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Waifu claiming thread. Don't know what edition it is edition

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 182
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.
Don't know what edition it is edition

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Most importantly, rattle rattle!
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Any of you guys doing any cool shit this summer? Might go to Hershey park tomorrow If it doesn't rain
Miho claimed
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Shiki 0284.jpg
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Best type moon claimed.
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>rattle rattle

Nausea edition
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More new art!
How are we tonight, champs?
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Homura (35).jpg
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Oh my

Best waifu.
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Akiko claimed

Lurking the drawthreads I am glad no one there actually seems stupid enough to take the shitposts seriously
Some of their drawings are actually pretty alright
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Heya Mugen
I wish I could draw. I'm getting better, at least.
Sup Mami
Im doing nothing but working this winter.
Sup Renge
Hooray for new art
Sup Syndra. Had tea yet?

Reading more about birbs. I want one eventually. Thinking big is an African Grey or a flock of friendly magpies, but Id be happy with a ringneck or a cockatoo.
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>when the pussy tries to turn down from the plan.
Fuck off, Akiko.
We already said in the discord that we will make them disappear from 4chan.
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doot doot

ay, thing looking better?

You know it

I wont know until a couple hours

what up bby girl
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Same I'm trying to scrounge up a shitload of money this summer
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I just woke up and I'm already getting ready for work, since it's coming on 9 AM here, but I'm doing fine. You?

Morning Makoto, what's up?

Why am I skele
You want a cockatiel, definitely. Super friendly, super cute.
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Kind of. Was able to get caught up 1 one bill but behind on 2 still.
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Mio Akiyama.jpg
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Great! My knee hurts but whatever, I'll be right. Contacts are drying out this time of night, though.
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Was an accident!

That's a pretty smug face.
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I adored our cockatiel. Used to let him out to stretch his wings and wander about all the time. Definitely a cute first bird.
Im about to hit a bad time of full days in the kitchen.
>2 weeks of hell
Polka dots a cute
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Oh hey, how are you?

Yo, how's it going?

Oh hello, I don't think we've spoken before have we?
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Smug life

Kind of meh. You?
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the most awkward smile.png
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You arent a skele, but you sure doot like one. You can be a skeleton if you believe

At least you have a start, its better than falling more behind. You are only gonna build up from here so i believe in the dream

Nice voice btw cuckster
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Jesus Christ good luck. I worked in a kitchen for about a year in a half. I mean it's a job but nothing's more stressful than a kitchen evironment
Is this the cringe thread?
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>the dream
Only if trump wins.
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I'm good, waiting for a train. How about you bud
Nope. I just wanted to make sure no one was stealing Mami from me, and it's lively enough to stay so what the fuck ever.

Hi, I'm not Chad.

Can confirm.
No but your post is.
A pair of cockatiels were my first birds too.

>jenny claim
Indeed indeed!
I'm enjoying my art hunting.
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I wish i was that smug.
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I tried to speak with those from the draw thread but they seem like a bunch of retards who just started attacking me for no reason.
Fuck that thread is full of idiots.
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Morning Mio, what's up?

Ah, hope it feels better soon! I've never known those contact troubles; my eyesight's always been very good.

What must one do to be a skele

Indeed, fellow sir. Join us, if you dare.
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Your cuter not being smug.
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Did someone say smug?
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Mio wink 2.gif
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Why's that? I'm okay, just chilling

Oh I see, I'm okay. I'm not up to much like usual. Are you going any where good?

Oh I see. Well how are you?

Thanks, it's pretty awesome I know
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They're cringey elitist fucks anyway. They can eat a buffet of dicks
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Kneesocks, tired but claimed
And build it tall!

Im not the queen of smug.


Just my stress
Had better days, but eh.
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Nope just had to drop off some work at class for my last day. Might be going to Hershey park tomorrow so that's pretty cool
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Trump is the only option. He will build a wall for the waifus and block out the cancer threads

1. Doot
2. Spook some human fuccbois
3. Doot again

I love that quick transition
one day its "no im to shy~" The next its "im a goddamn rockstar you better love it". I love it
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Something bad happened
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Syndra (131).jpg
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and no
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I need to get around to watching that.
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That would imply 4chan changed the rules to stop that.


>pets the kitty
yo syndra, havent talked to you in a while, how's life going for you?
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mio nurse 2.jpg
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Why are you stressed? If you want to answer that

Well at least it isn't your worst day

Oh okay. Hershey park? I've never heard of such a place, it just sounds like a park made with Hershey chocolate

Yes that's how it goes for me. I'm shy at first, then suddenly I'm amazing
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Go back to draw threads you fucking retard.
Money problems
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It's just a matter of practicing
Drawing skill increases and decreases over time if you draw a lot
It took me roughly a year before I got hands and faces right. I actually did 4 years of art school after switching from applied sciences. I enjoyed it but I missed biology and applied physics
I wouldn't call myself very good but I try improving every day. I just have this weird complex where I think nothing is ever good enough and I end up discarding most before I finish it

Oh right, weren't you initially from those threads or something?
Ok, i will. I was just passing through like i normally do.
This is definitely Akiko.
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Far from it!
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That's exactly what it is lol. Hershey, Pennsylvania. It's a theme park focused around the candy company. It's pretty cool they have a factory tour with candy at the end
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That ain't funny.
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Isn't that most art forms in a nutshell?

Ah, but stay! We'll miss you otherwise.

Yeah it is.
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you serious.png
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What up megu

True but this is trump we are talking about. If he wanted he could walk up, throw a million dollars in hiroshimas face and say "change it you nerd".

I like that, you gotta give everyone the mio special. Give em a taste of it

Fuck no, i accidently sent it to you, some anon said mugen was best waifu and that you know it was supposed to be theirs. Ive lurked in there but thats about it.
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Mio legs 1.jpg
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Oh my I see. I hope everything sorts out well for you!

Well good!

Wow I'm a genius. That sounds like a amazing place, too bad I don't like Hershey stuff. I'd probably like it more if I was American
i would but it seems like i'm not that welcome here, i'd rather just do some drawings in drawthread. I can lurk around if it's any mind to anything.
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Come at me nigga.

is ok
Its pretty good, really good!
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Syndra (145).jpg
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No cats here. Shoo
Right now, everything is going fine. Not that much to talk about.
What about you anon?
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That is true.



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I think their chocolate bars are shit to be honest but I love Reese's cups and jolly ranchers
Hi guys. Howdy ? Going to have some classes now, so maybe I won't be able to chat with ya for long
But love ya

another day for me, besides trying to get into college, everything is going fine for me.
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I'm headed off to work, I'll be back probably next thread.
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pretty much
I really should draw more. Maybe if I get good I can draw my waifu without bringing shame to my lineage
I'm shit at drawing anime style though. I have this strange personal drawstyle influenced by elements from several other styles

Well that was one hell of a misquote
The Mio special sounds like a really good meal. I'd like to eat the Mio special.

At least you have here to come and try to take your mind off it

I don't think I've ever eaten Reese's cups or jolly ranchers. I need to get some at some point and try them
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Good luck!

I can not for the life of me stand peanut butter. I like salted peanuts, though.
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Homura (144).jpg
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Damn Mami these are some fine pics.
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I like talking to you guys. Also i really dont have the money to spend going out places.
fuck off
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You thnik i do, nigga?
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Jolly ranchers are dank. Except for the grape flavor. Ew.
I kinda agree. It has to be a certain type of peanut butter
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You guys are retarded.
Stop coming into our thread with your damage control.
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Homura (41).png
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>I have this strange personal drawstyle influenced by elements from several other styles
That means it's unique, which should be really good if you improve and get it out there.

Absolute kek, poor Kyouko got cut out.
please kill yourselves
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this gonna be good.png
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Hell if they just made a tv show about trump having an old 30s or 40s cartoon money bag full of hundreds and just went around throwing it in peoples face for whatever reason id dl the season of it.

Yea i messed it up pretty bad, but oh well. I dont really have an opinion on them. Ive always had this philosophy. If it doesnt affect me, why should i care? Now that isnt for everything like world hunger and stuff but for most general things i use that mindset.

l-lewd? I meant the mio special as baiting people in and hitting them with the sexy voice and personality. You pervert mio
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mio work.jpg
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I don't like the taste of peanuts, but I eat them anyway sometimes. I don't know why

Neither do I. That's usually why I'm here.

I've never really liked grape flavoured type things. I'll have to see if I can pick some up from somewhere
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Fuck off loser
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You need to model more. But yeah things suck right now.

lol. Maybe i can get a job building the wall.

By the way, I don't know who you are but you're helping me, and is fun.
Modelling is degenerate.
Fine walk on the beach then.
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Not when you look like this~

Getting there myself. I don't know why I eat a lot of things.
I'm serious, I also said you're cool in the draw thread.
You seem smart.
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You think i'm a sloot?

Not unless you think like one.
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I never said that, you're the one thinking that. I'm thinking of some really good cake or something. That's my way of doing things, not that I get to do it often

>hugs back

Maybe you just need to find something new to eat. I used to be really picky with what I ate, but now I'll try anything. I love food
Whats wrong with walking on the beach?
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Lately I've been craving watery soup. Not sure why.
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Maybe, but trumps gonna make the mexicans pay for it and build it. Also what would you do with a lot of money? I was watching a comedian the other day and he was like "Why do people get mad when billionaires do dumb stuff?" "If i had a billion dollars id rollerblade around LA naked and jerk off on hot girls and throw money at whoever tried to stop me". Keked pretty good.

Mio you are lewd
>No u
You got me there. Real talk, are you saying that eating a mio cake wouldnt be inherently lood?
I see. sometimes it's hard to distinguish whose side who is. Thanks, your compliment serves for you as well, you seem chill.
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Shiki 0871.png
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Wow that's pretty lazy for official art.
Nothing like mass produced assets!

Trump has just been joking the entire time, right? R-right?

It's the internet, go wherever you like!

>these goddam storefronts I swear to Madoka...
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Those pics exist for all the main characters.
folder when?
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Buy my own island and start a mercenary force with a navy and bring in more money.


Cute butts
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Your mom is hawt.
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HomuMad (60).jpg
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Do all the main characters have the same exact body apart from the head?
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Your birthday suit is much cuter.

She a cunt
Thanks, anon.
You too.
Are you from draw threads?
Do you draw, or just request?
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Shocked mio 2.gif
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Don't do this. No it would be, um something

Satan. That doesn't sound very good, but oh well people like different things
No, I'm a regular here, in fact this is the only thread on /b/ that I visit. But if someone goes out of their way with their free time to samefag a few posts and try to make a war between threads I have to do something.
What about you?
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Still an edit I would expect from a 4chan thread rather than official art, that swimsuit Ryūko picture and edits spring to mind.
So you're a shitposter aswell?
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Praise be unto the shitposters
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I passed out for an hour and had the weirdest dream in a long time. Like, a very very long time. I'm not sure what to make of it other than fuck possums.
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Dead from mugi's cancer.png
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We all thought so but he is 100% with everything he sais/wants. (idk where you live so idk how much you know about the politics) that said though every single candidate is horrible. Trump may say some wild things and be the best memelord of our time, but at the end of the day he will make the us some big money, and thats what we need more than anything right now.

That was a surprising response. Id just have a giant household full of friends and family that id take care of, and whenever someone wanted to leave id give them a bunch of money and let them live their lives. Family and friendship has always been the most important thing for me since i grew up poor so it was always "At least we have each other" and "Close friends are family". So taking care of everyone i love would be the best thing to me. Now that i got the feels outta the way, would you invade placed with your navy?

>Dont do this
Its far too late for that now friend. If your waifu was a cake though, what kind would she be? I think mugen would be a regular chocolate cake.
>But if someone goes out of their way with their free time to samefag a few posts and try to make a war between threads I have to do something.

You know that's me, the person you've been speaking with, right?
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My weirdest dream was a strange mashup of the doujin I had read before sleeping and Stargate sg1.
Why is your mom a cunt?
No sir, for I am a simple potato farmer.

Dude, I'd read that.
It's never too late. I'm not sure also. I can't think of that many cake types, but something really good. I'll have to think about that
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I dont have many friends and family don't like me. I'll just build my own family and use it to save others.
Cause she is.
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She is mine. Don't lay your filthy hands on her.
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That sounds like it could be neat, actually.
>But if someone goes out of their way with their free time to samefag a few posts and try to make a war between threads I have to do something.

You know that's me,the person you've been speaking with, right?
Labyrinth will be released next week <3
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sup sluts? Hows everyone doing? Did you guys check that new Resident Evil 7 teaser out. Suppose to be an hour long. More like 15 mins imo. Also Titan Fall for PS4 whaaaaaat. What about the New Zelda? Holy shit Glad i have a fuckin WII U now. inb4 PC is better i have one too.
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The demo reminded me of SilentHill.
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slight smug.png
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Get back to me on what cake you are gonna be eating, i might want some too

We all have different experiences. The only friends i have are my best friends of 5+ years i went to highschool with. I only have them and whoever hits me up in the threads. Half of my family are druggies and jerks, its the other half thats good. If its one thing i learned growing up its that you can definitely build a family you love. That and ive learned online friendships can be way stronger than people assume, just depends on how much time and effort you put to know them.

I bought a wiiu just for smash 4 and hated my life. Now i can slightly regret it less thanks to zelda
So hype for the new Zelda (we TES now), but afraid of a delay to NX whenever that makes it's rounds.
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There's still Splatoon
Her name?
Ryuko matoi.
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I agree, But They also said that its not suppose to be what the game consists of. I srsly Didnt like 6 I mean i can Respect The CooP aspect of it. I did like 5 tho so i dunno, Def Ready for some more horror.

I Bought it thinking they would release a lot more Japenese Titles. I Dig the virutal consol I picked up like Ocarina of time for 9 bucks Kinda cash. I have Monster Hunter 3 thats pretty fun but srsly nintendo puts waaaay more into their ds and that pisses me off. Whats with every game out being a remake too.
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Mio icecream.jpg
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I won't do that. The cake is all for me
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I believe they arleady said it will be on both consols.
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My art collecting rampage is sated for now. I guess i'll rename things later. Can't be fucked right now
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Classical horror games fucking died long ago, now it's just jumpscares and shit.
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i heard, pretty hyped for that
isn't new zelda going to be on both wii u ans nx?
Now are they gonna port it forward or backwards then...

Stay fresh.
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Homura (11).jpg
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>Rattle rattle
Got a list of things im talking about so ill save it for next thread, be ready nerds

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You're a kid, but you're also in fact a squid.
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Good Question. I was just reading about it sounds cray. You dont like get hearts u have to like find food and kill animals and shit.
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