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Waifu claiming thread: Smug Crew Thread >Claim your Waifu/Husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 151
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Sleepy shinoa.jpg
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Waifu claiming thread: Smug Crew Thread

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun. Long dick style!

Shinoa claimed

I'm calling it a night now. Good night everybody. Hope you have sweet dreams of your waifu
Korbo, reporting in

Not sure how long I'll be on - but I'm here.
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Is chain chomp taken
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I'll be sure too! You'll get used to it eventually! :P

Lol, well it's very beautiful over here if you ever decide to move. I feel the same about Washington, I have a HUGE thing for gloomy weather. If it rained everyday I'd be happy. I really miss the gloomy weather of Seattle/Bellevue.

Well I'm off too bed, fun talking with you guys!

Goodnight everyone!
He is not, but:
>3D is almost always trash

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Heh and I'll be headed out with shinoa as well then <3 goodnight all! Thanks for such a warm welcome on my first thread! I'll be sure to be back again!
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Claimed, no trollerino

Rin always take the lead when she's around

>she's so forceful sometimes
>I wish she was a little more gentle with me
U WOT M8??
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Kirino [215].jpg
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Good night. Glad you had a good, warm welcome. My first thread consisted of an hour of being called an autist and having my spelling mocked.

You wanna go, /b/ro?
Chain chomp is my bae!!!
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Chain chomp'll bite ur ass Bro!
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She is not my waifu she is my laifu
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> i hope the day ahead is a good one for you
A good night upon you as well
> I hope we will be able to talk more
Oh I'm sure of it. I'm almost always here

Some of them are just the rabbitfags though
Currently there are an acceptable amount

Well shit soon I'll end up alone here
>utility guy is coming out to turn on the gas
German plumber?

>Maybe another in the future...
Rip that guy's social life
>Already talking to nico though :D
Yeah, he seems nice
As long as he doesn't start shitpostin I think we'll get along
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I mean look at fucking chain chomp, he's marvelous
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Is prinny taken?
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There's some neat fanart too!
What the fuck
I love how autistic you are
See how her hair is chain chomp teeth???
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We doing this now?
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Im taking the lack of response as a no
So fucking hot I wish chain chomp would molest me
QOTT: fuck
This chain chomp guy is cringy not annoying if he is trolling
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A good answer. Korbo was mai laifu for quite some time, dakimakura and all. Now she's simply my strongest familial attachment - but I have a personal life of greater importance to me.

I'm like 90% sure he's trolling. He's ignoring other people, talking about himself, and posting on rapid fire. Still, some cute rule 63
How dare you questioning MY love for chain chomp
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You sure know how to make a first impression heh. Have a nice night, hope to see ya around.

Appreciated, sure of that. His flow is too good. Sleep well.

Make sure you take care of the place then, remember to feed the dog.

>German plumber?
Kek'd. Haven't met anyone from the company before, never thought that'd be needed but when your bill was on time but not processed in time, it happens.
He's mocking you. Because this is fucking stupid. Go out side ffs
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Obviously I have a more important personal life but most of my free time is dedicated to kotori
So... anyone wanna talk about prinny dood?
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Im out
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If you are claiming Korbo,then Im claiming Holo.Its good to be back to old habits.Good thing I had everything on my google drive.
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Me too
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Syndra [110].jpg
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No don't! That's exactly what he wants
We get this literally all the time. You'll learn to ignore it or laugh at it

wew lad
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I don't know why but I can't stop laughing at this

how are you faggots and faggoretts doing?
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This is the best one of those I have saved
You don't have much Kotori pics yet, do you?
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Shit-tier waifu
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images (1).jpg
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Ma husbando
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Claimed, he's mine
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clearly another jealous woman. it's not my fault i'm wonderful in every way.
No not really just rationing
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So,what you guys doing today?Any bigger plans?
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Your waifu sucks more than blood
Stop posting my waifu
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h-hi guys i hope you accept me into your""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" community""""""""""""""""""" i am very nervou-s-s-s-s desu! :3 all ur wiafu is very sugoi
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I guess I`ll have to leave.Well,untill next thread.
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to jerk off to my Waifu more than usual.
Wtf does sugoi mean
Just google it.
its like "great!" in those anime that we so very much love:333333333333333333333333
Thred is ded
Bye guys
Dont send anybody to based funposting board.There`s enough.
It's a shit board for shit people, that hasn't produced any good oc since it's inception.

We can at least rest easy knowing that no board will ever be as terrible as /s4s/
>Bo board will ever be as terrible
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Lets liven it up with some Ilya Kuvshinov
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>Your waifu sucks more than blood
Damn son

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Natalie by Ilya Kuvshinov
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Best type moon claimed.
"Weed" by Ilya Kuvshinov
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So this thread is dead now?Well,thats a shame.
Quit posting my fucking waifu
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Well,you have no pics to back up that she is your waifu mate.You might just be some random faggot.
I don't post my waifu because my file sizes are too large
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Homura (82).png
4 MB, 1849x1816
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Ready for the KC event in a month?
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Then find some smaller sizes silly.Untill then,I`ll just post my waifu.
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Best Milf
I don't post thumbnails, faggot
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Homura (90).png
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Not really, I'm still pretty sad that I couldn't get Pola from the last one.
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Theres no reason to be upset.
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I got 20k of each resource and 200 buckets, hoping to get them up to 30k and 300 but also trying to level up some other ships in case ship locking is harsh.
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It's been quite the long time since we talked, don't you think?

How've you been?
Actually there is
You're posting my fucking waifu
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Go stay with your filthy 3dpd normie.
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She`s mine waifu aswell,and many others also waifu`d her.Face it,even if we would like to have her on our own,there`s always going to be that random faglord who is also calling her his waifu.You cant beat it friend.You just have to flow with it.
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I bet you dont know what 3DPD stands for

>"Bang!" by Ilya Kuvshinov
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Homura (213).png
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That should be enough to get something, after 1 or 2 days of the event there will be tons of guides on how to do it effectively.
Looks like you got much further than me in the game.
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I approve of this claim. Korbo is mine, though

Korbo, you say? Thanks for the correction.

I've been getting ready for work, helping my wife get ready for work, showering, cleaning, doing laundry.... (hence the 30 minutes between posts)

Awww... Goodbyte

Horo is a goddess. I'm sure she can be multiple people's waifus. Although this thread *is* about "claiming", and you didn't claim her first - so...

In any case, I claimed Korbo. Entirely different.
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Maybe I will.

Maybe I'll even do a poke-walk with her.

The best kind of bonding exercise
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3d pig disgusting or piggu disgusting depending on how much weeb you want to be. Or do you also want what the D stands for?
Yeah I've been playing far too much and progressed very fast, angry over not having any Akashi though despite running 2-5 a ton.
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Give her the Dragonite.
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Miho claimed
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>tfw 3 (You)s in one post
Feels good man.
Anyway,hello Korbo.It feels great to be claiming Holo agian.Never have I was happier then when I realised I have folder full of her on my google drive.
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claiming jonsno
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It says Holo and you know it.
No one calls her Korbo
Can no holo spell or read?
Okay, good. You're not one of those retards who use it disparangly

>can't remember the name of this one
I know the feel. I had a hard drive malfunction and for a solid month my computer just said "No boot drive..." - then one day out of the blue I thought I'd hit the power button again for nostalgia and up came my desktop. Pic related

I can't really explain the emotion. It wasn't as giddy as happiness, nor excitement. It was almost like a wave of relief, but poignant. I felt like crying myself into the happiest sleep of my life.
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I call her Korbo. Also, if you think it says "Holo", it's possible you didn't pay much attention in third grade when learning cursive. Shall I break it down one letter at a time? We'll start with the K (pic related)

Notice how a K does the loop back to the first stem then ends at the bottom. An H drops straight down to the bottom line then comes back up to loop and ends in the middle. Compare this with the signature in: >>695361503
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Maybe I'll finally pass the threshold.

I can see it right now; 'Anon, want me to stick a finger in your throat'.

Any advice to pop my throat fingering cherry? I know you're an expert.
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You know,I had a break from waifuing Holo.I was posting Coco in those thread.But I had a dream today that made me comeback.And Im pretty happy about that decision.
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quit posting my waifu
Her name is holo you rancid swine, you googled korbo and posted a picture you found on images.
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>rancid swine
Now thats an insult I didnt hear for a long time.
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Well I only know of being on the receiving end.
Yeah I got you, people using terms they don't understand is annoying.
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The signature literally is the first image that comes up when you search Korbo
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Im not the Korbo guy.Im the other Holo poster.Look at the filenames.
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How can one take a break from waifuing? You can't just drop and pick up a waifu as you please. Waifu is laifu. If you aren't dedicated 100% then it's not a waifu.

No can do. Korbo has been mai waifu since 2007 when I was studying abroad in Japan and saw the television show on cable there. Never before nor ever since has an animated character appealed to me so strongly. I've read all of the light novels (translated), all of the manga (Japanese), and watched all of the shows (first season in Japanese, second season subbed). I even own a dakimakura.

It's more than just "she's a hot character" or "she's a cool character" -- she's based on the god OInari, my favorite mythological character. She has the same penchant for alcohol, tends to crops, protects merchants, and takes the form of a young woman (although OInari was also known to take the form of an old man). Although the author chose at the last moment to make her a wolf, she has the features of a red fox (white tip on the tail, red-orange-brown hair, etc) -- and red foxes are native to northern snowy biomes and forests (like Yoitsu)

I even married a woman with a personality like Korbo.

I did not google Korbo and post that image. I found that image in a forum which was debating the proper spelling: "Holo" or "Horo". The image was posted as "conclusive proof that her name is Holo", because in season 2 (created by a different writer and different artists - but after the original author had decided to use "Holo" as the official translation) they had her write her name at the bottom of a marriage contract.

It just so happens that her chicken scratch in that episode spells out "Korbo"

I should really change all of my file names to something more consistent. I just have a lot of gelbooru, google images, and even some from 4chan...
All I got from this is she isn't called Korbo.
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HomuMad (233).jpg
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Like most other browser games, you have to play too much to make it worth playing.
Is there any info on the event out there? Any interesting ship dropping?
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As for files names,I changed them to show my repentance for having that break.I regret it.I really do.
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In that case you need to learn to read, sir. Let me give you a helpful link

I'm afraid you've got a lot of repenting to do if you wish to be forgiven by an immortal goddess.

I'm afraid this is my last post. I need to get to the office soon.
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Swiggity swooty something about booty.


It most resembles Korbo.
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None of you deserve best Holo
This is false and you know it
>it just do happens her chicken scratch in that episide spells out "Korbo"
It just so happens you are illiterate
I have the anime and all translated light novels and manga... In my opinion, and don't hold this against me, but anyone who takes a signature as serious as to write it that way is completely ignorant to the fact that everyone calls her "Holo". I completely understand Horo, but Korbo... Seriously...
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No bully.It was like a week,nothing serious,
Yeah,I know.But I`ll do what I have to.Also have a nice day at work.Or at least try.
So her names Holo...
Got ya,
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HomuMad (199).png
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You're supposed to press space bar after punctuation marks.
theres also supposed to be no tripfags on /b/but you do it anyway
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The original author says holo so its holo you retard.
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>having a break from claiming holo
Serious Heresy going on
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Did somebody say heresy?
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Syndra [206].png
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>Flopping noises
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Yes you heretic, I said heresy

>tfw most of these holos are gonna switch

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Syndra [212].jpg
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Thats wierdly arousing, make it stop.
Dont worry,I do not plan to switch. As I said,it was a week of me being more retarded then usual.
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Sure. Whatever you say, heretic
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Love it
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Post more, I give up.
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>fapping to your waifu
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I acutally cant do it.I have multiple doujinsh of her,some pics but never have I ever came to those.I dont know why.
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Late ass claim
Whats good?
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Holo.Lot of her.Best thread in a while.
Karen lewds when?
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>Horbo Korbo Holo Horlo Hobo Kobo Koro
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Thread's dead Rory, he's fucking dead. I just... fuck

Yea I'm loving it
hmm that ass makes my dick haard hmmm YeeAASs
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Karen's dead you necro faggot.
There has been a lot in what Ive seen.
Not the rest of the pasta?
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Wait,what happened?
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Quit posting my waifu, filthy heretic
Holo is the onely correct name
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Like hell I will.
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He moved to arabia
You heretic
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Look how serious is this stuff.
Karen's dead.
He's fucking dead. I don't know.. I just. Fuck. He texted me a little bit earlier about the threads, I tried to convince him not to but just FUCK. He thought the chick he was waifu with hated him. I wasn't here for it, but we were texting about it. Some asshole, according to this thread it was most likely Mai, went and framed him as a pervert and made it look like he was hitting on that drawfag or some shit. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but fuck dude he's young and that feels like the end of the fucking world when a girl thinks that about you and he just got out of a relationship a while ago but fuck. I just.. fuck. I don't know what to do anymore. He told me he was going to end his life. No reply. No matter how much I text, it says he hasn't read it. Before that he just didn't sound like the same guy anymore, he was going off the deep end saying he was worthless and that women all think he's a creep and he's ugly and bullshit like that, he said 4chan was ruining him but it was irreversable which is bullshit. Just fuck. I'm just trying to cope here. I'm hoping so much that I'm going to wake up in the morning and he'll have replied to me, maybe he fell asleep first or something. Fuck I don't know if i can sleep I don't even know who to go to other than here

ive been holding all in for so long im done you all think this is a joke just how i would expect people to act all unsympathetic monster no one deserves life we sould all die im at my breaking point i want to die we all want to die we just dont excpect it ill do it ill kill someone you want to see it my family is first my dads a big guy but with a knife i could do it kill them all then the neighbours ill show you the pics i will infact fuck it im going to do it watch me watch me ill post pics unless something happens to me and either i get uressted or shot god i feel so free its all going to be over
File: Homura (41).jpg (1 MB, 930x1500) Image search: [Google]
Homura (41).jpg
1 MB, 930x1500
Karen's dead.

He's fucking dead. I don't know.. I just. Fuck. He texted me a little bit earlier about the threads, I tried to convince him not to but just FUCK. He thought the chick he was anon-waifuing with hated him. I wasn't here for it, but we were texting about it. Some asshole, according to this thread it was most likely Mai, went and framed him as a pervert and made it look like he was hitting on that waifu or some shit. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but fuck dude he's young and that feels like the end of the fucking world when a girl thinks that about you and he just got out of a relationship a while ago but fuck. I just.. fuck. I don't know what to do anymore. He told me he was going to end his life. No reply. No matter how much I text, it says he hasn't read it. Before that he just didn't sound like the same guy anymore, he was going off the deep end saying he was worthless and that women all think he's a creep and he's ugly and bullshit like that, he said 4chan was ruining him but it was irreversable which is bullshit. Just fuck. I'm just trying to cope here. I'm hoping so much that I'm going to wake up in the morning and he'll have replied to me, maybe he fell asleep first or something. Fuck I don't know if i can sleep I don't even know who to go to other than here
File: 1466789038129.jpg (169 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
169 KB, 500x500
Look how serious is this stuff.
Karen's dead.
He's fucking dead. I don't know.. I just. Fuck. He texted me a little bit earlier about the threads, I tried to convince him not to but just FUCK. He thought the chick he was waifu with hated him. I wasn't here for it, but we were texting about it. Some asshole, according to this thread it was most likely Mai, went and framed him as a pervert and made it look like he was hitting on that drawfag or some shit. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but fuck dude he's young and that feels like the end of the fucking world when a girl thinks that about you and he just got out of a relationship a while ago but fuck. I just.. fuck. I don't know what to do anymore. He told me he was going to end his life. No reply. No matter how much I text, it says he hasn't read it. Before that he just didn't sound like the same guy anymore, he was going off the deep end saying he was worthless and that women all think he's a creep and he's ugly and bullshit like that, he said 4chan was ruining him but it was irreversable which is bullshit. Just fuck. I'm just trying to cope here. I'm hoping so much that I'm going to wake up in the morning and he'll have replied to me, maybe he fell asleep first or something. Fuck I don't know if i can sleep I don't even know who to go to other than here

ive been holding all in for so long im done you all think this is a joke just how i would expect people to act all unsympathetic monster no one deserves life we sould all die im at my breaking point i want to die we all want to die we just dont excpect it ill do it ill kill someone you want to see it my family is first my dads a big guy but with a knife i could do it kill them all then the neighbours ill show you the pics i will infact fuck it im going to do it watch me watch me ill post pics unless something happens to me and either i get uressted or shot god i feel so free its all going to be over
File: Repentance108.jpg (209 KB, 800x640) Image search: [Google]
209 KB, 800x640
Thanks... I guess?
Now,thats just being rude.
File: IDontNeedTheseFeels.png (125 KB, 506x285) Image search: [Google]
125 KB, 506x285
Don't have it saved

Recently died in a terrorist bombing. Collateral damage, explosion, shrapnel... we're not sure

File: il_340x270.950709820_3wca.jpg (14 KB, 340x270) Image search: [Google]
14 KB, 340x270
So we have people shitposting the hes dead copypasta with Esdeath tagged on the end. It does go together.
File: Homura (17).jpg (166 KB, 577x1024) Image search: [Google]
Homura (17).jpg
166 KB, 577x1024
What kind of pasta mash up is this.
File: image.jpg (139 KB, 825x1000) Image search: [Google]
139 KB, 825x1000
This is how you know /waifu/ = >>>/trash/
It also has Kirino's pasta at the beginning.
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480 KB, 600x799
Claimed ~Desu
File: received_134789190286084.jpg (81 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
81 KB, 800x800
Hello /Waifu/, long time no post..
What's going on..?
It's rude being heretic
You're waifu = >>>/trash/*
File: 32107599_p0.jpg (389 KB, 1050x1485) Image search: [Google]
389 KB, 1050x1485
Holy shit I didn't even notice

The good kind

File: 1945269.jpg (81 KB, 450x643) Image search: [Google]
81 KB, 450x643
Hello stranger.

Hey guys, how has everyone been.

Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 151

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