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Waifu claiming thread. rattle edition >Claim your Waifu/Husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
rattle edition

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Most importantly, rattle rattle!
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Previous: >>695378229
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Camera 6.png
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we picked up a massive new account, 1900-2000 locations, and i was given some wrong information on how to deal with some of their signals and no one corrected me, so i was fucking stuff up for weeks.

the supervisor who told me made it sound like my manager was going to fire me; spoke with my other supervisor the other night, and he said she was mad, but not enough to fire me

go in tonight expecting the ass chewing of the century, ends up being a 2 minute conversation and everything's back to normal
I know I can't wait!

What are you studying?

How are you?
Ohhhh! Was an odd way of sayin it!

Damn. Mine are royal purple. They look 10/10. Maybe I'll put em full blast and take a pic.
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The usual.
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T for Tsundere.jpg
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Worst bake
You do! Then you act tsundere!
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Syndra [110].jpg
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Its not korbo
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Hey there.jpg
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Mech-e . Engineers rule

Tristana claimed
Oh, so everything is not that bad?

That's good.

Also, what do you so for a living?

Usual greeting

>Its not korbo
Yes it is.
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best bake
the usual usual?
im alright, just living the usual
what is it then?
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Holo or Horo
Fuck off mai
No I do not! If i acted tsun, wouldn't I have to like it first off?!
Those are some nice feet
Mai did 9/11 and the holocaust.
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Face it, you're a tsun!
Mi Liu did 9/11
Why does everyone hates this specific image? It's just another crappy furry one.
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Reputation will take some time to build back, but i'm not in hot water anymore as far as I know

I work for Stanley Black and Decker in their alarm monitoring devision, basically I sit at a computer and dispatch the police and wake people up in the middle of the night to tell them that I dispatched the police

I'm cleaning my house for the first time in...weeks?

found a bunch of mouldy food under some dirty clothes

I'm officially that guy
I am not! This conspiracy is getting out of hand.
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Everyone type in the chat: Mi liu is a stupid nigger.
I'm not a fucking furry you faggot
everyone loves it
yes you are you figgit
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>Usual rattling
The usual usual usual.
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Engineering buddies!

Basically the same

How are you?

Yeah, so just be a bit careful for the next month or two

Sounds kind of boring to be honest, but I'm sure you have a few interesting stories from it

Holy shit! I'm not the neatest person but I don't leave food out
Kys newfig
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Fuck off mai
no u
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Fucking ponies, shitting up the thread
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Don't correct, embrace, and then disprove through action
Mind you, your neck still requires some support; I'd be happy to help

We will be kingz and stuff and things

How's the day for ya
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That's the plan, going back to being the perfect worker that made everyone love me in the first place

yea, people do some crazy shit, I've had more than one person drive vehicles through the fronts of stores to break in, we had some guys go through the ceiling of a pawn shop last week and steal a bunch of guns, cops caught 2 guys, 3 got away

I usually don't either, but I don't remember the last time I did dishes or laundry
Fuck off Mi Liu
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Not even me, gicktard
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Edh night was pretty fun, I almost got to do some pretty gross stuff with my mazirek deck, a diabolic edict with a butcher of malakir and an It That Betrays, but someone, the asshole who only plays mizziks, blew everyone out with a replicated miracle bonfire of the damned

That's good, any plans for the week?

And own the assholes who bullied us in highschool!

Fuck you Greg!

Shit, breaking into a store that sells guns? Pretty ballsy

That's not a good thing...
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You now realize that there is literally this one guy who spends 18 hours a day 7 days a week on /b/ making Waifu Claiming Threads.

How does this make you feel?
But I don't know how to disprove it when it's already being disproven!

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Ah always a bummer to have a big game end by burn.
Oh well though.
i would like to thank him for his service :^)
>I almost got to do some pretty gross stuff with my mazirek deck, a diabolic edict with a butcher of malakir and an It That Betrays, but someone, the asshole who only plays mizziks, blew everyone out with a replicated miracle bonfire of the damned
what that mean
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I want to be abused by Katja sama and then save her when she's in trouble only to be abused more because of her embarrassment. Is something wrong with me? Also claimed
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what the hell is the point of creating a transparent image when YOU PUT YOUR WATERMARK ON IT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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yea, people do some crazy shit

yea, everything blends together when you work all night and are strung out all day
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Well, I was about to do a bunch of gross stuff, basically be in magical Christmas land so I was a bit salty

Its about Magic the Gathering. Nerd shit.

~I know a way you could eat me~

Any other dumbest things people have done?

Have you just been using dirty plates and wearing the same clothes?
That's lame
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I dindunuffin i swear
Blel, fucking Greg that tool

It's a long process since you're way of disproving is instead proving it. Patience my strangle lacking friend, patience

Anyways off to running! It's been a blast everyone
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no homo though
best poster.
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It's High Boom
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Enjoy your run!

Full homo though
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I'm mad at you

>make me not mad
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I wear a shirt and tie to work, so just been re-wearing undershirts, eating stuff that doesn't need plates

when my supervisor was an operator he had a couple of 12 year olds with a handgun on a video account, he still has the video saved, it's hilarious. I once had a guy smash out the front window of a big lots, run inside, and steal 3 blankets and nothing else. the other week I had someone smash through the wall of a sport's authority into their cash office and break into the safe, 99% chance it was an inside job
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My waifu will always be Nui. Literally perfect for me. We are similar in many ways that's why she is perfect.
Well that was no sleep
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You both are annoying and have no arms?
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>you're mine only
So you arent completely disgusting then, good

What happens in the video?

Sometimes you need those blankets man

Good, sleep is for the weak

Shots fired
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I really enjoyed this one.
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Wew there lads
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You cant go wrong with this.
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I need it. Im on a long ass week and I need to somehow prep for a massive week next week.
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I want to pet the cat.
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yea, dishwasher's going now, got laundry collected

just a couple 12 year olds running around with a handgun, trying to open up doors at an equipment rental location

I guess so, seeing as he broke into the same big lots 3 more times to steal more blankets. the legend of the Blanket Bandit lives on.
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Going to get food. BBS
Magical christmas land is a nice place to be. Always a bummer to get shut out of it.
I had a game where i spawned ~100 100/100 oozes, only to have someone board wipe that turn. Sad day.
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Well I'm extremely annoying or so others say....

I still have my arms which is a nice thing.
Try warm milk?


Blankets aren't even expensive

That's why my Rith runs a Rootborn Defenses and Avycan, for the board wipes that will totally happen

Enjoy the food
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So you are both made of fabric, and are annoying?
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I want to pet the yuri.
But I'm not proving anything other than how stubborn and annoying I can be!

Have fun with your run!

In other news, bike is all shiny and clean now!
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You may pet the yuri.

While I touch the cow.
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yup, at least 5 times total at 2 different big lots in georgia
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Consensual mutual petting.
My new least favorite exercise is bicycle crunches, not fun

I would have guessed Florida, since that's where dumb shit like this happens on a regular basis

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Im an hour away from my alarm. No point in trying.
I need to put mine in for a service. Got a big one looming.
>low impact consensual cuddling
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Kyouko (62).jpg
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Yes, sounds very good.
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Fuck off erper
Oh boy, what's wrong with it?
>Decided I'm gunna change the oil next week
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How is everyone doing this fine evening?
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Yeah that's one of those things that hits you immediately.
Tender hand holding.
Glad we're on the same page.
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An cute!
>give me a smile
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Huh 1.png
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to be fair, it was southern georgia

a lot of our actual break-ins come from texas and california
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Chug energy drinks and coffee

Good, how are you?

Anaerobics in general really

Close enough

Where do you live?
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KyoukoMilk (2).jpg
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Hey there Fran, how was your day? Cookanything lately?
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Minnesota, the alarm centre is in Plymouth, about 40 minutes north of the twin cities
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This is why you're cute!
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Are you gay or something?
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Y dood
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Yes, gay and dangerous.
Oppai, I am good, how are you?

What are you, not gay or something?
Those 400400 dubs tho
Just some Mac and cheese with bacon, a Wisconsin classic

Oh, another Northerner

You know I'm right when I say the south is the garbage can of the south

>Gay and dangerous

Just my type
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How lewd.png
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born and raised, ice in the veins

florida sucks noodles
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I knew it.
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Sounds nice. You from Wisconsin, or just felt like some Wisonsin cuisine?
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I'm a transfer, born in Memphis and moved to Green Bay 5 years ago. Woefully unprepared

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You can't go wrong with any Fallout song.
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Is it nice in green bay? I think I heard that they are getting some heat. But I might be wrong.
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Kyouko (32).png
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(I'm bi though)
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It has beaches and strawberries and oranges
Fak u
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pft, they like to complain about the cold and snow a lot more there, here we just grin and bear it, it was warm last winter, only hit like -15
Make up your mind?
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No worries. I'm into that.
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Tyre walls are nearly flat while middle is still alright, oil needs a change, brake fluid, chain needs a tighten, clutch needs to be looked at and the clutch and brake handles need a checking.
Mild door holding
If that were an option. Nothings open at 5am.
>fucking pleb
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Kyouko (25).jpg
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The gay and dangerous was a joke.
I mean who here isn't?
but you said you were bi?
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This is my new waifu., i call it NyaruKory
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Decent, but not good enough.
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Because I am bi.

I guess some people aren't.

Are you sure? :^)
By heat if you mean upper 80s

It's a nice place, but the winter is killer

I'm just saying it is famous for some less than savory people

We don't normally complain till it hits -30, but a few years ago it was -50 for a week straight

Any at your house or the restaurant?

Me. Fully gay
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But he is mine!
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Oh Hanako
I got a surprise for you~
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Homura (53).jpg
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I'm not, sadly.
>Flat at the walls
>Will never know that feel because no good twisties near me where I can get low
Also, should ask them about new clutch cables so yours stops freezing.
>Not doing your own oil change
You have a standard with no fairings in the way, there is no excuse not to do it yourself!
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Whats wrong with it?
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Cute 4.png
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and niggers, and illegals, and crime, and humidity, and weird insects, and alligators

alligators are dinosaurs for christ's sake

yea, it's pretty much the same here, except we all make fun of your state
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Gee I wonder who could it be behind this post.
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They're missing out.
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Well me.

Well, I just got done with a 'romantic' poke-walk, so I would do anything right now.
How bi?
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Alligators are awesome
I live in a black neighbourhood
100% not who you're thinking of

And we make fun of the Yoopers

Just don't like the female figure in that way
Calm down, Miho.
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Short hair mami.jpg
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>upper 80s
That's not too bad I guess. I usually get around 18 C over here.
Is the winter bad enough that you need a generator, or does it not snow much?
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Homura (214).png
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That's disappointing for me. I will have to commend you on your great choice though.
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Kyouko (26).jpg
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Right :^)

Oh wow, lewd.

Bi is enough to describe how much.
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Huh 2.png
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exactly my point

we also make fun of canada, and anyone who complains about winter times

depends on the year, sometimes several feet, sometimes only a foot or two, you live with it if the power gets knocked out
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No energy drinks, lots of coffee at the restaurant but my body seems to have a problem with coffee right now.
No stand
No mid stand
No one is ever around to help hold the bike
Time off is best spent recuperating and resting because fuck my body
Thats straight-shaming and you should ve dropped into tumblr for that shit
*shakes rattle*
*spits dummy*
*muh safe space intensifies*
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im not even miho :o
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I'll stick my dick in your safe space.
>Needing a stand or mid stand
I've got a side stand, just hold the bike upright for a few minutes, or hell, sit on it while it drains! Once it's done draining, put the screw back and you're good!
>RIP Rory
Sachii doesn't do that emoji stuff. As far as I know.
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If you think losing is fun, just wait until you try winning.
It's fun, sometimes.
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That's like 65 Fahrenheit, right? That's nice

It does show a good amount, not always a crazy amount. The problem is it doesn't go away

I've only had my power knocked out once or twice the five years I've been up, and you just have to bundle up for a few days

The Yoopers are the upper peninsula of Michigan, and completely crazy people

How so?

I can still think anime waifus are cute, don't worry
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Hey there Rory, how are you doing today?
I don't usually get too much snow. I think the most I've ever gotten was 10 cm.
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i do it sometimes :^)
Left. It's more of a matter of being open and able to appreciate more things. It wouldn't matter for a specific case that you know off when the other person is straight as well.
Sadly these things aren't as simple as making a choice.
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Never Lose Always Win.gif
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>All I wanted was to update my waifu folder
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That's the end goal.

That and secks.
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GyateGyateKyouko (4).png
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I feel sick drinking any coffee. Instant included. Milk I have no problem with and I think powerade caused me stabbing chest pains on Monday.
I woke up over an hour early after getting not much sleep.
>bloody fantastic
Also I just remembered that I didnt do any ordering for today. Fuck.
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I've never had the misfortune of needing to go over there

we got a little over 2 meters a couple years ago
plenty of real cosplay sluts of your city wanna fuck on
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