thats just gore, not even a gud rek
Because this
newfag confirmed
semi oc
and this is why black people can't be construction workers
because people are tired of seeing the same pics, gifs and webms every fucking time over and over and over.
Actually because a lot of the new crowd actually prefer Rate Me, Faces of /b/ and Rate my Dick threads than gore. Which is way sadder than the idea of a conspiracy going on.
This guy got his face ripped off by a grizzly bear in Alaska. He survived, and they sewed his gave back on.
Btw, Op nice trips
Is this what you call bait anon?
This is not bait.
It is bullshit.
Gave --> face
I have some rekt stuff, any requests?
any webm it's ok
saw a webm of some guy sitting on a bench at a park, and a guy walks up behind him, stands there for a while, then plants an axe in his head.
ooooh do find it!
Is that a victim from the axe attack? I feel so bad for that little refugee
because most faggots, such as yourself, post a fucking gawd damned pic first. then it's gore, not rekt. that's like loli vs shota. you need to understand the difference. but as you're a raging aids ridden homosexual, that has the extra gay+queer 'i take cocks in my ass because i am a huge faggot' aids, you'll never learn.
Talks about rekt threads... posts gore.
I always have and always will hate summerfags because of this
so satisfying
l always liked that coat
Protect the polar bears
penis damage
Fucking lol
Fucking kek
Got a little fresh oc tonight. Got my finger pinched between a plate and the guard on the shear at work tonight. Had to get it stitched up. Nothing crazy but it's new oc at least
Got dubs for it even
There you go. Hope someone enjoys them
SHIT, my back ich!
9/11 proven
the evolution of nigger
You did this didn't you?
If trips says it... It becomes true.
>l said a little off the top, you damn infidel
What drives a man to do this I wonder?
Because it's summer.
I don't fucking know
did you cry?
we need more rekt
Nah. The kid I was working with damn near had a breakdown though. I'm guessing at 19 he hasn't seen much shit like that irl
Damn man, well make sure you take care of yourself. Gotta be more careful.
That's it.
I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.
oh shit nigger, where you going
Potential copypasta?
Yeah it was a straight stupid mistake. Complacency around a machine that cuts and punches steel is never good
is this a fetish?
nice b8, will use this from now on
k bye
what the fuck is this machine
and why is it moving so fast
what the fuck is that
Damn, the new cod looks pretty good.
oh shit nigger
what the fuck is this
the popo be fast on yo ass nigga
I agree. This board is full of edgy teens who get bullied at school so they act hard online.
They are just fags and virgins
bait, its gotta be
hot off the presses
Holy bait. /b/ is for random anon. Rekt threads are pretty random. You're not random.
I-is he shooting fucking FLARES???
I don't know niglet
it's tracer ammunition you domb ass
This made me feel weak in the knees. Fucking why?
I get it.
how semi?
did you watch it standing up?
I thought they only had a tracer round every 3-5 bullets in helicopters and airplanes?
they do .. this is what it looks like
No, retard. He was the guy in the webm
Superlurk here, all of it
Holy fuck. How many RPM is that then? Has to be well into the 1000s
this is a classic man
Sac reppin
Bad hair day
Shia religious ceremony, the crazy fuckers do it every single year.
The religion of peace strikes again.
That's gnarly as fuck. Haven't seen that one before.
Anything decent from recent plane crashes or Nice happening?
I remember there was some good stuff from that shot down plane over Ukraine.
Awww his poor knees
That poor kiwi...
did he FUS RO DA?
anyone have good quality pictures from the turkey coup? like those guys beeing compressed by a tank?
correct, this place is on repeat mode for rekt and most topics besides. same ol, same ol, shit
Until there are new happenings. There's been plenty of happenings as of late but maybe they are getting better at containing it.
The shot down plane over Ukraine had some interesting pics.
he kicks the god damn dog
^no homo
Niggers destroying education one dance at a time.
Saudis with to much money do this, normally you wont load in that many tracers , but they love their fireworks. any one has that arab gun range at night
shit fam!!
That's vintage
funniest thing i seen in a while
More like spine breaker.
heh heh... at least we getting somewhere
omfg i laughed so hard my mom woke up and is yelling at me now to shut up
When did you grow out of rekt threads? I did when I started middleschool.
This episode of supernatural was really weird
he has no nose?
Classic copypasta
I don't have the copy pasta. Somebody else needs to post it.
Never mind
Normal nigger working
I think that 0 is Kek laughing at me for posting this when it was already posted. Kek is cruel but fair
Does anyone know what happened to this kid?
Omg dude too much you are sick
6000 to be exact. That's why it looks like constant tracers.
These Trans aka mental disorder carriers!
I knew call of duty was real
peer pressure
Fuck asians
Your reply is so stupid IT could be copypasta
Y'know, I'm not entirely sure, but I think he got 'em.
classic pasta
But gore is edgier and makes me look cooler on 9gag XD
>Freely firing like that in the middle of crowded interstate traffic
What a fucking asshole, if he fired that thing even in my general direction I'd turn around and run him over
#selfie #ihatemondays
They're over done and need new content.
Fuck off back to FaceBook
These flashing pics have gone to far.
No you don't understand, he's a cop, only civilians can do bad things with guns.
New meme confirmed
That's what you do when a dog fucking latches onto your arm you fucking PETA fag
Now aint that pathetic
Wtf why is there no audio. How do you get audio on a iphone2?
That's really fucked up dude, holy shit
Probably not his biggest load
The fuck is she on? A name brand knee breaker?
If everyone was was as well trained as this disciple errr.....
I ran out of shit to say.
I've seen someone get shot dead. I still enjoy these threads.
This is Poland
happens if you don't go 100%. big guy was at 60% max in the beginning.
It would have been amazing if his pants fell back in place at the end lol.
I hope someday a dog fucking bites your dingus and never lets it go you sispa mongloid cuck. Dont even dare kicking the dog
>That file name
M fucking sides
Having had an ingrown toenail, that looks like a relief.
dam you made me kek out-loud
/pol/ user here:
Fake. Only liberals are the ones pushing the divide and conquer.That's just yet-another retarded post created, screencapped, and shilled by the same person.
Judging by the filthy fingernails. Should have worn gloves while working, dumbass.
Anyone have the other version of this gif with pepe pissing in the dudes face
That is so fucking cool!
Does anybody have a source of that incident?
because fags like you don't know the difference between gore and rekt!
Word has it it got his work done, graduated, and went on to go to college without having impregnated a female before the age of 17.
lol this is like something off of Looney Tunes
He definitely stayed conscious for a bit after that clean cut.
That was pretty cool
This is why women shouldn't be allowed to do anything important.
Complete inability to get laid.
There are some sick fucks out there. This is why I never stray from /b/.
yeah, okay. because there totally hasn't been an enormous spike in non-troll racism bait threads starting around late 2014 amid the return of eight channers back to /pol/ and the mobilization of Stormfront's activity on various "edge" sites around the web including 4chan.
Won't even call you a shill, just pathetic.
I don't want to feel these feels
People don't care because their daily lives have been turned into rekt threads.
back to 9gag with you
where did he go?
Film source?
You are not okay. And you are choosing to be that way. Get better, or finish dying because every breath is another lung full of oxygen somebody useful could have used.
this never gets old
worse than everyother gore webm/gif i've ever seen
the pic happens to be a gif file. no sound will ever come out of it.
>also, nerve gas
matrix 3 revealed?
it looks so fucking gay...
did you actually watch all of the gif?
it says
>>audio muted due to copyright-
you poverty stricken piece of shit
tbh most fights are
I love that hand that comes out like "WTF"
I lol'd
Now thats the highest level of upperdecker you can achieve.
they're tracer rounds, its a regular bullet with a small amount of red phosphorus on the end. it allows the gunner to see exactly where he is shooting.
often not every round is a tracer but say 1 in 5. so what you're seeing there could be 1/5th of how much is actually being fired.
This happened in Chile, cops are not fucking idiots like in your fatass country
Cant you see the loaded way more tracers then 1 in 5 also high fire rate weapons have less then 1/5 tracers
The two niggers behind her didn't play basketball cus they can't block shit
he's a base jumper, he fell voluntary...
"Niggers knows best"
Aww fuck man, this one
Gotta grab sum titty beefo yo legs go shitty.
A Lot of blood, a beheading would've done a lot better
Niggers being niggers
haha nice
Is that one of those new snapchat filters?
i can relate man, i trim it but there is a buldge and it still hurts to knock it
>Can't even stand up
Can't feel sorry for this lazy bitch
I know of this, its from a movie, I forget the name tho
you fucking whale! you need to go into a roll when you land!
This is one of the best things I've ever seen in my life.
Agreed. It was seriously somehow harder to watch than innocent people getting murdered >>695336270
srsly though
screwdriver? Asking for infection
I'm fucking dying. This rekt thread is turning into the best YLYL thread in a minute
although sympathising with him, my sides are reporting stable orbit.
You grab the top of his snout and pushing the lips against his own teeth , they let go instantly.
Caesar is not used to dogs biting him so he didnt react correctly and like a mexicunt he fail kicks the dog , i lolled thats all.
"They stalk their prey and wait for a good moment to strike..."
That's fuckin sad
>master kek
must have audio