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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>692062851 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 163
Thread images: 148
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Kyouko (6).png
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Claiming XCOM 2 viper
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Hateful. I dont understand.

Rory-sama claimed
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You know Gasai (30).png
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Going have to come back to a house I was unable to do what I was originally going to do.. at least my father and cousin will be there
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chain gang.png
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>pushing too much
Does not compute me with. Put hydrogen peroxide (couldn't find an actual alcohol dealie) on that and a band-aid and I'm ready to go for my next run.
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Gonna take a shower.
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it's probably a bad idea.gif
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we're petting now?

>be highly trained soldier
>point fuckin' blank

I hate things that are terrible
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I got homura last time so madoka this time.
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I would "Miss" my shot too around her
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I could try. Nothing bad about doing that lol.
I did find a Fallout 4 one. Just need to find it again.

Well, as long as you're fine with it. You know your body limits more than anyone.

So, how's everything else Shiro?
Fucking epic!

T-thank you

Holy shit


Bad Galky!

Night yuuki!

Played the game before?

Pet? Where's my cheshire cat?
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The cheese curds and pot roast sandwich. Best combo I ever had. There's a shit ton of deserts and what not too, the food is cooked to perfection.

I know you do~

Now where to find it?

First you have to stop getting blues ::^)

Seeing the world and it's mysteries adventurous then? They'd be pretty damn cool but it'd consume every bit of time you'd have. I just want to get by until I'm gone.

>Best idol claimed
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I dont understand why you and Dio are the only two with issues against Rory-sama.
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And you're telling me this why exactly?
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Rikka Destroys Evolutionism.jpg
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So I had this idea we should propose to get our own board. I mean look at all the boards with barely anyone on them and they are barely ever used. We could make use of a board than half of 4chan can. I thought it would be a cool idea, keep us in one place and maybe even have smaller threads to discuss waifu stuff. Just an idea!
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You know Gasai (283).jpg
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At least the money is good, hell lot better than what I make in a single day in minimum wage
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I'm done.
>for now
I'm over analyzing my own actions again, time to run an emergency debug.
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Kirino [476].png
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Sonic 06 is the best.jpg
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do you not wear shoes?


along with all the other characters edgy teen girls love

>in the traaaaaash

>we're the only ones with standards

a board dedicated to one thread?
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This sudden death bullshit is the stupidest thing I've ever seen
The match basically gets decided by a coin toss
Still won though. 3/4 so far, let's see gow far I can take this
It was a hard grind... I remember getting Haruna off construction and Kongou after finished 3-2 sortie.
I was literally on the verge of tears. I farmed for her so so much that one of Fusou sisters almost sank.

Rory's an interesting character, a few weird thingns but that comes from her being a diety and having her integrate with normal human beings.
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Homura (10).png
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One of the reasons this thread is awesome is that it's hosted on /b/.
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This fiiine autistic loli
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Forgot pic.
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Pretty good. Haven't watched anime in a week, so gotta get back into that. Getting a bit gooder at Risk of Rain.
It'd be quite nice to have our own board, problem is it'd really only be for one thread. 'Waifu stuff' can apply to /a/.
and this >>692072525
I do wear shoes in fact.
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Sleep well Homu.

>Snek lick is best lick
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2 MB, 499x281
Dio is just
>fucking loli
>why do you all love feet
I wouldn't call those really standards.
You havent even laid out any standards beyond agreeing with Dio.
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But think of the poor companies that makes million each years! D:
That'll take a while to torrent it kek

>dat pic

I'll try~
I never gamble after that loss anyway kek

Reboot safely~
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I haven't watched anime is a couple of months... I'm super deprived... I need to continue off Noragami S2.

Also, how's Risk of Rain?
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Post Rory tiddies
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I work at lower temperatures, usually 40F below.
Which I love the cold.
I used to work in a field during the summer, it's hell.
I'll probably be creative and play Russian Roulette. At least entertain my viewers.
I'll give you the vip pass to see it in HD.
That if I mess up though.
It's a good concept, but in reality it would fall short, unfortunately.
Well that's the expectation I have on it. Anything can happen really.
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Lol, yeah. It'll be a shame for them to not get that money from the steam summer sale. :c

Anyways, I'll probably just go back to covering more songs with Lily than play games...
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Let it rip.gif
2 MB, 500x281
My watery mouth!


Right at home!

I'm down for that. We do need a larger image limit and a place without /b/'s spamming

One of those on call jobs?

Good Galky...for now



I would've closed my browser for that tbh
Quite challenging, but I love RNG based games, so it's definitely for me. I'd recommend picking it up as it's only $2.49 currently.
Shes not a deity yet. She still has 41 years to go. But she has an interesting yet also standard philosophy on death and life.
you wear shoes and you're feet still bleed
you must run a lot

My standards include not being generic as fuck

>can't tell if female Schrodinger or Police girl with big tiddies
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Cat face smug.jpg
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No! Bad sanae!

Hello kitty
GTFO Megufag.
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Which one are you? Or just Konata?
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another file name.jpg
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I only run two miles, but it's daily and I push myself really damn hard.
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You know Gasai (7).jpg
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At least in cold there's clothing to keep you warm.. not even ass naked will cool you off in a attic that might as well be an oven

Pretty much, Either my father or uncle gets a call, assigns me or my cousin or their friends to tag along
Here my father is sorta giving me shit when trying to learn every bloody tools in the van.. I dont think he realizes I'm a slow learner
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Explain how Rory is a generic character.
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(89 cent megumeme)
no , your heresy won't be forgotten:^)
no problem
because you happened to be nearby and i want the auto reply to pop up
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cheshire cat (05).png
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>help me
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A board dedicated to us! But I guess that means this thread so I suppose, I mean other things can be done as well I suppose.


True that is cool, but I mean no spam from other threads, bigger image limit maybe? Think of it

Glad you dont hate the idea, I thought I was gonna be nailed to a cross and left to die. I just had this idea in my head for a while and wanted to say it finally.

It wont fall short if we dont let it, anything can happen like you said so why not try? I know alot of people dont want to which is cool, just putting my thoughts out there

Thanks for having my back frenemy <3
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Pink haired scum.
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Don't even... They don't instantly sink, they'll sink if you proceed off yo Night battle with low ass health or continue on with low health.

Ahhh, sounds amusing for me... For a couple hours. I don't know, I'll look up the game play. Also, $2.49? Wow, off to spend then.

Do you know what kind of diety she want's to be? Reading the manga, it's quite something. Haha.

>Not Generic
There's something wrong here.
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Itsa me.
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Good in theory, bad in execution.

Hehe~ still looking for more.

Probably a good idea, the algorithms are so screwed man.

You'd love it! I was so stuffed the first time I went.

The feeling is mutual~

At home? You have that stuff around the house? Should probably get that checked m8 kek.
Aqua > Megumine prove me wrong
You spelled megumin wrong
You're not a reliable source
I would buy snek all the nicest dresses, mostly because thats the only thing that would actually fit her.
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Poor poor them :c

Hmm.. Alright then, see ya (?)

Hmhm, sure

Hope you find more~
Yeah, Gaben is a thief anyway
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2 MB, 3840x2160
With what wonderful?
It'd be foolish to not be down with new things, no?
stfu weeb
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Kurisu 52.png
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Claiming best girlie!
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Kurisu 6.gif
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I do know. And its so far removed from Emloy its not funny.
We memeing now?
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If it happens, the offer is still stands.
It'll make you feel special, which you already are but still a plus.
I tend to wear normal clothing during the winter.
So experiencing what the Jews felt.
DO you drink water or anything to help you not dehydrate yourself?
The spic?
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Sure thing
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dood weed lmao.jpg
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Just like communism!

Yes yes exactly! But I mean some people don like changing the pace of things which is fine, I like it here but I thought we could have more.
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Not lewd, this is lewd
>cropped lewd, that is
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Pixiv is a wonderful place for that stuff... at times.

Gaben has enough dosh to run a fucking country.

Topkek. Was thinking of that.
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You know Gasai (112).png
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I drink a SHIT load of water dude, ever just squad down in a attic for a least ten minutes?
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I hope she has spare stockings.jpg
2 MB, 2000x1323
I assume so because two miles isn't much
>not doing 100 push ups, 100 sittups, and 100 squats too

>token gothic girl
>uses impractical melee weapon when theres modern tech
>only exists to sell the show
>default personality number 7
>is the goddamn, messiah, jinchuuriki, and ultimate lifeform

I'd say any morally grey character is pretty interesting
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dank meme blair.jpg
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You dare enter my domain...
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Here comes cancer
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>mandatory mavis claim.

i'm gonna need sauce anon.
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that is a pretty nice bikini though :^)
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I'm not a fucking spic, I'm Australian you cunt.
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Gentle shinoa.jpg
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Gotta learn quickly dude



Noticed. Why?

Just about anything for you, frenemy~<3

I did my first night battle. Shit was intense

Please tell me they have fries too!

Make the face!

It's all chemical stuff that's in houses cleaning stuff

You're not doing that homie
File: Kurisu 2.jpg (501 KB, 1200x1242) Image search: [Google]
Kurisu 2.jpg
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Bikinis you say?
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c-can w-we get l-lewd?
I-I need t-to -c-cum... aga-gain .
bahahaaa. mavis approves.
I ate a can of Pringles about 10 mozzarella sticks and almost a bag of hostess chocolate donuts
I feel awful
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I am gonna be a history teacher so I always gotta think of the past!

Thanks frenemy <3 I got your back whenever you need me!

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You know Gasai (152).png
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Yeah no shit

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why do you exist
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Yeah, I'll probably just go read a few more and off to bed. Better than being bored my entire night.

Well it's quite interesting for her to pick it over being a Deity of Death or whatever is close to being Emloy/Emroy.

She's not entirely morally grey.
More like, chaotic lawful kinda thing.
Kurumi's main goal is to kill the first spirit, in which case she gathers all the time she can to do so. Doing whatever she can to do this, take a couple seconds or mintes off thousands of people or kill off criminals or wrong doers.

Her ultimate move or her 12 o'clock move makes her go back in time, well, that's what it is defined as in the LN's. So in order to obtain her goal, she needs more than enough time to kill the first spirit and live/come back to her own time.

But not knowing who or what the first spirit is, this proves difficult for her.

My opinion of her is that shes being foreshadowed by Tohka being all close and lovely to Shido that her main goal or reason for being a character became useless to many viewers.

I've read the LN's and Kurumi would be 2nd on my waifu list. Not to mention I research tons about the story.
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Can you not.png
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Can you fuck off?
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Yui (16).jpg
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Hey fish.
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I have the tag for Amatsu, if you want it

True, the guy's loaded

Thanks :^)

Oh my~

Alright, see ya later man
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t-to p-pleasure -my-self
[°°°]`¥€ ₩+£°] + §#*Г
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Yui (43).jpg
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How's your day gone?
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Though you need the right gear set for double attacks in day/night and night battle oriented gear. Though you don't really need that for now. I can help you out on that later.

Bye bye. Goodnight.
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I bet she likes Polka.jpg
303 KB, 1273x1800
I tend to work through dehydration because I can't handle water well

3D is shit

have you tried
Pornhub or Xvideos

I'm pretty sure it's said she has to kill people to gain time, besides she's obviously willing to kill indiscriminately

In the end, hers is an interesting story
in a show about dating
>pure wasted potential

>mfw i can barely eat 3 mozzarella sticks
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73 KB, 600x800
could be better, but i haven't done much
File: For Yui (6).png (45 KB, 850x850) Image search: [Google]
For Yui (6).png
45 KB, 850x850
Same here mate.
>NEET life, sweet life.
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>isn't just saying "fish"


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I had actually. Had to remove some stuff from the attic at a family's house. Took three hours to remove it, because of the heat in there. In the summer, outside felt 95F in there 125F it's a nightmare.
Oh, the only that promised not to change.
No use of that language here.
Apologizes m8.
Not anytime soon or ever.
Just yanking your chain.
Are you the one that built your own computer by any chance?

Freaking Captcha
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596 KB, 1420x1067
it's alright

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I l-like a-annons m-mo-more
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Exactly, read the LN's instead. And she is willig but won't go too far to innocent people. I mean she saves a cat...
Post dick
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its not like i like you or anything :^)
someone say NEET?
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779 KB, 1024x1280
>Please tell me they have fries
Whatcha want fam? Curly, waffle, crinkle cut, chili, or cheese. You name it.

W-what face?

I know it's chemicals but I was stuck on the mindset you had a canister of Mustard Gas in your basement or something kek.


My man. Thanks!

He could retire at any given moment and fuck off to the Bahamas.
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Cheering Akiko 325.jpg.png
174 KB, 448x479
Goddamn I'm winning 5/1
Who can stop this competitive winning streak?

Hey Aizawa
It's been a while

fish fish
I really should have taken cr1tikal's advice
>barely eat 3
I feel sorry for you
>ill eat some for you
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672 KB, 829x803
I'll avenge your innocence, don't worry help is on the way

we're in the same discord group nigger, maybe if you talked once in a while lmao
Are you just going off inference? Or have you actually read into it?
>far from token gothic girl - the uniform is pretty standard across all demigods and apostles of all gods. Colors change according to patron.
>she didn't have the modern tech in her world. She didn't know about it. She still doesn't want to use it because it dehumanises the killing.
>Tuka sells the show more than Rory. Tuka a complete shit who has done 2 positive things of note.
>again. Her last name is as her personality. And it shifts constantly. See Rory and Itami getting unterrupted by Yao. Generic nowadays would be psychotic or demure.
>she isnt the messiah. She is vulnerable as shown after the second fight with the fire dragon when she was fighting off another apostle and 2 immature fire dragons while taking Itamis damage for him. Not to mention she could become bored with Itami at any time and decide to wipe out the JSDF under orders from Emloy.
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Hey hey I know what cha like girl

gonna play OW wanna jump in??
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Yui (33).png
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Right here fam.
Better than being a wagecuck though.
No doubt about that.
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I can
If you played on PS4!
o-only i-if you p-p-post ass a-and let m-me cum on it
>It'd be quite nice to have our own board, problem is it'd really only be for one thread. 'Waifu stuff' can apply to /a/.

It's not like /co/ doesn't have waifus if their own. I'm claiming one right now. a dedicated board might produce some interesting discussion on this social phenomenon.
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I got you
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deep in thought.png
1 MB, 2000x1029
I'm crazily overweight. I don't think I can do one of any of those, kek.
That's quite a bit.
Goodnight Lily.
How are you Yui?
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How tsun of you :^)

You're welcome~
That's what I'd do

What are you planning knowing this much? D:
File: Take it off.jpg (191 KB, 1915x1075) Image search: [Google]
Take it off.jpg
191 KB, 1915x1075

You need gears too?!

I got the parts I've been looking at but haven't built it yet :( money on school first

>all them choices of fries

Too cute!

>lives in southern Texas
Pick one. Lol I'd be that kind of guy one day
File: You know Gasai (86).png (232 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
You know Gasai (86).png
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What do you mean you can't handle water well?

Ah so you get the idea

Literally who?
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Yui (35).gif
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Not too great, my grandad passed away due to cancer.
Fish can I ask something, what's with the one word answers?
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Wait so all demi-gods and apstles wear those weird fucked up maid outfit that are uncomfortable to the eye?

Way to ruin godhood holy shit
I-i can p-post 2-2d- too-oo
File: cheshire cat (04).jpg (61 KB, 500x442) Image search: [Google]
cheshire cat (04).jpg
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>Monster Girl
Pick one
Only until they become gods. They are free to adjust as they please. As long as the color remains. Actual godhood, they can wear whatever they like.
Way too much
>late notice
Please no lewds your gonna upset dio
File: punk kids.gif (980 KB, 464x262) Image search: [Google]
punk kids.gif
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well this can only end well

Girls like cute shit
Psychos like killing
It's only natural

it might be because i'm not 90% lard

>excuse for having a gothic girl
>god or not there's an army, use a gun or gtfo
or more likely be shot before she joins them
>shifting personality, gotta hit all the notes, ey?
>Super powerful characters always get knocked down, something something adversity
She's basically a magical girl

it makes me sick
especially if i'm even slightly hungry
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Yeah well I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they still have shitty fashion senses even as gods.
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You know Gasai (682).jpg
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Shower time

Odd.. considering we're part water
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i guess i just don't talk much, i don't really know
>i'm sorry about your grandad
N...nothing at all!
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Oh, what parts do you have?
Just to get an idea of what to get.
I can purchase all the parts, since I have the amount.
That's good, school first then your computer.
You do that on the daily?
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i'd rather be tsun than a heretic :^)
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Rapey smug.png
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You and I both that MGE monster girls are far much more hornier

Circle of life and whatnot.
You should work on that
Also i dont post any of my lewds
Also slime girls are best girls
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Smuggy 2.png
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>excuse or not, she was given a choice. Explain Kurumi wearing gothic clothes.
>shes not a part of the army and she has been shown to literally wolverine bullets.
>eh, no excuses there.
>Rory being that powerful, she still cant take on a dragon solo.
>she got eaten and was out of action for 6 months
Read the manga.
I dont think any of the gods have even shown up.
I do know that Hardy gave the KSDF shit and promised to destroy them and the gate permanently if they looked further into the zombie virus.
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You sure~?

I.. uh..
Trying to play a resto mage is gunna give me cancer.
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Yeah I know, but lately I've been hung up on those ohayous so I haven't been in the discord a lot
You missed it yesterday when there were 17 people in at once

As if you ever could

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Very Flustered.jpg
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Haha, glad you like it~

I know I said I was down earlier but I'm not feeling it now, had a reality check not too long ago. Got me thinking. Will you be on tomorrow?

Gah, just gimme one day with all that cash.

It's the greatest joint of all time.

I-I don't know what you're saying!

Kek, the sea level prevents that I'm guessing? Wew, remind me not to get on your bad side.
These thanks to moka with his help

Yup. School, textbooks then paycheck by paycheck, buy the parts from mb first the cheapest to Expensive

Love me some kiki

I like the file name


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Snek is hotter.
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