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be as much of a newfag as humanly possible. i start >how do

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 294
Thread images: 53
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be as much of a newfag as humanly possible. i start
>how do i login here?
* *
lel guys triforce without triangles :p
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hi, a/s/l ?
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original content.jpg
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Geez, y do u guys make fun of homosexuals so much? I'm a member of the gay community, and I find your gratuitous use of the word "Fag" to be insulting.
Hey can I make a Meme? It's a funny pic of my grandpa XD. Also can I join anonymous I wanna learn how to hack
jesus fucking christ, /thread
What's a new fag?
How can I tell if someone is banned?
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spiderman intro.jpg
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Hahaha, time for spidrman
One time, at band camp........
How do I buy golden account btw? I can't see all the pictures! :(
Look at this meme I saw XDDDDDDDDD Tumblr was wrong about u guys :)))
Hey cnn anyone hack my friend for me? He took my idea for a meme that I was going to post on /b/. I only have a week before school starts up again, so can someone do this quick pls? Dubs decides who does it lol. Thanks! :)
Anonymous, can you ddos someone for me
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have i got a dubs? also, this doge meme is so epic for the win xd
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So much cancer ITT.
Where's all the gore and porn?
hey guys how do i make memes
holy shit dubsss GEEEEET!!!!
How do write in green?
lel nice dubs
Hello I'm new here. My name is Michael but y'all can call me Mike. I'm 14 (technically 13 and 9 months but it counts as 14 right?) and love memes. I saw my cousin ( he's 17) browsing this site and he showed me some great memes. I LOVE memes xD, at school people think i'm weird because I browse reddit and just talk in memes. I think that's pretty cool for my age :P. Wait until they learn that I just found the best meme website ever :D:D:D:D:D:D. So can you guys post some more cool memes, I like them dank and fresh as possible and if you have some anime memes i'd appreciate that because i'm a huge anime fan (for you ladies in here) ;3. Anyway the picture is me (yeah I know i'm cute ladies, no I can't give you my phone number lol).
Nice me-me, cute doge!
lol everyone here is such a cuckservative nigger jew faggot you fucking sandnigger kebab cucks
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fuck off newfags ive been here since dat boi
Actually i can. As long as you get someone to click on this link they are fucked.
Nice dubs friend!
Lol this is a white site neegur gtfo XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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your mom.jpg
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> sharpest edge
hahah its the funny frog again! here he comes! ylyl! so random and funny xd!
lol shutup nigger faggot i fucked ur mom last night she said i was bigger than u XD
damnit, lost already
good kek, good kek
>>689206031 Colombia, Bogotá
I am new but this website has funny doge memes like 9gag right?
ho do you make the triforce
How do i make a meme? And what the freak is a dub
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Hello I came to 4chan to talk to anonymous. Are you anonymous?
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Stupid racist, just got yourself reported, the mods will be here soon ( one of them is my big brother's friend) so you will be banned forever , have fun you racist piece of shit ;3
Fock u opee, I've been heer sisne 2001 fgt I made doge
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you fucking sandnigger jew i will get my legion on u and i will hack ur xbox live u cuckservative faggot jew i'll ddos u
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>newfags pretending they're newfags
Like this ?
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Fook u neegur, I'm telling my mom and she had sex with moot so I can get you banned >:)
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look everyone, i did a triforce! its such a cool meme lol, like 9gag
haha nice quints!! :--)
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a dub is when you write some story in green and finish with "everybody dance the dinosaur" and then people go "oooh he did a dub!!!"

i dont know about meemee though i think it comes with your AOL or something
wait i dont need to do anything ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)
OMG fuck you I don't swear but fuck you, you stupid cracker trash, you don't know muut, he's annonymus and nobody knows who he is
guys how do i send a frind request to moot i need ta ask him sumthin
hey everyone, has anyone got any of those funny frog memes i see on my grandmas facebook? there so funny lol. reee normies
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This is now a dubs thread.
U dunt no sheet aboot me neegur, moot is my second dad ant he can hav u arrested and sent wif teh over neegurs
Holy shit trips!!!
How do i join anonymous
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Can somebody tell me where I can find the hacker 4chan?
do something with your life instead of wasting it on 4chan you sad queer
How do I do the green words?
> life is teh suck
> Gonna end it all tonight
> Trips decides my an hero method
I'll post the livestream link
how do i emerald font
U send a random deek pic to Taylor swift lol it's obvious XDDDD
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:0 how do u do dat??????
Damn sweet quads bro, screencapping epic get right now
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Who is this chick? Whats the story?
I can triforce xd

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i think u have to b like a good programmar n use java n stuff idfk tho lol *shrugs*
Be me
Be gay
Be gsy
fuck you homo, my brother is a real hacker and will find your email and will hack your computer and will ban you
> requires gold account
the screencap is ready lol
I can sent ur IP to da deep web and hire a mercenary to fooking end ur stupid neegur life
Can I find them on eBay?
Can anonymous see and hack my ip address if they dont like me
@689203542, how do you post pics? :3 lol btw dont judge im 11
this thread is fail, so full of newfags and faggots, no lulz. all you aspies should get off the interwebz forever you unfunny newfags. this thread is like aids cause the pools closed (funny reference xd). all you jews should get away from 4chan, and take your gold accounts somewhere else. you are the cancer that is killing /b/, and my brother will smash the IRL banhammer on all of you, and all you gaiafags better leave niggertits. my brother is moot, and he will b& you all, you underage nigger cucks.
Lol can't afford XDDDDDS
Moot doesnt just give out ips you, and i doubt you can hack 4chan kid its on a cloud.
My brother says you are lying and that you are trying to upset me.
how do i triforce
ya just dont make them mad there always watchin there like ninjas
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Golf clap?
> golf clap
Ur brother is an fagit who's boyfriend is gay XDDDDDDD I have the hax to find all teh guvernment seecrets
So this is the channel 4 everyone talks about... Well Howdy there guise XD
>Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)11:39:51 No.689207570▶
>File: aa7.jpg (11 KB, 213x250)
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
hey guys, i'm new here, found out this place from 9gag and reddit, because i've heard that funny memes are posted here. can you guys share with me some funny fail memes i can send to my grandma? also, how do i become moot? thanks
(pic related: its a funny meme xDDDD)
He said to be a newfag not half of /b/
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how do I log in?
When do we raid Brittany Venti?
where is that from number 689205823
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>gets arrested
haha wow did you just type that whole thing out?! really well written friend and gave me a chuckle
How due U no?
May bee yur mom like edge.
I was told I needed a gold account before I could look at all the really good content how do I get one?
Have anyone found the invasion board yet?
you have to ask moot directly and give him like 20 dollars a month iirc
It's easy 689203542
I herd that it is found on 2chan :0
Do i get ?
Btw how do u get
What is a dubs?
Found this wixxin website with all teh 4chun seecrets.
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Oh i see lmao. You guys hacked he ip thats wicked cool
Where is 2chan? I do not find it here on le 4chan
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Check out >>689207091
he explains it very well
Don't make me whip out my naked banana
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Is this a subreddit? Never saw it in the list.
holy crap just how many chans are there?!?!? 0_0 is 1chan where all the old boys hang out?
>> 689207884 #


I dont have a bank account how can I get an account to see this pic? Can the owner of this pic give a brief description to make sure it is worth signing up for? thanks
MY EYES! Why would you do that?!?!
It's a different website from my inside source of expert haxx0rs
how do i reply? help
Sick fuck
lol i will try
(green) I'm walking down the street and I see a hot girl and i ask her to show me her boobies. She tells me that we will have sex and tells me to follow her behind a tree. There she lifts her shirt and everybody dances the dinosaur !!! (green) lol i think this one is pretty funny
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images (2).jpg
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XDD Look at this HQ dank meme my mom sent me
Jesus... Is that...? Wow. Too far man. Even for one of these threads.
hey guys, new to this site and i luv it!!!!! just one question, is there any special etiquette i should no before posting? thanks :DDDDD
Omfg that's so funny I see what you did there XgDDddDD XDDXDD
HAI GUYS 《*≧∀≦》
How do i talk to inside haxx0rs? Is you Anonymous hacker group?
So this is forchan, huh!!1 the gamerfrommars man really spo0ked me out about this place!!!?
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I think 1chan is fur trains
hey /b/ where can i find hot b00bies?
Show me 1337 b00bz!!11!
i' ve heard that Boku no Pico is great anime, what do you think?
hi i heard 4chan is a hacker

where can i find him and will he teach me how to hack?
guys do i need to know like a password or say like the secret word to be able to talk to anonymous on here?
Hey,im a girl and you shouldnt ask me for pics cuz thats fucking rude.Go jerk ur ugly fat boyfriend and im sexy yet smart enough not to take naked pics c:
What is an hero?

where's the inbox?
I clicked the link how fucked am i?
too soon
Sho me tits bitch, also I don't like mayo on my sammich
put a shoe on your tits!!! or gtfo
>689207496 #

kek are you retarded, an hero is when you open a jar of pickles and stick it in your butt
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I don't know if 4chan is for me guys. I like hackers like moot and pol, i dont want them to bother me or my mum.
>goodbye 4chaners
What does "kek" mean? Is it another word for penis lol XDDDDD
Haha fucking weeaboo get off this site!
<mwf weeaboos
^Furries have never been on thiss site
/\Im an oldfag
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child porn.png
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hey gold members check out my sweet cp of my 3 year old sister lmao

theres no rules on 4chan so i dont get arrested right?
dont listen to this guy its when u say ur gonna kill urself but then instead u dont and then laugh at the people who beleived u its like a prank
Lol so funny<
That's just straight disgusting. I report you to my local police, sir. I don't want my children to be reading this.
Far too much cancer in this thread. Peace.
>drops mic.
Don't listen to this guy. That makes mustard gas!!!
is this the darknet? how do i join anonymous?
>>6889209940 Im not sure if youre being serious or being retarded...

<how do i greentext guys?

Did you serve in iraq? My big brother served in the iraqi navy core, he has 14 confirmed kills with a thumper.
so fucking lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol
I did a 360 and walked away.
What is this?
screw triangles! :v


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It's called a triforce :-)
Ok I am going for gold account. I will just input my credit card numbers and type "Gold" and 4chan will auto hide my info. Mi** Fil*** 541* **** **** **** Gold
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This is FBI-protected, right? I want to rob my local bank. Been spending time there every day for past 2 weeks. Know all the cameras. Any advice how to get away with moneybags?
Fuck you heaven, why do you have to be on every dam thread i post. fucking asshole.

so is this place like ifunny but meaner
>posts in this thread
help guys i keep seeing same posts when I click to page 2 or page 3 and so on....
my brother says we can't access the black web because our pc is not fast enough so he will delete system32 and we'll come back! s33 y0u L@t3R GuY$$
Say your a Muslim
Why is everybody's username "anonymous"
>hai guis
>aim a gurl c:
>im 8 yrs old
>em ai smert yet?
>uda kool keeds rait?
>lemme teik a selfi
Le ebin trole
Expose thy breasts or begone
I tried asking mom(she's clever), but she blocked this website in response. Now I am using my phone.
ugh ur such a newfag...
>newfags pretending they're newfags
fucking cringe
rate my deek /b/
if i post on 4chan will the fbi arrest me? really scared /b/. help me out.
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eemojees r cuute
Inb4 op
How do I use trips?
This is The FBI, your Ip adress (##.###.####) has been tracked down.
ylyl thread
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22 GET
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look at this grumpy gus lol here have a meme buddy
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Go Back To.jpg
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Reddit is that way new friend

>open door
>see fbi agent
>spray with pepper spray
>remove agents pants.
>Spray balls with pepper spray
>give him medicine to make him enjoy gay sex
>fuck him until he dies from pleasure c:

Youre welcome
too soon
Somebody on myspace posted a link here. What is this place?
thank u anon. how do i gay sex? is it a meme?

Holy shit i cringed like fuck

lets be friends :)

You are the cancer get out newfag
It's not. Now kill yourself.

Just stick your dick in your uke's ass...

Maybe piss inside them.
Or idk
* a hero

What was the original meme?
>be me
>be 17
>see hot grill
>ask if she like
>she say yea
>she fuck me
what do i do /b/
How did you make your text green?
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Lol! This one is even better!
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be le me
come to le 4chan
like le mudkipz xD

You all like them right?
Because i have over 9000 of them xDDDDDD
the hacker anonymous hacked me. help
Um, buddy, your command didn't work. Try typing it with / instead. Do we even have commands here?
/trole Anonymous

Did it worked? O.o
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seriously though...any one here can tell me how to blank post...seriously..
Wait. Let me try.

See anything? Nothing changed for me. I shall report a bug.
LIke this post if you think 9gag is king XDDDD
ʇoƃƃɐɟ ɐ sı do
Hi guys I'm Jewish, hope you can all be my friends!! XD Lol!!
tumblr was sooo wrong about you gais!! hahaaahh!!
its pronounced /trolee
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I came here for the waifu claims.
That guy that called moot a newfag will always be the most newfag shit you'll ever see.
llɐ noʎ ʞɔnɟ˙˙pǝuınɹ sı /q/ ʇɐɥʇ uosɐǝɹ ǝɥʇ llɐ ǝɹɐ noʎ˙ʞɔıs ǝɯ ǝʞɐɯ llɐ noʎ

It worked for me...Maybe ur computer is too slow...

Have you tried .deletesystem32

lol xD trap thread everybody! YLYL!
True newfags would only be lurkin


I've been here since the fappening can't even remember what I did before 4chan xD
kek anon
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Lel XD where do I find the memesubscription XD
Hey guys came some one direct me to the /tv/ sub reddit plz.
Asking an 8 year old bare thy breasts.

why doesn't moot do something about this new korean admin. he never posts and is a newfag. i like cucks

You were normal


Just get some memes from /r/adviceanimals and bring em here
how do you do that?????
[alt-255] [alt-255] [alt-30] [enter] [alt 30] [alt 255] [alt 30]
top zoz, fellow!
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did i do it rite?
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i ment *can loolz lolo

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triforcing is easy you newfags gosh
How do i do tri force?
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>one off
Why not do a mega triforce!??!?!? am i right!!

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Turn your keyboard upside down
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Is it summer already
shut up nigger ill call the modes on yuo!
we should go raid tumblr guys we can hax them
Serious question, why do yall throw the word "autistic" around like it's nothing? What if your future kids come out with autism? Then what?
/b/ is my personal army
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248 B, 34x16
>am i doing it right?
Watch your mouth, now, you silly excuse for a c*ntmouth.
Then they're a tard, simple as that.
yeah..lets see you do it retard
How do I repost this?


hello fellow niggers!
My dad is moot and he'll ban you
newfags can't triforce

Is this site legal?

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》is this how I greentext?
That's not the nudes boys don't click
>how to greentext????
what is a newfag
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▲no. you do it like this newfag
im still waiting dumbass
Thread replies: 294
Thread images: 53

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