All drawfags show your penis olololoo xdeeeeee
does anyone wanna play overwatch
All drawfags draw your favorite food!
>text highfive
it pops I guess.
ohhh I like this! never heard it before.
requests? lewds are okay buuuutttt im kinda picky.
All drawfags eat your poop!
I don't got it, sorry.
no biggie, it's one of the hardest parts to master.
All drawfags do the dinosaur!
All drawfags drink milk!
dont be sorry <3
All drawfags whats your favorite movie?!?!?!?!
>Bo I got a whole ton of pies over here I gotta eat, wanna help me out? They're a bit high in sugar, so you might gain a little weight while eating them ;)
Bo... u fool...
a greedy fool...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U_uAicAjh8 !!!
Nice tits
I played the beta for a bit
I one got 46 kills as bastion
All drawfags sharpie in pooper!
No my bird son
Get strong and swallow your nutrients instead of playing vidya
All drawfags show bellybutton!
How is life?
Ok I understand you're complaining more, but how about you post a legitimate response. Either that or post an alternative. Or quit whining.
You have many options.
Requesting this girl as a futa.
All drawfags show butt!
Can Bo morph her hand into stuff?
All drawfags whats your favorite anime!?!?
Oh, you only finished off the cherry pies? I still have atleast 5 apple pies over here.
Here, I'll help you stand up, I hear it makes more room in your stomach
anon.... the door is locked
how can I open it, then get on the floor?
all drawfags show stand
All drawfags suck my dick!
id definitely recommend goodnight punpun, but i also really liked a girl on the shore
Um we only do these for fun...
All drawfags shoot up a school!
anon.... the door is locked
how can I open it, then get on the floor?
Hey guys I have a request, I'm dropping a single tomorrow in preparation for my upcoming mixtape, and the single is called "June 30th"
Could someone do a cool looking charcoal style sketch (pic related is some other art for the mixtape) of a calendar, just the plain calendar and I'll do the after effects.
Thanks guys I really appreciate it
Haha you're so salty. Respond you coward.
my african american friend
All drawfags draw your favorite actor!
no thank you
>it's okay
>All drawfags go kill yourselves right now!
Aw fuck yeah I am ALL OVER this one
All drawfags show irl pics hahaha
All anons stop samefagging!
What do I have to do to get you naked?
All drawfags draw an average american!
if you say so
ask Bane to come in and be sexy
Lol this.
The anon's having a fit because I called him out for whining in the last thread. Sorry guys.
Its Shuffle...
All drawfags show thumb!
Bane, can you be sexy so I can get some naked bird pictures?
Also I will buy you a handle of whiskey.
illusion ruined
Lummy claim
All drawfags whats your favorite drink!?
Working on it. I'm slow as shit.
Locky all the way
Though he's still a coward with his silly fits ;DDDD
All drawfags fap for me!
you look hotter irl
Who dis??
its fine
frustrated with trying to do something super basic so i shelved the exercise for a swordborg doodle
I already have something for such just an occasion
c-can we share?
All drawfags whats your favorite HENTAI?
>tfw lowell is actually kinda hot
well Ill be damned
Hey that's me.
Also doing that request!
dubs have spoken, please help
Don't you know that birds vomit to show they LOVE someone!? Reciprocate!
All drawfags kiss me!
Bane being in the pic ruins it for me though.
I want solo birb
why are you locked in a room with anon, trinket?
All drawfags wuts your tumblr? lol
; ;
Lol so easily triggered
crop the image then you lazy fuck
All drawfags show dildo collection!
Why shelve it?
Who is the ugliest drawfag?
toothy duh
Magic trips confirm it
I am a lazy fuck.
Good shit right here. Das some good shit right here right here.
Also, are you a fan of the portal series? Because it seems like your art pays homage to it.
Might be me.
>guy posting as pooka
Me tbh
ok you win, we can share
All drawfags show your battle station!
you have so many ideas, anon! ;D <333333
was that really scribbie in the last thread i thought she died
No, I don't wanna.
All drawfags show your VERY FIRST drawing!
i never said i was a bird
also ur tall
>bane ruins it
Anon....bad taste..........no offense.........
because its not working and doodling something i dont hate feels better
Scribbie came back a few days ago
All drawfags touch magik! >>689326960
Lazy hug for anon
All drawfags draw your first job!
I'm too fucking slow for you guys.
All drawfags fuck trinket!
So, let me tell you.
I am a man.
I can only be gay for furry, if I even think about doing anything with another man IRL or on screen, it makes me softer than your head feathers.
All drawfags notice me!
everyone is happy to see you
Nim claimed
No, fuck off you annoying piece of shit.
thanks for this post, needed more music to listen to while I draw.
All drawfags check em!
I mean i slept in the same bed with her.
as the schoolgirl dude, I have nothing tomorrow, so your good
tfw no kirby to say goodnight
>off by one
try again son.
hahahaha thanks for noticing senpai!
So cute<3
You hate sword borg?
I like the lil guy... but I prefer my favorite swordy
All drawfags draw a self portrait!
I'm working on it.......
All drawfags draw your pet!
I witness you regardless of your lack of repeating digits, boi.
Requesting skinny black
please do not harm me
I am just a man
Wow this thread suck.
i dont hate swordborg, the exercise i was doing is boring and i couldnt do it right so i quit
now i fucked up my draw of swordborg so im putting him away for a bit too
All drawfags draw the person you hate!
thanks cian. i needed that. :3
>inb4 every drawfag draws themselves
All drawfags punch this guy on the face >>689327660
>hugging niko
All drawfags eat at mcdonalds!
too fucking late
And you're SHORT!
All drawfags draw your mum and dad
kek report this guy again
I'm taking MMZ requests
arnt you a gay?
bo is a shapeshifting disaster!
she changes to suit her needs n moods, as it is not a form that is tru.
you are testing the limits of that vessel of hers.
AW i kinda missed this... tempting, though.
All drawfags drink bleach!
You're just mad that I already got the Bane dick, faggot.
No but really I'd let Trinket beat my ass
All drawfags drink naruto!
Sorta! I didn't grow up playing too many games- but I really did love the concept of Shodan, Hal, and Glados (but Shodan.. will always make my pants tight).
evangelion or zankyou no terror
i actually havent met any black dg fans
or any in general i guess
All drawfags draw a fanart of entity!
yes can you help me? im running out of ideas
Well, please dont forget 'em. You have a cool lookin dude on your hands bro.
>hope you like reading blurry shit
All drawfags watch out a sn
I don't know that he has a monopoly on that face...
Use nokia power
All drawfags draw pin!
>will you pop
and i wont, hes basically the only thing ive drawn that isnt swordbro in a long time
im glad shes okay
self check
eh whatever, you can only report a guy like 30 times before you stop caring. go ahead autistic spammer, have fun.
I hope you continue whining about drawfags getting attention by delivering drawings.
No. I'm more of an inbetweener in that I like anything.
All drawfags can you swim?
Tired even though didn't do much
Night thread
Did you do titfuck?
>AW i kinda missed this... tempting, though
You shud do it.
>>Being triggered by opinion
left or right
>You are testing the limits of that vessel
She'll be fine! I promise, now stand up, and eat more.
Those feet do things to me
Good things
G'night green.
>asking music
>delivering drawing
>announcing report
>mfw you're an obvious newfag
Drawfags and their self-loathing, lol, they never pass up an opportunity to take stabs at themselves.
Right looks more proportional
All drawfags kill the bully >>689328534
You mean a booper
All drawfags do you like swordbro?
>no face
someone doesnt know how new they are
I hope you have the sweet dreams.
you should really focus that camera dude
All drawfags desu desu desu
It's actually to prevent people from jumping them, If you admit to being a shit, the haters really don't have much else to bring to the table.
sorry, obviously skinny isnt something im good at
man I don't give a shit about your opinion. I've been here since 2007 but I still don't know if that even matters. I might still be new, I dunno. I had fun boxing you for a bit and got bored. keep touching your dick and maybe something will happen.
this is true.
topkek proving my point
But it looks fine!
thanks Ninja
anybody have a good reference for the armpit here? im having troubles with this
All drawfags im gonna take a shit ill spam later also notice me llolololol
Never thought of it that way, good point, anon.
pick one to continue.
meant for
this guy
hey I never said I was perfect
though even now I don't know why you're whining
>topkek proving my point
>topkek as one word
>referencing a facebook post from last year
>pretending to be old
Please you're being really sad right now famalamadingdong
Bye bye qt'y.
We're eating fish tonight!
Really? Why is that?
Just not a lot of things running through your mind or the opposite?
Scythe guy
Including your penis enlargement pills?
Its my crappy phone. Half of the time it wont focus
thank you guys ! (and kris)
Forgot image
youre welcome
fine! it'll be a first.
i hate bein' late to parties, but-!!!
thinking about eating is making ME hungry though.
you see my dilemma.
Fuck off spam
what am i
Eat while drawing the eat, gain fat while you gain fat, see, everything works out in the end.
Also, cute as heck.
*fap fap fap*
Damn girl you looking reaaaaal fine.
fuck off
Holes or dicks, I don't care
Just show me the money
Fuck off randy
Go eat a cheeseburger you fat fuck
nothing i really care to draw or can draw
You single?
>Probably not but it's worth a try
forget this, im going to bed. night thread
Anon, please...
>participating in the spam
I hope you never get a delivery again
They're gator's wife.
Ur gorgeous.
I just said it cause it was moku
I like to tease him
The swedish fuck
Minos w/ no mask?
Momma's got it going on.
come on man, not funny. im just big boned..
I think you could draw some amazing things if you gave it a shot bro. I have faith in you swordy.
Night ghosty
i prove that god is imperfect for his only mistake was me ...
This nigga. kek
made me laugh/10 good job moku
My fucking sides
ok goodnight i guess
Run away with me Bo, we can leave this thread behind and start a new one, just me and you. <3
good. go sleep now. nice dreams
>massively misplaced faith
im probably heading back into lurking for now
well i guess you showed that asshole
Might as well be a late fag.
>nothing to lose.
>hate my shave
Got more pics?
For research of course.
Damn 4chan is full of newfriends now, its sad.
I know, right? Shadow of it's former self. They would have all been eaten alive in 2003-6.
MM... tempting. thick is ideal.
but, alas. i am out of snacks.
>cute as heck
HAH. i am very gay and very taken.
also, was that a lion king 2 quote.
my only redeeming quality is selfies.
fuck off
Ok, then where did the oldfags go? And why aren't you there now?
are you a nazi
Wait...I know you.
Guess who just became my new favorite drawfag....kek
>Out of snacks
Drawing bo isnt, still have plenty of pies! Eat up.
But seriously, no chocolate? Crackers? Cereal? Anything sugary?
This is the stuff that makes me cringe the most, out of everything.
Look a skinhead!! ;DDDD <33
*fap fap fap*
ah ahhh ahhhh
I'll be here then.enjoy your lurk,senpai.
i guess so
who is that thing...... i just want to keep it to myself. thats one cute thing. <3
You have a cute face. :D
I swear I'm not. I had really long hair and needed a change to get a job with low cash....
Really? Remember my name?
Summer is upon us ;_;
Thank you ;;
Do you need anything Bo, I can get you anything you want, i'll be your slave
i cri
All drawfags cri with us!
this is by far the sexiest thing you've done, i actually want to fap.
>cri ere teim
whining about summer while knowing nothing about summer
i want to fuck the magik.
All drawfags help me!
All these lonely anons thirsting
I want to fuck the bird
nice anime picture! lololol
back to the loli threads marifucker
>no actions made
>sexiest thing you've done
You wound me. But i'm rarely here so i guess my unpopularity is expected.
so who wants to eat fish? i got plenty
thanks oni-chan! still, educate yourself about summer or you'll get defeated by naraku-san! ;_;
pretty sick gifwave
We've been over this.
haha okay senpai ill educate myself with maymays liek you lol
did somone give her alcohol? why bois. again?
my ancestors are smiling on me, imperial
can you say the same
>implying thats trinket or that people give a shit about reposts
>was that a lion king 2 quote.
I actually don't remember, but the offer still stands. <3
HM. i will see what i can crank out at this hour!
ahah... no... i am due for a grocery trip.
>i'll be your slave
that's funny - being a domme is my plan B if school doesn't work out.
Obviously people give a shit about reposts if someone's complaining. Just saying.
Since the only picture you have of me is an old one, here's one from this year.
stranger danger
i die not cri
i unaducated myself since last summer
Summer is cumming
I'm glad you remember your ancestors, you're about to meet them.
the mix of styles here really fuck me up
Draw, then grocery trip tomorrow, pick up a shit ton of sweets and fatty things, those are the best things, and totally the healthiest choices for food.
d--damn it lowell, this thread is dying!
>that's funny - being a domme is my plan B if school doesn't work out
Be sure to let me know first. :)
Fine i'll stick to simplifying my style then.
oh thank you senpai idk how 4chin works lmao
Why i posted it here B3
Hey mate, sorry to ask, but are you still working on the earlier requests??
what a qt
Everytime i get on the computer, i come here. So i've been doing requests from this and last thread.
well maybe you should come to the new thread and we can fusion-ha! and come to terms! :3
well, thats thread died
What happened to the other thread?
Gd 404
no i mean.... sorry for calling you thing. your just sooo cute. i just wish i could keep you to myself......(in my dungeon)
op is a summerfag he probably got banned
Looks like op deleted it b/c they got caught samefagging