loyal to your friends


save half of what you earn. put it in some other bank account you never check. do this religiously. when it's time to use it you will know.

socialize as much as possible even if you hate it. you will find jobs and relationships this way.

don't measure where you are at in life by how you think others are doing. there are lots of different forms of success. often others aren't doing as good as they might appear.

only blood will have your back when you are at your lowest.

never do good deeds or lend money if you expect to get them back in return.

women are not very good judges of men's characters. Most people follow the loudest voice in the room. Sell yourself, even if you don't think you are worthy. Because in knowing you are not you are 10x more worthy than most people.

research the job prospects in your desired field of study and how to become someone in demand and talk with people who have gone through the mistakes before so you don't have to.

lastly, there is a kind of state of mind you can reach, it's a kind of confidence or understanding of people and the world... where you don't really get phased by anything. you sort of start looking down into the actions of people you interact with and how they don't really have bearing on you and you become like this untouchable aura. You know you can handle someone in a fight or talk to whatever girl with no concerns about the outcome and handle whatever comes up. I just wanted to let you guys know it's possible to be this way. I think people worry too much about how others perceive them and if they're good enough and all that. Just be a force unto yourself. Accept the world is fucked and the people in it and just step above it and deal with it all from that vantage point... I don't even know if this will make sense to anyone.
Wrong bro. Doing well in AP courses is how I got enough academic scholarships to fully pay for college. I didn't have to work during the school year, and I still graduated debt free. Plus all the college credit they provided allowed me to graduate college in 3 years.
Do well in high school everyone. It will save you from debt and lots of menial college courses.
Studied Computer Science and have job experience in Computer/Electrical Engineering.

My advice is: if you're good at something, don't do it for free.
Family and very close friends can be an exception for some people, but don't ever let them rent you out to others. Make your price clear.

Don't start drinking. Do your homework. Make a lot of friends and do shit with them. And take pictures. Read more books, specifically textbooks and informative books. Work harder, get organized, set deadlines, be a nice person, buy gifts for people, don't take yourself so seriously...

I could go on.
>Most events in your life are out of your control. Don't take responsibility for other people's happiness when it could come down to circumstances outside your control.

>Forgive and forget. These mountains you carry, you were only supposed to climb.

The only reward for hard work is more work. Take advantage of what you can when you can, because you are always being taken advantage of.
And don't fall for the engineer meme...even as a pe and head of my dept, half my clients have hs degrees and make my yearly salary in a month.
>Atheism is life.
Meh, seems like a lot of work for uncertain payoffs. I would think it would be wiser to spend that time/energy investing in more concrete training. Perhaps a specialized STEM masters or trade school. That will give you more lucrative job prospects than knowing Chinese.
you sound like pretty boring person
Did you learn it the hard way or do you just want to help the full-blown autists?
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>fuck bitches
>get money
>smoke mad crakz
>drink lean
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True. I fucked up though, and can't go for a proper STEM degree anymore. Could probably become a tradesman, but I want to leave this country as soon as possible, not staying or returning here for any reason.
never ever pick the one in the middle, it hurts like hell
> 49

Don't get married.
also: dont take advise here, most of the posters had a very bitter live. consider it.
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i feel you anon
u liv insid r mum hous? m8? huh?
Better he learn it from us than out there. Wish I had /b/ to help me when I was growing up.

Granted, I'd be a racist sociopath with an affinity for bestiality and cuck porn, but I'd have an otherwise good head on my shoulders and grip on life.
story on how you came to live in ibiza?
Wouldn't a prenup solve all of the problems of a possible divorce?

Like, if a woman believes that you have to marry to continue a longterm relationship because of societal pressures, so you have little choice.
i feel like you are helping the rest of the population by never going to a doctor
Nothing you do matters and everything is ultimately pointless on a grand scale, take a day off, eat that cookie, be happy,there's no need to worry so much.
Do what makes you feel good.
some great advice right here

Find a new corporate job every 1-1.5 years. Only shitheads stick around and assume their lack of wage growth is offset by job security.
dont ever turn down a sure thing. like ever. Unless you know it will get you into trouble.
27/Male/Southeastern Louisiana.

Do more cocaine. It's a hell of a drug.
Stay in shape, getting old is hard enough when are in shape
Always act confident, even if you don't feel confident, people are attracted to confidence
Don't be afraid to ask pretty girls out, if they say no, you have lost nothing
Start putting money in your 401k as soon as you have a job
Take chances when you are young with your career, before you get too many responsibilities
Don't get into street fights or road rage incidents, there is no upside
27 dont got any. maybe if youre doing alot of drugs like i did, dont do em for 6 years, maybe just 3. 6 is too long. one day youll wake up and youre 27 and your 20's are pretty much gone. the life exp is good though
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