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Waifu thread The rules are very simple: >Claim your waifu/husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 176
Thread images: 151
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Waifu thread

The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Be faster than Sachi.
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you're doing gods work anon
party pooper
'night shino
now play TERA on dekstop
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Iowa claimed
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>claiming yume
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TheWonderfulNui (162).jpg
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Stuff like that is always adorable, how cute would Nonon be in glasses?
Nah, maybe on my days off if my friend asks me to.
Give me some of that loli lovin shit bitch
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Did the fire department stop by?
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asuka shurp.gif
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bwhuh the christ

clamping asuka B

nothing can compare to best ship's grace.
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I wouldn't have lost to you hadn't it been for that meddling captcha
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Claiming Nonon!

She would be cuter and nerdier than a band geek can be.
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Eh? Me not wanting to strip in no way stops your party.
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Nico Puri 21.gif
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That's true~ what's the worst that can happen. I'll get right on it.

I'll be sure to keep it in the back of your head~
Yeah I believe in ya haha. Keep me updated on how it goes though, okay?
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I'll check it out.

That would be Nui in Junko Enoshima's outfit.
I've seen multiple pictures like that. They are alike after all.

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What's ERP and RP?
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At least my waifu is alive
Let's see Nui:
>a total bitch
>missing limbs
>missing organs

Yeah i think mako is better considering this list
>New Hanako pics

Thank the Lord Almighty
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actually juliet starling.jpg
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Best type moon claimed.
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Erotic roleplay is when you do cybersex with another person while roleplaying
RP stands for roleplaying, basically people roleplaying as characters they call their waifus
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>Be better than Sachi at captcha
Got the thing for the next bread i bake.
Probably will be going to sleep soon so, not the next thread.
(Erotic) Role Play.
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>implying that is a bad thing
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Do I really have that much grace?
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well fuck.png
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well, at least i tried.
fine then. the more the merrier though.
well fuck

Mako is a lesbian too.
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TheWonderfulNui (152).jpg
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I should put Danganronpa on high priority then.

That the girl you mentioned before?
Glasses always look cuter on something cute. i don't know why.
Nope. Friend went to bed, plus, my laptop runs it at like, 10 FPS.

>Still a nobike
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Very good, now once you strip all the way bare I can give you a nice massage~
Clothes just get in the way after all.
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It means you're waifu isn't attracted to you.
No she isn't
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asuka nude pantsu down.jpg
89 KB, 638x1050

fuckin brutal

are there more than 2 episodes out? cuz thats what I found

>>BRB Smoking
you've got no style
you've got no grace
This grandma
Has a funny face.
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Theres the ultimate cute!
erp me

but iowa is pretty cute.
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Yes, it is actually. Danganronpa is amazing.

Mako has a crush on Ryuko.
>I can give you a nice massage~

That's weird. I was planning that later for Rin.
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Not a lesbian?
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You can't hide from me you meme trash
But you said best boat so clearly you meant Iowa. Hibiki is also pretty adorable.
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Saber claim
Yeah I cant sleep so I'm just browsing /pol/ and posting here
Hello Shiki doing well?
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Ha, of course you will. That goes both ways ya know. Gotcha, it shouldn't be too bad, hoping it's an easy fix though.


Rest in Piece. Heading to warships then?
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>daily offering
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>implying they go on the date as a couple.
Groping women doesn't make you lesbian
They're friends, you dolt
I use a command seal on you


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Gee Iowa, why does your general let you have THREE basketballs?
I'm sure Run will love it
I want Nonon to wear glasses as fashion.
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Kirino [113].png
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No? There's at least twelve.

You too, anon.
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I decline.
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Melting in the heat but otherwise doing good, enjoying the Hoppou figure I bought.
You had one job
>Touching a mans dick doesn't make you gay
Where? I don't see it.

Nah, think I'm just chill for the night now. Whatcha up to Breeki?
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Maki is a literal tomato.jpg
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A back massage just sounds like heaven right now.. after all my therapy it would help a lot..

I can't see you as yandere.. that's out of character..
Plus you wouldn't wanna hurt me would you..? <3
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Have some legs
>i want to be a disciple of Yume
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Well buddy I'm really hoping you'll be able to find something that can get you to sleep. Little sleep is real bothersome
I win all the time~
Because he knows that I can slam jam.
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Step 1 would be not posting legs for ants.
Just making sure my queen remains pure.
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TheWonderfulNui (131).png
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>Forever in my heart
>New shapeshifting limbs
>Could be Bi

Didn't Ryuko say something like "You're pretty desperate to swap spit with girls" to Mako at some point?
I'll check it out sometime.
I'm surprised there isn't any fan art of that.
Guess who just got unrestricted riders license
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>best waifu legs
are always welcomed
Gimme some bitchflakes I am hungry
I don't take disciples
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Kirino [114].png
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>Black and White
Step 1 is to accept that you're waifu is shit and nobody likes you
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>Not trips
Close but you're not my master
Got a picture of the figure? How hot is it where you're at. Back here its 110 average and my room is the hottest in the house
Cute image
Posting legs?
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Good. it's really rad.
It's based on a game, a game available on steam. I've played it way too many times.
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Sorry, I have generals, navy has admirals.
>That censor
Kek, what kind of threapy?

>You just relax cutie, let me take care of your body~
You wanna slam?
>Welcome to the jam!
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Its been a while since I post in here
How are you doing to nigth
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There's so little Non Nonon cosplay content.

Don't mind Mako anon, he's trying to rustlev your jimmies

stop teasing me your people have destroyed my lady's homeland... TWICE. it's getting a bit humiliating
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Spinal Adjustment therapy.. got a lot of stuff going on back there so for the next month or so ill be going through electroshock therapy and adjustments.. it hurts so bad..
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Top snake Miia.jpg
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Not just Snek,TOP SNEK
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Sounds good. Just some music and searching around for info on Death Stranding, Kojima's upcoming IP.

Wew lad, like it but a bit much don't ya think.

That's not something I'm capable of and it never will be.
You know what I mean
The only one with an active bike license
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I'm planning on it~
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TheWonderfulNui (80).png
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But plenty here would agree Nui is a fine Waifu, Tats.
I'll probably watch the show first.
I'd say there's plenty of Nonon fan art. but yeah a lot of it is cosplay.

Mako never does anything but argue.
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>rattle rattle
they saw through it
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Why thank ye kindly
Well maybe if you gave up the first time we wouldn't need to take extra measures
>I haven't annoyed my friend with an abundance of Snek in a while
I should fix that.

Kojima? Assuming it's a game?

Rory, gotcha.
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What was the name of that game?Plaining on play it
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Sure hang on.
Still better than being a drooling tumblr whale like you.
Where you army or chairforce?
Some of the boatfuckers here are navyfags and marines.
Dubs and all you're waifus have to rub they're puffy vulvas on my face!
Then why are you in those sexy night clothes? Hell, dont even have to use command seals on you..
You want it bad
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The show and game are both good.
I watched the show first too.
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Game? What game?
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>Moderately Cute
>Murderously playful
>mostly a Bitch
>still ded
>most likely les
>at most, bi
>rides motorcycles
>sometimes can be a bitch
>turn your music down I'm trying to sleep
>slutty regalia
>cute pink hair

I accidentally linked to you
That was for shiki
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best idol ship 56.jpg
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Is it really..? I died laughing when I saw it.. sorry if it was.
>I honestly think i've already shared worse of our ship
And good.. I wouldn't like it either >~<
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2 MB, 1261x707
>Rattle rattle
Yeah i'm going to catch some sleep.
Good night.
Or morning i believe for you.
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I just got super pissed off at a song when i actually listened to its lyrics
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Kill La Kill waifu:
>not good
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1 MB, 1200x1131
You forgot crackwhore voice on Nonon.
due to my sleep schedule its like its night for me
have a good sleep shizuru
>rattle rattle
Gah, n-not true
Damn, what led to the threapy? Broken back?
Just remember, pain is weakness leaving the body! You'll be right as rain in no time.
One two, whatcha gonna do?
Pink dress 2 cute
Marine tbh.
>Doesn't chair force have some airman thing?
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A Dating game of a bunch of bunch of discapacitated girls,one had half of the face burned like pic other had no arms,other no legs etc
I know that it started here like a made up green text i think and then they did the ligth novel dating game
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go time.gif
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Scoliosis.. just bad luck and not much else besides that. I got a long way to go by the looks of things.
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Homura (207).jpg
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I enjoyed the show more than OPM to be honest, but this is true.

Good night.

Is it bad that her jap voice was one of my favourite things in the show?
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But very few of it is that higher quality rendition of Nonon. And a lot of the Nonon cosplays are by ugly cosplay whores who sully Nonon. God help me if Tunamelt chan does a Nonon cosplay.

I love Nonon's music choices. Blame the slutty regalia on the tailor.
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In conclusion
Satsuki is best girl
She is the full package
If anyone knows what i am talking about please tell me the name I cant remember
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Alright that's enough for me tonight. I'll see y'all tomorrow
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Forgot abaut pick and also
Katawa Shoujo
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Looking back, OPM had so many cliches in play. I understand it was a parody, but come on.
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Airman is E-2, pretty fucking far from general.
>I enjoyed the show more than OPM to be honest, but this is true.
Interestingly I was the exact opposite, I felt that OPM accomplished what klk tried to do much better.
>Is it bad that her jap voice was one of my favourite things in the show?
/mu/ has ruined your ears.
I'll tell you once you learn to save a picture properly.
That one thanks
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115 - TsehwFh.jpg
120 KB, 752x1063
Its Katawa Shoujo, hun
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See ya later Iowa
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asuka brushy.png
932 KB, 1920x1200

second (didn't use a command seal though)

i'll look harder.... maybe under the japanese title

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TheWonderfulNui (108).png
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There is nothing to confirm any of that les stuff, other than the kiss but that's why she could be bi.
Opinions are not fact.
That's true, a shame but i guess it's all part of this cruel world
It will end with less pain through your entire body, an offset spine leads to pain from your toes to your neck. Just gotta stick with it, do your best!
Google is your friend anon.
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U are no one to talk
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Yeah it's his first after leaving Konami, looks pretty damn interesting. Not a whole lot of info has been released so I'm scrounging.

Oh I got a chuckle from it too, it's all good. Eh that was more explicit than the rest heh.

Neither would I cutie.
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chibi (9).png
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No sleep edition?
I'm always right though.
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Oh and to answer your question, it's 76 F tight now but don't have any AC
>U are no one to talk
At least I don't post thumbnails or need to get spoonfed.
You best fuck off my navy boi
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What about the scene where she was naked with Disco Mom?
Seems les to me
So true.
>Have some more.

What kinda game does it seem like it'll be anyways?
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It's on kissanime. Not sure if you use that or not.
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It was too cruel for Nonon's monkey.
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Holy shit shiki is the most humongous fag I've ever seen
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Stop being such a pleb Shiki.

Her voice is awesome.
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Shiki 0559.jpg
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Oh I'm not navy, not even American.
I don't know, checked the mirror lately?
Sorry for not knowing every name of game that exist
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TheWonderfulNui (1).jpg
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Still could be bi m8.
At least his life was with Nonon. i wonder if it liked music too.
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asuka downright.jpg
42 KB, 480x478

i'm not aware of this will goggle
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N-No it's not.
>S-Stop making me want to dress up...
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Fuck me i am fogueting the lovely pic
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Shiros opinion atm is fact
Klk is shit and every girl (except makos mom since shes married with children) is lesbian
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2016-07-11 05.15.44.png
1 MB, 1356x1433
Im ex-navy
The greatest military force in the world
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best idol ship 51.png
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I'm gonna try..! Thanks for the encouragment love!

Sorry I didn't know how strict you were towards it.
If that's true come cuddle me before bed already or else i'm gonna go to bed hurt~ you don't want that do you..?
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Homura (5).png
200 KB, 1920x1080
I slept enough.

Using cliches was the point, but I preferred the comedy of klk for some reason.

>/mu/ has ruined your ears.
kek, I did watch it way before I started browsing /mu/, it was one of my entry shows.
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What if her music killed it? MY NONON IS A PET MURDERER!
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KLK is indeed shit
But didnt mako and the big buff nigger become a thing or is that just implied
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Miia 9.jpg
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Hey but if it isn't from the game were ir is from ?
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>Mizore dressing up
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Yeah. It just hit a nerve with me is all. Havent seen KLK yet, but what I have seen makes it not my show at all. Way too much emphasis on selling itself with fanservice.
Its an ecchi you gay time loving, antz pantz wearing, british prisoner
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Carl no Kyoukai.png
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You could apply your brain and learn how to find info yourself, though can't expect a thumbnail saving retard to be able to reverse image search.
/mu/ confirmed for common factor.
The difference is of course that opm subverted them or played with the clichés more often than not, that being the point, unlike klk.
>it was one of my entry shows.
And you're sure there's not a bit of "nostalgia" making you like it?
Because as a trigger fan it's one of their weaker entries.
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1 MB, 1745x2360
I'm also pissed off and hope you don't mind me dumping RJs for one thread.
No problem!
>I'm going to watch this "cuddle"
>You wouldnt d-dare! Would you?>>696151919
N-Nope, nothing to see here!
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TheWonderfulNui (39).jpg
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Everything to come out of your mouth has been shit. you even thought about claiming tats before you watched OPM when you knew nothing about her.
She would be afraid to play music like she does now if that was the case, so thankfully not.
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Shiki 1103.jpg
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Could at least post best cvl Zuihou.
kdfnjk. vzdbjasdvn

stop with the fucking roleplay

p-p-please k-k-il-ll yourse-el-f-f-f
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Picture forgot

I need to get to sleep
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It was just to make small talk douch
Also I got it from here the pic,and being or not being what it is I like it
And I am bored and just biting the bait hard
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Honestly, no idea. It's post-apocalyptic in a way. If anything, looking back at the Silent Hills game there's some survival aspect to it. Have a look yourself.

Wouldn't say strict, I just tend to avoid it.

>you don't want that do you..?
>bed hurt
Never heard that term a day in my life but it has "hurt" so I guess I wouldn't.
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asuka nude plus eyepatch.png
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snek harder pls if you're not going to be the loli harpy :3


oh found it on watchcartoon dot com ^_^
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affection showing commence.jpg
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I should clear up I was just fucking with ya when I said 'I'm always right.'. I think you're a pretty cool dude.
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I decided to read the manga before i saw the anime to see if I like Tatsumaki and I did.
Face it, You're waifu a huge carpet muncher
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Whew, you're right about that. I know Nui was born from a life fiber womb, but who do you think gave her, her genetic material?
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This is for u
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You do know the difference betwee full stop and the enter key right?
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