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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>695844679 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151
Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Goldfish are tasty as fuck.
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>You could have joined our stupid shenanigans.
There's still hope cause i may transfer back cause almost all of my friends are in euw. I only transfered to eune because it was free and one of my other friends wanted to play with me. I mainly play csgo so i was like fuck it and transferred.

Also claiming Stella.
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Claim la Claim

Truth be told, the only thing I did not like about the series was Akiko.
Claiming Nonon

I am impressed by your devotion to Ms.Harime. I do find it hard to imagine a normal life for such a pint-sized psychopath.
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Claiming Holo
My favorite is eyepatch lady.
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Fuck me, accidentally removed pic
Thanks doc
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You dropped your pic
Not me
Thanks Doc. What's with this new coating? For a second I thought this was some kind of new dose.

Can we go back to the old stuff?
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My life is already abnormal, having Nui in any shape or form would make me very happy.
Best crazy chick.

I'd be fukken scary to have sex with her though.
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Think of how some people have to put dog pills in peanut butter for them to take it
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she'd be shouting "ANTA BAKA?!?!!"
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Yo, nui want me to make a nui (non lewd) thread?
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You can get a custom daki of her.

That's reason enough. All the vidya banter seems to be euw. We even have an amerifag who plays with us. The lag is there but it's fun as fuck

To each their own
It's why each girl is very different form the others . They're certain to pander to a large range of tastes like that
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>fubuki claimed
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I know a guy who makes dakimuras
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Mornin, Asuka anon!
On /c/? sure! i have plenty to keep it bumped as well
Still not as good as the real deal but i'll take it.
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Tatsumaki claimed
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Hold the phone, do you mean as in draw them up? Or just make the pillows themselves?
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Such is life and... Ah fuck it.
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So what are you all listening to?

pls no hate
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we'll see when i get home.
where do you usually communicate?
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Draw them up, make the pillows, stuffing, etc.
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>Draw them up
Full body? Decent quality?
>If so, how many shekkles am I going to have to dish out?
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Verdi: Requiem Dies Irae. I'm listening to bombastic classical and gregorian chants as inspiration for my own pieces.

Have you heard of tulpas?
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Shiki 0984.jpg
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Best type moon claimed.
The only appropiate music for wows
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TheWonderfulNui (41).jpg
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You're the same Asuka anon right?
I don't think so.
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Homura (86).jpg
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We use discord, but I'm gonna have to ask Kyouko or Mio to get you an invite. it's not up to me
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Try remember all the church modes. Fuck know's I can't.
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You know t-shirt design printers?
He uses something similar and prints the character on it.
If I talk to him I could get you one for little to no sheckles.
Yeah full body. The quality depends on the artist he prints
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I know I'm gunna get shit for this one.

That's not torpedobeat!
Tulpas are basically imaginary friends that are independent of your will, manufested by you. I don't try any of that because of my lack of deeper knowledge in that and preference for flesh.
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I may look into that and try it.

It's amazing what the human mind can do.
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>On the artist he prints
This my hopes are dashed. My waifu has NO Daki pictures from anyone. I was looking into commissioning one to be made.
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She's fucking LITT...ner
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Eurobeat is for War Thunder.
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Yeah we'll see about it then
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I always wanted to make music since I was a kid. Now I am going to do it. It is supposed to accompany a fantasy novel I'm drafting. I'm setting it in a pseudo classical/antiquity era because I'm a romaboo.

I wonder how a Nui tulpa would be. Freaky.
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I'll see if my other friend can make a daki print for you.
He draws KLK, Akame Ga Kiru, Fate, GATE, maybe he can draw idolmaster
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Why can't I sleep?
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TheWonderfulNui (59).jpg
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She would be a lot of fun.
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Eat a gay time and watch Pantz Antz
How many Nonon anons in here?
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2 anonons
The one who has 50 GB of KLK r34 (me)
And the other one who i made a /c/ thread for
Horo is my waifu piece of shit, stupid faggot, gayfish
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Yeah man, making music is the absolute bomb. I've almost finished 2 house tracks, and the assignment I was given for my course involved mixing some stems. The stems were alright, but transforming that into something completely new feels so good.

What are you using to compose if you're writing sheet? I've used sibelius, personally.
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You're dumping a thread full of samples, good job.
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>Have to do a patrol before manager gets here
>Walk outside
>Immediately see a good Star Gaurdian Lux cosplay
>Reminded of how much I love to cosplay
>Remember how shitty I look in any of it
>Just want to wear more cute outfits
Fucking push me off the roof now.

If you could, I'd pay if it's good!
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Elitism much?
Keep your elitism inside waifu
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I was just thinking of going by paper, I don't have any of that software on my new laptop. I would show you some of the sheets I've written (with neat hand writing) but I'm not at home right now.
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Pointing out that your posting samples is elitism?
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TheWonderfulNui (1).gif
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How many of you have doggos?
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Shiki 0409.jpg
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Elitism is a code word for having standards
I have a kitter
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It's a board for sharing images. Why would you not post the highest available quality of image?
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Mee. one and a half year old goldie.
do you have a doggo?
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>Pic related

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I had one, until he died of cancer. He was rowdy mutt, outlived by his mother.
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Hey there.jpg
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Nope, no doggos here. I have a mace

Tristana claimed
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Even with good handwriting, I struggle with staffing by hand, having the playback option of sibelius (albeit terrible) is a godsend. Plus you get transposing options, dynamics options and whatnot. It's 'free', you know?
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TheWonderfulNui (1).jpg
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What does she do?
i have a Golden Retriever as well as a Golden Pupper.
Looks like such a sweetheart!
Sorry to hear that, Anonon, it must be quiet and sad without him around.
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You know I do
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HomuMad (61).jpg
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I'm curious about why would you want to save samples in the first place.
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both veri cute
both veri bork
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Usually because you're too stupid to do it properly like me with Pixiv manga viewer. Or if the full size is too big for 4chan like this.
Pervy waifus best waifus
Oh thanks, I'll actually look into getting Sibelius today when I get home. I think that'll be easier than doing it the old way.

For the first month he was gone, I missed him a lot. Kept fooling myself that it was him lightly pawing and sniffing at the door of my room wanting me to let him in. Still don't know what he was exactly.
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Homura (A30).jpg
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>Or if the full size is too big for 4chan like this.
In that case I would make a copy of it with 3.99Mb.
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smug void.jpg
2 MB, 1655x2244
Or I could convert it to jpg, but that's a lot of effort just to post something on a vietnamese horse cartoon board.
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TheWonderfulNui (114).png
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Now i'm very sad, hope you're doing okay.
You're existance >>>/trash/
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Oh thanks for the concern Nui anon. That was years ago. That was a time span of about 2 years where a lot people I knew whom were close to me kept dying. But I'm fine now.

Dad rock got me through those times. Just blast the songs and air guitar your troubles away.
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Yuno is the best Yuno!
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oh wow pupper. they are the cutest
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Homura (A25).jpg
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I'm curious about why are you browsing such a board but I'm also afraid of your answer.
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Yup AND psycho!
: v )
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Well i'm glad you're alright, stuff like that can be tough.
They sure are!
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She is the sweetest doge I've ever met. Will excitedly try to be friends with damn near anyone, and is always playful. She's pretty old, but can still jump around like she's a pup!
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I guess by now you can tell why I like Nonon. My love for organized sound waves. And also I like pink.

And Nonon has a love for music and is pink haired.
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She also has an annoying voice
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You got good taste, family.

Sine waves make up everything and music is made of sine waves, therefore music is everything. BOOM.
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Your doggo sounds fun! my pupper is like that too.
Pink is bestest.
Stop lurking, Mako anon
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what did he mean by this.png
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Nani sore?

Hehe. I live for music and sound, can't imagine what it'll be like if I go deaf.

It was nice talking to ya Nui anon. I gotta go. I usually drop by once in awhile here to post my waifu.

Pink truly is amazing
Not Mako. She has a bad attitude as well
Who dis? She looks cute
ヴロウ マイ ペニス
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TheWonderfulNui (70).jpg
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See you, Anonon!
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>not loving unorganized sound waves
Pico, from Boku no Pico.
If I went deaf I'd just play piano, I can visualise sound and pitch through knowledge of what keys I'm pressing.

I got plans.
So are these the niggers of waifu?
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Rory-sama claimed
We did the bad thing at Pathfinder. The very bad thing.
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You gave BJs under the table while everyone else actually played?
AKA: you were the healer?
shhh tomo.

you know theres no niggers on /waifu/
4 more days, god I can't fucking wait.
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Yuiko. And get yer filthy hands out of her. She's mine
Well that's a lie.

Making fun of healsluts? Hope you get ignored and die.
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No, Im the buttstabber.
Started off alright. I kidney stabbed a guy then gutted him from behind. Then we got trapped in a radioactive submarine with a very angry half dragon, half regenerator monster which is now sinking to the bottom of an ocean.
In other news, our paladin grabbed himself a very fancy revolver.
>out of her
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Bed time claim. See ya guys!
Neverwinter is on PS4 and I don't know how important race bonus stats are for a class
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Later bro
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The bad spelling is mine and I use it as I want to.
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is it fun? i think i downloaded it before or maybe it was just a beta.
Claiming Rem.
It implies he was already inside her. It was too late
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Implying I didn't play a healer for 3 years straight in TERA?
>Implying 95% of other healers I talked to didn't act like sloots.

I'm sorry, but what the fuck?!
>If this is how DnD games go, you have thoroughly convinced me to play

From my limited experience with it on PC, they don't matter for fuck all unless you're a min-maxing faggot.
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TheWonderfulNui (136).png
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Well i should rest, see you, anons!
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Then pick Human and choose where you want the bonus. If it still follows DnD rules.
I wonder what the next failing MMO will try to revive its player base by moving to console.


I will guess Second Life.
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Homura (78).jpg
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Hey this sounds like Tame Impala.
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Roll for clock.
Tohsaka Rin here:
I'll be taking a break from posting for a week or two
See you all then
Thats not me
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I haven't gotten far, I wanted to try every character a little

>There's a boob slider 10/10

Ok, i won't worry about it too much then

>not being a beautiful non-human lady
Humans are boring

Countersteal for Megumin
Your logic is flawed.
Thats like saying microwaves (the appliance) are microwaves (actual waves).
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TheWonderfulNui (34).png
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okay then, now gone for reals
You missed out on the part last session where the half dragon punched our sorceror through a wall because the sorceror did a stupid and confronted a general.
>Im not sure what modules we are using for radioactive waste and guns to be a thing
Also the half dragon nearly outright killed our healer because horrible rexlex saves. Plus a breath weapon down a corridor is just a no contest as to what happens.
And the sorceror had it coming as a minmaxing faggot.
Acting slutty for big stronk tanks is what healers ARE FOOOOOOOOOR. Truth be told, I had the most fun in TF2 being a heal and uberslut.

Above All, Cause no Harm.

So it was intentional?
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See you Nui!
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Another difference between Portuguese and English. In Portuguese all the phrases about staying away of something already implies that you're already doing that. So ya need to use the phrase context to understand witch meaning is more correct. The one where he is going to put his hands or the one where already has his hands on.

Not really. I explain the why above
This is the logic of a high school graduate
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Tatsumaki claimed
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Good day Yuiko
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Just because it's not true that doesn't mean it's untrue.
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How are you Yuiko? You drinking coffee?

I'm about to make some. How's Brazil?
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Yeah. In English it sounds like you walked in on some grade A cuck material.
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Am not
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Kirino [297].png
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Your basically saying
"Matter makes up everything. Potatos are made up of matter. Therefore everything is a potato."
Nailed it
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What if I'm a gynecologist

Yo Tats!

Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right
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teasing leone.png
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Fuck off Randy Jewbandy
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...My life is a lie.
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'Morning Akiko.
It's 12:00PM here but whatever.

I'm fine. Just listing to my Brazilian music and shit. Yeah. Until now only one pot (I still think that Jar would be more correct since our pots are basically thermal jars. But whatever. The language is yers ya know what yer doing)
Brazil is broke but Ok.

Those language problems

Thanks but no
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>Had it coming because min-maxing Faggot
I had a damn good laugh at that. I'll probably bug my friend from high school that offered to DM some time ago. See if we can't set one up.

Acting like a slut for a big strong tank is pretty fucking difficult when the tank is also a little girl who is fucking smaller than you are! Besides, I'm rather reserved when it comes to acting like a slut. Double so since I knew my tank IRL!
>Mfw my Elin was a top tier nerd
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You meant butt

What? I playing along too
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Nope. I'm pretty sure I meant But
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Kirino [292].jpg
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Well, you're here right now, so I'd say you're pretty real.
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Yeah, well, I'm retarded. Maybe I should sleep.

Nice filename.
wew lad
Ok. Sure. That would make it harder. My dick I mean.

>slutting out over a little girl who is supposed to be big stronk man

Welcome to Vidya Games where the genders don't matter and everything is made up.
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Homura (213).png
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Who would have known Brazil had their own Death Grips.
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whats up trist?

hey robo girl.
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If it were someone other than my irl friend, I'd have to agree with you. But doing that with him would just feel...really fucking weird.
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Heres the start of a DnD 5th edition run by professional voice actors and DMd by McCree himself.
Critical Role:
The voices and interactions are amazing.
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File: Robot uses kebab as a dildo.jpg (130 KB, 533x400) Image search: [Google]
Robot uses kebab as a dildo.jpg
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ay Shino
My party in TERA once consisted entirely of Priests. How do you think i feel?
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What are you up to?
What happens in DnD, stays in DnD.

No lie I married one of my friend's characters a few years ago. We retired them and started new sheets. Now they own an Inn in a town we reuse in adventures.
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WTF is this shit. When I said Brazilian music I said shit like this
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Say "but" one more time...

Blel, that self-deprecation. You can't sleep while I'm awake mohn

Robotto, what it do?

Finished oatmeal, going to study in a little while, and returning to my running cycle. Und you?

That is a load of makeup. I'm slightly apalled

Chillin on mobile. Prepping for the next semester. Yourself?
Is that the Mamuta from pikmin fucking her>
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Tatsumaki (002).jpg
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Reading some manga online
Reading some Rosario.
I think it is Gamagori or whatever his name was in KlK, the musclebound loud mouth.
So much makeup her face looks fake

Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151

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