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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>694109058 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 187
Thread images: 145
File: Kyouko (27).jpg (141 KB, 455x722) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (27).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Thats not even the usual Karen.
Edim. It doesn't sound like you cringed into an edgy website and picked a name from what was generated.
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HomuMad (220).png
4 MB, 2450x2800
Cute pic.
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looks good in blue.png
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Eh, I suppose so. It isn't too noticeable, yea. I'm more so fine with signatures, like on this picture. Watermarks have always bugged me though.
I understand that.
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Thanks for renewing the thread.
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the sky
>sorry i had to :^)
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>a lot of people from here I see from here are playing WoWs

You know the game is straight up trash when so many people from /waifu/ enjoy playing that shit.
Edim is the name of a guitar chord
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I don't even have any music in my phone, 4G and Youtube the way to go.
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hmm i see.jpg
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What are you fucking gay?
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Syndra [110].jpg
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HomuMad (210).png
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Eh are you saying that most of us have a shit taste?
To be fair I got really disappointed with how bad Kancolle is considering how many played it here.

Like... the idea behind it is creative and gives birth to amazing fan art, but the game is so tedious and grindy.
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Pokemon GO is shit.
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waifu claimed
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Confused karen.jpg
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i thought i was the only fake karen.

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>claiming yume
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oh i see.png
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Bunch of faggets

It's the same with overwatch

Like i am gonna take game advice from some autistic shut in like akiko
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Syndra [69].jpg
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Made me get up and walk for 5 hours.
0/10 uninstalled
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Homura (207).jpg
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I don't really see what's fun about impersonating someone when its widely known that person wont be here for a month.

Thanks for telling me that, now I don't have to feel bad anymore for not being able to play it. Why do you say its shit other than having to go outside?
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turn that :^( upside down :v)
ISIS Karen desu
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Lurk from work.


I got a figurine (call it a tribute of sorts) of a character from your series while I was at the convention on Saturday.
>Mfw the figurine isn't of you.
Why must the world be so cruel?
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Did you walked in someone's backyard?


Because everything that this fags like to play it's shit.
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1 MB, 1070x1194
I have a total of one song on my phone. I use the only Apple product I own for music simply for less data charges and convenience.
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Oshino Shinobu claimed
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I quite like all the characters from rewrite. Who'd you get?
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Im about to make it fucking RAIN Pokemon in my neighborhood. got poke Lures on Deck.
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Homura (152).jpg
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That's a good logic, but civ is neat and a lot of people from here play it.
>and you're missing out on it
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Syndra [106].jpg
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Yes, you could say that.
Also, only place were i had any luck finding anything was in the middle of a forest.
I love the way this image sits on my screen when u post it.

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close enough
>rattle rattle
Hey, that's pretty good.
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Akane Senri.
>Pic related, she was the only Rewrite figure they had.

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I seem to be unable to consume a lot of phone battery most of the time, and even then I have 1-2 power banks with me most of the time.
Okay, I need to link this one because of that first song.
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Homura (4).jpg
142 KB, 850x680
QOTT: What operative system and web browser do you use?
>win10 because I like aesthetics despite it being total shit
>mainly chrome, firefox for debugging sometimes and IExplorer if I need to open something on a different browser for some reason
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chen what.jpg
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Yeah, CIV is okay, but only because is not so popular.


What a fucking game. I don't know.
You have to walk too much, your feet will hurt and you may go in dangerous places.
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chen 89.jpg
150 KB, 500x612

And you should give this a listen.
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Win 7 ultimate 64bit yarrharr edition and Google Chrome.
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OSX and Firefox.

Why? because i own a macbook pro and safari is shit.

Safari is what i let other people use so they dont see my search history
is this a nice waifu?
File: image.jpg (150 KB, 557x800) Image search: [Google]
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I got used to it, after a while. Then Win10 came out. I'll probably just use Win8 for now until I get a new rig.

Chrome, mostly cause I have my custom chrome theme of my waifu.
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Homura (14).jpg
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>Yeah, CIV is okay, but only because is not so popular.
I think you're not aware of how many people from here own the game, but yea, owning doesn't mean playing and enjoying it often.
>you may go in dangerous places
And then give autistic excuses like 'I was just looking for pokémon'.

Noice, Kagami linked me a song from them a while ago and it was really interesting, the beginning of this album is arousing me.

Interesting, would you mind showing the theme?
File: Yume01.jpg (127 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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>8.1 till 28. then getting win10
>chrome all the way
its a cat
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Nice. Akane is probably second best girl.

win7 chrome
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40 KB, 596x419
Typical Chrome User.
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Win 7 and chrome
depends if i can pet it
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Win8.1 can get a free upgrade but not interested in the terms and conditions.
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is this a nice waifu?

It's a good album, you would like it for sure.
Break time
Wew, how is everyone?
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Chrome Screen Shot.jpg
1 MB, 2160x1440
Here. Made me get up and open my computer. GJ Homu.
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Trump claimed. MAGA
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Every time I see Trump he's in a trench coat with sunglasses and a hat. He wears live sheep on his feet and has a lot pf golden rings, made of cheese. He also has hand teeth and is flying to the north pole and he has some sort of cyborg operation done on him.
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mai 34.jpg
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Do you wait ever morning for me to post? you should really use that time to do something more productive, it's not healthy.
File: Syndra [159].png (893 KB, 1024x1292) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [159].png
893 KB, 1024x1292
Win 8.1
Mostly chrome.
Firefox if im playing something.
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Then remind me to choose Akane as my first route (and yours second) whenever I get to playing Rewrite.

As one break begins, another ends.
>I'll be back this afternoon.
What is this I dont even
Explain this then.

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Hey Makoto, how ya been?

What's up Sanae?

Look at this little faggot

File: Lurking Lily.png (146 KB, 699x193) Image search: [Google]
Lurking Lily.png
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The only canon drawings of Mai are from the anime.
Not too bad. Over at a friends house, being gay apparently. How bout you?
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So, would you like a drink? I bet you are exhausted.

is mai mai waifu?
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aceman lookin a bit like renge.jpg
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Syndra [64].jpg
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Who said im not drinking it already?
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Just at the eye doctor waiting on my check up. Probably eat something, for the reason there's a restaurant across from me.
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Yeah that sounds breddy gay
Just make sure the balls don't touch

QT, how are you?

What are you at the optometrist for? And hey, sounds like a good deal to me. Had to take the morning off work to get some school stuff arranged, so I have a couple quick hours to chill before I head in today.
Hitler loves you.
File: gimme that relationship.jpg (63 KB, 500x480) Image search: [Google]
gimme that relationship.jpg
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I'm good, been spending most of my time playing Overwatch. How about you?
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Haven't been to one since 4 years ago. So a checkup is much needed to see if my eye had been better than previously. Which I think is. School? What are going for?
If I don't respond back, it's because I've been called in. So a heads up.

Who said is really clorox, and I didn't made you think that?
It may be some good cola, you got tricked
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There are people on earth at this very moment who will pay 20 dollars for this shirt.
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Sounds good. I'm going to get an associate's, be a radiology tech. Move up that path from there.

I'm doing just fine, just bored. Remembered I have a 3DS so I've been doing that a lot lately.

Sure :^)
I hear killing yourself is a good alternative to tripfaging for attention.
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Syndra [246].jpg
771 KB, 2400x1200
I love him too.
Who said i didn't want clorox?
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Rumia claimed!
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How long did it take you to come up with that response?
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chen chibi.jpg
147 KB, 800x672

Who said I said something?

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If I do go back to school, I'll probably go for international business, or a nuclear technician(though I dislike math with a passion). It was something suggested to me by a test. Sounds good, will you enjoy that field?
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Story time, /waifu/
>be me
>in 7th grade
>from West Phillie
>in sex ed class my permission slip wasn't signed
>had to wait two years
>ask teacher for hall pass to health class because i had a concern
>go to health class
>kick down door, killing a student
>scream like I'm trying to go super sayain
>nigger jew health teacher looks at me
>principal came in
>his face morphed into Dr. Phils
>shit in his open mouth
>run outside school
>whistle for a cab
>when it came near, the license plate said "CALIFORNIA FRESH" and it had dice in the mirror
>I could say this cab was rare
>But nah forget it
>"yo homes to bel-air"
>arrived at my house around seven or eight am
>yelled to the cabbie
>"yo homes, smell ya later"
>i smellt reeses on his breath
>he just ate
>he said
>"nae mang, i had reeses puffs"
>he immediately turned into a bear
>and then i asked,
>whats your name?
>he said jack
>he had a candle
I then realised i can talk to animals and my life has been different ever since. Also that the driver was candlejack.
Thanks for lis
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I can do this all day.
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Meme'd hard
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Syndra [20].jpg
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I did.
Fuck off Sandra
Such an elaborate story, filled with surprising vocabulary, vivid as if I was there. 10/wat

Asuna claimed
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chen 88.jpg
73 KB, 500x450

It was fun when I got people so riled up and started that whole snowballing effect in these threads but for the last 4 months I have been desperately trying to grasp at the molten puddle of snow in an attempt to build a fucking snowman, I haven't been relevant in months and just keep churning out low effort shitposts with the hope I'll get a reply at some point, all of this at the cost of my dignity and sanity, this entire post will probably not make any sense because I'm trying to write fragments of some of the thoughts I had while pacing back and forth in my room at midnight thinking about these threads from memory, but what I'm trying to say is that I have lost my touch and that tripfaging attention whore Chen can carry the torch.


No, I didn't.
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I know your trying to over-saturation my (You)'s with low effort replies but that tactic will not work on me because I'm autistic and have no problem with replying to someone who is ignoring me,
Also known as 1/11 retard.
Aww shet how's everyone doin'?

Purple midge claim
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>molten snow
I am 12 and what is this?
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238 KB, 679x500
Ehh Rewrite kind of forces an order. You have to do certain people first.
She's not Chen so you good boo boo


Hey, I know I'm the most popular shitposter and you can't handle the happiness because I'm giving you attention, but I know. You must be a sad guy by wasting your everyday on 4chan.
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Nothing really just casually talking about things that combines; political, economic, scientific, military, and foreign relations.
I'm good for the most part by the way.
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Morning girls
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Good morning
Well if it's anything with US government, I'd be happy to join in; this election is going to be fun and I'm voting
>I'm fine, going out to eat with family. Spanish food boi
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Morning. How's the day so far?
(If I don't respond, it's probably for the reason I'm called in.)
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you aren't a shitposter anymore, you sold out and participate in the threads like every other poster, you can't have your cake and eat it to.
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I know dude
I'm really sad
I just have no friends. And I attempted suicide at least a hundred times. I have over 9000 scars from when i cut my wrists and I listen to Punk Rap Edm and constantly jerk it to guro loli furry futa scat porn. I'm thankful for the attention as I need it. I even tried to mutilate my dick so i can become a woman and start over. I also listen to MCR.
Please no bully
Jeez man, you wanna talk about it?
It's a counter shitpost retard
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US Government can be fun to discuss, usually it insights negative feedback.
The running candidates are not the best choices I've seen. I don't vote at all. Just waiting on what is going to be the outcome of this election.
i'm the best shitposter here
Every post is another mark. A mark that represents what social skills and self respect you have lost. I've lost count of all your marks, but I can assure (and you probably already know) that you're lost. I don't think you'll ever come back and I think at this point you're only running off steam, insanity, and delusions. I think you're just too prideful to quit posting so much so often, and too cowardly to actually end the life you know you wasted. I mean, Im rooting for your suicide. So get out there and actually do something to end the misery of the monotony that is your life's
Lol and it's a counter COUNTER shitpost c'mon bro
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I just woke up actually so its starting off pretty alright, how are you??

Thats fine if ya get called in have a great day!
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Tsunade's my semen demon
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2 MB, 1254x1771
help help, rumia is hungy...
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Just got out of bed, about to go make breakfast.

how about yours?
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3 MB, 1920x1080
I'm not too sure how I'd feel about a forced order...
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You are an insignificant speck, much like the newfag spidey poster.
Can you do anything besides spew memes and copy pasta? don't you have any creativity or originality left in your body?
File: Christmas Lily.jpg (161 KB, 707x1000) Image search: [Google]
Christmas Lily.jpg
161 KB, 707x1000

You're taking this thread too seriously.
Stop being so frustrated about it.
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The greatest shitposter in the world, who spews other shitposters same old jokes everyday.
Shitposting is more than acting like a retard everyday.
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If you don't take shitposting seriously than leave it to the big boys son.
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The last info I know so far is that Burny Cinders and Hillary are going to rally together in New Hampshire tomorrow

Bro, it's just a thread

>The greatest shitposter in the world

I'm glad you acknowledge me like that.

>Shitposting is more than acting like a retard everyday.
>wasting your time to do something that nobody will remember


Do you seriously need two posts to say something?
That's hilarious. Seems like your brain is too slow to think about the full text to write in one posts.
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You act like your tough shit but when confronted with how shit you are at your hobby you back peddle and act like it's a joke, you are a bad shitposter who can't even take yourself seriously.

You're repeating yourself way too much.
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>>wasting your time to do something that nobody will remember
You care to much about what the people in these threads think of you, thats why you can't shitpost properly.
Says the guy literally spaming copy-pasta.
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I hope they get attacked.

Yume you better not have left me
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You act like your tough shit but when confronted with how shit you are at your hobby you back peddle and act like it's a joke, you are a bad shitposter who can't even take yourself seriously
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Shiro claimed.
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>bernie sanders
>hoping he gets attacked
Kill self when
Do you know you who are talking to?
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You're all disappointments!
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My ass?
Fuck off
Stop being a shitty shitposter
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2 MB, 480x270
Hey, sounds good. I thought about doing both of those at one point, we're likely similar there. I'm hoping I'll enjoy it, certainly.

What up Tristy, how are you?
You fuck off, Shiro is the only one I lurk here for!
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A retard?
Commit Seppuku when?
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Na Kleinshiro wie gehts bei dir so?
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You are so predictable I'm writing these posts before you even post.
You sold out to the normies in these threads, the fact you tripfag/namefag is evidence that you care more about being recognized than actually shitposting.
No, because you are an insignificant speck.
Nice hitler dubs, socialist cuck.
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Anyone who sides with Hillary Clinton is an enemy to freedom.

I don't hate Bernie Sanders. But Hillary is an abomination.
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I pass out for an hour and what is this
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Your 15, you can't even vote.
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Homura (77).jpg
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It was fun when I got people so riled up and started that whole snowballing effect in these threads but for the last 4 months I have been desperately trying to grasp at the molten puddle of snow in an attempt to build a fucking snowman, I haven't been relevant in months and just keep churning out low effort shitposts with the hope I'll get a reply at some point, all of this at the cost of my dignity and sanity, this entire post will probably not make any sense because I'm trying to write fragments of some of the thoughts I had while pacing back and forth in my room at midnight thinking about these threads from memory, but what I'm trying to say is that I have lost my touch and that tripfaging attention whore Chen can carry the torch.
No u
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you are a know-it-all that makes assumptions and then parades them as facts.
I'm not going to read that wall, but damn, nice pic
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fuck your stupid waifu thread. Black lives matter
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Is BLM anarcho-capatalist?
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I think you got me confused with the other moogs
I'm 18
Thanks mang, i appreciate the check, juden
lol k wutever u say dood

>doot doot
Black lives murder.
File: Homura (52).jpg (4 MB, 2591x3624) Image search: [Google]
Homura (52).jpg
4 MB, 2591x3624
Oh its you again, the guy that lurks the thread and tries to hit posters with what you got to know about them but ends up failing hilariously.

What else do you know about me?
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you are an edgy faggot.
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Skeleton claimed

>doot doot
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Hello Homu

How many moog are there
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Ok so i bought some shit off the store for Pokemon Go. I got The lure module went and applied it to a pokestop.

First off I barely got shit. Had to sit there for fuckin 30 mins to barely get shit.

Plus your stuck on like a 20 foot radius of where u can chill. Like this park was a pokestop so i was like cool Im just gonna chill there in the shade and catch a few. Wrong I had to physically stand by this sign in the middle of the fucking field in order to reap the benifets of putting the module down.

Plus no hotties showed up.

All in all a bust.
Just go on an airplane ride to the congo, game beaten.

Are you Mi Lou?
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Recht fesch, würd ich sagen. Hatte einen entspannten Tag.
Selbst so?
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Homura (82).jpg
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I'm the juggernaut, bitch

Chillin' and about to eat some Spanish food. Und you?

I know Hillary is a bitch, there's no taking away from that, but it looks like Bernie rallied with her for compromise in Medicare, college affordability, etc. We'll see if he gets Cucked again by the government
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>playing pokemon
>expecting qtpi virgin to flock to your alphaness
You get a Skeleton instead
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No, who the fuck is Mi lou? another "Shitposter"?

You mad because you didn't get that Chara pussy, aren't you?
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Not even how you spell my name, piss pig
And no, retard
Mang y u so rood?
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witty file name 5.jpg
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You guys try so hard but produce minimal results. So disappointing.
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Auch gerade etwas viel gegessen mal schauen ob ich sterbe
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I'll take what i can fuckin get i guess

Doot Doot
Muh dik is hard m8

you mad because you can't get that chara pussy
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Hillary is a fucking criminal.
Bernie needs to understand that Hillary is only taking him on and "accepting" things that he wants so that she can get his voters.

She's going to cuck him hard. College is affordable imo.
Medicare is whatever.

It's not the gov who's gonna cuck Bernie, its Hillary.

How are you today Homu?
Anyone smell that???

Smells like a konata
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Isn't Chara a boy?


What are you trying to be by being the most retarded anon in the history of /waifu/? I mean, you have a small dick that looks like a FUCKING MISSLE, you probably have a retarded wife/girlfriend, because she loves someone who has that dick.
You said you are fucking your girlfriend whenever you feel like, but that's a lie, because you always say you are bored, and that's why you are shitposting.
I fucking hate attention whores like you, nobody likes you except probably cancerous anons of this community, you are gross and your life sucks.
You didn't had internet for some time because YOU DON'T HAVE A JOB YOU FUCKING BIGOT, you are poor as fuck and that's why you live in america with your mother that you probably fucked.
I hope some nigger kills you, too bad that won't happen because you don't get out of your basement.
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