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Waifu claiming thread. rattle edition >Claim your Waifu/Husbando

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 179
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
rattle edition

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Most importantly, rattle rattle!
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kagami claimed!!
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I made it home without crashing! Yay me!
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Chara still here
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>but that's pretty gay (by Chara)

then how about you face your problems and stop crying about it?

the rain, I guess
it's relaxing
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Chino claimed


There you go! Im gonna be finishing up possibly Twilight Princess and The Last of Us. Not enough coffee in me yet to play tho
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Dio Ohayou on it's way
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>claiming yume
Yay for not dying!

Rory-sama claimed
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Shiro claimed.

>But isn't that also called "major depression"?
No, depression is when you let that weight you down.
Reach the point where your reaction to everything in the world be it good or evil is pic related.
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rain is pretty calming, but i hate when im caught in it lol
im glad you're having a nice day though, chen!!!
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Hoping the tire air machine is working by the time I wake up today. Was gunna check my pressure last night, but it was busted.
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I want breakfast! So lazy tho. Whats everyone's plans for today?
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>Implying I don't do that

That's like saying face the problem of your little brother making a tantrum.
What do you wanna do? Slap him? He now cries.
Tell him to stop? I'm sure he will listen.

That's kinda the same thing, my parents are throwing a tantrum and since I live there I can't do anything about it but accept it.


Huh... alright, I#ll try to reach it. I'll become Bud- err Saitama
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well it's sunday, so ill probably clean up a little bit lol
what about you anon???
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Well hopefully it works then. No stopping at a gas station to use theirs?
Yeah, thats pretty much most of my reactions.
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how is your day, how do you feel?
and yeah, i prefer to stay and watch it too

then if you are so stressed about it, go and lift or something.

>he now cries
he'll stop sooner or later
you just ignore him

i mean, you were having a pretty nice attitude with me when i was being a jerk, but you're struggling in taking real life decisions?
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Im just lookin for pics of chino. I just discovered her last night. Gonna play Vidya and probably clean the kitchen at least. I cook a lot at home so dishes yo. Oh and then overwatch fo sho. Me and Maki dominated last night with my group;
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Pass out. Maybe if I wake up due to heat, I'll go by my grandpas and give him and my dad a happy Father's Day as well as check on my bike that should be in my driveway.
Otherwise, if I don't wake up, sleep time I go to work.

Thanks Chara.

That was at a gas station. It's the one I like using because it's the kind that you put in the psi you want, and it'll go until it reaches it exactly. I can use manual stick kinds, but this one is a bit more accurate.
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im doing awesome lol, the best i've felt in years!!
do you guys get thunderstorms wherever you live??
sounds like a good day!! are you new around waifu??
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air conditioning bro.
Easier to reply here.

You have time to think about every word, you can last second stop your post.

The real world is immediate. In reward and consequences.

Plus, there is no physical contact.
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Captain Ginyu Claimed.
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Good for you!
Maybe they are all just hungry though. Everyone is grumpy when hungry.

Makes it easier, doesn't it?
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Newer. I usualy claim lucy. Im tired of her maybe shes not for me anymore. Plus shes hard to find good art of. I just started watching this new show and really like chino. Infatuation maybe will see
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I've tried. As you can see, it doesn't work very well.
Whore. You deserve neither.

Haremfags >>>/trash/
yes, I saw so many yesterday


but you have a personality, right?
i mean, yeah, face to face is another story, but still.
the way you think should be the same.
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Yeah, that's right, you can ignore your brother, but your parents?

It's something else entirely when you can simply walk away from the screen or when you have people chasing you and not give you space or privacy.

That explains... well, it does explain it, after lunch the yelling went down a bit
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Those air pumps are pretty standard over here.
As for heat, I tend to generate a fair bit while in bed, strangely. Must be the humidity from the rain.
Top tier husbando claim.
Only extremes get to me, and yeah, it really does. Though cute things my niece does are still eorthy of reactions.
>she watched a cartoon animal die and said sorry during the following silence

But some people have different personalities online than offline.
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i love thunderstorms a lot, it's fun to watch them before they get on top of you!!
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>switching waifus
another one for the discount bucket
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why tho.....
Pretty sure that one is Mio

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It is Mio, it's like a trigger to call me Azusa
Give a man a mask...
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Some people have distinct personalities while speaking in different languages.
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She was my starter waifu. She knew it wouldnt work out. Plus eventually she would kill me
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>um hello edition
Miho claimed
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chen what.jpg
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i mean, for me at least is the same, i'm the same in real life as im everywhere.

find someone
find a stable job

move with him her and break any relationship with your parents if they stress you so much
you can just walk away, or you can just try to exaplain that they are annoying.

but is lame.

having other personality for some kind of people, like when you're going to job, even if you are a moron, you need to act mature and serious, that's understandable.

when i was little i always tried to take a picture of them but i wasn't fast enough

but some people don't really care about that.
i hate fake people in real life, so fucking much.
when they are trying to be all friendly with someone that they just gossiped some seconds ago

or those passive agressive faggots, holy shit i hate that attitude.
Miho is phonetically Spanish for "little boy"
It's the world we live in

Everyone lies. Everyone is selfish. Everyone pees in the shower.

Grit your teeth.
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i don't even.....
they use it a lot lol
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nice pic
>Everyone pees in the shower.
I love the way Tomoko writes.
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Sup clarinet
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One of the few foot fags in these threads.

You calm down after your little feels meltdown?

Remember there is a community here too, and there are members willing to at least listen.
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>find someone
eeh, okay, I'll have to do that
>find a stable job
got one since friday... first workday is next saturday

>Move out
That's the plan.
Counselors told me that would be the best course of action and now I finally have a job to make it come true
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ayyy yo wasup Esdeath
Do yourself a favor: Do not get a roommate.

Move out on your own first. Roommates are a burden. A fucking burden.
Not much, how's it hanging? Got work today?

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ahh shit if u lived in madison i'd give you one! I just replaced two decent ones with a really good one. there in my garage. Being hot is the worst shit ever.
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Focus on the job first. Get through the probation period safely.
Whats up femdom enthusiast
It entirely depends on if you know them. Never move out with friends first. Move in with someone who has had a previous house or room.
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no shame in being a foot fag lol. and yes im reasonable me again makes me feel bi polar sometimes. also is this the tomoko i talk to regularly if not nice to meet you
I do, in 11 hours. Still need to sleep but gas buildup pain is making it impossible.

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Some people financially dont have that option. But i agree, Im finally roommate free after 10 years of shitty people.

Am I the only one who thinks we should pay rent on time?
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heyo im alright just lying around yourself?

hi thier how are you doing
Probably not, check filenames to have a better chance of differentiating us.

Good, please stay that way. Better for you and the thread.

And of course not. Feet are gorgeous and erotic. Being attracted to them is normal.
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I know what kind of world this is.
also, pissing in the sink is much better


hope you'll find your fucking peace and stop complaining.
>Am I the only one who thinks we should pay rent on time?

Wanna be roommates?

I haven't had a job for a while but I still pay rent, bills, and enjoy my vices.

Should change this Monday tho. New job hype.
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Chillin yo. watchin anime, about to bring my dogs down to visit a group of kids on a trip in the city. The've been cooped up in the dorms all week and my dogs are like therapy doges. My dog jake needs a fuckin bath tho.
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Oh yeah, I heard... I'll try to do that then

Will do. My boss seems chill enough, asked if she could drop formal speech during job interview.

You probably don't know that, but we from austria are master in 100 meter complaining
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Oh, that's the worst. Good luck getting to sleep with that. I'm out to mow the lawn.

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I feel you. I got fucked up all the time and still paid my shit. The worst is when you have a roommate who is always late and you dont even get to feel like accomplished about paying your own rent "which is hard enough" because some deadbeat decided to go to the bar all weekend and "hurr durr i only have half bro"
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Random flashes of pain from gas building in my gut. And I may pass out at any time when the pain dies down.
New job hype. If I could save money I would have you, I try to set up direct transfers from my account for rent. Living with parents because my previous job was literally just paying rent per week. Need a month or two of serious saving to get a bond together.
Well thats a good sign. Thoigh still try to keep up formals. Be respectful and all
I must find the shower easier.

Already naked, running water, a curtain, feelsgoodman.
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Boards of Canada is top tier.
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So bored.....
My landlord and I share a bank so I am able to directly deposit my rent. My roommate has the same bank too, but he is always late. I swear I've paid a month's worth of rent in late fees because of these cunts.


Still better than my roommate. He has "forgotten" to pay rent but stayed high and stacked with MtG cards. Fucking double nigger.
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i will stay this way from now on im only hurting myself when i change when i feel it coming on ill just leave

sounds like a fun time

stomach pain is the worst hope you feel better soon
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That sounds like a shit roomate. When I was living with friends, none of is were niggers, but none of us cleaned. At all. The house was constantly a mess. So as I knew it wasnt going to continue like it was, I didnt re-sign amd moved in with my brother. Easily the better decision.
I guarantee I wont. Been pretty good the last couple of days though.
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I'll have you know, I'm a licensed psychologist.

>the only thing that gets me going is my underage niece

You shouldn't have decided to be born poor then.
Good on you. Good luck and stay chill. And post more feet.

I'd rather be incredibly horny than cripplingly depressed.
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is her hair made of spaghetti??
>When I was living with friends, none of is were niggers, but none of us cleaned

Same here. I've caved and started. It's funny, I have no friends to invite over but I'm embarrassed of my living conditions.

Just fought off a roach invasion and bed bugs. These assholes still won't clean their room and complain about the bugs. Fucking idiots.
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Already did.
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OMFG Dude its like your reading a page out of my life. The MTG thing.

My brother in law's brother lived with me.

Packages showing up constantly. MTG cards. Comic books Video Games. Fuckin Pokemon. Dude has a degree worked two jobs too. Rent and Cellphone Bill time comes "yo bro can you call your mom and ask if i can pay the cell bill late" were all on a huge family plan. Like srsly dude wasnt even on drugs and was late more than druggies ive lived with because of his spending habits.

Dude im fired up now.

Ive also had roommates who had the gf they just met who starts to perma chill at my pad. Eating all the shit making messes never cleaning. Being fuckin annoying. hate that shit. Not to mention women use way too much toliet paper wtf are they doing in there.
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Trust me on that one, I will be the guy everyone likes. Kinda my thing.

Wirklich? Dann bist du jetzt mein neues Vorbild.
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same here you go
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Do it again.
Do it till your penis falls off.
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Hey i got my own place. Unless you mooch off your parents right outta high school your gonna be broke. Plus living with my Friends "sounded" amazing. In practicality it was dumb
God... Yes... So much...

As for what girls are doing the bathroom that uses all that damn TP?

They don't trust your toilet seat and make a layer of paper so their butt doesn't touch the seat. I keep my shit tickets on lock and if someone needs a roll I charge a dollar.
I want to roll for trips
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Very nice music everyone, thanks for sharing.

i hate people who complain.

but when you come from outside you need to pee, sink is better.
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>I keep my shit tickets on lock and charge a dollar if they need one
That's pretty nice!

>Shit tickets
This is too damn funny, never heard that one before

I hate people who do nothing besides complaining. Which I'm not doing, but alright, I'll try to hold back.
>come from outside you need to pee
>not just peeing outside

Chen, are you a grill?
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My wife.
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Okay, das mit der Lizenz war gelogen, aber ich glaube in Usbekistan braucht man keine.

Leeching of parents while studying is totally normal though. Why would I waste my time working?

You're right with the friends though. It's like having a study group with your friends. Nothing will be achieved and you'll end up hating each other.
>you're waifu will never gently dominate your cock with her feet

Life is suffering.
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dont have any other feet atm without other more lewd body parts in them
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>Keine Lizenz
Nope, jetzt bist du unten durch bei mir

>In Usbekistan braucht man keine
Ich bezweifle dass die überhaupt wissen was Psychologie ist.
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>Plus living with my Friends "sounded" amazing. In practicality it was dumb
How so?
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hehehe ignore the bewbs
Stop reminding me.
Usually how it goes.

Feet are erotic after all.

Guess I'll just roll for trips.
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but i don't really like to pee when my job is near my home.

ok, chara. are you feeling better?

>tfw you're a cute girl in real life
>pic related
>is my waifu.
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Ich hatte Psychologie als Nebenfach im Abi. Reicht das?
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I have a roommate horror story.

Moved in with a friend whose dad died after my lease was up at a place i was holding down by myself. I was like yus dude owns the house this is gonna be awesome. Shits fine for like 2weeks.

All of a sudden i come home from work and his mom is there and he's like "yeah dude my mom is gonna move in too shes gonna live in the basement" What the Fuck. Bitch didnt pay rent was gonna go half on cable with me. When it came time to pony up for that she was like yeah well i cant do that. Dudes juvenile delinquent brother started staying with his mom and we had like case workers always showing up to check living situation. I would bring girls home from work and smash. His mom would get super pissed and glare at me in the morning. The last straw was when i brought this girl home. I fucked her all night and she left in the morning and my roommate informed me i couldnt just bring girls over and if i do i should introduce them to him. What a fagget i moved out on the fly when nobody was home and ignored his calls.
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Dio Ohayou is done
That's 2/31

this is complete bullshit. why the fuck you are was´tin space for this shitty thread`?
I can understand that. Wouldn't want a coworker is costumer getting a free show after all.

Sorry, if it is any consolation I reminded myself too.

No. I won't. Tho I'm in camp DFC.
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Its never a waste of time to work.

Builds character, increases your social network. Makes you appreciate what you have. Gets you laid. even part time is something
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Yeah, thanks you jerk

Nee, reicht nicht. Ich hatte das auch als Freifach und hab es nie besucht.


Holy shit what faggots
I wish I could do that.

If I could get the stuff I care about out quietly I would. Sucks being on a lease.
for fun
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in English please
Because >>>/b/traps also has a thread. Probably. Go bitch at them too, Keyboard Warrior-kun
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is ok.

yeah, that's exactly what i tought
EHG get back in >>690399252
you lazy shit.
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I left a fuckin mess too. Just grabbed my bed clothes desk computer and split. Charge it to the game nigga

Srsly tho Introduce your creepy ass to a girls i bring home.

Like "dude wake up check out this girl her name is sam were about to fuck just wanted to follow the rules"
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Gotta work in an hour
he's not here you enormous faggot
get out of our thread
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hands up.jpg
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That's almost all I would grab too. But I have books and shit too, and paper gets heavy when you have sheets by the hundreds of thousands.

Post fujo feet.
get fucked niggaboo
Where you work anon?
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oh boy lol would love to invade but dont want a thread war
That feel when she will never stand over me with her foot on my face telling me im her slave.
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I'm a voluntary firefighter, today is maintenance day
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wow i thought i was the only one with femdom in my heart
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>she will never nervously press on your shaft, stuttering apologies about hurting you
>she will never stroke the head with her toes
>she will never play with your balls with her soles and heels
>she will never try to pop her big toe in your pooper

Stop it man. I'm getting depressed again.
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I got the incest porn on deck. Ready to deploy
she's almost as bad as tomoko

>she will never tell you how much of a autist you are
You not alone brother.
> you will never get a (You)
Are you barefoot at a hotel? You're a brave man.
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44 KB, 225x305
fucking kek'd
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984 KB, 800x611
i masturbated for the 4th time in the last 24 hours 30 minutes ago and feel like giving it another go help me getting it up
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43 KB, 300x300
i was just barefoot because i was staying in the
armchair, i had my slippers with me
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1 (15).jpg
52 KB, 484x324
i was barefoot just because*
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571 KB, 500x700
no dont bring the shitposters here its all good bro

makes me happy
>that device

What.. For... Purpose?

Some kind of... Scrotum Stretcher? Ball Bazooka? Teste Tugger?
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Reaction F1.png
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question mark.jpg
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what the fuck konata
who did you asked to say that?
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Reaction 404.jpg
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sounds like you were never in a penis modification thread
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face 1.jpg
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I had the tranny waifu do it
Might have been a "loli voice actor."

Threads pop up on /b/ pretty often. And yeah, they'll say just about anything that is rolled.
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793 KB, 600x789
I left at about 10 AM and came back right now at about 7 PM.

I hate funerals.

Eh, what's up?
Sure haven't been. Want to explain?
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Foot edition, post feet.
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konata nagato.jpg
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Azusa, (s)he's a nice waifu
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75 KB, 388x490
I don't have any on such short notice, I'm still organizing my anime folder by character name.
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how did she know he's a grown up man then?
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you asked him on steam or what?
File: Homura (that's my feet 2).png (779 KB, 720x960) Image search: [Google]
Homura (that's my feet 2).png
779 KB, 720x960
File: finger 1.jpg (12 KB, 218x237) Image search: [Google]
finger 1.jpg
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he was taking request :o
File: chemnnnn.png (66 KB, 420x247) Image search: [Google]
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what a boring human is he.
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The fuck?

Hmm. No girls on internet?

Can tell. Those are just triangles.
marry me
Thread replies: 179
Thread images: 151

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