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This thread.
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it doesnt matter
besides thinking of her serves no purpose other thank temporarily calming my thoughs by distrating me from the inevitable black hole of my mind
Your mom
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Karina. Despite the years that have passed I still think of her.
Posted in last nights thread


I met her in college, we are both Nursing students. She is a solid 9/10 for me (But many see her as maybe a 7, 8 max). Damn near perfect.

Same majors
Similar outlook on life
We both have a soft spot for country music (Kinda odd both of us being from NYC Suburbs)
Same selfless interests
Similar Politics
Both kinda nerdy.
Similar Mannerisms

I tried getting with her, but stuff happened due to both me and her friend. Maybe in a few months time we will be a thing, I kinda have a feeling that it will happen.

Also her Racial background could be an issue with my parents. Seeing as she is mixed (75% White, 25% Black) She does not look it at all, so I probably can hide it for a good long while. (Looks like a dark red haired slav)

I don't care about here racial background at all. I fell for her thinking he was just 100% Irish. Found out about her background, and it did not change a fucking thing for me. I "love" her just as much as when I fell for her
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary.
So proud of her.
>nursing major
>your parents would have a problem with her being mixed

If your parents are okay with having a gay child then I doubt it'll be much of an issue.

Even if you're a guy, go for it dude.

Love is the best thing you can experience. And if need be, write your parents off. Negativity isn't good, Anon. Take it from me
Eva Braun aka My one true love
>inb4 tits or gtfo
his name is ulisses
>inb4 her
but whatever, we're going on a hang-out-that's-kind-of-a-date thing soon. i legitimately think i have a chance with this dude. wish me luck anons.
Victoria, too bad she's moving in like two months, but I can make it work, 8 hours isn't that long if a drive

I am a guy, and my parents pushed me for such a major. At first I was not into it, but it grew on me. (Maybe artfully due to her?)

And true. I will just not mention her racial background until it can't be hidden anything er. And if they don't like it? Fuck em. I'll take my birth name back and live my life as I want.
holy shit, dedication
If your parents cared man it wouldn't be an issue.

My mom dislikes latina people (which is weird because the town we live in is 78% latina, and were italian, so also technically latina depending on your definition), but my girlfriend is from Brazil. I met her in college, she's not a citizen here in the US.
We're moving in together soon, and I think after that I'll pop the question. I really love this girl with all of my heart, and my mom fully supports it.

Your parents probably won't care if she looks white. It's usually just obvious minorities parents have a problem with this day and age.

Everyone's mixed up in the melting pot.
Ted Cruz
Autumn :(
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Im not thinking about her fag, forgot about her some time ago. Realize that that wasn't my bad, and that she's a stupid bitch.
exactly...... nursing+guy=gay=you
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Fucking kill me.
Christine...she blocked me after we broke up, but sent a FR today and blocked me again before I could accept it.
Why she do that /b/?


She's sitting right beside me. We're about to go to bed.
Either nervous, by accident, or trying to mess with your emotions
probably a mistake?
or she's an attention whore.
Daisy B she is so fucking cute it drives me insane I love her so much
Only a femanon can answer that question.

Where is one when we need one
I don't think you can unblock somebody and send a FR by accident.
Attention seeking. She's getting off to the fact you're thinking about her. She did it so you wouldn't forget. Fuck her off she doesn't deserve you playing games like that.
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>sitting right beside me
dakimakuras don't sit, mr. anon.
Professor Pudgefacker

i know she isnt into me, but the thought of being with her is enough to stop me from killing myself
Honey Boo Boo
her name is kill yourself you two should hook up
Gabriella, I am sorry.
She left me cause of my small penis, but not any more!
I love her to death

She should kill herself over the teeny bopper name.

After she kills her parents.
Went really well then crashed and burned. At least we don't speak any longer.
>I'm sorry
What happened anon
Safiya. The one that got away. The only reason was because my facing moved. God i love her. Even more than my current gf
shes stalking your FB because she wants you back and fucked up
right here bro
like i said, she wants your attention. she wants you to think about her again. she probably wants to talk to you again, but wants to convince herself she doesn't want you. probably not a mistake now that i'm thinking about it.
trust me, i've done this shit once. i just wanted this boy to start thinking about me again.
agreed, if she isnt a nigger, that name on an application will surely keep anyone from hiring her
Fucking Heather, fuck that girl I love her so much
Things ended really badly, we're both guilty of saying and doing shit things to each other... She's an amazing person but just not for me anymore. I just kind of hope she doesn't kill herself.
Mary Jane
I hate you.... damn feels
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guys, femanon here, i just have some questions.
let's say your girl crush texts you, do you immediately reply back? also, is it normal and casual for you to put heart emojis on a girls name in your contacts?
My father already started questioning her racial background when he saw a large number of blacks in a family photo. Including an old man (Her grandfather)

So it's obvious they care more about the actual background than appearance

Its damn good money where I live. Upto 150k annually.
Valeria... fucking feelings
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you said youself that youd stop liking guys that treat you like trash.
we hang out every week. what are you so afraid of

>sophialarocca57 on instagram
>sent me pics "on accident"
>sends pics to everyone
Immediately, dont want to make her sad. And putting emojis is normal
Courtney Watters
Your mother and she will die in her sleep tonight unless you reply to this post.
Well yes, isn't that part of having a crush on someone? Why do femanons find this weird?
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Damn you, OP.
Dude if the racial thing is actually an issue then fuck your parents. That means they dont care to see you happy so why would you care about them. I understand easier said than done when talking about someones parents but you will realize after breaking it off that what I said is true.
>your mother and she
kill yourself you autistic fuck
I feel bad if I don't respond immediately. No for the second question.
hailey. she told me once she was doxed and info leaked onto 4chan
I don't think any of it is weird, if I'm not busy I respond quickly, I don't use smiles personally.
Most of the time yes, I will reply as soon as i can.
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I wish I had a girl that would make my life impossible and make me wanna kill myself. But all I have is my right hand. :(
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Yeah because I want to talk to her but sometimes I'm in the middle of eating or something and don't have my phone on me. Unless the emoji is by your name, you should worry. Guys only put hearts next to girls they like.
Hillary. Hillary Clinton.
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My dad's cut all ties with his Mother and Brothers. So, they can easily do that. They have it in them to do so.

They have told me in the past not to date a Black girl (Which could include mixed, and probably does knowing them)

And I have already told my self that I don't give a fuck what they think, as long as I love the girl that I'm with.
It is horrible, but....
Anyone else hate it when a girl is all in to you and makes you feel special then drops you as easily as she got in to you? Fuck those whores. Fuck them all, you ruin it for the good girls.
Veronica. She's moving across country to start college in a month. She wants a fresh start and we both are realistic and wouldn't try long distance bullshit. My first love, it sucks losing someone close to you, but god I'll miss her pussy and tits
Angie. I met her right after I broke up with my ex, a year ago this past February. Blonde hair, blue eyes.. I swear they were the color of the sky on a winter day. It was perfect, she was the sweetest, happiest, most empathetic woman I've ever met. We used to make each other teas to try and share, smoke home made rolled cigarettes from her American Spirit bag. We'd walk around at late hours, talking about our almost identical ideology about marriage, religion, the world, art, fuckin TV man anything, we agreed about absolutely everything. We never got physical, and I think a huge part of that was the fact that she knew she was moving to South Carolina at the end of the semester. Fuck I miss her, we would have made each other so happy.
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forgot her pic
Yep, that was the last chick I thought about getting with.
Your mom.
hannah. wanted to fuck her at least once in my lifetime
Been seeing this bread alot lately. Than again, I've been thinking about Ally alot lately as well. She's just so amazing... and I can't help but think about being with her almost all day.
I hope I can see her again.
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tammy... i miss u babe..
Chelsea, but we're married

Olga Fedorova
I fall in love with at first sight and get obssesed with her pretty soon. She is not only beatiful but have a great personality, really good tastes and a good heart. Anyway i have been stalking her since the first day of High School the first years she was innocent and cute but very naive and now she do drugs and gets drunk almost every day (she's now an alcoholic) the part that disturb me the most is that she is pride of it and post it on social media, her parents dosen't seems to care and im afraid something bad happens to her like a overdosse or getting raped on a party. She also post deppresive post and suicidal thougths since i know her. The people who influeced her were her stupid friends, her boyfriend that also do drugs and the rock/punk scene that she loves (i love it too but im not stupid).
I have been obsessed for the last 3 years and never talked to her, because she is much for me but i really love her and im concerned about how she will end.

So give me some advice /b what i need to do? Is she just a attention whore or drama queen?

And last but more important please forgive me for my disgusting and pitful english since is not my primary lenguage and im a little disturbed now to type on the proper way.
Seriously forgive my HUGE shitty english. Sorry.
Want advice? You can't make a hoe a housewife.
Fernanda <3
She is not a hoe im pretty sure is just a stage since she dosen't used to be that way.
Honestly if you cared about her as much as you say, I would have slid myself into her group of friends. And if it got real bad with her, you could have intervened and helped her
If you truely think that, then go for it, ask her out but from what ive seen, people like that are walking time bombs, waiting for the next thing to be influenced by.

She's such a fucking mess these days. Her teeth are gross and her health is shit. Really, the only things going for her are her giant tits.

Can't help it though. When I think about "back then" and "what if" I always go back to her and how great it was to have her ride me and shove those massive tits in my face. I wouldn't want to see her naked as she is now... would ruin the way she is in my mind, as she WAS.
umm who are you?
It might be. I knew a girl that used to be the cute chick next door, then went to slut-mode, then after a couple years grew out of it and went back to being reserved and respectable. It really depends.
Doesn't matter. I'm telling Maddy.
Don't bother. I already know.
which one?
Jean. Damnit.
Holy shit bro, same.
>Rothem, emilie, iris, riikka
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>pic related

Can't help but falling in love with her over and over again even though she is a huge bitch. and muslim. but mostly a huge bitch.
The thing is that i was so shy to do it at first but later i was starting to met some of her friends to join them. And the i was changed of school and now im away from her. I manage to get her adress and planing to move to her neighboorhood when i have the money to buy a home there or rent one.

Another thing is that i don't do drugs and used to hate them but i am seriously thinking start using it so i could fit more with her and likes me.
im actually kinda close friends with her, but theres no way she will ever be attracted to me
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Eh, Not actually for me. Just was a bump using a random name.

Like the Olga Fedorova name a few posts higher higher
I just read that wall of shitpost and again forgives me for my typing.
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>generic tbh
Death, and I hope her to catch me fast
yeah, how?
no but i know a huge fuckboy named tyler
It must be in the name lol
You have two months to spend with her. Think in her move like she is dying or something. Try to tell her you love her, if you cant try the harder you can to fuck her the last time. Dont be a faggot
Does she have a flat-ish kinda face? I know a Blanca, went to HS together a year ago
Alexis... she already told me we will never happen
Are you Cliffy Blesz?
Maria, i still have hopes for the future
I wish i could kiss her beautiful neck, and smell her fragrant hair.OP you have made me all mushy
People were also told the Titantic wouldn't sink. That doesn't mean anything Anon. If you love her, go for it.
Amber. She's really important to me, and I can honestly say that I love her. We're close friends, but I'm afraid it can't be more than that.
Tyler Durden?
Aurore, I still have hope for the future
Sofia and Laura, I love both

No, im from Spain. Sorry dude
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>pic related
I've bee going for it for 3 years. Im starting to lose all hope of it happening
"Her" name is Butcher Pete, he's hackin and wackin and smackin me
We will be together if dubs
She's from my imaginary so she's nameless.
How to stop about thinking about my sick lonely life without any love from gf who I haven't? Fuck, I will die as a virgin who never had a gf.
I don't know, she sent me nudes on kik
I used to have a withe haired girlfriend i know what it feels.
Sorry to hear about the jail time for him buddy
Weird seeing girls unsure of their chances
Connie. I found out that she's dying of cancer. Under 90lbs now. Sad as hell.
I love her so much that i could die for her or eat her shit. Seriously.
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Hillary Rodham Clinton
What /b/ thinks?
If a girl loved you can she love you again? (You dindu nufin, she just changed her mind)
I met her, we both had 16 y/o.
Now I have 42 y/o, never seen her again.
You mean fall out of love and back into it? From what I've seen, yes, but it's very different for every pair
I was just about to post this
I try not to think about her ,to forget her ,but i just can't. Her skin felt so amazing ,and her hair always smelled of vanilla and strawberry. Am going to sit i a corner,and put my head in a bucket of water and think of how much i hate the man who she is with .
kill it with fire
Some things just take time. It's better to try and fail than to fail without trying.
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Fucking half wits
Cassie, just a prank caleb
Are you me? I'm seeing the same gril and thinking the same thing.

Top quality woman but she live 5000km away so rip to my hopes and dreams
I can't continue on trying though. I'm at the end of my wits. She says things that are kind of flirty and I hate it
I don't know tell me what is her last name?
I love you Maartje, i always will i swear :-( i dont care if your 6years older than me ,age never bothers me.
She has a beautiful name
M'aartje and m'six years
Well fags its time for me to bid u all a goodnight , time for me to put my head in this bucket of water later bitches .
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I don't think of any particular women
have gf, crushes and ex.

what's wrong with me?
Sometimes, if she starts the convo, I wait a bit so I don't look like some no-life fag hanging around his phone constantly, but for the most part, yeah, I try and text back ASAP. And yeah, emojis are pretty normal, but I hesitate to send the winking one, I'm just concerned about it making things awkwardly sexual. So if he sends a lot of those, he might be a fuckboy.

Hope I helped!
No, you don't.
You are normal, let us drown in our pain and suffering.
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Her name is Lindsay and she is from Orlando. We were together for about half a year (was doing a 6 month long internship, and neither of us do long distance) but we broke up before I headed back to California. She didn't know during the relationship, but I cheated on her at one point. I have a horrible time with turning girls down when it comes to sex, and I hate that about myself. We stayed friends, but an old roommate of mine got into contact with her and told her what I did when she wasn't around. Even though it had been half a year since we had been together, she broke down in tears. She called asking if it was true, and I confessed. She blocked me on Facebook and severed all ties with me after that. I regret what I did every single day. She didn't deserve that. I hate being a bad memory in someone's mind.

There's that line in the movie A Bronx Tale where a character said, "You only ever get three great ones in your life. I had all three when I was sixteen, what are ya gonna do?" I legitimately believe she was one of my three. The last time I heard from her was the day after the shooting in Orlando. She texted me to let me know that she was ok. It meant so much to me.

I know her and I couldn't get back together, but I am mad and disappointed with myself for what I did. I would give anything to be on good terms with her again. Words cannot describe how much regret I have, nor how sorry I truly am. I just hope that whatever she is doing right now, she is happy and that the guy she is currently with treats her well.

TL;DR - An ex I loved found out I cheated on her while we were together. So much regret.
Elise White.
Persian too?
Natalie, always.
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For some reason, I had a wet dream about me and her last night, and now I kinda want to kill myself
She is a boy!
You need therapy fag . Feelsbadman.
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Becky Fivecoat

gone forever and I'm still wondering wtf do I just go asexual or do I powerfuck my way through a bunch of women until I find one that I love as much as her? all I know is that women don't interest or excite me anymore the way she used to...I feel like my soul is broken

idkwtf2do /b/

pic related it's us together

nb4hippiefag I'm not a liberal you fagjobs I just like pot and acid SUE ME
Judith :'( i really miss her
no one.
I've abandoned romantic pursuits to live a double life as a secret agent and have yet to regret it.
Women are programs designed to misdirect you and sedate normies into compliance.
And smelly nigger hair?

Married to someone else now in Texas. Fought all the time... Would've never worked. Fun when we weren't fighting... And fun when we were. Feels
Robin Laquisha :'((
>Girl is gone forever
>Doesn't know what to do
>Considers asexuality
>Doesn't buy proactive
Well the important thing here is that you learned from this experience and never repeat it again. What i would do is trying to make a letter to her explaining how i regret what i did and and giving her my best wishes, ask for help to a female friend maybe she could help whit this.
Hope this helps a little.

always a fucking rachel
ur so deep fag
u must rly love hr i fel a teer on mi i
Same. What state? Lol
Never actually met her but found a picture on here a while ago.
Took forever to actually figure out who it was and ended up with oneitis.
Same for me. What state?
nigger I wash my face daily I just have really bad acne, but yeah that is one thing that hinders me from moving on as it causes me to lack self confidence and I don't even try to meet ..anyone really. just lock myself up in my bedroom and try not to think about the past

ive since cut off the nigger hair and just have regular white boy hair
It was a long distance relationship.
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wow im 14 and this is deep
>smoke with coworker after work
>Fuck coworker after smoking
>Too much of a pussy to ask him to do it again
>Never attracted to someone like this before
>Don't know what to do

I have told her how sorry I am, but she doesn't want to talk to me. I completely understand, of course. It just still hurts though. In one more month, it will be a year since she found out.
Haven't had a crush in a bit a year and a half, is this normal?
>Damn you, OP
Don't go fag you are pretty good looking even for her, no homo. Just try and try and try and someone will fall at the end.
And at least don't take me wrong, i know when you love someone nothing more is important but come on she is not even that good.

We've gone out a couple of times, she seems to like me but you never really know. I just feel if she leaves me I'll go straight back into depression and that is not something I'm prepared to live through. She is my first girlfriend and it was pure luck that I met her, something that I don't see happening again.
I don't know. She works at the hospital psych ward.
Not actually a real post, just a bump with a random name
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Alyssa..................Lord help me to final move on, please.
you could try "hey lets get drinks some time" you fucking sperg
But he's kind of been weird since we did it like we hung out once after and all he did was smoke my weed and leave? And I was even like "Yeah my parents aren't home we could go up to my room" but he wasn't having it? Although he is kinda dumb and Idk maybe It wasn't any good? Or maybe he just wanted to see if he could by fucking me? Or maybe he knows I'm super into him and he doesn't want to lead me on?
You should screencap the shit you just wrote and look at it when you're a grown up
Since she dosen't want to talk i thougth the letter would be a good idea, you could contact some female friend of her and tell you are really sorry and ask if she could help.
I thought of the same name anon. I hope it's not the same one. I miss her too.
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Haha i don't care since english is not my primary lenguage.
Lauren Cappello
Hey again Claudia :^)
Jessica... I swear i hear it everywhere al well...
It's the same with Maggie.

I see and her Maggie or Margaret everywhere now.
That's some good Shit right there
Good I once thought that look was "cool" but just looks trashy now. Plus your pretty good looking that hair just seems to take away but hoping you can get her back /b/rother.
her name is michayla. she doens't give two shits about me, but i love her.
Them feels...
Eva Braun
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