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Waifu claiming thread previous b& Rules: >Claim your

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 193
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread

previous b&
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Mizore claim
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and 3,2,1
Ayy finally someone made a thread
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Saber claim rip thread edition
Newfag janitors
What happened to the last one?
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still here
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Rip edition
mod pruned it
5 image before image limit kek

i think we are up to like 30 bans in last 3 weeks now :^)
Yes, Romans invaded the land called britania where the saxons lived.
Britons were the civilized(more so than others) people that remained after the shrinking Roman empire abandoned the land to deal with raiders in its home country.
More like 2 bans.
Hello lewd senpai
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Yozora claimed

Why the fuck am I still awake?
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>Just gunna lurk
>Mobile posting is taking its toll
>Cheer for Ki
Kyouko alone got banned 6 times in not even a week.
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whats up faggots. today is shit. someone give me money and valuables to make me feel better.
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Why sleep shipmate
Its your turn for watch
>time to watch me
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Claiming wolfrun from Pretty Cure.
Husbando Ruka claimed
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Iowa claimed

Gonna lurk
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You realize how retarded that sounds right?

someone explain to me what these bans are all about? what is going on here?
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Its the easiet thing to evade these bans
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How about I call you a faggot instead?


Nothing much, yo.
How about you?
You really should just call these threads "Losers, neckbeards and virgins: The thread."
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Kirino [312].jpg
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Pretty much implied, anon.
>Gonna lurk
Then who's gonna pick my toplaner ;-;
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This is gonna get weird.jpg
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As long as im dominant
>ive been waiting to use this
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An wizzard.jpg
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you do realize that is literally EVERY thread on 4chan right? do you know where you are?
Life is good. Parents are gone for a week. Living only on mac and cheese and kool aid.
Gangplank, go.

>Don't let me down
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not tired?
sounds like a good name
nah its way way more than 2

just one mod is really against /waifu/ or somthing
so goes banning everyone
a cute still
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You have to talk to hiroshim00t to change the url name.
Yeah it is. But being banned 6 times in a week is a retarded number, and just screams fake.
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As normal.
Okay Gangplank into Iowa's Darius tomorrow

>Implying I'll fail
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as rattles
Post your waifu then anon. Or just keep being full of shit.
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Mods are jelly of our waifus.
No clue, really. Mods tend to be salty motherfuckers.

True shit.

Welcome to /b/


Sounds good.
What kind of kool-aid?

Not at all, yo.
I've got fucking work and shit though.
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Oh shit, Darius?

>Change of plans
>Either Jax or Fiora
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Flat is justice, good choice.
Too late

>Hang em from the yard arm
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grape and fruit punch
not sure which part your referring to
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Syndra [95].jpg
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How about whipped cream
>or my cream
>my yozo
No my friend

Nico, Mizore, Yozora, and the new poster that Yoko was talking to.

He left for the night. He apologizes for it.

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Fuck dude should have told me you were up against Darius

>I struggle against him as GP
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TheWonderfulNui (116).png
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What happened? Anonon still here?
>And just screams fake

No it doesn't.

Did you even see how many threads got pruned recently?

Shiro got banned, Sachi got banned, Kyouko got banned and Homura aswell.

Some know how to evade,others don't or can't.
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Claiming the best one of all, Palpa from Seisen Cerberus.

Palpa has all of the qualities that everyone wants.
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suprised to see this thread hasn't been raided by Megufags and Remfags.
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well if you are not tired its fine
flats fine i guess
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They tried. We do have about 3-4 Rem claimers.
I mean isn't megu out of season now?
There are some rem claimers
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Probuably switched already
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Good choices.


No thanks matey.
Too lewd for me.


I got banned, but it was over some other shit.

Thread got rekt, yo.

Yo, those fucking megufags are gangster man. Don't let them catch you talking about em like that. They'll fuck your shit.

Guess so.
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You won't find anything like that on 4chan.
Though people will have trouble finding anyone to claim that is as good as Palpa.
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Thank you, sir.
Do you struggle with Barrels?
Best girl
Playing RE remake as manmode Chris. Hard difficulty. Already finished Normal as Jill.
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Barrel play's fine, it's the part where he gets too close that messes me up.

>Battle plan
>Farm up until I have Trinity and Spirit Visage
Best girl out of that show
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No whipped cream but whips?
You are a kinky little shipmate
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I wish i could draw, so many lewd things i'd make.

So what is happening here today?
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No prob,yo.

I'm going the fuck to sleep.
Hope you guus have a good day, sweet dreams, all that shit.
Long live Caldari.
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I like Noire... but she's my least favorite goddess imho....
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the usual
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No one is going to claim Rem when there are far better choices such as Puck.
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I can't sleep.
No whips!
No whips!


Goodnight now.
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Goodnight shipmate
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what is a puck
I got a story for you, faggots
>Be me
>Be five minutes ago, or something like that. Hell if I know with time perception and what I've dranked.
>Be browsing TOR like a dumbass. Idk, bored, looking for random shit
>Come across strange link with unrecognizable characters. Not any real language far as I could tell
>Check proxy, check VPN, check router
>Everything checks out.
>Click link
>Everything's black
>Hear faint noise, dont know where its coming from
>Noise gets louder... oh, coming from my fucking headphones
>Pop earbud in
>same audio repeating itself, getting louder and louder
>Close the fuck out, get freaked and drink some more
>gfdi why did I close out?
>I could have done something..
>It was too late
>"If you don't reply to this message your mother will die in her sleep tonight"
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I don't mind Nep but I like dark hair color girl
Everyone's favorite character and waifu from Re:zero
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>Spirit Visage
Uhh Darius isn't magic damage first of all armor pen is better
What items do you start?
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i liked Ram better
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TheWonderfulNui (159).jpg
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I need to sleep now, see ya.
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not mine
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honestly the only character that keeps me motivated to watch re;zero...
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Corrupting Potion

>Habit of mine to go Damage item, Defensive, Damage, so forth
>Thinking of wrong item - I meant Dead Man's Plate
Fuck yeah, Feferi Peixes.
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Good morning guys, what did I miss?
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If you ever have to go a defensive item get Steraks
Doran Ring and two pots is a better start than corrupting potion it's passive give you mana for last hitting and it increases the damage of your ulti and W heal.
My typical build is TF>GB>Ionian boots>LW>IE>Duskblade

Good night waifu
Iowa see you on the fields of justice tomorrow if you're still awake
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2016-07-11 05.15.44.png
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The real yuno
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I claimed Ginsei from the anime Kobato before you could.
Nice Feet
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Pure Grade-A Autism.jpg
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nothing really
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I keep on forgetting to watch future diaries...
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Yea queen is fucking mental, haha
Uhhh, I mean did I miss him?
I'm tsun yun I don't think I'm the real deal
That's a lot of text
Great then the fun begins now

How are all of you?
>Gamindustri best cosplay girl

It has been already claimed so I'll just wait for the next thread.
In the meantime, what are you up to guys?
you are discount Tsundere~chan
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I build GP more as a bruiser/off-tank than full AD - I feel he's more reliable that way

Trinity Force, Infinity Edge, Last Whisper

Dead Man's Plate, Spirit Visage

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

>Luxury/Situational items
Stattik Shiv, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Sterak's Gage, Frozen Heart
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really now? and im ok i guess
You missed the Big Bang, and the subsequent expansion of the universe.
don't worry not missing out much unless your there for the yandere(yuno) the first half is good the end is dependent on the viewer
pizza/pasta/ whatever i called you once
>More reliable that way
Winrate don't lie full damage is the way to go

>Saber actually going to bed now
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flat waifu.jpg
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Someone say pizza?
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yes gimme some
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In all honesty your probably better than the other yuno
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I see. I never got into psychological horror anime. I'm your typical harem and action kinda guy
That's probably how you called me.
Most likely.
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You can't do damage when you're dead.
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Yea, that's me
Finally got some sleep?
Imo it's one of the best anime around, and that's not because yuno is my waifu
I just really enjoyed it
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Captain Phasma
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>>No oversexualised content
Somebody didn't get the memo...
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Hey thanks!
>Other yuno is edgy faggot
I guess it's not that hard to be better
You my friend need to learn the ways of kathian surprise
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i slept for about 6 hours. what did you do?
she did nothing the entire movie
Shank yourself with a spoon, you fucking angsty preteen.
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you are both edgelordtsunderes
Phasma is also in Episode 8.
that... was interesting... i guess
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Cluy0CBWQAYBREj.jpg large.jpg
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Anyone claim Tora yet?
Well that's a new one.
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ive heard but she probably should be dead. i also wonder how much trust the first order can put on her because she did lower the shield generator
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I think I slept for 7 I dunno
I really want to play some smash but my bed is just way too comfy
I mean I'm not denying it
All I'm saying is other yuno is worse than me
She died though, shes probably only there for flashbacks
Hey shizuru how are you?
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I agree
still discount Tsundere~chan
Disney wouldn't cast Gwendoline Christie and give her that much screen time only to have the heroes murder her in cold blood. And shiny stormtrooper sells toys.
I tend to come up with unique insults. Like "God damn fuckass bitch", "ass goblin", and "dongbreather"
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I'm fine. Just got a sudden urge to bully Sachi.
Then why are you bullying the tsunderes?
basically, i liked the first half ending left me kinda sour i like romances, and psychologicals but i don't mind some action every once in a while jojo, onepiece, etc.
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check em.jpg
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because i'm not cool
No bully!
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Those are insults a angsty preteen would make.
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1 MB, 744x2178
Check what, lady? I don't see anything.
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Says the one who said to me
>I'm going to cum on you
Hypocrite bully
me neither. :^(
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Syndra [212].jpg
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Closet heratic lolicon
Says the one posting porn here. You fucking toeheaded little shitbuiscuit sunuvapussysmashing fuckass bitch.
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The dubs in this post.
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I'm not a discount tsundre!
Disney don't care who they cast.
They put a helmet on her face the entire movie nobody knew it was her
Hehe, well deserved I think
Satanic trips confirm
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You were the one posting very lewd images
You were asking for it
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Sorry, lady. I still don't see anything.
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then dont move. a comfy bed sounds nice
yeah. kind of makes me wonder what they will do. im actually curious if any of the new characters will die in the 8th movie
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How about now?
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why do you want moka to cum on you?
you are
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That's a very nice picture, but there's still nothing.
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Why are spiders a thing?
you got a nice view thats what you saw
Too bad I have a dog who needs waking and now I'm already up
I'm not
Why are you bullying me
They eat mosquitoes be glad
Course it was. I still ain't seeing any dubs tho.
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mosquitoes can't get in the house unless you're a fool though.
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oh well im sorry then
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Because spudrs a cute
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1 MB, 945x1337
Are you sure?
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Noire (57).png
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Pre lunch checkem.
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But i'm not a heretic...
Don't be a meanie. Or do. Whatever.
What's up? Boats?
Yeah i agree.
I was not.
I didn't say that at all.
They offered. I didn't take them up on it.
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44 KB, 350x300
I'm... fairly certain

>I must say, you are exceptionally lewd
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because im not cool
pizza for lunch?
would you take them up on it if you could?
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Have you ever had a big one climb your foot when you're masturbating? i swear they only exist to ruin everything.
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115 KB, 371x808
Your doing it again
Im gonna bully ypu until you put clothes on
>or take more off
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Not my thing. No.
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Noire's (6).png
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Rice salad.
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155 KB, 811x1002
Being lewd is fun, also check em.
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Syndra [159].png
893 KB, 1024x1292
Pre pasta miss.
>Closet heretic
Nothing actually.
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No but listen
>No spiders
>Insane swarms of mosquitoes
That means you can't go outside without getting shit on by them
It's okay I love my dog
I'm sorry for you
I think you guys are cool
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Check what?
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maybe it will just sit in your bed with you
clean your house better
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170 KB, 337x394
These identical numbers
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Noire's (5).png
353 KB, 1300x776
Pretty shit as I may say.

>Not lewd enough
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I live with five people and three dogs and nobody will do anything for themselves.
underappreciated waifu
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831 KB, 1976x2860
>More off
>More on
Probably not.
You need to get a better handle of your libido, that's all.
Oh? Did you beat the boat sickness? Or just on hold?
>Waifu thread
I'm afraid you are mistaken.
File: Gasai_Yuno.jpg (80 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
80 KB, 1280x720
I mean sure I always love some company
>Three dogs
Your house must be heaven
Learn to get
File: Syndra [135].jpg (133 KB, 1024x1483) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [135].jpg
133 KB, 1024x1483
>Not lewd enough
It was enough.
Repairs, expeditions and quest resets take time.
File: 7658927184382316.jpg (77 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
77 KB, 1280x720
my dog always sleeps in my bed
File: miia.jpg (348 KB, 612x823) Image search: [Google]
348 KB, 612x823
new thread?
>Waifu thread
Of course I meant you are cool compared to all the other anons on the chan
Pretty much everyone on this thread
No one cars about the 3D world
He does? That's pretty cool but my dog is too big for that
If I want to breathe he can't sleep in my bed, you however can sleep with whenever you want
Nice get

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Thread images: 151

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