I'm a brazilian considering emigrating to the US. Do you guys really hate foreigners or is it just a meme?
if you were the girl in the pic you are more then welcome to come hop up on my cock i love qt "alt" girls
Definitely a meme.
that's probably a lesbian anon
depends. are you from not the US?
You're hot, so no. Do you want an American husband? Did you come from a favela?
As long as you're not brown or Muslim
she's a rabid sjw from a really shitty band
Brazilians pretty accepted. People have the most problems with Central Americans and Muslims, but that's not the whole country. Where abouts in the US are you going?
basically depends how hot youare
I'll help you get accustomed if you can cook and hold a job. ( and suck a dick) Also tits or gtfo
Ohhh man even better..would totally hate fuck
Expect to be hit on by alot of black guys that just want to fuck
What's her name?
stay the fuck out. we have enough spics already.
old people in the usa are like "u dont like murica and garrrd u can GETT OUTT". also depends where you move to. I, personally, wouldn't want to move to the US. Hear way too much shit about it.
alanna mcardle
band is joanna gruesome
i'm a guy, that's just some random girl
yep, i'm brazilian
I was thinking Boston, I heard they have some of the best wages in the country + I like cold climates
that's more of a problem in the south, right?
>alanna mcardle
and she's welsh. and she left the band. and it's a shite band.
did you come from a favela?
didn't know she left but yeah the band is complete trash.
Old people and Religion an issue, Must be a southern issue.
Unless you're Mexican in that case you can fuck right off
i'd go to australia
It rains spiders there. Spiders.
Depends on whether they become part of the permanent non citizen welfare class and access our taxdollars to pay for their living costs or not.
no, I'm from the suburbs
Pic related? And also if you do it legally why the fuck now
lol if your light skinned you'll have an earlier time
its like the fucking 1800's.
If I were you I'd try Europe
Fuck off we don't need you. I hope you come just in time for the race war so you get a fucken bulet in joe azz yo
We hate illegal foreigners, or even legal foreigners that can't adjust to western society and become a part of the country they chose to immigrate to.
Not saying you can't bring your culture or stop celebrating your own holidays. but the country you become resident of comes first.
Kek m8 nice image.
But in all seriousness i bet the fag won't stop talking about soccer and fucking brazilian foods so he feels special. I live in the North and we don't want immigrants, we have enough people. Unless the white spic shoots at least 10 niggers,then i say righto mate
As much as I hate Islam and most Islamists. I lose my shit over the reaction pics.
I live in the south, There's more fucking animals than people. Wouldn't mind a few spics to use as farmhands.
I hate fucking soccer dude...
brazilian food is pretty damn good though
you had your chance with the black people
wew look how that turned out
It's both.
We don't like immigrants because of who they are, we hate immigrants because were a country with more people then jobs and the more immigrants are allowed in, the lower our standard of living becomes.
Legal farmhands, not Illegal.
Also, I'm a 3rd generation American. My family came here in 1938 when my grandma saw hitler's bullshit and said nah.
Come here leagaly, speak English, get a job, and you will be just fine
Honestly, I can't speak for everyone, but if you're not from a country known for aggression against the USA and you're willing to actually fucking work and not live off of welfare or stealing jobs for less pay, I'd welcome you in.
Kek no one is going to care if you are brazilian in the south.
Yeah, I get your point. What we're usually told here in Brazil is that americans hate working jobs like housekeeping, construction, janitors, etc, so the foreigners aren't actually taking away jobs from americans but filling vacancies. I don't know how much of that is true, though
Come to Europe, dude. We need some new drug dealers.
I was working with a bunch of brazilians a few months ago. It's easier to get citizenship in canada, then get a work visa in the US. Boston has some of the most expensive rent in the country, but the have whole Brazilian neighborhoods. Not sure why it's so popular with yall. But everything is expensive as fuck up there. And unless you are going to do a labor intensive job like digging ditches or some other job I feel I am too good to do, stay your fuck ass down there with your corrupt as fuck government. Instead of running over here, why don't you start a protest, or murder a crooked government offical. Try to fix your country before you come here. It was really hard for us to kill all the Indians and fix this country for them. They really mismanaged it.
Only idiots who don't like to work dislike those jobs.
Most people don't care as long as they have a paycheck.
No, you would like to immigrate to this country. US is the subject.
Your goddamn right moving to Boston, best city in the us in the best state. Just be careful of housing costs, some places, especially student heavy places are cheep but it can be kinda high in spots. Only place to really stay away from in the area is Mattapan (murderpan). Also when there keep in mind Tom Brady is god and Goodell is the devil.;)
emigrating FROM brazil TO the us
i think he's right, fam
Nah, it's immigrate. Since he wants to live there permanently.
like he said, the US is the subject as the sentence is structured so the correct word should have been immigrate. If he/she wanted to say emigrate the sentence should have read "I'm Brazilian and I'm considering emigrating from Brazil to the US."
Right but the subject was US... So you immigrate to somewhere.
You emigrate FROM Brazil.
Thanks for having my back other grammar fag.
Be a productive member of society and you'll have few problems. Though you will score mega bonus points if you can passably speak English. Which it seems you can.
We only hate the freeloaders.
Just a meme.
There are tons of Brazilians here in MA, they seem to get along fine.
We don't like shit skins and illigals, but foreigners are cool ( I dig foreign accents personally )
I moved here a little over a year ago and got told to go back to my own country by a woman wearing a tshirt that said "100% Irish 100% proud".
>great-grandparents fled nazi germany
Jew detected
You are wearing tights. I like you.
I'm Irish American and this makes me kek so hard. Americans forget that Potatofags were the Mexican immigrants of yesteryear
no we hate illegal immigrants. if you come here legally and go through the proper channels and learn English we really don't have a problem with you.
This pic is funny with this comment, because it was taken from a video recorded in Brazil
Yeah, I have jewish blood. But I don't practice jewish faith. Chill with your neo-nazi.
Also, they left france when they noticed Germany annexing things. :^) but nice try friendo.
we hate foreigners who live up to their stereotypes. unfortunately this is almost always the case.
Depends on where you go. Some places you won't come back from. Most of the us is ok. But about Appalachia and the north. Those Yankees are wierd.
lmao where do you live?
unless you have a college degree i would steer clear of the north east. wages might be 10-20% better but the cost of living is usually 2x higher. if you want cheap living move to the midwest or the south.
do it legally and nobody will give a fuck
We hate illegals.
We love people who assimilate and contribute.
White States: Texas, Idaho, Nebraska, Wyoming, utah...
^ like, SUPER white...snow, tress, white people. Native whites, Europeans, happen to be way better people in general all these mental retards running the country and fucking their immediate family members have problems and just fucking suck. So stay away from the aforementioned honky havens.
Terrible bait.
Actually best places to live in the US. Rugged, beautiful, honest, pure.
Terrible places for a dishonest, lazy nigger
You're a chick so no worries. Everyone will just want to fuck the Brazilian bitch.
Boston is very expensive to live in. It's pretty awesome for high paying jobs, but in general you need to have a pretty high level of education to get those jobs due to the huge number of high quality colleges and universities in the area. If you really like cold climates and a (relatively) tolerant population you could look into Minneapolis. Its a smaller city but it is less expensive and has less big city problems. Still has good paying jobs and its in the great lakes region so living costs are more reasonable.
That's not that anon.
That's a retarded sjw, who's in a garbage band.
>depends. are you from not the US?
She just fucking said she's Brazilian thinking about coming to the US. Are you fucking retarded?
>She just fucking said she's Brazilian thinking about coming to the US. Are you fucking retarded?
It's not a "she" you fucking retard.
Lmao faggot I'm not lying in here when I assert those states are about as dead-country, barren, steak n' taters, white toast/no butter examples of (documented, btw) white flight.
Hey Jamal, how the innercity crime rate going?
What about SoCal? Any tips?
pretty sure there's a difference between illegal spics and spics
San Diego is nice but expensive. Move to Miami, tons of Brazilians and warm weather.
I thought your country was an emerging power, what happened????
If you are an upper-middle class professional, no problem.
Don't come to the US. All Americans do is work and work and work and work until they go batshit insane and end up killing either themselves or someone else. The entire country is on the verge of collapse.
Why would you want to come here anyway?
Does it get more expensive the more you move upstate? Might have a job offer near LA
fucked-up government, insane levels of corruption, etc.
We got stuck on a politics/economic crysis and most of the people that have a chance are considering going away, since it's not going to end soon
Boston isn't a place you want to live.
It's a place you get stuck.
So you just run at the first site of trouble? Jesus, no wonder your country is shit. No one does anything to make things better.
This is you
also huefag here, and considering doing the same.
But i don't know where to start, do any of you have an idea how much money will i have to save, or if the documentation its too hard to get?
Boston is great, fuck off
>>She just fucking said she's Brazilian thinking about coming to the US. Are you fucking retarded?
>It's not a "she" you fucking retard.
Sure looks like one to me, faggot. I guess it's just a very feminine man in a skirt, then?
How about you fix your damn country instead of fleeing like a rat.
Dude. Brazil has been collapsing for years. Even Mexico would be an improvement for her.
Op said he was a dude, and that was just a random chick. At least read the fucking thread before you comment.
>and these fucks took the bait about being a great power
>we wuz empire n' shieet
fucking brazucas. you're trapped in Sudacaland forever
t. another sudaca
Brazilians are Peruvian-tier, not welcome unless they're female
baited...so sad
boston is a shithole pal, it isn't the best in anything? i mean why is it called the T? thats fucking retarded. philly has it beat on history, unesco city, new york on size and shit to do, bars open to 4. fuck id rather live in portland maine if i were trying to be quirky. enjoy being a yuppie fuckhole butthurt that his city sucks compared to literally every other city in the united states.
Most of us don't want to leave, but we don't trust ourselves to make such a big cultural change. That's why some people want to get away as soon as possible, it seems easier to leave everything behind and start all over in another place than trying to fix it where we live now
You are a hot girl that can pass as white so you're good
we love Brazilians if you can speak English
>but we don't trust ourselves to make such a big cultural change
There's your fucking problem. Have some faith in your countrymen.
If Washington didn't trust his soldiers or any of the other founders than America would be a British colony. Grow a pair and lead a revolution.
Wow, someone is a little salty that their shitty city isn't being talked about. Fuck off back to philly and suck Vicks cock some more.
We don't hate foreigners, we just don't have much regard for them coming here without having anything to contribute. Be useful and cool and come here legally and practically nobody will give a shit.
>How about you fix your damn country
i don't care, i'm not a patriot, and i don't think US is better either
>instead of fleeing like a rat
you got that right, i just want to get away from here, from my family. Start a new life, and US seems like a nice place to go. also i have some friends there, so why not
Go to Germany. Europeans take better care of foreigners and the citizens of their nation.
It's isn't foreigners we hate. It's shitskins.
Stay in Brazil
>says the American with the country going to shit and niggers burning cities
Wew lad
You have a good point, but here the most we trust others the more we are backstabbed and treated as fools. That's a downwards spiral that we see no end in sight. There is a lot of good people that work hard, but most of them only do it if you keep them on a leash. Otherwise they will do a half assed job just to get payed doing the least effort for it. This sucks
He didn't say he was a terrorist, so why go to the capital of Eurabia? Especially if you aren't fluent in Germany's official language, Arabic.
If you're white or mostly white I don't mind you coming here. If you're some four foot tall Inca motherfucker, that's a different story altogether.
>Country going to shit
>Niggers burning cities
Nigs have always been a problem. That's nothing new, and Comparing America to Brazil is like comparing a stage 4 terminal cancer patient and someone who scraped their knee and has to deal with a scab for a week or two.
*the more we trust
Sorry for my shit english
That's why you don't just blondly trust people. That's stupid and you deserve whatever happens to you. You gotta be smart and be selective.
You just described America's millennial generation in the work place.
You'll feel right at home here.
If that was you I'd tell you to come on over and sit on my dick.
but we both know you're male fatass autist, but why the fuck not? BRs are cool
Then don't come to America. We don't need weak individuals that flee at first sign of conflict.
I'm 5'7 is that okay with you?
>implying America doesn't have a rampant liberal infection already
It's a meme perpetuated by a douchebag that we've let get embarrassingly far in the election process.
For real though we're the most diverse nation on the planet.
It's not about the height, really. I don't want any brown people, but I know that Latin America has at least some Europeans in the mix.
>Implying a few thousand whiny liberals will do anything.
They are largely laughed at and ignored by people. they're a meme.
We love foreigners, especially ones from Far East Asia. We only hate the dark foreigners.
That's why they've been pushing the country left for over a century right
MuriKKKans are afraid of everything. Not a healthy place to live.
There is no hatred of foreigners who want to come here and be part of the US.
There is a lot of hatred of foreigners who come here and want the US to be more like the country they left.
>pic very related
We love Brazilians.
Just please come over... I'm not retarded enough to think that's actually you... but I'm fucking lonely, I'll take anyone's company... jesus
I'm brazilian too, so this thread interests me
My impression is that americans ,generally speaking, really don't care about brazil, it's just another random country for them
>link very related
Do you live in America? The country is far from the average sjw viewpoint. Most people fucking hate niggers and sjws.
What point are you trying to make with that? That's nothing new to me, I know this shit.
if your white and lose your accent you'll be more than welcome
The point is, you're either blind, delusional or just an outright god tier fucking idiot.
What are you trying to say anon. As I said, a few thousands whiny individuals aren't a problem. They skulk on tumblr or vegan cafes and circlejerk. Much like the right they love to demonize and complain about.
Aqui no Brasil está uma merda... como sempre
Far from it. I see what's going on and doesn't surprise or scare or shock me. Sjws won't do anything and they moment anything will happen they'll get shit on by actual Americans and the government they love to lampoon and then reap benefits from.
Please come over BR /b/ro, maybe fucking shot meet in the process... at least then someone would fucking notice.
>We don't need weak individuals
kek nationalism is funny
you're so special for being born in a specific place, and you speak for everyone else too? man you must be so important
let's see... you never fought in any war, you don't work for the governement, you just live your stupid life, you just help the economy, that's all you do, and you say "we" like you belong to some sort of secret group or some shit.
If the US is full of assbackwards people like you you're right, i sholdn't go.
Also, America involves north and south america too dumbass
Oh man, you're so cool. You must come to America now so I can become friends with you and maybe become a fraction of what you are.
If you must know, I'm an afghan vet and I'm currently LEO. You're right, I live my stupid life in the best goddamn country, and you're right I was born in America. But you know what else? I could've left at anytime and never did. Because I like America. And I say we as in all Americans, It's the best fucking club there is.
Stay in Brazil and maybe look into making a cutlery business, your edges would make you rich.
I know your economy is still recovering, but how is the job market right now? Are there many jobs available or we have to struggle a lot until we get a job? Here the companies are asking a lot of qualifications to many jobs that doesn't even use all of what they are asking, and they want to pay us shit for that. To contract an engineer they want people to speak several languages, have international experience, preferably know six sigma and want to pay US$1K/month for that
You can come as long as you're not Muslim
A parada é meter o pé daqui mesmo, ganhar em dólar. O problema é conseguir o visto
Mais ou menos anão. Tem de saber se adaptar, senão torra tudo o que ganha e continua vivendo na merda
Bullshit. I live in the deep South and I still can't talk about niggers and faggots like I'd like to. Hell, almost all of our gas station are owned by arabs and worked by Mexicans.
thank you, i really am awesome. I can teach you anything i know, you can be the son i never had.
>If you must know, I'm an afghan vet and I'm currently LEO
is this a copypasta now? i'm not sure
>But you know what else? I could've left at anytime and never did
such a hero
>Because I like America.
my point was "i want to leave because i'm tired of this place, meaning, the people i know, not my country"
>Stay in Brazil and maybe look into making a cutlery business, your edges would make you rich.
thanks for the protip
Todos sendo despedidos e ninguém contratando, ta foda
What does beaner and ragheads running gas stations have to do with anything? Pajeet runs the ones where I live. Why would you take pride in running chains of gas stations?
And the reason you can't run around screaming nigger this and nigger that is because it's illegal and has been for several decades. Also free speech
Holy shit you're a retard.
Kek this beauty coming from some shit hole in a nigger country you are dumb.
Bad choice ir pra lá, você ganha em dólar mas ganha menos, ou seja, é o equivalente, ao invés de ganhar 100 conto de salario ganha 300 dolares no mesmo emprego, é furada.
Se você está planejando começar um negócio lá, então vale, senão, esquece, não tem vaga em mercado especializado lá. Lá você tem que ter college degree pra tudo a não ser faxineiro.
E aliás, não tem os direitos trabalhistas que aqui a gente já tem por garantido, o chefe te demite você ta solto no mundo, não tem nenhum seguro desemprego nem nada disso
O pessoal se formando lá não consegue trabalho nenhum.
Tem que saber o seu contexto, é formada em alguma coisa? Experiência? Seu inglês é fluente?
You dumb faggot, that's not what I meant and you know it.
>Are you tempting me, Satan?
It's that you can't speak against Muslims or Mexican's because they've got most of the labor jobs that life requires. The roofing, the mechanics, the gas stations, the painters, the plumbers. Those little taco twisting bastards are sharp. The Muslims almost all speak Spainish, so they could very easily blend in as Mexicans to the average American eye, as many have mentioned doing. All the Muslims short change you at the gas stations, they're blatant about it and offer no apology when called out. Their little bastard children waltz about like Arab princes in their sandals and faggy hats like you're in their temple.
It's not that it's illegal, it's that most whites are soft, sissy faggots that will outcast you if you speak against any race. Or even poke fun at them.
Most towns have at least 30 percent negro populations so you can barely avoid them anyways.
Ninguém está conseguindo trabalho com diploma de ensino superior na área em que se formou, é foda
Po, ta cansado das pessoas? Muda de cidade mano, shitty people tem em todo lugar, a diferença é que la nos States qualquer pé rapado pode ter uma arma. Imagina só, começar a bater boca no trânsito e levar um tiro, mais fácil lá do que aqui
If you're afraid to speak out against them because they'll "riot." then you're exactly the weak white people you're talking about. Where I live it's mostly whites or spics running most labor jobs with whites in the manager positions or Pajeet. And they bend over backwards for white people and give exact change.
It's not hard to be an actual man, you just have to have balls in first place.
P.s. I live in the deep south too. It's not all nigger infested.
Então, mas lá o mercado é menor, aqui nós temos várias pequenas empresas abrindo negócio, lá eles tem as corporações enormes, com várias filiais sem especialista, saca?
E o preço dos imóveis cara, aqui nós temos um surge de apartamentos populares à venda, baratos, lá é tudo caro, principalmente apartamentos
Did you even read what I said you tit?
You needn't fear the nigger.
Let white man beware white man.
The niggers haven't any position that a white person has not afforded them, and the white man hasn't a position some jew hasn't awarded him. Negros have gone from the tobacco fields to the football fields and still fail to see what has happened.
Aqui temos um maior potencial de crescimento, entendo. Só acho que estamos em uma época meio estranha, orientados por uma crise mais polÃtica e de ideologia do que econômica. O que vale mais a pena, procurar um emprego e tentar se estabilizar, resolver criar uma empresa do zero ou tacar o foda-se e tentar recomeçar em outro lugar?
I did, you pissed and moaned about spics and niggers and ragheads. I think you need to illustrate your point better or shut your trap.
In my experience, it's about 50/50 between people who joke about it and people who are serious about it. But when it comes to Brazillians, it's probably closer to 80% who are serious about it.
I said very clearly the main problem is whites ostracizing other whites. Not rioting/looting apes.
keep your zika virus mestizo, we don't need more half breeds polluting our nation
That was the very end of your post. 90% of it was pissing and moaning about ragheads and spics.
Depends on if you can fit in.
Protip: never ask for paper toilet.
Did anyone tell her to post more of her feet?
Op it's him, and not her. And the image is of a ex-singer of a shitty band
segura a barra que tamo melhorando, o setor industrial já ta subindo
Ó, eu não sou empreendedor então não posso te indicar abrir uma empresa, apesar de estar aumentando recentemente o número
Dependendo da sua área dá pra conseguir emprego, e se você estiver realmente desesperado tem emprego SIM, mesmo que de peão, ta valendo, procuram-se muitos atendentes.
Recomeçar em outro lugar é foda, principalmente em outro paÃs, eu pessoalmente não recomendo a não ser que você tenha muita grana, não média grana, muita grana
A gente vai melhorar assim que eleger o novo presidente, Se ele não for ultraconservador, ou ligado à bancada evangélica, um cara do meinho vai ser bem ameno e o paÃs volta.
O Brasil faz muita grana, muita grana, os cara rouba, fode tudo, taca imposto, mas o Brasil sempre vai se recuperar, sempre, se não roubassem era que nem a china aqui, pib de 10%
Brazilians are fine as long as you don't look like a Mexican. We hate specific foreigners, not all of them.
Yes its all true.
>problem in the South
this is actually the bigger meme
From my experience, people in "the south" are actually really nice people. Much hospitality and friendly. As for racism, I've seen way more first hand in northern states.
Mostly a meme, but be careful around black people in the US you look white which means it's okay to attack you.
Me formei em engenharia quÃmica e estou procurando emprego na área, enquanto não acho estou fazendo uma pós graduação pra dar uma engordada no currÃculo. Aparentemente agora vai começar a cair um pouco mais devagar e começar a melhorar em 1 ou 2 anos, realmente vai depender muito do tio Temer e do próximo governo. Não tenho condições financeiras de ir pra fora e acredito que aqui ainda tenha saÃda, estou pagando para ver os próximos capÃtulos
>As for racism, I've seen way more first hand in northern states.
This. In the south, blacks are everywhere. Every neighborhood, every industry. My oldest son's best friend is black.
In the north, they're ghettofied and insular. I lived up north for two years and not a single native black said anything to me at all that they weren't required to by their job.
First week back in Texas, and an old black man held a door for me and said hello.
Yankees say that southerners are all racist because *they're* all racist and simply assume the south must be worse. They're wrong.
Po cara engenharia quÃmica aonde? Primeiramente você é engenheiro, já dá um boost, e tem start ups por aÃ. E como a área industrial tá em alta dá pra porcurar por lá
Considerando que tá no 4chan já pode tacar aquele ingles fluente e vai que vai
Aliás, reciclagem cara, reciclagem agora ta em alta mundialmente
Can confirm.
Spent the first part of my life in the north. Admittedly it was Ohio, so it's more midwest and not as segregated as new england but I had maybe ONE black friend. And it was a stretch to call him a friend. Moved to florida and there were 4 black families on my street all of which I'm close friends with today.
The south is very laid back and friendly and hospitable. while the north is a polar opposite.
Me formei na UFPR, é um curso meio tenso mas é bom pra gente testar nossos limites. Não me considero fluente em inglês, apesar de saber que conseguiria viver fora do paÃs sem muitos problemas. A questão é o que eles pedem pras vagas, são 387 coisas além de experiência anterior, o que não tenho além do estágio curricular.
Estou fazendo uma especialização em seis sigma para conseguir o certificado black belt, mas vou dar uma olhada em reciclagem. Isso reduz custos e a pegada ambiental, o que tem sido bem visto ultimamente. Obrigado pelas dicas
LOL, nem vai pra lá, prefira a Europa.
Céloco, pros islamitas te apedrejarem?
We only hate mudslimes
all I will say is the USA is a very big place.
The individual states can differ drastically. For the most part it's a meme.
Depends where you move. The west ppl are meh they might not care. The east ppl might love you or simply not care also, but whatever you do, plz just plz stay away from the south, specially FL, my god, what a PIECE OF SHIT state, the south is Idk, I dont even know how to put it into words the excrement pool the southern region of the US is, I mean, just trash.
Pro tip: the closer you are to Canada the better. So northern states are the way to go, ppl are worthwhile up north.
Lol. Look, a judgmental ignorant yankee paasing judgment on people he's never met, just like they were described.
Haven't even read the thread, have you?
cool thread
Also get stopped by the cops and murdered for being a minority.
Fuck off, we're full.
Yeah, it's different from all the trap/futa/cuck/ylyl threads. These are the threads that keep the flame alive, not just reposting some pictures. People bringing opinions and discussing them. One or other always try to make fun of another one or being edgy on purpose, but that's part of the charm
you incompetent niggers ruined World of Warcraft
Come on edgy kid, do you want a hug?
I get your point, we are toxic in games. I'm sorry for that
We love black pussy
>not liking brazilian grills or spanish grills in general
ur a special kind of faggot
Fuck brazil. Watch them swim in their polluted rivers of filth during the Olympics. They couldn't even clean up that shithole for the global spotlight.
Se eu pudesse eu vazava desse paÃs de merda também, iria para o Japão..
>ppl are worthwhile up north
What? WoW crumbled upon itself, blizzard has br servers you know? dafuq
Most people will think you're cool, but honestly you shouldn't care.
You should be looking at how you're going to win the current immigration lottery. I legit have no clue how you're going to guarantee a spot here. At this point I think you'd have to be a college student who can actually afford out of state tuition, or you'd have to find someone to marry. Good luck.
as long as you speak english well people normally don't give a fuck
Not OP.
We re dumb as fuck and ugly..
World of Warcraft was not Warcraft's destiny
Gringo fiadapulta, tendo uma vida melhor que a minha, vivendo em um paÃs melhor que meu..
How about now ?
And you have a foreign accent. That makes you cool in the USA.
You can't leave Brazil if you don't have a passaport alread.
The cowntry is not making new ones in a short future.
Yes, Brazil is keeping it's population hostage.
Being completely honest if we hated foreigners we'de hate ourselves. The U.S. is one big bowl of various kinds of fags mixed together.
No that's just black people
that will trigger some americans "speak anglish or get out of our cuntry you filthy mexcan"
Bring in a skill set and some of the more backwards people will like you. Some still won't but I doubt you'll be around them. That also includes some blacks and Mexicans
>implying laboring while fat lazy ass White peoples stay inside all day and complain about shit in the office is not contributing.
just avoid super white states like Texas or entire south east lmao. Move to california or new York.
You will fit in fine.
You know what, here is fucked up pretty bad, everything is fucked up..
Texas isn't that white....
>wanting a dude to suck your dick
Willian?, go to sleep, Dilma will fall sometime...
I be like,"This is amurica and we speak amurican. Murica is the best." but I'll secretly think your accent is sexy and your culture is interesting. secretly.
>It's isn't
Get out of US
Dilma already fall dudue, you don't see the news ?
>I live in the North and we don't want immigrants, we have enough people. Unless the white spic shoots at least 10 niggers,then i say righto mate
Literally no one but Southerners and rednecks call it the north, northern cities are all liberal, and you sound inbred. It's people like you we don't want.
idiot probably supports trump, you expect him to know?
Nyet, too drunk and high for that, srry
Not OP(Where are you OP?)
No, we don't have culture anymore, just dumb and promiscuous people...
In all honesty, people in America tend to hold prejudices, but they are too Politically Correct to show it.
People on the internet, especially on this board, are a minority of bigots, whether true bigots or trolling bigots, that you most likely not encounter walking down the street, in school, or in the workplace.
Furthermore, the biases/prejudices held by Americans tend to not be strong, or even that racist. Just a minor thing, like "all Asians suck at driving", or "all Indians smell like curry"- in fact, these prejudices tend to be nothing more than the slight manifestation of a held stereotype.
>in short, you need not worry about encountering blatant racism, but where there are higher congregations of people, the more likely you are to encounter it
We hate foreigners but there's so fuckin many of em that you'll still fit right in.
I'm Peruvian. The hate here is real. It's not as prevalent as the news would have you believe, but when it gets bad, shit hits the fan hard. And if you're black and foreign, cops are not your friend. Other than that though, this really is a land of opportunities
>they're a meme.
>a liberal is set to win the white house
>some underage faggot on 4chan thinks that's a meme
Cadê você OP ?
Heyyyy, você era o cara com pensamentos suicidas ?
The South seceded from the North for a plethora of reasons, but one of the most glaring issues was the continuation of enslavement of blacks. It's fine for him to assume something like that, considering the past of the south
>Do you live in my town? My heroin toen is far from the average sjw viewpoint. Most people fucking hate niggers and sjws.
>Why would you take pride in running chains of gas stations?
Why do you pride yourself on acting like a faggot instead of owning a business?
All these fags telling you we hate foreigners are the low lifes that live in their moms basement. Literally everyone in the U.S is a foreigner no one gives a shit what religion or race you are
Really? Modern southerners are on the hook for events from 156 years ago? I'm a southerner and my ancestors weren't even here, back then. Half were in Europe and the other half were in the north! Be some fucker gets to assume I'm racist because I happened to be born here?
It's not "reasonable." It's lazy and stupid.
Good rule of thumb in my experience is the larger the city, the more tolerant people are. Except old people, they're always a wild card in that case. From Michigan btw, cities here are very accepting until you get into the little white flight towns just outside of them (novi, Dewitt, grand ledge, etc.) I'd suggest East Lansing or grand rapids.
>you can't run around screaming nigger this and nigger that is because it's illegal and has been for several decades. Also free speech
2 much b8 m8 2/8
OP, I'm a US-born Brazilian in Boston and can confirm the high rent issue. But the Brazilian community is huge here, and not too hard to find. I'm sure you could split rent with someone in a similar situation. And because the community is so tight, someone could probably help you find a job, most likely doing something you already mentioned-- restaurant work, maintenance, etc. tl;dr Massachusetts is a good place, just have some money saved
M8, we're ALL 4nrs.
Nobody in America hates you unless you're clearly a spic.. in which case stay out of Arizona.
Move to Texas and shoot guns with me, I need a friend and you need American culture, win-win
I'd come on over, OP. By middle age at latest your ethnicity will be in power.
Hello summer, you should be in bed before mommy catches you out of bed.
Don't live in a heroin town friendo, it's not nice to project. I live in a tourist trap and love taking money from idiots like you when you vacation from 'muh cold winters'
>Implying Shillary will get office.
Also, it's not nice to project friendo. :^)
Man, listen to me, really close now.
This situation, is NOT, fucked up.
A cowntry that keep it's people inside like THAT, is everything but a warm and cool, or peacefull place.
It looks like there are people plotting against the population.
You guys are about to see some shit soon, like some nazy stuff. Keep your stuff packed and some money saved.
>Implying I'm wrong.
That's not baiting m8. Lurk moar.
Depends on the foreigner.
Brazilian girls have nothing to worry about. To say we like you would be an understatement.
Ayy michigan bro. Yeah im muslim and get looks in Novi/Northville but tbh stay away from Detorit/Dearborn and the state is great
Op isn't a girl. That's an ex-singer from some shitty band.
It's a meme. Just don't go anywhere without diversity because you'll rot there.
Check your finances because if you want to move into a well known/big city, you'll need cash.
Have a resume or a good degree because you're going to have to find a job.
Have good grammar and know enough English to survive.
If you're also looking for a relationship, the fact that you're foreign/considered exotic might intrigue some women (or men).
Anyways, come on and head down to the good ol' Promise Land, OP!
Cities that may interest you: San Francisco (cold and windy, but generally good weather, expensive), Chicago (windy, lots o' gangbangers)
I live here and I don't know.
I hope it's a meme, I don't personally know anyone like that...
Though my uncle IS a Trump supporter.
Hell yeah you shud emigrate to here! This isn't called the melting pot of society for Nothng!
It's hard to ignore that when the culture of the south is Confederate pride. Hell, most of the southern states flew the Confederate flag over their state capitols until late last year. Instead of putting their past behind them, southerners rile up and defend secession.
However, this is not all southerners. On top of that, Andrew Johnson'said approach to reconstruction left the south with nothing but confederate pride to hold on to. Yet, that is what has only further scorned the southern culture to this day. The Civil Rights Movement of the 50's and 60's exposed that, whether it be in Little Rock, Oxford, or Montgomery.
Maybe I am too cruel though. I probably shouldn't attack the south like I have. As a northerner, I will never truly understand the southern culture.
But at the same time, don't call me out for pointing out injustices in a land that has proved itself to be the hotbed of reluctance to execute social change
Brazilian guys do okay too. As long as you aren't black looking. Then they'll just mistake you for a Puerto Rican, and nobody likes Puerto Ricans.
Don't move to Boston, it's way too expensive. Move to New Hampshire. Tax Free, easy going, and a quick commute to Boston. Best of all worlds.
Also, they aren't totally overrun with immigrants so no one will hate you for coming.
Don't cone here illegally, that simple.
Se fores branco(a), estás safo(a)!
lrn2english and ur cool
Go fuck yourself, you over-educated, upper-class white liberal fuckwit.
The South is fine, anon. They've got some hillbilly morons, but every culture has some of them.
Don't listen to Northern college kids that get consumed with self-loathing because they wasted mommy and daddy's money on a shitty Liberal Arts education and feel the need to project their insecurities on to everyone else.
If you come here an assimilate into our culture even moderatelyracist people will like you. Come here and act like a Brazilian, people will still be nice to your face but won't like you. Most Americans are really nice people (excluding ghetto people of all colors)
Don't come here you stupid cunt. You think we need another fucking foreigner not adding anything good or productive to our country? Just because your country is imploding left and right doesn't mean you get to come to the greatest country in the history of the world and be somebody ffs...
I just... I just feel so guilty for being white. Islam is a religion of peace. And African Americans have problems, but most of them stem from systemic white oppression.
Lol says the fedora tipping edge lord
90% of southerners have zero confederate pride.
The 10% assholes who do, are middle class white boys who have lived a soft and comfortable life so they throw on cowboy boots and drive trucks and drop nigger every other word since they think that'll make them cool.
Sure there are outliers like old dudes who actually are racist and probably worship General Lee, but most just live a normal life and are open and nice to everyone they meet.
Southerners don't get riled up and defend secession. Southerners get riled up and defend civil liberties and the ability to what they please and when they please. Obviously within the confines of the law, but most laws get pretty fucking ridiculous in the south and that's why you see a lot of tension.
Also, that confederate flag everyone bitches about can't be flown on government property, everyone else can still fly it if they want to. That's also not the confederate flag, look up blue bessy if you want the actual confederate flag. That's the battle flag of the confederation and only gets noticed and accepted as the confederate flag since it saw more action with it being the battle flag.
you really shouldn't attack the south like you do. It does everyone good if people take a moment to sit back in their seats and listen. Too few people do that and actually exercise it.
As someone who has lived all over the US, I'd have to say that the South has the hottest women in the country, closely followed by the West Coast. Yes, there are some white trash whales, but that's everywhere. I feel bad for you New England fags. Lowest ratio of good looking women anywhere I've ever lived.
Come to Belgium, I'll take care of you.
You're gorgeous. And just my type.
What state do you want to go to. If you want to be accepted go to California or the east coast. Even if there are racists you looks hits so you'll be fine. If your gay go to the before mentioned liberal states.
Amen brother. Preach the good word.
OP is a dude. Go be a white knight somewhere else.
Utah has the hottest women. I've lived her for 18 years, trust me.
Utah. Good one. There are hotter women in California, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. That's just off the top of my head.
move to dallas, TX. a lot of your kind there so you won't feel alone.
As long as you're not black or muslim we'll welcome you with open arms.
No one here hates foreigners. In fact you can expect the same fascination that i'm sure most peoples have for foreigners. If you have an accent you run the risk of drowning in pussy.
May as welll call it Utah 2.0. Cause they both suck
white people hate outsiders
why would you want to go from your third world shit hole to my third world shit hole?
Jamal, what did your parole officer say about lying on the internet?
As long as youre not white or Christian we welcome you. Fuck off with your shitty white supremacy its cringey and its for fags that have accomplished nothing besides being born
>White supremacy
As if it's any better than your Black supremacy? Fuck off, you dirty nigger.
>he doesn't know that i'm an asian athiest
lol cry some more faggot. if you don't like reality then go hide in your safe space. I'm just calling things like they are.
But hey, as long as you're not a thin skinned little faggot from reddit, we welcome you
So get the fuck out :^)
You should look up a map of the Red States and Blue States in the US, and definitely not move to any of the red ones, or risk being lynched or put to work on a plantation.
No not black supremacy either you useless cracker. No one gives two fucks what race or religion you preach. Pride yourself on that and it just proves you've accomplished nothing in your life so far