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Waifu claiming thread. >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 185
Thread images: 144
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Hank Hill 14.jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Joining means a reserved place in Strickland Propane
>Most importantly, grill.

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chain gang.png
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QOTT: How do I stop thinking sexually about very young little girls (like ages 5-8)?
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Claimed the captain.
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Thanks for the medium rare grill, hank
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I've been feeling pretty happy in life in a very long time, I love you guys ^-^
Hanging yourself is a good solution.
I might beed you later

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still here


i had a few takebacks. its when someone didnt want something and they leave it up front and someone has to take it back. i got clothing
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Im here
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Get into older girls that are age of 18 or older dude
moose. apply it below chin
Think about boys instead?
>Good first post

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Find something you enjoy more.
>I can only assume that's what happened to me.
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This is what should stay off the threads.
Regardless though, I went through that phase. It's just because they're something you can't acquire. You're not actually attracted to them.
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Blair the cat claimed.
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dont listen to the moralfags and fuck them
fuck you lying scum I fucking trusted you
Stick to 2D and don't tell anyone and never admit to anything and you don't have to.
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Not quite yet, I still have my waifu.
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You're welcome.
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I see

should I be scared?

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>small money
come fix acs with me

Trying a little too hard buddy.
This community will die at some point, accept it. I've been here avatarfagging longer then you have, Ive seen the downfall and where the original avatar circlejerk thread moved to, wanna know why that died? It wasnt the erping, it wasnt off topic discussions, it was the endless wave of that one anon spamming gore/shit or the mad wave of bans/janitors and overtime people go on about their lives
>I wanna talk about mai waifu
Cant be serious, go to /a/ they have a weekly thread if you REALLY need to talk about your waifu even tho they aint real

Sigh at least I got yuuki to have fun with, MAYBE moka if he isnt a fuck

kill yourself
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why you always so salty with everyone?
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Depends on if yuno keeps cheating on me

And do you have to take it back or does someone takes it ?
Was that clothing cute thighs?
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holy fuck that's lewd.png
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Hey man I'm fine with it, no worries.
That's lewd.
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Heyo smug, what did i miss tonight?
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Do not speak to me, dreg.
Cause Aizawa is a biiiiitch. Could only assume people who waifu her are the same type of people. She is cute tho. A cute bitch.
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That's not what a moralfag is Esdeath.
You fix acs? I'm licensed to work with them but never had a job doing so!
>Another time in a private setting, maybe.

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I'd be willing to try a few things, if you wanted me too

Most spider venom is weaker than wasp venom, unless you are allergic, it would do much

In or on? That would be a very important distinction
Begin to think of boys that age
Damn dude... I understand when people say they find 14 year olds attractive but... fucking 5 year olds?
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if 2D continue
if 3D gif related
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Mumei claimed.
>Turns out helping someone with a keurig is just a pick up line these days.
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Surprised smug.jpg
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Uh No! B-bad!

Yuno is a confused lost soul who said he doesn't want to be shipped yet enjoys it~

The usual: nothing

Mugi... What are you doing to my guitar?
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Depends how cute they are.
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Gay shit, tons of it

Huh, welcome back
Going to stop and take a nap in a second
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I dislike him but I like him too. Guilty pleasure.

>"that type of people"
Topkek. Ah the slang and speech patterns never get old. Have to remember to drop it when going shopping or anywhere in public. Hand gestures? Lel, we have those?

Haha, there you go.

Ayyy Mugen, what's good?

>Best idol claimed
gif related sorry
i take it back. i may have noticed some things
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Not the sweet Aussie redman? Or Fat Cabbage?
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You're a fucking freak and you need to stop breathing my air immediately.
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>fix ac
I would rather kill myself then work on the hot ass part of ac
Also stop cheating on me
Hes fucking throwing it all around town
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but why though.png
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They way the threads have been the past few days id figure something interesting would be happening

Thats the answer i was expecting fran, how gay are we talking?
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Sounds like a fun time indeed.
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> claimed, nigga

Oh that is bad if you have to take it back, I tend not to leave stuff like that , I'd rather purchase it unless damaged .
And that is nice , can't you buy 'em yourself while working alone? I'd love to see you wearing them . I really do.
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Haha it was just an awkward encounter with someone I really didn't want to talk to but it was like a weird break the ice type deal.
Sup Maki looking good ;)
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Try to read it all this time, yeah?
You didn't even read anything I said. I said the constant erping will make new anons copy you, and the thread just becomes full ERP. You can avatarfag as long as you want, it doesn't change this fact.
I don't wanna talk about "mai waifu". I literally didn't say this. I said that that's what this thread USED to be about. But because people stopped talking about it, it changed into what it is now. It's an example. If people stop talking about general discussion stuff and their day and lives, the thread will change from that.
/a/'s weekly thread is autistic. And again, I don't wanna talk about "Mai Waifu". I just want to have chats with people without this turning into a 90% porn and erp thread.
Also I don't know how often you post here, but there's STILL anons spamming gore and cancer and there's STILL banwaves. Yet people keep talking, and they community stays alive.
You don't have to kill this entire community just because you're not bothered to move your RP to discord or telegram.
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why whats your beef with everyone are you RPing?

what is moralfag am stupid
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I mean Shiro is also underage, I don't see the big deal :p
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Nothing fam :^)
Hol up I need to nut real quick be back
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Hank Hill 19.jpg
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Damn hippies.
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You don't own the air Barry, and we're all freaks in our own ways.
They're still way younger then me.
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Incredibly. Mainly about masturbation

Woot! Maybe tomorrow night

Sounds horrifying

Night for now
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Claiming my daddy
Damn old men. Tohsaka Rin could do you a favor or two. For money.
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its nice to get away from all the people i think. mostly stuff that ends up not being on sale or something like that. i cant while i work unless im on break and i dont have money because i havent been paid and i wont buy anything from my work
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shut the fuck up cheater
I wanted to be the only one...
Also, look up Dorohedoro

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Ohayo Happy 1.png
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post cat
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I'd post more I'm sorry but...

What precisely the fuck is that?
how long does it take you to sleep kagami? :(
Moralfag is someone who rats out an anon or a thread because "it's the right thing to do"
Like if their is a thread about trolling someone on facebook, a moral fag would warn that person.
>Still need WiFi
It may be a while.

Sci fi / speculative fiction for books
Mainly hard rock / symphonic metal, though if its amazing Ill listen to any music.
True. Thats why I described the funnel web the way I did.
Grow out of it, or if you're over 25, apply noose.

Rory-sama claimed
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You know Gasai (14).gif
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Yeah, been doing ac repair with my pops since highschool, I learned from him during summer breaks

He was fun during the F@G era but thats come and gone

>I would rather kill myself than to actually have a chance to work and chill with my shipmate
This is why I cheat
>hot ass part of ac
You know nothing of hot my boy.

>one person = new wave of generation
*golf claps*
>kill this entire community
What happen do that filtering you mothafuckers were threading to use? Quite frankly its so hard to close your eyes and scroll down
Two people erp is 90%? smh this is hardly a "community" at all then.
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Night dude see you tomorrow maybe?
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Yes I do. And there's a difference between being a freak and being fucking actual pedophile scum. Loli is one thing because fictional characters, but actual pedophiles need to be gassed or at the very least seek immediate psychiatric help.
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Take it off.jpg
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It doesn't. Don't it?
>old as fuck "ain't that bouta bitch?"
I sometimes catch myself doing the pistol hand thing with index and middle as the barrel and the thumb as the hammer or what ever it's called with some extra shit when telling a story

Yeah boi!

He isn't yandere. We all know hes as big as a tsun as dio here

Besides what fran said? Nothing but atm, it seems the liking for 5-8 year Olds is the topic

You enjoy teasing me. Don't you Galky?

What if someone takes something and you get the blame? I understand I can wait anyways and I hope you love them as I do

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read >>690518758
Can't exactly be considered a pedophile.
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You wouldnt even try and find me at a-kon
I even posted from there
And i like being a manger
Our ship might sink
not kagami but thanks for letting me know who you cheated me with
Start thinking about even younger girls.
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get me out.png
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Ive been spotted by the best

The whole thread? Whats there to even talk about for jerking it?

Well, i guess thats a thing then. Not the direction id hoped for when i say interesting but it is what it is
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Hank Hill 2.jpg
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Beer in a can.

what do you mean? im not sure im willing to give it a go
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Ohayo Confused 1.png
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Still not getting the point? It doesn't matter what I think of it. I personally don't care about the ERP. Seriously you can ERP as much as you want. Mizore and Makoto do it. But they keep it down low and in between discussion.
It's not two people that is 90%. I am saying that because of you, any new people that come to join the thread will copy what you do in order to get replies.
They'll erp and erp until that's all there is in thread, and the original point is gone. I never filter posts. And even if I did it wouldn't change the fact that you would be giving new people (You)'s.
Again, ERP as much as you want, I am not a moralfag. But just don't do it so often in thread where new people can see and copy. ERPing will attract other ERP's until it becomes 90% of thread.

Do you understand? Or should I repeat my point for the fourth time?

ERP as much as you want out of sight of new people. Otherwise this thread will turn into an ERP thread.
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You know Gasai (16).png
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Oh fucking kill yourself, you're at the very least a teenage who is sexually attracted to near toddler aged girls. Either seek psychiatric aid, or end it, those are your options.
ashley I'm sorry...
Hank drinks canned Alamo all the time. Nice try.


Canned bread.

My favorite.

About what? the items? or tights?
not it ...asshole
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who called the waaambulance
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How flattering~

I don't think we've spoken before Mumei, nice to meet you. How are you?

Karen, keeping it real as always.

Wasn't knowledgeable of him during that time.

>As fuck
Not gonna lie, that and "head-ass boy" are pretty common for me. Uh not familiar with that one lel. Do you do the "Boi" hand gesture a lot?

I'd recognize your greatness anywhere.
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You know Gasai (174).png
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Dont care yet you trying this hard on this apparent new people and turning to erp thread

k whatever, thread looks the EXACT fucking same to me, I see nobody else doing what Im doing
No lewd AzuNyans, please.

She's so pure.
Wth this cat just walked into my apartment I think I'll keep it guys :3
>damn might go to bed here soon.
still doing voice recording ?
File: Hehe~.gif (2 MB, 500x501) Image search: [Google]
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In tsun, I am~

And this is why you're my big sis~

Tell your shipmate to stop being so horny!

"/Waifu/" welcome to the thread
I've returned.
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doggo shiro.jpg
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>implying i don't have a psychiatrist already
>implying psychiatrists are of any actual use
nevermind and im willing to try it im sorry that was confusing
>Dat filename
I feel insulted

I do not ERP! I do some teasing but that's as far as I take it in threads.
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Keep the kitty, snuggle the kitty, give it food and love.
>3D friends
I didnt realize i was shipped with a casual
Just please sink this ship
I cant take the constant betrayal
Maybe. I'm not in the best mood today...
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i have no idea what happen i stole her pic some how
Then don't ask a fucking thread on 4chan about what to do in regards to you being mentally damaged.
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You know Gasai (191).jpg
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I guess you werent a halo player at the time, its widely known in the halo community

Gonna wipe that smug of your face you piece of shit.. just you wait.. when we do that dodgeball..
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Do not apologize , please. And that makes me happy and I hope you'll be happy doing so
whats wrong ?
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Hank Hill 20.jpg
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You didn't watch the episode where they had beer mugs. When they want back to cans he referred to them as "barbaric". Nice try. What's canned bread like.
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You know Gasai (199).png
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I miss being with hotaru..
Kill yaself my man
Don't know. Feel like shit. Not really a reason. I just feel down. All I really want to do is post here and play Arma but people keep bugging me...
The Edgelord Rises.
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Here for the remainder of the thread because fuck sleep
Canned bread? It's beer, bro.

Still tho, nothing wrong with canned beer. I prefer bottles, but cans are fine.
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Neutral Karen 21.jpg
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Yuno, please understand dude. I do greet new people. Someone could be suicidal, someone could be in deep shit. They might come here for help. This is what I want to do, to help them out.

People stopped erping with you because they understood the problems that arose with it. Mizore, Makoto and the others stop when I ask them to because we're on the same level of respect and friendship.
That's all I ask, keep it on the down low when I ask you to. Like everyone else does.
Did you see how easy it was for the fake megumin to slip in and shit up the thread? That's what happens.

I'm a huge perv myself. I just keep it out of threads. I'm not against ERP at all.

Its light ERP, and it's pretty cute
Teasing is perfectly 100% fine
Erp is fine
All of it is fine, but just keeping it out of sight is what I respect you for.

I know we never talk but thank you for the support. Same as the split thread incident.
Love you maki
how many have you had ? I hope no one breaks you like you do I really do
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images (10).jpg
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So you started Space War 1
is it someone or something ?
There is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia.
well if i make a mistake i will apologize and yeah me as well
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Hank Hill 17.png
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I don't drink beer as often as Hank does. Only for true relaxation. Thought you genuinely meant canned bread, was confused. Bottles psyche me out due to me not being able to see the amount. I prefer a glass or a mug.
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Cheers me up honestly
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666x10^10% M A D.jpg
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Does Green texting make your attention seeking behavior more or less edgy i cant tell.
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i hope psychiatrist help mines been helping so far also pretty sure he is just a shitposter dont talk to him
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Nice feet!.png
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Head-ass,built-ass, faced-ass, and so on as well. Yeah only when I'm correcting someone. Would say "boi", rub my hands a bit and lay down the facts

Hop out onto an emergency boat!

You can try. Someone hit my head so hard once, it bled and I still kept a smile ',:) hey Where's the closest sky zone to you again?
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I went for the thickest sauce, its too late now

Always glad to be here smug. It could always be worse

That was not a mistake at all, god dam you are just too cute but please don't apologize for silly stuff
I'm glad I got home soon.
>Still alive.
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>Muh "girls are suddenly able to consent at my governments randomly picked age"
Nope. Just making a DBZ abridged reference. Don't even think they say cunt. But isn't cunt Strayan for friend, or bro, or something?
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Bottles are best but my beer comes in 16oz for fairly cheap
This ship has sank
Me and yuno are no more make it official
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Sanae claimed.

What the fug is going on?
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Sup maki i was playing Overwatch My group sucked tonight how you doing? this is initiialy
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You Win Some, You Win Some More.jpg
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>Claimed Superior Winning Waifu

Yikes, we're venturing into the daaaaanger zooone. I ain't gonna lecture you, because I don't think I'll change anything.
One, regardless of the morality of the situation, as long as you don't act on it, you're in the clear.
Two, maybe just find something else you enjoy better?
>I don't know man I've never been in this situation, my dude

I honestly audibly laugh everytime one of these faces comes up in the manga. I think it's funny as shit, for some reason.

On a note relevant to that picture I ate alligator today. I usually don't eat a whole bunch of meat but it was top-tier shit, man.
I've heard that song about 10 trillion times, done live covers of it, and can play it on 3 different instruments.

Thanks anyway :3
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Chibi Karen 15.png
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Read above, welcome back.
I really don't want you to get the wrong idea about me as this discussion goes on, please just be aware of what happened.
Not really. I feel weird. I don't want to be lonely but I want to be alone.

That make sense?
I like to pour up every now and then. I usually measure my beer by weight, not liquid level.
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Hey Shira also holy fuck I love the picture you posted SO MUCH.
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I seem to have propelled this thread into a baited shitstorm.
How are you today winner?
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I've heard it just as much honestly
Still cheers me up though
yes it does but at least you have a gf to express that I'm jelly as fuck
Shiro is a dirty white cis male who literally raped 6000000+ 5 year old girls
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whys that?
hi friend
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I'm pretty good rn wondering if I should nod off here soon or later because I have to move tomorrow.
Sup Mug.
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why are we shitting on shiro?
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hey friend
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I've give it a listen. I've been wanting to listen to Nirvana soon anyway.

I feel like she hates me sometimes, honestly.

Sorry, I'm trying not to be a buzzkill. Too bad that's what Azusa does best.

Because I got to talk to you before I got too drunk to use the internet
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hello to you as well. how goes it
I've gotten far enough into this thread to the point were I just don't give a fuck anymore.
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