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TL;DR Gonna kill myself Buddies at my house Totally fucked my

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 29
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Gonna kill myself
Buddies at my house
Totally fucked my life up
Totall fucked up
Too dead inside to >greentext
Newfag femanon %triforce
Wanna die
Can't pay rent wanna die

How do I suicide help
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Bumping w tits
Choke to death on my dick?
Come ynrj pencil dick
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Yup, choke to death on this.
THRU* omg
If only I had rafters. I live on a 3rd floor walk up
timestamp, then we talk.

I am an expert, I have killed myself several times
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So, what actually happened, OP?
Doorknob+simple noose, dish soap on the rope as lubricant helps, use your body weight to constrict bloodflow instead of airflow, it's significantly quicker and less painful
DONT try a drop hang, shit sucks
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you devil! marry me, help me get the US visa- you will get an honest friend for life and a purpose for a while. I can save your life gurl!
Take me with you, OP. I don't have a lot of time left and I want to die on my own terms.
are these yours

Also it'll be okay, just chill out it's just rent
i got an extra room and we could work a deal on the rent
Send me your nudes first
also, travel around the world first, sucks some rich guy cocks n get moneyz, women with tits have it easy in life

Go scam people online for rent money.
I did it a couple of times when i was low on rent money.

Open a patreon and sell your nudes to people willing to pay

Tada! You've got rent!
I'm drunk as fuck guys why am I so depressed for real
Fuck you OP I'm feeling the same way. Prove that you're OP and let's talk somewhere not on 4chan. I don't WANT to kill myself if there are better options, and I KNOW there are better options but I just don't know what they are yet
Teach me senpai

What did you do to scam people? And don't even think about it, fucker, I'm not going to pay $14.99 for your book that will teach me all I need about online scamming.
Confirmed for not going to kill self
Just sleep it off man
do what this guy says
alcohol is a depressant.

just avoid taking extreme action before bed, and you'll feel shitty but not suicidal tomorrow.

if you need something to keep you occupied, post more of those tits.
>hit up guys online
>keep them going for a while
>ask for plane ticket money
>pocket money

Why can't you get a job OP?
Give me your snapchat and I'll show you how ;)
just keep your head held high things will get better if your friends fucked you over its time for new friends and you might need a fresh start OP

Advertise yourself here on 4chan

If people are desperate they will pay you

Use extra money to buy unique lingerie , which you can wear for one video then sell on eBay for more money

I can actually help you, unlike these fucks who want sex and pics

I'm not OP. I was just wondering.
Same here
My nigga
Yo listen to this anon he's on the right path

We are the true white knights, my friend

Jolly cooperation til the end
>>689692266 the thumbnail

I'm actually a femanon too

I had to do this for about a year before got a job

I pay a few girls for nudes on private shows that I found on /b/. Not crazy money but great for half an hour of working from home.

if those pictures are you, you could earn a bit that way. takes a while to trawl through the faggots to find those actually willing to pay but they're there.
Lol. It's a depressant in the sense that it depresses nerve cell response. That's why it's called a depressant - not because it makes you depressed. It actually stimulates the emotional and nostalgia regions of the brain and usually makes you happier.
How do you contact and sift through? Not OP but in similar situation.
Iv been down the same road your going down iv been down it so many times but it gets better. you need some new friends ones that are true friends not these fake ass friends now adays and you need to do things that make you happy

This is so far from the truth, but I am too tired to prove it.

You're wrong, nigger. Stahp it.

Good night.
Sure what up lets do it
Just sad to see when my life is perfect.
Me 100%

And I am a girl who has went through this exact situation.

I am a very caring person, and I want this lady to live.
When I eventually do I hope you feel bad. You got a bad attitude
I have 3 jobs.
>satanic trips
Try with request on internet for money, you have a good ass btw.
usually an anonymous kik or throwaway email for first contact. just making contact filters out most of the faggots.

The sifting is trickier. You need to check that they're actually willing to pay and they need to check you're real. In the past I've managed to convince the girls to take the first step, but I'd recommend either:
-send them a couple of saucy intro pics and then say they need to pay like $5 for more
-get on cam in neglige, no face - then show more after an initial deposit.

you're going to get some fucks, but one good customer can make you a lot of cash. it's worth being a little generous at first if you think they're legit.

Oh, and if you're into fetishes you can probably get reliable clientèle. Finding a girl who'll moan for daddy when she comes and enjoys it is harder than finding one who'll get naked.
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Drop me a Kik message and I'll try to help out some time

Inb4 everyone adds me
Lol idc
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It's fine. Just numb yourself with drugs and media like all the other adults.
Poor enough to consider.


Because I'm a humanitarian

All "innocent" human life is worth sparing

You seem like a nice person
Life can turn around
You are in a rough spot right now
But you can make it out
I believe in you
How to help ?
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Thanks for the advice.
If i had money i would pay you to record yourself fingering until cum.
Appreciated even if I dont deserve it
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>not posting timestamp with tits
Obviosly fake

Plenty of us fems don't want to disgrace ourselves
Just like you guys don't like showing your tiny ass dicks
>hahaha rules of the internet
>I'll show her what she did wrong
>hahahaha got her
>please show tits I have no gf :'(
my pleasure. if you need more specific advice, just send a contact method through to [email protected]
Can be ur lucky day.
Timestamp needed
id let her stay at my house till she gets on her feet but it would most likely be in a different state. But no one should ever be made so depressed that they want to take their life.
>tiny ass dicks
how is a time stamp a disgrace
Plus we don't wanna see them>>689695421

You time stamp with your dick first, then I'll give my tits
How's that sound?

Also, if I do this, at least half of you guys have to give money to OP
you make a good point i have no argument at all towards that. Your the type of fems that im attracted to. have to love a strong minded and empowered fems
I'll post full nudes to anyone who sends money to my snapchat
I used to feel that way until I became miserable and on Effexor /life

Sounds like a good idea.

Too bad I need all of my money to stay afloat, or I would give you some without the need for your nudes
Why would you want money if you're killing yourself?

They wanted to die because they couldn't pay rent

We are helping them pay rent

I wish I had that self control. Respect
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I wish there was timestamp, everything would be easier.
i used to be miserable for years but i finally found something that made me happy. i found that gaming and riding dirt bikes was a good way for me to release my anger and frustrations with the world around me. and iv been trying to think positive even on the worst events that happen in my life
Wanna die bc I can't afford my life even with 3 jobs and a decent family and good friends. If I had money I wouldn't wanna die so badly
I'll send you 40 bucks if you give us a high resolution face pic


Stay safe poorfem, wisefem will be here to guide you
shitty timestamp, and..probably female?

depending on what you look like I'll trade rent money for nudes. How much do you need to earn?
I hope some whiteknight gives you money for nudes

obvious bait
if you lived around my area id offer you to stay at my house till you got on your feet all id want from you is maybe like 100 in rents that would cover wifi water electricity gas an food
You from the future?
Post the money goal femanon.
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Time zones and badly timed clocks friendo
Haha what a faggot
Need $1000 yesterday
this seems like the perfect time for a short lecture about timezones
Do it anon.
he forgot to add 'and timestamp'. snapchat screenshot could be anyone.

Just be a cam whore, its good fucking money from what I've heard.


960$ left to go
Nice trips. Die while risking your life on something long term. Go to the amazon.
Cause the 55th minute of the hour isn't for 20 minutes, please go on
you could do that or say fuck it and get pissed and get things done already to show all the fucking bitches that thought you were shit how much a bag of cucks they are; let them die of jealousy, get help from anyone you know to start and then just start investing, easy as fuck u pussy
>Go scam people online for rent money.
what do you think they're doing here?
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fuck, $1000? that's a fair bit of camwhoring.
like I'll pay you $20 to cum on cam but $1000 is a bit out of my weekly camgirl budget
death is rent-free and begging and scamming aren't necessary, have some dignity
I need 1k
I'd love to but it's late, what's your snapchat
Do you know where you are? Why do you have a shirt on?
this checks out.

you actually up for sexual acts for cash? that's a body I wouldn't mind seeing naked.

I'm keeping track
I am wisefem not poorfem

She says she needs 1000$ for rent
She should be getting 40$ for her face

Not 1000$ from one person
Maybe 20 or 30 from one person at a time
Nice job. I'll add on another 40 if you take the same pic but with your tits out
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I have a year lease
Kek kys then, that doesn't make she a bad person.
U have my same blanket
do a flip cunt
Trip 666 it's a sign
As long as there is retarded teenagers, you can pretend to be a 4/10 chick and scam them out of money, good show op
Already posted
Damn that's shitty but keep your head up things will get better for your and if it counts i think you got a really nice figure
Already posted my tits

OP is 7/10 poorfem
I am wisefem
Stop trolling and maybe pay for nudes
if you're a wisefem you should know that somebody offering to give money on /b/ is worth shit.

I wonder if anybody has made a camgirl escrow service before. Wouldn't be too hard to set up, and would help with exactly this problem.
Sending it how?
To your snapchat

I am keeping track to show her how much she could be getting right now, and how much people should owe her

I am not forcing people to pay

I am not a stupid bimbo
It's probably right. This is the most desperate I've ever been so I prolly should an hero
My bought it for me before she disowned me
But not with timestamp.

Stop pussy footing around. You obviously know how /b/ works.

Now follow the fucking rules else /b/ wont help u
Nope maybe 5 or 6/10
And pay for nudes? What am I some fucking retarded horse?
then don't keep track of things like '$40 for a face pic'.
Include the $20 for cumming on cam though. Legit offer, probably 10-20 minutes worth of cam time
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Holy fuck you're in trouble.
I can't do anything to help you but i hope you can solve it.
Posted already
But ok again


You? No.
Some stupid son of a bitch who is desperate?


Yeah sure

I actually have to go to work right now, so-

Bye poorfem!
I hope to see you playing with your breasts here on 4chan when I get back
-wisefem out
My mother* ugh sorry drunk
Conspire with the guy in the other thread looking into hypnotizing himself to do it.
godspeed wisefem, and good luck with your endeavours.
And hearts
Percent triforce
Snap me: Lal_666
Thx anon bro fam
Atleast if you do camwhoring you don't need to suck gross dick or shit like that.

true, but I'd pay a whole lot more to have my dick sucked.

I don't have a Snapchat
Oh well

Bye for real this time
How much? (im not op)
Stay kool
It'd be around $150 USD, but I'm not in the US.

I know it's a stupid distinction but I pay that much if I know they're not a whore and are only doing it because they need the money. would never answer an ad on craigslist or go to a brothel but I have paid female friends to suck my dick when they couldn't make rent money.

I also have to go, good luck with your plans for dicksucking.
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Op how many time you have?
Also bump
Make ur own poorfem thread
I fucking knew that, that's your fetish.
I lactate all the time pleb
Yo white knight savior of poorfems, I will travel to you.

Me: be alcoholic that sucks dick
You: pay
I wouldn't mind sending you some money if you posted some decent nudes
Snapchat? Idk how money works on it tho yet
This is hot
Public or just for you?
Posted here
Now that trerapedious!
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actually 4chan its filled with our cocks, small and big, we dont care about disgrace. now show your fat tits. with a timestamp.
This is a bad idea.
kik swededream
I'm a disgrace and i don't have standards.
send me a mail to [email protected]
I'm not a nigger I doant have kick or welfare. I'm just poor.
Can't type

>Reasons to an hero
Barely 3/100

>an heroing
I would never physically touch another human being for money except for weekly neck massages (one of my jobs)
$100 on your paypal account if you take a picture of you fingering your asshole
Will send video on snap bc my PayPal is set up to a bank account I over drafted
My last reply lal_666>>689702691
We help with the over draft
OP have you considered a patreon for showing yourself when you want and how you want?
It will go to the $200 collections for over drafting $12 for a cab ride home
I've considered everything, hence 4chins
even private shows on webcam?

you could set up an account and then regularly post your session on /b/ and ask for money for any request

don't underestimate yourself, anon
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OP is a faggot. Next dubs decides what do next.
What's the best site to do so?
I know a couple camwhores 8-9/10 who make zilch
If dubs will require $800 from you
What city do you live in? You can come stay in my extra room if we're close by.
Rochester NY
I'm not too far but I noticed you have marlboros and a cig in your hand and cigarettes are fucking disgusting.
Rolling. A vid of you finger blasting urself
Whoah, no way, me too anon
Tits with face
do a quick search on google and browse the results when people are giving feedback about each website
I know
masturbation with a hairbrush on vid uploaded here
Cool wanna hang
Jesus Christ pull it together you pathetic fuck. Whatever you're going through youre gunna look back on it in a few years and be like "I can't believe I was gunna kill myself over that trivial bullshit.
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I thought that 10 years ago qt
Tits and face please :)
I'm poor help me with that and you got it
I can't believe there are people pathetic enough to give money to a "girl" that they don't even know. Jesus Christ.
Best comment kek.
If i had money and were good looking, i'd pay to bang you.
Why would I pay before you delivered?
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No one else notice these trips? Damn girl, the devil wants your soul, who the fuck are you to deny him?
All kidding aside, fuck you, you're lying, everyone this girl is fine, I didn't even read the whole thread to know that. Stop wasting your fucking time.
I'm not going to tell you to kill yourself because that's something I don't lower myself to. However I will congratulate you on fooling numerous anonymous posters on a singaporean thread weaving signboard.


Score would have been higher if you had no tits to bribe these sad fucks with.
If I were good looking I wouldn't be suicidal bro
But anon i enjoy being a shameful disgrace, i would pay this girl to degrade me.
Assuming the pics posted in this thread are actually you, then you're pretty cute and you could easily find some dude to pay for your way through life.

If not, or if you don't feel at peace with taking advantage at someone...go to home depot, buy some rope, learn to tie a noose and then hang yourself.
I tried to kill myself two months ago, my buddy caught me in time to stop me. He's here now to make sure I don't try again. I'm a bad egg guys. 666 trips the dev awaits
What about chaturbate?
I'm not a Boy Scout or I would just build a fire and put my face out with it

Consider voluntary sterilization. Do that first, and I don't even care if you cater to this charlatan. We just don't need your genetic makeup that led you to be this kind of fetishist polluting the general genepool.

I should start a fucking charity organization for attempting to rehabilitate broken fucks that enjoy this. That is not worth the effort by a long shot though. Someone else do it?
If it's any consolation I'm incapable of getting pregnant so his weirdo genes may carry on, but my manic depressive ones won't

Also on Depo shot just in case bc fuck childs
You made me feel bad.
Seriosly i'm this bad?

At this point, yes. But no worries, rehabilitation IS possible. But you have to want to commit to it, and you have to do it yourself. No more fetish shit. Fap (if you must) to regular, attractive females (or males) whatever your taste, just don't allow this (and trust me, I hate this buzzword but its a practical application here) degeneracy to use you as an agent and asset to further its existence. Which, like it or not, you're doing.

This coming from someone who clawed their way out of a degradation fetish thing. Now I'm left wondering what the ever living fuck was wrong with me. Stay away from that kind of media, and your sanity and sanctity will return.

Best advice I can give.
You seem ok to me, just weird. but I'm suicidal over money so I bet you're winning the "adaptable to society, kinda" award here
Femanons don't sell your bodies.
That might be true for some femanons. Except that OP has posted three nude pics. So why not include a timestamp so we know she's real and not just getting pics online?
Respect. I hope to someday meet someone like you once I have my shut together.

Solid advice.

I have no real vested interest in our genepool. I know how fucked it is. I just try and make small differences where I can. Its good that you can't get pregnant, because clearly you aren't in a state of mind to handle it. I've had a rough fucking life and I've pulled myself out of every pitfall. Can't say I would have been able to with the added pressures of a fucking child I'm responsible for to boot.
God tier post. Too bad this thread is full of White Knights.
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Time stamp ok I'll gtfo anyway tho cause no tits again
This is retarded. There's nothing wrong with a fetish as long as it doesn't harm anyone. People said these exact things about homosexuality/interracial relationships
instead of fetishising your suicidal ideation on 4chan why not do us all a favour and fucking do it

Thanks. I appreciate the recognition. I'm a bit of a recluse. I've pissed of extremely wealthy people. I'm basically marked for death, even with so much potential and so much I could offer the world.
So I try and make differences where I can. Believe me, you CAN get your shit together, trick is, don't give up.
It's too late for me. I was already disowned by my family and hope for the future for me entails taking on a very stacked war, with just one person on my side able to make a difference, and that person has no idea that the rest of the family has disowned me, because they haven't told him and are actively lying about it.

Those who cannot do, teach.
I'm so thankful every day of my life I can't have a child. I once got pregnant on Christmas and my dr said I had to have an abortion or it would suffocate halfway through the term bc my Fallopian tubes are twisted and my uterus is tipped. Little did she know I would've aborted anyway. It was a Christmas miracle tho lmao
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You wanna kill yourself? Fine. But you may as well do something useful whilst doing it. Go buy a gun or machete and travel to the local mosque and kill as many mudslimes as you can. Go down in a blaze of glory, fighting for the continuation of western civilization.

The media will demonize you, but people who know the truth will laud you. Islam is a threat to all of civilized society.
Tell me the easiest way how. I have a script of klonopin and Effexor, some alcohol, cleaning products, and kitchen knives. Teach me master
girl wtf you don't know how to cash in your cooter?! And you're hwp and fit, decent face....

'm a hamplanet, and have scored serious stacks on various sugar daddies into fatties. A few feeder fat fetish freaks buy my groceries and take out. All for just titty play really and they ate me out, I only rarely just give a bj but that is it.

It is what it is girl, you've got an atm between your legs.
i appreciate anon, maybe because i'm a angsty teenager that have been frienzoned many times, i'm cringy as fuck anon, sometimes i wonder is suicide is a good idea.
Start working as a stripper. You'll never be poor again.

As much as I hate to celebrate the death of an unborn soul, this was decidedly for the best. Do what you think you can handle, and don't do things that will land you in situations that you CAN'T handle.
I want to fug u I know you will feel better
Nice devil trips btw
Maybe stop smoking and save the money you spend on cigs
OP, change your name to poorfem so we know it's you.
op show pussy !
Show ass
Half my family despises me, the other half only likes me bc I'm funny. I'm as together as I'll ever be. I have 3 jobs, my own 1 bedroom apartment, and my idiot cats. But I'm manic depressive as fuck and the manic me keeps ruining it for the normal me, which causes the severely depressed me. I'm out of options on how to help me, I'm glad you found a way tho for real.
maybe you need double penetration.

Dude, I'm this guy >>689705842

The other one you quoted wasn't me. If you're an angsty teenager, the best advice I can give you is that your brain is a mess of chemicals and it will mature into a rational mind if you cultivate it that way. We are all responsible for our own actions. Suicide, especially in your case, is reprehensible. Don't do it. One day, you'll find yourself looking back, wondering why you even considered it, provided you actively work to condition your mind to mature and develop logically.

Here's a protip. Stop wasting your time focusing on women at this point in your life. All they provide is a drug called Oxytocin, and it wears off, and it will leave you worse than before. Avoid them. Focus on what matters. Economic success. Then, you'll have plenty of time and resources to chase women if that's your thing. You've got a lot ahead of you if you're in your teens. Don't throw it away.
Please dont:(
I quit my last I job bc my Albanian Muslim bosses talked hatred to me for being a nonbelieving woman, and I had "no right to speak unless spoken to" so if anything, they go down first
Alright alright alright,there is a way around having no money. Your hot, find a rich beta like most people here and leech off them till your on your feet. Just fuck them for a while then fuck off when possible. sorted

The fact that you have 3 jobs and live self sufficiently lets me know that you have the capability to survive. Social darwinism isn't just a buzzword or a theory. Its real. So keep up the good fight. That's all I can offer you.

Depression is a dangerous thing, because "helpful" doctors are all too willing to push big Pharma's meds on you if you tell them of it. Don't rely on chemicals to sort out chemical imbalances. Instead, rely on nature. Start exercising. Get out in the wilderness. Breathe some fresh air.

Enjoy life and know that it's the evil machinations of society that have brought you to this point, and not nature, and providence intended. Endorphins from exercise can go a long way in fighting depression.

I want to help you, and anyone reading this. I've walked through hell. And I'm still standing. This is how I did it.
I don't wanna touch dudes tho. I take care of an old dude who would pay for my entire life if I entertained him sexually (inb4 /thread) but I just can't. I'm not prude or anywhere near sexually inactive, I just can't convince myself to want to no matter how much I want to if that even makes sense
god fucking damnit i know you're right, but i'm a bitch that doesn't want to put effort and overcome the dificulties of life anon, right now i have a plenty of problems, i'm not fucked as OP girl, but pretty fucked.
i will try again.

And for the OP i hope you get the money i don't see how the fuck you're going to do it,
If i were you i would open a patreon and do camwhoring.
Good mammaries btw.
Can't dance
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It was 100% for the best, even tho the baby would a been cute af and funny. But also insane
did you died?
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if you were my sister, i'd be proud of you.
Atleast you're not eating fat old man cock.
I didn't buy this pack
Use your holes to get up rent fucking grills have the world at your clittytips and you wah wah like there isnt a simple solution to your money woes
( )( ) teeheeeeee
Parpie in shooper
Dad is that you >>689707263

Then stop being a bitch. I know its hard. Hell, its been hard for me too. But I have driving forces that keep me going. I regret to admit, hatred and spite are two of them. Find something that makes your life worth continuing, and you'll find the inner strength to push on.

I sympathize with your struggle. I've been there. I'm still there. But I haven't given up. Since I haven't, neither should you. Best of luck anon.

No. I'm just a third party interested in saving lives and rehabilitating broken people.
low standards.
I tried that and it was going ok until he realized I'm a terrible faker in all aspects if I'm not actually interested, but he just wanted me bad enough to try and believe I wasn't pretending, and it got depressing. That's half of why I'm in this predicament
but she has good tits and butt anon.
That's great sweetie. Let's see more nudes.
nice get retard. get a job. live with your oarents for a month. be homeless. jesus christ ur a loser. emotional weak willed loser
I wouldn't go to a gym to exercise but nature is a good idea. I live in an awful city with no culture or art or anything. I grew up in the middle of nowhere I think part of me misses it. I appreciate you
Several times
Hop a train puss
Hey FemAnon you dont have to do this yaknow like if you have hope then one day youll be in a better position and when you look back you know that this was just a rough patch in your life cause thats what you sound like you need (besides da bling aha)
Hello supermarket grocier can I plz have a gallon of helium. No reason. Tell the waltons I say hi
:^) thx I hope my brothers feel the same tbh
anon i live in a shitty country in central america, where anyone can kill you, and when you're going to the work be sure that somebody will try to steal your phone, all the girls have AIDS.
You just have to get your shit together and say "Fuck it i don't like my life, i need money i will work and i'll live in a nice place and i'll have my own pool, the hell with this shit"
And then you proceed to save money with the hope that you aren't going to die soon.
It's sways an option I guess but it's awful and I can't imagine being less depressed having the money while having that kind of memory of getting it
what exactly did you do?
Yo I know. This was the last place I ever wanted to turn to, but oddly enough even shit like this helped cheer me up. Maybe an hero tmrw instead

I have to leave for work, but you're welcome. Don't give up the fight. Keep on keeping on.
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Don't do this having your tits on internet is one thing.

But being fucked by strangers is way different.
Did once
I thought that I would feel that way now, bc Ive been feeling this way for almost a decade. I do my best but I'm degenerate at best and that's just my nature. At least I'm not my mother?
Show your ass please.
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Happy Death Day to Meeeeee.jpg
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Last time I had a few grand I had to pay vet bills for a sick cat I found, which cost about 2.5k (I know, I'm an idiot) and ended up having to put her down bc it was terminal. So I don't save money anymore bc when I do it just gets spent, so might as well spend it trying to get happy in the meantime
If you make bonus or something and need a way to spend al your excess money let me know. Kinda lol but also srs. Ur kool have a nice day
That's how I feel about it. Can't do it
On it. Adios
but you should find a safe place to live.
Try to find a work that you like.
Get a double penetration.
i mean accomplish your dreams.

Probably some nigger will kill me one of these days but i don't give a shit because i have nothing to lose, life is short and you have to do the shit that you like.
/soc/ has threads dedicated to small dicks. Shit leaks here sometimes.
Timestamp pl0x
Do you have an email/skype I can contact you from?
I might be getting something later on today.
broke fem here, how to receive money without revealing my identity?
WTF /b
Whatever happen to tits and time stamp
/b is not the same no moe how sad this whore just baited all you faggots what a shame
Move to America, our doctors will prescribe you more pills than you could ever need for your depression....i suggest Massachusetts.
Yo I DP when I masturbate
My house is very safe and gorgeous, I just can't afford this full month plus the last months rent ($1k) by 7/1 bc none of my jobs pay well enough and/or have enough hours even though I like all of them just fine.

I like drinking until I forget I'm poor which obv only adds to the poorness but such is life ig for a self destructive lunatic
scroll up numbnuts
Don't blame ya. Plus ya already did bby
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1. Instead of saving money invest in jet fuel
2. Melt steel beams
3. Profit
Yeah super god tier. Grant me the serenity to an hero and link this thread before it 404s
if not bait then cuck
Agree but a fetish is a fetish bc it's not the norm so that's life and backlash for just u being u ok it's fine do r listen to anyone unless you want to change
please halp!!
Op add me on Snapchat at mlanderly and I will hit you up with some cash for rent.

I usually do a few steam thread giveaways but I'll use that money for you instead.
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>Dolly Chan.
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>Op add me on Snapchat at mlady and I will hit you up with some cash for rent.
Lal_666 snapchat is all I use
Ill watch your cat for you. I'm not advocating you off yourself. There are always options regardless of how much out of your comfort zone there are. I was homeless and now I have my own place and cat. Situations change.
Read up ^ I did twice
Lal_666 snapchat is all I use
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I'm in NY I have medications and they do nothing except make everything worse (ecicely my klonopin which is the only thing saving my life arm unfortunately for all the trolls)
Did you get the money?
Thats not OP.
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