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If Trump Good or Bad?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 306
Thread images: 131
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If Trump Good or Bad?
Good, Mostly
definitely better than hill
Trump will fix the Muslim problem
Good because he is honest and a nativist which is what this country needs rn
I think he's good but he has his problems despite what /pol/ says. Still he's better then Hillary and SLIGHTLY better then Bernie.
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i wanted to compare him to bernie and hillary :*(
Trump is America's last chance.
"We need a wall"
build a fucking wall
Trump is Trump, he is not however the next president of the united states.
>What is the poster count
doesn't matter, even if he gets voted in the electoral college would more than likely put hillary in office, and probably nothing will change. quit perpetuating the myth that common people any say in what happens regarding government
i dunno you tell me. screenshot with timestamp
fix your grammar you fucking border hopping anchor baby

Lawful Evil
Like this thread, destined to fail.
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He's a retard that doesn't understand economics or immigration. Most of his supporters have sub-90 IQ.

Gary Johnson 2016
Funny, that's not how you spell "Bernie Sanders".
That will magically end all the problems in the U.S. right?
>I, a random fuckwit on /b/, know more about economics than a billionaire with an MBA.
>look how fucking smart I am, which I prove by mere assertion

You're right. It isn't.
>Funny, that's not how you spell "Bernie Sanders".
You're right but im pretty sure he was talking about Trump.
It will make some jobs for the next few years.
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I do know more, considering that limiting free trade and immigration has been PROVEN to decrease GDP and market activity. This is economics 101

Having an MBA is completely irrelevant, every millionaire or billionaire probably has a different opinion on economics. A government doesn't function at all like a private business. You can
Oh god we got a Bachelors in Wikipedia over here guys, better watch out.
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Have you not been paying attention?
>thinks Trump doesn't make new rules that actually work
..."Economics 101" is split into "Microeconomics" and "Macroeconomics." Because they're different things. Which you would know if you actually knew any-fucking-thing about it.
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Not him, but all economists agree that limiting free trade is bad for economies. It's like the one extremely non-partisan thing in economics.
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Last one :D
I bet you can't tell me what based means lol.
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TRUMP 2016!!!
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trump is money
kek, then he changes it, then again and again then he claims he never made it, then he makes it again, then claims he never heard of it, but then he makes it again, it all depending on the retard hillbilly that is listening to him.

Stop pruning me, you gibbon.
Well sunny, that sounds like a burn.
Educational scam wasn't enough. He had to go into cryptocurrency too.
He'll be assassinated by a sandnigger and ironically that will seal his reputation forever as a Great Man without ever having to implement his loopy policies.
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>climate denier
>wants to disband the EPA
He is a dangerous retard
If Global Warming(tm) were real, the ice caps would have melted by 2000.

You know. Like they promised they would. For years. And years.

And the EPA's most recent hits include flooding an entire river with toxic heavy metals and covering up the lead poisoning of Flint, Michigan.

Sure, let's keep em around. Promote them, even.

Fucking idiot.
No keep going!
>>And the EPA's most recent hits include flooding an entire river with toxic heavy metals and covering up the lead poisoning of Flint, Michigan.

And they are responsible for killing off so many bees.
Jesus christ.
Actually our sea level is already tracking the worst case scenarios.
The EPA saves more American lives than the department of defense.
The EPA passed the clean water act that clean up our rivers that where being used as industrial waste disposal, rivers used to catch on fire.
EPA also is placing regulations on lead, too bad they couldn't stop you from eating those paintchips

He's a con man, he's about as much of a stereotypical corrupt business man as you could get, he has no solid views on anything and no idea how to run anything, let alone a country

The only reason he's so popular is because he's the face of political incorrectness, all the people that are pissed at being PC and shit are latching onto him and looking past the fact that not only is he a terrible candidate for president, but he's a terrible person in general

Still better than Hilary though
Good for the world. Bad for the USA. I hope he wins so the u.s. is weakened. They meddle too much in everyone's shit.
Global warming's a scientific fact
best meme
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>If Trump Good or Bad?
please don't be voting age
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Well the entire scientific community disagrees with you but I guess for people like you facts and statistics take a backseat to emotions

You got quiet
He's a loose cannon. I know some of the stuff he says is theater - part of the "I'm not a politician" rhetoric he keeps throwing out, which people keep buying - but some the off-the-cuff diatribes are genuine Donald Trump.

When you have the leaders of other countries denouncing someone during the primaries, it's significant. Hillary's a snake, but I can trust her to sit down at a table and negotiate. Trump? Could cause a lot of damage without even intending to.

I think this "choice" we've been presented with is pathetic. It's also sad that even with these two, no one I talk to (and certainly not the media) will discuss voting for a third party.

I can't bring myself to say "yes, one of these two people - Trump or Hillary, the best America has to offer - that person's going to be a good leader."

No one even seriously mentions the national debt. We just keep racking it up, year after year. Show me the politician who promises to work on not running a deficit, and I'll vote for him.
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Because it's so bad to do a good job. It makes you look like a fucking retard. I bet with those fantastic typo skills, jobs are beating down your door to hire you.

But what if Global warming's not true, and we made the world a better place for nothing?
>Well the entire scientific community disagrees with you

Actually they don't. Keep perpetuating that lie.
This anon knows whats up
Wrong again
I hope you at least learn something
Look, no one wants to trash the place. I believe in being responsible. But this liberal "the sky is on fire" agenda is just bullshit. We don't need the democrats putting taxes and regulations into everything. The EPA is just a group of fuckups. Global warming is a lie, deal with it.

If everyone was still driving around in cars from the 40's, we would all have lung cancer by now. Technology is constantly improving and we are getting cleaner energy, and doing it efficiently at the same time. Government regulations have only gotten in the way of progress. These advances take place because we want them to, not because we were forced to.

Fuck off back to liberal fairy tale land (europe) and take your muslim cock like a good little goy.
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You gotta do better than some faggots blog.

I love how Trump supporters always quote the exact same two issues - Political correctness and illegal immigration, like those are the only issues that matter for a President. What about international diplomatic relationship? Foreign intervention? Illegal drugs issues? Healthcare? Rising college debts? Environmental issues? etc etc etc?

But nah Trump is not afraid to say non-PC things, so that makes him literally a perfect president.
Being this stupid must be great. Every day is just a whole new adventure.
>What about international diplomatic relationship? Foreign intervention? Illegal drugs issues? Healthcare? Rising college debts? Environmental issues? etc etc etc?

This just proves that you are nothing but a liberal programmed perfectly by your masters in the MSM. If you would stop and pay attention to what Trump actually says instead of what reddit tells you he said, you would know that there are many issues being discussed.

I hope Hillary wins just so I can watch you libcucks burn alive.
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>No argument


Come back when you think of something witty to say.

It's almost like the direction technology is improving toward is motivated by current environmental issues like climate change?

but whatever, calling me names and shit won't change the fact that you're wrong (tho I see your point regarding government inefficiency, but that's exactly it - inefficiency, not based on maliciousness but based on overall inexperience in dealing with a complex geo-political issue).
Wew, we sure are killing the planet.
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bad at business
good a pandering to rubes

Go ahead, educate me then. What're his policies on these subjects? Maybe we can actually discuss about policies for once?
government regulations have only gotten in the way

idk, let's ask the people in montana how much they enjoy paying taxes for mining corporations bankrupting on purpose after exhausting mines without rules on waste disposal

you're right, being that stupid is indeed great
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trump would be a manager at taco ball if not for his daddy's money.
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Don't post elon musk, it just makes you look retarded.

>not based on maliciousness


You can't be serious. Assuming bait.
50-lane traffic jam in China. The US has environmental issues - and we've made some headway - but here's a little perspective. In some ways the stuff we have direct control over is a drop in the bucket.
Do you go to your book club and discuss what you didn't read? I ain't spoonfeeding you. Do your homework and come back.
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>pandering to rubes
you're confusing trump with this piece of shit
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Donald Trump: master of manipulating inbreds and simpletons.
The 0.5% of religious scientists that still try and convince everyone that everything in the bible is literal don't count
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We haven't heard variations on that old bullshit a million times. Nope, never.
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>thinks trump is more than a shill and slimy snake oil salesman
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you've heard it before because it's true, mongoloid
Tricking the retarded masses is what the entire republican party is based around
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I'm not
>religious scientists


Who is talking about religion? What the fuck are you on about?

Make sure you click on "Qualifications of signers"
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You are the worst troll I've seen in a few weeks. Youtube commenters do better on average.

I award you no points.
9,029 seems to be around 0.5% to me
Because Bernie and Hillary supporters are such intellectual marvels.

Why not Elon Musk? You talked about cleaner cars and Tesla is evidently relevant to what you're saying?

And on the second point, maybe you're right. Maybe they make ineffective regulations based on pure maliciousness, motivated by I don't know climate change deniers?
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you're wrong
He's not a good guy, he's not a bad guy. He's the guy.
>cant read

>"31,487 American scientists have signed this petition"
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I cant tell if this is a shitpost or if this guy actually hates Trump.
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trolling and knowing the truth are two different things
I'm not trolling
Hillary supporters don't give a fuck about anything, they just want everything to stay the same, Bernie supporters have completely normal views on first world policy but are just in the wrong place at the wrong time
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No, just go away. You bring the average IQ of the thread down to new lows.
For a while after Bernie lost I thought he was good because I thought he was being over-hated because of the Mexican shit, but the more he says the more I realize he's just another idiot, and just another politician. He panders so god damn hard to whatever vote he's trying to get it's Hilary levels of pathetic. So even though Hilary is a warmongering hag I'm still gonna vote for her because more of the same is good enough for me.
That could be any random fucks just claiming to be scientists, only 9,029 have PHDs
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>Bernie supporters have completely normal views on first world policy
Sorry, socialist views are 3rd world

> DO YOUR HOMEWORK! -> what you sound like now
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>fourth world capitalist detected
You really believe we're ahead of China, don't you?

Keep hand waving away. When you won't take a proper citation, you are trying to get away with deception. You lose, get out.
Socialist democracy is what every first world country other than America embraces and has been for a long time

America still has plenty of aspects of a socialist democracy, you're just too scared of the word "socialism" to admit it

Good job defending your point trigglypuff.

God bless america!
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they are.
>wrong time
Get out of here you commie kike

I'm not your liberal masters, it's not my job to dictate your opinion to you. Your job as an adult is to do your own research, then join the discussion. This isn't something where you can take shortcuts.
>Bernie supporters have completely normal views on first world policy
That sounds nice until you realize its bullshit and can be applied to all candidates, more-so to Hillary since he beat Bernie so her views would technically be the "normal" views. Also considering everyone actually believes Trump is a racist despite him not saying anything racist. That said Bernie and Trump actually agree on more policies then both sides realize. Its fucking stupid they're fighting this hard.
>let the bodies hit the floor
>let the bodies hit the floor
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I'm not
>living person
>objectively good or bad
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>those sources
8/10 shitposter
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Nice unbiased sources anon. Now run home and tell mommy what a good job you did.
>makes claims
>refuses to back them up

Typical conservicuck.
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True, but based on what can be seen in other developed countries around the world it's "normal", but I see your point

A lot of Bernie supporters are going Trump, but I'd imagine it's more for the pure hatred of Hillary than it is to do with any similarities between the two, I know I'd vote for Trump now that Bernies gone if I lived in America
That actually proves Trumps point about Mexico and China tho
>one guy vs. thousands.

>cherry picking
go delete some emails shilery
your post names give you away
>thousands of people out of hundreds of millions
>not cherry picking
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>disputing the Washington Post is a credible source
I made no claims other than there is more than you think. I'm telling you to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!

Are you seriously this fucking stupid? If I spoon feed you, then I'm no better than NYT and huffpost and CNN etc...

You have to form YOUR OWN OPINION.

Next time I have to say this, the crayons are coming out.
Checkd + kekd
>being this stupid
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you mean his point that he cares about nobody but himself?
>Washington Post is a credible source
It's not
My fucking sides. Most of them are fucking people with undergraduate degrees.
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No one's asking for an opinion, retard. Neither me, nor the anon you were arguing with. But the thing is, you can't even provide facts. You know, those crazy little things that people base their opinions on?
>but based on what can be seen in other developed countries
stop right there, as if other developed countries matter. As if the EU and Canada aren't going through massive bullshit where politicians are actively banning twitter / facebook free speech and self destructing with refugees.

Fuck the other develop countries, they're small fry compared to the massive super power monster called the United States. I dont get how they think they can even try to lecture us, its just fucking retarded.
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not an argument
>being this retarded
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and I suppose you think fox news is
>massive super power monster called the United States
Well, I can agree on the "massive" part.
I know its not an argument
its just one guy posting shit
your the one guy
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none of the posts he replied to are arguments.. just memes
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>A lot of Bernie supporters are going Trump
top kek
USA send help please :*(
- Sweden
All six of the ones I know are. anecdotal sure but to say it isnt happening is false.
>self destructing with refugees
It's affecting like 2 countries which were both already shit to begin with
>if Trump is elected, will it be a good or bad outcome?
pretty sure that's what OP meant.
>Social democracy
>its not socialism or communism at all....
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and your little meme just shows politifact won a Pulitzer prize for a reason.
they are accurate.
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too bad they're all too young (and stupid) to vote
>implying the democrats don't
cool story bro
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Well, yeah, conservative will be conservatives, no matter which name they use.
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Please come back after Trump has won and post moar butthurt.
It will be so much moar pleasing.
They arnt, but say whatever keeps you from crying
You know if we can fuse Sanders and Trump together into a candidate that promises free healthcare and forgives college debt but also plans to isolate itself so no illegal immigrants can take advantage of those things. I'm sure /b/ will be a more pleasant place to chill in.
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Global warming is real, that's why Al Gore invented the methane filter for the beef and dairy industry. I'm no scientist but it looks like they basically just graft the filter to the cows butt. haha so simple but brilliant
>Thanks Al.
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oh, I'll be back
back to taste your salty tears
>Why democratic socialism doesnt work
Oh fuck I guess someone should tell all of Scandinavia, you know, the happiest & most free countries on earth.
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well, guess I have to vote trump then.

nice job doing his job for him.
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not crying
not mad
not butthurt
not worried because I know who the next president will be.
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without stupid old farts Hilary would have no voter base
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>salty balls
He's good, berry berry good
Youre trying really hard for no reason then
1 man doesn't speak for an entire religion
just as these nutjobs don't speak for me
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live stream your an hero too
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no, you can taste your own salty balls or get trump to do it for you.
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The elitist HillSHITS looking down on the working class once again.

Well, guess what asshole?

We OUTNUMBER you whiny elitist fucks.
>one doesn't speak for many
>therefore many don't speak for one
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I'll be too busy celebrating the first woman president
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TRUMP 2016

TRUMP 2016

TRUMP 2016

TRUMP 2016
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After Mr. Trump wins I hope you don't enjoy the freedom.
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back peddling I see
You know that salon made a story about James Rolfe being a idiot/sexist because of his video in which he says he won't go see the ghostbusters remake. So yeah that's a shitty ass source.
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TRUMP 2016

TRUMP 2016

TRUMP 2016

TRUMP 2016

TRUMP 2016
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>We OUTNUMBER you whiny elitist fucks.
>mfw Bernie supporters outnumber Hilary and Trump supporters combined
Gonna need some sauces on that claim anon.
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>The educated, itelligent Hillary supporters looking down on the inbred monger class once again.


We'll see who is outnumbered come November Cletus
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like your still celebrating the first black president?
double fail
It's fun to see how the shit comes to you. Even though a slightly smaller scale.
Hand full of people puts on a little mass murder scene in America and people goes nuts about muslims.
Think about over two decades of bringing "freedom" to middle east.
"You make your bed..."
good AF
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>mfw Bernie still dropped out of the race
ITT: People that have no idea about economy, lecturing people that have no idea about economy.

So many fallacies here, it hurts;
>He's got big moneys, he must know more than you about moneys

Remember guys. A counter argument would be to provide actual counter arguments, not obvious logical fallacies.
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TRUMP 2016

TRUMP 2016

TRUMP 2016
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fake and gay, but mine is real
Being infested with refugees, having a lack of free speech, and being a social democracy, are all not related at all

You could easily have freedom of speech laws like America, tell the refugees to get the fuck out, and still be a socialist democracy
You can't even spell intelligent.
And retards will be regards. Your point?

Mine is the entire system is rigged against us and going with a 2 party system is the entire problem. If you really want to fix something, get ALL of the old, career, polititions out of office, find a way to actually hold elected officials responsible while ensuring they do a hood job running the country, and make sure they don't run it into the ground. With the current system, America is fucked. We will just keep putting the same clowns into office and saying we did a good job while everything goes to shit.
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you spelled success wrong
If trump good or bad
then votetrump=true
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"Hillary sinks to third place among independent voters: poll"
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I can spell it, I just can't type it
kek hes a fucking liar, if you believe anything he says youre an idiot. Its either wholy unconstitutional or goes directly against him, like getting rid of free trade for example. kek idiots
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>Mfw you try and stump the trump
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>the popular vote matters


>muh valid 3rd party
Go fucking kill yourself thick nigger faggot
too busy laughing to weep
note the numerous sources in >>689329237
And you follow up proving you lack even basic keyboarding skill required in modern day society. That's the equivalent of lack of calligraphy skills in medieval times. And everyone knows calligraphy was the art of the nobility.
This is actually the type of image and post dumbasses on Facebook who think they're witty would share on Facebook

Thrump isn't good or bad. He is a force of nature.
Is a tornado bad for leveling houses and taking lives?
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you spelled fabrication and self interest wrong
You don't bring people in with actual problems. You have to scare people shitless and then sell yourself as the only solution.
It's how demagogy works, brah. It works too well and that's why it won't go away.
Also additional point, while I don't identify with any political lining, what is wrong with conservatives?

Sure, this extremist shit is destroying the country but people need to find a healthy balance between conservative views and liberal views.

Seriously, what business has actually had major financial success while being extremely liberal?
Note: supporting views does not count, I am speaking of their finances.
PS: I see the problems with putting money before people.
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yes, but >>689329033 is a proven photoshop you stupid bastard
Also guess where Osama got his funding
see the picture for a hint
Except he doesn't have enough delgates to get the Democratic nomination. Meaning he would have to run independently
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>mfw citing a muslim lover failed candidate on 4chan
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>fabrication and self interest
I wasn't talking about Trump
>This denial
Your point? Hillary is a nasty bitch with brain damage who has never said an honest word in her life.

Trump is the better of two weevils.
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Trump is a self-centered, bloated orange douche-bag
Only in America "educated" means brainwashed idiot with a Social Justice degree.
Only in Liberal means authoritarian because your "intelligent, educated" people don't seem to understand the simplest of concepts and value personal feelings over demonstratable truth.
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and yet Al Qaeda rose to power during Clintons 'let it alone' foreign policy years, and ISIS rose to power during Obamas 'polishing the seat and doing nuttin' years.
good job
good job
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>popular vote
we know
Are you retarded, or just good at pretending?
Fucking pleb.
>2016 and still ignorant to the fact of climate change.
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now someones just getting mad
I like your ideas to some extent but please do a little research before posting shit like this. The national debt isnt a bad thing. It doesnt exist and grow because we owe the rest of the world money. We have a national debt almost entirely because of bonds, which essentially means that the bigger our debt is the more people trust the US government to be economically stable. The US tried paying off its debt under Andrew Jackson IIRC and it absolutely destroyed the US eonomy and caused a massive recession
Kek and at the same time held the title of, assclown that put America into the largest financial hole in the recorded history of mankind.

Let's see the futur generations dig their way out of it.
>protip: they won't if this shit keeps up and it will
Apart from the orange part, aren't you describing literally every politician ever?
See >>689330663
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I graduated college in 1982. there were no whiny sjw's back then. they are an embarrassment to democrats everywhere. Still not as pitiful as the inbreds that make up the republican party these days though.
Non-shill spotted
No. Some of the candidates were turd sandwiches.
But yet again, he can't run as the Democratic nominee. Meaning he has to run independent
looks like someone ran out of pics in his shill file

ask hilery to email you moar
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refresh my memory. who was the president when the twin towers went down? and who was the president when Osama was killed?
riight because Obama did anything good about the NSA. Oh yeah, he wiped his ass with the 4th and made it legal for then to spy.

Good luck with any of those fuckhats tho, America is fucked. Both parties are going to destroy this country.
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He's ugly.
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must be you
refresh my reality, how much of a threat would the taliban be if we did nothing - multiply isis by 69
nice memes Hillary! you're always welcome here, don't stop
Osama did nothing wrong.
>Kek and at the same time held the title of, assclown that put America into the largest financial hole in the recorded history of mankind.
oh hai

hmm... either Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil.

not sure yet.
>and yet Al Qaeda rose to power during Clintons 'let it alone' foreign policy years,
You mean Reagan's "what the fuck am I doing" decline into senility.
no, only retards like Carter

you old gramps, you hoping to get some of that pruny Clinton vagina out of this?
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I have plenty of pics in my shill file. Here's one of my favorites
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Get on or get run over
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na, I just fuck your mom when I get horny
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get off before you crash and burn
You have to go back.
Bush started the CIA operations to obtain Osama, Obama was just there when they were finished just to take credit.
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don't like to hear about who let them grow into threats, just wants to bang on at who had to deal with the aftermath.
typical faggot and retard
Hillary is neutral evil. She obeys the law when it's convenient.

Trump is slightly on the chaotic side of neutral.
no you
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>not understanding the message
you represent that small percentage of literally dumb Trump supporters whom shillary fags are always referring to
...dunno. I can't shake the feeling that spending more than we take in every year is a bad idea. Interest payments on the debt we accrue that way aren't insignificant (226 billion last year, 6% of the federal budget). That number isn't shrinking.
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The trains a comin
im breaking character to hit you with some fucking truth little johhny
Al Qaeda was busy killing soviet invader during the Reagan years
It was Clinton who just cut them lose and started this whole shitstorm
Jejeje fucking americucks...drumphf will limit trade....most shit US buys is made overseas....heading for another economic crisis...go ahead vote drump you cucks
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>Mfw Libtards try and stump the Trump
he's wearing Hilerys cunt as a hat

must be the future
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The media hates Trump so much they decided to hang out with him all the time
Somebody, fucking debate me.

For Fucks sake. All you "intellectuals" and all I see is fucking children fighting over whom has the best toy.

Poke holes in my statements, point out how I'm wrong, anything would be better than the fucking pissing match you all are having.

This was the easiest one and it was mostly b8/Obama was fucked from the start/he fucked up big time with the healthcare website, I mean really, why does it cost more than 1m to make a website that didn't work at day 1. Hell, google does a better job for less.
dad? is that you?
mom said you were a woman now
>bill oreilly
>the media
>"rise to power"only applies to its relation to the United states
>I just didn't feel like saying so at first

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Anon wins by virtue of anon being a faggot.

I'll let you decide who won and who is sucking the winners dick.
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The thing about this quote is Isis themselves still haven't done anything, it was a diehard fanatic
And thats why people buy bonds. Its similar to stocks - people pay for a bond that grows in value as the US government does. Its a win-win. ThevUS government grts more income from selling bonds, and the people who buy bonds get an asset with a good and stable increase in value every year. Its a viable system so long as bond owners sell bonds at a reasonable rate. If poeple were to all try to sell at the same time we'd probably have another recession or depression.
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Trump did 9/11, not muslims

source: educated voter
Maybe you missed the news reports where ISIS claimed responsibility for Orlando and that Mohamedeen and how he pledged his allegiance to ISIS before slaughtering the gayfags. Maybe you missed that.
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Trump took down the towers
Don't drink anymore but I'd love to knock back a couple dozen Trump Ales. He's a great man and I look forward to November so badly. I want the streets Hurricane Katrina flooded with liberal tears
Giuliani and Trump laugh all the time about 9/11...their favorite inside joke is 7 eleven is an inside job
What I find strange is that if the person said they were apart of the crusades, ya know the ones that aren't happening anymore that were done by "christians", people would be calling him a hateful, bigot, christian. Not saying anything about how the person was just a fucking dick or whatever they call individuals that kill in mass now.
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