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Thoughts? i want to find out where she lives too

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 61
Thoughts? i want to find out where she lives too
God just google her name man try to find out the mothers name
Too lazyto do it myself
I really want her dead, kill humans all day everyday but animals do fuck all. I will burn her fucking house down
threads weak as fuck
$100/ £100
paypal if her address is found
She will burn in hell
Ignorant. They pay heavily to hunt these animals, that money they pay goes to conservation of said animals, sure she killed one giraffe, but paid for the conservation of 4.
Dont make you a fucking big person with a gun to kill animals. If i met you in real life with that attitude towards cruelty i would put a bullet in your head
Kek kk
Go fuck a panda with your PETA freinds
Her family has more money than I do that's for sure.

>Said the hypocrite
she did nothing illegal and in the end it benefits the other animals and the local community.

cry harder faggot
Who fucking cares. If the continent of niggers gives them a pass on shooting girafs then let them do it. Its not illegal and no one gives a shit about how offended you are by it.
Remember when /b/ wasn't full of cucks?
These guys don't.
If I met you in real life I woud literally rape you... Literally would force myself into your stupid ass faggot asshole and rape you while pulling on your faggot hair you retarded fucking faggot
You're gonna kill a little girl because she paid to shoot an old ass giraffe that was too old to mate anymore and in reality would've just died soon anyway?
That's a big heart. I bet giraffe tastes pretty good. Some day.

i too will put one in you
OP is a massive faggot.

bruh, us humans are destroying this planet pretty hard. no need to kill animals on pupose and just for fun.

i don't get why you think its cool to pretend that you care about nothing in life. and its like you are ashamed of having respect for nature. so you talk shit about it.
I would love it
you're mad because you never had a good time with your daddy ?

i don't get why you think its ''cool'' to pretend that you care about nothing in life. and its like you are ashamed of having respect for nature. so you talk shit about it.
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the fact that there has to be paid money to ''conserve'' animals and prevent them from going extinct is all our own fault. we made animals go extinct in the first place.
You rite, should go afte the chetahs and lyings dat would go afta wildlyfe two nigga, the canivores are bean bad two.
Killed in afgan when i was 6
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>top edge
Actually the locals would rather make farm fields than preserve the nature or the other animals.

This generates money for them, so yes it does help with conservation.
all these people living in cities, inhaling smog day in day out making their brain cells go extinct.

guys the planet needs animals and plants too. don't be such a fucking inbred.
ITT: Faggots
Life for a life my man
Ya Boi, just take dat chedda from dem rich whites to protects the afrika instead of incentivesto gib dem dat monneys.
I love nature I go fly fishing for trout every weekend
I kill them and eat them
I go hunting rabbits from time to time I eat them
I am not saying that what they have done is not disgusting it's the way some people react to the issue that's my point
Shit some times me n my bud go free style camping using a flint striker and and just a knife don't tell me bout nature

thats nature faggot, ifr the giraffe was killed by a lion he would have his belly full so he would not have gone hunting the next day. GET IT NOW?
Your mother will die of cancer within the next 2 months faggit
Not same poster but I care about shit it's just that I don't care about shitty animals in nigger africa
so that proves my point amaright
So by your logic you should probably shoot yourself in the head
kek someone's mad
In a way yes

the animals are not niggers.... don't be rude
Racial profiling animals now
>nigger animal life's matter kek
id happily be killed knowing i did right. Plus they killed a innocent creature in my case im killing someone who deserves not to be here
it's just a giraffe. Fuck off. She's having a good time.

boo hoo muh animals.

fucking hippie

>hey fb friends, i'm a 12 year old girl i went hunting, i'm a girl! and i killed a giraffe! give me the attention i crave! by the way i'm a girl! i shot it! did i mention i'm a 12 year old girl?

i can't stand that shit, who thinks you're big for shooting an animal? no one
which brings my to my second point: you didn't "hunt" it, you drove until you saw a giraffe and then you shot it from 100 yards away. the poor cunt never had a chance.

i don't give two shits about hunting, but go hunt something that will fight back, using tools that you've made yourself from stuff you've scavenged off the ground..
>with that attitude towards cruelty
>i would put a bullet in your head

hypofaggot aka "Spot the vegan"
How you know that the animal wasn't a complete dick
Ohh sorry. Forgot everyones edgy behind a keyboard on 4chan with no feelings or sympathy.
Just because 4chans known for cunts dosent mean its full of cunts and scum

boohoo muh humans.

Fucking hippie
Not a vegan just think killing animals for fun is pathetic and deserves a slow and painful death
How about you respect their right to go out and legally shoot an animal fuck your morals you faggot.

Personally I don't care
It's a fucking giraffe we don't need giraffes

Shout out to the company that will probably use the money to help more animals and too the little girl for posting these photos probably knowing it would cause a shit storm of emotionalist
Anon 'coldssteel' mous
Something about this little white girl next to a dead animal is activating my edgy boner
How many innocent leaves and plants did that monster kill and devour?
How meant innocent bugs like ants got crushed by its hooves .
How many innocent flys did it swat with its tail
I said, you should probably kill yourself, you're talking about breaking your own rule after all

Do you think we need you any more than that giraffe? might aswell put you in the dirt.

Also fucking scum like you always feel like everything on this planet has to be of use of us humans. otherwise might aswell get rid of it.

Well gues what? us humans are the most useless thing on planet earth. we have been destroying it for thousands of years.
As long as they ate the giraffe, I'm fine with it.
But don't kill animals for sport and then leave them to rot. That's just disrespectful.
This is now an animal abuse thread.
Lets trigger the cucks /b/
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What a shit insult
No, the locals eat the animals hunted generally.
I just wish I had the money to go hunt Giraffe :(
That is a lot of meat :D
Giraffe=stupid fucking animal
Me=useful member of society

Back to tumblr with you emotionalist faggot
> You faggots do know that many places rely on rich fucks like these paying to kill sick and sterile animals to be able to stay open and care for the rest, right?
Argument is invalid if you had any fucking sense
The tree Niggers whould eat the corpse could feed a whole village for a month


you are insulting someone for caring about something other then himself. how shitty of an insult is that?
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pepperidge farm remembers when you could kill lions and such and not get any SJW shit for it.
Well at least as someone eats it, I meant.
Hey Giraffes pay taxes too asshole
Give it a rest, faggot. Hunting is legal in Africa, it's one of the reasons why people go there. Grow a fucking up and stop hoping for dox shits. I as a white hat myself really can't stand some childish behaviour I keep seeing on this board from "duh, i know how to track you" faggots and "please raid this bitch" beggars.
This. It might be nice if they'd just give the money but they won't.
I meant the context
Using the exact same platform insult and then switching some words was really gay

''usefull member of society''

and to what do you think you are really usefull on a grand scale, like in the long run?

nothing but elitist rich people who run the country and who have the entire stock market int heir hands along with billions of dollars, THAT is what you serve my modern slave boy. nothing else.
12 year old detected
even if they left it,scavenging animals would eat it,not a waste
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Why is it always Amerifucks going to africa to kill defenseless animals? I'm not against hunting (deer, boar etc) I just don't see what the reward is shooting a giraffe..
I want her address too, I'd fuck the shit out of her while wallowing in sweet sweet giraffe blood
So african warlords going around the countryside raiding, raping and pillaging innocent people that are also doing "fuck all" doesn't bother you? You're so coddled in your first world bubble that animals dying is the most inconceivable thing to you and for some reason the most heinous.
You'd think after all the mass shootings lately you'd be a little more desensitized to mindless animals being hunted as they've been for hundreds of thousands of years
>This. It might be nice if they'd just give the money but they won't.

This could be said about all the rich people in the world in regards to every sad case. There is always a kickback to rich people giving money to a cause.
No fuck you all lives are important insects are an important part of our Eco system
That monster has the capability to kill thousands in its life time
>I have a good point you can't take it
>I bet you cry outside pet stores
>shave off your hipster beard
>eat some meat
>stop being a protencios cunt
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i want to date her
This guy so dumb can't even faggot right

society is nothing. its just something imaginairy created in the minds of humans. we all just live, breath, fuck, eat, shit and die. society is nothing of use of a planet. as in nature. in fact society destroys nature, while society can not exist without nature. GET IN NOW FAGGOT?
It's about respect, like I said.
You don't just kill an animal to feel good about yourself and then leave it to rot. Yes, eventually something will eat it, probably the worms.
But the point is that hunting an animal should be done with some semblance of respect to the animal.
You didn't really say anything meaningful except that you think giraffes are vital for the future of this world which is pretty stupid.

I mean stay butt hurt because they shot your "cute and snuggly animal" but that's about all I got from your emotional whiny ramblings

society is nothing. its just something imaginairy created in the minds of humans. we all just live, breath, fuck, eat, shit and die. society is nothing of use of a planet. as in nature. in fact society destroys nature, while society can not exist without nature. GET IT NOW FAGGOT?
Yeah what a phaggot
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awww /b/utthurt, much?

gtfo, they're just animals ffs.
Stupid fucking hippie faggots. These animals are tracked and marked. Odds are this giraffe was lame or old, probably both. The money taken in goes to the locals and the meat and animal product goes to feed the community and used for good.

What have you fags done to help poor communities and wildlife preservations? Trying to gang up on children and wealthy people doesnt count.
Good thing giraffes lack higher cognitive function or might give a shit

Only retard children think like this
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not just this fucking giraffe you fucking low IQ fuck.
seriously you are a lost cause. you are so fucking dumb man. you should probably just hang yourself right now.

the point is if you do not give a shit about a small part of nature then you do not give a fuck about it in its entirety.
nigger be like, y u holdin mah food like dat?
Niggers lurking in background just waiting for scraps
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she needs to get her ass in the kitchen and get started on the head cheese before it turns
Exactly. Like it or not, the money her family paid to kill it will do more to keep the species alive than all the whiners in the thread combined.
Well youre kinda dumb with this. Nature will just evolve, even if humans die off, just like dinos did, i mean what does nature care for fucking giraffes? Another animal is going to thrive there so what?
fuck yeah, they're having nuggets!
underrated toast
Underrated post
I like hunting and consider it a normal/healthy activity but only if you're eating the meat, than it's actually healthier for yourself and the environment than eating factory farmed stuff, much more humane on animals too.

But posing over an animal carcass is just garish and in bad taste. Holding up organs and heads for pictures is in bad taste. It's bound to get a backlash from people that don't agree with you, not to mention, it's just plain trashy.

Putting antlers or a trophy head on your wall is one thing. Sitting on top of a fresh kill with your gun is trashy.

It's like a pro abortion person posing with a fetus. It's in bad taste and bound to generate a negative backlash.

good for the giraffe yes.

but still this is just another useless killing. this world does not need more useless killings on any living creature. humans have been destroying the planet for centuries already, by killing and destroying environments in which animals and humans once lived togheter.
They didn't have to kill it
lol, this faggot really thought this stupid giraffe would get the same attention as the asshat that illegally killed cecil the tiger?

this faggot really cares that much about every fucking animal?

haha, get ready for the real world junior, you're going to be a giraffe.
Who gives a fuck. Stop being so fucking autistic just because she has has a life and you don't.

Maybe we should start caring.

Don't we all want a peacefull world for everyone deep down? or are you too ashamed of admitting it.

You're a faggot get over you're "cute lil animal"

Have you tried actually thinking before you say something?
Ants kill millions of insects daily, go preach to them
Yeah, they did. It's called sport hunting, not sport "lame-ass-animal-watching".
The animals being killed are creatures that exist solely as a food source for predators, and really don't serve any other role. What's a few less going to hurt?
The real world is going to eat you alive. But thats okay, you're likely a sad moralfag anyway. You will not be missed.
No but that's what they paid to do. How many thousands of dollars have you given to preserving the species? They killed one, which was most likely chosen for being sick or sterile. They still did more than anyone in this thread.
I raped your mom, but I also put a couple of bucks in the fund that aggrevates on women abuse. So that was a pretty constructive thing I did right?

Have you tried hanging yourself before you start posting more retarded shit? or were you too dumb to succeed in that aswell.
now your getting it
fuck off faggot NYPA
also sage
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>implying giraffes are important in their enviorment

You realize we have pictures of animals too show people what they look like?

I've never see a lion before in person but I know pretty much exactly what they look like through photographs
Can't have a peaceful world when there are whimpering faggots in it that cry about everything the the normal people do.
>Don't we all want a peacefull world for everyone deep down?
Nope, half the species in the world would die within the week
Its probably the guns fault tho
Nice troll XD

I'm gonna go adopt a dog from the animal shelter and beat it now
be her man with out even haveing to say amon do it for her.
hunt large game is sport, vegans can go fuck them selves. 100,000s of human lives are left to die while that non impoverished people enjoy an ancient primal sport.

the ''real'' world.

Bro you are being indoctrinated since childhood. you are being created into something that obeys and serves a government. just like all of us. We live in a imaginairy world we call society. the ''real'' world is actually nature.
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No, but if you killed my mom but paid enough money to a hospital to save a few hundred other women who would have died, it would accomplish more good than bad.

Morally right? Not at all

Helping more than the people who complain about it? Absolutely
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Will you starve it for a few weeks tho to
Make it a more enjoyable moment as its too weak to fight back and you can see the pain in its eyes

you beat things because you are to dumb to know how to handle stuff right?

your intelligence does not allow you to communicate at a basic level so you start beating shit. like a caveman or some shit.
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I raped and killed your mom and took pictures of the carnage. But I paid some faggot who claims the money goes in the fund against rape. So I was actually constructive to society. I don't give a shit that your shitty life is ruined, because I'm a utalitarian and I couldn't care less.
No because my moms not a stupid fucking animal or a fat ugly fuck like your mom
People who write this kind of shit have no idea how heavily Africa's local economy depends on commercial hunting. All you care about are your feeeeeeelings.
i don't really respect people who hunt for the fuck of it
like the guy who shot that one lion
i would've respected that guy if he went in with a fucking knife and managed to fuck the lion up but to do it with a rifle is pretty stupid
Big game hunting is one of the main reasons species like elephants and leopards DIDN'T go extinct

The African governments make a shitload of money from the permits, which they can then re-invest in conservation and development efforts. Thus, they have a huge interest in stopping poachers, and keeping the wildlife populations high

People who criticize these hunters literally don't know what the fuck they're talking about
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and yet all of you fags eat meat from animals that had much worse lives than this giraffe. go fuck yourselves.
Yes I also like to pretend to give it food and as it goes to take its first bites I'll kick it really hard then take the food away
ITT: Triggered redditors, 9fags, and SJW's crying over a just kill, in which the payment from the hunter supports conservation efforts. Instead of focusing their attention on a true threat to Africa's native wildlife, such as poaching.

choke on a bag of dicks, libtard



Female sportsman are my fetish, bee T dubz

WHI THE FUCK CARES ABOUT ECONOMY. greedy human being! aka indoctrinated piece of shit.
Modern barbarians, hunting for sport. Don't get much lower on the filth of humanity than that. It's above a child molester but not by much.
I do it for you my love <3
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Not just Africa, Pakistan has also successfully run an animal conservation program based on funds from controlled hunting. While India who does not is losing most of it's indigenous fauna hand over fist.
Yessss, keep them cumming. Fucking diamonds right now
virgin spotted
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It's not about being a 'big person'. It's just an enjoyable sport. Get over it you absolute faggot.
>implying they eated it.
what kind of camo do she wear ?
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If a hospital let you pay a few hundred thousand to rape and kill one patient so it can afford to save the lives of many others, it would still be a positive result.

Again, there's a difference between morals and logic.

You know what happrns to these places when no rich fucks pay to kill the sick and infertile? They shut down and ALL the animals die.
MMM dat sexy bloody smile needs my cock rubbed all over it
No, it's donated to the locals who eat it
It's still the unnecessary killing of an animal though. There are plenty of healthy vegans around which prove that you don't necessarily need meat or animal products.
Nice tits, and a nice haul.

Add a few barbed fishing hooks in its meal
I find it cute as it wimpers and sneeses trying to get them out
Also I find wistleing rise of the valakries
Takes the edge off and helps me hit harder
I sure hope we're not offending (op)
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>do she wear

does even english you language?
you aint never been to a zoo? damn bruh thats sad
This is now a female sportsman rate bread.

5 points for the girl

5 points for the bag

Pretty nails, nice smile, 10 point buck

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giraffe=stupid fucking animal
you=stupid fucking animal
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its common sense really.
deutsch. sprichst du es?
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Lol i like how it says " Hunting here" as if she really did any actual hunting or shooting. If she did shoot it was after the animal was downed a safari guide while her and her pampered shit family sat in a ac cooled truck watching youtube vids about make up.
Lmao if really believe these fucking suburban dentist cucks and skinny cokehead bitches are actually going into the wild to hunt these animals, then you should be shot and hung on someones wall for being a "Retardorus"
a not so rare Caucasian animal that sometimes comes to the wild satelliting real hunters. Truly a worthless specimen but hey at least you caught something.
>muh ad hominem xDDD
Beautiful blonde with a beautiful boar hog


Pretty smile, bag already dispatched
in fact I do
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>being this triggered
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Cute girl, shit game animal

dann wärst du ja zivilisiert donald entensohn
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>being this upsetti
Sweet kill

You are a very cool dude. you do not care about animals. is cool to not care. so people think i am a tough dude. look at me i do not care about living things. i am a man, man. i act like a man who lives in the middle east. i also worship gods that do not exist. cause those are all things that work well togheter.
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Remember Dusty the cat? Of course you don't you fucking newfag
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>Social justice for lions
no it's animal justice
Well, those were words. So you've got that going for you. Better luck next time, mate.
I understand the neccesity, but I judge the hunters motive and find it repulsive.
Thats all folks
I've been to Sediba Nkwe. Was pretty sweet, had a good time there overall.
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Holy shit you sound like a most massive faggot on the internet. Lose your fucking hard on for proving your superiority morally and realize youre talking about an animal you pleb. Grow the fuck up and lose that gay ass "animals are pure so theyre better than humans" bullshit. Animals cant help build anything in society retard. So theyre unneeded.
Nice word salad there friendo. Was there an actual point in that post?
did i say anything like that? what you quoting you thick cunt
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Holier-than-thou much? If you really wanna help animals kill yourself and anyone near you, you fucking wannabe hero
I think the kill pics are ok if it's like a first kill, abnormally large animal and you want to show scale, or something special about it, like it's the one that killed your ___.

i know thats what it is though. you have a social structure in which you and your friends think its çool to not care about certain things in life. thats all.
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>her fringe
Its good to know that you know literally nothing about the economy, animals, hunting, or just anything in general.
t. Someone who has hunted lions in Africa.
thats my point its not like they do damage like other legal hunting animals
Why are you people so concerned? Why don't you get a fucking career or a girlfriend? You fucking leaches and hindrances on society, your day will come
As long as it was legal then I see no problem. If it wasn't then she's going to get btfo by the anti-poaching forces so it's all good.
Wow this thread /b/ has actually turned into a bunch of pussys.
> 2016 /b/ internet wahhh machine
So I'm not the only one noticing this.

Good to know.
underrated post
I don't know why you linked me with
I wasn't commenting on his English skills, just the fact that that his post was meaningless.
bottom of food chain kek not even a animal they're bugs MILLIONS of them
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What happened to mah fap material???

C'mon, don't be a cock tease....
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Its fucking radical having a lion head on your wall and it's a patch of pride.
>Mfw fucking poorfags will never understand
Are you fucking kidding me? Jesus Christ I can't actually believe people are this sensitive now. We need a fucking world war to harden you fucking pussies up
You must be black. Missing essential, perfect words to string a sentence together.

i just think different from alot of other people. most people just mindlessly do whatever is expected of them in life since the very day that they are born. you know what i mean?

those are the people who do not have their own opinion about anything. aka sheep. they stick to the herd. they do not critisize anything that they get taught, they mindlessly accept any single thing a teacher / boss tells them. for their entire fucking life. its sad.

Be your own person for once. try to look at things in a different perspective.
>We need a fucking world war
I'm not American and I love going to Africa to hunt. It's enjoyable if you're with a group of mates. I usually just hunt in my home turf though and take my dogs with me.
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Yeah but all lives are important
They feel pain
>tiny life's matter
>we need a fucking world war
>mfw I'm a veteran who's actually killed people and enjoy hunting
I couldn't agree more.
Lol this post. Aint it past your bed time dont you have school in the morning
> facepalm.jpg

Hurr hurr we need world war hurr hurr, i am the toughest man allive hurr hurr. i care about nothing in live because it is not cool to care hurrrrr.
Nice meme reply, easier than actually typing out that you have no rebuttal I suppose.
What you on about? Hes on about deep down we all want peace. Retarded nigger on about real life scenario .
rich girl does rich people things.

why do you care? Why are you not looking for your wealthy neighbours, who buy elephant legs from black market? Easier to look after a girl who hunts legit animals and pays for this entertainment...
Oh look, it's another tasty word salad.
Remember cuddles the tarantula? Of course you don't you fucking newfriend.
do you even english
That's not how you kill a chicken
Legs pointing up
Grab it by the neck and pull it untill the neck and head are sepparated without breaking the skin
Hold legs up so most the blood goes to the neck
This is how you do it spic style
>who buy elephant legs from black market?
I prefeer dinosaur legs
she's a living princess Mononoke.
you faggots should be fapping over this came-life anime
kill yourself op

retard. you do not know what real war is. war is physical and mental suffering. nothing else.

you probably went to iraq / afghanistan. long range fights in which you outgun the goatfuckers hard. oh things get hard? time for CAS...

that aint war. war is destruction of people you love. your kids and wife, family / friends. nothing else will matter to you in a real war.
OP being more faggot than usual.
good for you.
Probably the same cotton picker from earlier who missed 3 words out of a 7 word sentence.
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>you faggots should be fapping over this came-life anime
>he faps to 3DPD
Consider suicide, inhaling paint and glue, injecting meth, snorting cocaine and pegging you fucking normieshit
Why? Because daddy paid for a hunting trip? Them Africans let this happen. You should be mad at them. On top of the money goes into repairing war ravished communities and the starving Africans feed on the dead animals. "Hurr muh fee fees" take this up with the Facebook warriors and Africa itself. Learn how the world works.
You are an absolute faggot. War is war. Don't act like you were in either of the world wars. I didn't say things got hard while I was out there, although they were probably harder than anything you've ever been through. Stop trying so hard you whiny bitch.

true. this fucker thinks he knows real war. he is out there with an overwhelming force and superior weaponry compared to the enemy.

All while his family is safe at home.

''veteran'' gimme a break.
>war is destruction of people you love.
No you edgelord, war is a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state
You going through puberty or what?
>game animal
I think you mean lunch.
tl;dr - some cuck wakes up and sees someone better than him enjoying the fruits of their hunt.

cuck becomes instantly triggered and takes to 4chan to make a personal army request.

oldfags deny personal army request, summerfags flood the thread with their ignorant non-sense about greed and other retarded libtard bullshit.

moralfag starts posting pics of females with game animals; anon starts fapping and rating, moralfag stops posting pics.

thread dissolved into obscurity, only to inevitably 404.
Only just heard of this bitch today

well if a real proper war break out between 2 competent countries. destruction of people will inevitably be the result. common sense.
>Animals die every day
>because it's exotic to you and in Africa it's a scause
protip: you are a gay liberal turd who just wants to cry and hug it out with pals over this
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You dont get the point here do you?
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Sage advice here, some anon has OP figured out better than OP themselve
Thanks moralfag!

blonde hair blue eyes, fresh kill

tell me this again when you have a child that gets struck by a 10 inch long 1 inch thick piece of metal nearly decapitating him or her. bet you will love war then. kid.
You don't get /any/ pussy, do you?

LOL JK, it's a rhetorical question. We all know the answer is no.
Food for many people and probably used it for milk before hand so its not that bad as a butcher
I do know real war, because technically, it's a war you fucking downie. You talk as if I'm a pussy as if it is my fault I'm not fighting in a big destructive war. If another world war broke out I'd be fighting in that you fucking sperg. Until that day comes, this is the war that's all that I've done.
I don't give a shit about killing things... but why are these dumb bitches smearing blood all over their faces? What's the fucking point in that.
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Indeed, however that's the result, not the definition, is war between a shit country (vietnam) and a first world country (US of A) not war?
You would know all about that wouldnt you, anon?
Saved too my cringe folder
Thank you. Jesus Christ these people are retarded.

you just need to stop pretending that war is a good thing you dumb fuck. all you are as a soldier is a tool for the government to use however they wish. a peon. you do not matter. they do not care. they need that oil. they need more power. you give it to them. grats, veteran.
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Of course, anon. Summer brings out many other virginfags just like you! But don't worry, your mommy is still right.

You are one very special snowflake!

>pic related

fucking anime pleb. major faggot confirmed.
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Why would you waste all that neck meat!?
This isn't a thing, right guys?

nice, spread the word.
Awww, how adorbz, they brought their waifu for emotional support...
man this thread sucks, i came to see some doxx or atleast some titties and all I see is butthurt and dead animals
most are clothed too like wtf
It makes the sex later more erotic with blood on their faces.
It's ok OP. Maybe you can go on CL later and hunt for some BBC?
What does loving or hating war have to do with your edgy posts wrongly depicting the meaning of war you fucking 12 year old, wish I could bang your daughter with a 10 inch long metald dildo but we all know you can't even make sperm yet
Ok what ever you say but your only putting your own insecurities onto me... No pic related because you're a waste of space
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Tree hugging hippie faggot gets butt-huhrhht.
> Crawl back to the shit-hole
> you came from and die.

i'm 27 years old.

Anyway you know what i am trying to say. and its the truth!
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mildy adequate .jpg
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Check em and damn son
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What does that have to do with my argument? You can't bring something in digital form? because I've been posting from my computer without moving an inch

poor deer. i love deers, i saved a baby dear ones. he has a wound in its neck. he survived and returned to the forest where i found him. i still see him around from time to time.
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I could see that, if they had killed something with their bare hands or a knife or some shit. But if you're killing things from a distance with a rifle, the whole smear blood on your face ritual thing seems kinda tryhard, it's not like pointing a gun and pulling a trigger is some kind of big accomplishment.
I didn't say it was a good thing as a whole. Just a good experience.
>ad hominem attack to make up for lack of argument
Look, it's not your fault you're so awkward with women. If your mother had shown you some real parenting, instead of cottling you from tit to training wheels, you may have acclimated better socially.

However, this is clearly not the case. This site may not be a good fit for you, anon.

Here's something a little more your pace
K. Your opinion has been noted. Here's your (You), we all know you'r after
>because I've been posting from my computer without moving an inch
How am I not surprised. I doubt you've moved an inch in the last week.
Your replies are weaker then your grandma's legs
Hey now, they're only this weak because of osteoarthritis. Bet she's still better on her knees than your first blo--- that's right.
What the fuck
>more petty ad hominem
You're embarrassing yourself
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You're saying my waifu is shit!? WANNA FIGHT AAH?
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>hasnt moved an inch in the last week
>saying someone else is embarrassing themselves

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I moved 10 inches in your mom
lets star again, anon allow these niggers to express my feelings.
Cool, what's it like fucking a bucket of ashes?
I shot a cat the other day. Did it with an ak.

You mad op?
ssshhh u might get d0x anon, be careful pleeeeaaaasee
fucking hell, right?
Pretty weird once precum starts leaking out
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>muh feelins
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She cute
Oh, I'm not the guy posting the anime profile pictures. I just find your use of baseless ad hominem attacks pathetic.
Ironically, these people do more for conservation than keyboard warriors.
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>I just find your use of baseless ad hominem attacks pathetic.
"implying" anyone values your opinion
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Not as edgy as >>698675605
It's not ironic, it's how the system is designed. Want to hunt? Fund conservation efforts to ensure healthy environment and plentiful stock for future hunts.

too many butthurt 14 yos in here
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Not him but just because you don't doesn't mean everyone else doesn't, isn't it a symptom of autism to see the world from your point of view only? This is why you're taught in school to consider things from other's points of view
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Im sure op worded it wrong
> Anger got you bud?
all those words and ya aint sayin nothin
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I did though? Isn't writing a form to convey information or are you just pretending to be retarded?
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