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aliens... are they out there? have they already made contact?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 61
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aliens... are they out there? have they already made contact? do the government know about them? i wana know.
Who knows but i have seen a UFO what can' be explained. It's just vanished in thin air in opendaylight. I WAS LIKE... WTF HAVE I JUST SEEN. It could be humans with high tech who knows.
On youtube somewhere a ex Canadian minister of defense gave a briefing to congress or house all about the Greys and the tall whites so I'd say yes. He also said they work closely with the USA gov.
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Just look
I mean the sound barrier was broke 2 weeks after Roswell. Do you think that was just coincidental?

They're waiting for intelligent life on Earth.. They'll be waiting for a while.
kek true ahah
What Trumps not intelligent enough for them?
Either we live in uncharted space and haven't been discovered yet, or they already know we are here and try to avoid/study us. Uplifting a species or making first public contact would be reckless
anyone think the government have covered up the existance of aliens
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i just saw a ufo..pic related
shit was was huge and made this loud noise and it had these blinking lights..fucked up man..
Yeah they have to be in existence though, I mean who would make a simulation with only one intelligent life form? No fun in that.

The aliens played the US and the USSR off one another with the skill of Jews.

UFOs were classified "Above Top Secret" in the 1950s, before the government simply shut down any discussion.
Stay clear of those, sometimes they crash into people's houses. Very spooky very distraut
>aliens... are they out there?
>have they already made contact?
Probably in the distant past.
>do the government know about them?
Obligatory 'ayy lmao'
Do they have birthday parties when their kids?
Two weeks are to short to understand and rebuild an unknown technology.
shiiit, do you know about the 9/11 incident? 2 of those crashed into the twin towers, the government covered it up ofcourse, but i know the truth
Plot twist the alien didn't die in the crash
The truth is out there man. You just gotta want to believe
x files? :P
it did look like it was getting lower and lower ,,hmmm

the bastards ..they said it was ''airplanes''
Plus the alien was resourceful and very helpful. They gave him a name, hi name was dan
No idea how their calendrical system works so I'm not sure.
No, life agent molder, life.
check it
It's likely that we're not the only sentient beings in this vast universe.
Wonder if they use car washes also?
and dan it was
dan is love
dan is life
quads will it
quints don't lie
Says a guy who is obviously an expert in physics and engineering.
yes im blind
Damn were those quints? I've never gotten quints. Wasted a good quints on ayyyy lmao
Probably not. I doubt aliens use cars.
Well for their space and time warpers.
You're right aliens come in the back of box trucks, they pace em in there like sardines
That explains why they like to probe farmers and cows.
They love older men and fresh milk
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Next person to get dubz has a foot fetish.
I wonder what they eat though. Do you know?
a foot fungus
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They are comin op. Trumps gonna send them back where they came from tho.
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Dan was sex man and a true gentalmen alien at that.
Well... my dad was in the CIA after being in the USAF for 33 years. He worked in Navada a lot even though we didn't live there, a car would come pick him up and he'd be gone for the week. He worked weapons development including nukes. He also worked at area 51. I asked him what you are asking ans I always got the bullshit answer basically "cannot confirm or deny".

Then a few years ago some shit was declassified. He started talking about some shit he was involved in beyond what was declassified, I think he forgot his limits.

Yes OP, there are aliens and they are here, they have been for a long time. Our government has been working on integration of alien DNA into ours for 30 years or more for many reasons. I have a lot of notes that I took from when he could talk but he was in an accident that left him completely paralyzed. I can only get yes or no out of him now.
That too
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here are your aliens
Yes, They do exist
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At least dan didn't have a foot fungus to go along with his foot fetish anon!
And thus the bearer of quints spoketh.
Yea and they only show themselves in spooky places at night where 2 people can see them.
They dont go at night, but some forrest to check out deers'n such
Unless they come in legally
According to this guy they like deer so maybe deer?
Of course
Anyone know if that jazz trap has a penis?
Plus how old is it?
'behold a pale horse'
read that its all in there
bump 4 interest
Bump 4 glorious Dan
I had a possible run in with some aliens, do you guys want to hear about it? I already wrote it here before.
The universe is fucking huge. Alien socities have to exist somewhere.

The universe is fucking huge. They probably haven't reached us.
As long as there's anal probe involved
Too much work, they don't wanna reach us
There might have been some, I really don't know. I'm going to write the greentext now.
you are a super high advanced civilization that can travel the galaxy and then you crash land in Roswell. incredible
Go ahead captain
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stop fantasizing, gayfaggot
Dan's luck sucks don't it
Given how infinitely vast the universe is, it seems that it's absolutely impossible for there not to be intelligent life out there somewhere.
Well we know one things for sure, intelligent life isn't on earth
mabybe ther engine was broken and they expected us to be cool and help fix it
Dan does seem to trust strangers so maybe

>Be me, 13-ish-year-old, October 2012
>Wake up in the middle of the night like I do sometimes
>Trying to fall asleep again
>Having a hard time going back to sleep, start daydreaming about Slenderman, because I was into the pastas
>WHEN ALL OF THE SUDDEN, my vision starts shaking violently and shifting colors
>I'm spooked as hell

Cont because I'm a slow typer
Nachos and refried beans and tacos and burritos. Things like that.
Pretty sure that the egyptians got their gods from aliens with high tech
Probably is life out there somewhere. Maybe intelligent life outside our solar system.

But, them coming here would require the laws of physics to be broken. That makes contact between two different intelligent species all but impossible, unless they happened to develop quite near each other.

Opening a ship-sized wormhole would take more energy than what is in the entire observable universe.
Was it really hazy like tunnel vision almost? I only ask because that happens to me sometimes ( sleep paralysis I assume) but I always say something out loud when it happens, fuck up thing was the last time a figure was in my door way to my bedroom n I seen it during one of these episodes n screamed out SATAN, thankfully no one in the house heard me
>What happened next I don't fully remember
>I remember looking down at my bare stomach, like i'm lying naked somewhere
>I remember seeing a figure, it had a slightly flat head, almost skull like with two large black oval eyes and no visible mouth, it was wearing an all black outfit with long sleeves
>After that was over I was scared shitless and went to sleep in my parents bed
Cont, that's about the whole encounter but some stuff started happening later
I don't remember it being like tunnel vision, but I did start getting sleep paralysis after the incident, will elaborate in cont.
Okay seriously though. Imagine that you are given a piece of alien tech that is decades ahead of what we are currently capable of. Something designed by creatures whose idea of "the way things work" is completely ambiguous to us.

Then you are told to figure out what it does and how to work it.

Then you are told to reverse engineer it for human use.

>You have two weeks.
Look in the mirror, they've been breeding with us for a long time now.
see this:
Except I wouldn't be me, I would be a team of eager scientist at a top-tier government research facility.
I said plot twist THE FUCKING ALIEN DIDNT DIE his hand was forced in one way or another, this is based of actual intel btw
Still. Imagine growing up say in the bush in Africa as a telephone repair man. You have never seen an i phone in your life. You have seen the 90s brick style cellular phones but never a smartphone. Then one day, a white man comes and gives you the newest model of iphone. You have knowledge of how phones work and understand the concepts, but do you really think you would be able to replicate an iphone in two weeks even with your basic knowledge of telecommunication
With a willing and able alien named Dan that would be and was more then happy to help
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Here is real image of a wild Ayy Lmao
No unless I had steve jobs with me like Roswell because they had Dan
I'd love to do a buddy cop movie with one of them
Sorry for the short greentext episodes.
>After all that was done, two things started happening
>I saw figures sometimes, in all sorts of random locations for a split second
>Similiar to the one from before but not entirley, they were all wearing black outfits, and wearing black and white masks with two big black circles as eyes and possibley black stripes. With the exception of one's mask being blank.
>I also started getting sleep paralysis, which I never had before.
>First time was weird and I never had one like it afterwards.
>So I woke up from my sleep and obviously I could barely more.
>But there was a very loud buzzing noise, and it would get painfully loud everytime I tried opening my eyes to see what's going on.
>The other few time weren't all that special, just either awake and can barely move or still but i'm in a sort of dream where i'm awake and moving oddly and trying to get attension, and I can't hear anything.
That's about it, really.
Dans thoe name of the alien that crashed in Roswell
im just waiting for you to get banned
Why would I? I was turning 14 that year.

I've had similar experiences. That buzzing tone always precedes the weird shit. Most of it was voices and sounds but sometimes there'd be visuals.
Sounds like you've been visited by the foo man choo not aliens
which means you arent 18 yet
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Dubs of realization
Does it? so maybe I wasn't 13 then
Dubs of realization vol.2
I mean, i'm turning 18 this August
Now you know.
Dubs of remembrance
It would only be logical from a scientific approach that somewhere in the universe, there are at least a handful of alien civilizations. I don't want to make a stance on if we've already been visited by an alien civ, only thing I know for sure is that if they had the technology to travel light years from wherever they originated to Earth and had evil intentions, we would be fucked.
If I were them I would just blow up the moon

No and Government never seen space aliens.

Space Aliens live on planets that are millions miles a way.
Ok pbs
You mean light years and eons?
Your only 15 stop lyin buddy
Well, their possibilities to end us if they wanted to would be endless.
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the closest you can come to actual proof is the Mothman, a whole town witnessed that creature allegedly.
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Moons just easy I think, plus it'd be fun to watch from their prospective
Yeah moth mans a dick I would much rather there be Greys and tall whites then that asshole
Just imagine them broadcasting the entire event for their amusement
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All of that can be explained by physiological responses in the human brain and have nothing to do with external entities. We are hard wired to see and hear things that are not there because it benefited our primitive ancestors living in a world of real threats and terrors.
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Yes. Space Aliens can't get here unless, they have super advance technology that can use negative energy to create a stable wormhole for space travel.
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>twin towers
Has anyone actually seen these towers? I don't think they ever really existed.
wow thats incredibly dumbed down, so much so that i fear you dont actually understand the argument youre trying to make.
we are programmed to find patterns and our brain would rather be safe than sorry. a simple example is you hear a rustle in the bushes and your brain tells you "theres a tiger" rather than "wind" because if it was a tiger and you thought it was wind youre dead, but if it was wind and you thought it was a tiger youre just panicked. some peoples brains go overboard, they see something they dont understand and their brain does somersaults to explain it.

tl;dr we are not hard wired to see and hear things that arent there you ignorant cunt
Pretty much plus thy have to fully understand dark energy aka dark matter which is funny because all matter is actually energy
its more correct to say that if aliens can get to us, we dont properly understand space travel.
Explain this
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Yeah man I don't seem to ever remember there being a holocaust either
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and so you decide to post photo-proof that youre underaged. god damnit mods get in here
What if reality is different out there? There isn't the concept of travelling because they don't live in the same environment as us.
triggered much?
Does it really matter all that much? It's one month and i'm 18.
Damn that reminds me of Terrance Howard's part in get rich or die trying when he says even if I'm wrong I'm right because I could of been right.
my parents have, are they part of the conspiracy too? oh god, am I part of the conspiracy?
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I meant negative energy aka dark matter
Well for starters you wouldnt want steve Jobs as he's just a salesman. Steve wazensky was the engineer. And secondly that assumes you can communicate with the alien and that he could survive on this planet. For all we know he may have been a silicone or other non carbon based life form.
i would get a chuckle out of you being banned
Sorry buddy still gotta hit da road
Could be because anythings on the table here
Most likely
Not to mention that maybe that aliens job wasn't in engineering. If he was just a run of the mill astronaut like ours, he may only have had biomechanical knowledge or astrology knowledge. Just cause he flies it doesn't mean he can show someone how to build it. How many astronauts could rebuild a shuttle on an alien world with primitive tech.
alien here. can confirm. you're a retard.
Or maybe even a drone. But as far as I know the USA gov is in constant contact with them so why not Roswell as a starting point.
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Yeah but we would be relating the aliens too much with humans so idn if that even could be seeing as though such a long voyage you would want a pretty crude and knowledgable crew
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Yes, They have been here for 1000's of years

Google "Black satellite"
The image he used included the succubus which reminded me of Sagan's book which delved deep into the subject. Some peoples brain wake up in stages rather than all at once so they're aware but they can't move and their physical senses don't function properly giving them the impression a great weight is on their chest. In addition they perceive the pressence of a being holding them down because the part of the brain the generates dreams is still doing just that, creating dream imagery even though they're partially awake. In the Middle Ages it was demons. Today it's aliums because whatever is in the popular imagery of the day gets used by the unconcious mind. Nobody ever saw aliums before WWII, rockets and nuclear bombs.

I'm talking about the species. Not an individual..
Females already avoided me in the galaxy I was born. I thought Earth was different. It is not.
Lol I know I was trying to make a slight funny
all the dubs!!
you're the only one.

Cool story bro.

Some people just can't accept reality and they really believe they are very special.
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No.. His name was Paul...
But we are the last planet in the universe with good crack
Literally garbage. Space garbage.
Two dubs
His sons name was paul
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When ever one considers super natural beings.
Spirits, Ghosts, or Aliens, one would be wise to remember that demons play the roles of all the above and relish the chance to deceive you.
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Just my opinion. Yes there has to life even inteligent life as big as the universe is an how many other stars or planets to live on. Why would they come here to join BLM? The other part of them visiting is it may not be posable to travel 1000's of light years.
holyshit most retarded argument ever heard.

Carl sagan said that then it most be true.. Kill yourself.

Explain the fucking Black satellite, oh i forget you can't or the Phoenix Lights. Because 1000's of people saw the same shit, oh wait they all could have dreamed about it. like Carl faggot said.
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go google and research how big universe is , what mean observable universe and how theory phisicians calculating whole universe size so many times biger than our little boulb we call observable universe. there is live out there , but we cant contact live that is outside visible universe cos evrything is expanding and spreading fast as light . there might be even civilization that is able to harnest energy of entire galaxies (pic related) by the way its 1.800 000 000 000 light years big and our galaxy is like only 100 000 light years big
dan was the holy alien that gave us poppers and crack
thousands of people have seen bigfoot, the loch ness monster, the list goes on. the fact remains that eye witness testimony is extremely unreliable
Demons sure do love relish
Now your assuming it's a long voyage. To them it me be a matter of a couple of our earth minutes. So they may not need an advance craft because it's so a easy short flight to them.
Carl faggot nice
literally can't accept reality trying to delusion himself it's just a garbage. This shit was already there when humanity didn't even have satelite upi there you fag. Try do research
and this is only the dimension we know
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They much prefer rape.
Body and soul.

Do you wish to give up your soul?
Sun and moon iconography common in paintings in that period. Some autist went through and puled out all the ones that looked vaguely UFO-like, ignored all the ones that look sun and moon like, and went "THIS MEANS SOMETHING!!!!!
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Statistically speaking the Universe is bound to have at least on other sentient being. Maybe one that can travel through space but it is absurd to think that one would visit us and we wouldn't know. In my opinion anyone who believes Aliens and humans have communicated before is absolutely insane.

I think if an alien race ever had the means to come to earth and go back to their planet would just enslave us or wipe us out to use our planet for whatever. Trust me, if they were around we would know.

Damn you're retarded!! have 1000's of people seen the imaginary bigfoot, loch fag monster at the same time?? no please kill yourself.
Human anon, please, tell me how this "sex" thing feels. Consider using your most precise words for the description.
eye witness testimony is the least reliable form of evidence, if anything people seeing the same thing at different times is better evidence than alot of people seeing something at the same time
double dubs. leave the kid alone.
"like warm cherry pie"
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They relish it.
Why is that demon dressed like he got invited to a gay orgy?
What is your evidence that it was up there before anybody had the ability to detect it up there?
no, see since being gay is against god, the demon is the one organizing the gay orgy
op here please keep the thread topic atleast vaguely related to paranormal phenomina
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You and the people who believe this shit are absolutely retarded. This image looks so fucking fake.

Even if there were aliens out there what the fuck would you do about it?

There is not even a very rough estimate of how likely life is to arise on a given planet, nor of how likely it is to give rise to intelligent life, nor how likely intelligent life is to snuff itself almost immediately.

Lacking en a rough guess at any of those probabilities, I'm not sure how you are arriving at your conclusion, using statistics.
demons are paranormal, prove me wrong
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Do you use Reynolds Wrap or store brand?
wesly crusher?

Ey retard, Do you think you can understand a alien being why it up there? do you think they think like you? Humans are so fucking retarded unbelievable. Hey snowflake take a break and go watch your reality show. That object is a UFO and nobody know why and where it came from you fucking fag. THIS SHIT IS FACTS.
When I said statistically I meant judging by the number of stars there are out there. Most stars have planets around them there are 100 billion stars in the universe.
100 BILLION ANON. Don't you think at least ONE out of these 100 billion stars is similar to Earth?
im not him, but i dont think you realize how many planets there are in the universe. there are so many planets we will never be able to catalog all of them, even if we had the entire lifespan of the universe to do it.
>Are they out there?
Yup, there's simply no chance with the size of the universe that we'd be the only sentient beings out there
>Have the already made contact?
Probably not, the distances from Earth to any other habitable planet would take thousands of years to traverse using any reasonable speed.
>Does the government know about them?
Nah probably not, but there is a chance that they know a lot more then they let on.
Wise words human friend. Just ordering a "warm cherry pie" so I can say to my alien dudes I'm no longer a virgin. Thx a lot.
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It's something that fell out an airlock when they went outside. It carbonized in the direct sunlight of low earth orbit.
I agree with this guy.
stoner thought; we are like their own personal ant arm which they might or might not jhave alot of in the galaxy, they observe us, our natural disasters, i can only imagine they crack the fuck up over the shit humans do in the name of religion
Either fake and gay or you being literally psychotic
That's a really shitty looking UFO. What are they, interstellar wetbacks?
Haha I'm watching this right now!
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Yes OP, if you do research on it. There are so many videos from the 90's and weird abductions of animals and human. There is definitive something out there that is top secret.
Maybe they are wrong about some of the laws of physics and aliens found a way.

whats up newfag?
I'm sure there is atleast some form of life outside of our solar system, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily of the intelligent sort that''s capable of doing anything but eating, fucking and sleeping.
ousted lol :P get that new fag fuck out of here
u mean like our local jews?
>Are they out there?
>have they made contact?
>does government know?
More than likely looking at how much conspiracy is out there regarding this topic. Where there's smoke there's fire.
It is insane how we both have the same opinion about eachother.
>You think I'm a reatrd who can't face the truth.
>I think the exact same thing about you.
Nonetheless I don't believe in this shit one fucking bit but whatever man keep tormenting yourself with thoughts of Aliens being out there.
I can't even comprehend the shit you just typed.
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A new universe big banging into ours? Our big bang destroyed all evidence of what was here before, if anything.
Must be an alien right?
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they wont contact us because of this shit
It's fact you fucking retard. That object is unknown and nobody knows why it's up there.

Maybe some aliums need to shit on your mouth so you can see they exist but i bet you would still think it's a dream.
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my old man told me that " human brain can never imagine a creature form he has never seen in his life , and if he does its mostly a creature that is a mix between 2 existing creatures such as the winged horse or centaurs ..."
so yeah these aliens we see pics of are real in my opinion
Even if the answer was yes to all 3 questions, they would be intelligent enough to stay pretty well hidden, any contact would be done with governments and both parties would realise the implications of releasing the information. Religions would go ham, plus we could never be trusted with flying cars and laser weapons let alone interstellar travel.....for now.
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if there is a reason that will ever make them contact us ... it would be this shit u just posted my african american
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Actually in that Picture Wil Wheaton was playing "Gordie LaChance" in "Stand by Me" the film adaptation of Stephen Kings novella "The Body"
Maybe they use a little red wagon
For some relish, sure where do I sign?
Now they don't. they sure as hell don't go faster than light and even then it would take years. You CANNOT go faster than light. Not with crazy technology, not with magic, not with fucking anything.
No need to sign, it is done.
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Like when your arm falls asleep when you sleep on it ten you wake up and try to shake it awake.
my dear man you are fabulously eloquent far more astute and informed than the usual level of riff raff that parades around this site thank you for the knowledge
There is unquestionably life, probably intelligent life, off of Earth. The odds of meeting them or even contacting them are astronomical.
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There's been reports of probing, any evidence?
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Welp I guess whats done is done
More anon!
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Aww shucks.

Thanks Anon..

Can we have your liver then?
If i kms where will i go ?
Ruby Tuesdays
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There are so many things that we can't comprehend or understand about the universe. The universe DOES hold life millions and millions of light years away from us. The largest Galaxy known right now is called IC1101 which is 6 BILLION light years across. This galaxy is about 6,000,000 light years away from earth.

I don't doubt that IC1101 holds life in there. There is a HIGH chance of it. Could be an advanced civilization. Could be more than one civilization in there as well.

I believe our DNA was altered or somehow we were brought here by an advanced sentient.
You are so stupid I'm going out of my fucking mind. I don't think you are dreaming. It's certainly not a dream. It is you being so FUCKING gullible that you think a digitally drawn image of a rock is an alien satellite. That is so fucking far fetched and you would know this if you had an actually education. It is sad that you have convinced yourself that this is true.
i agree :P other than that last part
Sounds like a good script to the next scifi thriller. Integrating alien dna into ours, mutants, telepathic, fly, control free will. ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©
THINK before you type . THEY do exist THEY don't even know about our existence , they might see earth as a vulcanic rocky planet becaouse light from earth travel to them so long ... there was no contact with alien at all , we are still baby civilisation
I absolutely agree with you. We have the same opinion did you even read my post you dumbass.
You're a baby civilization
actualy i wantet to reply to other post but i fucked up
Pro-tip theres kno such thing as aliens bro we live on a flat eart with a firmament dome idiots
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If they do not exist, the universe is a massive waste of space.
I agree with you but theoretically you could go faster than light with a warp engine.
There is kno space that was made up!!! Chum lmao
Yes. DNA is an alien technology.
That's because english isn't your first language
guys you are all blind if you cant see that aliens are using earth as a dna experimentation lab..
They're not going to harm you. Don't be scared.
Just tracking you around to see what you are up to.
DNA is I different topic then space chum
Aliens in my opinion eat space chum
Well you can't argue with that kind of 'logic'
Chum lee space chum
why did u tag me tardo ?
I'm not an expert yet but i have a theory in which you could use a gravitacional device to move the space around the vehicle instead of moving the vehicle itself. Or maybe creating a personal space around it with a custom gravitational field. Since the space is what's being moved, the matter and gravity inside this space would not be affected. This could make it reach FTL+ speeds and keep the gravity inside the vehicle stabilized.
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Too fuckin bad
Yeah or else you would need a sick bag
Don't bother arguing with anon; you can obviously see what you're up against.

Engineer here, approvals and paperwork would take two weeks. You have no idea what liability means when it comes to government.
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You're funny, sir.
Think of time as more a frequency than a phase
gravity and light are not really all that different they are north and south to the magnetic fields of the universe.

Is that more to your liking?
Aliens do not exist and NASA was made up by tha government after it was found out that there was in fact a dome somewhere in Antarctica covering the earth like a blanket. ..chum
In the 50's though?
Early symptoms of schizophrenia
nobody wana talk about area 51??
Kno your not Tesla. stop
You can't handle area 51
yes, but the government fucked up first contact so the're waiting for big change
3 dubz in a row tic tak toe gi joe
Nope 4 you whore
3 subs in a row this is now a get thread
quints never lie
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3 subway sandwiches?
except to generate a gravitational field that strong would require the mass close to that of a black hole.

it's an interesting idea however we are no where near being able to generate or control density that great
>one month and a few days until 18
It would be pretty funny to watch you get banned. At least it would be relatively short.
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thats what i feel too.
how can a universe that is billions of years old, and with infinite vastness, have only one planet with sentient, even somewhat intelligent people?
ayy lmao
praise our lord and savior dan
Next dubz has to suck off jazz jennings
In short, yes. Members of my family (as well as hundreds of other families, it seems) were part of the cover-up.

Some very serious attempts to bring the subject to light have been ridiculed. There have historically been warring factions from the inside of both the media and gov't military over whether to "officially" disclose. is a good starting point. One of my family members was a panel speaker (gov't contractor).

This is a deep discussion beyond the scope of a little troll forum on the internet. There are serious geopolitical ramifications to all of it. It's not so much of a 'conspiracy' as a 'don't rock the boat' mandate. The best way to ensure that is ridicule.
Well it seems your it, so pucker up cup cake
At least it's a feminine penis.
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Alright then sorry for calling you a dumbass
is it bad that im jerking it too this? cos i feel like its bad...
Nice dubs.
I've been having a lot of those buzzing half awake nightmares lately. It usually happens shortly after I close my eyes and when I wake up I can jump right back into another one.

Sometimes I see the room I'm in as if my eyes are half open with dream images overlapping, and sometimes it's a full dream for a while. Usually I can deal with them, but sometimes they're very disturbing.
Jazz Jennings was taken I guess you get Jasen Smith
YEah that's totally real
Jadens probably smaller then jazz
why do the aliens in OP's picture have collar bones, arms, 2 eyes, nose, mouth, pecs and chins?
Sounds like the x-files kek nice try
i agree area 51 seems to have stopped being a point of interest for aliens lol when its so obv an alien testing facility for the government why has no one talked about it? i mean are u scared the feds will drag you away?
What makes you say that?
probibbly his belief that those are the early symptoms of schizophrenia
The accident was on purpose and orchestrated by the CIA. What kind of accident was it?
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