'ppreciate ya lad
but hair not as cute wet
My man OP gets the best faces threads going.
Where the white women @ /b/?
3.14/10 you got a hot mouth
Faces of what? Cards? I can hook you up with some faces of cards just hold on a sec
This is all you do on /b/, isn't it?
stop doing the people's eyebrow in every pic you take.
KEK post face then faggot
I'm zozzling like crazy over here
Zozzle me fags
Personal fave
What else is there? Well, outside of beating off to Lolis or beating off to traps or beating off to black cocks inside of white women?
vein looks chill
Don't leave me unzozzled :-((((
Literally anything else than seeing your faggot face multiple times a day.
Thank you guys
Top zozzle
your that guy with a beard why do you get so mad when someone rates u a 6
Yet you chose to look multiple times a day. Who's the faggot here again? KEK. Ugly fucks are capable of some serious mental gymnastics.
Zozzle m8
snob from the 90's/10
I zozzle you a 9/10
2 points for being at least vaguely shaped like a human
I catch it browsing the front page, and usually enjoy whenever it's torn apart by spiderman or furry porn as it should be.
Still you. I don't need my appearances validated by /b/, or strangely think I'm good looking enough to post them ad nauseum despite being below average at best.
Like the majority of people talk mad shit on you, not caring at this point is a sign of autism more than being alpha.
KEK try way way harder fuckboi. Post face or hide the thread, pretty simple. Or sit around and be outraged, or kys.
20 bucks PayPal says you're fucking hideous please please take me up on it. Be sure to timestamp.
Wow some serious zozzle there m8
This is me
Where are all the summer fags at?
Slightly what?
Are you OP? Even if I were to post a picture you'd just call me ugly out a spite for being ugly, but if that's your only insult against me then it's pretty pathetic that appearances are the only thing you value in people, especially when you have none.
And no, like spiderman or whoever people like me help turn this threads into even more bullshit than they were before, so I'm just making them more entertaining to compensate for your lack of substance.
You're welcome.
slightly autistic
I'm not OP fuckboi
Why does every square headed faggot with a fluffy beard do this exact same raised eyebrow pose?
It's like their duck face or something.
Some serious cringe there m8
Are you the bearded dude?
Actually who gives a fuck.
Most people gathered by your consistently blank expression.
nothing cringe about that
bro you gotta stop making these fucking threads
hey >>689408000, we found the summerfags
Apparently I do it when I'm trying to concentrate on something. I don't even notice it. Oh well, I'll take shit for it I know it's lame.
I'm not the bearded dude I'm >pic related
And you give a fuck obviously
here i am faggot
sorry can't r8 on mobile
Enough to respond at this point. I thought you were faggot OP.
My expression is blank? I haven't even posted my face.
5.5/10. But you knew that answer.
I'm both :DDD
Hey, I'm not saying it's lame.
Well, it kinda is - I'm just wondering why it's so common. Is it like a sex thing?
Then it's the definition of blank.
pruv it fagit
rate this
Honestly I'm far sighted. I think it's a result of that. Like I'm trying to squint to take the selfie but also trying to look normal at the same time. I don't do it unless I'm taking the picture myself.
How monsieur
I like your bedding.
does OP have a life outside of making these thread?
OP is your sole purpose for living entail making this same fucking thread everyday?
By posting another picture of yourself with I'm a fucking faggot written on it.
Looks like someone shot through a fat man
It's fucking worth it if not just to harvest all this butthurt.
Dear lord we've pummeled him into a corner so now he has to be a troll in order to feel secure.
birth canal
I can just see OPs punchable face smirking
"i sure showed them"
what a pointless and empty life you lead OP
Is it trolling to start a thread and participate in it in earnest?
>shity hairline
>puffy babyface
>your eyes look dead
He replies sheepishly, desperately trying to convince us that the piss running down his trousers are in fact nut sweat.
Pic of me before I writed that on me
Notice that there are no words on my skin
I don't understand your metapher good sir
is it trolling to make the same dumb thread everyday just to get replies that are angry you keep posting this thread?
yes yes it is
When you backpedal when shit heads south, yes, it is, and it's just as pathetic as feeling the need to make this thread. every. god. damn. day. like you need to be the host.
>I hate faces threads
Proceeds to spend entire life in faces threads.
ja egal ... musik
I'm not OP. Just have never seen OP troll. Only participate cordially in his thread.
That's impossible because I already spend a good amount of my life outside of faces threads
So even if I would spend the rest of my life in faces threads it wouldN#t be my entire life
Forgot pic
Just most of it. Gotcha. Masochism is a hell of a fetish.
Schnauze dahinten
Cordially sounds like the type of word OP would use in all seriousness without realizing that he sounds like an autistic fedorakin.
Sure you aren't OP pretending to not be OP so OP would appear like he has friends?
Because that's super pathetic, OP.
Who's the guy in front of you?
6/10 under normal conditions. 4/10 with that godlike mug hovering behind you making you look worse by comparison.
It's definitely OP faking that he has support
Zozzle me fags
I'm really not OP. I don't know OP. These threads are fun regardless.
Man are you upset KEK. Wish I could still get that emotional about something in life.
ja sry will dir ja nicht die aufmerksamkeit klauen ... ich finde nur das lied passt zu deiner gesichtskopfeinheit
>I'm really not OP. I don't know OP. These threads are fun regardless.
OP confirmed
>implying you aren't me faking support for myself.
top b8
>These threads are fun regardless
>Everyone hates them
Yep, definitely OP.
I find taking selfies so awkward.
dein schädel inspiriert
Da hattest du aber ein kessen spruch auf den Lippen
Bist bestimmt ein ganz töftes kerlchen
Nah I wouldn't go that low.
you look like a big guy
Just below average? That's not low that's realistic.
on the right
ziemlich keck
For you
Zozzle meg Anders, din jævel
These are about average faces
Average, yours is not.
so, what's the next step of your master plan?
Top zozzle mates! top zozzle
Derailing this thread, with no survivors!
op is not above average
Nice basic training glasses faggot
not even
>about average
Read harder moron
rate me guys
Nope just odd
I too use several proxies
You look like a pussy slayer.
rate me
supreme gentleman/10
Supreme gentleman
here's a more recent picture
supreme gentleman/10
outfagged, OP.
Start making these threads to replace him.
rate me pleeease be gentle <33
Hot inverted nips
Gtfo this is my thread now
You look exactly like OP!!!
someone saved my pic
Feels gentle, man.
>the fingers of contemplation
>such wisdom
>much intellect
>hawt stare that sees into my soul
>checkerboard covers
>omg must study logic
>slick hair, obviously familiar with product
>never goes out of style
>...n-noah's ark lightswitch?
Complete fucking faggot.
Still 4/10. Even with the choker Natalie Portman wore in the Professional.
taste is subjective and all that
now, why exactly 4/10?
>Weak jawline
>bad nose
>space between lips and nose too small
>oddly shaped ears
>shit hair
>shit specs
>so pale it's clear skin
not him, but for one, your clothing choice is awful. The choker is weird, guys don't wear chokers. Your glasses are boring, cover up too much of your face, and make you look like even more of a neet. Your hair is fuck my shit up level. also this >>689415449
I'm the guy wearing the hat. what am i
ya ur a 4
me !!!
>taste is subjective and all that
maybe, but objectively you are ugly
Finally someone intelligent enough to be objective in these threads. Had some dweeb say he couldn't rate males because he's not into guys. I asked if he knew what an ugly guy looked like. He rage quit.
Holy shit, kek
What hat? Where?
No its not
Objectivety is an ideal that can not be reached, subjectively speaking
>weak jawline
I hate masculine features so that is good.
>shit hair
I am growing out my hair on purpose kek
the bf likes it so no reason to object
>shit specs
default specs
and once again bf likes them BECAUSE they make me look like even more of a neet
that is a good thing.
>clothing choice is awful
literally a normal fucking shirt
>guys don't wear chokers
that's the point.
obvious bait is obvious
8/10, cute.
Nice teeth/10
Get rid of that fucking hat, anon
you look awful. Being gay isn't an excuse to look gross.
id fuck you/10
i wasnt baiting you
keep thinking what you want
the denial is quite impressive
Well it's subjective after all kek
mose from neds declassified/10
I would lick your anus
thanks why
the way I look is the reason I have a boyfriend, so tough shit kek.
also summerfag/10
Who the hell is that stupid to post here his own face???
like having a boyfriend is some type of accomplishment
If you weren't as greasy and scrawny looking and didn't have the fingers and nails of a tweaker you'd be a 7.5
traffic doesnt go up in summer
Oh. You're a 5.5/10. Same as always.
yah ur 4.
Mixture between jake harper and russel crow
another summerfag.
4chan has always been pussy shit, no matter how much people play it up.
No, not at all.
Having a 9/10 edward elric lookalike that constantly gets hit on however, is.
...And there is all the evidence I need that you are a summerfag.
is this the same person?
what a fucking faggot kill yourself
Keanu Reeves, is that you?
hahaha ok bro, im not grease but looks like it in pic lol
anime character look a like
this has to be a troll no one actually talks like that right?
kek, you don't agree with us so we're all summerfags. I could take your boyfriend from you in 5 minutes, and he's probably a 4, just like you. Also pic related. It's me.
I know I am, just not in the right mood for anything, I'll waste what I want if I want
I was only trying to talk to people that aren't so twisted like the ones I gotta deal with daily, I did not realize I had to guise and mask my gratitude for being able to have such thing even on here in order to avoid being taken as "naive girl"
If the case is that you're trying to say nothing special about anyone here to be liked well your way sucks
What if I'm not "easily impressed" and just looking for simple things, I am in the end aware of myself
If you aren't greasy then you just got to lift a few weights and stop doing so much crank and you're good to go
Nice hair you fucking loser.
I wish you were in NJ, and somewhere near the towns around me so I could slap you in the fucking face.
Drive by your house and scream NICE HAIR FAGGOT.
You fucking pussy. The meer fact you're into that gay rate me shit proves how much of a feeble mind you have.
Bitch boy.
Wonder what you're gonna say? U mad? Typical response from someone with that hair style.
hahaha ok man, thx for the advice
Why's your head shaped upside down?
I like how your lips go up at the edges. Good eyebrows too. 7/10
No offense but you're fucking scary to look at. Maybe it's just the smile
Triggered much? Someone that looks like me must have told you he loved you and took your virginity after prom and didn't call you again.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you bananafags have a fucking off switch? I don't understand how you can spend all your time on an imageboard, look at countless images and think "THAT THERE PICTURE SURE WOULD LOOK BETTER WITH A BANANA PHOTOSHOPPED OVER IT!" I know the word "autist" gets thrown around a lot here, but I think it might actually be the best word to describe you idiots. You must legitimately be on the autism spectrum. I mean that sincerely; what the FUCK does the original image even have to do with bananas? Why on earth would you associate it with a fucking banana? Did you ever get any sunlight as a child? There's just no rational explanation for why you would keep doing this. You're either a lifelong shut-in or a drooling fucking retard.
Search for post above, at least reply
Don't be a nigger
Hai /b/
Miranda Cosgrove/10
Show us the peen
are you op's retarded cousin?
Gotta only this one.
rate pls
oh look this fucking freak, well hello again you are still ugly as fuck. nothing have changed since last thread. you are still a 5/10 at best.
Rate me <3
This is now a pasta
Rate me pls
i always forget im the only girl on the internet
>please die
r8 me
Using the word
Rather loosely there anon
Rate pls
6.8/10 skin too shiny
stop coming to these threads like we care
Ugly as fuck, but show tits and i might give you a 7/10
You misunderstand things. Or do I not make myself comprehensible. This is why I didn't want to say anything honestly.
Not true, there's things I like about everyone and things I don't like, like I told you hypocrisy on my behalf. You do whatever you want in the end, I also am aware and do what I want.
Why is that seatbelt made out of dirty wood?
Mark Zuckerberg /10
Shoulda died already
An improvement on a nigs face
You look like a dickhead
i wanna
Hit me right in the feels man.
Guess I'm not used to smiling that much
i make the thread, leave, come back and read it usually once its 404'd.
Underated killers
that wasnt me, learn to identify an obvious troll young one
You don't have to be so rude about me deformity
This proves nothing autist
You should stick around to defend yourself once and a while
you're right im actually a man.
Called it. Show us your cock.
i cant tell if youre actually strangely dedicated to defending these threads, or are such a good troll youve canoodled peoples psyches into thinking you were me (OP). either way, kudos
better picture I guess, don't be too r00d /b/
10/10 would fuck.
The latter. It's my troll swag.
fucking kek'd, good shit man. never thought someone would take that kind of effort out on me
8/10 show your tits
I'd give you a right good pounding