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>Claim your WaifuHusbando >No Claiming Waifu's/Husbando's

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 208
Thread images: 151
>Claim your WaifuHusbando
>No Claiming Waifu's/Husbando's that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>This is not /b/, This is /Waifu/
>Most importantly have fun
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Ohayo Excited 1.png
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Still here.
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Still alive.
That's some fair reasoning. I honestly just stay up due to my lack of caring. Glad you're enjoying yourself.

Ah, well I am guilty as fuck of that. I do that quite a bit in PM if someone lets me.

Glad to see you, man. Hope we can talk more in the future, you have a good night now.

Good early day time.
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You beat me to it.
Well I'm off, goodnight everyone and take good care!
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not bad.png
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>>691768662 (Karen)
Yep, very little no matter where i look. Im sure nobody wants to see stuff like this

>>691768736 (Cutest Rider)
I like how some of the stuff you sent me has a bit of hype mixed into it, i like that
Gotta open it to the plebs?
Goodnight, lovely. Sleep warm and well.
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Ohayo 1.png
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Sure is, was saying good morning to the robo tho

Bye Sanae, please stay safe. You're awesome.

That's pretty swaggy though.
God dammit. My mistake.
Fuck hand cunt
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Mio Akiyama.jpg
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>And just to give you an idea of how fucking INSANELY fast my music wants change
>We went from that chill stuff to this
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Nuclear Throne?
It's neither morning nor is it good. been raining all week and right now it's 9pm. nice try though. how are you?
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Boat fucking simulator
QOTT: You have the opportunity to bring your waifu to life, but there's a catch! They only have 10 years to live, and they know this fact as well. In their final year they will start slowing down, until it's over. Would you take those 10 years?
Why aren't you speaking with anons
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Of course
Hand kun has no waifu
He was here for the avatar fag circlejerking
Fucking cunt
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My waifu's already real and I'd say I only have 5 or so years left.
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Oh no. I remember this trick from Kanon. Fuck no. That was heart rending.
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>10 years

When the 10 years are up just an hero.
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Good stuff.png
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I hunted around again earlier and only got like 1 new pic, feels bad
That one is ok, they kinda vary on sketchiness

Is it because you are gonna be getting off work soon?
Rhapsody is cool though. I love it when im in the mood for guitar

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Chibi Karen 15.png
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Ahahaha, 0 out of 2 then
I've been good. Some ups and downs in my past month but I'm great now.
Haven't talked to you since I left about a week ago. How've you been besides the rain?

Had a laff

Yes, I'd love her very much for those years. Even as she dies I'd hug her.
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I liked them when they were just Rhapsody.
I was listening to Of Monsters And Men just now. And now I want to listen to that.
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Sounds fun. If you are serious about it that is.

I hope you are, because that sounds bombastic.

Depends. Most of the time I feel I have nothing to add to the conversation. Others, I'm just bored.
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screaming internally.png
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>get jenny
>spend every waking hour observing her
>save software to HDD
>spend every other waking hour observing source code
>try to re-create her for eternal waifu
>realize the tech just isn't there yet
>an hero
Hell yeah!
not really good, my mums in RPA because of her brain problems. haven't really posted here much because i wasn't in mood after that. Other than that i've been fine. decided to start a diet, so i'll see how that turns out.
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I guess it depends on your headcanon, according to doujin everything involved the boat from modernising to swapping equipment involves sex.
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If theres 10 years for Rory to live, it means she's become a goddess. Fuck yeah I would.
Jesus. Insurance paying its due. Shes fine though, right?
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What's RPA? What brain problems does she have?
Sorry about that yo. Will she get better? Hope she does.

Keke, diet yes? How much do you weigh? Which diet?
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Ah, I get it.

KanColle then.

Doujin logic is always the best. Dick beats all.
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>KanColle then.
Oh I thought you knew that.
Good on you all.

>3dpd waifu

Tis a tough one for some. I'd take it though, and cherish every second.

Haven't heard that one in quite a while!

Remind me of them later, I wanna check out some of their work!
>They go by a different name now?

In your case, she's going back to being 2D only. No cheating this one, Rory.
Damn I forgot how good Mirror Of Souls was
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I'm not very good with undertones, takes a while to get them through my skull.
They were forced by the fileshare program Rhapsody to change their name to Rhapsody Of Fire.
Even if she goes back to 2D, Id know how long till she becomes a goddess. So Id have everything to look forward to.
Dunno, she got through two aneurysms before so i hope so.
RPA is a massive hospital in sydney. As i said above, she should be fine. might have to lean alot of stuff again.

> How much do you weigh? Which diet?
I weigh like 110-120 kg around there. It's mainly just a low cholesterol diet to keep myself away from heart complications.
It's weird because I'm terrible at understanding when someone else uses them or I have trouble picking up stuff, but I can't stop using them myself.
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It's the "Slowing down" bit that throws me out. Seriously, i don't think i could deal with that, and i wouldn't have the capability to end it sooner.
Seriously, don't know if you've played kanon, but Makoto's story line just killed me because of the end part where she slowly stops being able to function.
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If you throw anything at me with good guitar i will love it. I got into rhapsody because of you linking it to me a little bit back. Got anymore sick guitar you can send my way?
Aneurysms are a blood problem, not a brain problem. Must just be that part of her brain. She should be fine.
Oh, that was me too.
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I got a bit confused since that's how Nuclear Throne numbers its levels as well.

Common slogan is: Welcome 5-3! You're dead!
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You're welcome.
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It is a quite common naming system.

Also there's a new trailer for Kimi no Na wa out, I take any criticism back this looks amazing and I can't wait.
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So I just woke up from a good drunk nap and remembered that Konata happened yesterday
I wish I hadn't
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Distressed Karen 19.png
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Oh thank god. I thought she had a brain disease or something.
It's fine if she learns stuff again as long as she's safe, yeah?

And yeah I hope you manage to stay on that died. Heart problems are bad, obviously kek.
What happend with Konata?
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CheKaren 3.png
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Checking drunk trips
Well. Thats a nice trips.
Have a cringe as fuck music video from a band that sounds amazing.
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Robot fucks sattelite furiously.jpg
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it's pretty much a brain problem at this point considering what it did to her brain the first time it happened. But you are right, it is a blood problem.
Pretty much.
i'm in tears, i'm laughing that hard at the video
>>691772065 and pic related yesterday
Why did I even save this?

kek, good morning you nigger
Pretty sober now but I really wish I wasn't

Thank you Rory

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>2nd Law


>new trailer
Still not gonna watch the trailer, but I'm really excited for the movie as well.

That is a terrible screencap.
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Good morning
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Ohayo Smile 1.png
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Check steam.

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Kaworu <3
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How's fastest battleship doing?
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It has a fat bass line. And I really only like that song out of the whole album. They really need to step up their game.
I didnt know it was actually that bad. I guess its a good thing they stopped making videos, eh?
No problem. Get some keks into your morning.
Not my screencap. I think its Kirinos.
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Well fuck I guess drunks wake together
What's up DM?

>Gifted Darkest Dungeon
>nigger nigger nigger nigger
Are you fucking serious man?
I'd fuck you gently dude, seriously
no homo tho
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Well damn, ain't that a thing.

I haven't, but I need a tear jerker. Maybe I'll give it a play through.

Rory has you covered for now. I'm on mobile now so no more links from me.
>Paper came early so I get to sit back for 2 hours.

It's okay, Akikikikokokoko, no one wants to remember the ballistic missile.

Mornin Amatsu.
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Ted glasses
I just want to sleep
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Love Karen 27.jpg
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I wish Drones was better than it was. But ultimately it was really boring.
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i legitimately want to see more of them now that I've seen their videos.
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I wish I could stay away from his trailers, but I need my Shinkai fix.
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>Sufjan Stevens
Very nice.
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KarenColle 15.jpg
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Woke up about two hours ago. Enjoying my morning so far even though it's like 3 PM lol.
Gotta split and get a passport picture soon.
You got a hangover? Apparently Aki doesn't get them lol.
When I get good internet I wanna join you guys for a drinking game. I'll drink hot sauce though since I can't drink alcohol.
Also I want those Karen pics
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How romantic <3
I might be hangover and might'very kept drinking after you left. Yourself?
Karen also gave me the game! He's an hero

Morning Makoto
How goes?
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its me.png
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Based Rory. I had dawn of a million souls bookmarked from you posting it one day. This is all getting marked too

Better than i thought it would be at first few seconds in. Would listen to again/10

All good, there will always be time for more links in the future.
Enjoy that relax time for posting

Alright i gotta feed and give medicine to doggers and get a shower so ill be back in a bit
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Ive been looking more towards Ayreon to be honest. Hes about due for a new album now.
Is it the music or the cringe? I think they got a budget for their next videos. Including Sir Christopher Lee.
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Chibi Karen 21.jpg
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Seeya later Choogen
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I woke up super early so I have a hangover, unfortunately
Hope you'll enjoy our drunk shenanigans
I'll send them once I'm on my pc
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Not bad. Listening to music, paper came early so I'm relaxing till its time to go. How'd the drunk sleep go?

Pet the doge for me.
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>ptsd intensifies

But why though? Is it multiplayer? Iknow basically nothing about this game. How do I quickscope?

I kept drinking after you left, bringing myself too far to play another game
>Karen also gave me the game
Yeah what the fuck is up with this Karen santa?

Ah shit, missed ya
Later Mugen
both really, i'm not a big fan of their music but i do like it. But the cringe, fuck man i could eat it up all day.
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Yeah, I have always thought that trailers are there just to excite, no matter how much they give away.

Like Openings in Shounen series.

Here are some more if you care.
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Don't feel depressed today.

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I'm awake.

Waifu threads are better than what they used to be.

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Just look up Rhapsody or Rhapsody Of Fire. They should come up, but as I said, they got a budget.
Thats... a good thing? It should be, but it feels like you're telling us to not be depressed.
Sup Chen
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You shouldn't be depressed, you waifu is best girl.
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Hiya Taiga.

Hi Chen.
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Happy Karen 81.jpg
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>Karen santa
It's a roguelike game. Very unforgiving so expect rage to be had. I remember a streamer that rolled lowest damage on all his attacks and lost his best guy to the first death roll and he just smashed his keyboard and tossed his webcam.
It's fun as hell once you get the hang of it though. Plus I am 100% sure you would like the artwork and the memes. It's a lovecraftian game. Very dismal setting and "hopeless" is a word that you'll see will fit the world a lot.
Just jump right into it so it can take your gaming virginity away. Once you get the idea of it I'll give you some tips and team compositions.
Also there's a web page called Darkest Companion, should help you out.
I wanted to gift you Overwatch back when you didn't have the money for it but I didn't because I was selfish. I wasn't thinking of my friend and it's been bothering me ever since. Like we're supposed to be best bros and I couldn't even spare 40 dollars. And I had a spare 100 dollars and you were eating hand to mouth. Never again.

Great, looking forward to it yo. What's a hangover feel like?

Welcome back Taiga, got more pictures?

Most popular waifu
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King Shit of Fuck Mountain.png
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>gift a game
>get 7 crits in a row
Karma is real
Hangovers are a mix of regret, persistant dry mouth, headache and regret.

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Most hangovers are caused by intense dehydration. Drink lots and lots of water with your alcohol, and you should be fine.
Go sweat a lot, work out, just lose as much water as you can. Get dehydrated, and you'll get a huge headache. That's kinda what I assume a hangover is like.
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I've been happy lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating how to make the world a better place. I've been helping everyone for the past week, because I can't bare with everything that is happening around me.
Holy shit, their more recent videos are really fucking good for having a budget
woof woof~
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Would you like a fortune reading, Chen? It seems like you could use one.
Fuck me I must be subconsciously self centered.

I got at least 10, but I'm too picky

Well thats good, man. I try to be positive, but the last 2 months have been nothing but pain. Turnarounds starting though, so I may get to how I was.
I told you. Actually hiring actors and having people to talk to makes all the difference.
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I find these very funny to the point where I laugh out loud in the living room and people look at me.

Two parts regret, one part dryness, one part headache
got it

The more you know. Best makoto
Do you have any cute chibis to post?

That's fine, you should post some of them!
Holstaur has a very obscure waifu, so there's almost no art of her. He posts the same wonderful pictures every time.

I want one too
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[filename redacted].jpg
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>come back
>see this
I'm so proud of you.

>I can't bare with everything that is happening around me.
This part of the pasta worries me a bit though. You already know I'm here for you if you ever need me like you were here for me.
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Chibi Karen 18.jpg
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Wew, didn't you get a card.
Death - Reversed
Change is going to come in your near future, even if you try to resist it. Your best bet is to simply accept it for what it is, and not worry about it.

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Just the wording. If you had said 'I dont feel depressed', it would have come out a lot better. Plus it would be an admittance about you feeling good.
>fathers bipolar, you learn some tricks.
I know a good Muslim like you would never feel a hangover. I like to pass on knowledge.
Is that a happy Homu?
I dont know whether to be scared or concerned.
You never helped me.
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Sure. Any particular question, or do you just want a general reading?
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Homura (92).jpg
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When Tsuzu posts _238 for me.jpg

It's real happiness in that pic, you should worry if she looks like this.

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Love Karen 6.jpg
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Will I find love?

You know it, habibi.
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You know everything is fine already.


I'm glad I'm giving you a good laugh, making people happy is a fortunate gift.

I totally understand you, Rory, I hope everything would be better for you, though.

>Your best bet is to simply accept it for what it is, and not worry about it.

That's what I'm doing anyway, is better to accept everything that's happening around you, sometimes at least.

Is a pasta.

I've been horrible lately. I've been dispirited and contemplating suicide. I've been shit-faced drunk for the past week, because I can't bare my horrible esse.
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kirino hug 2.png
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I'll grab one too, if you don't mind.
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Typing is so laggy on my iPad, dunno why, it destracts me enough so that I don't attach a picture.
It's alright, but sometimes a real pain.

Is very cold in brisbane tonight, had to walk a K in a hoodie and jeans. Not enough coverage at all.
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Ask 3 times.
2 yes, 1 maybe.
Looks like a pretty solid yes, but not 100% certain.
Thank you.
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Look how serious is this stuff.
I understand how into this everyone gets, but seeing people pass around '<3' and stuff like that, I get really happy and everything is lovely
>We are both male
>From what i can gather Homura is also straight
Like, I don't know what the fuck to think, yeah maybe if Chen was female but my mind is so foggy and stupid.

I like each and everyone of you guys, sure, some more than others but that's a given with everything.
I'm happy as fuck in real life, I've probably said this before, but it's true, and I am sure many others are like it. Yeah, I have like 80 close friends, but I can't talk about anything serious with them, and they all know I am a weeb.
But you guys, I can talk about anything, it really feels like I can fit in somewhere and belong.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is, that my mind is mixing up this 'roleplay' stuff, with actual emotions. I don't know how to feel about all these 'I really like you/love you/missed you' stuff, it just makes me happy.

There, I think thats what i wanted to say.
I totally understand this.
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Same deal, any specific topic? Or a general?
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There's hope!
Thank you Makoto!

Yeah I feel you, it's cause of the iOs surpassing the firmware, you got an old iPad? My iPhone 4s is just shit.
You doing anything tonight? Stay warm and snug, yeah?
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I just got out of my bath
Drunk sleep was really short, barely 2 hours

Karen santa is great!
Told me to forward the kindness to someone else~

Didn't get much, unfortunately
It feels like dehydration
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I cant see that facial expression being anything but warm and welcoming.
My mum may have grown up in Melbourne, but it was Italian Melbourne.
Holy damn how many Aussies are there in the thread now?
>be glad you aren't in Canberra
>holy fuck the mornings
Its partly my own doing, but my mind is pretty set in its ways.
>it doesn't want to waste more pens when syringes are guarantees
I enjoy the community. And pissing off Dio with the constant love yous. But at the end of the day, if it starts imoacting my life in a negative way, Ill have to at least tone something down. Its a delicate balance.
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Kirino [395].png
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Same deal, thanks.
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Homura (152).jpg
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I do hope so. It's good to see this thread is full of dank music.

>if that was the case I think I would prefer to be the female... life seems easier for them except period and birthing.

This guy is actually a normie, by the way.
He has a job, smokes weed with "friends", had a girlfriend.
Stuff like that.
Don't give him attention, he's just living the life, fucking cuck.
Your waifu is shit so is your life. Stay in debt.
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And, I actually tried to give you some tips about your sleep schedule.
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Sure thing my haram friend.

Only 2 hours? Why so short?
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Cheering Karen 27.jpg
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iOS 8.2 on a gen 4(?), tried turning off predictive, no luck.

Warm and snugging is in progress.

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3 yes. Aren't you just lucky!
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cum in me m8.png
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Every thread is another mark. A mark that represents what social skills and self respect you have lost. I've lost count of all your marks, but I can assure (and you probably already know) that you're lost. I don't think you'll ever come back and I think at this point you're only running off steam, insanity, and delusions. I think you're just too prideful to quit posting so much so often, and too cowardly to actually end the life you know you wasted. I mean, Im rooting for your suicide. So get out there and actually do something to end the misery of the monotony that is your life's
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I like frames sience Kagamit linked it, is pretty cool.

>This guy is actually a normie, by the way.


Hey, how about you calm down?
don't you ever get tired of sounding like a super friendly guy?
every time you do that you make the whole thread happy
We know the thread is cool but you're always making it better.

>Its partly my own doing, but my mind is pretty set in its ways.
Then, you should either change, or live with it.
You know better, Rory.
The world is your oyster.

Hey Kirino, why are you so quiet?

real girl.
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You're too good for this world and us in particular

A hangover for me means some problems with my balance and a slight headache but since I never really get hangovers even from hard drugs or however you call the aftermath I wouldn't know what a really bad hangover feels like
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Kirino [362].png
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Woah, what does it mean?

Am I?
I don't see any conversations I can jump into.
I'm watching something anyway.

Whats up?
File: IDK Karen 12.jpg (61 KB, 856x768) Image search: [Google]
IDK Karen 12.jpg
61 KB, 856x768
Is there another Melbourne?
Habibi is an endearment between bros, it means something like "Baby"

Thank you so much my fucking sides the pastas make me happy like nothing else

Sweet. Got anything planned for today?

Thank you Homu, you guys complete me honestly.
>hard drugs?
Have you done stuff Homu? Besides alcohol I mean.
damn right i'm real
File: Homura (141).png (612 KB, 600x800) Image search: [Google]
Homura (141).png
612 KB, 600x800
>frames - science
That's odd, I thought I had all their releases but I don't know that song.


Sounds a lot like old-school hip-hop, I like it.
You fucked up the names. But no I never tried a hard drug.
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You'll find love. You said same deal, so I assumed you meant the same question as Karen's.
Karen please
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>nice belly
I slept at 4 and woke up at 6
I don't sleep for long when I'm drunk
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Distressed Karen 2.png
153 KB, 315x268
How could I not notice the bells fuck my life
>frames - science
>That's odd, I thought I had all their releases but I don't know that song.

What? Hey, don't make fun of me like that.
I'll not give you those head pats you like so much anymore.

Don't worry about it.

Nothing, just relaxing.
How about you, are you feeling better?
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I always assumed being drunk felt like when I've been up for way too long. And when I go to sleep from that, I'm out for an excess of 14 hours.
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>insert that one emoticon you really hate here.
Sorry. Please don't stop patting me.
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Today is over because late night uni, but maybe some anime watching. Tomorrow is uni.

Hoorah, late night uni. Good thing I almost have flipped my sleep schedule again.
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I can't really explain how it feels to be drunk
Feels great for me, strangely euphoric and social
but other people feel like fighting and be mad
And all sense of balance is gone~
I think I'm one of the few who don't sleep much when drunk
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kek. Ya dun goofed son
How do they even look alike?
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images (13).jpg
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Yes. Oh my God yes there is another Melbourne.
That is the feel they generally go for.
I keep trying to tell my sister in law but its not working.
>when you spend an hour staring at a pen in your hand because your brain doeant know the outcome of you pressing a button
>you know theres a problem and you know theres a solution.
Then you haven't been at that cusp of drunkenness. Where you're awake and aware, but you dont have control.
>been there too many times
File: Kirino [300].png (195 KB, 500x400) Image search: [Google]
Kirino [300].png
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Oh shit
This is going to be scary.

I'm feeling, nothing, really at the moment, now that I think about it. I guess that could count as feeling a little better.
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Homura (18).jpg
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Both are top tier qties, that's their similarity I guess.
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Determined Karen 11.png
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Lol? Does it have something to do with being arab?

I have no idea, I'm just retardo lmao

Ah alright. Glad you're getting some rest for now at least.
I'll chat you up later.
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very very lewd.jpg
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>>691777777 get
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I feel like your the town drunk kinda person, always drunk and happy with it...but for a less than good reason.

>I've never been drunk
We talked about this yesterday!

What is?
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Gordon Ramsey
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The truth right there
In B&W they look a bit more similar

nice feet
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Taiga gets. Confirmed!

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czech em.jpg
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If we get sixths on this thread Karen must post lewds.

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best spooky scary.png
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All your waifus are eternally mine!!!
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Happy Karen 55.gif
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One more santa for thread before I go
oh lord
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Okay, calm down there with the scripts Satan!
Apparently they are.
wasted af
the truth has been spoken
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Holy shit
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>I'm just retardo
Implying we didn't already know that

Double trips
for fucks sake
Shit get.
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Berfegt :D
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10k x 10k fucking image.png
3 MB, 10000x10000
holy fuck
you can have mine...
Oh shit
Well done Skeletor
You deserve my waifu for being so cunning
there it is
worst get
Im fine with this. checked.
also sona claim
history made
all waifus are now his
All our waifu's are eternally his
well fug
Specifically Lebanese.
>thanks Satan
Oh Ill have much to teach you. Specifically what not to do.
>i guess its Karen lewds time
>next thread
Wasted on a waifu thread.
I will allow this.
rattle rattle
B A S E D g e t
/b/ on suicide watch
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