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/b, you guys do realize that trump supporters are all cucks.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 298
Thread images: 94
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/b, you guys do realize that trump supporters are all cucks. weak people want a tough dumb guy in charge, while strong people want a calm cool smart guy in charge

thats why trump supporters (who are weak cocksucking cucks) dont have the balls to do any protests or anything, while bernie/hillary supporters are the ones who show up and beat the fuck out of trump cucks and fuck up trump rallies

you dummies think ur tough for liking trump, no ur weak you just want a big dumb orangutan in charge because that appeals to your beta submissive nature
I think you're just projecting.
I support trump because I like facts.
You want some facts?
More Hispanics commit the crime of rape than any other type of person in the US.
Muslims commit more terrorist attacks than any other type of person in the US.
Blacks are responsible for more murders than any other time of person in the US.

Oh, and look who wants to keep them out...
Anti-trump supporters are deluded. These are genuine facts and a quick google search can provide proof. There is an image of multiple pie charts showing the rates of crime by ethnicity and I will try to locate it for the purpose of the thread.
kek you're retarded
>majority of Trump supporters are gun owners

Be careful what you wish for faggot, one of those cheap shorting beaners is gonna sucker punch a concealed carrier or an undercover cop and get their head turned into a canoe.
Sounds about right.
satanic trips confirm
Bravo. It's nice to know other faggets are out there truth telling! The darker your skin is, the more violent and stupid you get.
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Yes I did know this.
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>type of person
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>calm cool smart guy in charge
>strong people want a calm cool smart guy
That's right, no fem anons.
top kek
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>doing it all wrong
>being this new

lurk moar

1/10 for me replying
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How much did Shillary pay you, little projecting faggot?
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Remember too, if you don't let your wife fuck black men you're basically a cuck because you're worried she won't come back to you
found the racist.

you sir are a perfect example of the stereotypical right-winger.

some fucked up views not based in fact at all, but of the belief that they indeed are.
OP has bleeding vagina confirmed.
Are you also a nigger? You seem to be a stern supporter of brutality and mindless violence in the name of your cuck queen.
You have to go back.
Sorry to burst your bubble, retard, but all of those statistics are 100% true. Minorities are overrepresented in every single form of crime in America.
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You have been conditioned to hate and fear racism. I feel sorry for your generation of weak 14 year old cunts tbh
not bait, trump supporters (for the most part) are weak and submissive dumbasses who get off on having someone tough tell them what to do
no because a cuck is someone who gets off on seeing another man fuck his wife. basically a weak, small dicked, faggot.
Lolz at "I support trump because I like facts"
1. You sound dim
2. Trump and facts do not seem to go together.
3. You've been played by a salesman. Pathetic.
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Gee bill, your mom lets you have TWO ad hominem arguments?

Go be a jew somewhere else
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Damn the lib tards are really running out of material
>You have been conditioned to hate and fear racism. I feel sorry
For me it comes down to who else there is. Clinton is a no go, perhaps Gary Johnson. I was for Sanders, if by some weird chance he gets the nomination then I will vote for him. So far have not heard serious discussion from the Clinton side.
Whites shoot up more schools than any other race, guess that means we need a president to keep all whites out of schools right?
>Minorities are overrepresented
I agree with this snippet, but stop and ask yourself why?

minorities are kept down by the majority (whites), and have to live in much worse conditions than whites do.

this results in higher crime just by its very nature. if whites were forced into those same conditions, guess what, the crime numbers would be very similar to what you see currently with minorities.

there are outside factors weighing on the outcome which have not been accounted for in those stats.

you are using those stats to reinforce your already bigoted beliefs which further clouds your judgement.
Citation needed
I was just about to say something along those lines.
And blacks shoot up more people than every other race. Whats your point nigger?
And you're more likely to get struck by lightening than have any of those things happen to you, guess that means we gotta build a wall around the sky, right?
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>tfw SJWs, broneys, safe-space fags, PC fags, feminists, homosexuals, and muh feelz fags are all democrats.

>trying this hard
The point is that the original point about making entire groups of people incapable of staying here/coming here due to a tiny minority is silly. Let's say I have an Indian friend who is the only person in the U.S. who pour sulphur/ammonia down chihuahua's throats. Well, that means Indians torture dogs with sulphur/ammonia more than any other race. Should all Indians be prohibited from coming into the country? Of course not.
Going to need proof of that you liberal cuck. There is zero institutionalized racism in country where we observe things such as black history month. There is the united negro college fund, and many other ethnically exclusive scholarships. The only people keeping minorities down is themselves. You also cannot say things like that when there are peoples of all colors at every level of society. In many cases poor people want to be given things for free, or easily, and that is not how the world works.
Every race has violent retards, retard. It's not the whole race.
>Nature kills more people than humans so we should do nothing about the humans killing us
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>forced to live in bad conditions
Nice try nigger. Sorry you can't afford a good house when you're an unemployed 21 year old with three kids

>whites would do it too
Not what the data says about poor whites. Poor white neighbourhoods are still much safer.
And of course, whites are less poor on average because we aren't niggers
ITT posters reply to an underaged gay kid from Australia about American politics
All practicing muslims should be deported.
OP is a massive cuck that is trying too hard to project
Protip: hilary will bring more muslims to kill you americans
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>tfw fedora tipping, fathating, MRA red-pilled edgelords who have gore saved on their PC are all Trump supporters
>tfw they couldn't decide after the Orlando massacre who to bash first, gays for being gay or an entire Religion

Stop cucking around you cuck.
>missing the point entirely
You really are a Trump supporter.
In a majority white country, sure. But the above anon was talking about per capita.
Wish your mom had one more abortion
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they're also not very bright.
Really? Because black people recoeve more help than any other race and they still act like a bunch of lazy monkeys. They recoeve food stamps welfare, college tuition and grants more than any other race by far. They can have the same test scores as a white person and get accepted before that white person into college. Business are practically REQUIRED to hire them in order to make affirmative action quotas are they can face series fines or lawsuits. All this and they still chose to be a bunch of fucking niggers. The problem is not that white people are keeping them down. The only people jeeping black people down is themselves. Period. When you are a white person and you have to work harder than a boack person to get accepted into college or get a job or get a scholarship. Thats real racism. Fuck off shill
>Poor white neighbourhoods are still much safer.
That's because they're mostly in rural areas where there are more cows than people.
go back to shitposting on /pol/

actually, dont do that. Stay in this shithole.
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>I support trump because I like facts.
top kek
Another fun fact: There are more whites in poverty than there are blacks.

But yet, blacks still commit far more crime, and murders than those "poor" whites.

This invalidates your bullshit premise that poor is the reason. I am not faulting your for this, but rather our left-leaning education system. It is dominated by leftists, where they indoctrinate our youth with their false views.
>all his casinos
all one of them? you don't seem very bright either.
How do they keep them down? Competing too well? Some of the poorest communities in the country are 99% white with the lowest crime rates in the country.
Lets say I had you and plate of cookies and tell you a small percentage of the cookies are poisoned. Would you eat a cookie from the plate?
Fuck off shill
I'm not from /pol/ nigger. I'm just here to trigger stormcucks so they fuck off back to their containment board.
ur rite, imma vote for hillary nixon
More like
>This is such a non-issue, I'm not even sure why you're worried about it

But I wouldn't expect a Trump supporter to know how to read properly.
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>Another fun fact: There are more whites in poverty than there are blacks.

That is complete bullshit.
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>containment board
says the one posting on /b/
Yes. If the one Indian who fucks shit up leaves then we will have 0 Indians fucking shit up. As in all Indians should leave.
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I'm going to bet he doesn't have a book about killing dogs that 1.7 billion other people also take as gospel.
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Reminder the fourteen year olds on this board have been INDOCTRINATED by socialist teachers' unions and JEW CONTROLLED MEDIA.
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.../b/ is not a containment board.

>ze jews!
That response was so stupid i'm going to just assume it's bait unless you somehow correct yourself in an intelligent way
Per capita. Blacks are responsible for half of murders despite only being 12% of US population.
Of course there are more whites in poverty than blacks. Niggers only make up like 13% of our population.
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ITT: people believing that Hitlery is better than God emperor Trump
do you realize beta-redditors are the biggest trump supporters?
kek great b8
The conditions in which Blacks find themselves at this point is largely self inflicted in the sense that opportunities for upward mobility have never been higher.

It is important to understand that the culture has been influence by a long history of oppression, however in 2016 this is simply not the case. The question of crime must be answered. Why do blacks commit so much more crime? We can talk about how we got here but at some point self responsibility must be acknowledged and black communtities will have to break the conditioning on their own. Nothing we can do about it, welfare does not work.

At this point, the socioeconomic issues are universal and not directly tied to race. It is a question of culture independant of race. The gangsta/swag/playa culture is destructive and a cancer. The victimization, the entitlement etc.
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Educate yourself:

>op is a faggot
Why do you defend a religion that wants your people dead?
but if that was true, you would be dancing now
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You didn't answer my question though. You just comitted an ad hominem fallacy and ran away.
You know I'm right. You just don't want to admit it
aka op. thanks for missing the point.
The SJW movements are a continuation of Civil Rights momentum but we should know that at some point the momentum is too much and has gone too far. When blacks defend criminals and microaggressions censor dissent.

>ze jews lol wtf lol
>an argument
Pick one
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>reddit fags

Like the ones on reddit that spout 4chan inside jokes and post cuck all the time?

Oh wait, that's you stormfags. I guess you got something mixed up there. Retard.

Maybe because I'm not a social recluse and therefore actually met some people in the real world and I dunno, talked with them? How strange that must sound to you.
listen to this beta /b/tard, he wouldn't talk shit or anything
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>all one of them?
Well you just proved how stupid you are.
Still not the whole race, retard. Not to mention that police are more likely to be biased against black people in the first place and are more likely to try to arrest black people since they're less likely to fight it.
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Looks like he is gonna win
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>ze jews

That was your argument you cockgobbling fuckface.

How retarded can you get?
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Nice pic from The_Donald xxDDD

Fellow nimble navigator amiright? :DDD

Kill yourself.
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I'll be dancing on November 8th when they announce Hillary Clinton is the next President and trumpie did a header from the top of one of his buildings.
>uses memes that stretch the truth to make invalid points.

Again Trump owned only one casino.

Regardless none of that matters. There are 100X more negatives on Hillary than on Trump.

Looking at positives, well Trump beats here there too. Out of 500+ businesses only 4 filed chapter 11. But all you have are those 4, and you want to make that your major talking point because you've got nothing else...... nothing.
>He says facts, which contain negative information about minorities! He is Racist!

This shit is getting old. Try to prove your argument with facts, and not by calling the other racist.

P.S. I dont even know/care if his facts are true, im not american, i would like Trump to win for the lulz tho.
a man can dream, i suppose
I wasn't using that argument against the muslim ban, I was using it against the "X does this more than Y, therefore X shouldn't be in this country". What you're referring to is definitely something worth worrying about.
>quotes unknown site, likely far-right run.
>expects me to accept it as fact

Except cookies aren't human beings.

I think your chicken tendies are done.
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Stop lying to yourself cuck.
Trump is winning in every poll.
The purge is coming.
There's no such thing as a "stereotypical right winger", you dumb shit.

Saying that is as bigoted as saying that "all Mexicans are smelly and lazy or "all blacks are criminals."

Being nothing more than a braindead, mindless sheeple follower I guess you didn't think of that.

I guess you don't think much, anyway? Why bother when your liberal overlords can do it for you, right?

>Always remember: Any nation (or political party) that's powerful enough to provide for all of your needs (welfare) is also powerful enough to take all of your rights away!
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>Again Trump owned only one casino.
read the article you monger.

The Trump Plaza Casino
Trump Marina Hotel Casino
Trump Taj Mahal
>saying smart people want calm leaders
>bernie and hillary supporters go ape sgit while trump supporters are calm

You didnt think this through did you ?
So if I handed you a plate of human beings and told you only a few of them is gonna try to kill you would you take all of them in a give them welfare and let them fuck your ass?
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>mfw Trump has been named in over 100 federal lawsuits for various things like racial discrimination and ripping off investors

>mfw Trump has supported the Clintons for years
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no u
No, his argument was that 14 year olds (like you) have been indoctrinated by Jew controlled media. Are you saying that's wrong?

>multiculturalism has failed because of racist white people
Oy vey goyim if you object to third world immigrants that's your own fault! Your objections don't matter since you're just evil and racist!
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The only reason you think that is because the media filters out anything else.

Go spend six months going to school in a ghetto, that'll show you the truth damn quick! (Well, providing you don't get killed for being a smarmy, white, no-brained neckbeard.)
Also Trump Airlines (formerly Eastern) Thousands were put out of work by this.

Trump destroys jobs, so why the fuck would we want him in charge of an entire nation, when he can't even run a company.
I can already hear that purge alarm brotha!
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>Trump is winning in every poll.
do tell
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Look at all those sources!
Also, the latest results after the Orlando shooting, shows that a bunch of people have moved to Hillary, because she at least knows we need tougher gun control.
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169 current lawsuits (that's not counting old ones)
I would never support a climate denier, the retards voting for trump are spending their time worrying about bullshit that just don't matter.
By your logic no one would be let in. Whites are more likely to shoot up schools so they should only be homeschooled?
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Oh my, probably all those mudslimes and niggers finally getting rekt, amiright?

I just love how you stormfags fit exactly the cliché.

>white, antisocial bully
>cuckcuckcuck, secret fantasy
>plays vidya in most of his spare time
>not sure which minority to hate first after Orlando, gays or muslims

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The simple truth is this: the vast majority of Americans, which includes significantly substantial portions of black, hispanic and the Asian populations, are entirely sick of the bullshit they have forced on them every day through the media.

Trump presents a refreshing perspective of honesty and truth in politics, that's why the majority of Americans support him.

Unless you're entirely brainwashed into the liberal agenda you probably also see through all the bullshit and want change that brings our nation back to a far greater honesty and transparency in government.

I know I definitely want that and I also want the liberal media to stop shoving its destructive agenda up my ass every minute of every day!
What about the whites and shooting up schools ? It's even become a meme
So much government shill... Hillery is a ghoul... She should be in prison.

Calling people who support the only candidate with any common sense "chucks" and betas shows you are a paid poster ... Shilling for Hillary.

Only a fucking retard would fall for your bait... Now fuck off you Down's syndrome fuck nut
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+ More truthful
+ More experienced
+ Not a racist, misogynist, or a bigot
+ Actually has an economic plan that will work
+ Better for the middle class
+ Tougher on crime
+ Better for foreign relations
+ Better for national security

Any questions?
If the facts are against your race, they make the guy who says them the racist one. Not the members of your race who defame your race by making that fact true about your race.
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Hillary Tweet - Delusional.png
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>Better for national security


Libcuck detected. Get your faggy ass head out of the fucking sand.
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>all these try hard buzzwords
You sound mad, redditard
I take that post as a personal challenge.
Trump WANTS US to try to kill him. If we CAN, he is not fit to lead. But he expects us to fail, because he is supremely competent.
So lemme guess what your are

>16 years old
>Dyed hair
>broweses tumblr in her spare time
>wants a liberal arts degree
>lives in a culdesac
>wears non prescription glasses because it's kewl
>smells like old hot dog water
>sleep apnea
>eats a stick of butter for breakfast

The list goes on
Trump supporters: just get rid of Muslims and Mexicans and there will never be a mass shooting again.
Spoken like a true authoritarian
>better for national security

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Most people must have had that feeling.
He still hates politicians and politics, and the system, except that he sees the country needs saving

Being this desperate
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learn a new word Jethro
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There are all kinds of acts of terror committed every year including school shootings. Are you trying to tell me that you're the delusional one who actually believes they are committed by Muslims?

Also, I see that you didn't try to refute any of my other points. Because you can't.
See >>689535568
Islam needs a reformation.

OP is probably a Bernie cuck that's triggered his sweet sweet communist manifesto didn't make it to the primary.
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>the country needs saving
the country is doing just fine. Much better than 8 years ago.
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fuck off Randy
Black people would shoot up schools more than white people if they actually went to school.
Fck off Randy
>Much better than 8 years ago.

What after the Barney Frank mortgage debacle? The one that Bush tried to stop numerous times?

How much better off are we than 9 years ago, before that democrat bad loans deal blew up in our faces?
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And you
ITT OP triggered a whole bunch of Trumpcucks with inferiority complexes by saying they're betas
>I have no idea wtf I'm talking about

Anon you don't have to pretend to be an edgy stormfag just because you are on 4chan. You do know that we all use "nigger", "jew", "fag" ect. jokingly, right?

>More truthful? You're shitting me!

>Threatens Bill's rape victims then lies about it.

>Lies about her abuse of Government Email system.

>More experienced in Washington bullshit politics and in being a game-playing politician, that's for sure.

>"Not a racist". Yeah, right. She's hired illegal mexicans because, and I quote, "They're just stupid beaners who'll work for almost nothing."

An economic plan that will work? You mean the same kind of economic plan the Democrats have kept in place for the last fifty plus years? Meaning, more welfare, more social programs in order to buy votes and guarantee their re-election? No thanks!

Better for the Middle Class? Middle class has been consistantly decimated under every single Democratic Presidency since Johnson!

Tougher on Crime? What's the punch line to that joke?

Better national security? Worst state department head in US history. There have been more terrorist attacks (Boston Marathon Bombings among others) under her watch since 9/11!

>Any questions?

Oh, wait! That's right, I almost forgot: you're a liberal faggot. You don't ask questions.

>Then, of course: WHITEWATER!

>being this retarded

Bush had the highest unemployment rate and highest deficit that our country has seen in years.

You are either severely retarded or a low quality bait poster.

+ Bush Sr handed Clinton a $269 Billion Budget Deficit.
+ Clinton handed Bush Jr a $127.3 Billion Surplus.
+ Bush Jr handed Obama a $1.4 Trillion Deficit.
+ Obama has reduced Bush's Deficit to only $492 Billion in just 7 years!

Obama's other achievements include:
* Unemployment cut in half
* Uninsured rate cut in half
* Dow Jones nearly tripled
* Deficit cut by two thirds
* Historically low inflation rate
* Auto makers booming
* Clean energy doubled
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I'm fairly certain I've never said or even typed "muh edgy" but thanks for trying.
Fuck off with your shitty memes
There was a recession and it's lasted a long fucking time. Result is widespread discontent. Nobody actually thinks the economies doing well, that's why Trump and Bernie cry for change.
Measuring the economy by 'number of jobs' doesn't always work if jobs are part time and nobody's wages are high
I don't think any have said that.
I don't think any Trump supporters want "Mexicans" to be gone. Just illegal immigrants. We like legal Mexicans. I don't think any Trump supporter has even suggested that any thing you might do would cause there to "never be a mass shooting again".
Do you need a cornfield to put all your strawmen in?
Liberals will end up eating eachother

Itll become so bad because
>Normies already think PC cuckery is annoying
>Plenty hate rights being taken away or attacked
>Anti Trump riots just hurting Liberals and Democrats
>They now have to either chose to help Gays and admit islam killed 50 people. Or ignore the ISIS lover and disrespect gays

Also PC liberals are trying to get pedos into a postive light. And trying to defend ISIS. While even France fought back.

Normies will be anti SJW soon

Middle fencers will soon jump far from Liberal cucking

People will unite against anti American socialist marxist

Teens will grow up poor and useless or work hard and realize college lied to them

Meanwhile SJWs will fight eachother. Groups will hate one another. They will become too dumb and weak thanks to fine people like MTV. Being antiwhite in a very white country is not good.
hahahahaha that's the funniest pic ever
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>An economic plan that will work? You mean the same kind of economic plan the Democrats have kept in place for the last fifty plus years?
>so triggered
Islam doesn't need a reformation, it needs an abolition. A reformation suggests some kernel of good at the core worth saving.
>More truthful?
According to fact check, and politifact yes.

They check out everything that the candidates say, and Hillary is the most truthful of all of them.

Cruz and Trump were at the bottom of this list as being the most deceptive.

Sorry if facts don't agree with your beliefs, but this is why Trump only appeals to the uneducated who don't know how to fact check.
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10 cents a post is a good wage
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even Donnie knows the democrats are better at economics
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Shut the fuck up nigger you know how someone can tell you are a nigger? Even tho you want to use big words and make sense lmao by the word dummies wtf are we in kindergarten fucking nigger
I agree with kicking out the Republicans.
That's why this time, and perhaps this time only, I'm voting Trump. So he can do it.
Here ya go faggot.
Arab here. Trump would be best. He speaks the truth about Muslims. Your country is a laughing stock. It is weak. You should be embarrassed and ashamed of your country.
Jesus christ you actually didn't know...

It's true guys! Stormcucks thought they had a place here because they couldn't see through our jokes!

Fuck man.
I agree completely, op.
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Is that what Donnie pays you?
Pretty sure he pays his fake protestors better

>“I like protesters, because that’s the only way the camera shows how big the crowd is,” Trump explained. “Sometimes we even stage protesters!”

Oh, cut it out! It's an all too commonly known fact that lib/dems never use facts when presenting their agenda and that they make up all kinds of shit.

>I grew up in the sixties and I saw what all of those Democratic social programs did to our once economically healthy and prosperous nation. I also saw how a potentially great black community was reduced to helpless welfare slaves who would blindly vote Dem just to keep the welfare checks coming every month.

I've also seen several generations be born into and grow up on welfare. What a tragedy!

Of course, it's blindingly obvious that you're far too young to have ever seen these things for yourself so who're you to say anything about things you know nothing about?

>Do us all a favor and An Hero.
>Arab here
>white neckbeard racist pretending to be arab

Stop cucking around!
The sad thing is, we didn't even need Trump to speak the truth about Muslims. MUSLIMS speak the truth about Muslims. They haven't KEPT SECRET that their holy book commands the conversion or slaughter of the infidel, or that they're out here doing it to us.
I agree anon, 100%. And further, Trump appeals to emotions. His whole appeal is the way he makes you feel, rather than rational policy. So Basically womenly men like Trump becaus le he makes then feel all warm and safe inside. Meanwhile, he has made his money swindling these people
Go back to Tumblr you faggot. I am Arab and proud.
You're too stupid to realize that your graph only proves MY POINT. This happened under Bush's watch, and that graph only highlights that.
>>Arab here
>>white neckbeard racist pretending to be arab

THAT'S RACIST! You're a motherfucking racist, you racist pig!

>(There! How's it feel when the race card gets played on YOU, motherfucker?)
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technicolour bait.gif
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•January 3rd, 2007, the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the House:
•the DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77,
•the GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%,
•the Unemployment rate was 4.6%.

George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB CREATION! Remember that day...

January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee. The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy? BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES!

THANK YOU DEMOCRATS (especially Barney ) for taking us from 13,000 DOW, 3.5 GDP and 4.6% this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES!

(BTW: Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie – starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy). Barney blocked it and called it a "Chicken Little Philosophy" (and the sky did fall!)

And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? OBAMA

And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie? OBAMA and the Democrat Congress, especially BARNEY!

So when someone tries to blame Bush...
>ctrl F "btfo"
>no results



Bush may have been in the car but the Democrats were in charge of the gas pedal and steering wheel – they were driving the economy into the ditch.

Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democratic Party.

Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010 & 2011.

In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.

For fiscal year 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009 budget.

And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete 2009. Let's remember what the deficits looked like during that period.

If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.

If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself. In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is "I inherited a deficit that I voted for, and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th."
Over here it is a different view. There are normal Sunni and Shiite muslims. I am Catholic and have not had any issues with them over religious beliefs. The problem started when the Takfiri bastards started spreading from Saudi. They are fucking cancer and most Arabs want to gut them. Which Hezbollah have been doing.


3/10 for number of words


Obvious bait is obvious.

Actually trying to convince people that Bush was good.

ikr, what a waste of energy
I don't waste my efforts on reading that much b8
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>make up all kinds of shit.
the sources are noted.
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Bernie also has cuck supporters, but not nearly as much as Trump
Trump would destroy the economy with all his trade wars
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No sauces either..... because it's all BS and they don't exist.
Just because Trump says something is a fact doesn't make it so. He's a used cat salesman and you may bought a geo metro because "its the fastest most classiest car on the lot"
Funny because 2008 is the year the economy tanked and then started turning around. And its not like congressional policy has any effect on the economy immediately, it takes a little time, anon
The reason that trump supporters don't do protests is because they are all at work.
okay there jethro
They seem to have an awfully large amount of time to go to his rallies where he's typically hours late, though.
No facts here idiot. White Christian radicals kill more than all groups combined.
Your economy is already down the toilet. $20,000 from the tax payer to the illegal. How many illegals live there? We have 2 million from Syria and we have no economy to support them or us.
Except the rape statistic
Not one of them is true
wrong. the economy is down from the illegal bush wars.
citation needed
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thats a nice redpill.

>inb4 cumskins come
Lol stop watching fox news
>what is google
>too lazy to look shit up for himself

I'm not doing your work for you faggot.
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There is that magical 'racist' word again that we all love. Shill/10
>refuses to prove his wild assertions
>just t-trust me man
Classic Bernie bro
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Fox meme.jpg
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They found sarin tanks buried along the Syrian side of the border. No nukes; but plenty of biological weapons of mass destruction. Bashar had them until FSA went and dug them up. Then FSA lost its members to ISIS and the weapons went with them.

Bush was right.
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"lolz" - shill detected
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>trying this fucking hard
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The chance of an average person living in the US being struck by lightning in a given year is estimated at 1 in 960,000.

> Your logic is awfully awful shill
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Kys samefag
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Cognitive dissonance
>all this ad hominem

Bunch of fucking 12 year olds in this thread.
he doens't know the difference between committing more crimes and being convicted of more crimes.

black areas are policed 15x-40x as much as white neighborhoods nationwide, ergo, you get more convictions in black neighborhoods. it was a strategy developed by the LA police cheif in the 40s, who went on to write national policy for the fed. It's not a mystery, it's extremely well documented and many many books have been written still debating whether it's a good idea or not, given the results. it's not fixing anything, it's just costing us a lot of $ to babysit 1/5 fo our black population in prisons. ...of course, left to politicians, the solution was, privatize and invest in prisons. lol corruption worthy of assassinations in the republics this one was patterned after.
>black areas are policed 15x-40x as much as white neighborhoods nationwide

Gee George..... I wonder why?

Because (refer to the above posted stats) they commit more crime, thus requiring more police.


The increased police presence wouldn't be necessary if the black neighborhoods that they patrolled in force weren't notoriously dangerous.

more crime in an area = more police to help control it

It's not a difficult concept.
>what is institutional racism

found the redneck racists
>white christians commit more in a majority white country

Oh, okay. Now do it per capita of whites vs minorities.
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>not a racist
>maybe if I call him racist I won't have to prove myself

>spotted the nigger

So you're telling me, in an area such as Chicago, where the police force is just as diverse as the population, institutional racism exists? The crime rate is still one of, if not, the highest in the nation.
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>posts a tumblr gif
fucking drink bleach
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If that's true, why do Asians in the US make more money on average than white people do?
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also see >>689541636
>can't refute factual data....... calls racist...... believes that argument has been won.
factual data =/= muh bigoted feelz

Black people literally murder at 10-18 times the rate of white and asians.
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My god it's like you're actually 12

This is why the world is fucked
Liberal cuck detected.
Nice try hiding your cuckold ways, OP. We all know you like to watch niggerdongs drop thick loads of multicultural acceptance into your wife because the only thing you fap to is trap threads.

Enjoy your life, such as it is.
Liberals will end up eating eachother

Itll become so bad because
>Normies already think PC cuckery is annoying
>Plenty hate rights being taken away or attacked
>Anti Trump riots just hurting Liberals and Democrats
>They now have to either chose to help Gays and admit islam killed 50 people. Or ignore the ISIS lover and disrespect gays

Also PC liberals are trying to get pedos into a postive light. And trying to defend ISIS. While even France fought back.

Normies will be anti SJW soon

Middle fencers will soon jump far from Liberal cucking

People will unite against anti American socialist marxist

Teens will grow up poor and useless or work hard and realize college lied to them

Meanwhile SJWs will fight eachother. Groups will hate one another. They will become too dumb and weak thanks to fine people like MTV. Being antiwhite in a very white country is not good.
Seeing that Bernie's out of it... I want Trump instead of Hillary. Hillary is the personification of what's wrong with our government. I'm going to, and mobilized an army of friends to vote for Trump.

While he's got some things wrong with him, at least he's not Hillary, at least he's got "us" at heart.
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>op is a fucking libfag feminist
>unironically worships hillary
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dubs of truth
wasted trips

>>Anti Trump riots just hurting Liberals and Democrats
Actually Trump has admitted that he stages these protests. Most people realize that and see it as extremely childish, so no it is helping democrats because Trump is being childish.

>They now have to either chose to help Gays and admit islam killed 50 people. Or ignore the ISIS lover and disrespect gays

It was not an ISIS nor any other Islamic attack. The kid himself claimed that it was, and the conservative media ran with that, but it turns out that he was gay himself, and had much self hate. Guns and homophobic beliefs (pushed by the right) are the real issue here, and nothing to do with Islamic terror.
Huh, I wonder why black cities run by black government officials like Baltimore and Detroit are so racist against blacks. Really makes you think...
That's not trolling, that's a pretty common view I've heard amongst people.
Actually the tough people dont want anyone in charge, pussy
An-cap child detected
I find it hilarious that all pictures of bern victim rallies are filled with societal rejects.
Hillary, sat on the board at Walmart
Hillary, voted to go into Iraq and other useless wars
Hillary, uses her position and foundation money
Hillary, had a persuaded Bill Clinto to have a retarded man (who saved his last meal before execution) executed to appear tough on crime.
Hillary, emails
Hillary... is a GREAT politician, but she's a horrible person. Realize that anon, she's fucking scum.
Have you never heard of cherrypicking? It's generally normal adults.
These are facts, but the correlations are wrong. Learn2sociology

Posts ends in 44,100 This is the sampling rate of CD audio.
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Hey look, it's OP
Wow man you sound completely clueless. I think you meant to say causation is wrong and sociology is not meant to attribute causal factors in the first place. You don't even have independent variables.

Check out this audio, it's the Bernie theme song.
strong people want a strong person in charge
because of all the weak people that are in the US

the need became frighteningly apparent when Sanders got so much support
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>it's the Bernie theme song
>here's a tweet you deleted that doesn't really read like you typically write, I promise I didn't make it up.
Voters who aren't mentally children focus more on policy than that person's demeanor, which in Sander's case has been consistently assertive and energetic in the first place.
But facts are racist.
The average American would rape any other race, just because of the competition that exists in the US. Football players vs. soccer players... pretty much. You could get away by running at a pace steady for over 2 miles.
That's per-capita you stupid fucklord. Of course the blacks bars will be higher, since they make up a much smaller portion of the population.
>peaceful and tolerant

Tolerant towards terrorism, it seems. At least two family members to the Orlando shooter had to have known about his motives, and at least one person related to the San Bernadino shooters knew.
>Poor white neighborhoods
I lived in redneck Bakersfield and there were tons of blown up meth labs and slaughtered babies, no niggers to be seen for miles
Nah, it's "Let's fix some problems. What are the simplest, most effective solutions to these problems?"
kek, that black guy dancing behind the bar is gold.
Wow anon this is a special kind of stupid.
>at least one person related to the San Bernadino shooters knew

Their next door neighbors knew, but were afraid to report it to the police for fear of being labeled as Islamophobic.
ze jews gib blak men ze dollaredoos to shoot black men and bcum worldstar!!! little black men see big black men and go "wowee cool" and perpetuate the cycle. execute ze jews and blacks will be lifted from the curse of zionism
what the fuck point are you trying to make?
and what do you mean by any other race?
American is not a race

I'm not sure I would disagree with whatever point you're trying to make, I just don't understand what you're saying at all
>25% of bern victim donors aren't employed
lol, k
I agree with the first part
which is why Sanders is terrible and Trump is great
Trump's demeanor sucks, but policy is great
Sander's demeanor sucks and his policy is worse
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>That's per-capita you stupid fucklord.

Wow....... just wow.
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>they make up a much smaller portion of the population
and committing more crime than other race
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How to be a millenial voter:
>first complain all over social media that career politicians are destroying our country and we need to vote out the dinosaurs
>next say that you'll never vote for Trump because, despite the fact that he's not a career politician, he's a meany pants
>finally go vote for Hillary or Bernie, both of which are career politicians
And that ladies and gentlemen is the definition of insanity.
I'm trying to make the point that America is the greatest sample/test you can take. It's an organic situation of social evolution.

Any other race, as in generalization of race and culture. Murica faggot.

American isn't a race... agreed I guess, but it's mostly white.
At least Sanders is proposing changes to the corrupt political process.
Really? Who leads the list in serial killers and child molesters? Facts...get rid of those no good whiteys.

social contract aside any government can do that. niggers with armed coked up teens can do that.

rights dont really matter until youve got the power to defend yourself.

only the strong survive
I was rooting for sanders and now I may vote trump, may vote Johnson, may not vote at all.
>a white has never raped a black


It's a well-known fact that slave owners did this regularly.

>inb4 you can't rape property
You can't be this dumb, you're being legitimately disingenuous.

Just so nobody is confused: per capita is % per # of people. An example: there's going to be more theft committed overall by the Chinese majority in China, but if you take 100 Chinese and then 100 Japanese living in China, you look at how many out of that 100 have been convicted of theft, that's your per capita amount.
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Violent crime have risen a lot in 2016, police have stop policing for fear of being labeled racist.
Whites receive the most food stamps and they defraud the system the most. Just because you want to be edgy and call people shill doesn't mean the shit you spew is fact. Thanks for playing though.
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Its 2016 anon.
How is that disingenuous?

If you take 100 blacks and look at crime from this sampling and compare it to 100 whites, that in itself is disingenuous because you're taking a much larger percentage of the entire black population compared to that of the entire white population.

So let's do the same thing but bigger to show what I mean. Instead of just 100, lets do 10 million. 10 million whites is a much smaller part of the entire white population than 10 million blacks is compared to the entire black population.

So the group with the smaller population gets fucked over with per-capita figures.

Again lets say that there is a population of only 100 little green men in America. Per-capita would account for 100% of their entire population as compared to .00001% of the white population.

Gee I wonder where you'd find more crime?
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Nice to see intelligence on here occasionally. Thanks OP
Are you kidding me you little piece of shit i’ll have you know i graduated top of my politics class and i’ve been involved in privilege checking with over 150 confirmed political demonstrations i’m trained in conflict resolution and i was the most oppressed person in my entire upper middle class high school you are nothing to me but another cultural appropriator i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which have never been seen on this side of the 49th parallel mark my words you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet think again fucker, as we speak i’m checking with my anarcho-communist analyst brigade for your location so you better be prepared to deal with some molotov cocktails and angry feminists flying through your window yOU’RE FUCKING DEAD CHERRY! i can be anywhere at any time and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways and that’s just with me boring you to death while i talk about privilege not only am i extensively trained in hotline management but i have access to an entire arsenal of sociological articles to prove my point and i will use them to wipe your fucking face off the earth you little shit if only you had known what oppressed retribution your cultural appropriation would unleash then maybe you would have held your fucking tongue but you couldn’t you’re fucking dead kiddo
Yes. Whites also make up 78% of the total American population and the term "white" also usually includes the latin population in those statistics. Yet another motherfucker who doesn't understand what "per capita" means. Despite only making up 13% of Americas population blacks are responsible for over 50% of the crime and abuse the welfare system more than any other race.
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Its because they classify latinos as white.
>because that appeals to your beta submissive nature
Well said good sir.
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Nigger spotted. Must have done badly in maths and logic.
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kinda feel bad for not reading the whole thing even though i know itll be a treat. have a reply, anon
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If 1 out of every 8 people committed crimes, then per-capital would tend to heavily skew the results in favor of the smaller population groups being more criminal. When in fact the real figure (leaving race out) is that 1 out of every 8 people are criminals.
your analysis is incomplete.

while it may be true that some of trump's supporters are as you say, all of the people, including myself, are voting for trump because he will fuck shit up.

america needs a shake up. hillary clinton won't do that. the only way it's going to happen is if a borderline retard is handed the power.
Mostly white? What's your point? There is no guessing, American is NOT a race.

Pro tip: don't hold on to the fact that you whiteys are the marority right now. That DEFINITELY won't last forever.
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