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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>697184007 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 209
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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chibi (3).png
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The vocalist's voice reminds me of Yui.
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CatKyouko (8).jpg
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Kyouko claimed.
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How do i get a name on mobile like you
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HomuMad (64).jpg
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Which one? The K-on grill or Yui Horie?
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Kyouko (27).jpg
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I don't use 4chan on mobile so no clue.

Gas mask maid.
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My lovely waifu.
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Homura (176).jpg
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QOTT: Your waifu wants to dye her hair and asks you for colour recommendations, what do you tell her?
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Something orginal
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Saber claim
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It doesn't have a name option and I'm using namesync
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Rikka Destroys Evolutionism.jpg
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I love her purple but if she really wanted to change it I would go for either light blue or pink
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Kyouko (3).png
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I tell her that only fags dye their hair.

Good taste.
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Top right. Click the NS and put a name in the name slot under persona.
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it's a damn filename.jpg
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Ah, I should've clarified that. I meant this Yui.
I really wouldn't want her to dye her hair, but if she really wanted too, a deep purple.
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That she's naturally beautiful
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Syndra [106].jpg
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That her hair is already perfect.

Or just suggest light purple.

God dammit.
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Vigil - 318.jpg
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Channel my master manipulation talents to convince her not to ruin that precious plum purple.
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I arrived.gif
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Your waifu is probably shit
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I want it painted black.
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>demoted in League

Fuck this game
What the shit
A different shade of blue, maybe black.

2k claim
My favorite girl of DAL. Good choice.
Nice tripcodes you elitist
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here's a present.png
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I would tell her a true Aryan would keep it blond.
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I'd urge her not to dye her raven hair but if she really wanted to I'd recommend Titian
Dark blue if we're only talking sjw primary colour dye since I think it's better then red, pink, green or shitty blonde dye

Stop queueing solo. Seriously
Copy cat.
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Stella's mine

How you doing?

Don't do it. But if you have to. Blond it
>Kurumi without black hair
I've never heard such heresy

I know, she's great
I'm on mobile
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mandatory smoking pic claim

waifu claiming threads started becoming a thing on /a/ around 2004-2005
but they never got big until 2007.
after a while the mods started banning people on /a/ for threads like this because well, they were like this,
their own set of rules and talking about general shit which doesn't maintain the point of /a/.

this particular circlejerk started around october (i have bad memory)
you should check with virgil for that though, as he knows a lot more about this than i do.
Wow noice tripcode kilm yourself
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Oh. No idea how it works on mobile. Sorry.
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In the last three games, I've had no jungler, an intentional feeder, and a crappy excuse for a botlane.

>Someone tell me why Nami would 1v1 Draven


Thank you...
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It started close/before to the time Fallout 4 came out.
Stop using a trip code on a forced anon board
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Hello cutie
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It looks fine as it is
Stella might be yours but your mine
Oh. Thank you for your time.

Install greasemonkey mobile edition whatever it's called
Install 4chanx
Install namesync
Install windows 2000

Alternatively get a real computer.
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Hey Yukko! How was your day?
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Fag stop using a tripcode
It trips post lewd
I'll tell you about it if you tell me about yours
Sekai claimed <3
Roll for stella lewds
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Nothing wrong with some good lewd
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burned trash.jpg
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sick fusion, bro
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actually hanako.png
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What do you mean?
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what tripcode, i see no tripcode.
(i get your being sarcastic)

it was before, i remember everyone being hype for it.

no problem
Wait why the fuck is this reversed like this
Global Rule 15
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chen 24hair.jpg
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no u
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Yes because I've stated several times I give a fuck about the rules, thanks Anon.
Tsukiko claimed
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Use a fucking trip code and we will take you seriously
>When you try to be like Mai so hard but you still fail to be funny
Mai off fuck
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Seen at least two people mentioned that.

I try to keep up to date with everything that goes on here. Pretty fun to do so. And who are you, if I may ask?
Fuck off mai
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Homura (54).jpg
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Gee I wonder who could it be behind this post.
Good day Chen.

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chibi (24).png
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How was your day wonderful?
>that's cc
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Why should I Anon?
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I wonder.


Good day, Sanae.

>Homura™ !SoonTMmHfo
Fuck off elitist
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Homura (154).jpg
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I want to dress my cat as Chen.
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i am cc, my flashdrive is broke so i'm stuck using smoking anime pics.
not much new goes on here so i guess its pretty easy.
we occasionally add to the lore but that's not often.
There's no lore you autist
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I'm waiting for an answer Anon.
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Sounds like you're deep in the trench. Take my advice and don't ever play ranked solo. People are idiots
You should ask Chen for advice. He's diamond
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chen 97.jpg
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I guess that would be cute.
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That's the very picture that started it all...
>Homuroll of good omen!
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/waifu/ just isn't what it used to be
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Rem claimed
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>Tfw silver surfer
>MMR is so high you earn 27 LP a match
I think just sit on my MMR and try again next season and not fuck up my placements
Now I've just had two afks. In two games. Both times.

>What did I do to deserve this
Fuck off mai
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>When you're Mi Liu and you didn't say fuck off Mai or called someone an elitist in 10 seconds
You fucking orange bitch
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It's going good, was just lurking then I had to reply. Playing Dead Space at the moment, that's why I'm lurking. Yours?
How things holding up?
I try to remember each waifu here. We've getting a few new ones in the night shift. Other than that I maintain my info in a systematic fashion.
Laura Vanderbooben
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That's exactly what I'm doing you sad little cuck boy
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LOve me like you do lo-lo-love me like you do

Touch me like you do

>fuck this song
>it's been stuck in my head all day
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chibi (23).png
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Nothing notable, heading out to my grandma's in a couple of hours.
Here a good amv for u guys
>when you're mai and you just took off you're trip code to shitpost
Fucking elitist amiright?
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I was diamond. I've quit League because it became dull.


Everything is going just fine, how about you, Sanae? I haven't seen you in a while.
Now that the most notable shitposter doesn't exist Mi Liu can finally rise to thread relevance.
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Volk! I have failed yet again...
>homuroll of declining faith
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we all trades our souls so we may obtain a reserved place in hell as cats (best deal we could get).
i got the dark lord lap and his throne in his absence.

tenryuu is the führer.
and theres some more but im too lazy to type it all.

it seems summer has brought a fuck ton of new people.
maybe they will leave with the heat, maybe not.

also, do you know the whole lore, as there is some stuff im in the dark on
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I'm silver myself
I haven't played ranked after my placements, which were absolute cancer. Maybe if I had a full premade we could go tryhard in ranked but I don't see the point


Poor bacon
>What did I do to deserve this
Play solo, get shit on by both teams
If you're keen on playing solo then you should treat every game as a 1v5 with shitty bots on your team that flame in chat

it does become dull. I only play it with friends anymore
>Mi Liu

I mean, he became a """shitposter""" because no one gave a shit about him when he was a normal poster.
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a file name.jpg
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Play Tryndamere.
Buzz buzz?

You forgot a picture. Dumb ass
Thats just retarded
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He's like the reverse of me.
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This thread is pretty mellow compared to some of the other ones.
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so's this whole fucking place, but it isn't gonna stop any time soon
(unless the mods go on a banning rampage)
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DJ fox.jpg
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Have I ever mentioned that Ponies are the worst thing to exist?
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Who am I to judge your opinion.
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>"I don't know when the joke gets old" starter pack
No, but you really don't need to. It's pretty obvious.

Who are you?
Who is the Nazrin anon? You guys weren't here when I was posting.
You both switched from someone else, same as that Chesire anon.
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I love you to Anon
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i can't escape thread

anyway, how come i everytime i get on here this thread always pops up with the same people? even after 3,5 months of being active in this thread they still keep going.
Put your trip code back on "MOOT ADMIN"
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Because these threads are fun?
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youre just a tripfag now
pls stop responding
it seems that they are as common as YLYL threads or porn webm threads.
What if Moot did claim a waifu

Nothing else matters.
Nothing wrong with that in my opinion.
Moot's waifu is Asuka Langley.
i'm pretty sure he did. why is the mascot of 4chan yotsuba?
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But I'm pretty sure that's a boy
that's true.
Fair point
Yeah, I agree with you. We're fucking toxic to the board like every other general thread. We're part of the cancer.

Wanna complain about it like multiple other people do everyday?
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i didn't come to argue about it. it's just a question that keeps me wondering to this day.
So is she you're waifu yet, or still just your avatar?
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I'm the faggot that keeps starting ponut threads, it's quite fun.
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Moots waifu is asuka
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Oh hey look. It's the original tomako the tomato. What's up buddy?
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Ellie can sing and make great songs.

What are going to do over there?
Good to know.
I've just been busy is all. Overtime and all. Got a new gaming computer. Which started the weekend off nicely.
How you been?
Why roll?
I don't mind new people, in fact I welcome them. As long as they're not idiots.

As to my knowledge on that, not much, considering I'm always here. The thing I've noticed is that day thread has slowed down. Ten hates 95% of the people here (sure hope he was joking), O.G. Emi left.

That's what I know. I'm probably leaving out some others but for the life of me can't remember now. It'll come back to me.

i saw the reply right after i posted my comment, so i guess it already had been answered.
Vel'koz is that you?
Anyway there is a high demand for these threads. high enough to keep them going 24/7 most of the time. Inbetween all the shitposting there's a lot of good conversation and cute waifu's
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Id show her trouble hair and say 'for the love of God, not this'.
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For Yui (6).png
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Wow you're not a faggot about newfags? You're a true gent.
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chibi (12).jpg
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Just food stuff thing I think. My dad's side of the family likes meeting up a lot randomly with no particular reason.
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Kirino [224].jpg
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Well you got your answer.

Still being an avatar fag

Nice. It's pretty entertaining watching people come into the threads and bitch, isn't it
nah, i have been quiet in these kind of threads for months.
Moving, gonna go back to school, a lot of new mixed with old.

Heh, it truly is.
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Ice Fairy Cirno has been claimed!

What's that? Cirno is evolving!
You should just waifu her.
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Only if you don't eat your vegetables.

For the greater good, my friend, for the greater good... one day I will roll and trips.

Doing fine, had a lot to do today, and will go to bed soon. How about you?
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nice feet
they are 24/7 now

its a community of people who like talking to each other with similar interests, i think that's why it has really been so consistently active.

people joke about it dying out but its been going for a while now and honestly it probably won't die out any time soon.
has it ever been that there were 2 of the same waifus posted right after eachother?
Join me my dogs of war.
To where?
>gonna go back to school
Same. Getting a few tickets so I can do non-destructive testing. You're taking your tech class, right?
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i don't mind new people if they don't cause the threads to go much faster.
hell i think this thread is too fast.
im hoping it will all slow down in the winter.

i know a few new people but i tend to stick with the people like me.
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A shitposter did it to me for a thread. Didn't matter to me, just meant I lurked until they got bored.
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I love this drawing
I'm not a shitposter
I share the love of Rory
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Ah well. At least you're not condescending about it. So what draws you to these threads?

Yes, more often than you'd expect
Fuck off
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The shitposter refused to share the love. It was quite sad to see him try and copy me.
Back in with parents. Nah, going for an AAS in NSA.
today's thread

You're cancer, No your cancer. You're new. No you're New. You're a faggot. No you're a faggot. I don't mind new people i am so cool. I mind new people. You're cancer. No you're cancer. Banter vid? You're a shit poster. I'm a faggot. You killed /waifu//. No you killed /waifu/. I don't even come here anymore.
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robo waifu death.jpg
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name of file.jpg
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This is why I didn't support the Brotherhood of Steel
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Claiming best girl
no u cancer
I was there when this happend.
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036 - zew57Hp.jpg
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Got it to work
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image (1).jpg
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Oh right. Servers and shit. I remember you saying that now.

>you should waifu her
So basically do the same shit as I am now, just refer to her as my waifu?

Sure, I can do that
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>this kills the Geth
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Well, that's fucking depressing.
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images (9).jpg
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It's been this way for aslong as I've been here
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Do you really need a waifu when you have a wife?
Do you really need a dick if it isn't being used?
Mhm. Ive always loved computers and i want to work with them, not just on them. You know?

Just don't be like these seasonal shitters and switch waifu the next season.

Well I guess it really comes down to if you love her. If not you're a heartless prick. If you do then there is no issue.
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Do You Even Lift Bro.png
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Got 'em good.
Whats with Dead or Alive and tiddies?
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Feel sad now
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i urinate daily
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Not the best, but I try to make it work.
I'm not too interesting to keep on conversations(I try).
Food is the right way to go, unless obese or the likes.
Are you going to enjoy your time?
Good afternoon.
I'll roll for you soon. Why not help out the Führer?
Playing Dead Space on my new pc, it's very fun!
I know you mean, not getting enough responses/thinking in time before image limit. Winter seems like a time more would arrive rather than going outside.

It's my nature to be friendly to everyone, until they do something very dumb. Partially my fault for being that way. The old friends, I still talk to whenever they come by. Unless I'm occupied. Still somewhat understandable keeping to a certain group of people.
Sexualization sells.

> I've never played any DOA game

Damn. That's good for you. Doing shit you actually care about. Great, man! I hate doing my job. Good thing half of it is just fucking the dog (which is what's going on now)
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>new pc
I'm still using a 2009 toaster T_T.
But it's not (completely) broken yet, so no need for a new one.
>fucking a dog

I assume you don't mean an actual dog, but I am going to respond like you do mean an actual dog.

Dog fucker.
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21 KB, 556x490
"Sexualization sells"
No. No i dont mean fucking dogs literally. It means to sit aroundand do nothing at work. Never heared of that term before?

>no more marie rose pics after this
Explode with tomoko
No. I have never heard that one before.
Oh yes! Wanna buy some of this oil?

Hmmm not too sure. Maybe if someone had their pecker in a dog's anus then I mightbbe more interested
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