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Waifu claiming thread. Previous thread >>698783492 >Claim

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Thread replies: 177
Thread images: 151
Waifu claiming thread.

Previous thread >>698783492

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>No one is going to take you seriously if you don't post your waifu
>Naps are a GOOD idea
>Insult others with vigor
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>Refrain from being lewd
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
Of course you main supports, you cunt.
Every little wanna be a gamer girl plays supports because she knows she is inferior at playing other roles and her brain won't help her.
Ryoko. Going old school.
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You Know Gasai (133).jpg
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Ayy Yuuki thread
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No one was making lol
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Sucy is mine. other fags out.
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Saber claim
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You Know Gasai (98).jpg
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I was about to make it but Im playing black ops 3 lol
Claiming Lilly as I still can't sleep. I'll take a cold shower to make sure I'm awake later
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Iowa claimed

I hear you loud and clear. He's too cool for school and has the best waifu and you praise him for it.
You trying to do a challenge run or something, that's possible lol. I had one of those friends that left mid game because we made some banter.
>I don't need practice
Iowa just is cute
thanks man see ya later
Time to start making dinner. Chicken carbonara pasta
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It is true you know.jpg
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wew wew
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Last cod I played was black ops 1. MW2 was my last cod love
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Exeggutor Claimed
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Yuno Ops 2.jpg
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Shoulda stayed for black ops 2
>Mutiplayer wise
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hello again...
I stopped playing COD after ghosts... is BO3 any good?
you same Jenny claimer from yesterday?
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still here
yep. the one and only
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You Know Gasai (79).jpg
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Shit dude, Advanced Warfare is a blast and refreshing expierence for CoD

Black Ops 3 is a tone downed version with some destiny elements IE specials (which are horseshit if you ask me)

Personally I prefer AW over BO3 because I can have my waifu on my gun.. BO3's customization for weapon is sorta retarded
No just wanted to replay from scratch was all.
>Then better not be able to pound your face in
Again can't argue there. Though the adjective I'd use is beautiful
I'd like to see images when it's done that sounds delicious
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I think the multiplayer is fine and all, but $60/year for new maps and weapons didn't sound like a good idea
give me the slutty maid one you had from last night
I was just so pissed about ghosts I just quit COD all together.
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Shizuru still here.
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Will i go to hell for this.jpg
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Maid? that's the only one i have.unless you meant the Slutty Nun
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>sleepy claim
I'm going to bed now, goodnight and good day to all of you
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forgot to add pic
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You Know Gasai (17).png
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Isn't that what you do for WoW? Except for dungeons?

Ghosts is indeed the absolute worse CoD ever, I dunno how Infinity Ward is going to recover from that, it's already a BAD start with forcing CoD4 remaster to be gained through buying the new game (They KNOW people will go after 4 and not play the new one)
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Drunk cravings
Mostly whataburger and a chalupa from tacobell
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She's a temperamental, slutty, alcoholic, but I don't care. Misato is my Waifu!
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Possibly. I may just troll with the medical images of my colonoscopy.
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Penny Claim
>Why do must I stay awake at ungodly hours
Meanwhile: Some vegan is upset at me for eating meat I guess, shenanigans are happening.
>This motherfucker called me obtuse, I asked him if he was calling me a triangle.
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Hey Moka
Night Amatsu
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You're a patriotic motherfucker from the sound of it. I like you.
I don't think I'd be able to do it all again. More of a 1 done game.
>I'm not the one getting a pounding
I think cute fits the bill
wew you had a colonoscopy?
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Have u posted them yet
Im really hungry
I wasn't planning on posting itt but since I see people talking about Black Ops 3 I have a question: actually two questions:

Why is it that I can't find any fucking people outside team deathmatch / shadows of evil?
Will port forwarding my shit to get an OPEN NAT type help or are they bullshitting me?
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thats ok
i want to share a room with Katsuragi. sadly that will never happen
A vegan called you obtuse?
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I am speedrunning it this time though
>I'll make sure to give you a special pounding :^)
>Those hearts
God dammit mad some blush
I don't doubt it
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yeah that one. yo send me some moar jenny lewds on my discord, it's Ooga Booga#8522
COD seems to be underrated but overrated at the same time
African-American. emphasis on the american.
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Haruna claimed.
>What, where you expecting a lewd filename.
Fix that shit like NOW please. I am legitimately emotionally affected
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Not really imo. The WoW expansions have so much content to them, and the old content is still there, it doesn't just get tossed aside to the hackers.
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You Know Gasai (9).jpg
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I dont know about underrated, I couldnt care les if someone thinks its overrated, I play it casually like its supposed to be played.

Shes cute, seen a little bit of the anime and the sisters headband reminds me of haruhi suzumiya

But old gear is irrelevent no?
>tossed aside to the hackers
Mah hart... RIP WaW... ;_;
overrated because each new installment doesn't offer much and is only supported for only a year
underatted because everyone knows the games are shit or at least aren't good and the last good/decent one was bo1 or mw2 sometimes neither depending who you ask
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Yeah, never been called that before, actually had to bother to look it up to confirm that I wasn't being called a triangle.
>Vegans are so fucking annoying when they're all "OH I DON'T CONSUME ANIMALS SO I'M BETTER THAN YOU" kinda shit.
>At least they spurred me into eating something
>I was kinda hungry but not motivated enough to move.

I had to fucking solve the captcha 30 fucking times.
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I want whataburger
And another beer
But if i drink another i still wont be able to drive
>so hungry

How many times will it say i mistyped a captcha that i keep completeling
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I know...WaW is so much fun, I loved the multiplayer maps and zombies..
>I had to fucking solve the captcha 30 fucking times.

i know that feel
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Quite the predicament
>That comic
Cute maybe I should watch the anime

Nice. very nice.
Did you make that image yourself?
It really compliments your empty post.
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Still can't see the panties.jpg
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ain't workin'.
calm down before you burst an artery
Fucking vegans. Have you tried refreshing the captcha if it keep failing?
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You Know Gasai (168).jpg
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First CoD and so many memories..
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Thanks! Yuno is rather cute too.
Haha I never noticed that before.
Im actually kinda surprised anyone responded to me. Kinda new here...
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The first CoD I remember loving was Big Red One, but CoD4 blew my mind.
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Spider pussy only waifu for me.
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TheWonderfulNui (42).png
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Hello, Anonon! what have you been doing today?
Coming from a 3DPD.
Actually I didn't try that
>I just sat here frustrated and kept trying
>Slowly but surely knowing I was finally making progress.
3DPD cuuuuuccckkkk
>Does Spider Have Puss Puss?
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I personally loved BO2, Zombies is fun.
People like to pretend to have good tastes by saying it's the worst thing to happen to gaming
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TSF's desuwas.jpg
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Is your waifu from a Tim Burton film?
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How fast do you think you can finish it?
>I said I ain't the one gettin it
w e w
You've got double the American right?
Heyo. Don't think I've seen you here before
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still rude mavis
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Your waifu literally has AIDS, faggot

Silica claimed
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New Vocaloid Bitch.jpg
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Not sure if it's just superstition, but it seems to work for me
>not eastern
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1v1 me, OH WAIT.
Well 3 hours in and I'm halfway through
>We'll see
She's super cute what can I say

Night /waifu gotta call it a night here
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Went grocery shopping for the week. A lot of stuff to carry by hand and walk several miles carrying it. Quite a journey.
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Nah the anime is pretty bad
Read the manga its actually good
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You Know Gasai (148).jpg
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Don't be silly, someones gotta welcome you with open arms!
Others aren't very social but don't let that discourage you, some of us are willing to chat

I was a Halofag during CoD4 era lol

To fit in? I find that retarded to try fit in a autistic site with anonymous fags

>Pls dont let silica anon be cancerous, silica a cute
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OH WAIT, you died of AIDS.
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I know I need to work on those
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I win, faggots~
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A bit, but no1 can beat neppy
gtfo, flat is justice but SAO is trash...
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I was both lol. Halo 3 was my first introduction to online multiplayer. So many good times..

>Pls dont let silica anon be cancerous, silica a cute
Well, so far it doesn't look good..

To get away from losers like you who can't survive on their own
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Oh, a Sucy anon! what did you think of that one episode of Luluco?
Oh, i hope you get some peace and relax then.

wait how would that have to take a week?
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Hello! Today is my first time actually posting here, I lurked for a little while.
Well thank you for that! Im not very social either but I thought I might give this a try.
i never said they were all boring after those title but yea i like bo2 zombies, love the prison and buried

everyone has shit taste in something im more of don't praise something that doesn't deserve it i have my share of shit stuff i like but hey
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its ok just dont insult everyone. nice golbat
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Robots rapes desk violently.jpg
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so i just found out i got access to the nexus developer forum because of a shitty texture i made. what fucking luck
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She'll be dead in 60 years. I thought it was funny. Sucy's attitude is refreshingly blunt. I like it.
Will try next time, thanks for the tip ^^
>The old IT Trick: When it doubt, refresh/restart/turn off and turn back on.
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1 MB, 1920x1080

delet this
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Ika Chibi Agitated.gif
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I woke up at 1am. Why.
No, silly. I meant that that the shopping was for the week's food. I go once or twice a week to get groceries.

>tfw you climb 10 ranks in OW to become top 25% only to fall back down to where you were
It hurts
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Thanks, I need more stardust and I can bump it up to about 1200

Hmm gonna need sauce anon
A Ghost Was Watching You Sleep.
>Probably just your Circadian Rhythm acting up. Chill for a bit then try going back to bed.
I never lurk. I just post.
My first intro to Online Multiplayer shooters was TF2...
Sucy is pretty much a sexy edgelord... But my heart still remains to my autistic waifu, neptune
West Coast best coast.
I loved squid girl... I was unfortunetly able to relate to her stalker issue
i dunno, you tell me
always solved my problems. except for when Windows 10 was installing slowly.
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It's been a while since I came on here. Been working on a website (for launch). Never got around to finishing that homepage hentai app yet because above...

But anyway, claiming Cirno again

Most of my last few weeks have been a few vacation things, half of it had bad/terrible internet, and doing some programming for the above mentioned project.

Went on a helicopter, though. Pretty neat. And saw a few movies.
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i dont know why
i cant trade for candies anymore. im not sure why
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Goodnight Saber
Lurking is good if you want to figure out the thread I guess haha. How's your day been? Anything interesting?
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From a deviant art page, let me go look for it.
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I'm off to sleep. Good night /waifu/!
the bolts in her hair
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>Motherfucking windows 10 took 3 days to download because my internet is hell.
I need better internet but
>Nobody will run cable out here except the company I'm currently using
>200kb/s MAX download speeds
>God Help Me
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good morning /waifu/
I just had a pretty short sleeping session
what did i miss?
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TheWonderfulNui (229).jpg
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But if Luluco died and came back to life shoudn't it no longer have effect? Sucy was pretty great.
I can't imagine how frustrated you are.
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you know words and stuff
are you same one trying to get massive gets?
i too would love to see the sauce.
is this from her concept art? nice
How are you fucking alive? I come from rural aust. for fucks sake and i get like 1-2mb top.
hentai bait
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Ika Chibi Fainted!.gif
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Time to listen to A Ghost of a Chance
>circadian rhythm
Can you explain this?

I don't see how stalking is bad.

Well I don't know either, my eyes are stinging like if I haven't slept.


Just like me.
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TheWonderfulNui (121).png
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Not much, you plan on doing anything?
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I was a little nervous to post. Glad I did though.
Yeah. Its been alright. Just kinda chilled around my house. What about you?
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You Know Gasai (29).jpg
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I'm not either, generally I come for the people I like but it dosent hurt to make new pals

Good night yuuki!

Did you just made a pun outta me
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I sometimes try to get good GETs, but I don't think I'm KNOWN for that...

I'm mostly known for this thing.
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oh shit, sounds like you guys had a blast
whats up?
yea i just woke up at 8 in the mornig couldnt fall back asleep, what happned to you?
not right now just gonna chill for a bit. what about yourself?
you know he was talking to me right?
>tsun yun
from a friend but i see the hair and bolts is still wrong on many and now it bothers me
I'm really disappointed in myself. I was doing so well. Carrying teams with 3+ gold medals every game. But now I just lose.
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Its suppose to be 1.5mb/s but they fucked me over and can't do shit about it
>Although Cable One is starting to line shit up here
>They were running some line a few streets down
>I wanna beg them to line it up here so I'm not stuck with this shit
I can play games at usually, 100ms and its not bad
>Sometimes it drops to 50
>I can never stream anime though, I have to download it because if I don't it'll look like I'm trying to watch a censored orgy hentai.
Circadian Rhythm refers to your body's natural clock and how it has like a pendulum attached, its often why most people, around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, get a bit tired. Its like your sleep cycle. Usually in the middle of the night a person will wake up briefly, if you're awake for longer than like, 10 minutes, its recommended to get up and do some shit then after half an hour or so, try to go back to bed.
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drink some coffee
does it really count if its in your filename?
you know took a nap started playing witcher
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You Know Gasai (166).jpg
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I am aware, however I felt like he made a pun out of my filename

I referred as "you know" than "yuno"
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TheWonderfulNui (67).jpg
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Not much, just listening to music.
I'm sorry to hear that, don't let it put you down though. maybe you can reclaim it?
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I got it from there, but for some reason I doesn't show up on the search. weird.
Same old same old I see
>Drink some coffee
Great idea thanks
I was making a joke as well
>You know
Ah well
What are you listening to?
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I claim all of these.jpg
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you're probably a Different cirno then. never mind. Anything interesting been happening?
well shit, i hope you manage to get better internet soon. when i first moved out of my parents i literally had to use dial up before my ISP could get me set up. i know how it feels having shitty internet.
i can't look at my images the same. shit
have been staying up late recently? this shit happens alot to me after pulling all-nighters
Oh cheers mate.
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Nvm, found it.
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Looks like I'm still a bit tired
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Did I just confused myself?
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Well that's one thing we agree on. I hope we can be friends.
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My internet just shit itself
>Although that means this time it wasn't my network driver so at least I know thats fixed.
Anytime my laptop net goes out it usually means my driver is old, so I have to check if my phone wifi shut off too.
The only perks of living out here are:
>No minorities
>Neighbors are few and far between
>Lots of space for me to be hasguns
>Also I can garden freely
>I fuckin love gardening
>Plus the land was cheap.
>5.5 acres ^^
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Did what I usually do. Just played games most of my day and chilling. Going out with friends tomorrow so that's gonna be fun.
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You Know Gasai (19).gif
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If you dont mind me loving the following:
Mirai Nikki
Sword art online
Call of duty

than we're golden
;-; took me more than a week of trying really hard to get there. And only three days to lose it all. I'm sad
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Ika 1 2 3.gif
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I woke up at 1am which was like 30 minutes ago.

Oh thats what that is called. Cool. Nah I'm ok. I'm usually awake at this time anyways.

I don't drink coffee. Sorry

I stay up late almost every day.
anyone can recommend a decent hentai site?
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Gasai need to be more specific
should come naturally
why not its good
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You're welcome.
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Well, I actually got an API set up for my website project now, and it seems to work pretty well so far.

Everything before this API was haphazard thrown together crap that kinda worked in specific situations, but as soon as they changed, everything was broken.

So, now I'm actually getting a decent amount done.
After resting a bit, I'm probably gonna get back to it a bit, try to finish the blogging system today.

The helicopter ride was neat.
I also saw FF VII: Advent Children Complete, and Star Trek Beyond. Both were very good movies.
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TheWonderfulNui (175).jpg
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As of right now i'm listening to this.
Well not everything lasts forever sadly, that's just one of the worst parts of life.
>>698798050 I guess now that pururin has died it's ugly death
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You Know Gasai (99).jpg
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Well its too late to change it, already known for my filename
pururin is back lol
Oh then its just your sleeping habits ^^
>Usually it can take up to 3 days to successfully reset your sleep cycle.

thanks m8s
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Most days I just kinda chill. Do a lot of outside stuff too.
That does sound like fun, hope it goes well for you!
Sounds good to me!
Nice trips by the way.

Im getting tired so im gonna head out. Thanks for greeting me and I will try to come back tomorrow! Night!
Enjoy ur aids lol
anything for vids?
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You Know Gasai (29).png
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Going to check your trips before you leave lol

Good night
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Get memed on
Damn that sucks, might wanna go back to sleep?
Perhaps but I'm not really fond of drinking coffee in the morning, it makes me feel artificially awake if that makes sense
That's pretty groovy, not completely my style though
I'm gonna give my fire emblem play through another shot
>Been stuck on it for a few days now
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Cummy Yummy yeah.jpg
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may i ask? where do you come from? i'm sort of curious now
>5.5 for cheap
Guess you got a pretty good deal then eh? a single acre out here is still pretty expensive.
well there's your answer
so what's your site about may i ask?
>advent children
>that fucking OWA remix
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I was already a meme
Hentaihaven is pretty good
Eh, get torrents of you don't want to use for streaming
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could go through a rebranding
kinda yeah but you know its better than falling back asleep
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Perhaps, maybe when I remake this folder

Not going to bed, was wishing the newcomer a good night
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>so what's your site about may i ask?
Gonna be an alternate social network to Facebook or Tumblr.
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>nice trips
Chilling is always fun! Thanks man see ya

Gonna step out as well later all!
I dislike coffee. Its bitter flavored and I ld only like it if I drench it in diabetes.

Lol yeah, actually yesterday was the first time in a bunch of days that I sleep before 3am. Maybe that has something to do with this.

Nah, no point in that. I might stay up again.

Nigga, I don't answer my own questions.
thanks a lot, you da real MVP
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yeah? any ideas?
your loss i guess
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She is human grill.png
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that ambitious? Fuck, i'm excited then.
Fucking adorable
Staying up lat might be why your eyes hurt. there, i answered your question using an answer you answered your own question with. happy?
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True, can't deny it but I'm not sure if you should be proud of it
Yea exactly, although I might still take a nap later
How's the quest for glasses comming along?
I have
I did, yesterday. Still feeling the damn sedative.
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I live in Idaho, the locals call it the potato state.
>Mostly because we produce an fuckton of potatoes and we have a giant potato on a truck.
Its nice here cause little gun restrictions and there are some cute girls
>The property wasn't TOO much, I think it was like, 30,000 when I bought it a few years back
>Before the housing fuck up
I paid it off using a combination of renting out my house and doing freelance IT work
>now I work for a school and they pay me quite a bit
>The school is scared of losing me since they think I'm some kind of magic man who can make any piece of technology work.
That's the other nice part about living here
>The people who run the school outside the IT staff (Who I handpicked) are mostly tech incompetent.
>The principal actually tried to print a GIF.
I wish I could sleep right now
>But I can't cause my cycle is fucked and I need drugs to get me back into it
>but since the school is shut down right now I don't have to go back to work yet
>Mandatory vacation too, apparently I work too much.
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>that ambitious? Fuck, i'm excited then.
Well, hopefully it'll work, right? :-)
True, I guess I gotta try harder to get those end of season rewards
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Even if it only STARTS my other things up, I'd be happy with it, though.
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You Know Gasai (152).jpg
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No idea unfortunatly
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What do you do in your free time anon?
Lol that's what my dad says as he offers me his.

>i answered your question using an answer you answered your own question with. happy?

Damnit. I just have told the other yuno. Yeah I got me some new glasses yesterday. I can actually see things now. So happy.

You're a teacher right? I think I remember someone on here being a teacher.
up to you. i prefer going until i need to
thats ok not like you need to decide till later if you want to
get any food?

I'm an IT dude.
>The irony is that my computer has a few problems
>They could be EASILY fixed if I updated some drivers.
>I'm a lazy shit and need to update my drivers tomorrow.
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