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Europeans are sleeping. Europe hate thread.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 295
Thread images: 113
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Europeans are sleeping.

Europe hate thread.
It's half nine here, but it's okay we understand that most of you don't go to school and the ones that do get shot
Eurofags are disgusting; they smell bad too.
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everything is better than inbreeding
Why are you still awake, kiddo? Isn't it your bedtime?
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kek, rekt
Good luck with your nigger uprising and a fuckwit in a silly toupee as the head of state.
Thanks. We need some good luck right about now.
Kind of destroyed
Isnt that a trick?
Everyone knows Americans originated from Europe anyway. Of course new gen. ameriblubbers wouldnt know since they are either niggers that dont go to school, or kids that go to school and die in a school shooting.
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At least we have the means to fight against a nigger uprising. Have fun being pretty much unarmed all the while being massacred physically and culturally by peoples your government and media invited in and then either cover up or blame you for their shitty behavior.
No, no that is a good one. End thread. Please do not post any more OP. You got timezoned.
This is retarded.

Americans originated from Europeans. Then we became 1000x better while Europeans sat on their asses.

Americans invented cars and airplanes. Europeans invented... trains.
I'm still up faggot
Kek. Here comes the angry Eurocucks to yell at you for daring to say Americans are superior.

Good work, OP.
america is just a european colony

prince youngbald
aryan queen gorilla
suitzombie 5000
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no we're not, we're not like faggot-ass murricans who need 12 hours of sleep a day because they're too fat.
Gustav Whithead pls u invented nuffin Germans invent everything fun from planes to 8.8 cm guns
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>Have fun being pretty much unarmed
we have, that's pretty much we don't have around 10k death by gunshot here in the true land of freedom
You yankee doodles are dumber than I thought.
>Took the bait
Rekt m8
from wikipedia:
The Benz Patent-Motorwagen (or motorcar), built in 1886, is widely regarded as the world's first automobile
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Karl benz and the wright brothers were both Germans.
>Ameritubbies are dumber then expected.
You must be one of those niggers who never went to school huh?
>gets rekt by terrorists in france
>gets rekt by terrorists in germany
>refugees raping woman every day
>gets rekt by terrorists in france again
>gets rekt by terrorists in germany again

>"lol i don't see any problems here"
Hi. Don't insult our gracious and noble Queen. Bye.
>we have, that's pretty much we don't have around 10k death by gunshot here

Actually that's because you don't have niggers.
we have an excess of sand niggers
>true land of freedom

Don't say anything mean about Islam though or you'll get in trouble for "hate speech" and the trucks of peace will come looking for you!
not even a b8...
Blatanly Underage
is there anything more degenerate than being an islamophobic in current year? probably not
Yes and that is why i'm calling you retarded. We have an excess of niggers and we have guns to protect ourselves from them. You have an excess of sandniggers and you're not allowed to protect yourselves from them and aren't even allowed to acknowledge that you need to protect yourself from them.
Not yet, amerifat
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'it's our fault for making them live like shit'
lol "refugees welcome"
It's actually widely known that the majority of American inventions were invented by Europeans, but most of the inventors didn't have the money to start them up so sold them to Americans.
Just saying that i'm in the middle of Europe and it's only 12am so you coudla waited more....

Fuck Europe it literally sucks ass, people here are degenerate fucks,,,
I'm french and not sleeping faggot
fuck you
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people are degenerate fucks no matter what part of this planet they r from, except for STRAYA M8
Lol, when I hear people say they are travelling to Europe I'm like "WHY?".

Literally everything is a little bit shitter. Everything is more expensive, in cities middle class people can't afford cars or air conditioning.

Plus there are wild mudslims doing their sand nigger shit all over the place.

I'm Canadian BTW
>in america there are no terrorist plus 10k deaths by firearms are better than around 500 by muslims
I second that.
>Don't say anything mean about Islam though or you'll get in trouble for "hate speech" and the trucks of peace will come looking for you!
you might be mistaking germany with europe
just give a look at the shit going down with the almost-nazi parties around europe.
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Americunt shitlord

kill yourself
>when I hear people say they are travelling to Europe I'm like "WHY?"
yes, it's not like it has been the center of the world since foreverwhile you people in america call "monuments" giant donuts or 200 years old country houses.
What. If there's one shitty ass expensive country it's Canada.
Center of the world, yet you STILL can't get your shit together.
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kek, kuz the usa wanted to do it so badly and today we see the fruits earned thats why chillary is gonna do president
americunts can shove it up their arse
they dont have any culture
murica is just a shitfest of mixed european stuff and 10kg of lard per person a day (also your measuring system is retarded as fuck)
also yoi got the two /b/ mixed up
americans are the retarded one
(well mostly) because they dont know jackshit about other countries
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dunno, we're doing pretty well and we're not going to have trump as our president so we're gonna be fine.
I really do like the English. I wish we had just taken English culture over to the Americas and been a better form of England. But this is not a white man's world. It's too hot and was too treacherous. We had to evolve differently.
I still like England though.
The only thing that pisses me off is the fact they wont stop saying the same bullshit words.
>Brilliant (Pronounced Bree-yent)

>When Britons call you Yankees
>When you're from the Deep South
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Yorp, Murica. Does it matter?
We all live under the Freemasons.
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europe never sleeps you faggot
>also your measuring system is retarded as fuck
Good thing it originated in Europe and not America.
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>be German
>get axed, shot and raped by migrants
>be French
>get shot and run over by migrants
>be Belgian
>get blown up by migrants
>be British
>get blown up while riding busses because of migrants
Man, those gun laws are working out real good.

i thought that criminals give jackshit about laws was even a thing in good new shiny usa
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Straya is the worst shitposters on 4chan, only a fucking leaf can match their shit.
good thing only britfags are using in in europe
not like murifags
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>Europeans are sleeping.
No we're not.
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as an italian i'd say that the pasta there looks like shit
Fucking faggot we can still get guns here we just need a licence unlike nigger infested usa where you can walk into a mcdonalds and buy a ak47 with grenades
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>Anonymous 07/24/16(Sun)22:23:10 No.69
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>tfw yoorop never sleeps
i am german and this pic is 100% right
The French lost Vietnam, that's why the burgers invaded, to clean up the frogman's mess.
Heh, as if in North America middle class people can afford those things either. Also, we live in cities where things are close enough to each other, you can walk or use public transport. Not like let's go to the mall and have to drive an hour to get there
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more accurate version
Ha ha ha ha!
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>tofu, shrimps an kabob

is this bait
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>Europe hate thread.
I know usually op is the biggest faggot, but I have to say, well fucking done anon. The bait cast was tiny, but I think you caught the entire european continent.
lmao that was pretty good
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>lol ib8d u
implying we just couldn't wait to spread a lot of american hate, as we do in every thread.
it's midnight here, I won't sleep for the next 6-7 hours...
They lost one battle then didn't give a fuck anymore and went home then Burgericans smelt the commies and decided it would be glorious to invade with helicpters, tank and napalm against farmers with 50 years old rifle...
Bieber is Canadian you idiot.
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well played
If europe is so superior, how come none of you faggots own a car? I can drive anywhere I want, for .50 cents a liter, and not smell other people's farts on trains.
you know that canada is not part of the US right
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now you know what a good b8 looks like
implying europeans "artists" of the same generation are better...
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>Italian Master Race confirms

Pasta fit for niggers and plebs
>implying we just couldn't wait to spread a lot of american hate
I really don't care what the fuck you people do quite frankly. You shitbags fell for his bait
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>how come none of you faggots own a car
retard alert
maybe but we can walk
Thanks, fam.

Europe > fatmanland.

Look at the clown show thats going on with the elections. retards all of them
I Take over the thread to shitpost

The year is 2036, the location is a burned down temple, somewhere in the Black forest.

A lone young man hunkers amongst the ruins, in his torn, dirty clothes he tries to light a campfire to no avail. The early summer night doesn't seem to be too bitter, but it would be better for the weary traveler if for once he could fall asleep without shivering.
It wasn't always so, the man still remembers his mother's stories about the life before The Collapse. Rich settlements with thousand-hundreds of men, safety and prosperity. A man could walk the road without being terrified from the plunderers. The longer distances were traveled with enormous beasts made of steel by the Ancients, who conquered the air, the fire and the energy. Only a few people have memories of what vast knowledge was lost in the years of the darkness, when the healers, scholars and the wisemen all vanished from the land. Many died from the lack of catering, and many because the wave of violence sweeping through the countries, almost noone remembers the former civilization, and it's wonderous creations. "Thecnology", "Thecnomagic", that's how it is called by the people who believe those myths.

I like how this image implies America is a third world country even though you can drive by the border and see shitty shacks made out of news paper and dog shit.
Your country is as small as one of our medium sized state too. And you had to form a "union" to compete in the global market and stop wars and you still fucked it up. Plus I'm not him but I am middle class. I own my own home and have 2 vehicles. One of them is a 4x4 truck with a V8. And I'm paying $1.75/gal for "petrol" Kek
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-And now we have got nothing! -thought the young man, as he cursed and threw the twig he held toward a group of nearby trees. In his inert rage he kicked the carefully erected pile of sticks, and began to mutter furiously.
-It's all because of the Outsiders! - the Outsiders arrived on the dawn of the twentyfirst century, somewhere from South and East. That is all he knew for sure, the details of the story differed at every telling. Most reckoned the foreigners seized the power from the Sundown Confederacy without resistance, while the denizens like sheep celebrated the newcoming barbarians. The Outsiders soon took over the reign, abolished the languages, the religions, and the cultures of the Ancients, thus changing the fate of the continent forever. But the young pilgrim was not interested in these stories anymore, he was traveling because of an other legend, one that was told to him by an old gypsy merchant a couple mooncycles ago. They met at the Great Hungarian Plain, where the merchant shared his campfire and his food, and spoke about a wonderful place. A place where the civilization was not destroyed, where peole know and use the marvels of Thecnomagic. He told, that somewhere beyond the Great Salty Lake, there is a land called "Ahmehricca"!
You don't know that the ancient Greeks are, like, the most infamous pedarasts in the world?

Kill yourself.
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>no no mom i said he fell for the bait
>don't worry honey, mom will buy yuu a supersize MC menu so you can stuff your mouth and forget the pain
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>nigger shot nigger
>everything is fine
>white shot nigger
>shit goes crazy
>nigger shot white
>everything fine.

i think you have some other problems than gun control..

The year is 2038, the location is a storm-beaten sailboat somewhere on the Great Salty Lake.

The door slammed forcefully behind the entering man. A tremendous storm was raging outside, and the man in the cabin looked up on the face of the captain fearing the worst. The captain was taller than him, and about 30 years old. The destiny brougt them together at the shore of the Lake five cycles ago. The young pilgrim just jumped in the water running from a couple raiders. Since he knew, that although their landspeed is greater, the southerns are terrified from the water. Luckily the captain was fishing nearby and after he pulled the traveler out and heard about the legend that caused the young man to start his journey, he filled the supplies of his ship and they started the voyage to the promised land, filled with determination. Four cycles went by since then, they had to face bigger and bigger storms, the sailboat has got more and more damaged, and the look on the captain's face was not soothing at all.
i like how this fucking thread got turned sooo upside down
>the pic misspells kentucky

-The mast is crazed. - grunted, as he toke down his soaking hat,- We are lucky, that it's not snapped yet, but if the storm goes on like that overnight, the ship will be shattered.
-Can we do something?
-We pray and we might make it, Insh'... - suddenly a loud shrieking voice came from somewhere outside, beyond the storm. Then something even louder as if someone was talking in a strange unknown language, with a volume unimaginable for the human throath.
They both stepped to the door without worrying about the storm, walked outside grasping the rails of the sailer as a breathtaking spectacle unfolded before them. Only a couple hundred feet from them, a gargantuan ancient machine was floating on the water. From it's deck despite the night, a glaring flare shone, not like any natural fire they have ever seen. The amazement rose even higher, when the unintelliggible voice from the monstrous mirage started to become a chant.
-YUU! ASS! AAA! YUU! ASS! AAA! YUU! ASS! AAA! YUU! ASS! AAA! -at the top of the steel giant, even more little flares lit up, they draw a long tail of fire as they flew up high, before they curved back and slammed into the the frail little vessel. The shockwave threw the two travelers off the board, the pilgrim with his remaining strength grabbed a piece of the bursted mast before he lost his consciousness, while from the Ancient ship the chanting grow stronger. -YUU! ASS! AAA! YUU! ASS! AAA! YUU! ASS! AAA! YUU! ASS! AAA!

faggot detector overflowed -- and its needle bent on the limiter pin

The year 2038, the location is The Land of The Legends.

The man didn't know for sure where he was or how did he get there, he felt the sun on his skin, the sand under his body and for a couple moments he enjoyed the light breeze and the refreshing smell of the Salty Lake. He felt like he needed this little rest after,-
THE STORM! THE SHIP! - shouted he, as he realised what happened to him last night. He looked round as he stood up, but there wasn't any piece of the sailboat, and it seemed like he was all alone on the shore.
As he turned around to take a look to the inland of the isle, his sight was blocked with an incredible scenery. Twohundred feets from the shoreline stood a cliff, seemingly unending in both direction. The height of this steep wall was about seventy feet, and it's whole surface was glittering from the shine of the rising sun. After a couple minutes he discovered the little joint gaps bethween the marble blocks, what made him wonder whether this incredible phenomena is actually made by the Ancients. As he admired the perfection of the wall, and the craftmanship and knowledge its makers might posses, a small iron creation appeared on the sky. It came from beyond the wall, straight to the adventurer. The thing had a whirling paddle on the top and generated wind so strong the young man had to get on his knees, before he was swept away by the force. When the Thing landed, he already knew, he reached his destination, because Thecnomagic so advenced can only exist on the promised land.

Burned hard
8k of those killed by people are gang members. So if you aren't a gang member your chance at getting killed are comparable to some European nations.
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The belly of the creature opened wide, and someone stepped out. A strange Man incomparable to anyone he has ever seen before. The Godlike being had a special aura, he was unexplicably charismatic, his skin was almost vibrating in a beautiful orange shade as the sun shone upon him, his blonde hair swaying in the wind. His spotless black clothes wrapping around his firm masculine body gave new meaning to gracefulness and excellence. In his strong, robust arms laid a peculiar little pipe with a brown grip.
He walked to the kneeling traveler, and asked him, in the same weird language, that he heard last night from the Ancient ship.
*-What are you doing here?*
-M-m-my name is... - stuttered the man on his knees
*-I asked, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN AMERICA?!*-yelled the man in the black suit.
-Ahm-ahmehricca? So it is really Ahmehricca?
*-You don't even speak our language do you?! You goddamn filthy animal!*
-I am glad to be here, please, let me introduce.. - The unknown Ancient Deity lifted the end of his steel pipe to the man's chest and said.
*-I Am sorry, but we don't take any illegal immigants at the moment!!!* - as he pulled the trigger on the grip, dozens of small metal pieces bursted through the chest of the weary pilgrim. He laid down with a smile on his face, and he was relaxed for the first time, because he realised, that running to a different country for selfish reasons is wrong. That this is the reason why his continent is a shithole. Other countries citizens are not responsible for foreigners and because he got proof, that there is a place where people know, how to handle illegal immigrants.


Whatever asshole, this horrible disease will spread to your home town soon enough,
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im white
Lol like the Europeans sleep already at midnight
Our gun control is fine. It's the criminals we have a problem with.

This kind of actually hurts to see. I don't read time but goddamn do we coddle our populace.
I thing I admire on USA is propaganda. Those poor amerifags really think they live in the best country in the world.
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pic related
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Which ones the queen? The bald lanky one or the gorilla looking slag?
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Wtf is wrong with you! Why would you use the comma like that.

For the love of the Grammar God, please kill yourself.
>OP starts europe hate thread
>Shrekt beyond recovery by first post
an american girl walks down the street, AT the butchers window she notices a huge Salami, she walks in greets the butcher and asks him about one pound of that big Salami, the butcher asks: in slices or one piece? she asks him: do have a vagina or a DVD player? kek? ayyy!
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>Wtf is wrong with you! Why would you use the comma like that.
English probably isn't his first language but he learned it anyway because the US sucks so bad.
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try to do this on a streaming
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>Shrekt beyond recovery by first post

>133 posts
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> Some americans endorse this
tesla was a eastern european
even slavfags are better than americans
im not even mad that was pretty good
maybe. but one thing is sure :
If there arent nigger who are killing the population...


USA can try to sell the "We-are-a-free-land"-Image...but at the end you're all fucked up :DDD
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Wtf are you talking about retard tesla was invented by Elon Musk
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>Getting pissed at someone's grammar.
>Fucks up the grammar of their first two sentences in their response by not including a question mark at the end of them...
You can't be that stupid. Can you?
our boxers would destroy theirs
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>americanos invented plaes and cars

>bragging how the americunts invented everything

boy...did u learn that in school ?
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>and here are some statistics i just made up
sorry, i forgot that you needed 24 months to make a day.
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Jesus christ you've got to be kidding me.

Europe got kinda rekt when the 2 largest wars ever in the history of mankind came within a span of 30 years. You should be ashamed if you couldnt surpasse europe after that.
>Iut's haulf niune heure, buut iut's oukay weu undeurstand thaut moust ouf youu doun't gou tou schooul aund theu oneus thaut dou geut shout
Learn to speak actual English you limey fuck
The little fucker lives almost 24/7 in the state, therefore he is practically American.
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Standard measures are for real amonts. Just because they call a gallon 4 liters, sell all kinds of drinks in 4 liter sizes, does not make it any less a gallon. In fact, it seems like the metric system is pandering to the imperial system.
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damn so this is what going full retard is?
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Pick one.
sorry i cant be bothered to care about some 3rd world continent
Don't know what planet you live on, but here drinks come in 500ml, 1l, 2l and cans in 250ml, 330ml. The only imperial measure that doesn't suck is the ft.
You think we are sleeping? It's fucking midnight over here m8

Must be hard to count to 12 when you're an amerifat I guess

Nice try cuck but not even close
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Das sum hi qualetee bate main.
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Rhetorical questions are a pain in the ass. You don't want it to be intepreted as a question, but still make it look like one. So, should I kill myself?
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This is now a harambe thread W
as if wars just happen for no reason

amerifag literally thinking west europe is all europe. kys
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Europe hate thread.
>Europe hate thread?
I think there's was a whole country dedicated to it from around 1776
That's not a grammatical issue, retard. All questions end with question marks.

And yes, kill yourself.
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you never tell us which shithole you live in so we lump you all together. simple!
you used the wrong flag for britain
So you only get those gay little paper milk cartons?
Just because your bedtime is at 9pm, doesn't mean the whole europe goes to sleep at that time
Youu thiunk weu areu sleueping? Iut's fuucking miudnight ouver heure m8u

Muust beu haurd tou couunt tou 12u wheun youu're aun ameurifat Iu gueuss
U fucking teawops
Western Europe is the only part of Europe that matters, though...

jews duhh
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>from around 1776
Fucking A right!
WWI happened when the two greatest world powers of the time, Germany and Britain, had a military-off.
WWII happened because the entente were dicks.
> germans, french, belgians
> literally not even half of europe
just fuck off already
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>implying Britain didn't get rekt
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Best bait I've seen in years.

All the eurofags and amerifats falling for it makes me proud OP.
You're actually a retard. Learn your units, fag.
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this image belongs in the cringe thread.

flawless victory!
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>europevsamerica threads are just a trollfest
>i'm the first one thatever thought that
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>be Italian
>nothing to point out
The strategy to not count a single fuck in the world is finally paying off
>implying you didn't fall for this bait or any other bait.
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Europe created the world wilde web, nothing to tell more.
Wir sind wach faggot. At least we're not having Clinton become one of our leaders
4 liter drinks can't possibly be a thing even in america. Please tell me this is a reflection of your poor education and not your shit food.
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The NSA hears your personal freedom as well.

Europe > America
these shitstorm threads are hilarious, kinda like watching a monkey shitfight.
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americans cant even make polandball, whats this shitty ripoff lol
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>what is history
I'm american but even to me you sound dumb. Europe is a land overflowing with historical significance and art. So just fyi we all hate you here.

-fellow american
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USA defined in this post right here
What are you so mad about Sven. We learn the metric system in the 7th grade.

>my dick is 1000mm
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Triggered european here
why not
actually, america cares a lot. they just don't educate the wage slaves about that, all they need to know is how to work their asses off and suck companies dicks
"my dick is 0,0067 times how far Obama can throw a rock"
I live in a tourist destination frequented by Canadians. They are some of the shittiest people I have met. Fuck you, this place is beautiful and not cold. Sorry if you money is worth maple syrup.
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jesus christ
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That's racist.
Where is the girl?
Friendly reminder that your next President will be a criminal woman.
nah i never sleep...
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confirmed never been to europe
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kill your self
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ur mom belongs in a cringe thread
Kiwi weighing in. You guys are all completely fucked and no about of shifting the blame to other nations is going to make you happy. I'm on chin for almost 16 straight hours some days and there is no discernable change when any of you go to sleep, so we can0 stop making threads that are in any way original and get back to traps and feels.
>confirmed never been to europe
Who the fuck would want to? I don't want to die in some terrorist attack
Give this man a medal.
NZ way superior tho
>I'm on chin for almost 16 straight hours some days
really nothing to be proud of guy
I am a Canadian... We are better than all of you fags
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As a white person that grew up in Birmingham this is true.
The absolute base of internet was invented by Europeans
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Polishfag here.

As far my experience with /b/ goes I can say that this is exact the opposite.

You are fucking retards or underage kids my dear Americano friends.
I can't stop laughing jesus fucking christ
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A Norwegian invented the spraycan. You fat losers wouldn't have spraycan cheese
If it weren't for Europe
deaths by terrorist attacks in europe: < 50 per year
gun homicides in us: > 11k per year

enjoy those sleeping pills, murifag.
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i like how the pizza became american
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Niggers gonna nigg

aaaaaaand the winner iiiiis!?
The most tipical amerifat...
Trains are pretty cool..
>implying fucking your cousin billy bob doesn't count as inbreeding
>reddit and bing
it sums up america indeed
"awesome rollercoaster"
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>Americans invented cars and airplanes


>be swefag
>still awake
>work tomorrow at 8.30 CET
>who needs sleep?

such a looser
>When the Europoors forget about Jefferson Laboratory
Y'all niggas are exported europeans. Have a nice day.


We aren't part of Europe anymore
yeah because guns always stop mass shootings dont they?
I bet in 10 years you're full of sandnigger women
I think not Europeans are the one who are all circumcised
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Well here's your reply, cuntface!
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the us ignore that they are only one country, but America is a whole continent, not only the USA, North American idiots.
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Well, The illiterates of America do the date like that. If you are of upper tier or military its done as YYYY/MM/DD
not one american boxer could beat anthony Joshua
>in cities middle class people can't afford cars or air conditioning
>widely regarded
google "Henry Ford" and then kill yourself
cool story yuropoor.
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>when americunts aren't ashamed that they actually teach creationism in school
we don't by the way, and if you wanna go to the university you don't have to pay it for the next 20 years of your life
get a grip you homosexual
have to reply
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Lost to Vietnam
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tfw burger is superior
sloth cult
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Cant hear buthurt eurofaggots in space. U S A U S A U S A
that's because sounds doesn't travel through void, but hey, at least you spelled USA correctly.
u fucking golden
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>implying the moon landing actually happened
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2015-02-15 21.23.36.gif
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impressive, i salute you.
>First time in Murica
>Go to store
>See this
rebuttal:1 direction
/thread and kill yourself.
It's not like that Europe is connected to the Middle East. Therefore making it more likely for attacks to be there.
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idiot. it's the french flag that's on the moon, not murfag. and the french are european.
I said nothing about schools you retard. You didn't even look up what Jefferson Labs is. Here. I'm here for you. Allow me to help you.
Please anon take a picture If that's true
>avoiding the point so hard
jeeez fucking christ nigga
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