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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 192
Thread images: 151
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I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
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I've always really liked that one. Such pretty lingerie, and it matches her eyes and fur perfectly, and the flower is such a nice touch. I want some lingerie like that.
>I want some lingerie like that.
go back to your trap cancer general
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I'm not a trap. I just think girls have really pretty clothing. I'm jealous of them.
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There is a certain vibe.

I remember watching an Indonesian drama a couple years ago where this girl was forced to marry some dude she hated.

We don't wear wedding dresses, but we have ceremonial robes that are used for special occasions such as the aforementioned.

When she sat down to perform the religious ritual for the wedding, the way she was dressed was as if making a bold statement to the dude like "I am making a very major commitment. I will be your wife. We will be alone in the bedroom. We will be very intimate, and I will put implicit trust in you".

Elaborate lingerie that features garter belts has a similar vibe, like "this doesn't happen every day, and it will be a very big deal. I am wholly in your hands".
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That pic looks more like malay than indon. I am indon btw.
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I don't see many Indon weddings, so I have no idea.

All I know is that you stole our language and speak it with some dumb accent.
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Precisely. Women's clothing is just better than men's in my opinion. And I don't like that men aren't allowed to like pretty things like that.
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They say tuxedos are to women as swimsuits are to men.

What is to women as lingerie and wedding dresses are to men?
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this is the kind of quality furart my gay heart needs.
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You are allowed to like pretty things, seriously it's getting esier and easier to move away from Victorian gender rolls just do what you want and have fun.
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I have no idea.

Many people don't like that though. Hell, even I'm not comfortable with the fact that I'm a fag who likes girly shit.
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I should also be allowed to kiss dead corpses and fuck young children.

But that's not something that the 5-0 are gonna let me do, is it?
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That's quite a bit different though. In those cases you're doing those things to someone else.
>confirmed faggot
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How would that make him a faggot? Are you retarded?
Not if they're dead.

blow me
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It's still the body of someone who was previously living. While they don't really own it anymore they would still have to say they're okay with stuff like that, otherwise it would essentially be rape. It's not like the dead can consent.
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We've already established that consent is completely irrelevant in necrophilia.
I'm never saying goodbye ever again at work. I always slack off and come back.

I eat the stickers on apples because I can.
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As someone who is a little bit necro himself, I'm going to have to agree to disagree.
But fuck me that woman has a nice body. I definitely like European women's faces more, but Asian woman have fantastic bodies.

Welcome back.
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The ride never ends

They're food grade paper and adhesive. Mmmm
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Don't try to reason with him he says things and makes up other things to get attention.
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There are three ways to take the consent argument:

It matters, and the deceased can consent to sexual use in the same way they can consent to medical/scientific use.

It matters, and the proprietor of the body, whoever it may be, can consent to sexual/medical/scientific use, otherwise:

It doesn't matter, because nobody ever asks a dead body before tossing it into the furnace or sticking it in the ground. That, and nobody owns the body, so nobody has any rights to sue anyone over using it for secks.
This gif is a little too slow.
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Odd, but who am I to judge?

Eh, I don't care too much honestly. I still like him.

Fair enough. But I'd probably never do anything with a human corpse anyway. An animal on the other hand...
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i'm glad i was here to witness this debate.

>An animal on the other hand
What about an animal corpse?
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Microsoft does the same thing.
Its NBD. It tastes like nothing and is funny when people ask why you ate the sticker.

Now we're talking
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>supported by neck, tail base, and tail tip
Both painful and lethal!
>what about an animal corpse?
Funny you mention it.

I have looked through the sexual crimes section of the Singapore Penal Code.

Long story short, necrophilia is illegal, zoophilia is illegal where an animal is defined as "any living creature that is not human", but there is no mention of necrozoophilia.

Dead animals are legal here.
"pull the car over, i'm gonna fuck the shit outta some roadkill"

i guess you couldn't say you'd fuck the brains out of roadkill cause, well, they'd already be everywhere.
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For whatever reason in my fucked up mind, I would just feel more comfortable fucking an animal corpse than a human. It sounds really fucked up, but something about fucking a human corpse seems weird. However, and animal seems like it would be more okay simply because we do things to animals which they can't consent to all the time. Like sell them to people as pets for entertainment, or slaughter them for food, all within the law. But no, can't do that to a human. It's pretty hypocritical, but I also haven't thought about it enough to give a good answer.
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i'm reading "animal internet" and in it the author states exactly this sort of thing; that we have to be removed from animals in order to use them for anything other than pets. it's why meat such as pork, steak, chicken, it all comes in amorphous blob form that is almost unrecognizable, so that we don't feel guilty about eating it. it's a pretty fascinating book.
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Sounds quite interesting.
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One appeal of human necrophilia is that you can lay in bed with her like lovers.

Provided rigor mortis isn't... y'know.
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Depends on the animal, animals with higher order inteligence are generaly seen as off limits as food pets and entertainment as it should be.

But no sapient thought, no theory of mind, no higher order inteligence it dosnt matter as they are basicly just objects that can feel pain at that point.

Whales eliphants other prime apes and what not should be respected, cows chickens and fish are just raw materials for us to do as we please as they arn't higher order animals.
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Sure about that?
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>animals with higher order inteligence are generaly seen as off limits as food pets and entertainment as it should be

sure lad
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That is what sorta made me like necro stuff in the first place. During my first phase when I was about 15, I thought about that. The dead can't reject you. It makes me wonder how often pedophilia, zoophilia, and necrophilia coincide. It seems like liking one drastically increases the likelihood of another, and I suppose you and I are good examples.

But really, who's to say what's right and what's wrong? That's what Alex and I have talked about before when he said that we've already established this. No one is to say what's right or wrong because everyone's opinion on what's right and wrong is completely arbitrary, and the only reason people agree on things is because it's common enough. People don't really think for themselves about things like this.
Sea world is awfule and other such parks are falling out of favor as its shown whales suffer mental health issues in captivity.

But fish and livestock animals are fine as they are just raw material.
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It's wrong to kill inteligence, sapient life is prime but as far as we know humans are the only fully sapient animals here.

If it's not even close to haveing a theory of mind it dosnt matter, it shouldn't be abused for no reason but it's life is still worth only what it can be sold for.

Raw material for human consumption, miniral, chemical, biological.

Humanity fuck yeah.
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>It seems like liking one drastically increases the likelihood of another
In the same way that owning a consumer electronics store increases the likelihood of you selling laptops and phones.

The point is that you've removed the limiter that Society has imposed onto itself. You liberate your own mind to explore taboo subjects, and in doing so drastically increase the probability that you learn about pedo and necro shit.

I don't give a flying fuck about whales.

Dolphins and penguins mang. Dolphins and penguins.

>disclaimer: I have never been to any sea parks
>though I do wish I worked on a vessel at sea
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Dolphins fall in to the same category

I too like sea going ships.
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That's ridiculous if you ask me. Why is intelligence of another creature the deciding factor of how they should be treated? Does that mean it's okay for me to go around torturing and killing niggers? Because modern society does a pretty damn good job at saying that's not allowed even though statistics prove that they're entirely different subspecies of hominids with generally lower levels of intelligence than European and Asian hominids.

Makes sense.
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No I said you shouldn't torture animals for no reason.

But lower level animals are just raw materials for human consumption.

Also niggers are human and have a theory of mind, racism aside they fall under the same category of all other humans.

I don't torture animals but have no problem eating them or useing them in medical experiments in a humane (mostly) fashion.
I pooped my pants faggot. Gay faggot
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>they fall under the same category of all other humans
While that wasn't really the point, you sir, are an idiot and completely wrong. And you still haven't made a valid point as to why something is right and why something else is wrong.
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>>>/vg/wowsg is just full of weebshit.

No wonder I don't go there
I'm sorry but niggers are still homosapiens and as such are the same species as yourself, unless you know something evolutionary biologists don't.

I gave you a valid point

Humans are #1 non sapient forms of life are worthless byond being raw material.

You need to chill, tossing insults only invalidate your arguments.
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Anyway although I know Alex is wall texting away to try and get more abd more attention I need to get some sleep and won't be around to read his wall text.

Ta Ta
when the fuck did 2 lines per reply become a textwall
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>unless you know something evolutionary biologists don't.
No, I know the same things as them. It's you who believes all the media's bullshit. Do you still think they're the same as you and I after they murdered police officers simply because they're doing their job? Let me tell you something, I grew up in the ghettos of Atlanta around the shittiest people you can imagine, and around real gangs with real murderers and drug dealers. However, I was raised by a lunatic of a far-left mother who tried to make me believe we were all the same and to be friends with everyone. And I did, and do you know what happened? I got stabbed in the back and had hundreds of dollars worth of my things stolen by someone I knew I couldn't trust, and that was after I left the hood. I just felt like sharing this because you have NO FUCKING IDEA what it's like to live around niggers. They are literally nothing at all like Europeans or Asian, and you're an absolute idiot if you think otherwise.
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Any one have any gifs?
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Yall are commited to being as crazy as posible, huh?
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No, I'm sick of people being fucking retarded, ignorant, and not thinking for themselves. They just spew the media and the rest of society's bullshit without ever questioning anything. That goes for that textwall, and everything I said before it. He still never proved why something is morally right or wrong.
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No, Society has forced us to be this way to keep our lives meaningful.
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My parents always force me to go out to eat someplace for my birthday.

Fuck you, I just want to stay here.

I didn't even know it was my fucking birthday until you brought it up yesterday

Besides, I won't eat anything because I don't fucking feel like it

you cunts
>s/fur thread

starts with scale ::sigh::
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Be grateful that you have parents who care about you.
They care too much it either hurts or is highly inconvenient.

If they didn't care about me I wouldn't be worried about them finding out I intend to kill myself.
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I know what that's like, but be happy for what you have. I don't know if you know the namefag Mew (he showed up a few months ago, but hasn't been around since last month) but he had a pretty fucked up childhood. Hearing his story made me grateful that I have parents that at least sorta care about me, and you should be grateful as well even if it is inconvenient. Hell, I know about it just as much if not more than you do.
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I know who LucidMew is.
What is his deal?
my parents abused and disowned me...
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There is a chain of buffet restaurants around here called Sakura.

I don't know why but almost everyone who works and/or eats there is one of my people.

Race aside, they serve international cuisines. I could really go for some salmon sushi and carbonara spaghetti.

Oh, of course. Fucking Axis powers.
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Not LucidMew, just Mew. Different guy. Anyway, he got put into some mental institution for kids or whatever because his parents did fucked up stuff to him, and no one believed him when he said it. He ran away from it at 17, and had to live in the woods and literally fend for himself until he was 18 because they wouldn't care then. Then he got really addicted to all kinds of drugs. He's now 28, and has a 9 year old daughter, and has a lot of health problems. Life truly has been fucked up to him, and it makes our problems seem like nothing.
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Yall scary
It may come to a point where my parents learn the truth and things will start to change drastically.

I have a plan ready to crash at a friend's place until shit sorts itself out.

Or I kill myself prematurely and render the problem irrelevant.

It's funny. Psychiatrists and parents try to discourage kids from killing themselves, but little do they know that their very actions can lead the kid into doing it.
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So I've been told.
not as scary as your face
fuck me the colors on this are beautiful.
Does anyone have pictures of the blue muscular girl ? i don't know the name pic unrelated
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I dont find ya scary though. Also, hi.
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Some might say they are over-saturated however.
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I still don't think you're going to do it. I know you. You have hope that life will one day get better, so you continue living. You and I are a lot alike, you know. And I hope that you won't kill yourself because I really like you. I probably have more in common with you than anyone else here. I mean, hell, if it weren't for you than my mom wouldn't even know I was a furfag. You're the only person here whom I've ever talked about in real life.

You mean Hopey, the huge muscular wolf?

Damn, guess I gotta try harder. Anyway, what's up?
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Not much really, lazy days, lazy life. But things are still getting better.

Thinking of going to visit my friend's grave today. To say goodbye alone. Make another attempt at closure.
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Where did I go wrong in life to be excited about buying a surge protector.
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That's good to hear.

That's probably a good idea. I'm really sorry about your friend.
The only blue girl worth thinking about is pic rel

anyone else can fuck right off

You're getting overattached.

Learn to let go.

captcha 780

I wish I had a GTX780. I could run MTY CL.
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Hey, at least it's something. I don't get excited about anything anymore.

Nah, you'll always be a pretty cool guy in my mind. And even if you do kill yourself then I'll still happy for you being here at all.
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So am I, he did a lot of good things for me, so now that he's gone, i figure the best way to pay him back is to do a lot of good things for others in turn.
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Funny you mention it.

My IRL friend just had a laptop go to shit and the SSD in it died together with it.

I presume it was due to electrical failure of some kind, but holy shit to have a laptop and its SSD die of electrical failure must be quite something.

You should also be happy that I'll be dead happy than alive and suffering.
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That's very kind of you.

While I won't encourage it, I know how you feel. Sometimes thinking of the sweet release of death is the only comforting thing in life, so I can understand why you'd be happy dead instead of suffering. So even if you did die, I'd almost be happy for you because it means you no longer had to suffer, and accomplished what you always wanted. But I still don't think it's the right thing to do. You're young, and could have a long life ahead of you, and it doesn't have to be bad either.
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Tell that to Big Brother, not me.
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I wish I could.
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I come to 4chan solely for the s/fur threads. Thank you to all the glorious bastards that do this.
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I like to think that it'll all be worth it in the end.
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Glad I can help, anon.
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wollup nigga
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That's a good way to think. I wish I was as optimistic as you.
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>Sometimes thinking of the sweet release of death is the only comforting thing in life
Wait a second

Is this a metal reference
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English, please.
Kurimu mitai.
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No. But now that you mention it, it could make for some cool doom metal lyrics or something.
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gerrarahia fo reeeeeeeel
oh really?
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That other post may not be a metal reference, but this one is.

Are you having a stroke? Should I call an ambulance?
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>doesn't go moshing
>thinks he knows shit about metal
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Really? Because my music library says otherwise.

Ah, that's good. Anyway, what's up?
just woke up tbh
lol zombie thread
bump for saves
man, /b/ sure is slow today
more of this please
how about you ask that in the new thread?
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