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Here's a hypothesis: If gun owners want the gun control

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Thread replies: 319
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Here's a hypothesis: If gun owners want the gun control issue to go away, they should stop shooting innocent people all the time.

Fag in a thread yesterday whined that "The vast majority of gun owners are peaceful people who just want to live their lives like everyone else"

If that's the case, then why don't they act on their peaceful nature and get rid of their guns and embrace the suggestion: live their lives like everyone else who doesn't have a gun, instead of unnecessarily taking on the statistical risks of gun ownership, and subjecting the rest of us to that risk as well?

> Wahhhhh! because giving the government, military, and police a monopoly on violence is dangerous!

Last time I checked the American military and police aren't responsible for 15,000 domestic homicides every year. How many Vietnams worth of American dead would it take to convince nutjobs that this is a substantial public health issue?

How about a compromise: Gun nuts get all the guns they want for free, but they have to suck the bullets out of Obama’s cock.

General comment: Conservatives are mentally ill. How is it possible to go through life being so hysterically frightened of everything all the time? Everything scares them. Everything is a threat to them. Everything is a deliberate progressive-engineered conspiracy designed to disrupt their lives and terrorize their children. The ethos underlying conservativsm seems entirely identified with the impulse to subject innocent people to inferior treatment for no cogent reason. It's shameful. Embarrassing. It’s silly, and morally criminal.

These people are defective organisms. I feel almost as though a human speciation event is occurring. Sooner or later, the normals among us will have cured cancer and be living on mars to the ripe age of 250, and conservatives will basically still be jungle cannibals dancing and barking around a burning cauldron with chicken bones in their noses, throwing rocks and their own shit at strangers.
Not everyone lives in their mom's basement OP. Some of us have reasons for owning a gun.
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>If gun owners want the gun control issue to go away, they should stop shooting innocent people all the time.
Go fuck yourself

Statistically they shot a lot more than I did.
X billion persons did nothing illegal yesterday, guess we don't need any laws then?
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>guess we don't need any laws then?
Are fucking retarded? We already have thousands of federal and local gun laws. What new one is going to stop a person who's going to break them anyway?

Lots of anecdotal evidence then that most people don't need guns.
>We already have thousands of federal and local gun laws. What new one is going to stop a person who's going to break them anyway?

"Why should lock my door or if someone's just gonna commit robbery anyway?"
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Given that gun owners shoot people at a much higher rate than non gun-owners, and the only relevant statistical difference between these populations is ownership of guns, answer this question: Why is it unreasonable to make it harder for people to get guns?
Hold your horses, Trumpette - all I'm saying is that the statistic in your pic pulled out your ass would imply that as vast majority of gun owners are capable of not going on a major killing rampage, gun control must be bad.

So, when for example the automobile was invented in the year xxxx, should there not have been made any new laws and regulations regarding traffic?
Illegal gun owners shoot more people than legal gun owners, faggot. I've owned guns for years and they have never shot anyone. I wonder why...
Is this your first day on /b/ fellas? we all know how these threads go, we're tired of your bait, and no matter what pro-gun people say backed up by facts, you faggots never listen.
It's semi automatic you fucking faggot, just as good as a pistol except it weighs less for better control... This OP is a major faggot

> Illegal gun owners shoot more people than legal gun owners, faggot.

That doesn't address my question. People who acquire guns perfectly legally shoot and kill many more people with guns than non-gun owners do. That's why I'm suggesting it's reasonable to get in their way.

Sorry, you're right. Guy in the pic should have said "a dude under FBI surveillance can buy a weapon capable of killing fifty people in a nightclub before being taken down."
Well maybe if you weren't such a cuntface you'd understand his fucking argument, twatwad.
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God, you're such a fucking retard. If your asshole weren't so loose, I don't know, from all that literal gay-ass ass-fucking, you'd be able to keep your shit together to understand the most basic of arguments. My fucking god.
Lmao, you fucking faggot a pistol could do the same thing
The fact that you have a problem with guns and not Islamic belief is disgusting and I think you need to have someone tell you what is actually taught in the Quran because here are some facts
>Kill all homosexuals
>being homosexual is the worst sin
>killing is better than being a queer
>Kill all who do not believe in the name of Allah
>those who don't commit these crimes are worse than those who do
But it's the guns fault
Wow, that's the most genderfluidity-trans-subphobia oppressive bullshit I've read all day. I cannot believe you have so little respect for women you'd believe they would endorse the violent murder of 50 privileged individuals that happen to understand our lack of privilege due to their simi-limited lack of privilege. Absolutely disgusting.
This is the same faggot who thinks the ban on guns in Europe was justified, go fucking kill yourself faggot
Your penis can do the same thing you fucking cisgendered rapist. I bet you support beating women, too.

Which part did I get wrong? The part about him being on the FBI's radar, or the part about him using a gun to kill fifty people and (injure fifty more)?
All I'm trying to do is understand your position as a non US citizen. In my country we must go through background checks by the police and guns may not be sold / given to another person without proper procedures.

Would this somehow be wrong and limiting your rights?
Did this faggot just say he wasn't on the FBI's radar? The only evidence they had against him were from what other people were saying which is not sufficient enough evidence to arrest someone
How about the part where over 50 million women are raped in many ways monthly and you think a shit corporation that only hires males like the FBI has any place in this argument. Like, seriously, women are smart enough for security clearances, right? Duh. They're by far the mentally superior gender (one of many superior genders above men) yet they don't have access to the secrets used to keep them down. And you have the gall to sit back and have opinions on that instead of the many women being raped as we speak. Bullshit.
To blame the gun is to blame the gorilla.
>In my country we must go through background checks by the police and guns may not be sold / given to another person without proper procedures.
Same here. I don't understand what you're getting at. You don't believe everything you see in the media do you?
>The fact that you have a problem with guns and not Islamic belief

Oh I have huge problems with Islamic beliefs. Why was a known radical Muslim with terrorist ties able to buy a gun capable of shooting over 100 people before being taken down? Land of opportunity and all that shit I guess.
>Radical Muslims
All Muslims are radical Muslims, in Europe 70% of all refugees believed that being gay should be illegal and punishable by death
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>Last time I checked the American military and police aren't responsible for 15,000 domestic homicides every year.

>yet they don't have access to the secrets used to keep them down

If that's true then that's bullshit and you should vote Democrat and make them change the law.
Man, the number of times I personally have been over this is absurd. It's the same here. You can't just walk into a store and get a handgun or an automatic weapon. It takes a minimum of 6 months to do it legally where I live. There are fees, background checks, registration, finger printing, you need character references that cant be related to you or one another. Even after all of that, you can only own the things. Carry and carry concealed require different permits. And even after those, the weapon magazines have limited sizes, and you can't buy more than a few rounds at a time. I'm so tired of the 'oh well you can't just walk around with guns in my civilized country, you can in america' No you can't. Even with a permit to own, you need a valid reason - hunting or target shooting - to carry it anywhere, and it can only be between those 2 points. A google search would tell you all of this, but gun control faggots don't bother to learn before they spout shit. Get out of here. God.
wh.. w.. what? Jesus.. the fuck did I just read..
>one of many genders
>above men
tumblr pls go
Why are you bringing women into this conversation? Why do they matter in this argument? Your statistics are most likely wrong anyways, and why are you bringing women into this????

I'm blaming gun laws. Sort of like blaming the zoo for using a barrier that unthinking children can climb through.
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I'll just leave this here...
Gun control isn't the answer. Read the facts.

See the second definition from the top.
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first, i must ask - was it the spoons that made you fat or are you responsible for it? how about, if there are 12 terrorists on a few planes, and they crash into a few seperate buildings - is it the airplaine companies fault? is your willfull ignorance to plain logic someone or something else's fault? did banning drugs remove drugs, or did it place more drugs into criminals hands? when certain knives (like dirk and daggers, switch blades etc.) were banned in cali, did it not remove them only from those who obey the law, thus leaving them in criminal hands? -- i do not own any firearms, since i live in a cheap studio and the walls are thin, i fear harming a neighbor if i miss. however, i have an air pistol * round semi- that shoots either pepper balls, or balls containing a blister agent powder (depending on whats on sale when i need to re-purchase). i myself don't need a firearm at this time, but i refuse to take option to own one from someone who needs it.
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'>gun control isn't the answer
And by the way, the permits to own can be denied for any reason; even no reason. Even if you meet all the criteria, pass the checks, and have wonderful glowing references, the judge can just say nope. It's a huge fuck you to the people going through the legal gymnastics to get one when it happens.

I tried to get a pistol permit so I could target shoot with my ex military grandfather. This is the most red tape I have ever seen in my life. It's pretty close to encouraging people to get the things illegally.

Another thought - I'd be interested in seeing what percentage of violent gun deaths here are committed with registered guns by the owners. It'd be a window into how effective this legislation really is. If I wanted to murder someone, I'm not waiting 6 months and going through all that effort, I'm talking to tyrone downtown to get an illegal piece. Just saying.
Also kill yourself immediately.

Solid bait though.
>People who acquire guns perfectly legally shoot and kill many more people with guns than non-gun owners do.
On another note, men with a penis fuck many more women than eunuchs; people with swimming pools in their backyards swim much more than people without and women comb their hair much more often than bald guys.

I wonder why tho
Australia is a bit different- Don't forget they're their own continent, they're not between two other countries, both of which are known to smuggle objects into the US. Guns would still be around, even if they were banned, as criminals would still get their hands on them.
How bout other violent crimes? I'm betting those went up.

Also, might wanna keep it down about australia, because of the whole 'their government actually forcefully took its citizens guns' thing.
You won't see the statistics backed up because liberal and conservative media alike (the only kinds there are, UNLIKE GENDERS) oppress the female population by only reporting a small minority of PENETRATIVE rapes, while every other kind goes entirely ignored. An empowered friend and I calculated the real number one night while doing a body acceptance ritual and eating food without thinking about its impact on our "health".

What you read was an empowered woman speaking her opinion, something you don't see very often since you beat all women down by asking them to declothe themselves for your pig eyes, making them inhuman objects.

It is.
>sandnigger goes full allahu ackbar because his fucked up backwards religion told him that gays deserve to die
>we need to disarm all white people
There's only 2 genders, speaking as a female myself I believe the female population is NOT oppressed in first world countries, third world yes. We're talking about gun control, not women. Get out, geez.
This. Drug cartel, gangs, sick minded people: much easier to avoid when you boarder the sea.
I explained where I got the statistic in my most recent tweet, read up. Also the only bait I see is masturbait, something you're doing right now to how strong of a woman I am because you're an objectifying pig and something I'm allowed to do without shame because I've been made to feel uneducated and ashamed of every fold of my anatomy by men like you.
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The cancerous bait is strong

I didn't say that either gun violence or mass shootings have been on the rise. I said gun owners are responsible for about 15,000 homicides a year in the USA, and that the matter should be regarded as a public health issue. I also suggested a Muslim jihadist on the FBI's radar probably shouldn't have been allowed to get one.

Which part of that is mistaken?
Well now it's not as good bait friend. You blew it.

To your point - You should be happy rape is defined as penetrative by the law, because that allows the courts to completely ignore male victims. inb4 no such thing.
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If I knew where you were, I'd shoot you in the face.
This is bait, folks...

Gun enthusiasts have an advocacy group with lots of lawyers and money.
Baby food consumers have no advocacy groups no lawyers and no money.
> I think there is a strong correlation that was missed somehow.
Nice rant anon. You have earned your +3 interwebs.
The two topics are inexplicitly linked, and maybe you should reveal your breasts for all these rapists because they'll only either beat you into it or not ask this one time to beat me down, either way they're suppressing my opinion and oppressing my person.

Also, how do you explain genderfluid people then, hmm? Only two genders isn't backed up by science anymore, come to the 23rd century.
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Because muslimes aren't peaceful, dumbfuck.
Gun laws and gun control doesn't work
lol kys
>dat picture tho

The faggot who shot up the faggot club bought his guns legally retard. Nothing to do with criminals getting illegal weapons.
You're a depressing human being, you know that? Every time anyone tries to have a discussion about this stuff there's either someone derailing the conversation with genuine irrelevant identity politics, or someone like you, who thinks it's hilarious to play poe. It isn't. Just once I'd like it not to happen; to see if maybe there's an endpoint to these discussions if people can cut the bullshit out for 15 minutes.
>there are 12 terrorists on a few planes, and they crash into a few seperate buildings - is it the airplaine companies fault?

It is at least partly their fault if the airplane companies routinely make deliberate decisions in the design of their planes to make them more destructive when flown by murderers.
>Here's a hypothesis: If gun owners want the gun control issue to go away, they should stop shooting innocent people all the time.
cool retarded start to your shitpost bro

>fag in a thread yesterday whined that
so you became a fag and created a thread to whine about something you made up
>live their lives like everyone else who doesn't have a gun
you mean by being killed by someone with some other weapon then
>Last time I checked the American military and police aren't responsible for 15,000 domestic homicides every year.
that's because you never checked faggot.
>How about a compromise: Gun nuts get all the guns they want for free, but they have to suck the bullets out of Obama’s cock.
way to insert your gay fantasy into your post feylord.
>General comment: Conservatives are mentally ill. How is it possible to go through life being so hysterically frightened of everything all the time? Everything scares them
seems like the only one scared is you and your fear of other people owning things to protect themselves. pussy.
>rest of post devolves into delusional nonsensical ramblings
you should write speeches.
what the fuck are you implying? Guns should fucking shoot blanks so they're harmless? Gee, I guess I should also put an orange cap on my fucking handgun too.
not him.

It would be deliberate decisions to make the airplanes more effective at their purpose - i.e. say they go faster. Just because that makes more damage when someone flies it into a building, doesn't mean the company is at fault. That's retarded.

This is the kind of logic that leads to 'take things so people don't maybe use them for bad' orwell nonsense. It's not a crime until it's been committed. I could own a gun all my life, and only use it to keep cyotes off my farm. Just because it could be used on people doesn't mean you get to take it.

If people started mass stabbing all over the place -knife control? limit the sharpness? only chefs get knives? It's absurd. These things can be used for lawful purposes, and shouldn't be take from people that use them lawfully.
Well, you can buy an ar15 with a high cap mag from an unlicensed dealer at a gun show in Pennsylvania and take it to NY with no background check. Same thing in Nevada with California. Yes, it's hard to stockpile ammo, but not that hard, just visit different stores.
Implying what exactly? That's all fact. Other than the 'gun control faggots' part, which is based on my experience and that anons ignorance.
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what the actual fuck? ok. imma need some evidence on this there tinfoil cap man.

No, it's more that I'm implying that guns, given their lethal nature and purpose, are substantially disanalogous from spoons and airplanes.
>implying implications
Well, I'll tell you a story. I never gave a shit about gun politics. I did give a shit about 4chan before threads became to fast to produce OC. Just once I wanted to see OC after returning from a multiple year hiatus. None to be found. Just as I'm devoid of OC, you shall be devoid of a clean political debate. It'll prepare you for the real world, anyway. Now that I've produced a little OC for myself and ruined someone's anything, I can officially call it a day. Thank you, fellow faggot.

I imagine that would be frowned upon, wouldn't it. Illegal even. I'm talking about the legal process to acquire a gun and lawfully own it. That's what's relevant, because that's how gun control works.

Sorry, wasn't suggesting plane companies actually do that. It would rightly piss you off if they did.
It does make me laugh how everyone but America realises they have a gun problem. Have fun sending your children to school each day in fear faggots
that it would.
>tfw UK has 7 mass shootings since late 1800s
>tfw US has had more than that this week
>tfw people STILL think guns should be allowed
then again, americans aren't known as much for their common sense as they are their obesity and stupidity
>you should write speeches.
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Which just shows that gun control doesn't work. What you're talking about is already illegal.
What would it take for the US to ban guns? What atrocity would be so great that a toal ban would be the only option. Can we put a number or demographic on it? 1000 schoolkids in one go? Would that be enough? 5000 people in a week long spree? Seriously. What's the limit on acceptable gun deaths?
For ten year old's?
Most gun related incidents are caused by illegal guns.
One of those then. Whatever. I've been in the real world, on my own, for years - that's why I'm so tired of this bullshit. I didn't come here for anything resembling clean political debate, but I expected better than you're rancid shit. enjoy being autistic anon; you're never going to find happiness.

>you mean by being killed by someone with some other weapon then

This is just an expression of irrational fear; exactly what I was talking about. I'm not even really afraid of being killed by a gun owner, it's just that ~15,000 Americans are killed by gun owners each year, and that that matters.

>>Last time I checked the American military and police aren't responsible for 15,000 domestic homicides every year.
>that's because you never checked faggot.

Yes, I was assuming that american police and military don't murder people on US soil to the tune of 15,000 deaths a year. If that is actually happening, then we have bigger problems than I realized.

>you should write speeches.

Not a bad idea actually.
You have a great point unfortunately you are arguing with mostly Americans no offence but America has huge support for guns even one of the constitutions has the right to bare arms, so sadly the point is lost (I haven't read the thread but I'm predicting) come to New Zealand ;) we still have guns but we don't have fun fairs and have stricter gun control
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we have an obesity problem and mcdonalds isn't banned - that shit kills more people than guns in the u.s. what it boils down to is self controll, and teaching life as being sacred, something the abrahamic religions teach the opposite of.
And again. How many of those are using unregistered weapons that wouldn't be affected by dipshit gun control methods?

Right. If you decide to get a gun then you invite a higher probability that you'll shoot innocent people.
Was tested, not autistic, it's ASPD. Also been in real world, not alone because I'm not retarded, and happiness isn't really hard to come by everywhere else, I'm just pissy that it isn't here anymore. I actually have to go screw someone or dig though music until I find a good album instead of BSing on the imageboard I frequented for years. And I'll get to act like a normal human being in the next thread and no one will know.

You're so right anon, banning guns will end all violence in world and all the violent criminals will suddenly turn around and become productive members of society.

I'm not sure why anyone else hasn't thought of this before but 10/10

Oh and I'm South African by the way, wish they would ban guns here as well to solve all the crime we have :/ Maybe you should send an embassador here to spread your idea.
This is the stupidest argument I have ever seen. Jesus.

>Guess I won't buy a car, dont want to statistically increase my chances of being a getaway driver for a bank heist

If this is what you actually believe then you need to drink bleach.
Color me surprised.

Go enjoy it then, no one's stopping you.
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when i had a gun, i never really thought of shooting people. i actually wanted to beat a few people with a hammer, but never shoot them. thus i must ask, how does it invite shooting someone by owning one?

Ths is literally the dumbest fucking argument. You want to know how anti-gun laws stop criminals? I'll explain?

Where do criminals get their guns? Do they all magically appear on a black market? That's not how things work. They get made at gun factories for legal reasons. And then some "fall of the back of the truck". The factory uses their profit to over-produce a bit, or the guy in the warehouse loses a case, or the driver steals them. SOMEONE in the chain is corrupt and making money as an arms dealer.

If you eliminate or greatly reduce the sales of legal guns/ammunition, there will be less original sources. If there are less original sources, there will be less "wild" guns for criminals to buy. If criminal empires start mass-producing their own guns, it will be easier to trace and stop the same way any other large scale criminal enterprise is.

By the simple nature of business and how things are made, less legal guns will absolutely positively mean less illegal guns.

There's concept known to economists and others called "expected utility". Some risks are worth accepting given the benefits. Others aren't. You don't need a gun. You just think you do because you're terrified of life on planet earth for some reason you can't articulate beyond "I'm frightened of other people". The risks outweigh the benefits.

And yes, cars are dangerous too. That's why we regulate the shit out of cars, car drivers, car sellers, and car ownership.
I think his point is that people who don't posses guns don't shoot innocent people by definition. I would argue that even responsible gun owners risk catching an innocent in crossfire or through a wall.

Also, I had a taxi driver once who accidentally WAS the driver for a bank heist, so unfortunately for you, your trap argument is more valid than you're aware of.
Soooo let me get this straight.

>Millions of Muslims in the world
>Tiny percentage of them are terrorists
>Wrong and immoral to blame the responsible and law abiding Muslims for the actions of few

Fair enough. Here's where my problem is

>Millions of gun owners in the US
>Tiny percentage of them use them for illegal deeds

Nice logic ya got there, liberals.

It doesn't need to be a deliberate intention on your part. It's just a statistical fact that gun owners shoot more innocent people. By joining that cohort you assume a certain statistical risk that you'll kill someone innocent, or some kid finds your gun and kills themselves or other people, even if it's just by accident.
Am enjoying it actively, that was kind of my entire point.
I'll keep my guns, liberty and God. You can keep the change.
*tips fedora
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> implying criminal empires wouldn't import
> implying criminal empire is easy to track and stop
> implying trucks aren't tagged, tracked, locked and guns can disapear in shipping
> implying the black market isn't already flooded by import from other countries
Why are you determining risks v benefits for other people faggot. It's subjective. For all you know, John Doe could value the sense of security more than you value anything you own. Again, he could never discharge it. You have no reason to take it until he does something wrong.

Beside that, I don't use the need argument. I don't need a gun. I want one. You still have no reason to take it from me.

The regulations in place for those two things are so far apart it's laughable to act like the comparison holds any water.

Get off your high horse. You don't determine why people do the things they do, you aren't the authority on value, and you have no objective grounds for the 'guns are bad' argument. People can be bad with guns. Not everyone is. That is an immutable fact.
I like how it's a proven fact that large % of "gun deaths" in America that the media loves to tell everyone about are due to suicide. Those shouldn't count imo. Getting rid of guns isn't going to stop people from killing themselves
>have some cough syrup

Kill yourself OP
Is OP a fag?
We don't have bans on guns.
They were never legal in the first place. Or rather, if you want to have one you need a gun licence. You can get one by being a hunter, cop or someone that deals with large amounts of money.
But the bottom line is you need a licence.

And guess what. We only had one gun related crime last year. When a guy snapped and killed his entire family. He'd have a much harder time killing his entire family without a gun, though.
We should get rid of niggers then because they cause the most violence why don't they just act like everyone else and be peaceful
If Americans got rid of guns they would need two more towers to jump off to make up for the lack of means for suicide
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legal or illegal gun owners? if you are using the statistic all deaths by firearm as the statistic, then you are including the who have them regardless of the law banning them. if the statistic is by lawful owners, then i'd like the source cited.
That's fine, it's not a valid reason to outlaw anything. The argument could be applied to literally anything.

>Electricity? nope, don't want to run the risk that I'll decide to kidnap and electrocute my neighbors pets with the sockets in my home. Statistically, I'd be more likely to do that if I had it. literally 0 chance if I dont. glad im safe now.

The taxi thing is hilarious, but doesn't actually grant credence to my analogy. Violent crime is deliberate. I had assumed thats what the other anon was talking about by 'shoot innocent people'. Unless you're entire basis for outlawing the thing is 'accidental injury' which is even more retarded because then

>no stairs in your house. Innocent people could fall.

Just stop.
I meant go enjoy you're cool fucking and music.

I've noticed that you've said you're leaving to do other amazing things twice, but you're actually still here.
>For all you know, John Doe could value the sense of security more than you value anything you own.

That's true, but it's not subjective that by owning a gun Jon Doe subjects the rest of us to heightened statistical risk of being killed by him, either deliberately or by accident. There is a public interest involved here that you are disingenuously ignoring.

>Beside that, I don't use the need argument. I don't need a gun. I want one. You still have no reason to take it from me.

See above.

If you include suicides the number of gun deaths goes up to like 30,000
>Citation needed.
Read a book. Jesus christ.

See this guy's post: >>689509940
Giving away your freedom in the hopes that a few mentally unstable people will leave you alone is not how we are gonna solve the problem, OP.

I'm not sure myself how we're going to solve it, but I know this is not the way
>That's fine, it's not a valid reason to outlaw anything. The argument could be applied to literally anything.
>>Electricity? nope, don't want to run the risk that I'll decide to kidnap and electrocute my neighbors pets with the sockets in my home. Statistically, I'd be more likely to do that if I had it. literally 0 chance if I dont. glad im safe now.

See this: >>689509967
>people owe other people things.

Then, again, see my previous analogy that shows the holes in your reasoning. You now cannot have a car, because you could hit me with it. You're no longer allowed to own anything, because you are statistically subjecting me to risks, both because you *could* chose to deliberately assault me and because you could accidentally cause harm even if you're doing everything you should be.

Man, this is terrible.
What a fuckin twat you are.

Most estimates put the number of guns in the US at over 300 million. That is more guns than people.

If we follow your asshole logic, we are in mortal danger of 300 million guns rising up to murder us.

You dick lick libfags just have no fucking clue.

Go to hell cunt.
what book? where is your evidence? provide it, otherwise it's a number or stat pulled from your ass and your arguement is invalidated.
I saw and replied already faggot.

see: the rest of the conversation before you pedestal post.
Are you 10? I was calling you retarded because YOU just pulled a bunch of shit out of your ass.
cool retort faggot
way to prove you're not old enough to write a sourced essay.
>I'm not sure myself how we're going to solve it, but I know this is not the way

OP here. I should say as well that I'm not sure how to solve it either. The fact of the matter is that there are already millions upon millions of guns in the USA, and even if guns were outlawed today and the laws rigidly enforced, the black market would explode to heights never even dreamed of. In the USA restricting access to guns would probably have to involve a 200 year process of tiny steps and a substantial culture change during that time.

Peace out all.
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OP you truly are retarded. Like severely retarded.

Did you read what I was replying to? He doesn't prove jack either, and his claim is far more absurd than the other anons.
such as?
>Did you read what I was replying to?
where the fuck do you think you are?
>conservatives will basically still be jungle cannibals dancing and barking around a burning cauldron with chicken bones in their noses, throwing rocks and their own shit at strangers.
That's exactly what conservatives want right now
it's funny because that's what africa has been for the past 11,000 years
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> "Every fold of my anatomy."

Not him.

Target shooting. Keeping Animals off the farm. Hunting. Displaying to piss of gun control retards.

Why is it that everyone asks that sarcastic such as. Like you couldn't think of uses for a gun other than murder weapon.
Live in a nice predominantly white middle class neighborhood. One of my house was broken into. He was assaulted and robbed by some blacks.
My wife and 2 yr old child are at home alone while I work and I'll be damned if she doesn't have a way to defend herself from such people.
*one of my neighbors houses. Sorry about the typo
I'm sorry, but all massacres I can think of in recent memory were performed with guns that were purchased legally.

So instead of making it significantly harder for those people to buy these guns, we should just do nothing?

If making guns harder to buy means one mass shooting per year doesn't occur, saving 10 lives, isn't that worth it?

If you're a law-abiding 'sane' person (as much as you can be if you own a gun) then you can still have as many guns as you want. You just need to jump through a couple more hoops to get them. Or are you secretly a fucking insane retard who has mental capacity to kill people? I think that's more the case. Gun toting redneck conservatives are mass murderers waiting to happen.
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Fuck off back to tumblr you cisgender pansexual otherkin.
And yet, you're happy for 100% of the ones living in America to be able to buy a gun legally.

>conservative logic
>Muslims are evil and should be exterminated
>let them all buy as many guns as they want so they can fight back
2/2 and of course people who are against guns will say "well statistically speaking that's more than likely not ever going to happen" yeah? Tell that to my neighbor who got his face bashed in. And what happens when they see a pretty girl all alone in the house they just broke into? You'll be able to live with the fact that your wife got raped because you're a gun controll cuck?
What europigs can't understand is that not matter how many people are killed, our government cannot take our guns away.
It confuses them because they never had that leverage. Misery and oppression are synonymous with the crown. We got away from that forsaken kingdom and started our own. They hate it.
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>mentally unstable Muslim who was previously targeted and interviewed by fbi kills 50 people with a legally purchased firearm
>people now want to give the us government more authority to limit the rights of its citizens even after being shown that it lacks the ability to keep guns out of the hands of a psycho
>oh and also this exists and it won't be long till better versions are created making the attempted collapse of the gun industry in order to limit crime completely worthless
>where I live
Problem is, it's not the same everywhere.
The more guns you have as a nation, the less safe it makes the whole nation.

Having strict gun laws in California doesn't make a fucking difference if some nut job can buy one over the counter in 5 minutes one state over and bring it over the state border.

I'm pretty sure (have no time to look it up) that the presence of a gun in your house is statistically a greater risk factor for injury or death than criminals aggressing on the household.
This is illegal to do. Do you understand that? Someone that does that is not concerned with acquiring the weapon legally. That person *will* get one from tyrone if every state plays the control game. Fuck off.
>was it the spoons that made you fat
It was the food that I was legally allowed to buy

>if there are 12 terrorists on a few planes, and they crash into a few seperate buildings - is it the airplaine companies fault?
Yes, if they allowed 12 known terrorists onto the plane

>did banning drugs remove drugs, or did it place more drugs into criminals hands?
It made drugs significantly harder for many people to obtain, meaning less addictions and less drain on the health system than there otherwise would have been.

>is your willfull ignorance to plain logic someone or something else's fault?
Is yours? Because you're the one who can't seem to grasp basic logic
I'm sure that's due to idiots being ignorant about what they have. Playing with it while drunk or something. We're both trained and practice at the shooting range about once a month. And it's kept in a location where the baby won't be able to get ahold of it.
That's still no reason to tell people they can't have it. It could be a reason you don't want one, but you don't get to tell other people how to place value on risk v reward. see the argument with the other retarded anon arguing the same thing.
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>fellow faggot
Newfag stop pretending to be an oldfag and go back to your tumblr safe space, bumblrwhale. Not welcome on my /b/

>real world
You mean the place you don't go to because you keep getting triggered so you whine and make tblr posts?

>OC. Kek. 4chan has always been a pit of shitposts. Almost everything on /b/ you see has been around since the beginning. But you would know that, right, 'oldfag'?

>ruined someone's anything
This is what you masterbait off to. Because you don't even have anything others can ruin, so you'd rather ruin stuff for others. Kek, nobody gives a fuck about your bitch whining. We find it hilarious.
Owning a car statistically increases your probability of using it for its intended purpose - driving.

Owning a pool statistically increases your probability to use it for its intended purpose - swimming.

Owning a gun statistically increases your probability of using it for its intended purpose - killing.
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So which do you grab? Or do you call the cops who take about 10 minutes to show up?
No it was you're decision to eat it you fat retard.

>implying omnipotent.
He's not saying they deliberately let them on. These are people that slipped through what is no doubt very high security over a long period of time.

almost hit the mark. But actually it drove crime rates up because now people have to dig farther for their fix.

Fucking kill yourself.
>implying all gun owners purchase guns with the intent of killing innocents
It's really weird, because I use mine for target shooting. Things can have multiple purposes. Get out.
Why is he holding it by the magazine?
>We're both trained and practice at the shooting range about once a month. And it's kept in a location where the baby won't be able to get ahold of it.

Great, then why not require such training and safe-keeping as a condition for gun ownership/licensure? Those or other similar conditions could be a reasonable compromise with the people who just want to ban all guns.
>>Electricity? nope, don't want to run the risk that I'll decide to kidnap and electrocute my neighbors pets with the sockets in my home. Statistically, I'd be more likely to do that if I had it. literally 0 chance if I dont. glad im safe now.

Having electricity statistically increases your chance of using it to power things.

What other purpose does a gun have other than to kill and destroy?

>>no stairs in your house. Innocent people could fall.
Actually, most smart families won't buy a house with stairs if they have small children, as those children are much more likely to fall from them.

Others having guns is like having others build more and more stairs around your child and then telling you that only irresponsible stair owners fall from them, and you're not an irresponsible stair owner

Because he's dangerously undertrained, like most gun owners.
You can use the clip as a grip you dope
If Muslims are peaceful then why aren't they denounceing this type of shit a lot of silence from the Muslim peeps
I honestly can't think of a use for a gun other than to kill or destroy.

What's the point of target shooting? To practice? For what? Because it's fun? How much of a stretch is it between shooting a target board and shooting a person, either accidentally or purposefully?
This. This so much.

See this:
Mexico for one, is filled with guns waiting to be shipped over the border. And that's why we need... wait for it... A FUCKING WALL. Make America great again. You libtards can go become Canadian.

Sorry, don't own a gun. Shouldn't have presumed dude's concern was on point.
Oh my fucking god. It's another dipshit who can't think of another purpose for a gun other than killing. Read the thread. I've already addressed that 2 separate times.

Right. But they are allowed to determine whether or not that risk is worth the reward of a second floor. The decision isnt made for them.

Others having guns compared to the stair analogy is exactly how I put it. If the person isn't deliberately trying to harm you with their stairs, you can't tell them not to have them because they might accidentally bump into you, causing you to fall down them.

You are wrong, and you need to stop.
But if every state plays the control game, there are less Tyrones, and the Tyrones that are around have less guns

I can't believe how many holes there are in your logic, and yet you attack others as if they're the ones who don't know
> Here's a hypothesis: If gun owners want the gun control issue to go away, they should stop shooting innocent people all the time.
Here's a hypothesis: If sandniggers want anti-sandnigger rhetoric to stop, they should stop shooting, beheading, stoning, exploding, drowning, crushing with tanks, firing rockets out of hospitals of their own children at, innocent people all the time.
Fag in a thread yesterday whined that "The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people who just want to live their lives like everyone else"
If that's the case, then why don't they act on their peaceful nature and get rid of their Islam and embrace the suggestion: live their lives like everyone else who doesn't have Islam, instead of unnecessarily taking on the statistical risks of sandniggardry, and subjecting the rest of us to that risk as well?
I use it to bond with my dying grandfather. He's ex military and it's like meditation for him. It's the same as any other innane activity, it is what you make of it. It doesnt even matter, that is another purpose. It's the entirety of it for me. The risk involved is worth the payoff of that activity for me.

It's very different, can we not play this ridiculous 'circular targets = intent to murder groups of people' game? I mean seriously.
Bruh my brother bought a Glock 17 and an AR 15 a few months back just cause he had the money to same day, then after buying the Glock starting going through the process required to legally concealed carry. Not to mention we can go to a shooting range and just buy hundreds of bullets no questions asked without even using the range.

Im not saying ban guns but it shouldn't be that easy to get
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Whatever the case may be, in every example of guns being outlawed or heavily restricted, there has been an uptick in violent crime.
However OTHER countries are not the US.
In the US we are slowly being robbed of personal responsibility, while safe spaces and police call boxes along the road make us FEEL safe, a pistol in our pocker gives us a real chance to defend ourselves.
If you are a 90lb woman or stuck in a wheelchair, that pistol levels the playing field with anyone trying to harm you. Nothing else does that.
Finally, even if you take legal guns away, there is a steady stream of illegal guns and ammunition being smuggled into the US from over seas. These weapons turn up in the hands of career crminals and crimnal groups such as the mafia and cartels. Disarming those of is who are regular people, only serves us up to them on a silver plattter.
pic semi-related
Not true. how do you know where tyrone is getting his gun? Tyrone is part of a smuggling ring. Tyrone sells guns that are not registered anywhere in the US. It's not a hole faggot. Gun control makes the demand for illegal weapons go up, which makes smuggling more lucrative. Like I said before. You are wrong, and you need to stop.

Sorry, OP here again. I actually mostly agree with you. Peaceful Muslims often fail to do what they should to disassociate themselves from the crazy murderers. It's not unreasonable to expect them to take responsibility for adopting an ideology that is a close cousin to the one the beheaders and murderers follow.
>No it was you're decision to eat it you fat retard.
If being fat killed other innocents and the government decided to put restrictions on buying fast food, then that's fair enough.

Me being hypothetically fat doesn't outweigh the need for innocent people to, you know, live.

At the end of the day, it may have been my decision to eat the food, but if the food wasn't there, I wouldn't be able to eat it, would I you fucking idiot?

>He's not saying they deliberately let them on. These are people that slipped through what is no doubt very high security over a long period of time.
He didn't specify that at all.
Regardless, there would be questions directed at the airline as to how this person was let on, and how it can be STOPPED FROM HAPPENING AGAIN.

Suddenly, you can't bring on toothpase, or box cutters, or jam or jelly, or belts or whatever. More and more restrictions.

That's the thing you don't seem to get. A terrorist gets on a plane and flies it into a building, and the entire world cracks down on airport security and significanly limits the things you can bring on.

Mass shootings happen every single day and you fuckheads go 'you want to give me a background check????'

Not to mention that a known terrorist can be put on a no-fly list, but cannot be stopped from buying a gun.
You're nowhere near me then. I can see how that level of accessibility would be a problem. These are the areas that need to be addressed a bit, not this over reaching 'more everywhere' nonsense.
Never said innocents. Just said killing or destroying. What other purpose does a gun serve?
Did you buy it specifically for target shooting?

Because I bought my car specifically to drive. The fact that I can transport things as well is a nice side effect that I sometimes use it for.
>implying you can't throw things over a wall
its easy to buy then if you are not a crimnal.
A good friend of mine got arrested for trying to buy a handgun.
At the store he was denied by the background check, and sent a letter telling him if he wanted to apeal he had to file with the local PD.
When he filed his appeal, theu arrested him for attempting to buy a handgun. As it turns out, though he had never been to jail, he had plead guilty to a criminal mischief charge thay COULD have put him in jail for more than one year. So no, it is not easy for anyone to buy guns.
>What's the point of target shooting? To practice? For what? Because it's fun? How much of a stretch is it between shooting a target board and shooting a person, either accidentally or purposefully?

What's the point of driving? To practice? For what? Because it's fun? How much of a stretch is it between running over roads and running over a person, either accidentally or purposefully?
Paintball is fun, though.

What's the point of Boxing? To practice? For what? Because it's fun? How much of a stretch is it between Boxing for points and beating someone to death with your bare hands, either accidentally or purposefully
I think that's a great idea. I mean you have to take a training course in order to get a drivers license. You have to get your license renewed after a certain period of time to make sure you're still capable of driving. I don't see any issue with that.
lol no-one's blaming all gun owners. Literally no-one has ever done that.

Here's more accurately:

>Millions of muslims in the world
>small percentage of them are terrorists
>implement anti-terrorism strategies across the world to educate and try to deradicalise
>implement safety procedures at airports and major landmarks to try to mitigate risks and avoid more attacks
>conservatives say 'not far enough'

>attempt to do same with guns
>conservatives say 'what the fuck, that's not even going to work what the fuck are you talking about I want my gun so fuck you'
If a fat ass decided to smother people with his folds you mean? or say, accidentally crushed someone? It could happen. Better ban food. Say theres a black market, and your fat tits can buy all the mcds they want, bet you'd eat it then.

It was implied. Yes there would, that is not the meat of what he was saying. Plane rides last an hour, and you have advanced notice, and they are voluntary. The airlines arent saying you can't own them, they are saying dont bring them on the plane.

I have no problem with background checks. Way back at the beginning I explained what it takes. Its far more than that, and that I can be denied even if I meet the criteria for success is absurd.

Where that happens, control needs to be addressed better. It doesn't happen in the vast majority of the country.
Yes I did. I'm grandpa anon. Are you implying that I would purchase a gun with the intent of killing innocents, cuz thats retard shit anon. The fact that I derive joy from the repetitive action, and bonding with my military family members is a side effect I gain from target shooting. Fuck right off.
>throw things over a wall
If the wall has stationed patrols and guard outposts, I don't see how something going over the wall won't be noticed. Maybe have drone patrols for air surveillance over the area in case.
>Others having guns compared to the stair analogy is exactly how I put it. If the person isn't deliberately trying to harm you with their stairs, you can't tell them not to have them because they might accidentally bump into you, causing you to fall down them.
Except that with stairs you can choose to avoid them.

Imagine everyone around you could possibly have stairs your child could fall down, and at any moment they could pull it out and push your child off the side.
guns are a utensil.

are the terrorists ever known?

it simply increased the price, refer to
or just googling did drug war work or some such.
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Gotta love when Shillary says "weapons of war do not belong on our streets"
*Meanwhile at your local PD
I can easily imagine that. Because It's true you dipshit. Stairs are everywhere.

Top kek
Most gun owners keep it for self defense

All the others are mentally ill and should've never gotten them in the first place meaning the fault is the government's for improper screening, extremist muslims who, if they couldn't have gotten their guns legally would've gotten them illegally OR used a homemade bomb, or are gang members shooting down gang members
>basically a problem fixing itself

So your argument is retarted because the average gun owner doesn't buy a gun thinking 'oh I'ma shoot some people up with this'
That's totally fine. If that's your only purpose or intention, why do you feel you should not have to jump through a couple hoops like a background check to be able to own the gun?

It doesn't make sense to me. Many relatively sane people who use their guns for purposes other than killing would rather let terrorists and dangerous people own as many guns as they want as easily as they want.

Under most proposed action, you would still be able to own guns. So, what's your problem with control or extra laws so that those who aren't as stable as you can't shoot up a school or a nightclub and kill 50 people?
I mean jesus christ. Good luck avoiding stairs anon. You could round a corner and bam! there they are, you didn't see them, this new area was concealing them from you! and that guy is just waiting there to ambush you. Some malicious cunt could push you down em. You're right. We need to get rid of them immediately.
>you don't get to tell other people how to place value on risk v reward.

Depends on if the rationale is cogent. If they say guns make them safer at home, and all the statistical evidence suggests otherwise, then they are mistaken if the argue that the reason they should be allowed to have a gun in their home is that it makes them safer. It's that simple.
Because it doubles the cost. And again, I can be denied the permit for literally no reason. Even if you meet every checkbox, they can say no. That shouldn't be.

That isn't me anon. I really doubt that that is anyone.

They can do those things. They don't even need to get things legally to do that. Notice how the guy was carrying a shitload of rounds? No matter what kind of draconian measure you implement short of noguns, he's still going to find a way to do that. 7 round mag? Ill carry 20 on me. You can't restrict everyone to the point of noguns ever because a few people did a bad thing.
This has never been my argument anon. They don't need to make you safer. Plenty of things you own don't make you safer. You are still allowed to own them.

Just because they've made a false claim they can't have them? honestly.
>implying the other anon wasn't also implying.
It's not like anything would change even if the gun ownership laws were changed. There are so much guns in the US, that anyone who wants to shoot up a gay club, can go on ahead and do it, no matter what the laws say about guns. Instead of blaming one of the few just laws in the US for what happened, look into the reasons why people want to shoot up schoold/clubs/whatever. It has nothing to do with gun laws, and as such nothing would change with them being more strict, because as I said, there are so much guns already in circulation in the US, anyone can get one if they want one.

>General comment: Conservatives are mentally ill. How is it possible to go through life being so hysterically frightened of everything all the time?
Not a conservatist myself, but I find this comment laughably ironic, not to mention naive, thinking a change in a law can cure what's wrong the US and frankly, the rest of the world as well.. Oh and the rest of the world? ..Guns laws are alot more strict than in the US, yet it's clear they do not stop the individuals who want to go on a rampage as we have seen many times.
>Just because they've made a false claim they can't have them? honestly.

That WOULD be fine, if there were some way to guarantee they never left their home with their gun and introducing a statistical threat to other people. Or if we could guarantee that their child (an american citizen the government has an interest in protecting) wouldn't be harmed by the gun because of its owners irresponsibility.
but anon, there's less of them rampaging over there and that must be because noguns, it just must! there are no other possible variables!
Yeah fuck guns¡ We shoulda just tackled that terrorist to death, just like the police did, no guns involved! #mybodymybullet #checkouttheseguns
Again with this. Man, I'm tired. You're wrong. Plenty of things that 'introduce threats' exist and are unregulated. I understand where you are coming from, but it's a flawed base. I'm really asking you to think hard about it, because I'm just sad that we are back on this at this point. This guns meme needs to die.
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>If a fat ass decided to smother people with his folds you mean? or say, accidentally crushed someone? It could happen
If it happened every day, and could kill 50 people at a time, you can bet something would be done about it.

It could happen, but it hasn't. If it does, then do whatever needs to be done. I've had a good run of eating McDs.

>Say theres a black market, and your fat tits can buy all the mcds they want, bet you'd eat it then.
So many people seem to not understand what the black market is. It's not like a Wal-Mart, and you can't just rock up to the docks.

Regardless, if there was a black market for McDs, I might eat it. But I probably couldn't eat it every day - I wouldn't be able to afford that as the price would skyrocket, and it would be harder to buy it. It wouldn't be on every corner as it is now.

It might not stop everyone from eating McDs. But it would stop a lot, and would make it harder for those who wouldn't stop.

>Where that happens, control needs to be addressed better. It doesn't happen in the vast majority of the country.
Hey, I agree with that.
Seems to me (and I don't know for sure) that the vast majority of mass shootings (or the 'bigger' ones) seem to happen in states with the laxest gun laws.

Chicago may be an anomaly, but I haven't looked at the data for Chicago enough to comment.


The point is not so much the risk a gun owner undertakes in respect of his own safety; it's the safety of others that the public has an interest in worrying about.
Do you own a knife, or a pair of scissors? Can anyone garantee you won't use it to harm a person or your child, deliberately or accidentally? No. Just. jesus
>Plenty of things that 'introduce threats' exist and are unregulated.

Like what? You can't even get buckyballs or kinder eggs in the goddamn USA anymore.
Do you... do you know how big that wall would be?

If that was a feasible thing to do, don't you think that we would already be doing that, sans wall?

How do you think a wall is going to change anything? If it was feasible to have enough stationed patrols and guard outposts and drone patrols, it would already be happening and there would be no need for a wall.

Alright, tocuhe.
It's been a fun discussion anon. Salt aside, agree to disagree. I get where you're coming from, i fell you get where I'm coming from. Let's call it quits.

Totally true, there are definitely places that need help. I get upset when people act like everywhere needs it. Objectively false.

Have a good night man.

Er, touché. I would argue that there is still a disanalogy among guns, scissors and knives, but I have to go to bed..
kill yourself OP
>it simply increased the price,
And that's a bad thing...?

Poor cunts now can't access drugs as easily. Or at all, in some cases. Higher prices means scarcity, which means less people using.

Also, guns aren't addictive.

I'm not saying the drug war worked, or is working.

All I'm saying is there would be a greater drain on the health system, and a lot more people on drugs if they were totally legal. Look at Colorado. There are busiensses and shit built around marijuana. You think any of that could have happened whilst it was technically illegal?

If you think there aren't more people getting high from marijuana now that it's legal in Colorado, you would be an idiot.
I would personally suggest an incredibly high ammunition tax as part of gun reform. Increase the cost of ammunition to the point that it makes it much harder to have thousands of shells. And it also increases government revenue at the same time.

Get us out of debt and help in some small way to curb the gun issue.
There is, and I understand that. It's a small one, and semantically based.

Same here friend. It's early morning now and I'm spent. Let's call it. Agree to disagree, same as with the other guy.

It's been something, appreciate the participation. Have a good night.
See but that would cause an issue for people who hunt and for the target shooting community. It would make hunting for you're own food not viable, and buying rounds for practice too pricey. People would just buy their own press and make the bullets, it's not all that hard.

I like the way you think though.
>look into the reasons why people want to shoot up schoold/clubs/whatever
Cool. What would you suggest then? Personally I think it's overall smarter to limit access to guns so that people who are batshit insane, or known to the FBI, can't purchase them in the first place.

Instead, you propose to what? Tell me what's easier: walking up to someone and taking a gun out of their hand, or educating them on why they're wrong, and having them come around and believe you, about homos/children/women/school/whatever
Not him.

I'm assuming that he's not going to like it when you try and take it, and he is holding it so I'm gunna take educate him and not get shot in the face for 500 tom.

Jokes aside, I see what ur saying. A combination is the answer. Educate and limit to a degree. There's no need for mass disarmament but realistic control isnt a problem. There are some places that need it, and others that already have enough in place.
i'll take the bait. your post is shit, AR-15s are not automatic, dipshit. 2. criminals don't follow laws, and will be quite happy that your unarmed ass has no one around with the firepower they do and will promptly take your shit with no repercussions to themselves. 3. stop forcing your inane pacifist bullshit on other people, no one's buying it, and haven't for the last two hundred years. go hide in your hugbox from the scawy guns, the rest of us will be defending your right to be an asshole.
It's actually a statistical fact that there are a lot more drug users now than before drug prohibition, and that amount will only keep on increasing. It's the forbidden fruit aspect of it, as well as propaganda people have been fed about them, that makes people want to try drugs when people realize they have been lied to. Drugs being legal doesn't necessarily raise consumption, in fact, there are studied that show it causes the opposite to happen. Would you start using heroin if it was made legal?

Also the incrase in marijuana consumption has a direct impact on alcohol consumption, even if minor. Thus it is still better for society than it would have been keeping marijuana illegal.

And in all this you also have to take into account that all the illegal drug business brings no money to the government (it goes to the organized crime syndicates, which only gives them more and more influence), whom are still left with cleaning many of the aftermaths caused by drug use and gang/cartel violence/war. If drugs were taxed instead, atleast the expenses wouldn't come out of budgets not dedicated to those issues.

Not exactly related to this gun issue though, but whatever.
I've always been perplexed as to why the argument after every gun tragedy in the U.S. is between the concepts of banning all guns, or giving every man women and child a gun? Wouldn't the most reasonable response be an attempt to improve the mental health network and to enforce some manner of common sense gun control, i.e. not allowing the mentally ill or fucking suspected terrorists from purchasing firearms?
yeah, let's see some violent crime stats from ol'aussieland and put this bullshit to rest.
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Literally the 7th or 8th bait thread on gun control.
>would love to see a doggo thread
Wew mateé ever heared a story about alc being illegal? Ever heared how people in a way or another managed to produce and consume it? Ever heard of europe and how there is a huge black market with guns, despite having a lot more strict rules about them? Ever heard about Mexico and latin america importing illigal objects into US? Well I did and im not even murican. Get the fuck out of the basement you SJW
Education and tolerance.

The world will never be the utopia you wish it to be if your only solution to dealing with unwanted situations is via the law. That's just sweeping the issue under the rug and declaring you've done everything you can, while hoping no bad things happen in the world anymore. Such an approach will only cause more contempt because you're not only punishing the criminals, you're punishing completely law abiding people aswell for the actions of a few.
>a statistical fact that there are a lot more drug users now than before drug prohibition
Would that also be because there are a lot more people now? Because it seems to me that drugs haven't been totally legal since the mid 1800s.

>Drugs being legal doesn't necessarily raise consumption, in fact, there are studied that show it causes the opposite to happen. Would you start using heroin if it was made legal?
There's also observable evidence that saw usage and death rates drop after introduction of prohibition laws.

I don't disagree with you on drugs, but I can easily see how drugs being less accessible leads to less usage.

I'll tell you this much, if I lived in a state where marijuana was legal I would be using it all the time, rather than the almost never that I currently do. Many of my friends would be the same.

I work in media, and in the 80s and 90s when drugs were cheaper they were everywhere. Now it's only the richest of parties that have them.

I will concede that drugs have had a combination of education and control. Which is what we should have with guns.

At the end of the day, even if you want to try them you still have to find a dealer. Which is, you know, not super easy depending on where you live and who you know.

But there are illegal guns available on the 'black market' right now. If you know the right people, it's easy enough to get them if you can afford them.

But why then are the majority of mass shootings perpetrated with completely legally purchased weapons and ammunition?

I'm not saying ban all guns. I'm saying have greater control. Problem is as soon as you say 'gun' and 'law' in the same sentence conservatives have a fucking stroke.
Yes, that would be the common sense approach, but the problem is most conservatives equate 'common sense gun control' with 'DEYRE TERKING OUR GERNS'
why? planning something to push your hypocritical agenda?
>200 year process

You have an extra 0.
It would be less than 20 years.
As soon as legal guns were restricted, crime would spike for 6-24 months, until that shit was put down. Within 20 years the cops would also be disarmed which would lead to another smaller spike in crime and new people being born into this shit would be way more civilized.

In the last 20 years newborn males have gone from having 0.00001% chance of being some sort of trans thing and approx 5% chance of being a faggot to about 5% chance of being trans and 50% chance of being a faggot.

The internet has gone from dialup for rich people to every nigger carries it in their phone.

Look at how NYC transformed from 1975 to 1995 or how Detroit transformed from 1995 to 2015.

Time moves much faster than you think it does.

200 years? you're going back before elctricity at the birth of fucking america. youre insane.
>it won't stop 100% of crime, therefore we shouldn't try at all
Fucking retard
How to miss the point in 1 easy step.

Statistically speaking, if you're a responsible gun owner, the gun is somwhere where the child can't get it. That means by the time the house is broken into, your wife is caught and raped before she gets the gun. Unless she's the Flash or carries it around in a lockbox on her person at all times.

Statistically speaking, she's then more likely to accidentally shoot your child because she thought it was a burglar.

But sure, rationalize your stupidity with your fear. That's exactly what the criminals are doing when they Robin Hood your house and wife.

In 20 years Australia has changed significantly, and a gun is a strange sight.

All it would take is Obama to make an executive action as he leaves office.

That's all it would take

Conservative retards and fuckheads would argue and be angry

But at the end of the day, 20 years down the track no-one would even really remember
the gun laws in place are restrictive enough that any possible benefit of actual laws is achieved. more laws will simply do nothing except make our right to bear arms that much harder to attain. maybe look into why people who are mentally ill are allowed into congress to pass these asinine laws in the first place, since they are obviously helping so much.
My guess is that you:

A) Didn't grow up with an exposure to guns so now the experiences you have with guns are what's on social media

B) You are a liberal who wants communism to take over the world

C) Attention whore feminist pussy who just wants to find a group to fit in with so you don't have to cut alone

D) All of the above

My bet is on D

Your wife isn't sitting by the window, gun in hand waiting for someone to break in

And if she is, she's more likely to shoot your child.
>Mexico for one, is filled with guns waiting to be shipped over the border.

So is Africa. Part of gun-control laws would be super-tight border control. Duh.
>the gun laws in place are restrictive enough that any possible benefit of actual laws is achieved
Given that any gun control is currently legislated at a state level, and that many are still able to buy semi-automatic rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition entirely legally, I find this argument incredibly hard to believe.
I see you didn't read the thread. Protection isn't the only use, you twats.

>Citation needed. As fucking always,

You can say it all you want. But guns DO NOT serve any purpose other than killing. That is why they are made. This is an objective fact.
>B) You are a liberal who wants communism to take over the world
>implying communism and socialism are the same thing
>Would that also be because there are a lot more people now? Because it seems to me that drugs haven't been totally legal since the mid 1800s.
Mid 1900's and you could legally get pretty much any drug you wanted. The difference in population wasn't that great back then in the western/nothern countries.

>There's also observable evidence that saw usage and death rates drop after introduction of prohibition laws.
Probably, for a few years, before a new supply could be properly introduced by the now new businessmen called cartels and such.

And it's not like drugs are hard to get even now. Finding a dealer? All you need to have is half a brain and a computer and you can have drugs on your front door in 1-2 says.

>But why then are the majority of mass shootings perpetrated with completely legally purchased weapons and ammunition?
Because it's easier, naturally. But the black market that exists for guns now, is so tiny compared to what it would be if guns were harder to get. Where there is demand, there will always be supply. Laws have never changed that fact. Personally I'm not exactly against more control in selling to violent criminals, but I don't see it making a difference except for criminals making more money.
>>Citation needed. As fucking always,
For which part?
Are you a child? Competative target shooting is a thing. People hunt (I assume ur mad about people being killed). You dense retard.

the point of driving is to transport yourself and possibly other people or things to another location faster than walking and more comfortably than public transportation.

Are you always this retarded or is today a good day?
>I see you didn't read the thread. Protection isn't the only use, you twats.
What the fuck are you talking about? The guy being responded to literally said his only use was so his wife could protect herself from a nigger breakign in.
The first and last sentences.
>And it's not like drugs are hard to get even now. Finding a dealer? All you need to have is half a brain and a computer and you can have drugs on your front door in 1-2 says.
You're implying that there isn't a vast majority of the population that is uneducated and unable to use a computer.
I bet of there were no restrictions at all fat fucking retards like you would still campaign against even the smallest bit of gun control
Grow the fuck up you man children
I personally own three semi automatic guns (glock handgun, benelli shotgun, Remington 30-06) and in total for all weapons I also have around 2000 rounds. Never killed anyone...what's so scary about semi automatic weapons?
Need my eyes checked. Been awake too long I guess. Apologies, carry on.
I bet you suck cocks and put pennies in your anus. Get a job you hippie.
Hunting is still killing. Were you born yesterday? Regardless, the gun is manufactured with the purpose of killing and destroying.

Target shooting could be achieved without live rounds, or with a BB-gun, or a Nerf gun, or a paintball gun, or a spud gun.

Fuck, I'm all for putting Nerf guns in the hands of all Americans.
Reeeeetarddd alllerttt gett fuckedd cunttttt ree fucking tard cunt go suck you mums ugly FUCKING SAGGY TITS CUNT
Liberal anons don't know how they work. Plus they're heavy and go pew pew.
This is the dumbest argument for gun control I've ever heard. You are retarded and just killed the debate for all you hippie liberals
Refer to >>689519317
For yoself CUNTTTT
Oh so you are a real idiot. Killing animals =/= killing people. Don't be like that. Ever been on a farm - how are you keeping wild animals from fucking shit up? Here's a hint, it's fucking guns.

Yep that's totally the same thing. Great solution anon. Ur super smart. Gold star.
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A lot more muslims didn't kill anyone yesterday, but we're still trying to ban Islam. Get used to it.
Great argument. See the problem is that that guy is actually right, and you're reasoning is shit
Please see
Nobody can suck Obama's cock at the moment because you're in the way.
Go an hero on stream you worthless Dog you know youre hatedso fuck off where someone cares
>ban islam
Yep, this is what happening. No one is defending the religion of peace every time and constantly licking brown asshole.

Listen to this man. He's right.
>Never killed anyone
Doesn't mean you never will. You have more means to, and are statistically more likely to than someone who doesn't own any guns.

Semi-automatic is more dangerous than scary. You can kill more people more quickly with a semi-auto.

I'm actually not against all guns. But you know the 2nd amendment was brought into place when muskets were commonplace. I love muskets. They're cool. You also can't shoot a large number of people in a short amount of time.
Nice facts. Loving how well documented the sources are. Must've taken forever to format so beautifully.
TOP KEK you guys arefalling for thus cockbreaths bait

>competative target shooting is a thing.

You can keep doing it after guns are banned. Its called DARTS.

> People hunt (I assume ur mad about people being killed). You dense retard.

And now I will remove personal hunting AND create animal population control jobs. Two birds one stone.

Stop reaching for straws. Guns are made for killing. (yes animals count as killing, criminals count as killing, even nazis count as killing) Most killing doesn't need to be done. And when it does NEED to be done, you don't always need a gun. And in the rare circumstances where using a gun is safer/more efficient/etc for getting those jobs done, the guns can be used by trained and checked professionals.
Way to miss the point.

The point in question was that guns are designed to kill and have no real other purpose.

You said 'yeah, hunting is another purpose'.

Hunting is killing

Hence, guns are designed to kill

I'm aware killing animals and killing humans are very different.

But it's still killing, and it's still what the gun is designed to do.
:^ ) kys newfag
>doesn't mean you never will.
well shit. Lets take his knives and anything sharp too. Regulate the shit out of scissors because he could start stabbing at any time. He's even got a semi auto stapler. jesus christ!

Wrong faggot
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It’s not even about the guns, it’s a fear-mongering campaign to erode individual rights and move the herd into a nanny state. Once the Second Amendment is gutted what will come next? Will it be your right to free speech? Unreasonable search and seizure? Fair trial? That bitch from Star Wars had it right, “So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.”
Not really relevant. The ones who can't use computers are mostly old people who wouldn't use drugs anyway, cause you know, the devil and such. In the future people will be more able, though.

Still this is only a tiny part of my point. We're not only letting the criminals run a business worth billions, we're also the ones cleaning up after them with money we don't have.

And quintessentually, whether or not anyone chooses to use drugs should be up to them personally. It's not for the government to decide for us. And worst of all, the laws don't exist because of what is just, but because of lobbying by medical companies whom would see their sales plummet if drugs were legal.
Lmao, also fuck these storefront captchas
Dear unarmed people, stop letting yourselves get shot.
hardy harr. You're going to kill you're high horse if you ride it much longer.

>hunting is bad
I hate everything about you.

Ur totally right, Ill just wait 10 minutes for the police to use their guns.
>It’s not even about the guns, it’s a fear-mongering campaign to erode individual rights and move the herd into a nanny state. Once the Second Amendment is gutted what will come next? Will it be your right to free speech? Unreasonable search and seizure? Fair trial? That bitch from Star Wars had it right, “So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.”
Did you say the same when prohibition was repealed from the constitution?

'Once the Eighteenth Amendment is gutted, what will come next? Will it be your right to free speech?'


Stop being a retard.
You know as well as I do that this is about killing people. Killing a cyote to keep it from eating my sheep is not the same as blowing you're retarded brains out.

I also said target shooting. Things can have more than one purpose, and many people do not use them to kill. You're point is meaningless. The majority of owners in fact. Faggot.
Will do!
Yes semi automatic weapons are faster, but only by half a second if that. To pump a shotgun, rack a bolt, or bring back a hammer is almost the same. I believe the ban on fully automatic weapons should be kept, but semi automatic weapons are just have a bad rep because of the "automatic" stigma
And don't forget the 0 day waiting policy in some states
>I also said target shooting.
I also said target shooting can be achieved with Nerf guns.
Why does it have to be live rounds?

> Killing a cyote to keep it from eating my sheep is not the same as blowing you're retarded brains out.
No, it's not. But it doesn't change the fact that a gun is designed to kill or destroy.

It just makes the 'but cars can kill people' type arguments stupid, because cars aren't designed to kill people.
>hardy harr. You're going to kill you're high horse if you ride it much longer.

Oh, so I guess you concede that point to me with your lack of response?

>hunting is bad
>I hate everything about you.

I didn't say hunting is bad. I actually know that with animal overpopulation, sometimes hunting is necessary. But I'm pretty sure there are ways to do that by now that wouldn't require guns, and again, if experts decide guns are best in that situation, lets take it out of the hands of regular citizens and create "population control specialists" and fully train and test a couple of responsible citizens to do that job.

>Ur totally right, Ill just wait 10 minutes for the police to use their guns.

Are you actually arguing against a police force? Should we cancel the fire department and ambulances too?
Repealing the 18th didn't remove the right for an American to stand up and organize against a tyrannical government. Without the 2nd the rest are easy pickings.
Really? Can we not do this? I've been really trying to actually have this conversation with you, it's not fucking funny m8. You know it's not comparable. It has to be live rounds because that's the whole sport. It would be like replacing a tennis racquet with a banana because a few people were using racquets as bludgeons.

That is an irrelevant point. The killing and destruction don't happen the vast majority of the time. You can't punish something that hasn't happened. This is some orwell shit right here.
Do you understand how modern guns work? The modern day bullet is essentially a dart already. And have you ever read any of the studies of what would happen to the population of wildlife if humans stopped hunting? It's the way the world works...predator takes the prey
That's not how discussion works. I'm recognizing that you aren't willing to be serious with me on that point and dropping in to avoid bullshit circles.

That's just stupid. And fucking expensive. Why would you do this when people are handling the issue for free. Even paying to take care of it for you.

I'm arguing against disarmament. You cannot take things from people because they *might* do something wrong with it.
>": live their lives like everyone else who doesn't have a gun, instead of unnecessarily taking on the statistical risks of gun ownership"

The statistical risk of dying from gun violence that's not gang related is smaller than drowning in a pool.

Should we ban swimming because of the unnecessary statistical risk, OP?

>The modern day bullet is essentially a dart already.

So I can go into a gay bar and kill 50 people with the darts game in the back room?

And Yes I understand how animal populations as I said in >>689520671
>It has to be live rounds because that's the whole sport
So why not change the sport? It doesn't have to be live rounds, someone just decided that they want it to be.

>The killing and destruction don't happen the vast majority of the time.
I would argue the killing and destruction happen 100% of the time. You're killing an animal, or destroying a target board.

When I drive my car, the majority of the time, I'm driving it from point a to b.

Your argument is like this 'well you know what, some people run other people over with cars, but I only run animals over, or ram buildings, so why shouldn't I be allowed a car?'

A stupid, thought at least better argument is, some people kill others with a car, but I simply drive it from a to b so why should I have to give up my car
Because you only debate responses that you know you can beat. Isn't that the liberal way of thinking though?
They're a bunch of faggots. I imagine you could get more than a few.
whats ns

I would be willing to pay a little bit in salaries for professional hunters to save thousands of lives and millions of dollars by not having so many gun deaths.

Wouldn't any rational person?

Or are you such a Jew you cant even contemplate spending money to save more money later?
>You cannot take things from people because they *might* do something wrong with it.
Cars get impounded all the time.

People have their license suspended and car impounded because they *might* do something wrong. Try driving over the legal blood alcohol limit a few times and getting caught. Or driving dangerously.
You may not have killed anyone, you may not have hit anything, and you may be driving mostly fine.

Doesn't matter. The potential was there, and that's enough - at least it is for driving, machine that aren't even designed to kill, but have the potential to.

But we're not allowed to extend the same kind of restrictions to guns - machines that are designed to kill.
Yes you could!! Lmao pretty easily too! Obviously if you have a TOOL that uses darts as a projectile then yes it would be pretty simple.
>not sure if serious or trolling
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>making another gun thread thinking this will be the one that changes people's opinions
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ITT: dumshit talking about banning guns being the solution to solving gun violence.

ITT: asshat admitting guns were purchased legally yet still wanting more gun laws after realizing they don't do shit.

ITT: fuckers not even bothering to acknowledge that the criminals themselves are the problem and are wasting their time devising the next perfect gun control scheme.

ITT: dong schloggers not understanding criminals dont give a fuck
Dead serious! And it would more silent so you could get more kills before a panic occurs!
>People have their license suspended and car impounded because they *might* do something wrong. Try driving over the legal blood alcohol limit a few times and getting caught. Or driving dangerously.
>You may not have killed anyone, you may not have hit anything, and you may be driving mostly fine.
>Doesn't matter. The potential was there, and that's enough

Jesus that's a piss poor argument. First, their car only got taken away because they broke the law in the first place. They didn't take it away just purely under the assumption that they may do something bad with it. It's because they ALREADY DID.

Second, taking away something from a person who did something bad with that object, does NOT justify taking that object away from every person who has never done something bad with that object. That would be like taking everyones car away because some people drove drunk.
>ITT: fuckers not even bothering to acknowledge that the criminals themselves are the problem and are wasting their time devising the next perfect gun control scheme.
Why ban civilians having any weapons at all if criminals are the problem? Let everyone have access to nuclear weapons, automatic rifles etc. that will go down well!
There is no need for a car or constitutional right. You are destroying the world with every mile you fatasses drive and keeping us dependent on Saudis. A gun on the other hand is the tool of ones self defense and the vanguard of the only country still hanging onto shreds of liberty.
The point of this whole thread is to ban the TOOL that uses a 'dart' or 'bullet' as a projectile.

No-one said ban bullets
Driving isn't a right, it's a privilege. You're grasping.
I fell for your bait, I'm a law abiding gun owner.

You know that alternative hunting methods lead to worse population control and hunting as itself is a government approved population control using methods of dispersing licensing and areas restrictions allowing for fish and game to have a nice balance. Look at areas where humans don't exist, they are peaceful in nature, but humans throw an element in that makes animals lives hell. I'd like a few wolves from up here in the north to come down to the seattle prissy asses who laid a hunting ban on them and show them why we need to have guns to stop them fucks.

And the police, oh the fucking police, how are you supposed to protect yourself in rural areas where response times are upwards of 20~ minutes.

I'd also like to point that guns privately controlled would lead to a larger dangerous market where people would profit even more from illegal arms.
Neither is owning a gun, despite what your dumb-ass constitution might say.

I seriously can't believe there are people who on the one hand talk about how the bible is full of shit because it was written so many years ago, but at the same time, the constitution is the be-all end-all of justice despite the fact that it was written two hundred+ years ago.

Times change, faggot.
I've already been over your false equivalence crap. You and I both know darts isn't this same. Christ.

Because it doesn't need to change. You don't get to dictate this shit to other people.

That's a shit argument. And you know it. Destroying a target board! oh no!

It's not against the law to hit animals, and if the buildings are yours, like the targets, then that's not a problem either shit for brains. That analogy works for my side of the argument.

I'm done, you're straight refusing to engage on any meaningful level. Ignoring sound reasoning for you're own 'im superior' faggotry. Congrats. Enjoy it autist.

You're still ignoring the fact that the premise is disarmament. You have no good reason to do it. Again. You cannot prevent someone from having something because they might do something wrong with it in the future. Grow up.

THEY GET TAKEN AND IMPOUNDED AFTER THE PEOPLE DO SOMETHING WRONG DIPSHIT. God you're retarded. It's Illegal to drive intoxicated you twat, that's the action that caused them to lose it. The argument about intoxication is that it removes you're ability to make choices - see rape legislation. False analogy. Not to mention there's nothing in the constitution about cars. Fucking faggots. jesus christ kid, you've got to be the dumbest person alive.
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