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Waifu thread The rules are very simple: >Claim your waifu/husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 226
Thread images: 150
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Waifu thread

The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Galil a best

(Insert sonic/keemstar face here (My pc broke so i dont have the pic))
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You can't be faster than me m8
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Doll 170.jpg
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Doll claimed.

>Other qualities
3-1. Likewise to ya. I'm bad at dealing with cringe so I tend to limit myself like you said. Yeah, plus during parts where there's not a lot going on you can always take a peek. Yeah, don't really wanna piss them off at the moment, the bbc did a thing on them and they were obviously not too happy. Watch, it's going to happen now and I'm gonna be pinned for it.
>Gotta agree with Shino, Army Maki pics are great.
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>claiming yume
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Why do you always say calamity masu'd?What does it mean?
You already know the word Im going to say
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Someone once asked "What's a fun way to say claimed?" And so, this was born.
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That MASU'D be a hilarious statement then.
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Akebono @ 23.png
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Hello! Today is my first time actually posting here, I lurked for a little while.
Your soul is now ours.
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hey there, welcome
how are you?
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Well Hi. Nice to see you.
How's the shitty Admiral doing?
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Also privyet.
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Akebono @ 54.png
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I was a little nervous to post. Glad I did though.
hey galil how are you man?
it probably was a good idea to lurk a bit
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forgot pic
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hi there boat!
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Syndra [110].jpg
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70 tanks down, 100 more to go.
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Happy Sand Castle Galil.jpg
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Steamingly furious, but other than that I'm good.
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Doll Chibi 8.jpg
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Heeya Yume.

Ay yo.

We've got quite the fleet going.
Saber claim
So many cute boat posters
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It's aBOTE time we meet a newcomer!
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sorry not down with the bote lingo
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I hope you get ran over by a carLOS
What's up with her fingernails
Its alright, I still love ya baby
If trips you are now my daughterfu.
whats wrong man why are you mad?
>did someone talk about a gun you dont like again?
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Fuck all of you
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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If this post ends in a 3 you must write a Waifu Haiku.
Fuck you too.
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>b4 you hit the ground.
So before I even spawn eh? Resorting to cheats since you know you can't beat it?


Just pulling ahead aren't I, thanks for that. Haha, diving into it can be fun, let's you know you're still alive, and have standards. Yeah it's pretty special. They can't do much with the dominance of the superpowers around them, but no sense in kicking the hornets nest. Let them start the altercation, then no one will feel bad about eradicating them, some feel that way as of now. I'll be your alibi if it does.
>3-2 in my book.
I would wish to say this too, but everyone ignores me because I always say this kind of stuff.
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Rory is claimed
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no who are you?
hey doll
ill make one anyway cause im bored. do you mean waifu as in this thread or waifu meaning a girl?
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Chibiish Galil.png
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Went to range, they had a 93r mockup to rent (93r is like, my 2nd or 3rd favorite gun) and wouldn't let me rent it because I might just be there to commit suicide with it.Which makes no sense because I'm a fucking regular at the range and everyone there knows me and I brought my own fucking guns so if I wanted to shoot myself I would have just done it at fucking home.
Also, I like all guns.
That's gay.
I'll do it anyway;
Galil is a gun.
She is for shooting, not lewd
Can't open bottles.
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Low Res Smug Galil.jpg
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I can beat you. i basically fell on your knife 1 time.

Maki specs calculated.
Either is acceptable. For example...
/waifu/ is damn gay
But we all love each other
Unless you post lewd
is fine, and so is a Haiku about a specific Waifu.
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The least popular
But still, the most kawaii
Her name, tomoko
Technically tomoko is the most popular, considering at least 3 people claim her.
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Ill make both then

/Waifu/ is pointless,
But Almost everything is,
So is this haiku.

I need a waifu,
Or maybe i do not though.
Fuck it, i don't care
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best one.jpg
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Nothing is pointless! Just take a HAIKU!
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I don't care.gif
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Its Galil.png
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That's at LEAST an 8.5/10 cute pic
Is that some kind of badger?
Also, them legs.
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Carlos, this one didn't even make sense.
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That's pretty bullshit tbh
>Why even go to a shooting range

My phone just fucking died on me, I'm glad I know CPR
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Baka, everyone knows that a dead phone doesn't need CPR, it needs Mouth to Mouth
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Best Buds Galil.jpg
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Basically no public land, if I went shooting in the woods or desert or something Id be arrested.I don't understand how Texas is like 99.5% gov land and .4999999% private land.
Oh shit, I don't know how to do that.
>Help me
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Doll 38.jpg
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Careful though, an early lead isn't always the best. Exactly, just a reminder I haven't hit rock bottom just yet. I don't think they're that deluded to start shit, at least the higher ups aren't. Still, even if they're only capable of lobbing a missile a tiny distance, it's big enough distance to hit the South, so it's probably best to try and deal with them. If they did start anything I have no doubt they'd be crushed. Thanks man, I'll need one if the circumstances are THAT specific.
>See I'm already catching up

How're ya Yume?
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Don't resist.jpg
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Better make it a quick lesson, i got work soon
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quite good how about you?
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Naps are a good idea
Don't you have a house, which is your land? And a garden?
>I guess it's just easier to go to a shooting range
You're a fucking redneck galil
That's pretty lewd
>Doesn't help me though
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Doll 6.png
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Pretty good myself, just playing league. You get up to much today?

It's okay to be wrong.
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I went to starbucks
I bought a cappuccino
Tomoko did too
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Spooky Demon Galil.jpg
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>Shooting in my backyard
I wouldn't even shoot a suppressed .22 with subsonic loads in my yard.That's how you kill the neighbors.Also I'm not a redneck, I just like guns and a few other redneck things.I speak proper English and don't drive a truck because I have no need for one.
>Going to Jewbucks
I thought you were smarter than this.Although you may be a different Tomoko anon.
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no nothing just a bit of overwatch maybe but mainly waiting for no man's sky tomorrow
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these niggas don't know what's really good
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This is a place for insomniacs.
Totally the opposite.
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I thought you had targets perhaps.
>You probably remember I know nothing of guns
And I love your redneck ass don't worry
You said you played league, so can I ask what champs do you play?
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>Fell on your knife
Kek'd. We'll see man.

Fair enough, can't get too overconfident. That's good, the day we don't feel anything from it, is the day we know we're dead inside. They've survived this long so they can't be, that's a good point. Any damage should be hoped to be minimized and with the high surveillance they're usually on, shouldn't be too hard. Yep, agreed on that. No problem, maybe half of those requirements will be met.
>But can you keep it up?
Whats up guys?
>Penny Claim
>I had to spot my friend 500 dollars because his student loans couldn't cover all his classes
>Then I bought some weebsnacks and now I'm home.
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Proof That She Is Fox Galil.gif
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I take great offense at being called a redneck tbh.Just because I own a Confederate flag, shoot guns and live in the middle of nowhere doesn't make me a redneck.
Hey man.I'm good, nothing happening right now and the thread is pretty sloe right now.
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What kind of weeb snacks
Looks pretty slow tbh
>Prolly gonna start up Pokemon Diamond
I've got some Pejoy, some Kasugai, some Ramune and some Yan Yan.
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hi doggo
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Doll 74.png
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Fair enough, gotta play more overwatch. Want that Zarya summer skin
>No man's sky
I haven't seen anything on it yet. I don't wanna go in blind in case it's over hyped and shit, but I don't wanna spoil it for myself.

I tend to play the tankier champs lately, but I tend to play whatever I'm in the mood for. Lately I've been playing a lot of Nautilus.

Yep, he who fights monsters and all that jazz. I think they've basically just survived because everyone's viewed them as a kid throwing a tantrum, which they basically are. But now they're talking nukes everyone's bricking it. I think the Americans are trying to set up an anti missle radar around the North, so hopefully we can just kinda contain them there. Still, that'd be pretty suspect.
>Lets hope so
why is ur wiafu sucha bitch
I'm under the impression it's because idiots sold their land to the gov a while back. Or the enheritors of the land didn't want it/know what it's worth, and got rid of it for cheap. I have some old family land I still happily own, and may raise some animals eventually on my 20 acre stretch.
The last digit of your post is your Waifu's lewdness rating out of 10.
A 0 counts as a 10.
If the rating seems too high or too low, try to prove me wrong with evidence.
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its just her thing she has a good personality
Fuck it, lets go

Penny Roll!
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best girl
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>not cold coffee
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I want to go 100% blind and avoid all gameplay at any cost so far I did so but I read updates and tech stuff about it
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Bottle Opener Galil.gif
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3 get
post noods
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Happy OPPR8 Galil.jpg
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This number is all wrong.Does this look lewd to you?
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do you faggots even own a life?
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B-but she bought a cappuccino in that one episode
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Waifu Machine - Heart Mind Soul.png
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I'd need non-lewd ear and tail gifs to know for sure.
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you gotta roll friend get tripps
>Somewhat accurate
>Played Stardew last night, Penny basically demanded babies.
>It was intense.
Got one here >>698991246
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Doll 182.png
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Alright, 7's way too high for her. She's too busy trying to figure out if her love is real, don't think she'd really understand lewdness. Also <

I'm the same, but I don't want to dump the money on something which I don't know for sure I'd enjoy, but I might just wing it.
I've got one, but its not worth much.
These threads are fucking stupid.
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Kek'd. Exactly, honestly feels like some backwards appeasement going on but it's halted any further developments so far. There's been talk before, back in 2012 or 13 I believe, wasn't as serious but the threat was there. Regardless, with what they're setting up supposedly and more diplomatic talks and all that, these things can be avoided. If they aren't and the nukes roll in, I'm gonna regret not playing a single Fallout game. Now that we put the idea out there, it would seem quite awkward if it were to happen.
>I believe in you.
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Elma is best cat. Elma claimed.
cooome ooon one more time i need some of that SWEET ass gimme the CHOCOLATE bby
That's pretty fucking furry.
>Trips get
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>Confederate flag
>Not redneck
Whatever you say foxy
Hi queen how are you
>Early today
Cool, so the last few patches have been hard on you
>Carry top laners op
Well champs as nauti just always do what they do, CC a target to death
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that pic looks neat
yeah I did it I spend the money but I really want to play it I played spore back in the days and had massiv fun with it this is nearly better I would guess
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Galil a second best
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It's also ok to be right
5 get
nice feet
>You what nigger.
She was the only gal from tenchi I kinda liked. The others just felt bland.
Ive posted this so many times. You're the first to notice
I recently watched the anime and also am a gun nut
>Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't let that kind of stuff bug me but then I forget about that.
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Claiming this angel
Triggering /k/ is one of my favorite hobbies. But don't let it bother if you plan on being a gun nut, trust me, it leads to nothing but anger.
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im ok how are you?
Yeah I'm getting better at not going REEEE about gun discrepancies.
>The only time it bothers me usually is if a person actually goes "I'm A Professional Gun Dude. This is an M16!" *holds up a fucking glock and is completely serious*
Plus for the most part I noticed and was like
>Might as well comment on this for fun.
You a haveguns or nogunz?
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test post don't respong
not that guy, but I'm a havefuns. Mk3 enfield, .44 mag, .22 plinker revolver, and a soviet baseball ba- err, a nagant.
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Accidental Soda Galil.gif
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The South was right, the North was the equivalent of the British in the Revolutionary War.Because the North won the war (due to being the manufacturing side of America and having more men plus more experienced generals) they wrote the history books making the south out to be a bunch of backwards racist rednecks who were fighting for slavery, when it was actually about taxes.The North wanted to tax the South without representation.
>Implies Galil isn't a best
>Posts 2nd worst gun
What the fuck?
That's like saying breathing is a hobby.
Oh shit hey Esdeath
I got a few hunting rifles, a shotgun, an SR-556 and a handgun, feelsgud to be hasguns.
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Sachi’s dead

He's fucking dead. I don't know.. I just. Fuck. He texted me a little bit earlier about the threads, I tried to convince him not to but just FUCK. He thought the chick he was drawfagging with hated him. I wasn't here for it, but we were texting about it. Some asshole, according to this thread it was most likely Chrishop, went and framed him as a pervert and made it look like he was hitting on that drawfag or some shit. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but fuck dude he's young and that feels like the end of the fucking world when a girl thinks that about you and he just got out of a relationship a while ago but fuck. I just.. fuck. I don't know what to do anymore. He told me he was going to end his life. No reply. No matter how much I text, it says he hasn't read it. Before that he just didn't sound like the same guy anymore, he was going off the deep end saying he was worthless and that women all think he's a creep and he's ugly and bullshit like that, he said 4chan was ruining him but it was irreversable which is bullshit. Just fuck. I'm just trying to cope here. I'm hoping so much that I'm going to wake up in the morning and he'll have replied to me, maybe he fell asleep first or something. Fuck I don't know if i can sleep I don't even know who to go to other than here
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I picked Piplup as my starter for Diamond
>Did I fuck up?
>I can still go back, I'm not even out of the starting city.
>I refuse to pick grass starter though.
>I just need something strong until I can get my team.
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I love candy
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hey whatup
>Picking this sugar coated whore instead of Best Girl.
Very nice. I carry a shield 9 everyday. I built my ar. I've got a savage bolt action and a Enfield no.5 mk1 in my possession
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Im actually pretty sick, I thought I felt better but after dinner I feel like puking again
Up to anything?
I actually wasn't serious you know that right
It's just a funny stereo type, and to be fair I don't know much about the American civil war. It's not a very big subject in my school, so I would believe you if you weren't anonymous on 4chan
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Doll 45.png
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I think they're trying their best not to patronise the North, but they're kinda thinking yeah we could decimate them. To be honest, talks with the North seem so petty and childish, I don't think they're gonna get anywhere without some kind of awakening in the North Koreans. Like that stupid shit with the North and South bringing in bigger and bigger flags to one up the other. I doubt it'll get to them actually being able to launch a proper nuke, let alone the state where they'd feel brave enough to do it. There was a fiction book I read where a guy randomly predicted an exam paper, and unveiled it after the exam, and by pure chance it was exactly the same so he got kicked out. I'm imagining that sorta thing happening here.
>Someone has to

That's the beauty of it, if a patch effects a champ I play negatively I can easily just swap for a bit. I dunno about carry top laners, they're usually more annoying to me than a constant thing, but I dunno. Same reason for tank supports.

I know, I love that artist.
I could probably get the money back, so I'll probably say screw it then, I'm going for it.
Dude, Spore was my jam. A lot of people didn't like it though.

It's ok in general really.
The hunting rifles are some (very nice) hand me downs, one of them is a 270 and the other is a 30-6
>I've also got a little 22 revolver and a single shot rifle.
>Perfect for picking off pest birds/pests in general.
I always carry my SR9, I just wish I had moar guns.
I wanna get a SKS, a Mosin, a Lee Enfield mk3 and a HK USP.
>But no monies. RIP
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Galil was my former waifu.

I see new Galil is more dedicated to her. I relinquish her to you.

Take care of her, please. She's a beautiful Israeli weapon.

May you open many bottles together.
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Claiming Ryuko
My list of to buy guns; 590a, glock 34 mos, Ruger precision rifle, and a six12 bullpup config(if they ever drop)

How do you like the sr9. I couldn't ever get the thing to not print. I went smaller
the time of 24/7 threads is ogre
Sena is the best bitch
claimed and trademarked.
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not up to anything thats to bad food poising you think?
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nice meme
everything is ok really

>bread lasting 3 hours so far
why so ded?
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Who's excited?
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>all these shit waifus

give me a break
>Says the one with the worst waifu here
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SJW pandering trash.
I love it, its smooth, reliable, and the balance is great. Plus it feels good in my hands.
Saya Endou
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That could be it but I'm not sure, I haven't eaten anything special lately
How's the face feeling? Still can't eat solid food?
Top tier underappreciated Waifu.
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That decimation seems like more of a last resort, but yes there's no need to patronize them. As said, leave the hornets nests alone. The talks have been going on for ages, nothing has really been done, but it keeps them at bay and apparently that's good enough. The stuff between them is childish however, fighting wars of mentality or other proxy bullshit. The awakening would need some major support but as long as they're basically stripped of everything, not happening anytime soon. Exactly, scare tactics is what they do best. Wew lad, keeps getting more and more uncanny, now all we need is a set date, or month at least.
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think i can eat pasta now so thst should be a nice change face feels better still swollen though
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op gotta waifu ttyl guys
>entire anime is garbage
>waifu is a shitpost
I kek'd pretty hard anon.
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Homura (trash waifus everywhere).jpg
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I missed you.
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That's nice
Cya man
How old are you? 16? Star Trek has always been about a future of equality. TOS was the first TV show to have an African-American actress worked side by side with the main, prominently white cast. It was the first TV show to feature an interracial kiss. It had a Russian character working side by side with Americans at the height of the cold war. I don't know if you know this, but those are kinda big deals in cinematic history. Not just that but the original crew was compromised of an Asian, an alien, a white American, a black female, a Russian and a Scotsmen. Star Trek has always been about equality, even when it was risque, because Roddenberry didn't like seeing man split up over trivial differences. Grow the fuck up.
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Cry me a river commie.
Oh. And to add to that they already had both a female lead in the 90s befote all of this feminism bullshit, and an African-American lead in the 90s before all of this black lives matter crap.
What about you actually watch something thought provoking and intellectual instead of watching cartoons about prepubescent girls you'll never touch.
>Mad Cause Bad.
Dumb Commiefag
That was also a big deal as well. Roddenberry created a universe where all of humanity was communist and prosperous. That was at the height of the red scare. The fact that he got away with it is amazing.
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How many posts do you need to defend yourself?
There isn't any money in Roddenberry's universe. Everything is provided for you. If you wanted to live your whole life watching Anime and never working a single day, you can. And you can still own a house, provide yourself with well prepared food and live comfortably. That's a future I'd love to live in.
I prefer working in a capitalist society
>Albeit a bit expensive at times
I feel a real worth to my job, and I feel like I've worked hard to earn everything I've bought, like my house and laptop. Not working would drive me up a wall
>Hell this mandatory vacation I'm on is a pain in the dickhole as it is.
And where will this food come from?
Nobody will work if you give them the choice.
I'm hoping you'll expand your horizons beyond Japanese Anime and Manga. I'm hoping you have the ability to expand your mind and actually have a thought provoking conversation. Hey, maybe that's out of your realm of possibilities, but I can hope, can't I?
Yorda Claimed
>Implying Anime and Manga can't be thought provoking, intense, well written or interesting
>Implying all Anime or Manga is a slice of life anime.
>Implying great shows like Durarara and others don't exist
Seriously though. Get Gud.
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Yeah go fuck yourself.
They have the ability to deconstruct and reconstruct molecules. Waste is taken apart atom by atom and rematerialized into food, clothes, usable objects.
Just because you have the ability to stay at home and watch anime doesn't me everyone does. They've cured depression and mental diseases. If I had the ability to travel the galaxy I wouldn't be sitting on my ass jacking it to 2D school girls all day.
Yea, I know that feeling
>I hate tanky champs
I dunno I feel like illaoi is pretty strong atm, her getting a lead often leads in a victory
You don't get to ignore every past argument and then just interject yourself where you want. You can't just pick and choose, you actually have to build a argument with talking points into a coherent sentence if you want your opinions to be valid and matter.
Yeah, I'm not reading that.
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>I'm hoping you'll expand your horizons beyond Japanese Anime and Manga.
>Yeah, I'm not reading that.
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>TLDR: Don't post unrelated shit, remember what thread your in, also Kill Yourself
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Level Squad 4.png
789 KB, 1200x675

Good positivity
No idea, guess people got shit to do.

No point in instigating them, does nothing but rock the boat like you said. The talks seem to basically be a time for the North to spout threats while the South just nods along, but as you said, at least it keeps them at bay. The South are guilty of it too to an extent, they did have a competition of who could make the biggest flagpole. Too be honest the North has pretty shitty conditions, I don't think anything will happen while they have the military breathing down their necks. It'll need higher ups in them to rebel to cause something I'd think. They have total control over the media too, they have to be good at scaring people now.
Exactly, I'm doubting my odds. What's the next big thing in Europe, cuz I'm calling it'll be about then.

I love Illaoi, and you're right unless you stop her early every fight with her in becomes a hentai. Her ability to 2v1 ganks at 6 is ridiculous.
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You can't make two separate unrelated statement and combine them to be factual. That image is neither manga, nor book, nor novel. It's an unrelated piece of material used to by a troll to ensite an argument or rage. The difference between suggesting someone take a look into a fictional universe and posting an image with a wall of text describing 4chan are nowhere near comparable subjects. Sorry.
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Hey Doll
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>Bitching about unrelated statements
>Makes a completely unrelated statement originally
I honestly have no idea what you are trying to say but nobody cares about your communist star trek role-playing fantasy you fucking nerd.
These aren't Anime threads, their waifu threads. And last I checked we're on random. The only reason people post waifu here is so we can easily identify each other. I don't know if you're new here or not, but one of the original rules was "discuss stuff." Not "discuss anime" or "discuss manga," just "discuss stuff." Actually the word anime or manga isn't even in the rules. All coming from someone posting an imagine unrelated to anime or manga.
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It all fades to nothing
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Yea I fucking love playing her, when you 2v1 you feel like a god
>My friends has her level 7
It's so gross to play with but it's so fucking freelo
What elo are you btw?
It all RETURNS to nothing.
Nigger you what?
The Iron Giant is the best fucking anime of all time
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C 2108.png
2 MB, 1500x1725
I know the majority of you play games like Overwatch and that abomination called LoL, but do any of you play Dungeon Fighter Online?
>Reads a logical statement
>Doesn't understand
That really says a lot about you
>That image is neither manga, nor book, nor novel.
No shit
>It's an unrelated piece of material used to by a troll to ensite an argument or rage.
No its an explanation of how communities work dumb ass.
Do this once to find your Superpower. Do it again to find your Waifu's Superpower.
Do this to find who will be joining you and your Waifu in battle. They'll have their standard gear.
Do this to find what weapon you have. Do it again to find what weapon your Waifu has.
Do this to find out who the three of you will be battling. The fight takes place in an open field.
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Galil here, got some serious IRL stuff going on, be back in 2-3 hours.
I love how you start out trolling, but through my continued efforts of making my own well thought out arguments you've slowly started to get more and more upset. Waifu isn't /a/, waifu is a bunch of avafags on /b/. How new are you to both random and this community?
>My Power
Visualization - I think real good like
>Waifu's Power
Monster Physiology - Exactly what it sounds like
Kuki Sanban (Numbah 3) - This could get interesting
>My Weapon
A fucking flaim - no explanation needed, it's a flail
>Waifu's Weapon
XM-8 - So gets a gun and monster physiology? Broken.
>Our Villain
Atom-Smasher - I think we are fucked.
File: Doll 81.jpg (2 MB, 2034x2458) Image search: [Google]
Doll 81.jpg
2 MB, 2034x2458
Heya Saber. What's good?

That it does, Yuuko.

I'm really surprised not more people play her, but it's the same with Rammus. The ult feels so satisfying with Illaoi. I don't really play ranked other than placements with a friend, so living that bronze 2 life baby. I vaguely remember you saying you're gold right?
Mine is: One Hit Kill (One punch man but like, One Tap Man.)
and Penny's is: Adaptive Ressurection (Adapts to shit that kills her and revives herself I guess)
We are joined by: Ankylomon
My Weapon: Bangerter powderless gun (thats actually pretty badass.)
Penny Weapon: Hafdasa C-4 (that little trashy fucking SMG holy shit kek)
Fighting: Dr. Gregory Belson
I Feel like this wouldn't be too hard.
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Claim your league waifu
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Cute. Yep, not much to be said about that, happens all the time and if they start it, that's better. They feel as if they're pushing their agenda which gives them the sense of empowerment, does it really matter in the end? Probably not. The thing about that is those competitions are pissing matches, doing all they can to shit on each other. Kinda funny actually. Yup you're right, without their support, any advancement would go no where, always needed as a strong backer but some are either brainwashed or suppressed from acting on the situation. That'd be very surprising if it were to happen. Not sure what else they could capitalize on now, maybe so death-ray in space. The next major sporting event or some national holiday, hit em where it hurts.
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Crystal spike protrusion
>Waifus super power
Data attacks
>My weapon
a single bullet
>Waifus weapon
Guan Dao
John Ricketts
>Claim your league waifu
>League Waifu
I'm sorry, I don't want to get aids.
>My power
Darkness Embodiment-User can act as darkness can. Sounds real edgy.
>Waifu's power
Temporal lordship-User has complete control over all things time related.
Commandix Draconoid
>My weapon
>Waifu weapon
Roller Gun
Fuckin Nick Vermicelli from Hey Arnold

positivity is good
Sadness Augmentation
>waifu power
Mechanical Limb Generation
>other person
Billy the Cat
>waifu's weapon

Yeah this wouldn't gonna work out well at all

>Nick Vermicelli
Fucking RIP Nick.
Thread replies: 226
Thread images: 150

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