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celeb fap thread - summer fags are welcome

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 254
Thread images: 151
File: Vanessa Hudgens (3).jpg (202 KB, 1365x2048) Image search: [Google]
Vanessa Hudgens (3).jpg
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celeb fap thread - summer fags are welcome
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Bumping for my skybros
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now i want ice cream
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playing with myself rn

OP said celebrity.
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She's appeared in plenty of things to referred to as a celebrity.
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Jesus, no one post a picture of Sasha Gray.
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Vanessa Hudgens (2).jpg
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Your wet dreams don't count.
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3 MB, 2160x3248
it slipped, oops
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Alright bud.
Shit, here we go.
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Scarlett Johansson (73).gif
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who dis
Fuck Sky Ferraro shes no celebrity
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Scarlett Johansson (32).gif
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Jordyn Jones
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Well fuck you too
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Scarlett Johansson (45).gif
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Scarlett Johansson (38).gif
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Feel free to hate
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Scarlett Johansson (80).gif
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Look another loser junkie has a new photoshoot. Let the dicksucking begin
Gotta have faith
that nose has a butt on it
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Ready? 1....2....3!
never cared for this dirty whore, those green veins on her chest are gross.
What is this from?
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020 - OHKESEb.jpg
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Would b/ touch her boobies...? How perverted are you anons here?...
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And yet, i'd fuck the hell out of her.
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File: Dovesocks.jpg (66 KB, 736x721) Image search: [Google]
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Skybro is best bro
I'm watching J-Law's bj video.
Lea Michele's video for On My Way.
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003 - nZK9UT6.jpg
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H-Here you g-go s-sir...
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Who else posts Dove?
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That ass is amazing.
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A lot of people.
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039 - Dg12ZOV.jpg
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If only I c-could t-tell h-her h-how much she m-means t-to m-me I'm sure she w-would g-give me an equitable chance... I'm a-a b-bit of a l-lady's m-man sometimes... I-I'm s-sure I-I could charm her s-socks off...
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Maybe it's Dovebro.
Fucking Osha baby
File: 056 - 2z9rHbR.jpg (436 KB, 3600x2400) Image search: [Google]
056 - 2z9rHbR.jpg
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What would you do to her, anon?
File: sky1358.jpg (52 KB, 1024x684) Image search: [Google]
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Oh hello then, sorry I only know a few people in these celeb threads. I'm Not-a-name-yet Skybro. I don't know where the actual one is.
File: 042 - Z3ErlpV.jpg (562 KB, 2365x2997) Image search: [Google]
042 - Z3ErlpV.jpg
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Please t-t-tell m-me the t-truth b/... I-I g-got a shot at h-her... Don't I-I-I?...
File: leabike.png (503 KB, 597x438) Image search: [Google]
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Sup Shitbro. My fecal folder is too full and Im ready to dump
File: sky1567.jpg (60 KB, 619x619) Image search: [Google]
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How are you Shitbro?
File: Dovetongue.png (437 KB, 480x800) Image search: [Google]
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I do. :p
Well if an anon posts Dove with a filename like this one, it's probaly me.
File: 041 - iEJUdaL.jpg (547 KB, 2175x3045) Image search: [Google]
041 - iEJUdaL.jpg
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I-I w-would ask h-her if w-we could m-make babies...
Natalie Tena bro
Stop the stupid anime roleplay stuttering you fucking queer.
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3 MB, 295x375
I heard my name
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Got it!
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Aight Shitbro. Fecal love. Take us to 150- the dookies the limit XD
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005 - Tq32h8r.jpg
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C'mon anon, be more lewd than that.
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Sure, whatever you like Shitbro.
How are ya?
File: 060 - vZM99bV.jpg (586 KB, 3084x2056) Image search: [Google]
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She's s-so beautiful...
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3 MB, 400x378
What up?
She is. So what would you do to her then?
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I'm doing good, yourself?
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New tv show noone fucking asked for coming out: Twin Heaps. If you suck off the right people anything possible
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Not much, just here bothering kids.
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Oh yeah pretty ok.
Why does this guy have pics of shit on his computer. Smh
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I see that. Sky bugs some people I guess
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Who knows, Scat fetish probably?
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I-I w-would p-present h-her to the alpha b-bull l-lover on our w-wedding night anon... There h-he could t-take h-her first while I-I s-sit and watch in the c-corner, m-mouth agape...
>opened for Miley Cyrus, thats how big this shit is
Maybe its because by no conceivable definition is this person a celebrity
I just love how evolution has programmed kind to nut at the sight of an ass so that you never have a chance of impregnating.
File: 070 - CHBcX2T.jpg (554 KB, 2187x3281) Image search: [Google]
070 - CHBcX2T.jpg
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She l-likes t-to b-be stuffed b-by a r-real m-man only...

Back to /tv/
File: sky1253.jpg (69 KB, 359x540) Image search: [Google]
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I guess. god she looks hot
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Stay buttmad
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File: Natalie Portman (6).jpg (1 MB, 2100x3043) Image search: [Google]
Natalie Portman (6).jpg
1 MB, 2100x3043
What makes you say that? I'm sure she loves all cock.

Sup reddit, u mad?
Welp, maybe.
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I love JJ
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xenia seeberg (3).jpg
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Now why would I be mad?

JJ is great.

cuz, you will never fuck Jordyn
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Again, why would I be mad?
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He may have left, where's Skybro when you need him.
File: Jessica Alba (11).jpg (314 KB, 753x600) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (11).jpg
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Half-men w-with laughable l-length need n-not apply... She's a-a world cl-class b-beauty who i-is c-constantly b-barraged b-by m-many m-men... She d-desires only the f-finest and st-strongest...
such a qt

>She will never notice you
Cuckholding is degenerate though.
need outtakes
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258 KB, 1080x1080
I agree.

That's fine.
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2 MB, 250x230
this isnt a cringe thread
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File: Jessica Alba (22).jpg (141 KB, 400x600) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (22).jpg
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I-I w-wish she w-would b-be s-satisfied w-with m-my meagerness b-but she's b-been around a-a l-little t-too much and s-so knows exactly what she w-wants...
what the fuck is your problem


You love her, or only you feel something to her?
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mb colored2.jpg
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I just find her attractive man, I don't care what she does.
pls more
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That is what I meant.
File: Jessica Alba (19).jpg (163 KB, 400x600) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (19).jpg
163 KB, 400x600
I-I'm s-sorry g-good sir... Please f-forgive m-me...
do you have these individually?
File: sky0051.jpg (425 KB, 1280x1707) Image search: [Google]
425 KB, 1280x1707
You there Penultimateanon?
love how she teases all time with her tongue
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File: Jessica Alba (60).jpg (189 KB, 428x600) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (60).jpg
189 KB, 428x600
I-I-I offer every g-good s-sir h-here m-my m-mistress f-for an h-hour...

But, why posting her every time?

That makes no sense.
>Hypothetically speaking: you wish she be your girlfriend or something?
No, I arranged them like that before I colored them.
File: 1461395955435.webm (2 MB, 1100x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1100x1080
Right here. I'm not in full postan mode

Looks like she's on fucking ice bro
Nah man. I don't want her to be my girlfriend or anything. She's just good lookin.

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File: Jessica Alba (72).jpg (208 KB, 436x600) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (72).jpg
208 KB, 436x600
F-Feel f-free t-to use her anal entrance as w-well... She d-doesn't m-mind: only c-cucks are forbidden...
not willing to color them individually?
File: sky1308.jpg (82 KB, 640x640) Image search: [Google]
82 KB, 640x640
Oh, it's fine man
Nah just water, It does look like ice a bit I guess.

I'm very confuse.

Why not?
She seems nice
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File: Jessica Alba (85).jpg (155 KB, 366x600) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (85).jpg
155 KB, 366x600
Please d-don't ruin h-her... B-But if y-you do I'll understand...
It was just easier that way and I only have to post one picture instead the whole set.
Oh fuck off, just fuck off! Nobodies interested in your pathetic fetish!
whole set would be nice
File: Jordyn-Jones-in-Bikini-2016--01.jpg (500 KB, 1470x1960) Image search: [Google]
500 KB, 1470x1960
I'm good.
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852 KB, 1177x1438
File: Jessica Alba (70).jpg (225 KB, 531x600) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (70).jpg
225 KB, 531x600
V-V-Very s-sorry s-sir... Please... t-take m-my m-mistress for the n-night... I-I insist...
Then do it. It isn't hard, it just takes a while to cut her out.
i was just going to ask, why not just color th whole thing?


Meanwhile, you always replys with Jordyn's pics.
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Well, yeah. There's an anon who finds her attractive too, that's why I'm posting her.
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File: Jessica Alba (51).jpg (193 KB, 400x600) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (51).jpg
193 KB, 400x600
yeh me
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45 KB, 980x490

For what purpose?

so, that they also know her beauty or what?
File: Jessica Alba (86).jpg (110 KB, 325x600) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (86).jpg
110 KB, 325x600
She t-tells m-me only the strongest b-bulls c-can make h-her squeal when they b-bring d-down the h-hammer on h-her g-good...
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474 KB, 1280x1993
Sry I played a game
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mb 2.png
1 MB, 1792x1571
I would have to cut out each object and color it individually. That would take a long time. Also I don't give a shit about the dude or the rest of the room. I did a half-assed job on her to be honest.
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1 MB, 1000x1500
Don't worry about.
Just needed more Dove pics
File: aBVUmhV.jpg (161 KB, 1080x1349) Image search: [Google]
161 KB, 1080x1349
Oh ok. What pics you wanna see?
File: Jessica Alba (81).jpg (239 KB, 485x600) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (81).jpg
239 KB, 485x600
Please m-make h-her squeal l-like a-a p-piglet...
Hey Anon.

Sure man, why not.
File: sky1124.jpg (230 KB, 400x398) Image search: [Google]
230 KB, 400x398
Only the hottest Dovebro
File: newsom.jpg (209 KB, 1193x1200) Image search: [Google]
209 KB, 1193x1200
Joanna Newsom is popular in a Indie Music, Married to Andy Samberg kind of way.
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150 KB, 1080x1302
So this one.
Look Captain Stammers, why don't you take your fetish and fuck off! Go and start a new thread. This is /b/, there WILL be deviants that find this shit to their taste! I just want pictures of celebs without you fagging it up!

Christ on a bike!!! Is it too much to ask that celeb threads just have pics of celebs?!?!
mhh. love her. especially her ass is amazing
File: Jessica Alba (38).gif (535 KB, 170x170) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (38).gif
535 KB, 170x170
well shit... I made a bet a couple weeks back and you just cost me 20 dollars. I was certain you would have killed yourself by now. Honestly how do you go on? I can't even imagine how terrible your life must be if this is what you do with your time
File: sky0671.jpg (317 KB, 1280x855) Image search: [Google]
317 KB, 1280x855
Very nice ;)

But atleast you find her attractive, right?

So in the deep-background, let's say you like her.
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110 KB, 1080x913
Do you have a fetish, not-a-name-yet-anon?
File: Jessica Alba (16).gif (995 KB, 300x225) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (16).gif
995 KB, 300x225
Please a-accept m-my sincerest a-apologies and m-my m-mistress g-good s-sir... Lash h-her if she g-gets out of h-hand whilst y-ye t-take out your j-just reprobations on h-her...
I can't find much of her ass unfortunately.

Yes, I find her attractive but if we're talking about liking her emotionally then there's no way I could like her considering I've never met her and I don't know what she's like. She's simply an object to me.
File: sky0816.jpg (56 KB, 620x935) Image search: [Google]
56 KB, 620x935
Legs and thigh high socks ;)

Of course boobs and butts also
well look it up. she has an amazing ass
File: Jessica Alba (72).gif (588 KB, 500x270) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (72).gif
588 KB, 500x270
I-I know m-my m-mistress h-has vilified m-me w-with b-boot and stomp after she h-has had m-many a session w-with h-her alpha l-lover...
File: Dove-Cameron-Feet-1599993.jpg (922 KB, 2696x3600) Image search: [Google]
922 KB, 2696x3600
Noted. :p
File: NpA9VKL.jpg (169 KB, 1024x1024) Image search: [Google]
169 KB, 1024x1024
This good?

Bruh................... Thats really deepshit.

I know you are the same guy who post her in /tv/ every fuckin day, it's Psychotic.

Doing a profile of you. you leave me confused.
File: sky0684.jpg (916 KB, 1024x1533) Image search: [Google]
916 KB, 1024x1533
You have entirely too many saved turd pics. You should re-evaluate your life and be hero.
File: Jessica Alba (104).gif (793 KB, 250x216) Image search: [Google]
Jessica Alba (104).gif
793 KB, 250x216
oh yes

>I've never met her and I don't know what she's like

You have all her pics, all her webms.
At least with that, you have made a small profile of her.
File: Dove-Cameron-Feet-1646449.jpg (348 KB, 1280x1964) Image search: [Google]
348 KB, 1280x1964
I've never been to /tv/ in my life. I frequent /b/, /g/, /mu/ and /gif/. I only ever post on /b/ too.

I should go to /tv/ for more pics of her though, I'm getting sick of using Google.

I only had 3 pictures of her before tonight. I started Googling pictures of her for the other Anon.

File: sky0666.jpg (242 KB, 1280x855) Image search: [Google]
242 KB, 1280x855
nice ;)
Image Limit Dovebro

You are responding in the same way as the guy of /tv/
image limit..


This is for you
There are 7 billion people in the world and 3.4 billion of them have internet access, there's bound to be people who chat in a similar manner.

Indeed, someone needs to make a new thread.

That's a dead crossthread, anon.

"Post not found."
Well it was nice talking with you Penultimateanon
Thanks for the pics Dovebro, It was nice meeting you dude.

Well hopefully Skybro shows up tomorrow in the next thread.

not-a-name-yet-anon is gone to wank, Night everybody.

Sorry, janny didn't like BANJI
I don't understand...

The janny of /tv/ is a fuckin Cuck.
Night. Probably.
Who the hell is Janny? I'm so confused.
hnnggg hope there is a new thread


Janitors= Janny
Hopefully someone makes one. I can't be bothered.

Ohhh. What'd he do?

Deleting all the e-celebs threads in /tv/
but he only keep up the Cuck ones.
jj is just simply stunning
What a faggot.

I'd have to agree.

See, is you.

The madafacker Jordynfag
Buddy, I'm not the guy you're thinking of. I've never been to /tv/ and I only just started downloading JJ's pictures tonight...
but you would not do anything with her?

Sure buddy....... Sure

Nice shop. We all know she doesn't do nudes
Given the chance sure, who wouldn't? But that chance is nonexistent and that doesn't mean I like her or romanticize her. So again, she's nothing more than just an object.

There's literally no way for me to prove it to you. So I'm just going to give up on trying to persuade you otherwise. Have a good night, anon.

>Always replying, dont matter what the sentence is.

Is you Jordynfaggot

Good Night, dream with Jordyn.
this trolling has reached a new level of full retard
that's why dreams exist
Dreams are for fools.
kek, because even in your dreams the girls run away from you?

>Every human dream
>We are all losers
totally understandable than
Glad we have an understanding then.
really rare these days
Yeah man.
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