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About to try diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Supposed to be a crazy

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About to try diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Supposed to be a crazy trip but also horrible side effects/hangover. Anyone in /b/ tried it?
You will feel like shit for several days as your body recovers from it afterwards, and it's also quite addicting. Proceed with caution.
Buy real drugs you idiot teenager
did dph quite often, is like lots of heavy daydreams which seem pretty real until ome point u realize its only bullshit in ur head
dafuq u talking
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Kys i got the green too
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have fun not having precise motor control
Yeah, no. It's fucking awful. It's a deliriant, so you just end up confused and groggy. I've done it and I hallucinated dogs barking and cars honking but I completely forgot I was on a drug and therefore couldn't enjoy the experience at all.
Must there be a Dramamine post every hour?

In short yes you will trip but no, it isn't fun. For whatever reason it is simply not enjoyable.
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Be careful, bro

Benadryl??? WTF??
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I bet you're one of those posers with gauges and a tongue ring, just save yourself the confusion and Kys.
Stop trying to make op more of an autistic faggot with your weed
He is already an autistic faggot
Don't. Do. It.

Seriously it's not fun.

I tried it once and spent all night trapping spiders by putting glasses on them. Don't know why i didn't just stomp them.

Finally I fell asleep an awoke to dozens of empty cups all over the floor. I panicked thinking all of the spiders escaped then realized there weren't any to begin with.

If you read this thinking "oh that actually sounds like a fun trip, faggot"

Nope you're wrong. Because you don't know it's a trip, the hallucinations are TOO real.

You will end up talking to people who aren't there and have spiders and centipedes crawling all over you.

Seriously it's in no way fun
Dubs of truth man
My penis fell off the first time I did it.
What a weird assumption. I bet you wanted to be one of those kids.
I've accidentally tripped on antihistamines before when I've had the flu and taken too much cold medicine. It's not fun and makes you feel sick for days afterwards. You don't know if you're awake or asleep, you become delusional, it's just not all that fun. Do some real drugs you faggot.

Hope you like shadow people and spiders. fill up a couple cups or bottles with water, put on some music and enjoy the ride. the hangover sucks and can last days. The high is fun or scary. I enjoyed it. Most people don't.
Yeah, there is literally no recreational value in diphenhydramine. And in addition to ataxia (not having precise muscle control) you also run the risk of rhabdomyolysis whenever you take high doses of an antihistamine (like when you're trying to take enough to make you 'trip' because your 16 year old cousin said it's awesome). Which, in case you didn't know, is when your skeletal muscles spontaneously break down and leak into your blood stream, eventually shutting down your kidneys.

Have fun O.P.
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I bet you look just like this, you poser, Kys faggot. I bet you try to be like the cool kids and listen to Uzi Little Vert
It's like you really want to sleep but you can't so you are just really pissed off and dizzy.
I always did dramamine instead for the dph, shit was way nuts. Saw people dying in the street and turn into fire hydrants, was chased by shadows, talked to friends in the middle of the road who weren't there, thought I was in the park and I was still just in my room, watched entire civilisations rise and fall in minutes, came harder than a motherfucker, lost sense of all time and reality. Shit was cash.

Every day after I'd smoke weed and be just as high marveling at how my phone works, what's on TV, how things are made, etc.

Spider trapping and forgetting about them reminds me of all the disassociations you have while on the drug. But yeah, it's only for teens and highschoolers. If you do it or do it a lot in your 20s you're kind of pathetic unless it's for artistic purposes. I wrote some of my greatest short stories on that drug
Spiders. Everywhere
Ignore all the hate op, they're just mad that their drug of choice is sucking their own cocks
I'm sure you know this, but diphenhydramine and dramamine are actually different drugs.

They're both antihistamines, but different.

Like the difference between methamphetamine and cocaine.
How long does it take to kick in?
i took 350 mg last night which is light, and couldnt focus and thought there was a spider stuck to me
Do DXM (dextromethorphan) instead. It's actually fun and pleasurable, and it's OTC as well.

Just make sure the only active ingredient is DXM.
Not as bad as people say
Took 16 200mg (or whatever MG the 16 pack is) one day and had weird trip
it didn't help that it was Halloween. I can greentext if anyone wants it
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OP here, recomended dosage?
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>Shit was cash.

how was that fun at all?

Well, some people are masochists and enjoy being hurt, so I guess it's no surprise there are some people that would enjoy DPH and dramamine "trips"
Fuck that shit OP out of all the retarded drugs I've tried Benadryl was the worst by far
I remember when I did that shit.
I was on probation and well wanted to get fucked up.
First time I did it I took was 30 25mg pills and then went to see Cloverfield in theater (the first Cloverfield not Cloverfield lane)
Story time.
>friend rings me up
>"hey you wanna do Dph it won't show up on tests and you will trip balls."
>eh fuck it why not
>both our first time so we thought it would be fun like a shrooms trip.
>never done anything harder than weed then as well.
>go buy a huge bottle
>down 30 fuckers
>decided to see a movie choices where Rambo and Cloverfield.
>cloverfiled it is. We are standing in line for popcorn when it starts happening.
>translucent worms wiggling all over the floor, gravity was turned up to 10,loud voices everywhere yet the lobby was dead.
>yell my order at cashier she assumed I was hard of hearing and talked loudly back.
>somehow get to theater sit down.
>theater was dark all I could see was spiders and worms all over.
>movie starts so fucking intense I manually breath the whole time.
>somehow make it home. Lie in bed trying to text gf at time.
>I forgot how to work my phone.
>the shirts on my floor turn into dogs when I'm not looking.
>finally sleep.
I got a few more stories
Like the time I did a whole gram...
Best trip ive ever had. Dont listen to these losers, i had no side effects. Pretty sure i took 30 cuz it was half a bottle. Honestly it felt like i had taken oxy with shrooms. Only problem is i have kids now so i cant be loopy for a day. Enjoy that shit
0 mg

Seriously though, you will regret it, but about 250-350 is what you should take if you're SURE about doing it.

have fun in your nightmare.
Have fun being in a half-coma.
Hardly a recreational drug.
also thought i had friends over too but they weren't there
Dextromethorphan (DXM) is much more enjoyable, and less risky/bad for your health
You smoke enough weed with it, drink some milk for the throat ache, put on your music and vibe then you forget mostly about the ache in your joints and the insanity of drowsiness because you're too busy being astounded laughing at shit that's happening, fooling you, right before you'r very eyes. Yeah it sucks but it's like having sex with a chick who likes to scratch you with her nails. It may hurt and bother you but it's still sex and she's a total freak about it.
That would be 3200MG
So 3 grams? You would be dead.
Nice Erowid trip report, faggot
Get the fuck off my /b/ you goddamn failures
No one does
i've done around 25 of them before, there was a phantom at the end of my bed and a fucking cat in my room crawling on the walls and shit. pretty crazy
It better be a good story anon. Don't half ass it I wanna hear the insanity
Diphenhydramine is Alzheimer's fuel OP. Really hard on the kidneys too, your piss will turn almost brown if you take enough to trip on.

I don't even use it for its recommended purpose anymore, its just bad shit.
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You'll go to sleep and won't itch for a week.
Also there was people banging on the walls, door, and window. People were whispering in my room also.
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Op here, Expect a full trip report as soon as physically possible. Taking them around 11 tonight

Did grams on grams of this in high school before I had access to decent drugs. You're a fucking loser and you're going to have HPPD for the next ten years. Also, have fun crying for mommy when those spiders come at you, faggot
What time zone u in /b/romie?
"Trip report"

Go back to erowid you fucking sophomore cunt
Eastern time
As someone with a schizo disorder, reading stories about people tripping is fucking hilarious.

>dogs when I'm not looking

JFC kill me now hahahahahah
See u in an hour or so
whole gram of what?
Tried a few times. Cleared my sinuses and relieved a headache.
Are you retarded?
Honestly dude just take like 2 and then do something stupid. Make microsoft pain comics
Why would you want to do this... sounds pretty fucking retarded... hurr iz get high but feel like fucking shit afterwards..
it's terrible, don't bother. it makes you so tired, the trip is like a waking dream, not in a good way. stick with the herb.
Yes pot....
What was the thread topic again? Oh right Dph
A gram of dph
If that's what you deal with everyday.
You are a stronger man than me anon
do yourself a favor and don't spend the next 3 days in a horrible hangover after a shitty night you wont really remember
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Op here, What should i do to prepare for this kind of trip? I have a trip sitter to watch me
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yea i took 40. dont fucking do it. you will talk to people you think are there that are not. shit was cray
45 minutes till your wrists start tingling

don't stand up too fast after that
It straight fucks you up pop like 15 of them and the walls will start melting man
try tramadol or xanax . take 10 to 15 and you re on your way to blackout land. good vibes

Frying on that will cause dementia..

Enjoy your dain bramage OP...
Thanks. : >]
my girlfriend tried it and spent hours slamming her hands on the wall because she thought there were giant spiders everywhere
quit loudly being autistic already
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before I knew of its deliriant properties I used it for as an occasional sleep aid
after a particularly bad bout of insomnia I downed a small handful (just 5-6 so not too bad) without a tolerance (at this point it was maybe like year since i touched the stuff)
its effects combined with my insomnia/sleep deprivation caused bad restlessness and after a short internet search I ascertained I could down a pretty substantial quantity without worrying about toxicity, though I glossed over the mentions of it's psychoactive effect
at first I only downed another 4 or so but my restlessness (one if it's effects) only grew
throughout the night I downed a total of 600+ mgs of the stuff as my reason slowly faded
when I woke up my laptop was covered in piss. first I filled a large bottle with water to fight the dehydration/dry mouth, as the night went on I ended up peeing into the bottle only to forget before taking several gulps of my urine until I realized and did a spit take.
I also carved a smiley face with a carrot nose into my right knee, not sure why but i remember it being pretty hilarious at the time

6/10 might do it again : ^ )
also try dxm if your interested in a actually decent otc trip
Everything stops. also spiders
must have been all the benny
nah take like two and then play with yourself

trust me
Have tried. Just to let you know, it's pretty horrid. I thought seeing giant spiders was gonna be awesome but it was actually scary as shit. Also I felt like there were spiders all over me.

It was crazy but not in a good way. Would advise against it, but do as you must.
you're gonna look like a complete schizo to him
nothing really just start drinking water now and prepare to piss all fucking night
Wait what the fuck why does everyone see spiders
capillaries in your eyes become slightly visible to you
idk but it's apparently pretty standard.
Careful /b/ro

my girlfriend is addicted 100%, it's like watching a fucking crack junkie.

Just use caution and never use more than one day before taking a break. Enjoy your trip.
Everyone is afraid of spiders. You fucking trip your nightmares. Some people have good trips. A lot of it is nightmares.
>>696765099 DPH isn't a "trip" when you have a trip you actually go places. DPH is a nightmare.
Lots of people have a deep fear of spiders.

I guess if you're scared of snakes, you'll see snakes.

DPH is kind of like that thing from Harry Potter that takes the form of your fears.
for real

you get a dollar every time you say erowid or something? fucking faggot
Nah that's not it. I saw ACTUAL spiders. It looked comepletely real down to every detail.

slight fuzz on abdomen and 8 legs, 8 eyes. Moved and twitched a little when i tapped on the glass I trapped it in, just like a real spider would.
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drink this instead op
more like brown,big fella
Well I used that shit to self medicate for mania before I saw a psychiatrist, and all I can say is it is very relaxing, and you will notice the fuck out of the temperature of shit you touch.
>"And two Fridays ago, July 15, while I slept that night, my labia started splitting open, and I found the initial hole and blood the next morning. And over the few days that followed, the labia opened to its full length, and I've been dealing with the blood that came out. I have been keeping it clean, daily monitoring it, and treating it with rubbing alcohol. "
i tried it but i fell asleep very fast. i took 10, also youll fucking hate the taste it will be like worse then buckleys. no hangover
This. Cumming while on DPH is fucking amazing. My ex used to love it when I would take a bunch because the sex was so good. It's fucking amazing.
Who cares? So he elaborated some. It's not like he was trying to "get one past you". Fag.
You know what fuck it I'll post it to bump this up.
I wanna see OP try to use a computer on DPH.
>Fucking bored at home
>hey I have DPH.
>consider me seasoned in DPH by now and took a grams worth (btw the LD50 is 500 in rats.)
>welcome floor worms nice to see you oh you bright spiders too nice.
>this time they are not so much translucent and have a weird white static look.
>holy shit I can't move crawl everywhere.
>voices, knocking the fucking works.
>fiddle with phone and see I'm getting a call.
>friend knew what I was up to and was checking on me.
>took him 4 tries before I picked up I found not work my phone.
>"so I'm not sure if this is acually you friend but you should come over."
>forget I told him to come over hear banging on door and my name being called.
>dude just the drugs man.
>nonstop banging at door now.
>crawl to door and open it.
>"damn dude that shit got right on top of you"
>he helps me into his truck and we get food.
>dark out and I live in a rural dessert area.
>shadow people of in the distance millions of them.
>slowly morph into a huge ass one on the horizon that was chucking rocks at shit.
>arrive at taco bell.
>tell my friend just get me what he is getting I cant read the menu
>get back home and watch static for 3 hours.
>friend left at some point idk when.
>ok I want this to end sleepy time.
>restless arm all night.
>didn't sleep right for a week after.

Never did it again.
if you take enough to trip you won't be able to sleep

you probably were just under the threshold with 250mg
its not enjoyable. you get the crawly feeling in your body after about 150-200mg. i pushed to 650mg once and it felt pretty uncomfortable. at that point, you can't sleep and just sit / lay there wondering why youre such a faggot.
i took 10 pink ones like in ops picture. it knocked me the fuck out
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while everyone in this thread is arguing about who's the most autistic faggot, this guy reigns supreme in proving that he is the one
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You can take DPH on a regular daily basis and still experience a lot of the short-term memory issues. I would say the risks outweigh the benefits. I've had cognitive issues for months now and I stopped using it altogether back in February. Doctors don't even have any advice because they say there's not enough research or literature for our age group, only elderly statistics. It's a gamble, and probably not a smart one. Have fun when you meet the self-transforming machine elves and they ask you for the password. By the way, the password is saying the word "Deja Vu" twice.
150mg gives no visuals but gives the downer enhanced music feeling with little euphoria. Careful after your second or third time your tolerance increases and all enjoyable effects are gone. Pretty much need them for sleep now no dph no sleep it's apparently effected my health my teeth are weak and can not fuck without it in my system.
Fuck off nigger. Let that faggot contribute SOMETHING. Who the fuck are you to stifle lame discussions?
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Thanks! I try my best :3
btw it was only a shity 120$ thinkpad
>microsoft pain comics

You're onto something, anon. You can go places with that idea.
Ditch that bitch before you fertilize it.
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that takes too much effort
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>>696768988 I don't think you should use your personal experience as the basis of everyone's drug experience. What if the password is personal and changes based on who it is? What if the password doesn't matter, you could say literally anything. Maybe you know the answers to these questions, I'd love to hear. Just out of my own experience though you shouldn't give people thoughts about what the answer to a "password" is and though I've met what could be called machine elves they were never an aspect of DPH, but the shadow beings were. Oh you're not thinking DMT are you which still wouldn't make sense for someone to mistake as OP clearly posted a handful of benadryl.
15 minutes till dose bump
Imix iteith DXM occasionally, otherwise it's just shit. Go buy cough gels/syrup with ONLY DXM in them and do 300mgDXM/300mgDPH. Trust me, it's much better, DXM and DPH potentiate each other as well as cancelling out the negatives of each other. If you just want to do DPH you don't really even have a chance of enjoying it.

Source: I do drugs
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Op here, getting prepped for this fucking disaster
Do this if you want to have a chance of enjoying it, OP.
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OP, if you're still with us and not dosed yet, I would seriously reccomend you give this a second thought. I ate 600 mg when I was 19; long story short it was a hell of a trip but I can honestly say that I have not been totally right since. If you have any kind of pre-exisiting propensity towards mental illness, put the pills down. No joke, no ruse. It is not worth questioning your sanity and grasp of reality five years down the road.
Reply to this if you think op should an hero
I do dxm occasionally, i dont really enjoy the affects tbh
Took 16 pills, most uncomfortable I've ever been. No matter what could not feel at ease physically. just kept squirming. Besides that not high pretty shit drug to abuse.
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dude fuck off
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All of these "experiences" seem individual, or personal, but they're not. They're a collective. This has been documented all the way back to the Vedas and the Aboriginal Dreamtime. As far as I know, there isn't a "changing of the guard" scheduled for quite a while now, so why would the passwords change? These are gates and paths through the inner workings of the labyrinthine unconsciousness of all of us, of the entire pattern, the whole system. You can get to a door with any chemical or just by chanting or just by stilling the mind using tools like zazen and hatha yoga.

This system was built a long time ago, if you go to the door and you aren't properly prepared, you will not gain admittance.

Everything I just said is total bullshit, there are no rules here motherfucker. Hahahaha!
The worse cotton mouth
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OP you really need to put that shit down and score you some real drugs like pic related.
If you don't like DXM then DPH is pretty much just going to suck complete ass for you most likely (then again it does for pretty much anyone), good luck anyway though, you can see some pretty neat shit.
word yall niggas don't even smoke brown sugar
get yourself some norco fag
Are you black?
fuck that shit you knock lmao
how much do you weigh cause i weigh 160 and i took past the od limit (30)
sheeiiiiiiiiit i blew muh cova
Take between 16-24 to safely get dumb just saying
Op, im right around 146
PSA: If tripping on DXM make sure to take a small quantity of alcohol, just a shot or a beer will do. It prevents brain damage.
jeezus Christ.
take 20 of them that'll do you for about 6-10 hours
Ive got 250 mg set up to take
>looks at phone
>realizes number of drug dealer numbers
>fuck I have a problem
those are 25's right? thats not much of a dose to get the full effects
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i took a gram and lost my mind for 12 hours. i had no hangover but the high was not worth it. all it does is make you see extremely realistic hallucinations that blend in perfectly with reality. you will not know what is real and may end up dead when you jump off a bridge to escape the 20 feet tall hell demon chasing you.
thats fake as shit because i've tripped this shit for so long dude, the kid wouldn't remember most of the trip and you can't walk a straight line on this shit or talk a sentence that makes the slightest bit of sense
On that note, it's healthy to take sure to take small to moderate doses of selegiline with acid if you can obtain it. Not only will it slightly intensify the trip, it will also pretty much erase the cracked out feeling at the tail end.
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> i piss in its mouth
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how the fuck you get 988 on both those posts? goddamn witch
that part got me too
wtf is ur nose
implying it isn't my /b/
reading about how you just kinda act stupid drunk or whatever (never taken it, don't plan to, I only take "real" drugs lol) isn't very fun. this definitely sounds like a highlight reel
I heard ibuprofen is better for people of you caliber
holy shit thanks for making my druggy personality never ever try this shit along with heroin meth and crack
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[citation needed]
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It's hardly a trip. Don't do it, it's stupid and you'll regret it. But go ahead and do it anyways because I know you will.
motherfuck! you already took too much and transformed into a goddamn fucking mutant? dafuq is your nose?
This. OP show us your ears and this guy gets +1 Internet. Also checked.
what're those
yo fagg, you about to get a horrible trip. its not hallucinogen, its a deliriant. you will see things that are not actually there, and you cannot differenciate between whats fake and real. people will think are drunk because you cant walk straight, and you cant finish a sentence. your mind will be bouncing in thoughts
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Fucking spiders dawg.
grow up and shoot up boy
man that guy had you pegged
If you're curious look it up, you literally have the entire planets information at your fingertips and have nothing better to do as you're in this thread. I will say it's for heavy users.
OP don't panic but there is a floating head beside you just act chill and slowly walk away
I've done this a few times and can't say it did much. Im a 6'1", 240# male, last time I tried I did 500mg. No hallucinations, some motor impacts, tingly whenever I was up and moving. I tried staying awake hoping to experience hallucinations but failed. Finally went to bed, only to wake up every so often worried I'd slept past a time I needed to be up. Clock said no, so back to sleep.
I did and all I got was retards on disussion boards doing the same gay shit as you.
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>disappointment is in the air
oh man do i know that feeling when sitting in a hospital bed lol
Only take like 150mg. Anything more isnt fun, but that amount will get you a slight buzz, make ya real sleepy, then its lights out
Thats my sitter lmao
>I also carved a smiley face with a carrot nose into my right knee, not sure why but i remember it being pretty hilarious at the time
>6/10 might do it again : ^ )

I'm at 200mg myself. A lot of people on here talk about it simply as a heavy use drug, but I found out that if you stay between 200-500mg, it's a really fun and subtle high that feels like a great time.

A lot of guides/threads on here talk about it simply in the range of 700-1500mg, which makes you go absolutely nuts. If you stay low, it's pretty fun.
Crazy trip ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahajaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahaahahah

Kill yourself
Dimethyltryptamine kristels
Music appreciation in the 200-400 range is elevated by a good bit, I sometimes will pop about 300mg, smoke some weed and get lost in some good music.
I smoked a pretty good sized joint before taking these
save some for tomorrow because you're gonna feel like ass
Yeah fuck it put me in the ERROR too
Oh diphenhydramine how I used to love you....

Years ago, when I couldn't find shrooms, and couldn't afford acid, I would eat them in either Dramamine® or Triptones® form. Dramamine® came in 12 or 24 to a pack, and Triptones® only came in 15 to a little tube I usually found on the impulse rack near the register at a local supermarket chain. Back then it was absolutely diphenhydramine in them as the only active ingredient...

Anyway started at either 12 to 15, depending on brand acquired from the store, and quickly moved up to double, maxed out at 32 one night and never again...... They will make you "trip", I've known people that could eat a 10 strip of good acid just fine, and struggle hard with 20 or so Dramamine®. Anyway I don't recommend it, untold damage to the Liver or Kidneys is possible, it's not even a clean feeling high, and it lasts for many hours leaving you fucked up the next day.....

Be smart, find some shrooms, I would say LSD but with all the RC's out there anymore, no telling what you could get there. Remember if the stem and top of the shroom bruise the most beautiful shade of blue you've ever seen... You're golden, someone got a vid out there demonstrating I'm sure.
did he died?
He didn't take half as much as he should've if he wanted to die
This, overdid antihistamines when I had hay fever, tripped bad everything felt like a surreal bad dream.

Just get some acid or shrooms, or just chill with some weed. Don't be a fucking faggot.
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Op here, up'd the dosage just a bit to 300 mg. Feeling a slight tingling through entire body.
You should watch a horror movie with the lights off OP.
>taking only 12

atleast take 25 you pussy
is a good starting point
600mg is way too much for a 1st time

That's like telling someone to take 10 Vicodin for their first time
hope the dph fucked with her ovaries so you two retarded niggers cant pro-create
Ahhh. That looks like some good east coast dope. Junkie here, been of the shit for few months just taking suboxone every day and smoking weed. Boy do I miss the rush
Hey OP I took about 20mg of ambien 5 minutes ago...waiting for the trip part
waiting for op to start typing incoherently
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take benadryl become wolverine.png
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you could become wolverine
>do it faggot.jpg
You really know your stuff Anon! It is in fact from the east coast. Georgia fag here
Don't do it op, I did that shit for months on end and started an epidemic in my home town.
But if u are going to do it, take a minimum 24 of them.
Already posted bitch tits
That stuff gives me restless leg syndrome
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yeaaa bruhh. been on the east coast but live on the west coast and prefer tar tbh. altho I didn't start shooting till I moved back so I may prefer that. don't get paid till the first but got all these rigs :( u should see the fukin massive bag of used needles I got built up rn. @ wrong house tho
Yup I know my stuff lol I'm in Florida we get that white powder crap. I miss the brown and tan rocks of the east coast ... What's a gram go for up there in ga?
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OP's sitter here, he says he's really fucked up and he can't reply to this post, so does anybody have any questions to ask him?
how's middle school
>blanket on

so it begins...
His reply: "tell him I dont something"
My last overdose this left me hospitalized. Then again, it was the entire bottle and some amoxypine or whatever.
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Lol, comedowns a bitch. Not like a hangover, but your tired, bored, and just want to feel human again but the DPH doesn't let go. Have fun getting Alzheimer's retards.
little late to the party
It doesn't even do anything for most people.
Chances are you will take it and feel tired and have dilated pupils for 2 days, and nothing else.
Just from peeping ur spoon I can tell ur west coast from all that resin lol
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Does he regret it yet? Seeing spiders yet?
hey fuck you, I weigh 130 pounds and I took 600 mg. Guess what I experienced? Fuck all. Nothing happened.
And they are both deliriant
Damn son I bet it's hard seeing all those rigs when you don't have anything to cook and put into them. I feel for ya.
Stop talking about fucking heroin
dramamine is just diphehydramine with a stimulant chemical added in.
It doesn't do anything different, except seemingly increase the odds that you wont be able to piss
You must have some sort of genetic immunity to it then.

Either that or they were expired, or fake, or something.
I've heard the boy down in FL isn't too good. Isn't stuff down there usually more expensive than everywhere else in the US? I know the FL is big into the pill scene. Anyways a gram of this tan stuff up here goes for about $180-$200 at the most. I get a half gram for $100. This tan stuff is the best I've had. I don't know how pure it is but it by far feels/tastes the cleanest I've had in years.
>tfw thought I had thick eyebrows
>see op's eyebrows
This makes life worth living. Someone has it worse than me.
If you go in to anaphylactic shock or your throat closes up due to any allergy in the days after taking a bunch of benadryl then you'll most likely die as your tolerance to antihistamines will be through the roof and emergency services will not know this.

Only a problem if you have severe allergies, but still good know.

Just buy weed, kids.
not in ga but in md, bmore to be exact - its 60 a half 120 whole.. same either like the picture or white/grey ... need to put the shit down tho, its getting old running in circles every day
dont do that shit, my friend took 40 and babbled nonsense for 8-ish hours. He said that he understood every word we were saying to him, but he just couldnt process his own speech
>quite addicting

fuck your really stupid
dramamine is completely different tripwise
did this one time, the mental effects while overwhelming and devoid of benefit are trippy and really intense, the physical effects however are so fucking horrible its not worth even trying
Don't died faget. Stay away from the light
just trying to see if I can get my addy script early so I can sell some shit and buy some other shit
i just took a bunch of these before evan seeing this post
I fucking hate spiders this night is gunna be shit
You summer retards get easier and easier. Holy fuck.
west coastin represent
sucks tho. lukily I just got a box of like 200 alcohol wipes so like no big deal
120 for a whole seems extremely cheap anon. I mean, it's possible. But it's probably shit tier Boy. If I were you I wouldn't be spending that much for shit tier boy.
Yeah cause someone in anaphylatic shock is gonna get an antihistamine.

You don't know what you're talking about lol.
oh the good thing is that I almost blew my favorite vein last time I shot up so it's totally fucked rn but it's been getting a lot of time to heal w/o temptation
No he doesn't regret it,
He doesn't see any spiders
You get itchy and tired as fuck. You also turn bright red from flushing. But if you can bust a nut before you pass out, it's a life changing experience lolol
In a pinch, nicotine can be used to counteract the delerium. If you wanna trip, don't smoke. If you're scared shitless you're gonna die, smoke a cig. Perhaps that's why some of you never tripped on DPH.
Does he have any nudes of his girlfriend on his phone? Thanks sweetie
I've done a lot of drugs in my life Anon but never addy. Not that I'm against it, I just never was into uppers except for MDMA back when I was in High School. I know that sounds retarded considering they're both Amphetamines basically. Have you considered switching to Methadone or Suboxones /b/ro?
Don't anyone listen to this, for it is 100 percent false. Gtfo anon you're gonna end up killing some poor gullible boy
I'm sorry to hear that buddy. Although at least it's given you a reason to cut down. I never used the needle. I don't really have a specific reason of why, I was just introduced to snorting when I first started and it's just stuck with me ever since.
thats his plan
tried it once would not reccommend. felt feverish and delirious, saw some shit that wasn't there, threw up violently. all in all just not good
Be an adult and do ketamine instead. Now that's an enjoyable experience.
adderall is strictly medical tbh. I've sold it once before but I really try not to.
no I've got a pretty good handle on it as of rn. i fukin love it too so there's that
I don't like uppers either. I don't really enjoy them

unless it's a fukin SPEEDBALL
but I don't do MDMA. always thot it was kinda stupid
keep it that way lol not that I've been overly fucked over it's just that the few people who know I use (and switched, for that matter) got more concerned. junkie friends don't give a shit tho lol
MDMA really IS stupid. In my opinion it's a drug soley for young teenagers and sluts to use so they can run around and be even more obnoxious. It was fun back in the day but I did it so much that it temporarily gave me anxiety and some bad depression because I had virtually no more serotonin left in my system.
Goddamn idiot fucking kids. Just grow some mushrooms ffs. It's not that hard and they're actually good for you
Junkie friends are never truly friends. My "best" friend broke into my house and stole the watch my father bought me a few months before he died and pawned it for 60 bucks to go buy a quarter bag.
quarter bag for 60?! where tf do u liv
>good for you
drug addicts gonna be retarded
Oh I get it now haha! He fuckin memed me
lol do drugs just don't be fucking delusional. pretty much all non-prescribed drugs are gonna fuk u
>Take 18 Benadryl
>Hallucinate 20-30 Illinois State Police officers in my front yard
>Hide in my basement for hours in hallucinatory fear
>Call my mom
>Say there are cops outside
>Mom comes home
>No Cops
so what does smokin do to it
Timestap or gtfo
med fag here, heads up OP you can die from this. seen it in ambulance. just don't
And no dad I presume
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