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Waifu claiming thread. >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 164
Thread images: 144
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Kyouko (134).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Mio Akiyama.jpg
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Claimed, hey all once again
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file name full of wit.png
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Holy fuck Non Non Biyori just gave me 126 out of 10 possible feels. I'll be back soon enough.
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Akiko claimed
>mi liu
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Just a link to my post.

Rory-sama claimed
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I haven't tried my max actually. I had someone to show me how to do it and I still feels it in my back. They said you're supposed to feel it in the hamstrings but I don't

You're still keeping up the mysterious bunny anon aren't you?
>I love it!

Ready for next thread?

Yes she does
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kagami claimed!!
i just finished death parade, and
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11/10, would read again

Just know, if it did happen, I wouldn't just be teasing one person. And use the word teasing very loosely there.
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this is a David Boowie song
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Hey that's pretty hot
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I'm still here x2.
Neither did you evidently from that pic.
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I'm sure I will too

More of a poor positioning and use of all his higher healing spells
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Syndra (57).jpg
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Tenryuu 156.jpg
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Tenryuu claimed

>How's the Fire Emblem series
It's pretty good. The grind for the levels is a bit exhausting, but it's a nice game.
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we did it
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Even more interesting.
Maybe I'll see for myself one day.

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Don't sink the boat.jpg
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Ashes to ashes, fun to funky.
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>claiming yume
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No option to convert spells into cure wounds or channel energy?
He aint doing Cleric right.
I guess humans cant keep smug forever.
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Okay then, here there's that chair, you can sit on it.

Let me know when you have it

I second this
Achja, Freundescode? Oder zumindest Code für dein Schloss?
Yo nochmal!
I want dem tiddies Tenryuu
>mi liu
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Miho claimed

Ill be lurking playing some WOWS
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What if I don't really have many great things to say?

Is it okay?
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Shiro claimed.

Just meant it as in: If you want to lose money anyway, you are welcome to lose it to me.
Is it about the money, or more about the game itself? Wouldn't playing with friends with just a few bucks do the trick?

Ist halt Noobschiff für Walletwarriors. Die können alle nix. Reported.

Oh. Fit?

Du Glücklicher!
Wieso produzieren die nicht einfach noch ein paar Tausend mehr?
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hope i don't fuck up my math final
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Hey legs

Mostly out of range, I got dropped to 2 damage away from death, and I couldn't stabilize in time. And our wizard and barbarian, who were nearby, didn't have points in heal and didn't have a healer's kit

About to build an old crazy druid
I'm sure you will
That aint no chair though.
I see through your lies.

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yoho sry war am overwatch spielen und deshalb etwas abgelenkt
Wie ist es so?
Viele Freunde von mir haben es aber ich bin nicht so der FE-Fan
Absolut nicht.
You are free to say as you wish, but i'm sure you're underestimating yourself.
QOTT: what are some fetishes you don't understand or don't know why people are in to it?

Scat, feet, and diaper and guys getting fucked by their female partners
>floor tiles
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So als unverbindlicher Vorschlag: Du könntest dich auch vorbereiten, statt Overwatch zu spielen?
The gods made heavy Metal, and they saw that it was good.
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Pretty much the ones you listed + vore.
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>anything im into
feet, scat

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Yume you re a nazi?
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80s speed metal.jpg
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Frag mich nicht. Ich hab keinen blasen Schimmer.
Achja, gib du mir auch mal deinen Freundescode oder zumindest Schlosscode!
Und... Birthright oder Conquest?
Und ich hoffe du spielst auf Classic Modus
Oh, klar, Overwatch ist auch super. Will ich mir auch noch holen wenn ich nen ordentlichen PC bekomme.

Würde sagen es ist ne Verbesserung von Awakening. Bis jetzt gefällt es mir. Schwierigkeitsgrad ist ordentlich, nicht zu schwer, nicht zu einfach. Ein paar Risiken muss man jedoch eingehen.

Diaper is the only one I can actually think of which I don't udnerstand AT ALL
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all of those, and more lol
but i guess i can't talk...
Aisaka claimed
Fucking tile anon. That glorious bastard.

Guro is fucking disgusting though

And that too

Just remember, the worst that can happen is me tracking you down to murder you!
2D is weird imo
You can't touch her, the voice is from a voice actor, she will never be real
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You feel it in the back too? That shit is the worst. It's something to do with the footing that's all I know.

Hello again Mio.

Grinding never gets boring to me, may be repetitive but gives you a chance to try out new styles. Maybe down the road I'll pick it up.

>tfw I got an F on it once and still passed the class.

Scat, diapers, vore, inflation, loli, x-ray, etc etc
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>but i guess i can't talk
Why's that Kagami, what are you hiding?
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I forgot that 3.5 was different to Pathfinder. Just unlucky I guess. Going for a wild shaper or an animal companion?
Then they were unsatisfied, so they made Iron Maiden.
Diaper, scat and fursuits.
Tile anon was glorious.
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Scat is the main one, or vore.
None ;)
>mi liu
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I don't know.
I wonder how would it be, to be completely alone?
I mean, with no human interaction, not just in real life, but without the web aswell.
Most of the people come here because they are lonely, I guess.
Sometimes I want something, and when I get it, I don't want it anymore.
Then, after I lose it, I want it again.
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Kyouko (107).jpg
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Scat, Vore, Diapers are probably the main ones.
All of those, but i don't get threesomes either.
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>Scat, feet, and diaper and guys getting fucked by their female partners
These and lots of other shit I've seen e.g. eyeball licking, vore, furfags, ponyfuckers, impregnation by insects(had a specific name I can't remember)
*cough* masochism *cough*
I'm more of a Nazi. I'm from Austria. The original Nazi
>Nazi Origins

If you don't play it on classic I will fucking find you and end you.
No way you can get your dead units back
>It's a nice game
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You sick fuck...
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forgot pic
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it's just minor not really deep into it...
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>eyeball licking
didn't realize that was a fetish
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Trying to fill the void within ourselves is a difficult task. You'll only be able to find what you truly want after you understand yourself.

Humans are social creatures. Excluding yourself would be a mistake.
What do you want right now?
Even sexier ;)
>mi liu
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bland, generic, ever-loving-housewife-material characters are shit
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It's disgusting, I remember seeing a bunch of people doing it online.
You get both in 3.5

Probably going to focus on buff spells for the barbarian and my companion. I'm thinking of a mountain lion, or an emu or similar big bird

Is that really a thing?

I agree. That's why I have Frankenstein's monster turned Dr. Frankenstein
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Homura (52).jpg
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That was faster than sanic. Dinner brb.
I claim Tim
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Feet,scat,diaper,traps and stuff I don't know so far
Pff was für eine dumme Idee wo bleibt da der Spaß?
Not in thump-mood?
>Schwierigkeitsgrad ist ordentlich, nicht zu schwer, nicht zu einfach.
Es gibt nicht zu schwer es gibt nur fordernd genug oder unmöglich schwer
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it seems really weird just imagining it

I guess so
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Though I'm not into it I can understand masochism
under pain your brain produces lots of pleasure chems. Endorphins are released by pain experiences and can be perceived as pleasurable and possibly addictive. It is due to this same release of endorphins that people can become addicted to self harm

Oh it's a thing alright
Always made me cringe at the thought alone
Must taste a bit salty

It's a thing alright
hope it's delicious!
>not understanding traps
>not understanding feet
I feel you Yume

Search it up if you want to see it. I don't see it as often anymore, I'm glad I don't
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Wer mit wiederbeleben spielt sollte gelyncht werden.
Derzeit gar keines. Ich bin immernoch salzig, weil ich die special edition nicht bekommen habe.
Wie ging das nochmal mit diesen Codes? Ich... ich brauch das mit Freunden nicht so oft...

The uniforms are sexy af.
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Every day we drift farther away from God's light
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>not understanding feet

C'mon guys. It's fucking simple.
fuckin weird but original
Wen hast du denn gewählt?
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God's light is a very distant one now
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I don't think I want to see it

>implying there IS a God
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Do you like their new album?
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And disgusting
>mi liu
I know, right?
It's so simple that I can describe it in one word

"Disgusting" is another good one
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Miss Pauling (33).jpg
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Dann ist es fordernd genug
This right there!
I actually think scars and blood are attractive to an extent.
>Not life threatening I think it's hot
Korrekt! Wiederbeleben ist für Pussies und zu einfach... hach, ich habe The Sacred Stones einfach nur geliebt.

3DS Hauptmenü, oben aufs Smiley drücken und die eigene Freundeskarte suchen.

Freundescode von mir:

Classical Dio right here
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Good choice, protect your self Mugi
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love her
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We can keep it going til death do us apart

Dude if there's actually one like it...

These are good. I knew I was forgetting something
>insect impregnation
Come again?
2m with 1f or 2f with 1m?
I swear it scares me because I don't want to go to snap city. I know that feet is placed flat on ground with toes point forward
You are an adorable one kagami
Same dude
>two no name nobodies
>pleb taste
Sasuga, fag-kun.
Don't forget "revolting" :^)

>protect yourself
I'm just degenerate as the rest of you guys lol

Cosplayed as her once with my sister
No one recognized either k-on
Felt bad
Read Franken Fran, it's hilarious

It truely is

Might not be able to play the druid, my DM is vetoing it. He doesn't like druids it seems
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Both really.
Who could multitask this?
But i like my porn a bit more on the classy side.
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>insect impregnation
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>Tomoko Anon
>Calls people no name nobodies
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There are plenty more bad ones, I try to forget

Well protect your self slightly

Oh sweet. I would had recognized you. Did you enjoy it?
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I dunno if there is, but do let me know if you find one~
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why do you say that?
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>I will fucking find you and end you
>End you
You don't have to threaten me, come on over :^)

Haha, I need to get used to it first.

>Snap City
I feel like I've been close before. Yep, was told the same thing but it doesn't help.

Y tho.
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i will never delve into the 100% cancer
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sad fran.png
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Its not really my kind of music a friend showed me and this got stuck but its quite good
>tfw this waifu finally got her stockings right
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Much like supernover, we're just basking in the afterglow
God died a long time ago, just like those stars

How can God be real when we aren't even real?

> scars and blood are attractive to an extent.
Yes but not in that way
Scars tell a story and I don't mind anyone having them. I myself have my fair bit of them
But scars from self-harm and cutting are gross and a sign of weakness

It's simple
feet are gross
butts are great

my niggas

It's this weird fetish where people get a kick out of being ipregnated by insects or aliens

You know, you didn't have to do that
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3 MB, 2480x3507
War das wie beim hardcore mode in Torchlight, wo der Speicherstand gelöscht wurde, wenn man starb?
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delve into the 200% cancer instead :^)
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Instead of 100%, go further. Plenty of people have on this website
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>feet are gross

But anon. People poop from there.
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>how can God be real
With proof 8^)

>feet = gross
>butts = great
Once again: b o y

>not 300%

Actually you have a point
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That is why I, Dio, love titties.
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Abs. That simple
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This thing finally comes in useful
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I don't think scars from self harm are a sign of weakness but well, that's just me learning a bit about psychology.
Was? Nein, dass wäre einfach nur unfair. Aber es war das erste Fire Emblem dass ich gespielt habe. Die Characktere waren ordentlich und hatten eine Persönlichkeit welche nicht allzu sehr ins lächerliche gezogen wurde wie bei Awakening.
>Ich sag ja nur Kellam
Das haben sie in Fates zwar auch, aber sie scheinen etwas weniger... übertrieben zu sein.
Leute von nobliger Abstammung werden noch immer so behandelt während in Awakening Chrom ja einfach nur ne bessere Lachfigur war.
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Tiles are hella sexy! I have a few really awesome ones near my kitchen bench.

Ebony, scat and bbw are pretty weird.

Yet you spend your days claiming blob tier in a waifu thread.
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Well you're wrong for thinking I'm wrong.
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Kyouko (34).jpg
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When this discussion is going on, I can only do one thing, and it's to post 34.

Feet are great.
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You cant stop desu, desu
Girl abs are amazing
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Hello anons. I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Can anyone suggest good anime movie? My favorite have to be Redline and Dead Leaves, so something similar-ish.
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Huh, I do

All this fetish talk.
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Homura (3hr).jpg
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I'm not much of a feet guy but I don't get the hate either. Detailed feet pics are awesome.
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Tatsumaki (260).jpg
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>feet are gross
Why does no one else like a fine pair of hips?
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Why would you even save that?

...I meant guy abs....
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Blob Mugi isn't real lol

Hips are pretty good
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Feet are not good
Give me the whole thing I need thighs too
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that explains why your such a pleb :^)
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That is not okay.jpg
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With 1m and 2f, it's like an alpha male thing. But that looks like a lot of work one the guy


Most of them are straight up boner killers when looking upon

Wew lad

It's true :p and we all have our kinks

Even tracing the bar on your legs?

I could somewhat understand seeing something new but most of it is plain rape. Major turn off for me
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Kyouko (21).jpg
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I like hips.

Hey, it's not like I'm limited to liking only one thing, that would be boring!


Sachi knows.
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>Hips are pretty good
Damn right.
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I love hips
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evening dress.png
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Shower time, then work
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Hips are great
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Kyouko (25).jpg
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Someone else take over the baking anyways, playing games.
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>The full package > any individual part
True they are

Hips suck
Feet suck
Tits suck
Asses suck
Legs suck
Don't be silly Tomoko-anon
Girls don't poop
There's a reason feet are so far away from our face

>With proof 8^)

It either shows that the person can't handle shit and wallows in self-pity or that he's a masochist. The first one is something I look at with contempt. If it's the second one isn't scar tissue less sensitive? It doesn't make sense. You'd never get the same pleasure out of it again

fellow Aryan detected

Yuuko got the right idea
Hips are the anchor for both the thighs and the butt. Truly a critical part not to be ignored

>choosing feet over butts
All these tasteless plebs

I don't like it, but you shouldn't be surprised since there's also people who get off eating literal shit
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By that logic you like more than just your waifu.


Good men

Life sucks
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177 KB, 559x539
>not mentioning you suck
homosexual detected
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Tatsumaki (99).jpg
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Why do these things have to exist in competition anyways?
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Syndra (32).png
1 MB, 1280x1600
For this exact opportunity
I know you like it
im not into anime, real girls r best girls
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I was never told this. Is that a given thing to do?

I bet you like eyeballs.

The voice of reason.
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Kyouko (23).png
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>By that logic you like more than just your waifu.

Good point.

I should've specified I guess.

>choosing feet over butts
>No one in those posts said that they like feet over butts

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not impressed.jpg
332 KB, 1600x621
Great tier.

How about we all just suck each other off and stop arguing?
I'm not sure what you're asking
but yes

have some cake
These things poop.

Proven with science.
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2 MB, 1920x1080
Misquoted, my mistake.

meant for>>688027413
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This is a new one and I see that the scylla had found her new hubby


That really isn't okay
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>isn't scar tissue less sensitive?
That's why they cut deeper I suppose
Anyway, self harm is by no means healthy, it's most of the time a symptom for depression or too much stress or a cry for help. It doesn't make sense, I give you that, since most people who self harm are hiding it
>My cat scratched me
>oh, I must have hurt myself at that spike at the entrance
But to actually treat it... I have no idea.
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So sagt zumindest mein Ahnenpaß.
Seriously though, black chicks are ugly as fuck. They literally look like poorly shaved monkeys.
Not to mention the attitude and smell.

>full package
>posts half cow, half human

Ich mochte ja auch die Stalkerlesbe.
Mein erstes war für den GBA, aber frag mich bloß nicht, wie das hieß. Ich glaub es stand einfach Fire Emblem drauf.

All mugi is kinda blob though.
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356 KB, 595x737
Not liking feet
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