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What is a dream exactly? I've been thinking about a possible

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
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What is a dream exactly? I've been thinking about a possible afterlife sort of, where the dreams you have may show you memories of a previous life. Only reason I think this is that I have dreams/nightmares in strange places often with other people who I can't exactly identify. And it seems so real...

I guess maybe a feels thread too
I have dreams of events that haven't happened in my life, they progress as though I made a bad decision and I can change my decisions based on what I dream of, the only problem is the fact that they are completely random. A big sense of deja vu occurs almost every day. It's fucking ridiculous.
Dreams are just random hallucinations experienced during REM sleep. They do not mean anything spiritual no matter how much you want to believe in reincarnation and visions of past lives. They do not offer valuable insights into your deepest inner psyche. They are just hallucinations.
Dreams are just our brain's way of keeping occupied while we sleep.

It just sort of goes " allright . .this is boring as shit so i am going to make up stories of all the crap you have dealt with and see if I can fuck with you a bit"

It really is the only thing that makes sense.
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I must have had one hell of a life, cause I dreamed I was a Witch Hunter from Warhammer and I shot and killed this fat fuck.
I miss dreams. I haven't had one since a bad accident gave me a brain injury about 8 years ago.
That is just the beer/weed you had before you went to sleep.

Damn that sounds pretty cool dude
I wish I had your problem.It wouldn't break my heart if I never dreamed again.
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Why? Dreams can be fun. Got a habit of having nightmares?
That meme used to mean something.
This picture make me want to be comfy.
shit dude i'd buy that idgaf
Captain Buzzkill reporting for duty.
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>Only reason I think this is that I have dreams/nightmares in strange places often with other people who I can't exactly identify

That's possible.
it's also possible they're faces of people you've seen before but didn't pay attention to, like walking down the street or something, maybe extras in movies.
It's also possible the faces are constructed through creativity of your brain, mixing and matching traits.

Which one seems more likely?
Which one do you want to be real?
Do you think what you want to be real affects your judgement?
To identify truth, one must hold a high standard for proof.
I dunno, I'm just looking for even a slight idea what the hell happens before birth, after death. Thought maybe dreams or something about the brain would help
Seriously I've had so many emotionally draining dreams. School shootings, being a soldier, fallino in love, becoming a successful person, going through a traumatic event.

I always wake up shaken and sweaty the morning after a dream like this.
I fucked Flutterbutter in a dream once. The moment I bust inside her, she transformed into a pink and yellow dragon and flew away. I'm not even really a big fan of my little pony.
we have past life's . i never seen any of my past life's in dreams tho but is possible tho
my dreams normally go about things i want to do or i want to have
or normally goes like a story i made up and i know im dreaming
and normaly when i set up my self to fuck some girl my brain goes neckbeard and she declines me
It's flutteshy you inbred fuck
>I'm just looking for even a slight idea what the hell happens before birth, after death.
Life went on without you for more than thousands of years.
Life will go on without you for a thousand years more.

You can look this stuff up online, the news for the day before you were born, world history, etcetera.
The day the sewing machine was invented.
How much technology has changed throughout 10s of years.
How much fashion has changed within a 100 year time span.
You might not even live 100 years.
I know. I my fucking phone loves to autocorrect.
thats something you never gone learn i have spent many nights about it
i know there is god(like a force that drives everything) i know there is afterlife but what that afterlife is impossible to figure out not with this brain attached to your soul , i also know there is rebirth how that work beats me but i know i ahve been other persons before (mostly frenchs lmao)
but there is one thing, you have only 1 life as the person you are right now
so well dont fail your body it life only once .
The feeling of not knowing is literally knawing at me right now
Oh, sorry friend :^)
Your brain was/will be in the same state the rest of you was before birth/will be after death: non-existent/rotting in the ground. Dreams are just your brain defragging. They can't possibly hold any secrets about life before birth/after death.
It's actually pretty fun shit; you should keep a dream journal. Maybe try lucid dreaming if you haven't already.
Some people just don't dream.
A lot of people don't remember their dreams.
You only have so many years to live, you could die tomorrow.
With dreams, it's like living extra life. It's like being able to travel through alternative dimensions, living the life of various movies, having experiences you may never, ever have anywhere else.
It's cool. It's just this small time local bakery with floral and butterfly paintings inside named Flutterbutter pastries, and my fucking phone loves to fuck with me.
Forgive me if, even just for the sake of my being able to function properly, I chose to believe there's more to life and the hereafter.
Well, you can flex your creativity muscles, maybe write a few books of what it could possibly be, maybe start a new religion and your own personal cult.
But you could also accept that you can't know, and move on with your life, pursuing whatever it is you may want: wealth, knowledge, to contribute to science relatively directly, to encourage middle school students to obtain knowledge and increase their intelligence because of their heightened neuroplasticity because they're young so they may contribute great things to the world and live fulfilling lives, self indulgent pleasure, anything you want.
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I feel like it's not logical to believe in a higher power, so I turn to science. But we know so little, only scratched the surface of the universe. It's just hard to imagine some force so powerful exploded and created.. well everything, and all the perfect conditions over millions of years created us, while the universe is still expanding every second. My mind simply cannot fathom any of it
I don't see why science and religion can't both be right in the same reality.
>i know there is god(like a force that drives everything) i know there is afterlife
We can't know, but it is possible. With actual facts, it seems unlikely.
The Christian bible being true is as likely as Harry Potter being true.
man you must have a really high end fedora.
Actually someone close to me passed recently, just curious where he's at now
Religion says a zombie who loves everyone equally and is the son of the original daddy let himself get nailed to a cross so he can eat everybody's bad behavior and die with bad attitudes.

Science says: Get proof or get the fuck out of here unless you've got any real evidence, and talk with the philosophers, or Disney or some shit.
Hey, far be it from me to take that away from you. I didn't say anything about it, though. I only said dreams have nothing to do with it. Dreams are a physical thing caused by synapses firing in your brain. You can't carry them from one life to the next even if there were such a thing as reincarnation.
I understand the basic reason behind it, I just wish it wasn't the way it be. But it do.
Well, then I misinterpreted what you were getting at. I just have real bad anxiety with death related stuff, so I get a little jumpy.
Science is controlled experimentation and observation that is then peer-reviewed.

Religion is "Nuh uh! Our ancient book written by sheep farmers says you're wrong!".
>But it do.
I wish there was an afterlife, too. I don't even care if it's an afterlife created by some asshole who lets people get tortured, raped, set down, starve, and die horrible deaths on a regular basis.
I don't want to die.
Have my statements become the focus of this dream thread? Is this the real life?
>Is this the real life?
or is this just fantasy
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>Caught in a landslide
I call bullshit
dreams are your conscious'/brain way to process experiences and past events in your current lifetime, or wishes/needs/desires of any form.

doesn't meant they have happened in exactly the same way the dream is happening though.

they are definitely not a thing about afterlife or previous lives.
As far as I have learned, dreams are the brain sorting new and old memories and compiling information that was processed that day, consciously and unconsciously, and sorting where those experiences and calculations are in reference to newly created neural pathways.

Before you were sentient and after you die will just be the same nonexistence you feel when you're in your deepest levels (I think theta wave) of sleep. Nothing.

But... The brain is a super computer making billions of calculations and storing them in that mushy hard drive in our skulls, its very possible that its unconsciously running statistical probabilities while you sleep and every once in a while it figures something out so it seems like a premonition.

For those who want more vivid dreams or don't often remember there dreams: a couple benadryl and a small amount of caffeine or similar stimulant before bed.
You'll have some crazy ass dreams.
It's strange. When I wake up, I feel like I have to write down the experience. And can always remember them in perfect detail. I mostly kept them as notes on my old iPhone.

And lucid dreaming is both scary and awesome. But all my experiences have just been normal dreams. Like another person takes over almost.
no escape from reality
>Open your eyes
If reincarnation is real, how could you possibly have any memories of it? That's complete nonsense. Your current brain isn't connected in anyway to your previous brain so how the fuck would you get memories from it? Face it, dreams don't mean shit, they're just hallucinations that happen during sleep.
DMT made in the pineal gland.

That's it. You know how dreams "seem" like hours? Only seconds, if that. It's like a million thoughts at once. Same with "near death experiences", and probably what crates "the afterlife" itself.
I call bullshit
dreams are your brain's way of portraying scenarios to you so that you may be more prepared for them in the future if they ever arise. Further more, it does so in an efficient way, so it prepares you for multiple parts of multiple different scenarios all at once.
Is it true you can manipulate the world in your lucid dreams?
>And can always remember them in perfect detail. I mostly kept them as notes on my old iPhone.
I used to remember the details perfectly when I kept dream journals.
It just took too long to write down, so I eventually quit.
I used to lucid dream every day, but it required practice and effort to maintain.
When would I ever have to move my arms like I'm swimming while walking down the street because the air, while no more solid than usual, is somehow thick as syrup?
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i was trying to decide what to write but yeh
forgot who i was gone answer
science is the way overall . its how we gone survive as species
even if there is higher power as i believe i rly don't think it look that much after us . and it selfish not to take your life in your hands
WHEN YOU DIE YOU DIE how we understand life is determend from our brain and experiances .
even if your soul cont on and get a rebirth your a new person you never gone be the same guy you are now , i did connect with some of my past lifes (shit most is saddnes and sorrow) i just take some of the experience and apply it to mine im not the person i ahve been before and i never gone be and i literately dont care what happen with my family of my past lifes .
fearing death is like fearing raining it gone happen sooner or later and better to be ok with it and accept it .
Not the Anon you replied to, but yes. You can make girls want to have sex with you, you can make it so the girl and you are in a new environment so her dad isn't there and already naked so you can have sex.
Yay! You're experiencing the human condition. Isn't sentience great? I just love that I have the ability to conceive of so many possibilities in the universe with just enough reasoning skills to know I will never really know what the fuck is going on and why and that I am limited by only being able to interpret the stimuli that I can pick up with my mediocre senses.
Now where was that lobotomy tool...?
That's not where I was going with this at all. I'm hoping if I can develop this for myself, it would help boost my confidence in writing to actually see the project in writing take shape every night.

This you fucking idiots.
I don't think I'd be in very good shape if my dreams were past lives. They're all pretty fucked.
I choose to believe there's something else. No one can alter my thoughts on this.

Ignorance is bliss I suppose.
I'm not religious anymore myself. I wanted answers and "faith" kind of lead to a dead end for what I was looking for.

Science and the methods used therein seems pretty solid.

One thing I noticed is everything in natural observable universe seems to follow the same pattern.

Everything always follows the path of least resistance, moves to fill a vacuum and seems to attempt to achieve some form of homeostasis.

Zoom out as far as we can see and the clusters and superclusters of galaxies look reminiscent of the neural paths and clusters in our brains.

Zoom in far enough and it probably follows some sort of similarity.

And its all just a projection of the fourth dimension anyway. Congratulations, you're a hologram.
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well can you give me real facts ? can you die and come back so we can be sure ?
if not then is just a theory as everything else
Me neither. Being sentient, aware of death is a real double edged sword.
I totally get why people want to believe in life after death.
It's not ignorance at all. I'm constantly plaqued by the facts. My choice in belief is what keeps ceiling anxiety from interfering in my day to day function. You don't know me. You don't know what my life was like. It's a comfort thing. Like making brownies or some stuff like that.
Crippling anxiety.
A dream is a mental simulation based on short term memories designed to accomplish two goals.

1. Choose which memories should become long term.

2. Train the mind to resist threat and exploit opportunity.

They are emotional tests given by one part of the brain to another.

This aspect of dreams is to help determine what is threat or opportunity and what is irrelevant, so the mind knows how to choose what gets remembered.

If you want to change your dreams you must change your life.

Google how to lucid dream.
Your brain cannot create people or faces out of thin air. The people you cant recognize are actually people you have seen (such as the guy who works at mcdonalds, or the guy at the gas station or the police officer you went by last week I think you get the point) The brain is only able to recreate all those faces and places them in a dream in a way that may be coherent to your logic
How do you know if you are not in a dream. or maybe in a dream within a dream and so on...
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well we got souls for sure
once i dreamed that im a plane crash or sort ,
normally i realise when im dreaming so just joke when im about to die and end up in bed or something like that
but this time deepest ever sleep everything feels real i dont know im dreaming i think is real
i die . plain pitch darkness i wait 2 seconds "wasn't there suppose to be something after this , is this how im gone spend my time till end of the universe"
THE BIGGEST FUCKING RIPPING PAIN FROM MIDDLE OF MY BODY JUST UNDER MY CHEST. felt like some sort of ball , i nearly did a fucking salto from bed and i was quite heavy at the time
.no i was not short of breath was breathing all right its was ripping pain like a fucking alien tried to burst from my chest .
try to find more on the net realise that i was so sure im dead my soul tryed to leave my body whit out me being really dead
Sometimes digging too deep into these things can fuck you up badly. Some things are better off unknown. If you were faced with ultimate truth to life, death, or most anything, your mind would shatter. Knowledge has done many great things for humanity, but the pursuit of it may well tear you apart.
This is fluttershy dream guy, one if the Queen chain singer guys and the death anxiety guy , signing off. Goodnight, you magnificent sons of bitches.
I envy you, i really do.

But i just cant ignore everything i've learned about the world, all science has thought us and where it has taken us.

IMO it all tells us there is nothing before birth and nothing after death just eternal nothingness.
Don't listen to the fedorists. Science barely understands the human brain. I was going on a visit with my school at our national security institute. Where they train our spies. An academy basicaly. The day before the trip I dreamt of travelling to some place. On the road to spy school I had a deja vu from my dream just looking out the window. When I was in the courtyard I literally saw the exact same scene I saw in my dream. I had never been to that place before.

Deja vu is basically your brain "transferring" an experience currently experienced into your memory, so you think that you experienced it before. Or dreamed it before. Neurological misfiring.
i have had two dreams of past seems the dream happens at a crossroads in that past life..the only way to describe it is the part of me that is in this life is fully aware of myself, but i know everything and am a passive observer of the past life was an ancient place where a priest was preaching and at the end he asked me if i had been called to the priesthood.i told him i had but was i love with a girl, and he told me its not our will that matters but Gods will..the other was a large plain rice patty..i was farming rice, and was thinking to myself if i would go and fight the americans..i was really angry that they had invaded, but was also very afraid of them..
And for every instance of one part of one dream being sort of, kinda, almost similar to a cherry-picked instance of your life that you decided was meaningfully related to it, there are an unlimited number of instances you choose to ignore because nothing ever becomes of them. It's selective memory.
I dreamed I was being chased by zombies the other night. Man, I got myself into some hairy situations in my past life.
> your claim does not reflect our biased worldview so you're obviously just imagining things
The damage control is real.
I'll free text because I tend to have very descript and vivid dreams.
This is a reoccurring one
>I was with a girl that I think I knew who was going on the date
>the guy there was pushy and creepy, so she told him off
>he reacted violently saying he'd get revenge
>I remembered a place from a previous dream, kind of a safe house
>it was an underground cabin with about six levels of stairs, and we ran down them
>I knew he'd be coming for us with weapons of some sort
>the last flight of stairs so a trap, it ends abruptly to send unfamiliar intruders off a cliff
>I warn newcomers of the trap
>we hide in one of the crevices of the canyon with some children who I assume are part of the society
>the man comes down
I don't recall what happened next, but I think it had to do with water... Cold, clear water. I think we drowned him, but I'm not sure,
I have more weird, vivid dreams if anyone is interested.
Sad truth is, the second you die you are coming out a vagina crying cause you're back in this shithole :/...
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I will also add I've had dreams in the same environment, just not the same situation,
I remember the end of the stairs, because someone caught me before I fell off of them.
I remember how cold the pool down there was, and how it was like caverns I've been in.
It's an oddly comforting place, I imagine I'd enjoy it if I didn't only go there in fear.
Any tips on forcing dreams?
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Nice quints.
Does anyone ever have a choice for that happening or not?
When i started to force myseld to lucid dream i would just go to sleep but remember my dreams i dreamt that i was playing the hunger games at my cousins house and it was down to the last 4 me batman the joker and some evil bitch with like mini knifes we all met in the same room and imediately batman started to fight joker and me being the dumbass watched while the evil bitch killed me with her knifes by stabbing me with them behind my eyes i knew she did because i could feel and sense them and where it came from but it didnt.hurt it was just a instense numbing feeling and a thought of "god fucking damn it im gonna die" not in a scary or fearful way but in a way that i was pissed and then i teleported or some shit with the rest of the dead players and they were watching tv of the game and i saw my dead body on the floor thinking damn i should have won
>Look up to the sky
I'll share another because I have some really fucked up ones, this particular one made me not want to sleep the next night
>be me walking outside my apartments
>I run into these two guys with camo hats in wife beaters near their capped truck
>it's full of bags of trash
>they call me over, I can't remember what they say but I listen
>they take one of the bags in the truck and pull out a dead cat
>I watch him pull it from the bag and it seems like forever, it's limp and has a horrible expression on its dead face
>they start pulling out more dead cats
>one of them with orange chirrups, it's still alive
>I walk away and it follows me back to my apartment
->I'm scared that the housing people will catch me, but even more scared because I know they're coming for me.
And it ends.
Do some research into DMT op. It's closely linked in with dreams/consciousness
These are both me, I really hope someone can tell me this kind of stuff is normal.
I can remember the smells and the emotion so vividly when I wake up I wonder if it's real
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For real, I'm not OP but if someone had any advice I'd really appreciate it.
These dreams fucking haunt me, sometimes I have one where I'm working at my old job at a farm. The horses are starving, and all crowded together into stalls... I don't want to go to sleep because of them, I just want to dream of good things for oncex
>They do not offer valuable insights into your deepest inner psyche
Dunno man. I agree that they're hallucinations, but it's raw brain shenanigans. Subconscious desires and shit could be going on
Op is fuckin broken mindly
I wish I wasn't so afraid of these dreams, but they're so strong feeling.
I dream of places I've never seen, and of people I can remember seeing.
I never talk about how much they terrify me, so in a way I guess this applies to feels.
What were your duties on the farm? Was one of them feeding the horses?
It was.
The lady who owned the farm kind of lost it once her husband left her... She wouldn't take care of the horses with special dietary needs, and when they got sick she'd shoot them and bury them in the lower pasture.
My mom paid for me to be there, so my job wasn't to care for them but I still did.
There was one horse I loved, in the dreams I'm always trying to find her but I never can.
No, it is just a plausible explanation for the claimed experience that does not contradict current scientific knowledge.
After she started treating the horses that way my mom pulled my sister and I out of the program. There would have been no way for me to continue because I couldn't drive there at the time.
I don't know what ever happened to them, I logically know it's not my fault but I still have nightmares about the place.
Please, I don't ever need much from this place, but I need somethin reassuring so I can at least sleep tonight.
i always wanted to reply to this kind of bullshit:
>Your brain was/will be in the same state the rest of you was before birth

yea and guess what you retard, your existence now is the product of your non-existence then
dreams are nightly hallicunations that your brain tries to construct some kind of logical order around, after they happened. Stfu about previous life bullshit
>i know afterlife
I think when you're awake your sensory stimulations build up in your brain which makes it difficult to organise and we feel this has being tired and losing concentration. When we sleep our brain stops taking in sensory information and paralysises the body. The signals bouncing around your head then are allowed to dissipate as dreams without getting further input.
Energy and matter begat genetic material which begat an embryo which begat a brain which begat a consciousness. My existence now is the product of my parents fucking, you retard.

There's a logical continuation of events in that chain. However, there's a glaring gap in a chain of events that assumes your brain from a previous life somehow transfers memories and neural pathways to a new brain when we know that's not true. MRIs light up different patterns when people are experiencing different things like, for example, recalling memories. Newborns and infants don't light up the centers of the brain responsible for memories like they would if they were storing lifetimes worth of memories in them. So what is it? You spontaneously start regaining memories from past lives once you're old enough to obsessively dissect your own dreams? Don't be stupid.
I have this condition called empty nose syndrome where the nerves are damaged in my nose and have permanent feelings of suffocation.

I can't get into deep sleep and constantly wake up through the night. I have constant dreams sometimes like 8 in 1 night and can usually remember them. I think it's your subconscious trying to send you a message that something is wrong in your life.

I have a recurring dream of getting chased and bitten by a violent dog. not sure what it means.
when you dream there is loads of brain activity going on, when you're dead, none.

its just your brain processing information, stop trying to make it sound like it is more than it is, at least dedicate some effort to it
REM sleep increases as the night goes on. If it were the brain's way of "cleaning up the noise of the day" then you'd think it would be the opposite.
I only dream about anime.
everyone dreams if you measure brain activity

meaning, the people who claim to not dream have brains with identical patterns to those who say they dream, so they obviously simply belong to the don't remember category
pretty deep stuff for a /b thread
>pretty deep
only if you are 16 or younger

This. It's your brain performing cleanup plus random neurons firing.

There's never anything new in dreams - at most, it's stuff you've already experienced jumbled and shuffled in a (sometimes) creative and funny way.
a drive set to defragment is not relaxing
The why reoccurring dreams?
I have dreams from 5+ years ago situations, or places that I've never seen.
same reason you can draw a place you have never seen, your brain have this ability, why does it suddenly amaze and baffle you?
I only except fetuses
It doesn't amaze me, it scares me. Why would I have frightening and unsettling dreams set in a place I've never been before?
How in any way is that my brain trying to help me while I sleep?
>I have dreams from 5+ years ago

I guess they were impactful situations so they keep coming back.

>situations, or places that I've never seen.

Are you sure? Take all the movies and vidya and news and books you've seen and read, and I'm pretty sure you'll find the places there, possibly all mashed up to look like something new.
I'm not an expert or anything but it seems to me like dreams are just the result of your mind wandering during sleep. I mean have you ever been doing something really long and boring and just let your mind wander? You think up some strange ideas after a while
some people get fucked up in some way or another, be glad yours is only a dream loop, could be many reasons as to why it happens, could be it was something you were never fully able to come to terms with, could be related to a strong childhood memory, you could be autistic and simply not able to let go, you might like the dream, could be brain damage and the list go on
If the outcome is the same that wouldn't necessarily be important. I think there are lots of reasons for sleep and dreaming and that's a reasonable idea for why we dream. Maybe it doesn't need to dissipate, instead it's just how head is full of signals from input data? I'm thinking about whether energy is used to make dreams which could have been used for something else or if dreams are like an excess of thoughts so to speak.

There's a shit ton of memories in everyone's brains, stored in long-term memory.

Our consciousness is limited in processing capacity so you can't keep all your memories plus what you're doing at them moment up front,.

It's kinda like RAM and HDD.
people have issues that are way more crippling that affect them while awake, why would our sleep, when we are vulnerable, especially if we assume it is doing important work, somehow be immune?
Brain damage would make sense, I've had several consussions.
A lot of the occur in places where they just don't make sense...
There's one where my father is a firefighter, and I'm in the car while he's driving to a fire.
Then he stops at this pool that's so serene with flowers in the water, and even though I have this sense of urgency because something is burning, I don't leave.
I've never been anywhere like that. It just doesn't make sense to me:
I don't know... Sleep is supposed to be a time to rest and recharge, I don't get why my brain would do that.
why does it have to make sense?
It would bring some comfort. It's pretty frightening for me, so a way to make sense of it would help a lot.
me neither but it is very consistent with how our brains generally work and a lot more logical than to somehow assume an exception for no good reason.

its not like our brains are supposed to do any of the bad and harmful stuff humans do to themselves in general so again, I don't get what the big deal is that our brains not being immune to these things when we are asleep?

to me it is about as insane as to suggest being asleep made you immune to punches and burns, it is just a state we are in, nothing else have changed
im the guy you directly repsponded to, not the guy before.

>logical continuation of events
there cant be smooth continuation (in the mathematical sense) of anything in a macroscopic realm of neurons for example.

im leaving now btw, so im not going to read your reply.

take care guys
I guess you have a point, as much as I don't like it. More than anything I'd like an explanation, or a solution, but I guess that's something that's pretty far off.
Do you happen to have any sleep related issues?
lol, you are just getting caught up in trivial shit in your life, ignore it and things will get better fast.

I have had a lot of dreams that have not made any sense, just like I would expect my imagination to be able to, I just accept it for what it was, a dream, and then move on with life.

you have made it a thing, that itself would probably make the dream appear more often
>If the outcome is the same that wouldn't necessarily be important.
Yes it is important because your brain can't assume you'll sleep 8 hours every night. I, myself, only sleep 4 hours a night, if that. If I'm missing out on the largest chunks of REM sleep and it's important then that would be bad. If it were important, it would be the other way around: a long segment of REM sleep followed by ever-shortening segments.Since the segments increase in length as the night goes on, it would indicate that's it's more of a time-waster. A break in between the other nocturnal activities your body is performing.
at times I have trouble sleeping, as in, a few times a year lasting anything from a few days to a month other than that I sleep pretty well
It's not that easy. I have really frightening dreams, some that make sense and some that don't. I wake up feeling like I never want to sleep again. Sometimes there's some things from my past that come up.
Some just leave me with a sense of impending doom.
And if I try to wake myself up I'm stuck in sleep paralysis.
I wish it was just weird, laughable shit.
great post anon. totally agree.

read my post.
I think if you're having unsetting dreams then something is off in your irl life
are you an attractive person? how's your sex life? how's your general happiness in life? just curious
it is obviously the cause of some deeper mental issues you are struggling with.

I have had some bad dreams too, some that to this day feel like real memories, as in, when I think back, they feel the same in my head as real life memories but I know they must have been dreams because of the circumstances and facts etc

one of those kinda messed me up for a few days, made me a bit confused and such but as always, when I doubt just trust facts and logic and let go of the feelings, you will come out on top always
Then explain why we see lines and geometry while high on DMT but dont see them through dreams
Feels thread? I gotchu fam

>Be me
>Somewhat awkward kid
>Like this girl
>Super hot, smart
>Planning on asking her out, but I'm awkward
>Few days before I next see her
>See her with one of her friends while I'm hanging out with my friend at mall
>She comes up to me and asks me out
>We start talking random shit
>We're doing some random shit she suggested
>I wake up
>Realize it was a dream, and get upset
>Think, "Whatever, I'll ask her out in few days"
>Fall back asleep
>Have same dream two more times
>Each time I wake up I feel worse, because I'm a cuck and probably won't make any ground with her

But fuck it, I'll be able to ask her out in a few days, so I feel somewhat better about it
I don't really know. I'm married, but my spouse isn't around right now so not much sex. I am pretty heavily self loathing, but these dreams have been around for years. In varying states of horribleness. I have memories from when I was little that aren't real, just incredibly vivid dreams.
What are the indicative of? I would do anything for them to stop, I love sleep but I hate dreaming like this. How do they not haunt you in your waking life too?
>self loathing
that's a big problem
because you are actually awake while on DMT?
I don't really know what to do about that. It's just a thing that's been around for a long time, kinda happens when you're raised to think your feelings are worthless.
deal with your self loathing etc
become satisfied with the person you are
basically work on yourself and it should improve over time
my parents instilled a lot of negativity in me. As I grew I realized how valuable I was and how simple minded they were
I also highly recommend a book about the current state of research of the human brain.
I just took a quick glance at this thread and there is much superficial knowledge, especially Freud's theories are still popular although many of them are considered wrong by most experts today.
How though? I don't really get it, I like how I can be helpful but at the end of the day I don't know how to like me.
I didn't know that shit follows you into dreams.
I am proud of you anon, for real. How did you do it?
I tried to clarify in the last post that it wasn't necessarily essential to dream. I'm trying to understand what dreams are and I think it might be important to consider whether dreams come at an energy cost which would imply a functional importance other than some kind of dissipation of thought.
why would it not follow into your dreams?

it is a huge part of who you are as a person, please explain why you think this should somehow be forgotten by you when you are dreaming?

I mean, why should your brain forget yourself and your own life and the state it is in while still remembering all the other trivial shit?

ofc will follow into your dreams, as to how to fix yourself, one step at the time, just begin somewhere, get a hobby if you don't have one, replace your old one with a new one if you don't, test some of your limits, feel alive, all that good shit, work on your self confidence if you don't have one
Your brain doesn't care about using energy to perform it's functions and neurons firing use basically no energy compared to the energy your body uses to move, produce heat, generate new tissue, etc. Dreaming isn't "coming at the cost of something else".
you ever see the show Mr robot? they make a lot of analogys about software and the real world. anyways, on one episode they say how genetics is like software. and when writing software the only reason to have an error in your code is to spot the error and fix it. I feel that way with my genetics. starting to come to terms with how flawed my genetics are and I'm rewiring myself to be a better person
I don't know.
I never feel as worthless in dreams as I do in life, but there is always a distinct feeling of fear and sometimes helplessness. Sometimes sadness.
It's just foreign emotions that I don't feel very much, I don't get why they'd only manifest in dreams.
I am working on having friends, and on confidence but I've never been pushed to have confidence so I don't know how to go about it. I'm good at working, so I do that.
I haven't seen that show, but now I feel like it might be worth watching.
That almost makes sense... Thanks man.
from my own exp there IS some element of truth inside a dream
1. when i was in standerd 9th ,and i was having exam the next day i use to wake up at 3 AM and study ; i saw a dream of a particular lady teacher in classroom hovering over me ; the process of exam invigilator assigning to a class was random in my school and on that day as in my morning dream i got that teacher and she out of affection does brush my hairs

2. next day i saw a dream of a particular girl in my class and i was talking to her .. it was that girl and i asking for answer in exam on that very day

3. the third day i saw dream that in chemistry practical class a beaker was broken by me .. going by the exp of past 2 days dreams i moved away from beaker in chemistry class and a another guy came close to beaker and it got broken (i was saved of the blame)

sometime dreams are random i got to see m school time crush cuddling with me in train (like movie source code?)

and my onoff ex's father hadling her daughter to me : such thing wont happen i think i nlife but its mind way of giving to please experience
take some pride in your good work ethics then, obviously that is something that define you and it is a positive trait

also: you have to stop thinking about your brain being awake or asleep as if it is different dimensions, you have one brain processing all the information regardless of state, to me it seems like obvious reflections on how you view yourself and maybe they are enforced by you neglecting some aspects while awake for all we know
The answer is nothing.

[citation needed]

A lot of people say that dreams are meant to reconcile and organize the information gathered over the course of a day, but there is absolutely no consensus theory on what is the function of dreaming. This is just something that became popular with the public and stuck, kind of like how some people still believe vaccines cause autism.
and once in dream i realise that i am dreaming and in that stage :--

1. u get whatever u wish for .. in dream if u wish a mobile phone a phone appear in your hand immediately but also your dream is to broken soon so ..that thing

2. other time i do get to get back in dream if i sleep immediately
what I think happen: you dream different shit all the time and a few times you hit the mark and those few times you remember as remarkable when in reality it should happen now and then considering how many nights we dream shit up

add in confirmation bias and you got a strong poison
actually i saw a hell lot of stranger in dream ? who are these people i havent met them ..
one thing i noticed that i am always a male in my dream .. that ocnstant
I do take a lot of pride in that, it might be one of the only things. I used to dream about my old job, but not anymore.
That is a really good point, I guess I just don't entirely understand why I have these dreams. Some of them make no sense and they scare the hell out of me.
I don't get why my brain would produce these thoughts that I can't wakingly process.
only thing i remember is that there was darkness and then there was light
so i wont see 4chan after 100 years from now ??
Only once have I been a little girl in my dreams.

GOAT dream of all time. 10/10. Would re-dream.
only rligion that is closest to sciece is buddhism - einstein
maybe because you simply don't do it when awake but you actually have a need to and this is your brains ad-hook solution?
somehow i think the buddhist answer of death of primary waves producing secondary waves in water is true
Then how do I make them stop when I can't process those emotions when I'm awake?
lol, really?
the answer is obvious and right in front of you: you have to find a way to process them while awake

no one can do that but you but you might want to talk to a professional if you can't get anywhere on your own
Well I guess a professional might be the answer, because I obviously haven't been able to deal with this stuff myself for years.
Thanks man, I'll try to find some professional help.
So jealous.
Then there's a world where I fight aliens every night? Or a world where I got transported into games?
Dreams are figments of your imagination dumbass
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why thats so .. i wanna be a anime girl at least in my dream also i dont get anime dream or thaat lego/simpson dream either
pic:related i want to be this in my dreams
best of luck mate, its your life so you should grab it by the balls and make it your bitch at all costs
This is called schizophrenia.
Wrong thread. Get the fuck out.
i even asked people in my dream .. that "am i dreaming right now and u r not real ?" the ansswer was alyas NO
Why was it GOAT dream? Mostly an exaggeration. It's pretty rare to not be yourself in a dream, though, so being a young girl was pretty neat. It wasn't very long or involved. I just remember running around a town at night. Kinda had a trick-or-treating vibe to it.
it means that the part of brain dealing with our gender entity i sintact during the course of dream
Evolutionarily speaking costs and benefits are important when thinking about universal characteristics such as dreaming.
Or rather, just your sense of self, in general.
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