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Fb fap part 4 i think

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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Thread replies: 261
Thread images: 150
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Fb fap part 4 i think
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Still craving for more of her. I only have like 32 pics. IG or anything?
Bro more
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I guess you've already seen the imgur album then. Her ig is /celialombardo/
Yes i did and thank you very much!
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Her fb is celia.lombardo.79 and her snapchat is on her ig. She's not a native speaker but her english is pretty good
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Can I get honest thoughts about my gf? She's the one on the right
Oh man more
Prolly banging that dyke in all honesty
5.5 maybe 6, doesn't look great, at least in that pic anyway
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You talked to her? You didnt happen to get some wins do you?
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I know her IRL and no, she never crossed that line. She keeps her clothes on all her pictures sadly. Maybe this summer we'll get to see her first bikini pic.
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So fucking sexy!!
You must be pretty active then. I see her all over /b/. I hope we get to see that. Arent you worried that she'll realise that she gets alot more attention than usual?
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Requesting kait
What does /b think of my friend?
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looks very promising

bikini pics?
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sadly no
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gorgous though, moar.

nice tits too. a good friend to have, eye-candy wise anyways.
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Mom of a friend
It almost looks like you shouldn't be friend with her kid. Unless you are a kid yourself. Or this mom looks just that young and in reality is much older.
went swimming with her and a couple of friends. I couldn't help my self staring at those tits.
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post bikini pics
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Her son is 19
Shiet how old is she? Doesnt look much older than 30.
damn nice, moar
Moar pls anon
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No more cleavage shots?
No bikini pics but have more
She must be like 35 but we don't really know. All of his friends want to fuck her
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Thats about it for cleavage shots
Any fullbody pics?
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wow damn. whats her IG, bro
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Keep em coming bro
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her Ig is meshay._
Thanks alot
thanks man, lets hope for some good stuff in summer
Would you mind sharing her pics on kik/email? I could tribute her too
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no prob boi. Anyone wanna tribute?
Well if you're also interested by
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love how hard shes nipping
TheRussianGinger Is my kik
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and this ugly nigger bitch and the white guys that is funny looking and is a loser is trying to hurt the other races in usa the ugly way fuck white guys that is ugly and this nigger bitch right here fuck her black skin and the white skin and try to hurt the other races the ugly way the usa belongs to the other races and its ight
and this ugly nigger bitch try to hurt the popular people like the nobody ugly guys losers and the ugly people losers that think is better then everybody but is ugly as shit and cock block popular people actors cause is ugly and jealous cause think better then everybody but is ugly like the ugly people losers and this ugly nigger bitch right here
and this ugly black bitch is mad cause shes black
and pretends shes not angry cause shes not black
but iam born not ugly black skin or pig skin or ugly skin or pig skin :P
haha later all
nigger bitch is back
iam ugly black bitch that try to hurt the popular people and think is better then everybody like the ugly guys losers that is funny looking and ugly and the ugly people losers
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More bout right
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Are we seriously going to just ignore those trips?
Thought it was tay tay
Messaged you
Bro she's a 10/10
Ikr. Praise my trips
Every thread every day
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Loving her. Interested by a tribute?
Yes please
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posting the rest I have
ok. may give insta if you or any anon nterested in dumping pics? i have no idea how to save from there kek
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indeed I do
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Bless you anon
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If you post it ill see if theres anything worth posting
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Oh shit. Checked.
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Bikini please
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See >>690800239
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I think thats her
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Love her tits
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Shes perfect, youre a lucky bastard.
Any stories maybe?
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It is
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Holy shit more
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Fuck yes
Keep going!
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Dunno if you're still here but w/e. Yeah I'm done with uni stuff for this year and since I have nothing to do I just camp in front of my pc. And She hasn't gotten that much attention from /b/ros as I rarely post her social media since noone asks, and she has no idea that imgur album exists. And I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind receiving that much attention
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her profile pic for a long time, she must be oblivious, or just a slut
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Have a thing for older women
I cant imagine noone told her. Prob a slut
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Well, I don't know her all to well but I met her at a festival and really that's just about it.
Yes im still here. Is she slutty tho? Because the pics with the hotpants looked pretty slutty but she doesnt seem like one other than that
someone commented "I can see your vagina" and she deleted it, soo prob a slut
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Anyone want more?
Tbh tho if i was a girl i would be the biggest slut ever. Cant blame her
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How much do you like her anon?
shit thats so true

whats the first name of the one on the right
i have a folder of her but can't recall the name.
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I keep hearing this but in reality, would you like to be penetrated by men?
Weirdly enough I'd agree on that too...
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Any interest in her?
Shes hot
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Got any more?
damn anon. who is she? moar??
sure, go for it!
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She's a real slut. At 15 she ended up at the hospital because she drank too much alcohol, she spent the night in a basement with a lot more boys than girl drinking and smoking weed and she always makes sexual jokes.
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celia l 4.jpg
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>Dunno if you're still here but w/e. Yeah I'm done with uni stuff for this year and since I have nothing to do I just camp in front of my pc. And She hasn't gotten that much attention from /b/ros as I rarely post her social media since noone asks, and she has no idea that imgur album exists. And I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind receiving that much attention

i've seen her since her sister was posted regularly, i found her sister, then found her

personally, i think she's better than the sister by far.
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Any more?
Lesbian sluts are a thing too you know. Sexuality has not that much to do with slootyness
I'm the guy who posted them here first and I lost that photo of her ass. Thanks to you I can finally put a picture of her asd in the album
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You are now leaving facebook, but feel free to proceed
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celia l 115.jpg
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the sister
Could you share her pics on kik/email
I'd gladly tribute to her!
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Yeah I've got a bunch
Wait theyre 2 different ppl? Nooooo
Keep them coming boi
Hearing this shit always reminds of of how much of my youth i missed.
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I don't
Check earlier in the thread to there is some more.
Keep going
>her profile pic for a long time, she must be oblivious, or just a slut

>someone commented "I can see your vagina" and she deleted it, soo prob a slut

none of that is true

Adrianne Cameron
Adrianne Cameron sexy sexyyyyy
September 5, 2012 at 8:01pm

Capra Fellows
Capra Fellows izzy this is fuckin gorgeous!
September 5, 2012 at 8:11pm

Car Lee
Car Lee you and alex have matching picssss, sexy bitchess
September 5, 2012 at 8:21pm · 1

Madelon Hillegeist
Madelon Hillegeist OH MY GOD
September 5, 2012 at 9:05pm · 2

Isabella Stankovic
Isabella Stankovic OH MADDIE <3
September 5, 2012 at 9:28pm · 1

Cederick Johnson
Cederick Johnson hmm not bad at all
September 5, 2012 at 10:01pm

Shayna Hailperin
Shayna Hailperin hottie
September 5, 2012 at 10:38pm

Alex Fisher
Alex Fisher i can like
September 5, 2012 at 11:46pm

Vienna Sa
Vienna Sa Jealous
September 7, 2012 at 1:33pm

Zachary Piccolo
Zachary Piccolo Damn girl, wow ha. It's been a long time since middle school.
September 11, 2012 at 8:13am · 1
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I love her asshole
What about deleted do you not understand
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Sorry about delay, had to brb
I've been there from the start bro. Just Cant get enough of her
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The younger sister is Célia and is and her sister Alexia is um2Bl
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Much love to and her
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okay, thanks

got it
Gaud daum
Oh shit i already downloaded the album but i didnt realise theyre sisters
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Anon... please say you have her fb?
>I'm the guy who posted them here first and I lost that photo of her ass. Thanks to you I can finally put a picture of her asd in the album

i don't lose photos, in just forget the chicks' names and can't find them
Mind sharing her pics on kik?
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Names Sophie if you wanna save
getting off, but see the comment below you, her name is on that list, pretty easy to figure out
keep going
Lmao the older sister is so much uglier than her sister it's weird I don't blame you
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Thanks anon
Welp, atleast I can put a new picture in her album thanks to you
Image limit. Would continue in another thread.
Image limit I'm afraid, will post more in next thread
Yes she seems kinda like a chav. Butterfacey
if her profile is public you hit a gold mine, tons of bikini pics
Thanks anon
>What about deleted do you not understand

oh relax, fuckwit

i figured you meant she deleted the photo, not the comment

if you read what you posted, it seems more like you mean she deleted the photo

keep being a fag
I'll continue in the next thread
I am curious how you found her profile tho, I reverse googled the image and nothing came up. do you know her?
New thread anyone? Op signing off
Though the filename you can find it somehow. I dont know how tho cause facebook changed something
See >>690800239
Oh sorry deleted.
Jezzacee on insta
If it feels good who cares
Underrated post
Thanks. Can't seem to save on insta how do I? Can you dump all so I an save to my folder ?
I'm posting in the new thread, get in there
Thread replies: 261
Thread images: 150

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