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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>696336876 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 183
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Moogs claimed
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Shiki 0461.jpg
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Best type moon claimed.
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chibi (11).png
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Why can't anime be real now?
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Akiko claimed

Every now and then, yes. But only with friends
I don't see you online much. Got bored of it that fast?

What should I dump next?
maybe in 300 years
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Because fuggin nigger gon steal our waifus if it was
I know where this is from op, you're waifu is a slut for bbc just like you
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Basically, I'm locked out of my battlenet account at the moment because of the authenticator is on my old broken phone, and really can't be bothered to fix it.
nobody wants that trash
Pleblord detected
Whats going on everyone?

Can we agree that bagels are amazing.

Also 2% milk is best milk
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It's called Kigurumi.
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I prefer Vitamin D milk. Bagels can be good sometimes, not very filling though. Not much is going on for me, maybe some music I guess. And you?
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>bagels are tastey
Holee shit u fukken jew
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Whitey claimed
Show boipussi
>Vitamin D milk

Anyone remember the picture of shiro fucking thec cookie monster
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before that other fucker gets here
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1% a best
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Widowmaker > Tracer
>azami shidou claim
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I like 95% milk
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Nah man, toster strudels are where it's at.
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What about Steak Egg and chees bagel from mcdonalds. Thats kinda filling.

Im just watching non non biyori. Thinking about maybe going back to bed.

vitamin D milk. There is this Chocolate milk made with vitamin d it is amazing

pic very related

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Claimed :>
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Love u bb~
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evil shiro (4).jpg
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Well yea, but that's not just a bagel. I've never actually had a Steak Egg & Cheese bagel from there, only the biscuit is what I've had. I'm not really into chocolate milk.
>non non
What are your thoughts on it? For me it's the only 10/10 anime I've watched, and you know how damn picky I am.
I don't want anons dumping lewds of my queen.
>your daily /waifu/ police anon
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minumin 16.jpg
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Fuck off :^)
All of your waifus are garbage
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I really enjoy it. Characters are great. They really set like the scene. Like you feel the isolation of them being in the middle of no where. I like that.

Plus i like the funny stuff
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>Mfw rain
>At 7:30
>On a fairly warm morning
>When it's supposed to hit 90F and be hot as fuck
Oh god, I'm going to have a Florida day today, aren't I?!
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Plain bagel is best bagel.

...this is why I weigh nothing.
This. Many anons are edgy teens who think they know what 4chan is all about.
I want to punch your waifu in the face tbh
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Its raining here in FL as well, cutie
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>claiming yume
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Do it fagget
>punches shino in face
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I know, right? Even the limited edition flavors are great.

>Not denying my previous statement.

There is nothing wrong with that cute face.
>Fuck off Mai.
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>tfw there is an alternate reality where anime exists, and one day we will find out how to get there.
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Note cute!
And fug, I didn't cover my bike or anything.

Alright waifu, riddle me this.
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String theory proves that there's a universe where 4chan isn't a shithole. Amazing I know right?
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What about a reality where I don't want to kill myself?
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I'm not denying it cuz that's common knowledge

Comparing T struddles to bagels is like comparing a burger to a steak.

I can do without all the sugar tho right away in the morning.

>gut rot
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You're pushing the theory to it's extremes there.
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He he. He....
Pretty interesting so far.
The OG waifuists and heretics dominate the field.
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It was a lie detector so I lied. You're poll cannot beat me.
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Slow thread, best thread.
I am poll was not foolproof, I admit, but the results are satisfactory.
>not loving you're waifu
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Feels guy claimed
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Miho claimed

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1955 –1975
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Somewhere in an alternate universe your waifu dreams about you, her husbando. She frequents a board very much like this one and she posts pictures of you, In this dimension you are a star of your very own slice of life anime. She has a folder on her computer dedicated to you, it is over 10 GB big and has every conceivable fan art, rule 34, and picture related to you, She sleeps with a tear stained body pillow with your image on it, She is madly in love with you and only you
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Somewhere in an alternate universe there's filthy memes spammed across the internet. Wait fuck that's here.

Brb suicide.
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I want to marry miho anon
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I wish
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Fuck this cold man. I can't even lay down without hacking out my lungs.
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I don't know wether to be happy or sad about this
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Only 1 offering
But her socks aren't cute tho
I want to marry you
Lie on your side, it's suprising how easy you can hack up phlegm by this method.
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winky winky leg leg.png
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How was your day Yume?
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Quite ok it's rather warm outside and I want to die but beside that it was ok
There 2 Shiro btw
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something witty.png
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Makoto is a cute tbh
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i'm 3d now.jpg
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Hello cutie
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Kyouko (6).png
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Kirara claimd
Kiara is better, see:
where's that waifu who wore purple can't remember name I never see them here anymore ;^(
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Fuck off elitist :^)
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Kyouko (37).jpg
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Smug princess :>
im out
no dont
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Excluding the elitists is elitism you fuck
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Kys u elitist scum
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Go back to /a/ faggots
Megumin tier waifu.
you mean chen? ;^^)
Hitagi, Shinoa, Neo?
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My grandma got ran over by a reindeer
Coming from our house this Christmas Eve
And you can say there's no such thing as Santa
But as for me and Grandpa we believe
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another file name.jpg
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Neo or Juri?
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Haai little one~
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I once again claim my fae waifu.
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>buries face in your boobs
So soft~
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Nonon Jakuzure is best waifu.
Cyoot pink hair, sassy, good taste in music, rich. She's wonderful.

Plus she's okay with having her clothes being revealing.
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images (8).jpg
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not here.jpg
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>pic related
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Kyouko (204).png
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I agree that Nonon is indeed a good waifu. But not the best waifu.

This right here is the best waifu.
Sup Yuuko?
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In my opinion Shiro is
But it all boils down to opinion
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Spiderman is a silly, but respectable, husbando.
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You're popular when early.
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hi there friend.png
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Chara is a great waifu, she's probably okay with having deep conversation, loves animals, would lurk here, is okay with weapons, and would probably be really kinky in bed as well.
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I want to see you lurking behind me in the dark one day.



Well hello chara.
What's happening in your interesting life?

It must be a trap.
They're trying to lure me into a false sense of security. ~

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We have a really dedicated Spiderman-lover here!
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Yuuko-chan <3

Milk <3
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Shiki 0797.jpg
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It just means you should get here early more often.
Slept well?
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KyoukoMilk (2).jpg
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Best cow.
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Yo Mi Liu, still alive I see?

Yo Shiro!

>Probably okay with deep conversation
Yup, think so too
>Loves animals
Hmm... oh, you mean because they were in the Underworld full of monsters? I guess
>Okay with weapons
Probably just knives in general.
>Probably be really kinky in bed
Yup and dominant.

Hello there! Nothing really. Waiting for the key of my appartment.

You're silly

Best k-on ~

Well i wouldn't want to miss all my favorite foreigners
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Syndra [206].png
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Milk Drinker, how are you doing?
For a few hours yeah, may or may not take a nap later, you get enough sleep?
How are you?
How are you?
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Syndra [106].jpg
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Im fine.
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Kyouko (26).png
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Good good, what about you?
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Not good. I need to leave soon t go work on my truck. And its in the middle of the ghetto
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Shiki 0839.jpg
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Not really, the terrible heat makes me get up very early, and since the only time where it's bearable is in the night I really don't want to go bed early.
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How are you two today?
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Softest most innocent waifu, won't have anything but vanilla sex tho
Why's that?

Moving in with qt senpai?~

It's another great day. So long as people are having fun.
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images (5).jpg
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I'm good, not tired yet but I didn't get much sleep so I'll probably take a nap later.
Bring rope and a gun.
Damn sorry to hear that, though I know how that feels, I have to turn the AC on every night or I can't even get comfortable, pretty sure that's part of the reason I couldn't sleep last night.
My sides. Thank you Spiderman
Thread replies: 183
Thread images: 151

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