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Waifu claiming thread Previous: >>691769051 >Clai

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 170
Thread images: 151
File: Homura (5).jpg (76 KB, 724x1023) Image search: [Google]
Homura (5).jpg
76 KB, 724x1023
Waifu claiming thread

Previous: >>691769051

>Claim your WaifuHusbando
>No Claiming Waifu's/Husbando's that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>This is not /b/, This is /Waifu/
>Most importantly have fun

Do it Karen.
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chen 94.png
164 KB, 600x400
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14 KB, 340x270
Dont we need a rule saying that we all beling to Skeletor?
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250 KB, 954x1350
Impressive get was impressive, too bad it's nullified due to new thread.
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Kirino [283].png
65 KB, 500x500
Those were some nice repeating digits
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286 KB, 640x337

/waifu/ magic
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W e w
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82 KB, 600x799
Any reason to get drunk is good~
And I don't think it'll affect me in a bad way anyway

rip my bake
File: Screw you.jpg (48 KB, 500x358) Image search: [Google]
Screw you.jpg
48 KB, 500x358
Just a reminder that your overlord is here
>I demand that to be added as a rule
File: Yume01.gif (3 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 500x281
>claiming yume
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209 KB, 1280x957
I did this, I called upon satan with my double trips and we now kill. Sorry.
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Homura (3hr).jpg
841 KB, 3507x2480
I will add it to my pasta. I was actually wondering what should I change my second joke rule into.

Shoe shoe <3
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Cheering Akiko 325.jpg.png
174 KB, 448x479
I will add it next thread my lord

>calling for next bake
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1 MB, 1345x1900
>Akagi claimed
Ok, my lord
File: Shiki 0797.jpg (3 MB, 3159x4491) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0797.jpg
3 MB, 3159x4491
Best type moon claimed.
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sorry dear, it was an eternal get
You must now post knowing I, Skeletor, own all your waifus
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File: Homura (75).jpg (2 MB, 1280x1750) Image search: [Google]
Homura (75).jpg
2 MB, 1280x1750
I must warn you that having more than one waifu will ruin your laifu.
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I'll let you hold that claim so long as you keep showing up. In which case, I look forward to seeing you in the future, Rory 2.0
File: Yume03.jpg (46 KB, 640x427) Image search: [Google]
46 KB, 640x427
Thats a nice maid there.
Bring me some coffee!
Be a good maid.
Its them!
I think he doesn't care
>also nice legs I approve
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3 MB, 770x1090
It's legs
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I'm not your maid. But i still serve you coffee 'cause i'm not rude
File: King Shit of Fuck Mountain.png (175 KB, 808x797) Image search: [Google]
King Shit of Fuck Mountain.png
175 KB, 808x797
Joke's on you motherfucker Karen's not my waifu so you can't have her
File: how can you not love her.jpg (158 KB, 720x1018) Image search: [Google]
how can you not love her.jpg
158 KB, 720x1018
>tfw nobody will realize it was I who posted Skeletor last thread
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Distressed Karen 37.jpg
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However the case of the lewds is to be determined...
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312 KB, 1280x1813
I dont blame you.
Figured we may as well, seeing as how Im pretty sure its a modget.
But you do need to post lewds.
File: HomuMad (211).jpg (72 KB, 540x540) Image search: [Google]
HomuMad (211).jpg
72 KB, 540x540
Win10 had a big update today and so far the only difference I see is less functionality and an uglier interface.

Bupity bup.

Howdy. Well I don't care that he says Homu is his, she is still my waifu.

I'm waiting.
File: KirinoHug1.png (2 MB, 1811x1462) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1811x1462
she's mine and only mine
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369 KB, 551x694
>I heard we have a new overlord
File: Agitated Karen 1.png (100 KB, 572x536) Image search: [Google]
Agitated Karen 1.png
100 KB, 572x536
But.. it's not fair! It's like saying if we get quints this thread I have to post lewds.
But then again it was only for a specific number...
And it was one digit more...
File: Akagi20.jpg (292 KB, 1345x1900) Image search: [Google]
292 KB, 1345x1900
Heya my one true owner
File: Syndra [110].jpg (136 KB, 600x530) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [110].jpg
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File: helloooo nurse.jpg (164 KB, 779x1025) Image search: [Google]
helloooo nurse.jpg
164 KB, 779x1025
yup, I positioned Skeletor as eternal overlord
File: Homura (148).jpg (526 KB, 850x1200) Image search: [Google]
Homura (148).jpg
526 KB, 850x1200
How is it not fair? There weren't even rerolls and you can't deny all that /waifu/ magic.
I expect better quality than the last lewd you posted or at least something equal.
File: Agitated Karen 3.png (115 KB, 596x610) Image search: [Google]
Agitated Karen 3.png
115 KB, 596x610
Fine but I can't do it now.
There are people in the living room.
I'll do it later tonight, since I have to browse through for a better lewd...
Hey, my favourite pet

>pat pat

I've been gone for too long...

>Time to crack some skulls
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171 KB, 708x800
This. Most anons in this thread are pretty cool people who know what /waifu/ is all about
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Poor Karen, can never seem to catch a break.
File: AllHailOurLordSkeletor.png (857 KB, 1920x1047) Image search: [Google]
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never frogetti

File: Agitated Karen 21.jpg (126 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Agitated Karen 21.jpg
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I just can't believe these odds
Trips, Quads and now they skipped the fucking quints and went straight to sexts!
File: Yume04.jpg (318 KB, 1000x1333) Image search: [Google]
318 KB, 1000x1333
How is it going done anything fancy today?
>wearing maid outfit
>claim to not be a maid
get your shit together!
Its easy
you post them we are all happy
once you choose a waifu you stay with her except heretics
>crispy one
I didn't saw you in a looooooong time
how is it going for ya?
post them
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1 MB, 1200x1131
Nothing at all, though I might head out for a jog soon. You?
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179 KB, 800x800
Does that mean Quint get is still out there?
oh trust me I won't
I have screenshots to remind everyone
File: 777777777777777777777.png (518 KB, 992x1403) Image search: [Google]
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Oh shit I missed the meme magic

I guess you can have megumin
File: EXTREMELY LEWD PICTURE.jpg (55 KB, 1098x617) Image search: [Google]
55 KB, 1098x617

Yeah I guess
But it's not going to be as good as whatever I post tonight

this is implying that you were the one that got it
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326 KB, 467x616
>Currently preparing a rebellion against Skeletor
>Spilt 3 bowls of soup in three different ways
>Beat my brother within an inch of his life

Same old, same old
File: Screenshot (20).png (58 KB, 676x197) Image search: [Google]
Screenshot (20).png
58 KB, 676x197
There's no question that she's mine

I was
File: image.jpg (201 KB, 700x1435) Image search: [Google]
201 KB, 700x1435
Quality is irrelevant, I just needed to know if it was there. Thanks Karen~
File: I'll give you a bone.png (138 KB, 434x245) Image search: [Google]
I'll give you a bone.png
138 KB, 434x245
Unless He-man beats my gets, you can't beat me
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562 KB, 1102x1718
Shrine maiden claimed
File: Agitated Karen 8.png (175 KB, 321x311) Image search: [Google]
Agitated Karen 8.png
175 KB, 321x311
Fine fine!
You still don't have Karen, she's not my waifu
>not forgetting inspect element exists

You're... welcome... I think...
File: oniai01a.jpg (82 KB, 674x719) Image search: [Google]
82 KB, 674x719
Karen keep it civil please

>Getting 777777
>not rolling for Karen lewds
Well done you pure hearted fuck

kek'd at filename
File: Idea Karen 17.jpg (27 KB, 253x417) Image search: [Google]
Idea Karen 17.jpg
27 KB, 253x417
I thought she was sitting on top of a big rock until I realised that entire thing was her ass

Homura rolled. I have to do it anyway.
Check the OP lol
File: Homura (A23).jpg (350 KB, 1280x960) Image search: [Google]
Homura (A23).jpg
350 KB, 1280x960
>as good as whatever I post tonight
Colour me excited.
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49 KB, 720x534
Skeletor demands lewd Karen
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2 MB, 1500x909
Lewd night confirmed
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Well fuck, guess he just has to
This just ain't right though
File: Yume03.jpg (78 KB, 813x982) Image search: [Google]
78 KB, 813x982
enjoying my second week of vacation
lets see what the day brings me
you should get new ones
like legs without socks
I see crispy as ever
any great plans for the day?
>mami best girl
File: Agitated Karen 19.jpg (34 KB, 462x416) Image search: [Google]
Agitated Karen 19.jpg
34 KB, 462x416
This is implying I can even find anything exceeding the quality of the last one...

Aki can you believe this lmao
Trips, Quads and now Sexts.
I have a feeling Makoto is going to keep trying to roll for the quints

Yeah yeah in time
File: interesting.jpg (28 KB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
28 KB, 640x360
What in the Actual Fuck is going on in here. Skeletor shows up and brings down the house. Good thing i wasn there
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edgey boner.jpg
148 KB, 1125x710
that time better be soon
File: IDK Karen 7.jpg (41 KB, 539x477) Image search: [Google]
IDK Karen 7.jpg
41 KB, 539x477
Oh just to be clear, does it HAVE to include penetration?
>yeah I know I'm just hoping

They rolled for my lewds again bro
At least I am protected from Skeletor since Karen is not my waifu

Yeah well I can't make everyone leave the living room, and I have to find a good lewd.
File: SpookedByTheSkeletonInsideMe.png (2 MB, 1281x1259) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1281x1259
The gets are not in your favor I'm afraid
Gonna have to deliver

All our waifus are belong to him now
File: Homura (A17).png (2 MB, 1325x828) Image search: [Google]
Homura (A17).png
2 MB, 1325x828
Oh my.

Reminds me of the times our ERP queen was at her peak.

She is kind of sweet if you know what I mean.

As long as it's not something that reminds me of those K-On dojins...
File: contemplative boner.png (582 KB, 950x696) Image search: [Google]
contemplative boner.png
582 KB, 950x696
As long as you're in these threads, you play by my rules
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279 KB, 561x760
Homu a cute.
File: Idea Karen 18.jpg (39 KB, 397x580) Image search: [Google]
Idea Karen 18.jpg
39 KB, 397x580
Rules said all waifus belong to you
Karen is not waifu
File: [filename redacted].jpg (26 KB, 564x476) Image search: [Google]
[filename redacted].jpg
26 KB, 564x476
>when the most hated waifu calls you a cute
File: lewd boner.png (495 KB, 600x751) Image search: [Google]
lewd boner.png
495 KB, 600x751
she's my waifu
File: sira.jpg (84 KB, 1024x576) Image search: [Google]
84 KB, 1024x576
Wew, sad and happy i missed that get.
>mizore claimed.
File: blondehair.gif (2 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 500x281

Whats all this karen is not my waifu bizz.


I wasn't in the thread anyhow im safe.
File: Idea Karen 19.jpg (45 KB, 376x508) Image search: [Google]
Idea Karen 19.jpg
45 KB, 376x508

Yeah but you said "all your waifus" are eternally yours
File: ayy see what you mean.jpg (76 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
ayy see what you mean.jpg
76 KB, 1280x720
I claim Karen
File: HomuSaya (3).jpg (282 KB, 1062x1505) Image search: [Google]
HomuSaya (3).jpg
282 KB, 1062x1505
>Oh just to be clear, does it HAVE to include penetration?
I would say it's not necessary but it certainly would help since we're rising the quality and lewdness bar. If you post a lewd that disappoints too much you will have to post another one.
File: Togame_03.png (193 KB, 870x840) Image search: [Google]
193 KB, 870x840
I am alive.
File: Idea Karen 8.png (524 KB, 540x542) Image search: [Google]
Idea Karen 8.png
524 KB, 540x542
Karen's not my waifu my dude, she's my little sisteru
Like I wouldn't fuck or marry her, but I love her just the same
That's why I don't save any lewds of her
Also I don't like how short her skirt is

funny memay

Fucking hell
File: Blonde.png (916 KB, 1215x660) Image search: [Google]
916 KB, 1215x660
I get that. Im not attracted to shino at all. She's just funny as hell. I don't think there are any shino lewds anyhow. Maybe a few low quality ones.

anyway wasup with you? Im gonna start playing vidya i think nice and early. Rainbow Six Got an update where Kapkans traps are practically invisible. Gonna blow some noobs up.

And then theres always overwatch. Last night I played Mei and dominated the other team on the first round the next round they all picked mei and i switched to hanzo because of that and got Play of the game. Losers
File: Yume07.png (468 KB, 1200x819) Image search: [Google]
468 KB, 1200x819
I just think she is the best girl even tho she doesn't fit into any of my likings
>breasts are too big
>wrong hair color
>too tall
File: Homura (23).jpg (234 KB, 1024x1365) Image search: [Google]
Homura (23).jpg
234 KB, 1024x1365
File: sira-chan.jpg (71 KB, 1024x576) Image search: [Google]
71 KB, 1024x576
As master of all things lewd, I shall judge these sext lewds.
>Pull out all the stops
File: Determined Karen 29.jpg (71 KB, 600x544) Image search: [Google]
Determined Karen 29.jpg
71 KB, 600x544
>Kapkans traps are practically invisible
Lmao fuck, did he even need that? Fucking hate Kapkan I'm such a tard I never see his traps already.

Nice job decking kids as usual
You should check out Akiko's play of the game when he posts it, he got eights kill at once because a mercy revived the team after he killed them
Beast genji lol

Well shit now it's official

>wrong hair color
Yeah okay redboi
File: Syndra [64].jpg (60 KB, 387x581) Image search: [Google]
Syndra [64].jpg
60 KB, 387x581
Then die
File: image.jpg (321 KB, 1280x960) Image search: [Google]
321 KB, 1280x960
I did a thing and I'd rather not do it again.
>Although I probably will

Is this the trans guy?
You look pretty good
File: Excited Karen 11.png (127 KB, 759x703) Image search: [Google]
Excited Karen 11.png
127 KB, 759x703
File: Black and Yellow (15).jpg (498 KB, 600x840) Image search: [Google]
Black and Yellow (15).jpg
498 KB, 600x840
>Yeah okay redboi
Red is superior, it's the only hair colour I care for as all others are equal for me.

>breasts are too big
Always good to see someone who prefers flat, I don't really see the interest in over-sized boobs.

>I just think she is the best girl even tho she doesn't fit into any of my likings
I think it's not such a weird case, I could name a few characters I love that are full of traits that usually make me dislike them.
File: oHIo2.png (117 KB, 574x405) Image search: [Google]
117 KB, 574x405
kagami claimed!!
File: image.jpg (120 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
120 KB, 800x600
I have no clue why. I had the thought yesterday to do it, and today, I did.

Why does everyone say this?

>That was only at about 75-80 mph.
File: Chara1.jpg (216 KB, 1000x1276) Image search: [Google]
216 KB, 1000x1276
Good day waifu


>Chara claimed
File: Akiko_255.png (343 KB, 796x810) Image search: [Google]
343 KB, 796x810
I don't know how to feel about several things in this picture
File: shinolistening.gif (692 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
692 KB, 500x281
Yeah we talked about it he used the phrase "Genji Weeebo'd in " and i kek'd

Anyone Ever watch Knights of Sindonia on Netflix. Show was soo boss, Highly Recommend
File: Ohayo Excited 1.png (148 KB, 600x513) Image search: [Google]
Ohayo Excited 1.png
148 KB, 600x513
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130 KB, 712x950
Which ending of oreimo should I watch first?

It's the decision of the century.
File: image.jpg (100 KB, 600x1009) Image search: [Google]
100 KB, 600x1009
Sup Chara. What's with the meme music?

Which things?
File: Yume05.png (821 KB, 858x1722) Image search: [Google]
821 KB, 858x1722
I prefer AMD over Nvidia so it fits?
>I don't really see the interest in over-sized boobs.
me neither everything above B size is too big
> full of traits that usually make me dislike them
I rarely have this like only with mami so far
File: Kirino [293].png (188 KB, 500x395) Image search: [Google]
Kirino [293].png
188 KB, 500x395
Are you the trans guy who posted his ass?
First season or second season?
File: Chibi Karen 14.png (182 KB, 268x288) Image search: [Google]
Chibi Karen 14.png
182 KB, 268x288
I've never seen any of your Mami pics lol
Also all my other folders are filled with either neutral looking characters or those with generally morbid traits lol
I guess we share that too.

Kekeke, never seen it though.

I guess it does lol

Hey it's all good lmao
I have a saying. If you're gonna do a bad idea. Do it now and regret it later.
File: 765657657.jpg (67 KB, 380x500) Image search: [Google]
67 KB, 380x500
hey karen!!! how are you today??
File: image.jpg (162 KB, 867x1200) Image search: [Google]
162 KB, 867x1200
The maddest.

Selfie on the freeway. Vroom vroom, fast.

File: Chara24.png (660 KB, 732x900) Image search: [Google]
660 KB, 732x900
I just felt old

>Be me in some chat
>Post "What is love?"
>Not one reply with "Baby don't hurt me"

So now I have to listen to this and feel old

Yo! Wie geht's?

>trans guy who posted his ass
That... no one here did that

So... you're posting while driving on the freeway?
File: image.jpg (276 KB, 2048x1062) Image search: [Google]
276 KB, 2048x1062
File: tora_by_jacomotali-d91h4tv.png.jpg (119 KB, 834x959) Image search: [Google]
119 KB, 834x959
Tora claimed.
You look pretty good
File: spooky.jpg (27 KB, 300x454) Image search: [Google]
27 KB, 300x454
It least you aren't the dude who posted his dick yesterday...hopefully
>that.. No one here did that

Why do you even speak if you are not aware of it?
File: Kirino [508].jpg (701 KB, 1065x1524) Image search: [Google]
Kirino [508].jpg
701 KB, 1065x1524
Watch the true ending first.
Watch Second season, and then go back and watch the good ending.

It's a lot more feelsy in my book if you do it like that.
File: Chara276.jpg (31 KB, 480x480) Image search: [Google]
31 KB, 480x480
So you can take the bait and talk with me

Wew, I'm glad I wasn't there
File: IkaOva-5.png (113 KB, 480x270) Image search: [Google]
113 KB, 480x270
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374 KB, 960x1280
>take the bait
fucking christ
does anything count as bait these days?
File: image.jpg (78 KB, 491x852) Image search: [Google]
78 KB, 491x852
Ah, alright.
And nah, I'm at home now. I'm not THAT insane.

Not really. The helmet hides a lot.

I am not Konata. I do not have a micro ballistic missile for a dick.

Thank you Karen, thanks.
File: image.jpg (169 KB, 1200x1399) Image search: [Google]
169 KB, 1200x1399
Wait. If it's going to make me cry then fuck.

File: kagami (2).gif (654 KB, 350x197) Image search: [Google]
kagami (2).gif
654 KB, 350x197
oh my.....
Claimed Lucario.
I bet everyone else was really meaning to claim.
>take the bait

You messed up.
Stop, just stop replying to me.
You are autistic and we both know that.
File: hqdefault.jpg (7 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
7 KB, 480x360
File: Game of bones.jpg (96 KB, 655x900) Image search: [Google]
Game of bones.jpg
96 KB, 655x900
joining a waifu thread means being in my kingdom
I rule over all in waifu threads
File: Chara178.jpg (42 KB, 581x1396) Image search: [Google]
42 KB, 581x1396
oh, that ass
huh, I did know of that. I just thought it was some karen meme

>does anything count as bait these days?
Correct me if I'm wrong... but a "bait" is considered something dumb you write and then get responds out of it. Thus, you are "baiting" people to reply to your bullshit...

>I'm not THAT insane
you forgot the "yet" at the end of your sentence

You misspelled Gardevoir
File: Kirino [421].png (203 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
Kirino [421].png
203 KB, 500x500
Ah, nah I don't think it will make you cry. It's not like that.
File: Chara12.jpg (723 KB, 714x1000) Image search: [Google]
723 KB, 714x1000
shit man
What about Dio then?
You are fucking autistic.
File: Ika Wants to Sleep.jpg (122 KB, 1440x810) Image search: [Google]
Ika Wants to Sleep.jpg
122 KB, 1440x810
I'm scared. i just had nightmares of demonic shit. and it wasnt just one dream. i could easily say 3 maybe 4 dreams.
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1 MB, 1680x1050
File: I'm a nice guy.jpg (21 KB, 480x323) Image search: [Google]
I'm a nice guy.jpg
21 KB, 480x323
no exceptions
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121 KB, 480x270
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wow....that is pretty scary, do you remember what was in it exactly???
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253 KB, 850x490
umm, hello!! how are you??
File: Happy.jpg (283 KB, 779x1280) Image search: [Google]
283 KB, 779x1280
Claimed Happy from fairy tail.
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Smug Karen 3.png
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File: Chara43.png (94 KB, 240x200) Image search: [Google]
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Dammit... I guess the curse can only be lifted with another six repeating numbers

Oh man, I hated those dreams were you'd just get from one nightmare into the next
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Ganz ok 2. Woche Urlaub mal schauen was noch so kommt.
Und bei dir?
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I hate the way you write.
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Banki claimed
I was going to post in the next thread, but I got bored waiting, how are you guys doing?
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kagami (60).jpg
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thank you!!!
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Hört sich nach Spaß an.
Jo, mir geht's auch gut, hatte am Samstag meinen ersten Arbeitstag in der Feinkostabteilung einer REWE Filliale.

Doing fine, thanks!
What about you?
I would fucking kill you if I meet you on the front.
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kagami (44).jpg
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where do you live??
we can meet lol
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I don't think I'll get that insane unless I get a steering lock and throttle lock.
Pretty good, if a bit busy.
Just got a game called VA11 HALL-A, looks pretty interesting.
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We will meet, on the front.
I'll look for a guy who screams all the time and acts retarded.
I'll ask every enemy to write something.
I'll kill every single fucker who writes like you.
I heard you're a pretty big guy, aren't you?
Well, I'm 6'7 and I lift.
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Palupa claimed.
>im 6'7
>i lift
watch out
his big muscles are going to stop bullets
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Smug Karen 50.jpg
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>I want to fucking murder you and rip out your guts
>Nice! Where can we meet!?
Fucking kagamin best
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you're funny, and i like you, but what do you mean on the front??
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huh, sounds like a fun game. What's it about? Sounds like a war game? FPS? Dogfights?

Ohoho, the longer you stay here the more likely it is that you will turn out this crazy!

Kagamin the best
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In the fucking army KAGAMI!!!!!!!!!
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Agitated Karen 16.jpg
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It's a fucking CAT
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kagami (31).gif
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OH!!! well im getting out soon anyways, i shouldn't deploy anymore lol
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Let's meet Kagami.
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Kirino [242].jpg
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>In the fucking army KAGAMI
Those rhymes tho
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yeah one was of a kid i hated from my japanese class. he started cutting himself after we kicked him out of the group. he ended up covering the walls and floor with blood. then he came back to the group and just stared at me.

second one. people were climbing out of windows and climbing with different tools. (ladder, rope, pogo stick?, etc.) after a couple people we fell and then it got extremely windy. i held on to what ever i could and i found a motorcycle a little distance away. i used it to get as close as i could to the stairs and climbed my way up. when i got back to the room. everyone said that everyone who went down had died. that the 70mph winds had killed them. i was the only one alive. i looked out the window, no one in sight.

3rd. there was a little girl who was possessed. she had like 3 different voices and there were certain spots that you can hear crying and laughter out of nowhere.

4th. there were pentagrams on beds all over and you could rise them out of nowhere too. i summoned my car from inside a different car and we had to find a way to get it out. (and we did). then when we drove out people came to kill us


then when i woke up i had to pee. when i was done peeing, i dropped my phone into the toilet. after a second of thinking i plunged my hand into the toilet and pulled it out. after i cleaned it and turned it on it made weird noises that i never heard before.
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where and when?? lol're in the military??
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Actually, by the looks of it it's a cyberpunk visual novel where you play as a bartender.
Apparently things change if you give people different drinks
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Claiming Ginsei.

You would not find someone who is not okay with picking Ginsei.
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Of course I'm not, I was just messing around with you.
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jesus....that's some creepy pasta material right there..
you should write that stuff down!!! and i hope your phone is alright!
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