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10/10 Celeb Thread XI

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 280
Thread images: 151
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10/10 Celeb Thread XI
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Sky tongue looks so fucking delicious
fucking wow
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crazy that she was 17 in this set
Never seen the Dove anon fap so openly, hm.
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Never said I don't fap, did I? Do you lurk often?
are you the anon dumping katy webms in the last thread?
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Kinda. But you're lewd today
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Sky can make many men extremely horny
Dove's toes look pretty sweet too. Maybe Sky's into some girl-on-girl footplay?
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She count?
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nope im the emma anon
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nah not me, must be another katy fan. my dick isnt complaining though lol
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You have fucking great taste
lol same here
my fetish
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Ariana Grande (1).jpg
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M-My m-mistress t-tells me shes t-tired of m-me and w-wants me to please h-her in new and exciting ways... she m-mentioned creampie eating from the b-bull... when sh-she g-gets done with th-the bull she wants m-me to eat her out...
moar of her this age/set?
Faker than my emotions
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From time to time.
Would love to watch them.
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thanks :)
no but shes cute
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Michelle Jenneke yummy.jpg
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Katy is such a nice contrast to Emma!
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britney spears sexy2.jpg
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so pretty good since there arn't many celeb porn fakes that are also animated?
But fake enough that if you look close enough or for more than 1 loop?
But you can tell lots of effort has been placed into it anyway so it doesn't really matter?
You do have great taste

and dem sweaty tits in that last pic, oh my god
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muh dickkk
fuck i wanna tongue that ass
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this is pretty much just cringe
still would fuck the lot of them tho
Moarrr pls.
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Do you think Sky should suck on Dove's toes or the other way around?
I would make her workout and sweat for hours, feed her blue cheese, pickled cabbage and a bucket of fried chicken. Let her wash it down with wine laced with laxatives and roofies, put her in bed when she's out cold and plant my mouth directly on her asshole and wait.
ugh i know anon. almost came seeing those tits shine.
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i like many celebs....katy and emma rank high up there

her tits are simply incredible
I don't have it handy, but there were 3-4 other shots in that set. One of them shows her ass from the side. You can basically see the brownness of her asshole, but you don't actually see her yummy starhole. Surely someone has it...
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I-I-I d-dont like it that much b-b-but any chance t-to eat h-her out I`ll grab at...
And there he is again,

fuckin cringe
Yeah, she looked fucking amazing in that pink dress holy shit. started fapping to those pics the night they came out
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Both is teasing. I may prefer the other eay around tbh.
Katy Perry has bad skin, and her tits don't really have a nice shape. She just always has on tops that really boost them. I can tell we'll be massively disappointed if she ever does nudes.
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What about how? Does she count?
dat fucking everything. mmmmmm damn.
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britney spears teen queen (5).jpg
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Id lick her pits.
i need those soles
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damn, they online?
saved for sure
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Not only you...
dat middle pic holy shit
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britney spears sexy pop star (2).jpg
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lol so did i.
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yeah she is rocking it in that middle one
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yeah, i watched her on the red carpet and couldnt believe how fucking hot she looked
indeed....she knows she looks good too
id lick the fuck out of those pits
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>britney spears so sexy
welcome anon!

she definitely knows how hot she is. she's the biggest celeb cocktease out there
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fuck, we need daily Katy fap threads on here tbh

id be up for it
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that she is!
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Would prefer to get involved tho.
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i would but im not here every day and when im on is quite sporadic
definitely. i think she likes giving all those guys erections
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Danny Devito's got an ass that a ruler couldn't measure
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She said I cr-cr-cringe her s-sometimes too but I think she`s j-just being m-mean: like when she t-tells m-me I forgot to add an or-orange to her b-b-breakfast in bed s-so she gets me to go to the store and g-g-get one...
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Found it. In the mirror, it's not clear, but you're seeing flesh just millimeters from her bunghole.
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It is. But not as classic as this shot right here.

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This bitch wins
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This is a message to all newfags and cancer currently killing /b/: What the fuck do you think this is, some place where you can just waltz in unannounced and be received with arms wide open? WELL FUCK THAT! This is motherfucking /b/, bitch. WE call the shots. WE ALWAYS get shotgun. WE don't give a fuck who you are, because WE are infinitely more important than you. WE are always first in line. WE rob banks, charities, and ANYONE else who fucking pisses us off. This place is more than just a place, faggot, it is an IDEOLOGY. And this ideology says you need to GET THE FUCK OUT. No one here will ever like you. WE have already established cliques, slop-worthy-hoes, and prop-worthy-bros, GOT IT? WE are the ideology of elitism, exploitation, and lulz. This isn't a fucking game, kid, so don't try to tag along. You're talking to people who have been around the block AND THEN SOME. WE pioneered class. WE made 'cool' cool. And you? What have you done? Jerked off in the shower? WE INVENTED JERKING OFF IN THE SHOWER, you stupid bitch. There is a clear-cut, defined, infinitely thick WALL between you and us. WE built the wall that keeps you fags OUT. So don't try to act like you know what the fuck is going on, because you don't. You just do NOT. But you really think you can compete with /b/? LOL WOW Don't make me start flaming you. Are you forgetting who we are? WE are the ones who film people like you getting fucking destroyed by us. WE will rip your ASSHOLE out of your fucking rectum, STITCH IT on top of your pitiful dick hole, and then fuck you in the VAGINA we just made for you. SO WE MAKE YOU INTO A BITCH. Do you get it now? This site isn't a game, it isn't a place to 'chill' with your fags, and it isn't some fucking haven where people like you can get acceptance from people like US. IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. JUST GTFO.
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I want to taste Sky's pussy
I bet it's so sweet
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britney spears teen queen (7).jpg
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dayum, moar?
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yeah she is funny to watch in her early days when she was new to the business and seamed horny as fuck in just about every interview she did
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so many celeb threads, y'all need some chewtholicism
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Oh yeah man, that is the ORIGINAL britney fap.

That set caused the whole pop scene to change forever, lol
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look at this summer fag
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katy perry.jpg
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she is so fucking ugly
hot to think that she would be walking down the red carpet and be wet as fuck thinking about all those guys fantasizing about her
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Sweet and wet.
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Good times. So many pop tarts to fap to. Like this one here.
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haha yes im sure she has been many times
>eamed horny as fuck in just about every interview she did
that sounds hot. got any examples, anon?
I wanna fucking cum all over her stomach
Fuckin loved her.

Loved her more when she went this route
no kids thanks
are you having a fucking stroke? talk like a normal person you fucking cuck. itookthebait.jpg
This is right around the time of her meltdown, haha. The trucker hat von dutch phase
hngg fuck <3
in her younger days maybe
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just go on youtube and type in naughty katy perry etc there's lots of compilations i believe
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dirrty christina is best christina
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Hnngg indeed.
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Some Katy fappers?
the bikini pic was in fucking 2004 and she had her breakdown in 2007 you fucking fucked fucker!
busted quite a few loads to this bitch

Downloaded that music vid on Kazaa and fapped every morning.
will do. thanks anon!
awww. i see. would be awesome, tho
latex Katy is best Katy
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This place needs more Hannelius

You know that breakdown was in progress tho. She was falling apart.
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same anon, same
my nigra
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Britney Spears16.jpg
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go away pedo
hell yeah dude. busted gallons to her
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Hannelius tongue
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that maxim set was my JAM

mein neger
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britney spears sexy (2).jpg
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So do I.
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Britney Spears28.jpg
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forbidden faps, lol
>half nigger
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yes and i didnt like the broken britney
at least not until she went swimming in her panties and bra later that year
fapped for months to this set
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christina aguilera hot (1).jpg
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So fuckin' trashy. And so fuckin' hot. Would do her in a heartbeat.
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Same for Britney...
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Ariana Grande (3).gif
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She t-told m-me h-her bull is c-coming over i-in two hours and they`re going to use the p-pool... I-I-I`m s-supposed to get dinner r-ready for them and s-set up the lawn chairs...
She looks like a coked up college dropout

Which is exactly why I'm erect
saved, wow
Oh yea
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Actually, this was in 2004, just when she started dating that white trash wannabe rapper. So this could be considered the beginning of the end.
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i'm sad you think that but am happy you are erect
so i guess i'm kinda neutral
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christina aguilera hot (3).jpg
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fucking love her trashy look
She was sort of done for me at this point. She started getting heavy and looking doped up.
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Nonsense, G. Hannelius looks like Sofia Vergara, classical beauty
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You got more from this set, anon?
I mean, I'm sure she's a lovely girl, she just has that 'i havent slept in 48 hours and i need some dick' look
The trashiness and the implants worked so, so well.
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Dont really know if this is leggit
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britney spears teenie (2).jpg
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Jailbait Britney. Nice!
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What's sad is Kevin Federline turned out to be the more responsible parent.
There it is
welp now im fapping

She should really have that mole under her left collarbone looked at...
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Such a great pic, but I wish she didn't have such a strong fake tan going. That tan makes it so her skin is the same color as her nipples - you don't get to see the areola standing out with its own color.
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britney spears red hot (2).jpg
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Another from that set.
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Want her to stroke something of me..
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Camren Bicondova
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True. Eiher way tho, I think this is the exact moment in time when her body was best. >>687219706
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here she is without makeup
saved thanks
its not
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christina aguilera hot (7).jpg
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Nice dubs.

Here is your reward. Enjoy!
fuck i almost came
Being on 3 episodes of the big bang theory 5 years ago doesn't equal famous.

She's fucking annoying anyway
Put your hands on the back of her head and... well you can imagine
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It did, yeah. Fapped so much to her in this phase of her career, my dick is still sore.
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Only almost? Tzzz..
She has such a great belly
this tbqh
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You're just jealous, see more G. Hannelius in ROOTS. Hopefully she will whip a nigger or two in the show.
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Ain't that a kick in the nuts now......
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sad thing is is she is a half nigger lol
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haha, same bro, same

If you care, there is UHQ of that maxim set with some outakes. It can be found fairly easily
mmmmm thanks anon.
I think you just might be correct with that theory. Imma fap to Xtina again and get off on seeing her titties in their peak form.
haha had to stop myself. feeling good jerking off.
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just look at her face
she knows what she's doing
cheeky lil cunt
mean but also hot

How in the hell did nothing from her come out during the fappening?

It's almost impossible to imagine.
>half nigger

Only in hindsite can we know the absolute best fap material, lol.

This was her peak.
maybe she had an android phone?
>>>687220438 (You)
>>half nigger

Don't be so negative! She's half white!
<video src="; type="video/webm"></video>
Wrong choice to stop.
no thanks

Thanks bro. Saved!!!
i know. i shouldve came all over myself. wouldve been worth it.
No sweat, bro. Glad to help a fellow x-tina fan out.
nice. think im gonna shoot off a nice load to her.
Would have been totally.
It was for sure.
some one make a new thread
almost there again.
Imagine her sweet look as she waits for you to cover her.
I don't know what this is but I approve.
garfunkel & oates exists as well
now this is just....degenerate
I'm not even a polfag
oh fuck anon. that was a good cum. got it all over my chest and face. thanks.
New thread fags



whatdya cum to?
Stop, my dick can get do hard
Search Jessica Biel Gear magazine.
Thread replies: 280
Thread images: 151

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