Feels thread? Feels thread.
this is all you need anon.
Fuck, im going to have a rough night
Damn this one got me
I had a lucid dream today. I dreamt I raped a girl. A young one at that. But not before I killed her family. After I raped her I tried killing her little brother but then changed my mind. I gave him some sort of recording of the rape and told him to take it to the police, fully knowing that they would arrest me.
Then I dreamt of being taken away by the police, actually feeling the shame of getting taken to prison, knowing what it was doing to my family and friends.
But there was no remorse. I felt good raping her in my dreams. I felt like I deserved to go to prison and that it was only natural.
I felt everything as if I was there and I feel this uneasy pleasure when I happen to think of the dream.
I've felt dead inside this whole day.
sure, I'm feeling more depressed than usual tonight, so I'll dump some
wow. this one got me actually right now...
I think about this, like, all the time.
Fake and gay. Take this autism back to Fumblr.
bless this man
i really like this one. thank you, anon.
Teddy Roosevelt's diary on the day his mother AND wife died. The same day, and it was Valentines Day.
No problem friend.
That's kinda sick anon
this makes me rage what a stupid cunt...girl i mean
I know.
them feels ...
i didnt knew that before i was postin it ty anon
quality read
This sometimes..Everymorning wishing a chick would just stay with me...
Got 2 but they're worthless pussy to me honestly.
I try to care, but it's hard.
Thanks anon, made me feels
Worth the read
This thread is doing me good.after today
>Comes home from camping trip
>Mother calls
>Finds out my childhood dog is gone after a lot of pain
>Apathy and emptiness ensues
i share love with you anons, feelsbadman, need affection, just a cuddle, just to fall asleep with smile.
i hope best of luck for you all.
this thread gives me ultimate feels.
i'm crying... but it feels good to let it all out...
thank you, anons.
has anyone tracked down the OP yet and found out if its real? something seriously needs to be done about the shit that raped her at the end.
what does that 0/16/2 stands for?
Confused...were they gonna have kids?...what
why did this hit me?
Ive got a little story if anyone's interested?
>Be me, around 10 or so years old
>Living with my Dad after my parents had split up four years prior
>My dad has a small teddy bear in the corner of the room, it sat upon a small wooden wicker chair type thing
>Constantly keep asking my Dad why he has it and the usual shit
>"It doesnt matter anon"
Keep in mind that my Mum was a straight up Chav, who never wanted children and would constantly insult and attack my Dad, until she cheated on him.
>I keep asking, over and over and over - purely out of boredom
>"It doesn't matter, now stop asking me because you're starting to piss me off"
>this is one of the first times id heard him properly swear at me, which is why I knew it was a big deal
Fast forward about 3-4 years, I completely forgot I ever asked - and my Dad is a bit drunk after watching football/soccer.
>Out of nowhere he starts telling me about the teddy bear
>"Before you were born my Dad, your grandfather, gave me and your mum that teddy bear. Your mum was pregnant, you should have seen how exited he was to hear about it, even though she was still quite early pregnancy wise - he gifted us some other bits and bobs too, but I liked the teddy bear the most."
I awkwardly sit and wait for his reply, my parents never got married as my Dad left his wife to be with my Mum, he still had to pay Child support to my half sister at the time.
>I wait.
>"Your mum wasn't happy that I had to pay so much money to the CSA (Child support agency). She thought I was an idiot, and as you can imagine she wasn't to happy with me."
>"She got drunk, very drunk. in her moment of frustration she decided to have the child aborted without telling me or anyone. Thats when you came along Anon."
>I didn't say a word, i shit you not, he just sat there and let a solitary dear well up in his eye
>He laughed, and slowly walked up the stairs.
>"I'm proud of you anon, always have been"
>mfw pic related
Im proud of him still
>tfw you realize your generation really is a pussy generation and its a very sad time in history indeed
cheer up children, you ll likely grow up to 19 and forget all about that girl you didnt get to fuck in high school bc you have acne
Hey guys, old candy ass here
Used to have depression, something that worked for me was thinking about myself as an animal. Of course an animal will be sad when it doesn't have enough to eat, of course it will be sad if it doesn't sleep enough, of course it will be sad if it is couped up.
Go outside. Exercise. Go to sleep early. Avoid contemplating life, everything is shallow anyways.
Hope it helps
Another anon here; having strange dreams is not sick. Actually, dreams are designed to be always fucking weird. This time you happened to have the sexual-type of weird dream.
My father killed himself and when people do that they get dissected , I went twice to the morgue and then there was a christian like ceremony. I basically watched his corpse rot. First visit a few veins had popped on his face he was oddly red , next visit his ears were turning black and his mouth just wasn't the same. I suggest you all try once in your life to be alone in a room with a corpse it's very interesting. I'm kind of proud of him that he didn't pussy out and managed first try and then again i want to piss on his grave for going before me.
Wobbly Headed Bob is by the same creator of Invader Zim but its a hell of a good comic I relate to
entertaining thread tbh fam
1. Think of a gal/guy you like
2. look at their Facebook
3. read all of the things they have accomplished
4. Look at their photos where they are happy
5. They are full of people, but you are in none of them.
6. Look at all the people in the photos, their achievements, their looks, their confidence or charisma. Things you do not have
7. Remember you have never been a part of this person's life, and you will never be because you have nothing they will like
8. Sideways for attention, down for results
well its gonna be extremely hard since we can assume that this happened 20-30 years before...my guess would be somewhere in eighties...
oh my fucking god
>i haz a sad so let me post on chinese cartoonboard to get sympathy
jesus fucking christ people
>>Cause they're fine quality plates.
My sides.
meh its all pretty boring run of the mill stuff
who gives a shit really?
if that person didnt want to fuck you, some else will.
nah he said it was in the N64 era which was mid 90's. Also, the relationship lasted a few years so most likely near the turn of the century. I know its unlikely and probably a complete waste of time. But ive lost sleep over this post.
yeah but still its almost like 20 years ago...i know what you mean man very devastating story...
Any continuation on this? And checked.
The only reason I won't kill myself is my mom.
Me too.
I'm just too much of a coward
Damn fine plates, I bought myself a dinosaur plate with a cup and a bowl, they're my favorite dishes and I don't give a shit because they're cute.
No, they're just really great plates
Not quite sure, if there is I don't have it. Sorry.
>Sometimes I wish that somehow I could talk to someone
>All the friends that stick around are ones that I made over the internet
>Irl, I'm not even that socially awkward
>I never seem to hold a conversation because either the other person isn't interested in what I have to say
>I'm always trying to change
>I wish I didn't have this monotone voice
>I wish I could change, and be able to have a full head of hair, and a sparkling voice
>but I guess I'm just too boring to be someone
Same, once my Mum has gone, then that's my time.
Everything in this thread is more faggot worthy than traps, furs, and YLYL banana man combined. Get over it. Change your lives. Take some god damn initiative.
> feeding this hard in a lightweight version of Dota
hair and voice have nothing to do, I'm in the same situation and have hairs, and a good voice, I'm even used to speak to people or in public, being a teacher but I'm just fucking boring I guess
I grew up in hickville USA and was told mental illness is bullshit. What the heckity heck is a depression
I'm similar, in the sense that I'm not socially awkward but after watching any kind of movie I try to act like that character. I soon realise that its impossible because I'm a loser. I even shaved my hair off so i could act Like Tyler Durden from fight club - pathetic I know.
That's the thing Anon, you are someone. You are YOU. Funny thing about being yourself, there's only one of you. 7 billion people on this green Earth, and only one of you. You are like a great work of art, original and unique. The only difference is that you can't be forged, recreated, or stolen. You have a thousand pathways in front of you, and YOU decide which one you take. So go out there, look at the countless paths available to you, and start walking. Start enjoying your existence. Start living.
Thanks for the thread anons
"you're fucking gay, just be a bird and fly away if the oil is bothering you"
Stolen all my social skill from tv and movies after I was 18 already, learned I wasn't normal and desperately want to be
Just... Wow i'm speechless so beautiful
This ones a doozy good luck anon.
I recently started talking to my ex again
I'm riding a rollercoaster of feels
I have no idea why but i laughed really hard
Yeah, the worst part is that if you've ever watched Fight Club you'll know about the narrator, and by doing what I was doing I was closer to him than the cool guy Tyler.
> A couple of years ago I made a new friend
> A girl
> It's not THAT kind of story
> We are not into eachother, never were
> She likes men more manly (military)
> I like girls petite and perky
> Anyway, we use to spends hours talking
> About life, ideas, people, friendship, stc.
> It was great to finally meet someone willing to listen all my ideas, to understand me even if she didn't agree
> She got a bf, a great guy
> They both are very nice, and we hang out the 3 of us regullary
> But now I realize that my friend is not into talking about life anymore
> She doesn't get me as she used to
> She still listen to me, but we don't conect as much as before
> I come to realize that... she is happy now
> And I am not
But what's the point in doing anything when all your memories, relationships and achiements will disappears right when you die?
Sure, some will remember you for a while. But they will move on with their lives and leave you in the back of their minds. So why even bother?
Might as well just go out with a "bang", if you catch my drift.
If my life flashes before my eyes it'll just be me sitting here looking at screen capped feels stories, so its not that bad I guess
Damn son...
Why anon?
The trick is to live life in a way that at your funeral, no matte how many people show up, whether it be 10 or 100, everyone who is there will miss you for the rest of your life. How does one do this? Well, all you have to do is show kindness to everyone you meet. It doesn't have to be something big, it can be something like buying a homeless person a hot meal. It might be all they get that day. Something like giving a lost tourist directions to someplace like his hotel. They might be late for an important event. Sooner or later, all the kindness you are pouring out into the lives of others will begin to give you joy. It will spread to every aspect of your life. The people around you will notice how you smile more than you used to, how you are more active than you were, and how you act kind to them. You can change a million lives, just by showing a little kindness. Sure, someday you will die, and your "memories" will fade, but those who you helped throughout your life will never forget you. As I am typing this, the only thing that brings me joy anymore is helping others. I don't want anyone feeling like I have in the past.
It wasn't a dream. It was a look into your future.
I had a dream last night where a guy I really liked in high school was nice to me and it made me happier than I've been in a while
gay ? why, an hetero doesn't have feeling he has to be some american action movie star or something....
Dude I thought like you 10 years ago, then I lived , passed by some shits, hard shits and I'm still here, standing and working even with all these feels, even with the depression, even alone and isolated. I'm thinking about disappearing, about suicide everyday I have all these feels, but I'm a man and I'm still here so no, it's not gay.
Live more
I dont know how to feel. Im just empty. Had sex with girl of my dreams felt nothing. Dont know what to do anymore..
This is me.
I have a fucking motorbike out back with dust and spider webs on it. Dust and fucking spider webs. I've not been on it since before Christmas.
when you are a teenager the life suck and your teory is for nerds Rejected
I have tried this. Wasn't with my dad though. Or anyone I know for that matter.
I was doing something else in there, ehm. I was working
Being happy during your teenage years is very easy to achieve.
Step 1. Surround yourself with people who give a shit about you and your opinions. If you wouldn't tell someone about personal things, get rid of them.
Step 2. Never let schoolwork overtake you. Having trouble understanding the work? Get a tutor. Being crushed by the work load? Tell one of your close friends that you kept from earlier, they will be more than willing to help you through it.
Step 3. Live your life. Don't just skate through your days thinking about how in 10 years you'll have a job and a house. Save that stuff for college. Enjoy yourself. Do things with friends on the weekends, go to movies, the beach, anything. Close friends are the only reason I am still alive today.
I've had one lucid dream in my whole life. In that dream I went to each one of my 2 siblings and parents bed room. Covering their mouths and slowly slitting their throats with a kitchen knife, smiling and staring into their eyes as they did it. I felt everything. From their breath bursting from their nose into my hand, to the warm blood that rushed down their necks onto my arm. For some reason I saved my father for last and didn't slit his throat, but stabbed him very slowly into his heart. Even smelled his last breath pierce my nose. I woke up screaming, drenched in sweat. I had to check my family members in the middle of the night to make sure it really was just a dream. Never had a dream like that since
My dad died of cancer in our house a few years ago. I was at his side, alone, when it happened.
After sitting there for fuck knows how long, when my brain caught up with the fact that he was dead, I did the typical movie thing and closed his eyes.
What doesn't close, is the fucking mouth. I pushed his chin to close it, and it just dropped right open again.
You never see that shit in the movies.
I am utterly alone.
My best friend has no time for me anymore, I just sit at home and day drink and wish I was fucking dead.
Nobody really likes me, I don't even like me. I am just enormous waste of space.
The only thing that keeps me living is my cat. Something that needs me.
I think about killing myself daily, but I can't when something needs me.
I lost 40lbs in five months, and I'm afraid to let myself eat things I like again and getting fat.
I hate myself on the inside and on the outside. How do even start to love yourselves anons?
what if my future self is dead?
you suck. what do you think you are?
This is how you begin to love yourself again. Look in the mirror. That person staring back at you is one of a kind. That person staring back at you can't be replaced. A job that person had might be taken by someone else, but that person can't be replaced. The person staring back at you is the culmination of years of experiences. They know countless things that others don't. They might be small things, like how to make the perfect slice of toast, or how long it takes to walk from your house to the post office, but they are still things that no one else knows. That person is you. If your "best friend" has no time for you anymore, than, no matter how hard it is, you need a new best friend. Whether it is the secretary at your office, or the mailman that comes every morning at the crack of dawn, all you need is someone.
Rip sweet prince
I'm just a man who doesn't want anyone to hurt the way I have in the past. I've realized that my purpose in life is to help others get over the same things I dealt with, because I made it through those things. You sound like you have some troubles. Would you care to share them with me?
Yeah my fave movie when I was younger. 27 now. I relate to Norton bc my mind plays tricks on me, Tyler was so cool though
>>6985i have problems wiht my fucking family. me and my friends only want to do bad thinks smoke steal fight
My advice? Purge your life of all of those friends. They will do nothing but drag you down with them. As for your family, could you be a little more specific?
Fuck this thread. I'm crying so hard and it doesn't help my girl might leave me
I owe stupid amount of debt, just got fired, can't pay rent so getting evicted and non of my family wants to take me in, well atleast I'm near a bridge to jump off
In all my time alive, I've only had one girl that I've legitimately crushed on. I see her several times a week at work.
I've already decided I won't have kids, so a long term relationship most likely won't work but if she would just approach me, I would maybe not die as someone who never felt the touch of another human.
If it doesn't happen soon, I will continue with my plan of moving to Alaska and never socializing again
Cried a lot too anon. We'll be ok though. Promise. Just stay strong and know that things CAN change. It just hard and requires work and sometimes some luck. The happiness part. Sorry about your girl.
"I'm just a poor man trying to make a living. I'd leave Morthal if it were in my power."
Gets me everytime I play Skyrim. The poor guy lost his family and only has an iron axe, is capped at level 5, but also cannot die. His life is suffering. At least he had a family I guess
He's a pro player for league of legends and it means he has 0 kills 16 deaths 3 assisted kills.
which in the gaming community it's really bad and he looks like he's about to cry.
Even though I've been studying Japanese for a long time, I'm starting to question if I should continue trying since I'm so old compared to the other students (I'm about to finish Uni) who are studying Japanese and are doing the very things I did such as volunteer work with Japanese students (and interning for a Japanese company). I'm seeing less and less use for it outside of a hopeful future of living and working in Japan.
They started the program this year without anyone even telling me.
Thread is kill much like me soon
Would you be willing to share why?
I saw that thread on the day it was up, I was like " lolis? What is he on about but the text was too much and i was like meh " read it now. Damn son, didn't feel bad for the girl or jake but felt super bad about OP. Fucking hell man, these days I'm not as sad as I used to be in the last years. I'm kind of whatever now and this post would have made me cry for hours if read in my sad years. I promised I wouldn't cry but i must admit I shed a tear of shock about OP.
i remember when the feels of /b/ were real feels not this whiny shit but like life everything turns to shit in the end anyway so i guess i will join in.
there is something very wrong with me when was growing up i got bullied all the time not that it matters now it never affected who i am just back story. even with all the shit i had a few (less then 3) friends only one that i would hang out with all the time and it was great happness is easy if you have one person but every changes.
when i was a teenager i have a small group of 5 friends and 3 of us would hang out every day from the morning when we woke up to the am's when we crashed at my friends house, we didnt have plans or spend all our time on facebook we just got up and went out and got lost and when we decide to go back we had to find our way back, many times we would be out untill the next day and i can honestly say that was the best time of my life.
but to the main point
i am 25 still young i guess, i constantly change my main about what i want to do because i dont want to do anything i just want be free but that is impossible in this world. 2 years ago my mother died of cancer it was a long process with gradual deteriation until the end when it was sudden and quick. from the first time she told me to present i have never felt sad or grief i have never really cried over her death i ahve just been a calm and numb person
even when i got the call from my step-father that my mother had just died and went to go i remember my GF being in bits and a wreck and me just fine like it any old day, the same thing happened when my grandmother died of cancer (runs in the family woo go my future) the following christmass (not the one just gone, the one b4 that) nothing, THE ONLY TIME i remember feeling anything was months ago when i had to put my dog down i dont know why. i dont even get happy or sad im just in constant purgatory as it were. this annoys the shit out of me i just want to be happy or sad or anything
What a crock.
Nothing really wrong with this, anon. Why do you feel bad? Most people would easily do worse, if there was no way of getting caught. They are just too gay to admit it. You should have killed the little fag though.
I don't think you understand what Bukowski meant when he said "don't try" anon.
Depressed, kick out of college, parents pretty much disowned me after that, been living out of my car occasionally seeing a friend to shower, while working as a landscaper, sick of struggling, never really wanted to live just never had a reason to kills myself but think I've just about had it, probably gonna go to a bar and then sleep on train tracks
Wait... You got aborted, and lived?
Holy fucking shit dude...
Oh that hit a soft spot, my friend.
i dont care that no one will probably read this im bored at home alone,
i live with my gf of 5 years and i dont love miss or anythign i just like to keep myself preocupied . i tryning not to ound like a cunt here am talented in pretty much anything i try, the problem is i get really into something for a short period of time and drop it like it was never a thing. i dont know what to do with my life the best feeling i can ever remember apart from when i was happy as a teen was one day at my friends house i was woken up in the morning by a very loud a believe military aeroplane flying over the sound was so loud almost deafening to my newly awakened self the only thing i thought at that moment was and this is dumb but i honestly thought that there had been an attack and a nuke/bomb had just gone off and i was about to die and i was happy, this is pointless everything is my life is just a shell of normal persons life going through he motions until i can find something that can make me feel something again, i hate the fact that i dont even care that my mother had a slow and horrible death and this frustrates me by all aspects she was a perfect mother i just dont understand why i cannot be the person she thought i was or that i think i should be i just want to feel somethin. im not even sad writing this the fact is i just like reading personal stories and finaly decided to share a little out of mine,
i know its stupid and i write like a retard (dyslexic) but who gives a fuck
i dont know what to do
I don't know what to do
i do not know what to do.
I'll give you a reason to live. Spite. Parents don't think you'll amount to anything? Become a great success to spite them. Prove them wrong. Tell your friend how you feel. If he is letting you use his bathroom, he cares at least a little. There is always someone who cares about you Anon, you just have to sort through the assholes to find them.
Help, pls>>698593911
Where you from?
Japanese people treat Foreigners like Americans treat illegal Mexicans, honestly don't drop the language cause there's plenty of good company's that could use a jap to English translator but get out of the bubble that you can live your Fantasty in Japan, unless you get an offer for someone to fly you out to Japan for work set more realistic goals m8
So I should stop studying for the JLPT altogether? All in all, this year hasn't exactly been very friendly on my Japanese learning.
Most of these threads are filled with Underage fags and basement dwellers, sometimes a cool story pops up that makes everyone cry but otherwise these threads sucks. Although I used to be a part of the first group of mentioned I no longer need these threads to express my frustration with my life.
That fact that you show doubt in your own career choice is likely due to the fact that your not meant for it and are only doing its a dream of yours, trust me I've been there before tried making my own music, played guitar for 2 years but was never any good cause I have hands smaller than 95% of the population. Unfortunately most dreams aren't reality.
But I have to ask how much time/semesters have you invested.
poem on wall of orderly room HHC 2/ 27 inf.
Cu Chi Viet Nam
time of war God and the Soldier all men adore
but when war is over, and the wrong is righted
God is forgotten and the Soldier slighted
by Anonymous
The copypasta is believed to have originated on the military and weapons enthusiast image board Operator Chan sometime in 2010. The earliest archived posting was submitted on November 11th, 2010 to 4chan’s /jp/[4] (Otaku Culture) board, in which the poster claimed to have seen the message previously on Operator Chan.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Wow, the faggotry
Glad you except life sucks and there is no need to complain about it cause doing so has no impact on life, and neither does crying or feeling. I only come to these threads because it's nice to see that I'm not the only person with problems in the world.
Since 2011. This school's Japanese program is inferior to my old Uni's program (even though it was online since I wasn't IN Japan, but a foreign country nonetheless), and I've had to mostly teach myself while doing courses here since 2013. But, it was in 2011, that I decided to start taking Japanese seriously despite not living in Japan at the time. I've already done all of the available Japanese languages courses at this school.
But believe me, there is nothing I want more than to live and work in Japan. That's why I've been networking, interning, doing volunteer work, etc all for Japanese companies and programs. So far, I've got little to show for it other than extra lines on a resume and an JLPT N4 certificate.
I keep watching.
I'd say try to get invested with a Japanese company branch in your region as a translator and continue that as your major, though I don't know if there is that many Japanese company's in your country but in America that would be your best bet or taking English course and try to become an English teacher in Japan, but like I said before the people in Japan see non Japanese as inferior, why have a white male teach English when they can have a Japanese citizen who majored in English in Japanese college. These are simple facts you'll have to live with if you truly want to live in Japan
>She got drunk, very drunk. in her moment of frustration she decided to have the child aborted without telling me or anyone. Thats when you came along Anon
Did she give birth then and there? That's to late for an abortion.
>tfw you've been on this website for so long that you've become an elitist with standards so high that nothing makes you happy anymore.
>tfw you're still trying to find a reason to live even though you clearly don't enjoy anything.
>tfw your retarded standards will keep you from having fulfilling relationships with other people.
>tfw your ex will always be happier than you
>tfw your peers will always be more successful.
>tfw you will never find happiness because you think everything is stupid or not worth your time.
>tfw you're a loser who doesn't know how to be a winner
>mfw i think you're a winner who doesn't know how to win yet.
>mfw i know you're not gonna do shit to change your circumstances because you've grown comfortable with being shat on by life.
I just want to die tonight. I know most of you won't understand, but it sucks just the same. 40 years old, married, 2 kids in high school. Hate my wife and my life. The kids are cool most of the time and are tolerable. Had a 23 year old chick on the side, but she has left me. She really made it all tolerable. I'm just waiting to die of old age. Same old ass routine, work, home, work, home. All my hopes and dreams were crushed the second I met this bitch. If I had only known.
I'm aware of all that, and do intend to at least start off teaching English before moving on to something else. I'm just having more doubts as of late, because of my age and the fact that I've already been rejected by the JET Program once already, earlier this year. Meanwhile, some young Joe Schmo gets it no problem, and he can't speak a lick of Japanese.
Also, I'm not white, but a non-white friend of mine was picked up and is living/working there right now.
How do you let it out? It's trapped in my throat and it hurts. My heart aches for an understanding.
Fuck me, this hits hard.
Yes this! How? I have not cried in so long.
Nice trips, btw!
Good luck friend and I swear everyone who goes on this website is cursed of bad luck, just keep on networking and try to accomplish your goal
It's like 4chan has become sentient and is talking directly to me in this post...
I'll try, but I'm not sure if I should or just go in a different direction. It's like, I don't want to stop, even though 'reality' is constantly telling me to.
The truth is when your depressed you become a lot more de sensitized to all emotions including sadness, I've had been to five funerals in the past 3 years didn't feel a bit of sadness at any the only time I've cried in the past 5 years was when I came home to my house to find my cat dead in my backyard. Truth is if you don't care you likely won't be bothered to cry.
Who cares about any of that shit when there's Krispy Kreme donuts? Those are way more interesting.
this hit me harder then i was prepared for...
It's so true it hurts anon
i know that feel. i used to play guitar like a fucking madman. now i can't be assed to flick the damn amp on.
That is absolutely hysterical.
Happy b day my /b/ros
Im just like max, broken, lost everything, can only feel pain and just wander from place to place trying to find peace
Been here since the Beginning. Back when this place was just heard about in whispers. Where there was no movement, just groups of people coming together to post horrible shit and laugh about it.
I'm dead inside. This place hasn't ruined me, the world has. I no longer care. The only thing that keeps me going is the fear of what comes when I'm gone.
I haven't felt for such a long time, except for brief blips. Threads like this that somehow harness what little soul I have left and force a tear or a laugh.
I don't feel love, I don't feel joy, I don't feel sadness. I have no conscience. There is only hate and anger that make themselves evident.
I keep waiting for a day that I wake up and everything is better. Everything is OK. I'm a whole person again. But it never happens. Day after Day I'm the same.
Everyday I think about ending it, but won't, Can't, I'm not done here yet.
If I can make it, running around, pretending to be a whole person. Like I still know what emotions really are. How many more are out there like me. Shallow Husks. Waiting to wake up and it all be better?
I keep trying to fight the good fight, but everyday another grain of sand in the hour glass falls. How many more are left until what's left of me is gone.
Thanks for listening /b/rothers. These are the few moments of being a person I get in a year. And this time I had to share it. I love you guys.
Isn't that Bruce Banner?
well hello me 2.0
Quality show, the unity episode ending gets me everytime
If you're not too drunk off your ass to drive, go get some Bacardi.
Don't if you can't.
Happy Birthday, man.
Pretty feelsy video
I fucking love you anon
Thank you.
You're killing me softly, anon. I have not been here that long, and I used to scoff at the though of reading one of these threads. Not any more. I never realized how dead I was inside, till I read that. Thanks anon!
You're all animals if you don't eat properly and exercise your body will attack your mind. That's why I've taken up swimming. You don't really need to talk to anyone if you don't want to and your body will improve; most importantly I feel better.
Happy birthday /b/ro!
Nah, it's obviously Kwai Chang Caine.
I know this isn't actually a happy birthday. It would be cold-hearted of me to tell you happy birthday. I gotta give you something more than that. I send you a happy life; in the loneliness resides the light of accomplishing the fears.
You got this.
Hey, guys...
It'll get better. "Good" days are out there. Just keep looking for them.. Savor them. It will sustain you. Just keep on going, man.
내게 이러지는 말아
so my girlfriend and I broke up 3 weeks ago.
right now I'm just sort of sad, but I want to be with someone. I really enjoy being in a relationship. Should I try an online meetup place? Or go to a bar in the next town over?
Died fapping. That's how I want to go!
oh boi
Fuck, where does anon live, that he needs to go to the next town to have a bar?
진심으로, 내가 무엇을해야합니까?
the bar that I have here is a piece of shit where nobody but old fogies go.
the next town over is a college town, so younger people like me would be around.
Tits or gtfo
Got cheated on 3 weeks ago. Best thing to do is connect with new people. Doesn't matter what medium, just do it. The sooner the better. Godspeed, anon.
that is how i am every day, i am okay but i am not happy. life is dull and repetitive.
I keep telling myself this, but it gets harder to see the 'light' everyday.
There's something about this one so perfect that it transcends an image into true art.
Don't worry about it friend
it will all be over soon
How about that farmers mingle site? Us city folk just don't get it. You know the one. You can find a chick that can shuck corn and bail hay like nobody's business!
Drowning is pretty and romantic. It's darkly beautiful. The mystery, the suspense, and the suffocation. Imagining my favorite activity being the last thing that I do. Seeing the beautiful dark colours and such. The colder the water the better, I have a condition where I can't regulate my temperature correctly so I overheat so easily.
Drowning is romantic.
I want some romance in my life ..
This is the last time, /b/ ...
Same. Ever see Pink Floyd, The Wall? Don't, you will kill yourself, but it helps to some degree knowing someone has felt that way before.
Fuck you! This got me bad.
I luv u guys.u guys are great
Godspeed anon! Find your peace.
iM' glad i'm not the only person who got confused by this. pls elaborate
cried like a faggot
Trips! When I go, I hope I can film it, and it ends up in a R3KT thread fr anons to enjoy! You all are the best!
>Be me
>3 years ago
>Get up 5am to go to work
>Kiss my wife and 2 daughters on their forehead while they sleep before I leave
>Get to work
>Joking and laughing with the lads like every other day
>9:30am mobile phone rings
>It's the police
>Tell me that my wife and kids have been in a car accident
>Get to the hospital
>Greated by a police officer and a nurse and a doctor
>Knew by their faces that it was bad
>Wife and youngest daughter died on impact
>Oldest daughter fighting for her life
>Had no time to even think about my wife and youngest daughter, went straight to my daughters side to hold her hand
>She fought for about 4 hours, but had nothing left in her to go further
>Lost my whole family within a blink of an eye, all because some drugged up dickhead decided to get behind the wheel
I basically just drink and hang out on 4chan and watch shitty videos on youtube innmy spare time now. I had a great life and now it is pathetic and shit. Don't know why I even continue. I'm not living anymore, just existing.
oh my fucking god why
who this
I just got told she doesn't love me anymore and I couldn't convince her.
Four years, gone. Everything I worked for, gone.
I will be alone again right back where I started.
Whenever I'm feeling down or depressed, I pull out this thing
I recommend you do the same, or similar
I'm fat and my boyfriend hates me for it. It's worse in the evening when I have time to think about it.
Thanks anon
If this had happened to me, I would've fucking killed the bastard. My life is shit as it is, so there's no point in keeping it clean. I would choke the fucker to death with his own tie and throw him in a lake. I wouldn't even care about jail.
Had the same thing happen to me. Don't make my mistake. Be sure to actually start over. Don't stay alone. Keep trying.
If he hates you for how you look, then leave him. You don't need to change to pander to him
Thanks anon. Luck to you too.
she sent me a message a few months ago and I just saw it last week, and replied to it
I know I shouldn't had to, but I really needed all these feels again
Actually watch this. The whole thing, and pay attention.
I really love him though, I was ready to ask him to marry me. And it would honestly be healthy for me to lose 20lbs.
And I don't care if I'm pandering for him. He's worth it. I just wish he found me attractive.
Thanks for your words, though.
i read it and actually nearly cried. really sad story, wow
what a fool
bump, guys
God damnit. This one broke me. I will never forget that. I can't. I remember trying to close her mouth and it wouldn't stay closed. All this shit kept leaking out of it.
I am sorry you had to see that, because I did too.
I'm sorry.
Bull shit
Absolute bull shit
We don't get to choose which stressors are held with us
Why would you do this to me...
I don't know if you have seen this video but it develops this subject pretty well
That's from an underpass in West End, Brisbane, Australia