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is this considered gay?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 282
Thread images: 125
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is this considered gay?
Why is that a question, he has a dick
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If "this" refers to you, then yes.
Don't fucking care, that's hot, more?
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you really think this is gay?

even though it resembles more female than male?
Holy shit this thread made me realize just how much we need a purge, get these closet faggots their own board or something
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newsflash: apparently this is gay according to the majority of people on the /b/ board on the website 4chan.
welcome to b nigger
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Nah, bi
if you like cock, you're gay. nothing wrong with that just fucking accept it rather than doing mind gymnastics to convince yourself that you're straight
Very gay

But i would go full homo for those
so if I like my own penis, it's considered gay?

99.9999% of males on planet earth must be gay. Who woulda knew.
welcome to 2k16, where gay is when u fuck a guy. but yaoi is 100% straight, don't fret. it's not fuckin 2008 anymore.
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Maybe this is why so many people are coming out as "bi" or "gay", they want to be honest with the world.
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Man, I almost feel bad for the people who are repressing their own feelings for their dishonest society.
People who say its Bi are just trying to make it less hard on themselves so that they wouldn't be called "gay"

Besides bi is pretty gay
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I didn't know liking women was gay
you guys cant possibly tell me honestly that you'd take a vagina over a penis in a scenario like pic related
we need more honesty in this world.
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now, none of this is to say that anything is wrong with pussy either, you see.
If it has a dick, it's a man with fake breasts.
see this is gay
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just that "boipussi" is a contender, and might even be better/more thrilling than regular pussy.
I love you niggers
it's not gay if you don't consider yourself gay
truth has been spoken
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there's a deeper meaning to the rise in popularity for otokonoko culture than simply more freedom.

I think we are evolving mentally and potentially physically as a species. It is a gradual change, but it's there.
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I think this video can back that up a bit.

We are changing.
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my bad forgot link
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well, I'm done posting "gay" pictures.

I hope I've opened some eyes today.
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since you asked and I haven't closed the tab yet, here you go.
I would also like more pls
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keep this going
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is there a hidden premium content gallery somewhere?
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what in the world are you talking about
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very nice. artist?
that's what im talking about, 2 fuckin cuties.
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Yeah it's gay if you care about labels. I don't care I fuck pussy and ass and give no fucks my mission is to make my dick feel good and bust nuts.
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wish I knew
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Better question is why anyone would want to have anal sex with a minor. Ever heard of pussies? Every heard of statutory rape?
i would fuck a cute yaoi robot, it's like my biggest dream
Based anon. This /b/ro has the right attitude.
I believe that surpasses regular gay and goes straight to super saiyan power level over 9,000 gay.
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I love this one
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It's not gay if balls don't touch bruh
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yes Hi1noEC.jpg
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yes. this is much straighter
shota traps are literally the best porn
But anon, it's a feminine dick!
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ive never seen such an amazing thread before
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I've never understood how a dick could be feminized, it is the most absolute male thing in the known universe
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by making its small, soft and supple.
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you're clearly new here then
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this nigga.jpg
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>enjoys watching dicks cum
>wonders why people call you gay
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so what is this? femboy? futa? shota?
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there's clearly multiple things being posted here.

-shota (basically little boys which can naturally be more feminine because the lack of puberty)
-futa (literally women with penises)
-crossdressing/femboy (girly looking males made to dress in female clothing and look like a more than passable female)
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I would consider 'this' a femboy
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Does it get worse than this?
clear examples of each type would be:

futa >>694496168
shota >>694497291
femboy/cd >>694502273

happy fapping
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Ah, Fanatic Fetish. Pity it's always censored (though I've seen some good decensoring of their work). That shit will make a dick lover out of ya.
You're still a faggot.
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Damn thats good art
idk why don't you ask every one of your male ancestors for thousands of years what they were thinking when they had sex with your 13-15 year old female ancestors?
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MOAR traps!
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everyone post their highest quality trap/futa drawing. highest quality being the one that is most visually/sexually appealing to you.
Damn, I had this huge collection of trap pics on my old computer
How much in the collection in curious
here you go
w/o censor bar
thanks for the thread, it really helped me out with some stuff...

a fap a day keeps the aggression away
This has been my favourite for years
A fap a day keeps the razor blade away
I like this one too
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That's pretty damn hot.
>babybottle filled with what might be cum considering the doujin
this gets my dick hard fam
I wish I could own a physical book of his works.

I have TiTiKEi - by ISHiKEi but I would love to own a book by poju.
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whos the artist
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BOSSHI is the best
Whoa there edge kid.
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fuck I missed the opportunity to buy one of his books from fakku, I really regret it.

Poju and bosshi are top tier in their field.
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maid trap.jpg
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Same thing?

Did you watch Natsuyasumi? I wish there was more trap hentai out there


Search up his name in Gelbooru or rule34 xxx. You'll find lots of great stuff
that is futa no ?
No you are a sick fuck. If you get off on cartoons you are disturbed. But this is /b/ so who cares. If you are gay who gives a fuck.
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Yes/ what you posted looks femboyish or tap
Another great artist.
what is it with you all thinking makeup and pink clothes makes you a girl?
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>if you like cock
I think the (other's) being understood here has confused you.
>your own cock = masturbation
im confused is this like the brother was wearing his sisters shit and got caught
Don't forget.
Fuck yeah
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so same "Scenario" means the same person with a vagina? I bet most of them would go for the vag.. if they aren't gay.
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Why are people in 4chan so goddamn self-aware about their sexuality

Fap to whatever you want, as long as it isn't CP or some other illegal shit like Jamaican umbrella foxtrot

And c'mon, fap to chicks with dicks if that is the thing that gets you going

No-one fucking cares, and neither should you. If this is the thing that you wonder and stress about all day, then you're a fucking faggot and you should know that
female's have both!
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Yeah. There's a series of pics that tells a story (kinda). Artist is Yuki18r
2n5 is love,2n5 is life
this btard wouldnt go for the vag one, i already have a massively breasted woman tym
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so you are one of those, if you think you are a girl you're a girl folks hm?
I bet you money more than 50% would go for the dick rather than the vag

it would be more adventurous, kinky, and new.

only closet faggots who are insecure wouldn't go for it, as well as straight up gay guys who don't like females.
>self-aware about their sexuality
they have to be to find their porno pics.
>Why are people in 4chan so goddamn insecure about their sexuality?
fucking goddamnit im tired

i meant >insecure about their sexuality
Kek. I gotta wake up tomorrow at 4, and yet I'm fapping to traps right now
be slitting it down the middle and turning it inside out to be formed into a vag that's the only way
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literally fucking love this
>yes that's the delusion this thread is dedicated to, so not true, it's then a supple soft small cock.

look up nekoarashi
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yep. you are now officially a limp wristed bucktoothed lispy embarassment to our gender.thanks for letting us know you're a part of the problem.
thanks fam
why is 4chan not banning this borderline pedophilia? everyone knows gays and trannies are just poorly disguised child molesters.

why this is being allowed is beyond me.
yeah most of these don't have those either
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so the only way you wouldn't fuck these males is if you're gay?
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fuck off newfag
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my new favorite artist. thanks!
how about you read the rest of the thread before commenting like a retard?

gays don't have ANY attraction to futa >>694498714

this is almost an exclusive heterosexual MALE attraction.
its a feminine penis, so no
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Does it matter at that point?
sorry i couldn't hear you over all the 10 year old cocks in your mouth.

If you're a real man you wouldn't be obsessed with little boys dressing like little girls. get some fucking self respect.
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this guy is amazing and posts all of his HR drawings to his pixiv.. amazing! wallpaper worthy! print worthy! AAA im falling in love with his work
>how about you read the rest of the thread
I did, faggot and that post boiled down to the only men who wouldn't fuck those boys are gay. It's called critical thinking fucktard
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>sorry i couldn't hear you over all the 10 year old cocks in your mout

glad to be able to help
Guys, recommend me some shota trap hentai please

I've watched Natsuyasumi and Boku no Pico (all 3)
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looks like we got a closet gayboy here

according to studies done in a real science field, you are in the wrong thread. You should go to one of those gay threads.
dont know the name of this but maybe someone can recognize it for you
>closet gayboy
couldn't be wronger but whatever. just sick of wannabe everything from males except wanna be real men.
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I don't give a fuck about "being a real man", I don't decide what I'm attracted to, so fuck off and let me fap in peace. It sickens me that you even suggest censorship and banning as a viable option considering how much was censored and banned over the years. It used to be a free image sharing board, now every single little neckbeard in his mum's basement needs to feel emasculated by telling other people what they should or shouldn't fap to. Seriously, go eat a dick, or better, I'll go eat one, you stick with those nasty pussies of yours.
Elementary logic exercise:

>liking any feminine physical features isn't gay

>penises are a physical feature


>liking a penis that is feminine isn't gay

god i love philosophy
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Great fucking thread. Thanks guys

Don't know any other good ones besides those, bu there's a lot of good trap manga though.

My favourite mangakas are Shimaji, iocon, Maatan, Tsukuru, NemuNemu, and ZenraQQ.

Pic is "Having Been Shown The Boy's Toilet" by ZenraQQ
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Emasculation is the removal of the penis and the testicles, the external male sex organs. Removal of the testicles alone is termed castration.
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>god i love philosophy
nope it's called rationalization
it's called neuroscience studies BAM
nah you're good m8, its just a cartoon
its stuff I learned in Philosophy 101 so there
no the penis is feminine
I think it's shinkyoku no grimoire
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I think I found it

shinkyoku no grimoire
This. That penis is really feminine.
its not my fault that society has told men it's okay to be weak and that fantasizing about fucking boys in the ass is acceptable. people like me need to exist in order to take care of the rampant unchecked faggotry that's poisoning our gender. Like it or not, it's a proven fact that homosexuality/transgenderism is both a mental and moral illness in western society. the roman empire fell because of its gay-enabling ways and this one will too unless people Omar Mateen start taking a stand.

protip. if you're going to be a fairy faggot you should do it where normal people don't have to see. they're getting tired of it.
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of course not
What more manly than dominating another man as your sex toy?
>they're getting tired of it
it is getting pretty old
making women pregnant and contributing to the continued existence of humanity.
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itt:opinions and people who can't agree on defined terms
why does one exclude the other?
In all seriousness though, to paraphrase a comedian its not "Are you gay?" its "How gay are you?". He asks this guy at a bar "Do you like porn?" Yea, he says. "Do you like only lesbian or do you like some guy on girl stuff too?" Guy on girl stuff is cool. "Do you like the guy to have a tiny dick?" "No man, I want him to have a HUGE cock and be RAMMING her with that thing *GASP* I did not know that about myself". I think gayness is on a sliding scale. I for one know that I'm like 97% attracted to women, and on a very rare occasion there's a guy or a trap that I fap to. Some people are more attracted to men than others. So its not "If you like this, you're gay", its "Knowing that you like this and that, how gay are you?". And honestly "gay" isn't something you choose. I can't suddenly turn off the 3% of me that is gay and be totally honest with myself, even if I don't like it. Denying it in yourself or legitimately disliking someone else for it is like hating genetically brown hair or something. Its not something you can change. *sigh* alright there we go. That's my allotted sincerety for /b/ tonight. Back to the lulz.
that's where the immorality of homosexuality factors in. people let their morals slip real quick when theyre given the freedom to fuck girls and guys. if they have a propensity to fuck guys eventually they stop fucking girls and then their friends follow suit and the next thing you know noones getting pregnant anymore, birth rates plummit and the civilization just stands around going "its okay, they should express themselves" while the walls burn.
>contributing to the continued existence of humanity
No thanks, it's best it dies as soon as possible.
>Denying it in yourself or legitimately disliking someone else
-is called being insecure. Pushing societies norms onto other people is being authoritarian.

it all roots to society in the end.
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post traps, faggot
>He asks this guy at a bar
It was his cousin.
>it all roots to society in the end.
no it really roots in biology and instinct and it's just as authoritarian to expect people who believe that this genderfluid bullshit is all ok if they subscribe to biology only. Confusion is not sexy as this generation will learn when your children don't know who the fuck they are anymore because they are gender binary and fapping to futas
thanks couldn't find it
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if being gay is contagious, why haven't you caught it yet?
im not saying its wrong to be a man attracted to another man, im saying its wrong to act on it. we're hormonally driven to fuck everything we can, but our intelligence needs to outweigh our desires. look at me, there's a reason i came to this thread but i just wana warn you that actually acting on this crap n eeds to stop. we need to stop being weak to our nonproductive desires.
Can we get more gywdolin... Please?
science has allowed us to procreate without the normal means of doing so. (male ejaculating into a female)

you can implant a sperm cell into a woman without any intercourse. A lesbian couple can have a baby. (just not by "natural" means, but who's to say that the evolution of our ways of thinking and advancing science isn't natural too?)

A gay male couple can adopt. (this happens even in nature, you know! oh wait, maybe you didnt!)

Sex is sex. We do what we do to our genitals because it feels good physically, emotionally, or both.

How we continue our species, well, there's multiple ways now, no more being limited to ejaculation into a vagina! We have science!

The only way you can debate this is by claiming muh religion, but then your point is moot and will be disregarded immediately. Have a nice evening.
there isn't going to be a gay apocalypse. people won't stop fucking for procreation, ever. no need to worry.
Can we get more gywdolin...please?
those two images are the only good ones on the internet unfortunately.
that might have been a real concern before the industrial revolution, but a consideration towards modern technology allows far greater social freedom. this includes the responsibility of reproduction because the deveancy is far lower (less than ten percent) than the fertility rate (one point twenty - a whole ten percent higher than total non cis sexual population). Additonally, there are billions of humans all over the earth. Failure of one society would only create opportunities for others. You should be more concerned with continuing the spread of your local or family culture and ideals that you hold dear to have a more lasting impact on your society.
>A gay male couple can adopt
yeah that's not reproduction now , is it?
shut the fuck up faggot. nobody asked for your sarcasm.
not a word
it wasn't sarcastic, i was wondering why you haven't caught the gay yet. (its ok if you're just looking at this thread. its not that gay to like trap penises)
but the problem proposed was the continuation of the human species, adoption keeps it going. Raising our young, etc.
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>You should be more concerned with continuing the spread of your local or family culture and ideals that you hold dear
I think that is what he's doing doh
no but the fact high demand for adoption exists proves that those people are not needed to be physically reproductive as it represents excess fertility.
where will al those computers be when god comes to judge your cretin ways.
>the problem proposed
continuation as in reproduction I'm pretty sure
only god can judge love. love is love.
you guys are literally getting on my last nerve.
>demand for adoption = excess fertility.
nerve, like nerve-endings? in your brain?
you contradicted yourself almsot immediately. youre right only god can judge love but the bible is the word of god and as a christian i am the body of christ. erego i am gods living judgement of your love and i say its degenerate and you deserve death.
Why? Don't you want to wrap your lips around the shaft of that nice hard feminine penis and suck it dry as she squeals with moans of pleasure to her climax? It's not gay if you do.
All anime is gay
fuck you fucking fudgepacking faggots. i hope more people shoot up gay clubs. i hope you get raped by a woman.
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This post almost made me kill myself. Look, kid. Stop doing this shit. You know what you're doing. I like drawn traps, everyone in this thread does. But it's gay. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's gay.
no some is very hetero and delicious and some's not sexual at all
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I'm happy that I've stirred up a thoughtful discussion with this thread with the least amount of shitposting possible on /b/.

I'm happy for you guys.
Rule of thumb: if you have to ask, then it most definitely is.
Perfect reaction to it, thanks anon.
>fuck you fucking fudgepacking faggots

isn't it past your bed time? I bet you still have lots of homework to do.
God no.
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This one makes me cum
who do you think you're talking to, milo?
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this for sure.
I feel sexually attracted to him ; - ;
I'm fappin so hard right now
It's a girl r-right?
Look at those thighs
10/10 would get a prostate exam from
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see this is where I get confused. milo is male2female, but if milo were just female and looked the exact same i'd probably hit it.
at least i... think he/she is originally male?
I want to cuddle (and fuck) with her, don't care what gender he/she is
penis isn't feminine enough. gay.
it's a girl and it's veeeerry cornfused
Sauce? Need a female version
I want to corn-fuse her butt
You boner you lose faggot
oh shit nigga, moar
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>she will never be your queer gf
That's my current phone background. It's too cute not to be.
No you are a sick neckbeard. And I or nobody else cares if you gay or into traps... Carry on
aren't you worried that a friend will see it?
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Couldn't be more wrong is the correct way to say that closeted gayboy
File: image.jpg (53 KB, 432x600) Image search: [Google]
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Idk why my pic didn't select... on mobile though.


A little bit, but I'm openly bi so not too much. More worried of them snooping through my phone photo gallery.

Don't post while drinking /b/ros.


Meant to comment in response to this.
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