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Anyone else with micropenis had sex before? I tried once but

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Anyone else with micropenis had sex before?

I tried once but we were both drunk and I couldn't reach her vagin. Am trying again with a different girl tomorrow if anyone has any tips
Tip? Good Luck, you'll need it homie. Also how small is it?
Forget a tip nigga, you need a shaft.
>if anyone has any tips

nigga all you got is tip
If dykes can get off you can figure something out.
10/10 small dick annon here with 5in max have her ride you she'll feel more.
Wow dude. Just wow
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They should give you handicap parking for that because your deformed bro.

>your dick looks like a sad face in that pic
Tiny dick guy here. Sex with 7 women, 3 long term relationships. All were fun. Just get hard and do your best. Even when bad sex is fun
>Its a clitorus, nothing to worry about.
What size?
4 inches rock hard.
Best bet is a sex change bro
That's not that bad 2bh.

just give up and make your ass presentable to hung frat boys, everything will get better for you in short order (oops, no pun intended)
That's salvageable though. A true micropenis, like under 3 inches is not, won't be felt. there is actually no point to penetration
honestly, sex change
nigga u retarded. if this was true then fingering girls would be a whole lot more awkward.
It is bad. I mean thin and short. But sex is still pretty good, despite the size
He could accomplish that with a simple circumcision. I'm not convinced there is an actual dick hiding in that bundle of foreskin
>nigga u retarded. if this was true then fingering girls would be a whole lot more awkward.

What the fuck? How fucking short are your fingers?!
don't forget to tip her mang
You aren't a virgin at least.
1" soft 3” hard
believe it or not, not all women want a donkey kong, a lot are happy with a smaller size.
Do you finger girls with your pinky...........?
This is true, but if u are OP, my soft dick looks similar when cold, only cut. How big are u hard, or pic
I'm around 5.5 inches long m8. Average I guess.
Does /b/ consider 6.2' rock hard small?
Talked to a girl who said she's only talked to guys with 6' dicks, SOFT
>smaller size
this is not smaller size
this is micro
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This dude claimed she wouldn't feel anything so penetration was pointless. I'm just saying, the average finger is 3-4 inches long, and probably about as wide as OPs microcock. So if you can get a bitch off with your hands, OP has a chance.
why are you sucking your 9 year old brother's dick?

p/s: send more pics
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I will admit to being biased towards faggotry, but prostate stimulation might be the easiest way to a good orgasm for OP.

>dat first inch

Is this real lmao
Size doesn't matter, if you're a good guy she will love you for your heart.
Do you honestly believe this horseshit?
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Do you get to park in these spaces?
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How are you expected to compete?
OP - if that is your dick you shoud become a woman
max kek

i'm just going to shoot myself
jesus whats going on with her right boob? it looks so square.
Sorry anon. Hope you have some type of imagination.
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I could argue semantics but it would be a futile exercise
What is he going to need? The good luck or the tip?
>believe it or not, not all women want a donkey kong, a lot are happy with a smaller size.

No, no they're not. I've talked with women in mixed company, they talk about penises a lot more than you would ever imagine.
Go see a Endocrinologist and try to get something for it.

If he doesn't give anything, take hgh and hcg
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with reliable income and responsible parenting?
my gf laughed at yourt penis
It looks like I have a tip, but you dont
honestly OP if it's really a micropenis I'd suggest consuming your life with anything but sex ... I mean sex is really a small part of life and you'll probably never enjoy it completely. It's probably best to not focus on sex and try to dwell into things that don't require your penis
That's a pretty fucking funny joke.
You can always be a cuck. Do your business then let a larger man pleasure her
Max kektus
>implying the women you have heard talking are representative of the entire sex. Fucking dipshit
>implying only you have talked to women in mixed company or at all. Fucking cumstain
You have way more control with your finger, there is also more than one of them. OP has no chance.
aw, don't be silly... she may still like you and all, but a woman needs her bits taken by a real man with a real cock
do you like getting cucked by bigger cocks anon?
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When i first got with my gf, i warned her it was small mate, told her yeah my dick is actually really small, so i take it out and she swears up and down its not. My long term partner is 5ft i am 6"4 She tells me, its just the proportion to your body if you were a shorter man it would look bigger, and this gave me confidence i measured in at about 4-5 inches rock hard if i lost some weight probably a solid 5, she moans so loud that sometimes i have to shove her face in my pillow as to not wake up our neighbours. I always thought i was fucked for life like seriously fucked , no girl would want my micropenis ass but when i make her squirt, moan and cum everwhere beg for me its the greatest feeling ever you just have to put the extra work in. You see she is the kinda girl that gets off from penetration, and if i had a larger dick this would be the easiest thing in the world to do, but no there is angles and positions i have to work into so she gets a better feeling of fullness i also have really huge hands to work with, after about 30minutes of fucking or so both parties cumming a few times, i like to get in there with my fingers hit all the way back to her cervix and this is when she really goes crazy, i mean she was nuts before when i get right in there suck on her clit and finger her she goes nuts, we were doing this in the 69 position once and she squirted all over my face was kinda gross, but kinda hot at the same time well i am rambling now but yeah anything is possible don't give up hope sometimes i wish i had a 9" monster or even just an average 6"-7" things would be easier, but put in the effort and you can get the same effect

My gf's ass
Anon, I pray that you get laid, for all men everywhere.... a 10/10 as well.
funny thing is, that's a metric ruler: 3.5cm
Thats YOUR ass.
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No thats her ass lol bad angle maybe?
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thats a.... not a girl bruh
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wew lad

mine isn't much bigger
youll be ok op
>>implying only you have talked to women in mixed company or at all. Fucking cumstain

sorry dude I'm a normie. I have a GF, I have female friends. I was having lunch once and I was the only guy, they got off on a tangent talking about dildos and then about a black guy at work who apparently had a huge penis because they saw the lump in his pants.
In another convo at another lunch they started talking about penis sizes, they asked me how big mine was, I said 7.5" and they all said thats pretty good!
Girls talk about sex a lot more than we do.
First off as a guy who was "blessed" with a big dick. It's not all its cracked up to be. A lot of women think they want it until it either hurts like hell going in, or hurts like hell when it stabs them in the cervix. Do what I did and get really good at oral. And look at it this way, you get to feel what it's like all the way in.
Is this a cringe thread?


Funny how fat chicks will say/do anything to keep a man, no matter how worthless the guy is.
This. I'm bang average and it still hurts women I've slept with.
>Is this a cringe thread?
Perhaps this should be a butthurt virgin thread, starring YOU.
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This gives me hope
You could fuck her nose orifices with your schween OP

Guys guys. The thread is over. This guy has actually *talked to girls*.
More please.
again this is from YOUR perspective. These women could be sluts for all you know and not all women are obsessed with size or sex in general
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What tip?? There's nothing there bro.
Just wear a dick extension and turn off the lights. She'll never know.
Hah! I'm 18 and have sex like 2 times in a night at least. Don't be sad cause you miss what it's like having this much testosterone, faggot. I'm sorry pounding your girlfriend with a floppy doesn't pleasure her like you think it does.
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>Hah! I'm 18 and have sex like 2 times in a night at least. Don't be sad cause you miss what it's like having this much testosterone, faggot. I'm sorry pounding your girlfriend with a floppy doesn't pleasure her like you think it does.

Don't you feel bad you aren't one of those popular kids, and their....makeout parties?

>Real females can't even pass the Bechdel test
Yeah, lose some fucking weight so that more of your shaft can exist outside your body. Being a fat fuck reduces your effective ween length.
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Girls talk about sex all the time. My wife likes to brag at work, but if it's been more than a few days it takes a lot of foreplay and lube to get it in her. Honestly I think I'd have more sex with a smaller dick.
some here have been watching too much Sex and the city and think it's a documentary
Also, learn to eat ass properly. A thumb in the butt and some wiggle action makes my wife squirt every time.
What? Kek, sorry we don't all go to parties with actual "females" like you. I guess the only way for me to get laid is to have a steady girlfriend. Darn. Maybe some day I'll be a cool kid like you.
sure you do but there's no one with you clown
I'm probably average or below average but retard thick.. like my dick has down man its so thick that it almost always splits girls at the bottom of the vagina hole. Usually this like almost heals into a callus over time but not some gfs I've had.. just pain and complaining after how it hurts. Can barely ever get anal.. my dick looks like the torpedo in the interview but shorter and fatter..
Because hes white
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Little girls love big things, there's nothing you can do about it.
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Me thinks someone's jealous.
Yea, that's part of my problem. Sometimes I can't get it in. Actually had girl who couldn't fit it try to take it in her ass instead. 10 minutes of her trying to sit on it didn't work. We 69 and it was disappointing
i would have already killed myself, props to you anon
Meant for
sounds like vaginismus. I had a girl who was so fucking tight you could barely get a pinky in, I always managed to get the dick inside her though. Felt amazing.
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What a minute!
Is this Robert?!?
You're all balls and no shaft!
What happened to your shaft Robert?!?
not if you look like that m8
No, just a very petite girl. I went down on her for about 40 minutes prior and she just kept begging me to fuck her. She was a penetration chick. Couldn't fit in her ass either. Get the head in and she would say it's too much. I know own too take those things slow and easy. Lots of lube and lots of ass play before. She was seriously like 4'10" and 85 lbs though. Can't blame her.
Side view is an ugly ass picture of me but idc. You saw what she looks like so suck me, troll.
i need sauce on that pic
My penis is so small when flaccid but when it's erect its about 4.8in
Am I okay?
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OP you should consider researching about PE (Penis Enlargement). There are plenty of forums on the internet, such as thundersplace and pegym.
You look really beta, pretty much what I expected. I'm a grown man unlike you so if I suck you it would make you gay no? Is the gf a front?
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No, NO, god no. 4.8, jesus christ.
You will be fine. Just swing it around a little in the bathroom before she sees it. Get the. Look flowing. Walk in with a semi
That is NOT a 5.75" penis.
you sir are an idiot, and apparently have never had your penis touched.
Probably measuring from the base of the scrote

I have micropenis when I'm soft. My penis pretty much goes inside my body but when I"m hard I'm a good 6"

If you're under 18, you're probably still growing. If you are a full grown man, ehh. Ideally you want anywhere from 5.5-6.5 inches.
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You are probably misinformed on how to measure a penis size. BPEL stand for Bone Pressed Erect Length, meaning the measure is taken by pressing against the pubic bone. That is the standard scientific measure.

Most people gain about 1 inch from apparent length to real length (the ammount of penis that is hidden on your pubic fat) when measuring bone pressed.
that u in the photo?
Get a perfect body and learn to use your mouth and fingers to pleasure other people. You can still become a sex god, OP. And apparently some people like small dicks. Yours qualifies as small (4 inches definitely isn't a micropenis--just small). You'll be okay.
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Lmao why would you use a picture of Bieber to tell someone off?
Guys, I know it isn't the topic of the conversation, but I'm conscious I'm too big at 7.5-8 inches
the dipshit deleted it and ran away. too funny
May fortune *tip* in your favor.
Fucking kids man.. woohoo summer!
It 'twas. Deleted it though. Roast me all you want on how I look. Truly doesn't bother me what some middle aged gremlin says about me.
come back ya fucking beta leprechaun I haven't finished
What was it?
How's 8th grade going?
Just depends on the lady. I bought a rubber sex thing and cut it in half (like the fleshlight but just the inside) put that around the base of your cock to keep from going in To far. (Adjust per lady)
It was just me At a show. I was playing guitar and singing. I deleted it cause I thought someone could trace it back to me and I just don't need that. Been on /b/ too long to make that mistake.
Have you tried scissoring with a girl yet? That might work
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I got it. Here's what the kid deleted. Roast away
Wow!!! You, and all that are like you, have my deepest condolences!!! Just do the best you can...
Don't you have a life or some shit?
>if anyone has any tips
Start working on your mouth game. Once you have it on point you can use the best line ever.
>so how big are you anon
"Oh, I'm fucking microscopic. But my oral will send you out of this world."

If you say it with enough confidence she won't believe you...until she sees it. But by that time you are ready to knock her out of the park.
Gun goes off and girl ends up all two-faced from muzzle burn.
Lesbians that are into big-clitted girls.
dunno, some " look how tough/strong/cool I look" pic seeking validation and admiration I imagine
Just finding GPS tags man. Give me a minute.
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oh, he really is in 8th grade.

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too funny, kudos
That is retarded. I'm 6 1/4 hard and can confirm she would have a much easier time finding a solid grower than a shower
You gonna kill me or something lmao
top fucking kek
.man I'm getting dick from the image. Anyone else want to try?
I'm well endowed but instead of using god's gifts I will camp out in the loli thread.

gl op
same, just running the normal checks
Nah brut. Just think you're a puss for deleting it. Must have a girlfriend who won't like to hear you get it twice a night.
Expect it doesn't work. And if it does causes or raises risk for tons of nope injuries
Fucking pedo here
Find info of his family and friends tell them he's posting in a micro penis thread
thats a pretty hurtin rump yo

Can you sum up what happened here?
At least you guys can actually fuck people. I have the opposite problem, huge dick. It's not as fun as people say it is. Out of the 5 girls I've been with none have been able to have sex
Is that nervous laughter I hear? The only way to avoid that possibility is to be an hero and of course in true /b/ tradition start a thread about it. you have brought great shame and embarrassment upon your family by being a massive dickwad and must now pay your dues.
My Twitter is protected and it's got nothing of recent information on it hahah haven't used it in months
fingers can bend to press on g spott yada yada. Micropenis penetration is like having a girl press her figtertip on ur knob, tap it repeatably and call it a handjob
Best bet. Turn gay and spend your days taking it in the ass. With that dick any woman able too feel it will give you prison time if they can prove anything happened. And I doubt that will pop a cherry no matter what the size. Or get your dick pumped and hope it's the size of an average 10 year old penis. Good luck. I say go gay

How bout you. What is the exchange here? How did this all start.
hahah xdee lol
fucking faggot
fucking hell your dick makes me feel good about my 5 inch pencildick god damn
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Lol unlucky you. Glad my dicks only 7" Cuz that would suck. I used to cry every time my exs were too small to fit me. Oh how hard the struggle was
He said something about his dick so I said it was cringe, proceeded with the usual /b/ style character assassination. He then got butt hurt and is looking for personal information on social media which I don't keep on social media.
Why is it when a guy has a micro dick they are usually always fat also?
Wouldn't you at least get shredded to compensate for a tiny dick? Or at that point do you just give up on everything?
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Dude was bragging about fucking at least two chick's a night. Posted an image of himself and then deleted it. Instantly when people started roasting him. I'm still trying to find coordinates just to fuck with the cocky wee bastard.
Ahhh alrighty so basically nothing.
Turn gay

If you're crying during sex there's no wonder they're all EX's

Pic related?
Yes. Butthurt old Virgin occupying his time.
Correction. Not during. Crying after the failed attempt. I'm very emotional and I didn't want her sucking my dick unless I could make love to her.
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This is 100% CP but the mods are to autistic to filter male CP cause theyre massive faggots
Donkey Kong %
Hope that clarification makes a difference probably not
No woman wants basically nothing
She's lying
you've attracted more than one ass beater here boi man, why was that?
I'll bet you're sweating on the thread 404ing
and here I was thinking my 5 1/2 inch penis was tiny, damn.
Nah, I tried to re upload the image. Didn't work. Just threw in a pic that reminds me of the girl who wanted it in the poop chute. The tiny one.
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>Why is it when a guy has a micro dick they are usually always fat also?
>Wouldn't you at least get shredded to compensate for a tiny dick? Or at that point do you just give up on everything?

Because it doesn't work, suicide is the only option.

But blowjobs are more intimate than sex
It still is no need to worry
let the boy go. He learned his lesson and probably already deleted all forms of social media.
Not when their offered every day and you only get laid 3 days in a row once every 2 months
Frat guy here, no thanks try asking the Arabs though
Top kek. Im still getting dick from the photo. But it will be fun to sweat it out.
My dick is small, but thank god is not micro.
10cm hard is shit, but that thing makes it look big.
average, faggot. half the world smaller, half the world larger.
Anyone got micro pussy pics they wanna add? All these dicks got me hungry for mini muffins :D
Yea only cuz part of the world creates massive outliers with these micro penises
Go to fucking Loli you pedo
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is that even a thing?

Do people in relationships actually get blowjobs every day? I've never been in anything long term, "I'm sorry but I need to be able to have sex seems to be the recurring theme"
Never said child pussy. I said tiny pussy. Theirs a difference :/. And I'm not the only one who likes small pussy
Kids don't usually have pubes and other body hair
No shit he's deleted his Twitter by now fuckwit.
5" is technically average. The average erect penis is 5-6 inches and girth 3.8-4.5 or it might be just 4-4.5 I can't quite remember the average girth.
Holy run-on sentence, batman.
Idk I was making shit up. Micro/ small. Doesn't make a difference same shit
>if anyone has any tips

everyone but you here has tips my god sir.
No I turned them down :/
Rejoice. The medically recognized cut-off for micropenis is 2.75 inches.
No he has rustled my jimmies now. I'm just going to ping the boys and go after him unless he admits he's a cocksucking cockroach
I mean I'm gonna post the photo in threads until someone reverse chucks his nuts.

fuuuuuuuck you
This is what having no life looks like
Go head. Good luck
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i never knew penises could get this small.... im not gigantic, but now i feel pretty alright...
Yeah buddy! Wife is gone for the week and I only work 8 hours a day.
All that means is he got what he wanted. A reaction. Now you're shitting your pants like a child over some 8th grader. Grow up man.
If theirs micro penis how would their not be micro pussy btw? Is it that hard to believe that an 18yr old can have a 2 inch long vagina? I believe in aliens soooo. This is realistic

You'd probably need to go to the hospital for ass stitches
She doesn't seem to be very good with blowjobs. I mean she's not even putting the dick all in her mouth which would be pretty easy.
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Kek that's a good point!
She's payed to put it in her mouth. Not to enjoy it.
Maybe. Won't deny that. But I'm a biesexual man who can handle at least 7. And the with around my hand put into a circle. And you got to find me
Fuck you! If it weren't for fucking degenerates like you, I wouldn't have to worry about aids!
Checking your dubs and correcting you... The average when hard is 5-6 inches, and don't forget man, it's also about girth.
I don't have AIDS sucks 4 u bro
I love my dick. It's not too big nor too small. 6.6 inch.
No but AIDS was a homo only disease before you guys became bi when you couldn't get pussy.
try again, that was totally nonsensical fucking ape
if thats you get really good at fellatio and rubbing the clit, your not gonna hit the magic spot with that.
Let me put it in simple words. You cry like baby. He wanted that which is why he tried to piss you off. You now are crying like a baby. Therefore he got what he wanted. You are still holding on to whatever anger you have while he is most likely laughing at you. Who won here?
Because they're fake.
>who won here
Him. You got reverse trolled son.
Stop cutting off micro penises you sadistic ass hole
You realize the boy was here just to piss him off. He effectively did so. Now this guy is probably on a watch list for trying to hunt down a minor. I'd say the kid one two times in one go.
you have it totally wrong dumbass. Go back through the thread and you will see what it is really all about. You are indeed a fucking ape
So average sized dick in India

You should move there
Might be a fun way to do it. The best method for lesbians is tied between oral sex and scissoring.

It's a common misconception though that scissoring is about rubbing pussies together. It requires a pretty uncomfortable position to pull that off. More often it's them just humping each other's thighs, which is more comfortable and provides more surface area.

So genital-to-genital contact isn't common among lesbians, but they can get off at the same time. This guy might have to do something similar.
I had a feeling there was an Irish link Mr O'connell
Are you ready to make that announcement yet?
>crying like a baby.
Read it again dude, you got trolled.
Someone sounds like they are realizing how stupid they look. Did you find him like the big bad internet hacker you are? No I'm assuming not. Have fun, lower form of life.
I'd say you're another fucking ape and probably same fag
My dick is small but not that small. How do I make my dick bigger legit
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I have a 7' dick, 7.5 on a good day. Sometimes im a shower and sometimes a grower, my dick is truly unpredictable and i think It has something to do with my testosterone levels fluctuating because of my intense workout routine

Heres the problem though, im 6'4 and pretty muscular so my dick looks hardly average compared to my body
Nailed it.
samefag primate
You will be fine OP, 3.5inch here and i been married 15+ years

sex life 10/10
Haven't really heard of it. It could have to be like a defect, though. A tiny penis could be considered a defect as well but it isn't necessarily related to something going wrong, while a vagina that small would be.

The thing is that vaginas and penises aren't equivalent. The clitoris is a woman's equivalent to a penis. So the same rules don't really apply to both.

The "length" of a vagina is determined by the distance between the outside and the reproductive organs inside a woman's body. It varies slightly but not as much as penis size. A 2-inch vagina would mean the woman's reproductive organs are way too close to her crotch (which would be a deformity), or the vagina doesn't even reach them (which would also be a straight-up deformity). I suppose instead you'd base 'vagina' size more on how tight it is.
Can you fap with this?
Sure you could. There's enough surface area to rub one out with your thumb and index finger.

Could also treat it like flicking the bean with a giant clit.
take viagra

THEN while she ride youdistract her with like something to throw at her or light something on fire low key/ and like she tweaks and the mood is ruined and you get to be the hero that puts out th fire or whatever. you still get pussy but she aint cumming fuck that Nazi bitch I'm gonna murder her in my splee and cut her flesh of her stomach and drag her though broken glass while I slowly strangle your children and burn all the old pictures of your dead grandparents
It makes you all look like virgins. Fucking coolike ass hackers? Chick's at my school go for musicians.

6' dicks, eh?
Could have been so much better. Learn to talk JFAG
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, well, you know what. I don't wish to speek such language in good company>>687252405
hey fag sounds like you nee a buttbuddy. you know.... I can suck a coc really good. we should mee up and lick each others
If she doesn't cum, she will cheat.
no, that's big side of normal
Holy Mary Mother OF God!! That is fucking frighteningly ugly
Only sluts care about penises being that big.

Now, just about every girl cares about penis size to some extent. When they say they don't, they're not being honest.

But most chicks will just want average or bigger. Average is 5-6 inches and is perfectly fine for the vast majority of women. But a woman is probably going to be at least a little disappointed if it's smaller than average. The nice ones won't tell you that, but they will probably wish it was just a little bit bigger. Kinda like if you were with a chick with smaller assets than you'd like. You may really like her but you'd probably still feel more in those areas would be an improvement. Only how big their ass or boobs are isn't as important to the sensation of sex as penis size.
god fucking dammit that made me laugh.
It's not like there's any reason for them to worry about that.
And pounding a girl with a huge cock isn't the most efficient way to make a girl cum in most cases. Get good at oral and you'll keep her around.
Said by a guy who knows his shit
The post I replied to implied that a woman would stick around for his "heart." I stand by my reply.
It does make some sense to measure things that way because that's how much you can insert if you really try. It's not the apparent visible length, but it is the usable length.
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Well I mean I wasn't shot by the cops on the way home today so I guess I'm okay with my 5'er.
Man blessed with girth here, can confirm.
Shape is also important, so I've been informed.
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She looks like the one of those early human models from 1990's pixar holy shit
Aahah you wand do fugg with thad microbenis x---DDd

Checked tho.
pls stop
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