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Who do you main in League of Legends? What's your rank?

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Who do you main in League of Legends?
What's your rank?
>Bronze IV
Tfw only really good with Ekko
You build tank or AP?
>Bronze IV
>Really good with Ekko
Diamond 4 NA
It's his teammates. man. Always keeping him in elo hell.
Plat 3 atm(Diamond 5 last season)
Akali (top)
Rengar, Gold 2, was Plat 5 last season
Usually pick abyssal or Rylais depending on who I'm up against and then build randuins
Twisted Fate
Gold V
one trick bard jungle
plat 2 EZ // Euw
plat 2

Just got back into it after a year break. Been playing pretty much only Jhin
>Kha'Zix, Jhin, Alistar
>Plat 5
aurelion sol
diamond 1
What's the first skill you max in Jhin?

Mostly Ashe, Varus, and Jhin.
I'm trying to branch out to jungle/assassins, particularly Yasuo, Yi, and Xin. Anyone got tips for jungling?
use smite
Can bronze 3 btw
gank early
Sion akali aatrox top
Akali lux mid
Twitch bot
Lulu supp
I dont play jng.
Bronze 2 atm
Play Zac gank level 3
Garen/Jax/Vel Koz and sometimes ashe brand and zilean jarvan and sejuani. And i almost only play normal so no rank
>League of legends
Do you faggots know where you're posting?
Volibear. Diamond 2

promos to silver 1
Voli and baby sit top. Enemy top will flame and quit lol.
Plat 1 shaco scrub
Bring forth the salt
nidalee kindred if i get main role,
lux or cait if i have to off role
Gold 5
>Plat 3
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>I'm bronze
idk why but top always feeds when someone is playing against Voli then he is unkillable
kha'zix jungle/ ezreal bottom/ ziggs mid
plat 2
carry pink wards, look at your map to see if enemy lanes are playing aggro, keep looking at camp timers, if the jungler shows take his jungle on the other side off the map, and always show up to dragon/ baron with smite off CD
on a far leftist anime website filled with tumblrinas and beta cucks? oh and 14 year old redditors
Akali is pretty much freelo in low to mid elo
teemo mid/top
silver 1
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Everyone is Diamond and Platinum in 4chan.
Silver V Udyr
you know its dynamic quoe s6 and getting plat or diamond is easy as fuck?
it's almost like some people actually understand the game
I've played at least once a month since the beta, more often than not 3 games a day. I've never once played ranked because there are too many retards freaking the fuck out over video games as is.

Malzahar, Jihn, MF (Goddamn that black cleaver/ghostblade combo) and Ekko.

Also Teemoe, errybody needs some mushroom in they life.
Really because the percentage in diamond and platinum is too fucking low in comparison to silver and gold.
Silver V

Kindred jungle
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Zilean bitches !
Gragas mid
Plat 2
Lol, wrong.

Were that the case, more people would be diamond or plat and those people wouldn't be crying about dynamic queue making their queue times so fucking long.

That being said, I main Velkoz and Morgana support and am gold II.
yeah cuz everyone is from the same server in 4chan
nigga once you get to plat or diamond you will just see how cancer dynamic que is and how many boosted animals those divisions have
I dont.

Dota 2 masterrace you fgts
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Gold III
not everyone has friends who play league or are good at it

I dont and I would prefer to play my rank purely solo anyways
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Zyra mid
Silver IV
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plat 3
Zed, Riven, Lee Sin

>>inb4 riven is broken riven is no skill all trash blah blah
yeah must be awesome to play with 4 man premades in normals
all those champions are no skill trash
Most of the time I just max Q just so I don't have to worry about missing 1-2 creep/wave over the Q not doing enough damage (I miss that Q buff).
Zed is the easiest shit to counter when I use Talon or Fizz.
can confirm. Other team attempts to queue as three people in a mid plat game but decide to bring a gold 2 vel'koz into mid lane. I destroy vel'koz and we win what's basically a 5v4
diamond 5
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i'm guessing you main Master Yi?
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Bronze V. But I don't play much anymore.
>Gold 4
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Current. I play a lot of ranked with my bronze friends. Prolly holding me back tbh. Got gold 3 last season, out of like 200 games maybe. :/
Gnar Mastery 7 Gold IV
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no lv6 mastery tho, no blue essence :(
I duo with someone, that's it. Just the same as the old queue used to be.

Solo queue was just as cancerous, are you kidding me?

I've been playing this game since open beta, it's always been cancer. Always.

I regularly play with mid plat people, and they really don't impress me. I am very good at Vel'koz. One trick, but it's a trick that I do well.
>Shaco 5
What a try hard
nah man. he was my first champ season 1. He is my favorite champion by far. He doesn't carry games unfortunately... unless you get god fed, even then its hit or miss.
Been looking for a new build for Azir what do u recommend?
Do you guys agree that yasuo is the most broken shit lol has ever met?

Its the only motherfucker I can't handle at mid.
> Riven main
> Gold 5 scrub

goml silvers
He plays like such a bitch early. That's my I hate him. At least you play him over Yasou or Vayne.
Didnt league have a pure solo que back in the day?

In any case, duo que wasnt that bad, it was cancer but not nearly as cancer as it is now with these faggots sucking each others cock with same tags
Yasou isnt really broken but its a stupid as fuck champion and pretty much the pick for 12 year old edgy kids cuz they want to make le flashy plays XDD

A bit like Zed
I wasn't trying to say that vel'koz is bad, just that them queing as 3 attempting to take advantage of dynamic que doesn't work when they bring people entire divisions lower with them
The most annoying thing about him is not the wind wall but his passive shield.

Zed on the other hand, is easy to counter if you avoid the death mark.
>if you avoid the death mark

All he has to do is press one button. You cant even QSS that shit.

The hardest part about maining riven and zed is to tell your parents that you're gay.

Noskill faceroll champs.
Fizz's w avoids it and QSS does the work. Why not?
No. Motherfucker, build iceborn gauntlet, Runic Echoes jungle item, rylais, merc treads, then two ap items if you're ahead, two defensive items if you're behind.
for sure when i duo with my "good" friends and jungle its great fun. lvl 2 ganks and constant camping of 2 lanes. It can be super troll. I'm an adc main though. I don't play much jungle these days. Also I'm not on board with the AP shaco, unless urf. Yasuo is cancer, I play vayne (lvl 4 i think) but she is boring imo.
Yasou, Ekko, and Fizz are all like that. It's one thing losing lane, I can handle that, but not when it gets to the point that the other person is so obnoxious about it. "gg ez git gud swaggin on you"
QSS hasn't worked for a while on Zed mark.
And who the fuck plays Fizz? Try playing an ADC or something other squishy against zed, see how fun that is
The only reason you should hate Zed is because of the new Assassin item that basically gives him two ults. Otherwise he can be handled.
Yasuo and Lucian
Platinum 3
All those champions are cancer
Sometimes it does. We deal with our low silver friend just fine usually.

No. Never.

Saying something is more cancer is like saying someone is more dead.

It's always been cancer, you're just more aware of it.

I'm gold II because in season two, in my promo games, nine of them had at least one or two AFK's. So I just stopped playing ranked. Probably would be higher if it weren't for that traumatic experience.

But, my buddies and I played dynamic fives for a few games, got my confidence up, yelled at me for raging so much, and now I'm a much better player and can tolerate the fucknuts now that I duo with my buddy.
Mid: Annie, Azir, Brand
Top: Nasus, Pantheon
Jg: Vi
Supp: Lulu, Annie
Weird because, I have a 70% win rate with vi lel
I NEVER hated Zed I found him very easy to handle. Everytime time I am in ranked I pray to have a Zed at mid and destroy his ass. I still wonder why ban Zed when u can ban Blitz or Yasuo (Yasuo is my personal nightmare).
Just started playing.

Lvl 23

No main, I just fill to learn all roles fluently for when I hit 30 and play ranked.

Get at me scrublords
You obviously dont even play league if u think qss works on his ulti
hit 30 and get landed on bronze
Prove it
Never have tried it but I have seen videos where it works. Except, if there has been a change to it.
Silver II

I find that zed is obnoxious only if you play adc. Pretty much every other champion can just build zhonyas
it used to work but they changed it. U cant cleanse fizz ulti either or Darius stacks
I can confirm it works
Shit, so Zonya's is the only solution.
no qss doesnt work anymore. which is bullshit, its already stupid that you had to build a 1300 gold item just to counter 1 champion mid game, just made zed stronger and they are too afraid to nerf him even though he sits at the highest banrate with lucian atm
Well that's where the rest of your team come in. As an ADC you would know not to be fighting Zed without help.
Zed is getting nerfed in 6.11. His Q will do less damage unless you hit with more then 1. So at least it's something.
Zed shadows to your backline and one hit ulti kills your adc and shadows back
He will be changed in the next patch. Shuriken damage down and damage increase on Multi-Target to 75% from 50%.
u cant call it a nerf, he gets compensated for it
Watch him get the "nerf" Ekko got. Oh, his q does less base damage..... but we made his ratio higher :D "neeerffffed" meanwhile they are somewhere else nerfing champs that have no business getting nerfed. They are so afraid to nerf popular picks because they want they want to keep getting money from them.
like Lee.
I mean atleast makes him a bit more manageable in the lining phase. But I do agree that the nerfs to some champs are complete bs
Ekko is "balanced".
diamond 1 darius otp
>We decided not to bring back solo que

oh well, League is the next WoW

Riot is killing league.
if you are bronze you are not good with any of them.

Diamond 2
Xerath, Lissandra, Kha'Zix, Graves, Vayne
That lvl 7 ashe
Jinx, Fiddlesticks (jungle) and MF
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Thresh/Tahm Kench
Silver 2
If only i had teammates instead of afk's..
explains why he is stuck at silver
if you only could land your hooks and not blame your team
Top- Riven, Irelia.
Mid- Zed, Ahri.
Jungle- lee, Shyvana.
ADC- Cait, Lucian, trist, vayne.
Plat 5 ign is remarkz1
Any tips on how to get out of plat 5?
If you want to jungle, xin and yi will not get you far, realistically. Of those two if you have to pick one go with xin, make sure to gank early he has the highest base ad in the game.

If you want to play Yas, that takes a lot of dedication as his skill ceiling is incredibly high.
i do hit my hooks, but no follow up or we ff cause 1-2 team mates disconnects
I know how that feels
> karthus, mordekaiser, support leblanc
> i just rank up to plat 5 and then dont touch ranked all season
I main top lane lately, offrole jungle.

makin the bronze climb but olaf is carrying me out. I would love to make it to the point where I feel challenged but not beaten by my own team, which is all bronze is.

anybody in NA bronze/silver want to duo queue reply with summoner and I'll add
I don't play this shitty game. Therefore, my rank is: winner.
>"If you want to play Yas, that takes a lot of dedication as his skill ceiling is incredibly high"

LOL WHAT I hope you are joking
lvl 18

started 2 weeks ago. any suggestions on characters to get used to?

i can only compete in a pvp with brand atm
Kunkka/Ember Spirit

3,5k mmr
what a silly thing to say.. cant even qeue with higher ranked people anymore outside of platinoobs
Syndra,Liss and Jax

Was diamond V in season 5, however now im plat IV casue I haven't played that much this season.
who here's hate Zed
is this supposed to be impressive

solid champ roster though
I don't know about starting. But some good champs to learn lanes with (imo) are Annie for Mid, Ashe for ADC, Warrick for JG, Garen for Top, and Support doesn't exist anymore so just pick an AP carry
Why is this garbage tier pay to win game with 1998 graphics an a cucky SJW dev team of nobodies still a thing.

Everyone ive met who plays this garbage either wears a fedora or is openly friends with someone who does.

>Inb4 mad cuz bad
Never even downloaded this microtransaction filth on sheer principle much less played it.
Don't be stupid. Yas has a huge skill ceiling. But the bell curve of yas players makes him look easy. Almost like there's a yasuo glass ceiling that most people can't break because they're bad at fundamentals.>>687259053
Got no friends /i dont need them...
I'm glad you don't play. One less piece of trash to deal with.
i literally just bought each of those champs... i need to try to use them more. thanks /b/ro
bronze gonna bronze
i only play cute female champs so my picks are limited
misclicked and replied here >>687259250
do what this guy said>>687259196

then start learning and expanding your champ pool. Watch youtube vids to get a handle on the meta.
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>inb4 someone says teemo main
man i hate teemo. so almost good at so many things.
Jack of no trades master of no trades piece of shit champ plz delete.
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So what's your mmr guys?
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I just remembered why i dont play this game anymore

haha xDDD le satan meme XDDD we did it plebbit XDD
LoL is a fucking joke.
I did for sometime but moved on a couple months ago.
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How many points do you guys have on your mains?
Kha zix, and fizz. I'm gold 4
gtfo then
I actually learned Top with Gnar. It really depends on the player but I feel like those are some of the easier ones to learn with. I also learned JG with Nocturne, but Warrick is better because he has some of the best early sustain. Really anyone without a fancy kit will work, just those are the usual basics.
bronze 5, i like to lux bot with mundo support
yes, focus on 2 to maximum 4 champs only. once you are mechanically skilled on them, playing becomes auto pilot, and you can focus more on your game sense (map awareness, learning how/when to kill, roaming, everything that is not using your own dude) then you will climb super easily
>tfw no main

feels bad man
>plays fizz
>top cancer b0$$
hes good at annoying the fuck out of the enemy team, placing shrooms where they zhonyas and shit.
don't play in SEA
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>plays broken champs
>still stuck in gold
ya got me there fam
I haven't played LoL since they made the mid season mage changes and item changes, I've played since season 1 and I don't want to feel like I have to start learning how to play the game again. To completely change entire champion kits that have absolutely nothing wrong with them is fucking retarded and to remove a ton of items that use mana regen and replace it with flat mana is equally retarded.

That on top of the removing ranked 5's and removing solo queue killed it for me pretty much all I do now is watch competitive.
no.. it is very difficult to play yasuo well
>playing tahm in season 6
silver for life
Why I wan't to get good at kindred

Masters, close to challenger.
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>hehe xd
i like kindreds butt
Know who else is glad i dont play?
My wallet.

If the game was a 40 dollar one time all access purchase id legitimately consider it. But this is the sort of game people spend 100...200...500 dollars on.

Playing f2p just gives the p2p people their reason to pay. You either feed the system with your time or your money.
>Press R
Main: Riven
Rank: Plat III
Who do u recommend then?...
one of the most satisfying things is placing a shroom right where someone freezes, you KNOW they're pissed.
bitch has haunches. I'm into haunches.
That just means you have no control over your money.
i played since 3 years and i bought 3 skins for a total of 15€

same here
a support who isnt completely out of the meta like allistar or blitz
hey legit look into smite then. Best deal in gaming I'm serious. 30 for all gods forever. i don't even play it anymore and i don't regret the buy.
No. If you dont pay, youre the person that those who pay get advantage over. The system cucked you, sorry.

Same answer
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blitz gets insta-banned and Alistar, ill give that a try again i guess
Thanks mate
Ezreal Gragas Plat 1 EUNE
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Janna, Lulu, Naut
Silver lll I just want to get out of silver but I'm garbage lol
Soraka, Lux, or Karma. Too bad Support is completely out of the meta tho.
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> ctrl+f
> no zac
Welcome to the jungle motherfuckers
mid season mage update actually barely changed anything.. it is nice to have some fresh new stuff though
>blitz gets instaban

Silver everyone
You do know all you get for spending money is quicker access to some champs right? It's the same game for everyone. Look into the game first before you start saying its P2W.
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ive spent atleast 1k on this game FeelsBadMan
Typod the post number.

You didnt pay with your money. You paid in lost games to people who did pay money.
level 357 in the compendium oh wait
I like taking Zac as a Support (Mastery 4)
Yep.. still looking for a good adc to duo up with
Also gold 2
gold 1, used to play support but that role is pretty much cancer and changed top and started climbing instantly
>Plat 5

Plat 3 last season, haven't really played that much ranked this time around. Alot of the jungle changes have just made jungling a snore fest.
I don't really main a champ. The highest mastery I have is Jhin though, so I'll go with that.

Bronze IV because I suck.
>"Quicker access"
It takes over 2k hours. Over 100 WAKING DAYS to unlock them all. That argument is shit and you knew that before you typed it.
Depends on a lot of things. Generally supports have a tough time climbing, unless they play play-makers.

Blitzcrank, Alistar, Zyra, etc.
Blitz Leona support
Warwick jungle

I really only play Dota. League is if I'm up when my friends who play it are, so I'm very limited in what I play so I can be decent enough to play with them. They are all plat and diamond.
Shes not broken though, nor is flora broken
>tfw my desktop is legit lamb's ass
Are you retarded? Please explain how barely anything was changed when champion kits were COMPLETELY overhauled and items were also overhauled?
You must be new.
i played Leona and sona, Alistar soraka pretty much but having a feeding top and mid every game
lets see it
You suck because you dont have a main
Nobody needs them all.
I own every champ, and play less than 10 of them on a regular basis.

If you don't play, you won't understand, and if you don't understand, you won't play.
I mean... you believe what you want. I don't have all the Champs and I'm fine with that. I just buy whatever I want with IP when I can or want to. Plus you can get them for free at random with the new box system.

>inb4 you gotta pay for more of those too
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are you really trying to argue League is P2W?
Gold 2, Garen and Heimerdinger
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Are u serious...
LoL is cancer with Malzahar...
Teemo everywhere
Gold 2 Eu-West
these kinds of "people" exist for every game, don't be silly.. in fact the vast majority of players are f2p, the f2p model is perfectly feasible in LoL.
>you need a main to climb

No body builds or plays support anymore. Everynow and then I'll see a Blitz or Thresh. But mostly it's people going "sup" as a full AP Brand, Annie , or just any Mage.

I'm just saying people don't play actually support characters as support anymore.
Your name is Teemo everywhere?

I legit saw you when watching Tyler1 stream
because support role sucks and needs a "rework"
kek maybe in bronze
Communication also makes a world of difference.

Also, pick for the comp. Once you start picking to balance the team, feeders matter less.

I've had games go 5-20 in the first 15 minutes, and finish 35-25

Never underestimate the power of a well built composition.
hehe xd
Where are all my Gnar bros at though?
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its probably because riot fucks up and gives characters like brand and zyra way to high base damage at least brand got nerfed..
you didnt get his point
Malzahar got serious jungle nerfs, he's hardly a threat anymore. If you still can't deal with him, ban him.
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Yeah was pretty fun game :D ^^
its whatever, supporting sucks and its you cant really carry
If I'm playing top it's normally gnar.
two things

you dont need to unlock everything to be good, the game is very well balanced, especially once you git gud

you dont sit there and wait to get IP, unlocking champs happens as you enjoy the game

starting to think you just want to trigger
One in a million buddy. I applaud you.
yes i do, I see "traditional" supports all the time.
the point was that sometimes a champ gets so good that he is better than a real support because he does more damage than the adc
When is the last time you saw someone build Ohmwrecker
>Plat 1
Some of the highest ranked players are support mains.

Hell, for a while in S4 LemonNation held down the number 1 slot in challenger.

If you're climbing as another role, then you're likely more well suited to it, but that doesn't mean that supports can't carry.
And lets assume some of those 10 arent in rotation, you dont yet own them, and you dont have the ingame currency for them. This is a common situation for most players and is axiomatically presenting a situation wherein you can pay to increase your chance of winning.

Being fine with being at a disadvantage does not make it any less real, nor does it make the shitty corporate fuck who put you in that situation less of an ass.
Yorrick, currently at plat 3.
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degenerate garbage game, ripoff of a better and older more flavorful game DotA.
Get Outta here with that faggot shit.
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don't play much ranked, though my mmr gets my queued with high plat low diamond.
anyone can add me if they need an adc/jg
Hecarim and Nocturne atm

Jungle 1 trick

Gold IV.

Honestly I think I would be ranked higher, but I have no motivation to play this game if I'm not stoned out of my mind ecksdee
please enlighten me on these COMPLETELY overhauled kits

Ive been playing since the very beginning and i can tell you its still the same fucking game why do you feel bad about change, its a nice new aspect which adds more fun

"hurrr hurrr dont want to learn, so complicated, me no want" obviously you are not above gold rank otherwise learning and dealing with new shit wouldnt be a problem after 3 or 4 games, not to mention that everyone deals with the changes not only you

changing old champs has to be done because they cant keep on releasing new ones, there will be too many
but thats not even true right now...look at MSI
zyra dude
Also my phones shit tier touch keyboard keeps fucking post numbers, this was meant for you.
that would be totally irrelevant because you generally have enough damage on a comp and need the support to preserve the damage dealing capabilities of your composition
Vayne D4 EUW
You are really determined to just not get it.
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Okay lol
That's enough
then why was brand the support with an almost 60% winrate late season 5?
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Make fun of me

Unlucky dude
because no one plays it.

Enlighten you? Go read the patch notes you unintelligent faggot.

Completely changed.

It has nothing to do with being complicated. It has to do with changing champions that have no reason to be changed. Just because something isn't in the competitive meta, does not mean it needs to be changed because as the meta shifts, eventually it will be meta. Everything always cycles around and it's not because of kit changes, it's usually only small buffs and nerfs here and there that change it. Kit changes result in pushing away a player base of old and lower the amount those champions are played. Ruining them completely.

No, kit changes do not need to be done unless a champion is completely unviable in any meta, which wasn't the case with any of the champions or items they changed.

Please grow a brain newfaggot.
youre definetly gonna get low bronze

im convienced that youre trolling now
Aspie detected
Now you know that is a huge lie
Wins, and losses only really count in ranked play, and you can't play ranked unless you're level 30.

In the time that it takes you to hit level 30, you will have accrued enough points/currency to purchase more than 10 champions.
this was for a about a week and a half, maybe two? once people learned to play against it it fell off hard, just like every patch brings new "op shit"

Now, overworked poppy, that was just a fucking joke
meh my friend went 2-8 in placements and got bronze 1
Silver 4, climbed to silver 1 then tilted back to s5. But i main yasuo, wukong, jinx. I play alot of tank junglers too. Iv been playing alot of taliyah lately and i think i may keep her in my pocket just in case haha
Diamond 4

Mmm carry supports definitely have their uses, like if you duo with an absolute bonobo adc then perhaps it is best to compensate
more like 3 patches dude

if he has high mmr it can happen
>trolling this hard
Found Riot's PR department.
hahaha what? check probuilds, no one plays brand support
.20% pickrate, thats incredibly low.
You gotta use those huh
thats where you get statistics you moron.
the cores of the kits are still exactly the same, i dont see what you are crying about. and again to the point that yes you must be a boosted bronzodia unable to cope with this shit, even worse, you feel entitled to these newly "changed" champions, as if riot owed you shit. they can change whatever they want in the game they know what is good for it, you are not a game designer they are. seriously get good

first of all
second of all i said late season 5
are you 2 serious?
Diamond V
Why does only one person here main Syndra, shes the best champion ever
Put in simple terms, if I can play without paying for champions, you can do it. Unless you're retarded.
im using the information from late season 5.
>Implying that losing an unranked game isnt really losing.
>implying that the first 10 characters a new player purchases are the only ones they will ever need or want to play outside of rotation.
then it was early season 6 i dont know everything but brand was all over the place then
League of graphs is a bit more thorough.

Probuilds is only what certain professional/notorious players are building.
Can someone agree with me, that BORK is a really good first item on Gnar? I don't understand why so many people HAVE to build black cleaver first. My go to build is Bork, CD boots, Sunfire, then what ever I feel fits the game at the time.

People always get on me for this but i barely ever lose lane when I play him
Wood 7
Fuck ranked
I flash my mastery non-stop to bitches like yourself to make you tilt and lose the game.

thats one way of seeing it, but actually im just right.. if you do not agree, you are not playing the game on a level where your opinion matters.
>league of legends
are you serious guys
phage is important for the kiting thats literally why bc is good on him and the obvious shit like tankiness and ad
My friend plays league purely for rank and he always asks me to play with him but I never do because I play to have fun, not stress over a game.
Depends on the matchup.

BotRK is only really worth it against teams that have 2 or more health stacking champs.

Black cleaver is also absurdly efficient right now.

Sure, it would be good, if you didn't need to get tanky ASAP and the item was as efficient as cleaver
ok buddy
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>implying i care about randoms
heh, except ashe was played pretty decently at msi, and sneaky been spamming her in solo queue.
She is pretty good in the meta right now tbh
Still biggest game to date
I can drive my car with old tires on it. It sucks more and it might not work, but most times it has no effect so its thereby harmless.

Im saying Riot is cancer for imposing this situation on the players to begin with, and following in the footsteps of ciphilitic pustules on the gaming landscape like EA.
Really though, I played my placement games last season for shits and giggles. I won 2/10 games, and got placed in Bronze II. What the actual fuck?
probably shouldnt play an adc who needs to be protected in silver
Implying <300 players is robust data.
it means you are not a complete failure gj
yes you will definitely win lane that way however you wont be as effective in the coming team fights

building cleaver first can be just as strong and is definitely incredible in team fighting (due to the armor shred and most importantly the health), also, in mega gnar form (again, teamfights) you wont be auto attacking as much, not utilizing the bork effect

She's ok, but tbh you can get to Diamond with any champ if you aren't a monkey. She doesn't even need to be decent for their comment to be irrelevant.
>Won two placement games.
>Not a complete failure
So, you're retarded?

2/10 is pretty fucking bad dude..
yeah he could have lost 10
it is, since a lot players copy their shit
dont flatter yourself because there is a 2 in front of the bronze. that is literally shit. do you think there is any kind of difference between bronze 5 and 1, come on
That's what I'm saying brah.
I should have been in Bronze V or some shit. I'm not even touching ranked this season
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That's fair I suppose, ranked should be reserved for players trying to improve.
Hi paid shill.
Riot thought it'd be a good idea to try promote themselves because the company is going in the toilet from not listening to customers?
Robust, and relevant are two very different things. Also, most of the data is biased to higher ELO.

If you're in plat, or lower your team mates will react very differently than in D1+
I'm not flattering myself, I'm just saying that Riot's ranking system is fucked
>thinking because you play in bronze that your opinion matters more than those who are higher elo than you

I'd like to improve, my mechanics are still shit. But, I don't have the motivation to play ranked
please stop samefagging

How often do you play normals?
>thinking because more than one person disagrees with you it's samefag

be very careful here, ranked is definitely not for improving your play - although it does happen. in ranked you showcase what you learned in the normal games

people play ranked games to win and only to win, here they get their fun not by playing but by winning. do not practice there. play normal games to improve your skills then go rankedd.
I try to play a game or two a day. If I'm bored, I'll play a couple more
Yeah, I know enough to know that I'm not ready for ranked.
I'll boil down the process for you.

1: Learn how to play the game
2: Play the free roation
3: Find a champion you like on the free rotation
4: Save up enough IP to buy that champion
5: Buy the aforementioned champion
6: Repeat 2-6 as necessary

If you don't know how to play the game, your champion choice won't matter in the slightest; everything is new to you.

Honestly, if you're in bronze, I can 100% tell you now that your decision making in-game is the reason you're in low elo. You can legit be a monkey and climb if you know how and where to push your advantages
alright im out bronzodias, platinoobs, shitvers and golds, catchya later aligators

p.s. mid season mge update kicks ass
Like I said, I played enough ranked games last season to get my placement, that was it. I haven't touched it this season
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