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ITT Post your absolute dream car and have other anons rate them

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 134
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ITT Post your absolute dream car and have other anons rate them
Posting 1967 Chevrolet Camaro ZS/SS
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Also checking those dubs
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Your car is shit
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Last one
Sweet dubs
Fuck you
And post cars dickweed
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Cars are just tools
Stop sperging out
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Confirmed for shit taste
Confirmed for autism
Fuck off ricerfag
>inline 4 engine
>Stop sperging out

Says the sperg, sperging a thread about a subject he claims to dislike.
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2016 Dodge Charger RT Scat Pack

$45k dream car and I'm getting it in a few months. Only thing that's going to suck is insurance
>another car lover
Fucking autistic
It's worse than bragging about dick size
You won't get laid anyways
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I'm posting god tier straight away.
Absolutely based
Good choice and good taste, but why not Chally Hellcat?
Get out
God tier indeed
>fucking autistic

says the autist shitposting autisticly in a thread about a subject he claims to dislike.
Kinda already have it. But the modification I want to do to it would make it my dream car, and maybe others too.
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With some mods
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Look at me im a faggot
Hellcat is just a novelty in my opinion. The Scat Pack is a 6.4liter engine where the hellcat is a 6.1 You're pretty much paying an extra $30k-$40k for the turbo charge which just isn't worth it imo. I'd rather have the 485hp 6.4 liter engine that's still a beast, yet still practical for everyday use
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>Will never ever have an Alpine
Great with great trips
Fair enough. I've heard great things about the new Charger on /o/ though. Plus, it's a V8 and therefore fucking awesome. Enjoy it m8.
The A 310, I belive the 73 ish was nice. hated it at first, but with better rims, that car stands out. So do those tho
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Nice. Checked. Mine is 69 Mach 1
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Good work fellow muscle car man
See above
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Model 3.
Good to see someone thinks they are neat. There's a guy around my area that has 1 of 50 MPD F1 Grand Prix's ever produced. Since getting a GP as my first car, they have grown too much on me. Just wish they had kept them rwd.
ford and chevy are gay

dodge is the only way to go
Siick 50
> From other thread that 404'd. lol
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JDM fag here
>There's a guy around my area that has 1 of 50 MPD F1 Grand Prix's ever produced
jelly af
>Just wish they had kept them rwd.
Damn shame tbh
What about Camaro?
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More thinking of attainable than absolute, but what I want most is an older, RWD American sedan with a 6-speed stick and a powerful V8.
At some point I'll probably mod a CVPI to fit that bill, though an old Caprice would be nice. I love the look of the old 9C1 Caprice
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1968 Dodge Charger R/T
Does anyone else have a tradition involving their cars
>be me at 19
>dad takes me to look for cars
>have to pay for it but he will help me find a good one
>find a beat up chebby nova
>works fine
>after papers are signed over dad pulls two things out of his pocket
>it's a CD handwritten Congrats Will (his name) in my Grandpa's handwriting
>and a 1964 penny
>has me scratch wheel well with penny
>then puts cd in stereo
Only time I ever cried tears of joy
I follow this tradition whenever I buy a new car. RIP dad.
>6 speed
It is. I told him that if he EVER thought about selling it, to let me know. He laughed that kind of laugh where you know thye never will. I was jelly af as well. He was originally looking for the Pace Car example. (All 6th Gen GP's btw), and ran across that one. only had like 120 k on it I think? Sounded like a V8 with the Eaton Supercharger and a few other beefed up components. Thought I was one of the few who liked GP's like crazy, but I guess I have compition. :/ FOund out that only 2 Convertible 6th Gen GP's were made and they were pace car examples as well. Apparently they had to register them with a salvage title because of all the work to totally transform them. Still want them tho. Along with like 400 other cars. lol
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>come into thread expecting a flood of ricers and yurofags
>instead its based muscle cars everywhere
I underestimated your taste /b/, because this fucking rules
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Your tradition is now my tradition
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mah nigga
6 or 5 isn't a huge difference, but the manual that is usually swapped into Caprices/Impalas of that generation is the 6-speed from a Camaro
>only had like 120 k on it I think? Sounded like a V8 with the Eaton Supercharger and a few other beefed up components
I can only get so hard. That sounds like a real machine
Mah nigga
>6-speed from a Camaro
I see. That makes sense. Good taste
What's your thoughts on a 2000 Red 2 door Cavalier? Not that I have one of those....
Stop posting shitty gas-guzzling V8s you spergs
Stop posting shitty gas-guzzling V8s you spergs

Bernie fag spotted
Post a pic
Otherwise I think it's good if temperamental
What the fuck?
No, really.
What the FUCK?
haha. I take it you like em too? I used to think the 6th Gen GP was ugly as fuck growing up, ut after getting one, I've grewon to love it, and plan to sink money ino mine despite all the rust reapir it needs. I want it to nbe 4wd and maybe a bit wider stance like the 96 GPX Concept. My ideal build is to keep the 3.1 OHV that I currently have in it, and to make it 4wd with roughly 700 ish hp either by supercharger or turboed. I want it to be a track car, but to have enough guts to keep up on the road. Money doesn't always buy the fastest car and to build one that will run with the supercars, especially a 4 door family sedan of yesteryear will certainly be satisfying as hell when it kicks their ass. i orinignally thought just rwd would be ok, but I want to put in a system that can switch betwen rwd and 4wd much like the component in GMC Suburbans and other big SUVs
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I'll give it a shot. It's pretty dark atm though. Also the bucket seats in the damn thing are the most comfortable seats I've ever sat in in my life.
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Fox body notch back w/ wide body kit and bags. Kinda like pic.
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my dream bike the the Kawa H2r

obviously i dont have the skill to ride that beast
but it would be a good way to die
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The movie that got me into cars
Thanks for the unexpected feels
You're absolutely right that I love em. That is one hell of a dream project. How would you convert it to 4wd though? I understand monkeying with the drivetrain is tough
Maximum C O M F Y
I see trucks like that in Lubbock
Rs200 evolution. Still one of the fastest accelerating cars ever, even after 30 years.
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I'm more into the retro shit
Eventually I'll probably get a Bonnie
What's top speed?
Old school
Tastes like bbq and freedom
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Wasted get
Please return to your ricebox circlejerk
>Lol stupid murricans will never know the joy of my 1.0 diesel shitbox that is barely affordable
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you should dig into moto guzzi
they have some good looking weird retro style bike
Top speed was nothing special, it was built for the group b rally, so it was all about acceleration. There was a version could do 0-60 in 2.1 seconds.
>obviously i dont have the skill to ride that beast
but it would be a good way to die


Well I wantto learn how to to autoboys and welding myself. It's a bit late in the game for me at 23 years old, but if I can learn to do it myself, then all the better. Rather than paying a shop to do it all for me. It will requirecutting a tunnel through the center as well as a rollcage for rigidity. A rear end ( I want to keep it all GM) will likely be that other other GM vehicles, maybe a Silverado or late modle GTO. I've seen a blakc guy on youtube had several parts from several makes and modles to make his rwd Dodge Shadow. like 600 hp, but an absolute beast. I'm not exactly sure of the plan atm, but I will likely have help from those who know how to do this kind of stuff correctly. Beofre I can do all of that though, mine needs patches in the firewall, news front frame rails, and complete rocker panles on both sides. WHile most people say I should just get a new car, it is my first and therefore sentimentalto me. My mom's 69 Nova sat for 2 years because it needed a tranny and the frame rotted in half from all the sitting outside it did. I'll do my damndest to kepp mine from the same fate and as soon as I get my hands on a beater Forsd truck, it can take the abuse of road salt, dings, moronic drivers, and so on, while my GP gets the resortation is deserves. At 278k on the odometer, it has been reliable as hell. (I only put 30k on it tho in the last 5 years as I got it with 243k. Wasa neighbors to my grandfather's before me. Got it for $400 as a wreck and it got put back together)
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Stock, you are correct. But muscle cars are about hot rodding, and there are tons of catalogs full of upgrades. You can do pretty much whatever you want to these things, including converting them into 4x4 trucks.
came here to say this. cheers mate.
Yeah I really like the look of the Griso and such. The V7 is gorgeous too, though I've heard it could use a little more power. There's one dealer somewhere around here that sells them, I hope to see if they do test-rides of them sometime soon
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Take your trips and stick them up your arse.
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>It's a bit late in the game for me at 23 years old
Not at ALL! You still have sixty plus years to learn, and I'm sure that advanced automotive repair like that has been written about all over the place. And a dream machine like the one you're proposing would run like a bat out of hell. Never give up on that
Reminds me of muscle cars in NFS Carbon
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tarded muricunts
Why don't you get a real car, from people who actually know what they're doing
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>how dare the silly Americans enjoy cheap gas and large roads
>I guess I will show them with my box of concentrated autism
cucked forever
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2001 Pontiac Grand Prix SE (2).jpg
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Unless my car was to be smashed by some retarded driver and was unrepairable after that, I won't give up on it, regardless of how many people tell me I'm stupid for wasting money on somethign that means so much to me. It sicken me how so many people trat their cars liek shit, then tuen aroud and say it was shit. Sorry, but you people are the problem. It;s like your own bosy, you either take care of it, or it dies.

Here is a pic of mine within the last few weeks. The rust has progressed since getting it in 2011. But here in MO, we salt the roads for fun. >:(
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Other than the two grey patches at the back left tire (getting rid of some rust spots), she's a beauty. First car, too
1977 Dodge Aspen Super Coupe
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>Be American
> Have long and big Roads
>TFW still not AutoBahn
That's the one. Maybe bronze. Probably black though.
i have 68 ss. Happy with it
>Sorry, but you people are the problem. It;s like your own bosy, you either take care of it, or it dies.
Agreed. A car is more than just a machine to get from point a to point b. It's a beautiful machine and a joy to take care of.
>we salt the roads for fun. >:(
Horrible. We would shoot people for that in Texas
Quite nice anon! Good work on getting one.
That is a bitching paint scheme.
Post pics. How is it? Does it run well?
>Be German
I think that's punishment enough
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>Real car
>Know what they're doing
Fucking mint bro
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>Bitchin paint scheme
And that's stock.
I would settle for an R/T. But I want that super coupe so bad.
Here's another one, Pontiac G8 GXP, 6.2L LS1 V8.
Explain once again why you included Tesla?

Most reliable and safe car brand on the market.
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Had to settle for the sadan version still a beast if a car
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The only good Porsche
Didn't mean to (you)
Thanks! You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that. Took me some time and money to get it to run, but God it was worth it. I've been bitter towards the car from the times it's caused problems but honestly, now that I look at it, it isn't too bad of a car. :)
as a mechanic and an aussie with access to most world market cars, europeans cant built a car that lasts after the 5 year warranty period for dick. European cars are such a false economy and the whole reliability reputation is like a bad joke. Maybe the original beetle or 1970s mercs were good for their day, but if you even look at a modern euro the wrong way something breaks.
Nice my first car was a 90 something corolla
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It goes along the back too
Left is Super Coupe, right is R/T
Reminds me of this for some reason
Super Coupe is a great car
It's a day to day hassle but a big picture blessing. Put love into the car and it will always give it back :)
I have a niche for unloved and rare cars, regardless of how much money they are worth.

>First car, too

I take it it's sentimental to you too?
>I have a niche for unloved and rare cars, regardless of how much money they are worth.
I get that. It's pretty fulfilling to have a special car that you can appreciate when others don't. i can't really say that I have the same wish though, since the 67 Camaro is pretty mainstream.
the 68 runs ok. its not perfect, but i work on cars for a living and its pretty easy to work on so it suits me fine. Im in australia so for me its actually an import and considered pretty rare.
Man I wanted to get into rebuilding cars but seeing the constant frustration my friends have with their projects kinda turned me off to it
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An Aussie? I have a secret longing for Aussie cars (namely the Falcon and the VH Valiant) ever since I first laid eyes on pic related
1971 Dodge Challenger R/T
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Fugg wrong pic
mfw domestic cunt cars will never handle or rally as good as any jdm car
I hear yea, but a 67 Camaro is still ahrsd to find. The sister ofthe Camaro's, the 60s Firebirds are goingthrough the roof in price right now. All of a sudden, they are becoming more and more desirable I hear. I would love one of those, and a 67 Camaro liek yours. If you ask me, it seems the 67 is the hardest find when it coems to 1st gen Camaros as 69's are the most abundant and molested. Hard to find stock. I'd soup up modern cars thought whiel they are in availability. The nas they get older, keep them more stock as they are more desireable that way, and worht more money. I guess I'm starting to look at it in a preservation and money aspect as well. Kinda liek how one would keep 1 of the only 3 created Bugattis Atlantica's or the 20 somethign Ferrari 350 GTOs stock because they are more desirable that way
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Maybe in 7-10 years when I have the $$$ for one...
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just this modest car
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The GN needs a mention here
well they dont really look like they do in mad max. all the spoilers and the nose cone are all aftermarket. XA, XB and XC coupes are extremely rare and expensive now. They are for the most part only obtainable by very rich people now. A more realistic goal would be getting a mach 1 mustang, grand torino or 71 and a half falcon, which all look similar.
good luck ever find one
>i6 is the same thing as i4

fuck off
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Yep. That's the tragedy of age. My crazy Mexican friend has an idea of salvaging the parts for a Camaro and building the entire car exterior in a 3d printer
Good snek
For plebs I hear
Yeah, I read about how much work they put into making a regular Falcon into the V8 Interceptor. Honestly I think the best bet is pic related
Haven't had it long enough to be sentimental. I will admit though that I'm attached to the car.
They made a road version of an LMP? Particularly a Porsche?
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Audi S4 B8.5
Say what you wanna say, but when you get inside a german luxury car after being used to a japanese/american piece of shit you will feel the difference in quality and the passion put in german cars.
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Plebs, all of you.
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58 Corvette
>Literally better than anything ITT
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they did. And not just any porsche. The legendary 962
they are a great looking car. when the 6 cylinder version of that came out it was actually beating all the v8s on the market out here due to the way it was geared. valiants are a little cheaper in terms of vintage cars for some reason. the only problem I have with them is that they're called a charger, because its name will always be in the shadow of the dodge charger.
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>"Better than everything"
>Calling other people plebs
>Posts ugly old white guy car that's slow as fuck
Drive your al-oo-min-ium Jag-yu-ar to the market and get me some crisps.
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I don't know why, but this miata
Good taste sir
3D printed car
>He would download a car
>literally biggest codlover xbox360 memecar in the world
Anything you need to know about that piece of shit car is answered by her interior quality
Literally looks like a honda fit inside
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What the fuck is going on in this engine
something about those intakes makes me want it
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this, but ill take the BMW equivalent.
This should've quoted this
I always think of as it just the Valiant because it's so much different from the Charger, it doesn't deserve to be overshadowed.
He's an absolute madman I know
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Roll cage and everything
Steam punk engine?
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Kraut space magic
Next Car im getting for those beach trips and will most likely mod.

I have a civic si 9th gen and an 8th gen civic lx manual transmission.

I really love manual hondas.
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father was a jaguar man
mates always wanted ferraris and porsches
i like lamborghinis

none of us ever owned one, probably never will
still, nice car.
>Better than anything ITT
Are you retarded?
I'm convinced the Japs don't even know what a V8 is.
yeah its completely different, although the same guy designed both cars, thats part of why it got the same name.
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Must be nice having a decent priced dream car. I wouldn't know. But god damn i love rolls royce
yankee and especially dodge cars are fucking shit, euro is the only way to go.
>and fuck JDM shit
>2 fucking million $
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>I'm convinced the Japs don't even know what a V8 is.
see pic related
Your point still stands
Good taste, but different strokes for different folks. Personally never cared too much for the backend of that car. Just a spolier would improve it. The same effect goes for my Grand Prix.

Own it long enough and it just might. I never rally like tha tyear fo the cavalier, but if you made it into a Z/24 clone, it might be even more sentimental. I just know that I rememebr my dad test driving one when I was a teenager and it was too bogged own. Just didn't want to move, and I have heard that the Ecotec before the Chevy Cruz had always been that way. Still can unleash it's true potential, but factory speaking, they just didn't make the cut.

A for if you're bait or not, please fuck off. I have a Honda Prelude and it's less fuckign generic than the R35. Literraly the most overrated SPorts car of out decade. Too heavy, Too expensive, and realies on Turboes to give it practically all of it's power. Only way it can compete. Plus every rich fag with no originality owns one. Partly in why I say that money cant buy the fastest car. I love seeing those things getting smoked.
ITT: STUPID Americans.
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Happy miata
had a dodge viper cardboard pinup on my wall for years.
>electric cars
Anything mopar minus some muscle cars are extremely Fucking gay also anything made by Pontiac after the 70s
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1969 Dodge Super Bee with the 426 HEMI
Ferrari build quality is terrible
Porsche is alright
Lamborghini is way over hyped
And they've all been whipped by American cars.
Lambos, Ferraris, and Porsches can't keep up with Vipers, Vettes, and GTs.
The only foreign I would ever be scared of is a Koenigsegg.
Fuck dude I love Coronets.
That's my dad's dream car, I even bought him a little replica.
Wokd love to have one. Only homogilation models of LMPs I knew of up to this point were the Nissan R390 and the Toyota TS020. Thanks Gran Turismo. lol but yea, that'd be hard as fuck to find. And if ya did, the price point of getting the person to sell it to you would be killer enough.
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12 year old CONFIRMED.
Restored one of these. Hardest part was finding an original steering wheel.
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bugati wayyy nicer
only dodge i could give an exception to, to be honest. beast of a car.
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I always loved the look of the '70. The restyle with the loops and such is really love it or hate it: I love it
Fuck off.
The young kid stereotype is liking Lambos and Ferraris.
I used to like them. Then I learned what an engine is and now I see them for what they are. Overpriced cars that can't keep up with cars that cost 1/2 as much.
Better than owning some broken ass muscle car that breaks down and then gets fixed up cause "muh passion to work on cars". The fact that a 4 door electric saloon can destroy Bugattis in a 1/4 mile is more than enough to proof you should think before you shitpost.
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bugati wayyy gaudy

Go back to you cunt.
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>tfw you make when you're american and will never be able to enjoy a beautiful, powerful and iconic European Automobile such as a BMW, Merc, Volvo or Audi
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Still the most beautiful "supercar" ever made.
I don't care if its not faster than others.
The first generation r8's are the most beautiful cars in the world.
Holy shit so much aids in one post.
Fuck that's nice. And more unique than their standard Phantom. What's the technical model name?
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surprised nobody else has mentioned the pantera detomaso yet
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1973 Plymouth Cuda 340 V8
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The roof of the car has fucking stars on it name another fucking car that does
you can't
As if you fucking can't
Go buy an A4 to jerk off in
Because it's ugly as fuck
Die in a fire you cunt.
I love my Fiesta ST. I just need to get my access port and intercooler. It will be the perfect daily for me the.
go recharge your car, you fucking pansy. electric cars are fucking shit, real automobiles use fuel.
>implying i give a shit about muscle cars
ausfag here, in my experience if you look hard enough and are near a major city you can practically find any car you want. also you aren't missing out on much with that selection
>not the 1970 Plymouth 426 Hemi Cuda
so show me what you think isn't.
Lmao keep worshiping a shitbox u niggerlover
Fiesta ST. Does in come in a men's?
look who is looking at the car some faggot with his sweater tied around his neck avid depiction of people who like that car
32k for that ? over priced
>XB Falcon
"Dude I left your ass, and your car looks like a box."
"But....but....muh stars."
Seriously, what does that fucking matter? Nobody is going to be torn between what car to buy and decide on that one because it has stars in the ceiling.
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2016 Alfa Romeo Giulia
2.9l twin turbo engine, 510 bhp
4 wheel drive.
Absolute beauty!
It can be a bit boggy. Thinking about getting aftermarket fuel injectors or adding a supercharger to it to help out with the acceleration.
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Pretty sure it's just the 2016 phantom with some different shit
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
People are desperate for any E-body so they can make a hemi clone with it
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2002 silver pontiac grand am
That actually is my dream car, OP. 10/10 do agree.
a rich guy admiring a dudes car decides whether you like it or not. you have issues.
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What is it with Europeans making the front of their cars look like shit?
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Simple and beautiful
No unnecessary curves
Not too square
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rat hod.jpg
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inb4 redneck
rat rod is really
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1969 Dodge Charger
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The mighty all powerful fiat multipla
Bruh, front of this car looks like an angel's face
Tundra V8 is the most well known Jap V8 today. Your argument is autistic. If you're implying a V8> a TTV6, look at the new ford GT. Fucking fools man.
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Have you ever sat in the back of a phantom? If so you know what i'm talking about if not so be it go blow your load to some crappy muscle cars
Why do so many people here like muscle cars? What reason is there that compels so many people towards it?
>real automobiles use fuel
implying electricity isn't a form of fuel go burn in a fucking fire. Have fun spending loads of money on repairs and gas and insurance when electric cars are becoming cheaper and cheaper to own.
and that is your opinion. i wont even feign hate because i live that car too but its all subjective. ps the pantera would shit on that car any day of the week be it straight line or curvy backroad.
James May, is that you?
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See if you can change the ECU around. They governed them motors a lot it seems. So changign that will eat a bit more fuel, btu definitely increase your hp .Careful not to go past regualtons so that it's stil legal with all the states being retarded abotu pollution. As if their contirvution and guidlines do a damn thing.

I sense a Pontiac hater. Oh wait, It's probably a nigger. (P)oor (O)l' (N)igger (T)hinks (I)t's (A) (C)adillac
Because their dads told them they were cool.
Because opinions.
I honestly cannot imagine why people give a shit about Hondas and blow their loads so hard to M3s, but to each their own
Die in a fire of fuck.
Even if it did, at the end of the day, pantera is ugly compared to the e36
Putting a V8 in a truck is different. A truck NEEDS a V8.
Give me a Jap coupe or sedan that has a V8 in the past 10 years.
Well yeah it's opinion based of course, but what draws people to muscle cars? The engines, the styling?
Looks stretched cpmpared to the already long wheel base of a Phantom. Idk, don't see many, but thy are nice. Probably much better built than Bentleys. Damn dody panles can't even line up correctly
Its ot riced you illiterate fuck.
I'm not too familiar with cars. What's an ECU?
don't worry anon, i was driving down the highway a few months ago and saw a gorgeous, white 1972 pantera detomaso
Those are two of the biggest points yes.
I much prefer the look and simplicity of older cars, coupled with the power and they're perfect
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A mint Left Hand Drive MKIV Supra 6 speed.

>inb4 ricer fag
>the fact that they are a solid piece of steel in an age of plastic.
Because they're retarded americans who have
never sat in a estoril blue E53 X5
another memecar
literally the ugliest piece of shit "sports" car in the world
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Alfa Giulia GT Veloce
I like the body style coupled with the power of their engines
engine control unit
Holy fuck why ask these dumb questions? go drive one and you'll know.
The Tacoma does perfect with its TRD package and V6. And to be honest if you still think the most fuel efficient, lightweight, and technologically superior way to make power in any sporty car today is still a V8, you should try to stop being so narrow minded as not to fucking make yourself look like an old American fool.
Gotta have specially trained people to work on your car and the battery range is shit. WHiel elctric cars are nice, the are only good for short trips (250 miles on average) and most suck in tersm of get-up-and-go when compared to sports and supercars. Tesla Model S can only top out at 125. fucking pathetic
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cool and that is what defines an opinion. still not gonna shit on the beamer because i do like them regardless of all the models they make looking exactly the same.
I feel u bruh!
in my opinion they were a just golden age of cars, and they were obtainable for a regular person unlike many poster-cars. They had good styling and were easy to customise/personalise, and were meant for everyday use, and in that era having the fasted car on the block wasn't the exclusive domain of the rich
I'm way too poor to one a muscle car sadly. By the time I get enough money I think the oil will have run out and we will be in Prius hell.
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The computer in the car. Under the hood. Will cost you around $500, but will allow you to change various things like timing, fuel ratios, shit like that. can make major improvements to your car's perfomance
back in high school i went into power mechanics to see one sitting in the bay, asked teacher who's it was and he points to a flaming dude in pink running shorts. fucking beautiful car though. thank you for that anon.
12 yo or someone who only experiences anything close to cars through internet reviews confirmed.
To each their own you fucking autist.
Any links that will help me mess with the ECU? Can't find anything on Google that'll tell me how
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What a fucking monstrosity. Its like they didn't know if they were making a coup or a sedan. Just awful
A V8 will beat a V6.
A supercharged V8 will beat a supercharged V6.
A turbocharged V8 will beat a turbocharged V6.
A turbocharged V8 is on par with a supercharged V6.
A supercharged V8 will beat a turbocharged V6. It's simple.
Obviously this differs with displacement differences, but scaling up results in these facts.
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Alfa Stelvio.jpg
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>Tfw no Stelvio
Or a Lancia Fulvia, two of the best looking European cars ever IMO
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Nope, keep trying.
R8 still best looking car in thread
I love these models. They remind me of the "standard" cars you'd see every cop or bad guy drive on TV in the 80's
Absolutely not.
Best engine confirmed V8
What about twincharging?
Get an AWD SHO. Best bang for buck. mOst power, and worth more money.
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Absolutely yes.
12 yo confirmed.
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Mk3 supra 2jz seap is obivously the greatest car on the planet
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1969 roadrunner
Test drove an awd a couple weeks ago. Finally got a job making good money, getting one for sure. I'm in love with my 93 SHO, but it's time for something new.
Having owned a couple BMWs, I can say I just loved the passion of bringing into the shop every year when it shit the bed.

Enjoy your expensive Volkswagon, though.
Bring up twincharging, I'll just bring up the +500 horsepower blowers you never see on a V6.
I do realize you're on my side, but a V8 with a blower will, well, blow away anything next to it.
Beep beep nigga
excuse you amerifag
But you only have one western world example of a v8 sedan that is supercharged, and it's the hellcat. Literally every other one is NA or TT V6 now with the exception of a recent Caddy CTS V.
mechanical philosophy this basic. learn to change a tyre, babe.
yup this. don't like the second gen nearly as much as the first
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Fucking Alfa Romeo man, sexiest cars ever
Maybe your cars wouldn't break down on you if you started taking care of them.
Fair enough
But it's not a production vehicle you FUCKING IDIOT!
Go look up the video of the model s destroying a zr1 or some shit - while its towing a zr1

The fact that you say they're gutless shows you've never been in one. Try and get the power curve of an electric engine in a petrol engine. You never will, electric engines are full torque instantly. Petrol will never ever compete in terms of performance.

3/10 for making me reply though
is it meant to be a vulva or muscle
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pantera fag posting again excuse you all eurocucks. it was made to win.
This guy gets it.
its fully stock you retard
Actually keep trying, they're just as overrated as GTRs. Just wha tthe 12 year old flock to and claim the best. Most Lambos too.

Actually newer motors today are beating V8s with less weight and just as much power via Forced induction. BUT, a V8 will likely continue to remain supreme. Ligher wieght than V10s or 12s, btu more cylinders for more power than 6's or 4s, even when paired with Forced Induction. The Koenigsegg lineup, and Hennessy Venom are prime examples.
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Evo X /b/ois

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1962 Chevrolet Biscayne
I'd hold onto the 93, but thats just me. Old SHO's are hard to find, and still desireable.
Ive built a few z's i love those damn things
Just because they're famous doesn't mean they're overrated.
R35 is overrated because its a fast "supercar" killer memecar
R8 Is actually beautiful and provides the perfect mix between luxury and performance that a luxury sports car should have.
GTR is literally all about statistics and nothing else
Interior sucks dick, no comfort, nothing that a luxury sports car needs.
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69 charger.jpg
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i cant decide between 3 cars.
Anything after evo9 is fucking lame
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or this
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>A V8 will beat a V6.
>A supercharged V8 will beat a supercharged V6.
>A turbocharged V8 will beat a turbocharged V6.
>A turbocharged V8 is on par with a supercharged V6.
>A supercharged V8 will beat a turbocharged V6. It's simple.
>Obviously this differs with displacement differences, but scaling up results in these facts.

yeah but v8s for fags. v12 masterrace!
Charger all day boi
Ruining shitbox Hondas is one thing (which still shouldn't be tolerated because they're literally unsafe on the roads), but stancefags should never go beyond that to cars that actually matter
Yeah but a V10 Viper ACR would whip that shitty Ferrari.
Seriously, Ferrari's build quality has been shit recently.
Whats with the piccolo antenna
driven one, not that great but beautiful

driven one of these too, unbelievably great but not that beautiful
yes but a 2009 model r35 will be even cheaper to own. pretty good bang for the buck honestly.
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or a kouki s14
>Turbo V8 is on par with a supercharged V6

What the fuck are they putting in Coke these days?
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MFW cylinder count doesn't mean displacement.
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Maybe if it wasn't ruined
V12's are fucking sick, but not all V8's are faggy cars. I like some V8's
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if i were to get a charger i would probably try and make it look like this (or something similer)
Ive driven 2 r8's
>v8 manual
>v10 paddleshift
The v10 is much more fun, but regardless the r8 is a pig of a supercar
I have no plans on getting rid of it. 80k miles and damn near mint condition. I only wish it was a 5-speed.
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I'd be happy with almost any groub-b car
I agree, it hurts that I like it but w/e
This bitch is going to auction in August. Rarest of the rare.
in every thread: stupid americans. also know as just "americans"
I lose my shit when I see a properly built civic, its so rare now
bich, im scottish
R34 GT-R.
>choosing form over function
Why are men so irrational lol
Literally sex on wheels.
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>not choosing the 1969 R/T with the 440 Magnum
88' celica alltrac
Never lost when it was entered in a race
nah, the other grill style is just better
Ausfag reporting in
this no question
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Last of the V8 Interceptors.jpg
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I'm not really into cars like Hondas and such, but when I see like a stock EK Civic or something I almost want to take a goddamn picture because it's so rare. You never see older Civics, CRXs, etc. that dipshits haven't tastelessly ruined
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