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whats your opinion on tattooed girls /b/?

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Thread replies: 303
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whats your opinion on tattooed girls /b/?
They're trash
love em. girlfriend has 12 tattoos i think? wants more
Whores with loose pussies, have daddy issues, usually smell and are dramatic as fuck.
depends anything on hands or neck is shit tier
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If the tattoos aren't well placed they can look trashy especially leg and hand tats but a girl with sleeves is hot in my opinion
The more tattoos, the less trust they spark from others
>12 tats..."I think?"
>haven't fucked enough times to know every inch of her naked body

She's not your gf lad.
if they're any place besides on their arms they belong in the >>>/trash/
stay away from them
It is fucking UGLY.

These bitches are going to SERIOUSLY regret getting tattoos. I know a bunch of MILFS who got them in the 90's when the trend began. Their tats now look sad and blotted, and saggy. They look like utter trailer trash, even though some of them are professional women.

If you are a girl reading this - don't do it.

If you do, then enjoy it while you can - someday, you'll remember what I said and weep with the bitter tears of regret.
I enjoy it throughly. I have several tattoos myself and plan on covering my entire body.
That's not always the case, I've been with my girl for two years and I'm not sure exactly how many tats she has either, I started counting once and then stopped in case she had an uneven amount. I'm obsessed with even numbers.
Immediate swipe left. Same gors fpr chick with rings anywhere bit their ears. Cheek piercings, pierced nose, lips....all gross n you can bet she'll go nuts when you tell her its over.
Hard pass. Girls are supposed to be unblemished and clean shaven from the nose down. Tatted girls also probably have Hepatitis.
Sleeves are trashy
Anythkng visible is trash.
Can't do that shit and have a real job
I fetishize them.

It's like red hair, black hair or knowing she's into anal.
Just can't help myself.
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yeah they're white thrash
but i like white thrash
generally damaged inside
I like how all you faggots are saying they are trash and you wouldn't fuck them when you're all virgins
The whole body looks like a sad sack of crap when getting old. Tatoos don't make a difference
tattoo'd girls are trying to make themselves seem less plain and normal. it screams "im different, look at my tattoos" when theyre just the same as everyone else
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Only acceptable if I'm the one who does the work on her else its like a permanent reminder of someone else penetrating muh wymn.Same with piercings.
just as good as any other girl.

idiots that say "ruined perfect body blah blah blah" would complain about anything
My wife has a tattoo of a rose on her wrist but that's it. Every woman I've seen who has more than that is usually some 200 pound welfare queen.
degenerate trash

I am marrying a Japanese girl and could not be happier. I can't wait until my bloodline is essentially that of grorious Nippon.
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>how to spot the underage: the post
like a permanent reminder of bruises rfrom someone else beating her up.
name or more?
you're a faggot.

basically they're not supposed to have a life besides yours
If they got ink, they'll let you stick it in the stink.
That's not really the case these days, anon. Most industries have considerably loosened their views on tattooed folks.

I work for a university, and tons of folks are tattooed. Even many of the professors in some departments. These are highly successful, educated, stable people.
hot if done well but 9/10 times its shitty tattoos, overdone shit that covers to much skin, and terrible placement
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i'm ok with tattoos and piercings but i hate stoners
and pretty much all of them are pot lovers
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>pot lovers

you must be a blast at parties.
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those digits
what party?
Love them as I'm not a neocon manling.
I like the general concept of tattoos, but i've never seen one that was aesthetically pleasing, meaningful and well thought out.
depends how trashy it is, a good example is I know some ugly white bitch that has a poorly tattooed wind waker cover, and some other tattoos that look rather garbage, but at the same time my wife is chinese, and ex-military. She has some asian as fuck tattoos, chinese pheonix and shit, but she also spent a metric fuck ton on them while she was stil serving, like way more than I would have to make sure they were as perfect as she could get them. they look like actual art.
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>mfw that's my cousin right next to ariel winter
The whole tattoo thing is shaky. I have tattoos, a lot of them, and will probably get more. But as I get older I dislike the attention they bring. I usually wear long sleeve shirts to cover them up, to avoid the said attention. As far as women, I think it all boils down to intention, I'd they are getting tattoos to seek attention or make a statement, I'm not into it, but that has little to do with the aesthetic value of having tattoos.
I work in IT in germany and nobody cares about my ink. I wouldn't have may hands, face or throat tatooed, but the Rest will be done in the next years. Maybe I will spare my dick, don't know yet. I'm well educated and well paid though.
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Fucking ugly
those pigs were murdered.
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>implying you wouldn't fuck her
It looks sexy in a trashy way, like "wow I bet this girl is a whore who would suck my dick and do filthy things in bed", but I would never date a girl who had even a single tattoo... huge redflag for "I have daddy issues"
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my ex is tattooed, so...
dump more sexy ink bitches
fuck and throw away, never to keep.
I thought exactly the same
Hopefully he hit, cause it would be a shame if he didn't.
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99% chance of slutty.

they're good fun. don't get attached.
>most industries
Ehhhh, depends on what you mean by "loosening their views".
If you mean that in most industries a person with a tattoo on their: neck/face/hands/chestplate are welcome to work there, I'd love to know which industry exactly because that shit is STILL a no-no in the professional setting. If you mean, serving, service work (maintenance, custodial, etc.), Hot Topic, bars, and shit like that, then yea, you may be correct. That shit isn't welcome in the majority (decent majority) of professional work.
>I have daddy issues

lol. 90% of women have daddy issues. it doesn't matter if they have a tattoo, colored hair, or wear fucking pink all the time.
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Trashy whores
makeup artist

if my cousin were a dude, I'd be hitting him up for pictures.
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Hot as fuck but prob wouldn't stick around with because they turn to shit
Kike nose
Nasty bitches wanting attention.
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oh yeah, op. oooohhhhhhh yeah.
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literally pic related
they're sexy af
>Immediate swipe left
da fuq? are you some kind of fag looking for love on a slut hookup app? lol tattoo sluts are the only chicks i swipe right on because they're almost always down to fuck if you smoke them out.
I mentioned academia specifically.

Also, IT, almost anything to do with the arts (such as graphic design, etc), I know tattooed people who work in marketing/advertising, too.
It depends on how well they go together. Some girls covered in tattoos I find ugly and disjointed, some I find beautiful. I'm a painter, so I like flow in the design and colour, as long as it all comes together in a well thoughtout way.
they're all trashy, every last one of them. # of tattoos correlates positively with trashiness.
like managers at home depot. not as many people care that much. sure probably won't see one selling cars or pushing insurance, but if it's a physical job, they're likely to take you and not base your entire interview on how you look
Ach so, well I could hope. Pics of cousin?
that looks like shit.
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Like tattoos but hate piercings. Which sucks because they pretty much go together
I only have tats that I can cover when having a meeting with customers or something similar. I work in a middle management position and never experienced any kind of problem because of ink. Generally depends on what a person you are. When you behave like white trash, it doesn't matter if you have tats or not.
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she's the one with the sunglasses.
I would have sex with all of these women
Finally an honest man
Your net worth must be off the charts.
Lovely, all of them are good. You are a great anon.
Fucking tattooed girls is like eating chili cheese fries. They're messy, stinky, cheap, and not something to be proud of...that being said I still love chili cheese fries.
meh its something different which is always nice you must be a faggot
what happend ? is there more ?
yeah I don't see how this paints tattooed girl in a negative light.
yes there are more.

it was a staged photoshoot, so don't get too aroused.
Maybe that hamplanet-anon is afraid that they will eat all the cheese fries
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It's also really easy to cover almost any tattoo that's not on the hands/face.

And even for those tats, they've designed really effective coverup/makeup type stuff.

You conservative anons are just going to have to get over it. The times are changing.
That's the point anon.
tattooed girls typically have great bodies so I'm fine with it.
>nearly naked, muscular, fit and pretty women
Ehhh. Idk. I am not a huge fan of them for alot of the reasons listed here. I think they look trashy, and just scream "I want attention." etc etc. But ig it kinda depends on the tattoo. My current girlfriend has a tattoo, and it isn't too terrible. Although I was still pretty iffy about the whole situation when she said she was gonna get it. Tbh I kinda forget she even has it sometimes.
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The occurrence of women whose appearance is improved by the addition of a tattoo is exceedingly rare, to the point that, if you are a woman thinking about getting a tattoo, don't.

>inb4 hurr, I get ink because i'm expressing my in-duh-viduality, not because it looks good.
Can be sexy but tends to be utterly trashy
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yes please.
Some girls can pull it off, most cant
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Hi Dr Phil, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy filming schedule to come on to /b/ and give such helpful advice.

I dont know. Those aren't qualities I really enjoy in females.
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Yeah right bitch. I get way more chicks than you. I took this photo just this morning

Not everything is a race to improvement.
name ? post more ?
it's mostly cause shes so damn hot imo
and what if they simply don't care what you find attractive? oh you poor thing.
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Women are generally desperate for attention

Tattoos are a good way to get attention
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>to all the faggots who say they look like shit when you get old
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No having tatoos is the new tattoo.

Also, you shouldn't have a tattoo unless you killed people, sailed around the world, or are party of a motorcycle gang (real shit not I got a Harley and now of SOA)
>implying she fucks anything different from niggers
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They look like shit
I like piercings/tattoos solely because it keeps fucking weirdos who call women trash and assume all kinds of fucked up shit about them away from me. Also prudes. :)
>you conservatives will just have to get over it, times are changing
>posting in another thread: why is our economy so shit I can't find a decent job anywhere

Pro tip: it's your degeneracy
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thanks for your opinion bro
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That's awesome.

The whole "how will that look when you get old" is the stupidest argument.

Nigger, every 80 year old looks like shit.
must say it feels nice to rub your dick on a fresh tat
>implying any of this matters because it's a picture we're all viewing on the internet and will never actually meet the person involved.
Tattooed chicks are fucking sexy, you are all a bunch of faggots.
kek, saw that edit anon
Awful witch living on many divorced husband's money
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Riae Suicide
>it matters until I say it does not matter
sexually frustrated neckbeard surviving off the internet and tit milk mum provides.
actually shes a weight lifter. but id expect nothing less of you than to assume.
that fucking shave job is the pubic hair equivalent of a mullet
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She's like 60 and that tat isn't old she probably got it when she was 50. Lets see a pic of a girl who was tatted at 18.
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what's her name i need to masturbate
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Really loathe tattoos on women, they're both aesthetically repellant and the number 1 top most unoriginal, cliched way to try to stake a claim to some uniqueness - you and absolutely everyone else honey. A certain sign of a shallow, immature, insecure, needy cunt.

>I treat them like the warning labels on toxic substances.
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it don't matter. none of this matters.
those tattoos are of a relatively new style, she has not had them since she was in her 20's more likely the last few years.
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Tattoos or not, just as long as they're great in bed and mentally unstable. Tattoos don't indicate either of those in my opinion.
> Not a doctor
> Just meet a LOT of people
>I treat them like the warning labels on toxic substances.
so... you read them disingenuously and never look at them again?
hottest suicide girl yet
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here you go
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thanks anon
Ha, Kendal Davis make butt plugs for you and your transgender non binary xe "girlfriend" eat shut faaaaaaagggggot!
So you went triggered after that you single mom's by-products?
I've turned down so many chicks due to tats. Not only do they fade with age, they are a complete turn off. Chicks beware, there are men like me out there and you just limited yourself to the shit tier if you have one.
no tat's on chest or tit's and i'm good.
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That's a nice old bitch you got there... fucking niiice.
Depends on the girl, depends on the tats.
thanks fam
I'll save those ones for ya, brah.
>lmfao at all of these fedora clad pimple faced mountain dew guzzling basement dwellers who are "appalled" by tattoos
let me guess, you like pale asian girls and Japanese cartoons?
>youll end up with some fat greazy bitch in your mid 30s once you realize you are hopeless
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I had a librarian in high school who was pretty buff for his looks with a nice looking unicorn on his arm. He also had a sleeve but the unicorn stood out the most
>you single mom's by-products?

come up with a less verbose insult, and we'll talk
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what about underboob tats?
Every tat is -1 on the scale.
Any tats on the tits or nether regions are a bright fucking red flag, and a deal breaker on sight.
I like both.
Its fucking weird how this bitch claims what she does isn't porn. Its art. Like yeah. Having a massive dildo balls deep in your cunt is truly art
Have fun with your STDs
>finally get into bed with girl
>she has tiny butterfly on her hip
>what are condoms
>every woman with tattoos has STDS
autism everyone
Can be sexy so long as they're young.
Kill them with fire.
>the survivors will look better than when they were covered in disgusting shit
>from tattoos
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let me guess, are you just another hipster cuck?
i wish the children would leave
*unsheaths katana*
*teleports behind the both of you*
*knocks the both of you into the air*
*spanks the both of you with the dull edge of the blade a million times mid-air*
*teleports a short distance away*
hmph, that should teach the both of you some manners
porn is in color, dumbass. if it's in black and white, it's art. ask her to take some art photos in colors and tell us how she reacts.
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I don't care what other people do with their own bodies, and I judge people based upon the content of their character, not their outward appearance.
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tattoos turn me off to be honest. I dont know why.
Now we know why she's your ex
no. im just not a weirdo weeb kid, id love to know how many of these people who hate tattoos also happen to be virgins and blame it on "how trash all these bitches are"
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how do you fap then?
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Enjoy the HPV and eye syphilis
that's what libtards actually believe
>it's not cucking, it's cultural enrichment
>i'm not whoring myself out, i'm empowering myself
>it is not expropiation, it is fair distribution of resources
>it's not another old rag sticking a dildo up her cunt, it's a piece of art
>lets just repost the same joke 5 times
>that will get the point across
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Nigga, wut?
it was the content of their character that led them to make the decision to get a tattoo.

so your entire system is retarded.
>calling people children
>portrays some weirdo anime fantasy with swords as a way to "teach people manners"

cringe worthy. seriously.
You're not as clever as you think you are, anon.
Tattoos or not, you're all virgins fags so it doesn't really matter.
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they are trashy, got abused as kids and will abuse you without even noticing it
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>implying it could never cross an average person's mind to just one day get a tattoo

yup. everybody fits into either the square hole or the round one.
Best Suicidegirl.
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I love my collection
>nether region
How's Saudi Arabia this time of year?

Was thinking more pussy, asshole or locations right around there like inner thigh, but wanted to use one term instead of 90.
Google faggot, tatoo increase the likely of STD.
he said he treats women like he treats warning labels.

nobody reads that shit.
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Try to get your tiny brain around the fact that some folks just don't into the trashy "unique special snowflake" attention-whore look.

That shit is for the feeble-minded.
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quads nigga
Full name? Please
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Kek. She does it in color too though anon!

>this is art
no way. just imagining my waifu with a tattoo is so gross.
oh. so... like right ON the pussy?

basically has to be this close?

lie to us, but don't lie to yourself.

Can be hot, but mostly skanktastic.
FUCK my argument is null then.
ah, so you are just mentally superior? suuure..
fucking her now is not a big deal, but in about 10 years she will stop looking just for a quick fuck, she will start looking for a mate. Then she will maybe have you in mind, you could become a good faher figure for her bastard kid or a great provider. It's not about fucking her, it's about fucking someone who is mentally unstable
Some are good, that is overkill
Like 99% of the time, it's a solid indicator that they're trailer trash.
>I don't understand the link between making bad life choices and personal misfortune
>ITT: permavirgins make themselves known

Explains why so many of you faggots drink so much fucking bleach.
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great bodies are great bodies even when covered in shit and dirt
10/10 cuz acid bath cover art on her leg

I think it's really neat how girls today practically broadcast to the world around them what easy, skanky sluts they are, as opposed to keeping a facade of virginal purity while being a cum-consuming cock-gobler
try to get your tiny brain around the fact that not everyone who gets a tattoo is doing it for attention or to be unique.

that shit is for the narrow-minded
Alright, buddy, you asked for it.
*takes out a pair of Nunchaku*
You are about to taste the wrath of 1,000 suns!
*spins the Nunchaku at amazing speeds, disorienting and blinding you*
Taste this!
*quickly lashes out with the Nunchaku, striking with alternating blows and masterful precision*
And how about this!
*wraps your fists up with the himo, and with a quick flick, breaks your wrists like two measly twigs*
Time for the finishing blow!
*starts spinning both Nunchaku, while doing dexterous flips and avoiding your clumsy kicks*
*bludgeons you with both Nunchaku at the same time, using both the strength of a Lion and the speed of a Cheetah. This easily kills you*
Got anything else to say?!
I didn't think so...
fuck no. do you ever see models with tattoos? no. because its HIDEOUS. thats mostly the reason i only fuck models, 99% of other girls are generally trash.
If you don't have HPV you probably haven't even had sex once you neckbeard.
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Try to get your tiny brain around the fact that not all folks who get tattoos are attention whores, who think of themselves as "unique special snowflakes."

Judging people before getting to know them is for the feeble-minded.
>sorry ma'am, I can't have sex with you tonight, because in 20 years you might look like your mother.
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read the bible you faggots
save yourself from hell

red flag. do not approach. disaster imminent.
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I love them
good luck in life. seriously.
Can u post the original without the gay edit? I'm not a scared Christian virgin like everyone else in this thread.
she could be baking her grandkids cookies and sewing them sweaters, but insted she is getting naked for horny men on the internet. what great life choices have brought her to this we will never know.
Tattoo modeling is a different line of work, but it most certainly excists
People who say tattoos in the work place are unacceptable obviously don't work. I'm a web dev at an ad agency and I have tattoos over most of the top half of my body. Edgy ones too.
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When will the tattoo meme end already?
thats looks fake as shit mayne
the first one sounds like a prison. the second one sounds pretty decent, because she probably banks on that shit.

not sure why everyone's gotta follow your traditional views.
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not nipple tattoo.jpg
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yeah, didn't saw the anon who posted it first
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What, you seriously mean to
that bad cartoons on me-too wannabe edgekiddies and daddy-issues skanks are some kind of statement of higher awareness?

>[dies laughing]
yeah for all the trash bitches who could be attractive, real, models. so they cover themselves in drawings in a feeble attempt to become more attractive. it never works though. it just points out the girls (and guys alike) who will never amount to anything, who will just be worthless garbage forever. good luck getting a job with that garbage lol, ill see you at mcdonalds or something
When people grow up
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Girl With Dragon Tattoo.webm
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I'm surprised no has posted Girl with a Dragon Tattoo
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What's the fucking point of getting a tat and then covering it up? The whole point is you need attention no? Or are you just regretting your decisions
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go to the deli see this?
what you do?
That's not at all what he said, anon.
Gave me boners while I was younger. Avoid 'em now.
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"stop disliking what I like"
You never stood a chance
Ur a virgin / 11
Two things I never get about tattooed chicks...

1/ Acting like tattoos are unique in any way, or makes a person special. All it means is that you've paid to have someone draw on your skin. It's just something you bought.

2/ The whole 'tattoos are so personal, I do it for myself, but here I'm gonna talk about them for fucking ages.

I don't really have anything against them, just the mentality that comes with many people who are into them. They are definitely hot on some wimmen
So never then?
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Dragon Tattoo.webm
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Cool. From now on, whenever i have contract a designer i'll make sure they roll up their sleeves and if they have tatts im going to walk away.
If they doodle on their body theyre not worth my time
meme shitty remake movie
this. they're kinda butch too. I guess a lot of people on /b/ like men tho
Disgusting millenials/10
It's like smearing shit on a Michaelangelo or a Rembrandt. If you like a picture hang it on your wall or put it on your screensaver. At least it won't fade or deform that way. Your body is the real work of art.
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Dragon Tattoo 2.webm
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Says the guy who probably cries when someone talks bad about ponies or anime.
you're assuming a lot and basically just pulling shit out your ass.

you're assuming to know these people before you've ever met them. would never even make an attempt to meet them because of a prejudice you've built in your head. it sounds like you have the daddy issues.
theyre fine, if someone really gets bothered about this you know they arent getting pussy
And of course you wouldn't lie on the internet... but maybe you draw the chicks to you by gravitation, not attractivity
Because they subconsciously look like injuries and skin lesions. Things that evolution has programmed us to associate with serious disease and thus the lack of health required to bear and raise healthy children.
They are ok. The girl I dated after college had a dragon tattoo about six inches above her butt crack. I used it as a target many times...
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prison? is your mother or teacher a feminit or are you just retarded? taking care for the people you love is prison? great, I hope no one ever loves you.

Great that she makes money, but there are better ways to do it and better lifes to have than she did.

Maybe because they are prooven time and time again to be working while other trens fail and pass?

Jezz, you remind me so much of me when I was a teenage leftie. Good thing I never got a tattoo then.
Fuck em, never marry them
Nigger, take a biology class.
That's the book with the guy that gathered 2 of every living species and put them on a big boat to survive a worldwide flood, right?
most people that I meet with tattoos don't talk about them unless someone asks.
You've never experienced the problem because it's something people won't confront you on generally but companies have priorities for their business image and likely in the course of your career it has kept or will keep you from various opportunities.
Heavily tattooed male here, also a tattoo artist

women who get tattoos anywhere visible are 99% of the time attention grubby annoying cunts.

Same with mega bros who get monster energy drink tattoos or tribal.
tell her to pull her bottoms up & order a sammich

>7 billion people in this world
Tats on tramps makes for an excellent means of identifying who has herpes/daddy issues
>works for me, negro
Doesn't change the daddyissues/10
filthy disgusting whores.
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Disgusting pieces of shit that need to go to the gas chambers. That goes for men with tattoos too.
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where can you find a man like this these days?
would marry
Bullshit i make 400k a year and i have 7
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Don't need to meet them since they've already identified themselves as daddy issues.
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we all love what we can't have
It encumbers people with no single merit to make them stand over the average people.
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I dont care i just want to stick my cock in a warm, wet hole.
lol I literally don't remember writing prison.

my subconscious must have taken over in that post.

but yeah fucking traditional life sounds horrible. work 9-5. get a wife. have kids. pay for their college and every time they fuck up. grow old. kids have kids. rinse/repeat.

but I'm almost 30 now. just have nihilistic views of the world. I highly doubt I'll follow that path, and not entirely by choice.
Bet she's a doctor for a top teaching hospital and has pioneered new procedures and shit.She also doesn't fuck black guys
kill yourself lmao
>assuming so much still
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10/10 would bang, you sound like a fascist faggot.
timestamp yourself
post it
who dat for the love of god.
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most of the world is trash. you don't need a tattoo to be unsuccessful.
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Found the nigger
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tattoos on a girl look like this to me
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