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Waifu claiming thread. >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 200
Thread images: 151
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Kyouko (23).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.


I don't feel happy too much either
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I'm sorry.

She's a Rose hair.

That was pretty good.
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The fuck you sass.gif
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Fine. Watching jojo

>implying I want my plaything in a harem


I love the arkham gameseries! Besides being a batfamily fan, I'm more of a nightwing guy

Nope. Pets are demoted and must be all over say or punishment goes to them. After that is slave
>I am a kind merciful smug atm
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Peter Lorre 256.gif
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I've been painting like a fiend. I've gotten three paintings done, working on a fourth, and I got three drawings done, just in the last 13 days.
>tired mobile claim
What's up guys?
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Tenryuu 117.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed
Miho claimed
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Syndra (41).png
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I wouldn't have laughed. I'd have picked you up and carried you like the princess you are all the way home~
>The dirtier the better~
Down at the parking lot now. She seems to finally be getting the hang of it. She got braking to a stop fixed, and her up shifts are getting better.
>O-Oh my~ Please do~

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Daily reminder that these threads are just people begging for attention and (yous) including me.
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Peter Lorre 240.gif
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I hear they can get pretty aggressive.
Hey there Mami, wanna play some TripleA?
If trips Karen get
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Kyouko (12).jpg
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I'm pretty white though anon.

>That video is fantastic


It was pretty boring honestly.

Atleast the Italy game was on and they actually won 2-0.

>Eh haven't had any responses from any jobs yet
You and me both.
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still here


what kind of stuff?
im not sure about this.
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Determined Karen 27.jpg
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Nice! Are you proud of them?
What are the paintings of?

Hi Mami

Then go back to sleep

Mizore why
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spooky dracula.jpg
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Yea I'm fine and handled it fine, just kind of a scare. I'm too dumb to do anything to prevent it, will probably just push myself even harder tomorrow. I don't want you to worry about me though, I'm fine.
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Sure, I'll host. Which game do you want it to be?
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What up everyone
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If it means anything I think those spiders with the really long legs are pretty cool
I had a lot of exposure to those at a really young age so those don't bother me


I don't need to eat spiders you damn sandnigger
I have enough food in my country :^)
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Hey there Karen! How are you doing?
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Not possible
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I should have left work 40 minutes ago claim
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Hot chocolate is better.
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check em.jpg
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No (You)s for (You)
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Excited Karen 17.png
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I'm thinking best of 5 NWO
Because Karen get
Do it


Voices , Music you never heard of , words
Its hell and you get high from it and puke
Oh... hello Mi-hoe
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Peter Lorre 81.gif
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They're the freest paintings I've ever done.
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She's very calm, never even gotten into a defensive position with me.

>those spiders with the really long legs
That's pretty vague.

Let him be free.
Yeah it'll go away pretty soonish. Always does.

Ehh i usually am better than i currently am. Today just isn't doing it for me today.
How about you? Not happy all/most the time, or just occasionally?
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Yeah they're not bad, especially is you're into the indie scene.

Ok how about this, Smug Wing. Sounds pretty silly huh?

If they force your hand how severe will the consequences be?

Boring is sometimes fine. At least nothing bad happened.

>Actually won
Kek are they the underdogs usually? Don't know jack shit about soccer.

Hopefully we get something soon. We could all use some dosh in our lives.

>Best idol claimed
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>smashing a grasshopper
Y tho grasshoppers are chill fam

I'm talking about the ones that are REALLY long
The Daddy Longlegs but I don't know the real name
im sorry that sounds awful
You dont?
>Then stop shipping me with everyone!
>And after we got back I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from kis-
I-I mean that's really sweet of you, but I probably would have panicked and tried to get away...
>you can just take them off anyway~
Were you riding together or on two bikes? I don't know what those things are.
>Oh I will...maybe when you visit~
Neither was i, I just went and did to to try it.
That isn't me, I haven't tried except once yesterday morning.

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Happy Karen 61.jpg
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So it IS mizore

But what's stopping you
Just go back to bed
Got work?

Hi hi, doing good.
How about you? Gonna play some wows? Day okay so far?

>not eating spider shish kebab
pls nigga

That sounds great
What do they look like? What did you put on the canvas?

Glad about that, hopefully it'll pass sooner rather than later.
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IDK Karen 7.jpg
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he dead
ended up just moving the laptop and punching the table
Gonna have to clean that shit up and my hand but it was worth
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How are you my glorious /waifus/
Karen I'm to busy flirting with makoto, I would have tossed my rolls in with those posts.
>You have a stalker that isn't icy.


It is...
Don't use oil paint. unless you want to try it but do it in a safe place. and well ventilated and with plenty of drinking water and a fan and somewhere to sit
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Peter Lorre 215.gif
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Eric hasn't either, though he kicked hairs at me when I was changing his hide. Little shit wanted to keep his old one, but he loves his new one.

They look like landscapes, I put paint on the canvas.
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I'm not really into that, but I liked it.

If I remember right, those aren't even spiders technically.
>they're pretty cool though

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hot dog.png
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if your sandnigger ass didn't see this >>689475830
aren't you supposed to worry for him even if he said not too?
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Distressed Karen 36.jpg
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This worries me greatly
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Alright everyone, which game run am i gonna start tonight. Paper mario thousand year door or Super mario sunshine?
I don't think that I have the next 5 days to spend playing TripleA. XD How about 1 game od Global 1940?
I'm doing fine, thx. My day has been excellent beyond these past two hours of writer's block. About wows, I am about to play some axis ajd allies with Darjeeling.
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This is gross and disgusting and im not cuddling with you tonight because of your grasshopper things.

jojo will forever be ruined for me and i will never watch it

eh, it's become more common lately
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Whens the last time you saw a dentist?
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Both, played with the same controller at same time.
super mario sunshine
>unidentified Karen stalker
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Distressed Karen 13.png
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Fuck my life I didn't reply
I meant to say that you should definitely take precautions or not run at all if you feel like your health is going to suffer for it.
Safety first, dude.

mario sunshine door paper
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Kyouko (28).jpg
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>Boring is sometimes fine. At least nothing bad happened.
Exactly how I think it.
Good philosophy of life.

>Kek are they the underdogs usually? Don't know jack shit about soccer.
No, Italy is a pretty strong team, though this year the team is worse than usual and they were facing Belgium who's a pretty good team.
Won 2-0, it was a pleasant surprise.
Sunshine all the way
Wish i could have found that when i picked up need for speed underground 2
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TTYD my boy

>aren't even spiders technically
Jesus Christ
It's close enough though right?

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i just cant take that step. it just i dont know
you dont use it often at least right?
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Love Karen 14.jpg
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I washed it off, I'm good
cyborg isn't here
Give me non-lewd affection
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She's never kicked hairs at me. How bad was it?


Close enough to be misidentified as spiders, I guess.
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Me too, unfortunately.
I think i need to go do things more often. 'Course i get like that most often just after doing things, but i'm happy while i'm doing things?
Being an introvert is a bummer.
Stupid brain. Be better.
My apologies for the harsh language. How have you been?
Sounds good, do you want to be Axis as usual?
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i cant think of a filename.jpg
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I feel like I'm perfectly safe though. I don't know what precautions I'd take either, and running is one of the few things I have an absolute loving passion for.
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Happy Karen 16.png
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Doing fine man, welcome back.

Oh alright, hope you have fun.
I never really wrote anything important, but I hope you get past that writer's block too, what are you working on?

It's gonna end up being someone really lame isn't it.
Just during clean up wipe the bit of drip off with your finger and take a lick.
>It's way better if you just shoot it straight in but you should start with a taste.
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Peter Lorre 375.gif
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Not bad at all. He was like, no! And then I put the new one in and he was like, okay then.
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a true hero.png
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Sorry moogster, the votes are in and it looks like sunshine tonight. There will be a TYD run.
Ill let you name the yoshi too
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Sup dudes

Yes that is the only good part
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Habbakkuk 1;13.png
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It does. But my Smug Knight sounds way worse lol

I know that anon is readying this now. Keep this up, plaything, consider yourself my pet. You will only speak when amatsu and i say you can
>gotta make em loyal to their partner and now messing around with others

Stop fooling with others and we have a deal
And remember that I am always watching. It's best to believe me on that

Why is that?

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Happy Karen 101.jpg
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Do you think you could describe them to me if it isn't too inconvenient for you?

Well at least you're suffering for something you love, yeah?
Also I'm halfway through deadman wonderland's manga, right when evil shiro awakens
Shit's so cash
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Ok I just looked up "daddy longlegs" and this was the second picture
I think these were the things my grandpa used to let run up his arm
Pretty cool though


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Check em.png
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Other than grasshopper murder what u doin
Checkin them quints
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That's good. My friend's kicked hairs at me once, it wasn't fun.

but >overwatch on console
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JInx Claimed
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Oh, ok.
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sorry i just dont think i can. the effort to just you know
well im sorry you have to work with that stuff. it does not sound healthy
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I'm gonna go for now, I'll probably be back later.
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Here's one of them.

But I've been able to touch him to move him out of the way of stuff before while cleaning and he just sort of lazily shuffles away.
Those things are deadly as shit
>only if their fangs were long enough to actually break skin
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Kyouko (46).jpg
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See you later you cutie.
I'm attempting to write a draft for my book on the effects of european affairs within north africa and the middle east during the Ottoman reform. My hope is to shed some lightnon wjy the middle east is as it is today.
Sure, AVE IL DUCE! I madenthe game, join bot12
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Bye Galky

I'm not crazy I swear, You'll be safe
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Yo Mugen, not much just sitting around. You?

>Finally listened to the Doomsday album
Chillest album I've heard in awhile.

That's cool, glad you liked it though. What type of music are you into?

Sunshine nigga.

Couldn't agree more, being optimistic is a challenge but it's worth it in order to feel good about life.

Ah,well shoot that's pretty sweet then. Maybe this is a turning point for the season.

So Smug Wing it is then kek.

>When Half priced Megumin and I say you can
You two are bullies. Have a feeling I know who it is though.

See ya around Galko.
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Idea Karen 19.jpg
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Checking quints, as it should be.
Hello friend.

Lmao just chilling
It's like 8 AM and I really want to sleep but I also don't want to fuck up my sleep schedule.
Also want to go up to dorms to spend the weekend with friends but no car until 12
Fucking what to do?
How about you? Anything going on, Moka?
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So annoying to play against, sometimes I have to stoop down to mccree level
i dont think you are its just unfortunate that you have to work with the stuff when it does things like that to you
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Happy Karen 96.jpg
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Oh that's cool
I'm from Lebanon, I live here right now.
What do you have on me?

That looks pretty nice, my mom used to paint things like that.
What went through your head as you did it?

bye bun
You could take a nap but that might not end well
Also rules
On my second beer about to get in on some cs:go
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Tenryuu 91.png
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Hello Nurse, how's life going?
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Hello everyone, back at work already.

What's everyone up to?
Man of many words I see... Care to describe your day?
K nazi-mami. General Winter has a soviet surprise for your ass! >:3
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B-But I'm just having fun. I don't mean any harm from it! I'm just naturally lewd!
Then I would have held you close, rubbing your head to calm you down, and told you it was all going to be okay~
>Who needs them to begin with when you're around~
We rode together on my bike down to get food, then we came home, she hopped on the moped, and we went to a few different parking lots and I let her practice on my bike. Braking is simply that, and up shifting is putting it into a higher gear. 1st gear to second, second to third, and so forth.
>Wew, I did not need to get flustered like that
>At least everyone's gone now so no one can see how red I am

Also, home now!
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Lucy gets quints again Wasup karen
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1v1 me.png
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Alright, we are on save slot B. The adventure begins friends
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I haven't even been up 3 hours.
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>failing with the get program
come on son
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Yeah Galko those things I'm talking about are just harvestmen
Never mind I have the wrong Galko
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Ahaha you're the teammate I wouldn't want to have
But at the same time you're the one having the most fun
I think I might take a nap, thanks for the advice. Just until the news about the car comes back

Hey rad, how's it hanging?

Should have yelled blonde hair!
>Pic related
I'm feeling tired, how about you?

No idea what you're playing but YEAH

check this picture out lol
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Y'all didn't know lucy was a killa
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Mind if I say that Britain when and fucked you guys up in trying to give you guys indigenous independence? XD
Russia will fall by round 6 komerade, have you forgotten about my belerussian hold-down sweep strategy?
>mfw get
>mfw I cuck op in his own thread
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30 - QYeV61i.jpg
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Other galko is buns
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We went with super mario sunshine. We got 2 votes for it. Time to get some people nice and wet
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Nothing. Silence. Here's another one.
Your previous day?
8 infantry is not always the way to go, I can use mech infantry to screw you up... all I need is better russkie air force
Where did u get that invader zim figure?
It's not hard to try, it's like tasting a sauce you made in the kitchen.
Welcome home sweetie~
I might have calmed down then...
>Oh, even better, but a few accessories are fine with me~
Ah got it, sounds like a fun time.

Flustered? You'll be more than flustered with me~
>Psst~ I'm nude from the waist down right now~
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Happy Karen 107.jpg
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I think we're all sorts of fucked right now, especially our current situation.
I was hoping you could tell me why since I'm not a very intelligent person.

I'll pretend to know what that is.

Yea , that is why you have to be careful and things will happen

I didn't expect it the first time I used it
and I had used pvc cements and thinner before
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Gentle shinoa.jpg
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Perfect lmao

Call me what you like but I'm doing my job as shipmaster
>how you doing my nig?


Chilling. You?

Discipline yourself. I believe in you, icee.
Ya you probably dont want me as a teammate
Im on the road to silver one
I try to de-rank so hard but just cant get lower than silver 3
Its such a pain in the ass
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Your slipping senpai
>git gud
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Neutral Karen 41.jpg
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Hm, didn't you say the canvas talks to you and you paint what you hear?
That one looks nice too

lol? Why?

Was hoping you would post that
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Tenryuu 118.png
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You can't tell me that those few baloons and planes which were made out of scrap is a real air force.
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I might post some pics as i play, basically you jump around and spray stuff.
Just stayed up all day trying to fix my sleep schedule
Whose slipping senpai? Certainly not mine
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Yeah they're cool as hell tbh

While I like that picture I still have Shino

Its a BioShock little sister. I don't have a zin
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it just doesnt feel or sound right. maybe i m just being stupid
well im sorry i dont think there is anything i can do
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Peter Lorre 69.gif
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"What I am looking for... is an immobile movement, something which would be the equivalent of what is called the eloquence of silence, or what St. John of the Cross, I think it was, described with the term 'mute music'."-Joan Miro
man I'm on the ball right now
accidentally left my name in

Looking cute will do
Previous to the first world war, Lebanon was grouped with Palestine as one territory, known as Palestine. This territory was promised to several different entities should the Ottoman empire fall. The Arabians were promised the territory if they revolted against the Ottomans (which they did), it was promised to the Jewish community of europe to be a safe nation where the jews could govern themselves without being discriminated against, and it was promised to France after the war as incentive for the French to devote more military forces into the middle east and into Macedonia, and it was promised to the British themselves as they intended to make it their own territory. When the Ottoman Empire fell, all sorts of shit happened (as you would expect) want me to continue?
just a heads up shinoa is trying to get love from other people and have their own harem. will post pics if you like
Thanks darling~
That is just too cute~
>Accessories like~?
Yep yep! They said they still wanted to buy the bike from me too, so yay monies!

Oh shit my bad
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Because i want to know exactly how bad you have to be to get ranked silver one
Gain an army of them
Rob banks and shit
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Heyo Doc, things have been alright. Kinda stuck in a mental rut at the moment. It'll subside though. How about you?

Gonna have to remember this kek.

Hey, you do you mang. Just make sure to give it your all.

I'm ok, just a little glum as of late. Want to get my running and lifting back on track. Need something to keep me active since a lot of things are going on, some you may know already.
Quite the intruiging day, huh?
somebody else could do better like mizore
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>their own harem

>she recruiting for mine
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All good . blonde hair blonde hair!
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Happy Karen 95.jpg
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Neato tbh
Won't be here for most of it I think

Yeah you post shino I'll post my pic
It'll be like a meme jigsaw puzzle

Hm, I think I get it, not too sure though.
Spooky stuff

Yeah sounds good! Tell me more!
I thought it was grouped with Syria though, and they separated at mount lebanon

Fucking nice lmao,
Why not just throw all your games?

Kin Patsu!
Themmighty vodka airforce was actually quite the force to be reckoned with. Their sturmvik IL-2s were so successful at destroying axis tanks, it was nicknamed by the germans as the black-death.
For now im going to go uber later.
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Woah mang

I meant hate
Autocorrect is a nigger sometimes
no shinoa wanted to be a "side chick" you were not really included. "Bun doesn't have to know" i guess harem was the wrong word
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Peter Lorre 151.gif
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It's a silent endeavor. It speaks to me, but through images, flashes of color, lines, forms. There is no sound.
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Happy Karen 98.jpg
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She's like that really autistic kid in the class that you can appreciate but don't like
Shino earns a special place in hell
British borders sucked ass, due to the fact that Lebanon practically had no say in its borders, and tat the Ottomans grouped them with the syrians while British grouped them with palestine causes a ton of issues regarding maps. Btw, just asking, do you speak Islam, palestinian varient of it, or what?
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You going to bed soon?
It won't be hard to do
>Makoto is the one I'd pick, hands down...
It's just something different, and the body doesn't like different. Try it.
Anything for you sweetie~
Carrying me away like a princess...
>Cat ears and cuffs~
Woo monies!
>That picture looks about right
>I might be pressing my face into your shoulder though~
Thats the problem
I will bottom frag every game but will still win
Hell ill even buy just a scout and armor and still frag over other people
And i dont even use the scope
Ill bottom frag like 20 games and some how rank up when i top frag 1
I hate this ranking system
I stopped playing with sound and now i listen to music to cut out bitchy teammates
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I know lol


Wew lad all these nicknames for me in thread

I am

At the moment I only know one. If you need a bro to talk to, hey I'm here. They don't call me shinoa bro for no reason

Already know who you are lol
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How do you keep yourself awake?

No thanks I pick you
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Kind of like that one kid in class that clearly has issues but still isn't in special ed
Shine for real needs to rot
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Prove it to me, friend. Then I will release you. Promise
I swear to fuck it's autocorrect I promise
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Its 120am now. So im just up. I have insomnia.
Trips and I steal Karen
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Hit me up if you need to derank, i'm a professional in getting Noobs banned via teamkilling and loosing
I can only play on the weekend though
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That cold
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Happy Karen 102.jpg
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>do you speak Islam
ayyy didn't know that was a language now lmao
I grew up in Lebanon but I watched a lot of english cartoons, so I learned the accent perfectly and I speak English better than Arabic.
So I can speak Arabic but it's all translated from my English thoughts. So it's a bit awkward as I spent most of my life in Saudi Arabia and they speak mostly English in the school there.
If you mean about the accents then the only ones that really differ are Egyptian, Lebanese/Syrian and Saudi Arabian. The rest are just minor differences in certain words and pronunciations
Most people here speak arabic along with either french or english.

I don't know man depends on how long I can stay awake, Mami is keeping me interested though.

satan trips confirm
I see though, I think I get it.
It's still speaking to you.

But the show wouldn't be the same without her. She's there to be hated so we can hate on someone.

Stop it skeleton man
the dubs...
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Well you are my princess~
>Cuffs? Oh my~
>Cute, and yes please~

>I am probably making a terrible mistake by laying in my bed right now.
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Oh christ, I hate insomnia. It can really h8urt one's productivity the following day, and it can become terribly hard to fix.
but its just i dont know.
i dont know i promise im not the best choice. i dont even know if ill follow through with what you want
Your not being the senpai i know u could be
Ive been banned so much
Just de ranking takes forever and i dont think it actually works
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my favorite lolli
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Peter Lorre 2.jpg
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I stop painting when it stops talking.
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Distressed Karen 19.png
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This has transcended far further than I thought it would
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my plans for today.png
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Gotcha, make sure you get some sleep still. Dont be like me and stay up two days straight.
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I'm a savage son

The show really wouldn't be the same
Fuck, I'm on mobile and it automatically generated Islam ion stead of whatever I 2as typing. Either that or im just getting tired. I hatempworking off of my phone because I makemtoo many errors.
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>flopping noises

Yeah it sucks. Didn't help i worked nights the last 5 years.
The coming of age, sensei

Shhhhhhh karen, don't make me start rolling.


You are really fine
You can try and If you don't like it you can drop it

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Distressed Karen 20.jpg
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>Fuck, I'm on mobile and it automatically generated Islam ion stead of whatever I 2as typing. Either that or im just getting tired. I hatempworking off of my phone because I makemtoo many errors.
I... can see that...
Did you get banned for being kicked too much?
i just dont want to get your hopes up 2 much
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Happy Karen 40.jpg
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But wouldn't that mean that you don't have control over the painting or how it's going to turn out?

Sorry ice lady

It really wouldn't
I love and hate shino

Choogen the real mvp, looking out for me even outside the games
Yup, night shifts will do that to you... What hours were you working?

No need to worry about that I know things can happen
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That's good to hear, fighting the good fight I see.

Yeah and it's gotten worse as of today. The others are fixable currently. Thanks fam, you live up to the name kek.
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It's fine, take your time and ease into it.
And you're being prince charming right now.~
>Cuffs, oh yes~
>Hope I won't squeeze you to hard holding onto you~

Because you might pass out? You should sleep, so should i.

It was a threat, no lewd!
Age faster
Banned for team killing
Most of my bans were 7 days
Probably got more time being banned than i do actually playing
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