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DRUGS New drug thread Stories, advice, etc.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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New drug thread

Stories, advice, etc.
Can you explain the reason of white/yellow extraction difference?
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Any metalheads here?
How is metal on LSD?
best advice i can give is dont get caught unless you have 100k and plan to spend it all on defense if you do get hemmed up. Generally speaking drugs are not profitable.
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The yellow is additional plant oils from the rootbark, they are easily sucked up with the naphtha during the extraction. Non-toxic, I actually like slightly yellow DMT more.
Do you plan on snorting that deems? bassed on the smell of smoking it i wouldnt try snorting it
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Yo anybody here extracted DMT from phalaris arduinacea?

how do you feel about jungle spice then.

I have, the drip is not pleasant whatsoever. I didn't insufflate enough to breakthrough though.

nope, MHRB works better to my knowledge


never tried, haven't found an easy tek for it
you need to mix with an MAOI to snort.

jungle spice is just dmt with all of the plant fats so its like almost hashish looking. dark brown
so its not fully extracted...IE lazy shitchemists

people believe having the full spectrum leaves more natural and spiritual experiences.

uhhhh I don't think so, it should be absorbed directly into the bloodstream
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If anyone wants to ask question, a friend who is staying here this night sold drugs for almost 10 years. Sold multiple kilo's MJ a week, 4 digit amount of X pills and more. Used to take a lot of psychedelics, and he is willing to answer questions

also subscribed
did someone else here research 4 HO MET?
fair enough but if youre getting high to attain spirituality your doing it wrong...
got robbed selling 2 oz of bud at gunpoint before. if you guys are interested ill tell the whole story

clearly you have never blasted off
what's your or your friends' thoughts on ketamine, i mean difference and effects between S+isomer and racemic.
every fucking drug thread i have to read this word. for fuck sake.
Open your heart, brother
lol big deal... Making money legit is so much more interesting than selling copious amounts of narcotics let us know when you have the founder of a pharmaceutical around to answer questions...
tell the story dont be a faggot
greentext that sheeyit my nigga
Done it several times doesn't work on me for some reason, brain counteracts it and pushes the effects out immediately, I have taken thumbprints on several occasions though good luck finding someone else that can say that lol.
Where is the best place to hide my weed?
anyone ever extracted DMT themselves?
He sold ketamine. For some reason he like R-isomer variant more. There are 3 types (S variant, R variant and racemic). He told the most people liked racemic and S isomer most, because it's way more potent. If you want to do the typical ketamine movements, use the racemic or S isomer. R-isomer variant is barely sold on it's own since it's less potent.

He paid 10000 for a kilo of ketamine back in the days. He didn't sell ketamine in a long time so doesn't really know the price now. He didn't like the enviroment of most ketamine users and stopped using it after he had some bladder damage
yup its so highschool/freshman college
anon where do you get the plant? would you recommend a noob trying to extract it himself?

lol, its because dmt is so other wordly and REAL feeling that it gives people a sense of there being something more to the world. its like peeking behind the curtains of the universe. sorry youre too stupid to understand thats its not just hurrrr durrrr trip balls
bladder damage is real, gotta be careful. thanks for the post. i'll be getting s+ ket in a month, looking forward to it!
So I went to Hangout fest and I was volunteering to get in for free. I got to see some nice music and what not, but the plethora of drugs that were there made my fucking weekend. The best story from hangout comes when I didnt have a place to stay one night. I was holding up a sign that said "can I sleep on your porch" anyways one of the volunteers I was working with (lets call him john doe for anonymity) came up to me and told me that he and his girlfriend Jane Dough had a plan to crash with some friends, they took me along. I had already bought acid from when i wasn't volunteering. So I took two hits and within about 35 mins I was tripping balls. I took the tabs at exctly 1:00 am and when we were driving we stopped for gas. I go to the store to get a big half gallon of orange juice and drink the whole damn thing. THE TRIP GOT SO MUCH MORE INTENSE. I was watching some friends in the back through the passenger mirror and I forgot I was high and convinced myself i was at home watching a movie, I got wrapped up into some of the most interesting conversations of my life. The best part though was when I got to their hotel. They let me bum some shrooms off of them, I was tripping all the night. I went through what ive been told was ego death and all around it was one of the most important things that happened to me. It made me realise I need to trust less, care less what others think, and do what makes me happy.
>peaking behind the curtains of the universe

lol grow up and learn to science if you really want to "peak behind the curtains"


tldr lol
It's not a bragging tool, just some people might want to ask questions (like the guy about the differences between R & S-isomer ketamine) and most people talk out of their ass about drugs. This guy spent a decade of his life revolving around drugs and knows more than 95% of /b/. If drug users tried to be as well-informed and knowledgeble about the drugs they take, it would make gigantic difference.
fuck off kid. all you're getting from drugs is just psuedo-intellectual shit that'll make you look like a retard.
Extraction is not for 15 year olds, you should just buy from the high school "bad kid"

stop being a little bitch and blast off and talk to aliens
This one time I did a bunch of drugs and then I died.

Don't do drugs kids.
do you brain dead druggies actually believe this?
should I use swim?
yes, fucking this. people like you is the reason i give chance to make a convo about drugs.
im 27 and serious about it though but im scared of fucking up and ending up smoking chemicals i shouldnt be
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How does one get a hold of DMT? Should one hypothetically cook it by ordering ayahuasca from our Mexican neighbors?
I literally just posted a thread about a girl i met who tried Ayahuasca and later committed suicide. I dont think it was related but what the hell? I thought an Ayahuasca ceremony would help people through their depression.
TL;DR: took two hits of acid, drank a half gallon of orange juice knowing what it would do, ate shrooms, good trip because im not weak minded/depressed

nothing intellectual. all dmt taught me is that athiests are stupid. there is CLEARLY something going on in the world that connects us all. call it what you want. karma. god. chakras are real. The universe is alive and if you look close enough it trying to tell you that all day every day
its easy, most people think its hard, the washing is the hard part.
what happens if you fuck that up? can you end up smoking poisonous shit?
>nothing intellectual
>has taught me
KID, i am done talking to you. stay safe, research more.
Cop car
If done a LOT of psychedelics, DMT included. You're wrong on this connection nonsense, learn to fucking think critical for fuck sake.
Cold water extraction. Easy. Google it. Then move up in difficulty from there.
extracting dmt is a waiting game. u gotta know basic chemistry. there no point in explain it to someone how has done little to no research about it.
>this guy

i hear you, just saying google makes it possible to get truly accurate info not just hearsay from exdrug dealers and lot custies
gotchu fam ;)
how do you get ur hands on the plant?
>got wrapped up into some of the most interesting conversations of my life

Do you remember what they were?
underated post
i get the powder. u can order it online (cant sauce)
Nice baitaroo now fuck off thanks
nicely said
if there are connections they are science based not rooted in spiritual nonsense
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Kid talks like he took acid once and started wearing tiedye shirts and wooden necklaces. Don't listen to that lil shit.
Praise him :P
I do actually, I write down things from my trips to help me later in life when I need it.

We talked about how humans came to be, realizing that we aren't any different from the animals around us, how small we really are. How unimaginably big our universe is and how unfortunate that we dont get to see every bit of it.

We also talked about how sometimes five minute friendships just end after you meet someone, how that builds up into a fear of abandonment without you realising.

I told him about my time as a heroin addict and how I overcame that struggle, then we went on talking about the dead and where we think they go, how religion is nice but it might have developed as a coping mechanism for those who didnt want to believe in absolute death.

I could go on
Does he know the people that cook the psychedelics like Lsd and dmt?
Or does he take them from a dealer further up the chain .
If he does ,what kind of people are they,how do they do it ?
did you use 1 good tutorial in particular?
puka shells bro puka shells
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I found these on a hiking tail in the PNW. Are they magical?
Is DMT extracted by ayahuasca?
I thought it was a part of the ayahuasca drink, not the plant itself.
White or better yet clear is usually purer, yellow or brown just means it has plant material left over basically. Depending on the solvents used and such
I'd get a spore print done. Dry the shroom out and then compare it with a spore print from an actual magic shroom online. Thats the only 100% effective way to tell. Also if the stalk "bleeds blue" when you break it its more than likely a magical shroom. Get some spore papers though because if you ingest the wrong thing it wont be a good trip for you lmfao
everything is magical bro we are all interconnected gods, masters of our own universes...
Cant tell if youre joking or just dumb
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not a pro, but doesn't look familiar

dmt is not unique to the plants used in ayahuasca, it just exists in some of the ingredients.
dmt is most commonly extracted from a plant called mimosa hostilis root bark
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>Be me
>find weed at my mom's house
>last night I get to visit so fuck it
>decide to smoke it
>smoke 3 1 gram joints
>take 20 bong hits
>eat $50 worth of edibles
>shit was dank as hell
>literally just lie on the couch and giggle for 5 hours
>fall asleep
>wake up still at a solid 9
>dad picks me up
>stay high through road trip
>get home
>still at a 6
>play GTA Vice City until I get tired
>Fall asleep
>Wake up at a 2
>eat breakfast
>finally wears off
>didn't smoke for a week out of fear of increasing tolerance
>Go to bed
never eaten fresh but i hear they have something to offer to the experience. Its basically the one form of psychedelics i didnt fuck with due to limited availability.
Five minute friendships?
Girlfriend broke up with me last summer.
I wanted to escape. Heard about DMT.
Started researching.
After 3 months or so I gathered up the ingredients.
I was really lucky to find a nature shop selling the root bark in powdered form (gee I wonder why).

I spent the next 3 days in the kitchen.
Managed to extract a good 250mg out of 30g bark.

Bought myself a reliable scale. Then I started taking hits, scaling up day by day, 5,10,15,20,25.
It took a lot of control to get the hits right.

By 25 I had managed to control myself.
The experience was an experience, and it was just that. Something I cannot possibly translate into words.

It left me feeling with a weight lifted of my shoulders.
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It's not a REAL feeling. It's a chemically induced feeling. Look, the psychedelics are absolutely interesting for their ability to change consciousness in currently mysterious ways. But if you went into the experience expecting to find magic, you went in with the wrong idea, you are committing the exact same error the hippies did when they thought they could sell peace and enlightenment in a tab. And it's that same mistake that is going to slow down or derail the use of drugs like MDMA/LSD in a therapeutic setting. Please try to find a different way to look at these drugs.
so cereal sacred brother
Nearly OD'd on fentanyl that I thought was dope. Few days ago.

Picked up from my girl, had some new shit suddenly. Called it white China or fine China, can't remember. Supposedly pure dope. Highly doubted she could get her hands on pure but I bought anyways.

40 for 1 fat bag. Never did that before. Used to always be 40 for 5 small bags. Says she stuck it all in one bag, like it was a favor. Yeah right, nobody does that. Give me the bag, here's the money, just to stop the bullshitting. Do it with a buddy o'mine.

Eager to blast off but we're very suspicious. Even he is, and he's never suspicious. He's the guy who found a bag of powder while walking down the street, and snorted it. He's the guy who bought a two liter of robo and tripped out on the bus ride home and got kicked off into the street. He's the guy who would redose on xanax at a metal concert and still buy shots of vodka and live. And he was hesitating. You learn to trust a living instinct like that.

Should I start dealing? I'm in need of money
Do it at your own risk, but first compare with other magic mushrooms online. The ones I come across (fresh) usually have a golden brown cap and when they spore they wither into a black cap that opens up like a plate. Also like I said earlier the stalk should be a bluish colour if you break it.
100% accurate
Yeah there are some people you meet just briefly that leave footprints in your life that never go away. Powerful stuff.
Yes, eat them up yum yum yum!
Could you explain me why many people who try DMT get exactly similar experiences? Feeling like you are travelling a tunnel, meeting aliens etc.
A five minute friendship is when you meet someone, you get along really well. Exchange numbers, stay in touch for a couple days. Then for whatever reason you fall out of touch and never contact them again.
Fish heads! Fish heads!


yes I am OP ask away
Meh, live and let live I guess. I shouldnt judge
how? extraction method?
I have been a heavy drug user for years. Lately, nothing seems to get me high anymore. Am I just burnt out or have I grown out of drugs? 31 btw.
You got some good writting skills op.
I envy that

This is a simplified and edited version of Noman's DMT A/B extraction tek. Using this method, the expected DMT yield should be
around 1.5% of the mass of the Mimosa Hostilis root bark.


Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark (Powdered)
A wide-mouthed glass mixing jar with a tight-fitting lid (a quart jar can do 50 grams of root-bark)
Lye (granulated sodium hydroxide)
A bottle of vinegar (for neutralizing any lye spills)
Safety goggles
rubber gloves
VM&P Naphtha
Four wide-mouthed 8-ounce glass collection jars with lids (canning or jelly jars work well)
A separatory funnel or gear to siphon or decant
Coffee filters
A rubber spatula
A freezer set to a very cold temperature

1) Combine the lye and the water in the mixing jar.

-Add the lye to the water, while slowly and constantly stirring until it has completely dissolved.

-Use 15 ml water and 1 gram of lye for every gram of powdered root-bark that will later be added into
the mixing jar.

Note: Lye is very dangerous. Have a bottle of vinegar handy as an acid to neutralize the
caustically basic lye when cleaning up any spills that occur, and wear eye protection and rubber gloves
when working with lye.

2) Add the powdered root-bark into the lye/water solution in your mixing jar. Cap and shake the jar, then let it
sit for about an hour.

3) Now add to the mixing jar 1 ml of naphtha for each 15 ml of water used to create the lye solution. Gently do
this for one minute, and then let the jar stand until the naphtha has mostly separated and is floating on
top, then repeat this agitation process three more times.

Note: Turn the jar end-over-end. Do not shake or splash or there will be a tendency for the solution to form
an unwanted emulsion; simply roll the naphtha around in the root-bark-powder-solution to mix it.

4) After the final agitation, allow enough time to pass for the naphtha to again float on top, and then separate the two layers.
The naphtha (top layer) goes in one of the collection jars, everything else stays in the mixing jar. A separatory funnel is the
easiest means to accomplish separation of the two layers, but various techniques of siphoning or decanting could also be employed.
None of the dark (lower) solution should be allowed into the collection jar--just the naphtha.

Note: If you save the dark (lower) basified solution, this can be used to extract "jungle spice" from: see Entropymancer 2008.
"'Jungle Spice': Mystery Alkaloid(s) of Mimosa Root-bark", The Entheogen Review 16(3): 87-108.]
I would never ive outgrown drugs man so over them Im in my early 30s and own a home after doing time from giving the early parts of my adulthood to psychedelics nearly lost my life to life long prison sentence lol drugs are pretty childish i got no hatred for them but when i see threads like this, occasionally i stop in and try to educate anyone who may listen. I got lucky and had most of the dough to get out of trouble what i didnt have i owe my parents and to be honest ill probably never be able to repay that amount but if i can use my experience for anything it would be to help spare those from going down the path i did...

5) Repeat steps 4-5 above three more times, but do not add any new powdered root-bark. You will be reprocessing the same original
root-bark material, in order to thoroughly extract the DMT from it. When you have finished, place all four collection jars into your
freezer and allow them to sit for 8-10 hours.

6) Pour the naphtha from each jar through a coffee filter, saving the naphtha. A lot of paste will stick to the jar, so use a small
rubber spatula to scrape this paste from the jar's sides down into the filter as well. Spread out each filter to dry.

Note: The saved naphtha can be reused for your next batch of extractions, or it can be evaporated off to produce a residue that
can be further refined. It should be noted that using fresh naphtha for each extraction results in significantly better quality
material, with less DMT-oxide and oils in the final product and a better freeze precipitation.

Note: There will still be some residue in the jars; a bit of
Salvia divinorum or Cannabis can be used to scrub them out, providing an enhanced aspect to those herbs.]

7) The paste must be allowed to dry thoroughly; chop and stir it a couple of times to make sure that this is the case. Once it seems to be dry,
crush up any lumps.

Note: Minimize the airflow above your product while evaporating-off the solvent and drying the DMT. Having a fan blowing above
the product (not recommended) has been reported to transform white crystals into yellow goo; such airflow may convert some of the
DMT into DMT-oxide.
Because it's the same chemical and an extremely powerful one, complete dissociation will yield similar experiences of course, there's the feeling of becoming one with everything because you no longer sense you have a body and thus you truly are at one, the zooming Rollercoaster feeling through the tunnel isn't unique to just DMT, and meeting or speaking with brings whether they be aliens or a god or elves humans subconsciously always want to believe in a higher power of some sort it's just what we do and also have the tendency when it's over to try to find patterns in experiences
not serious at all lol
there are youtube videos about it showing the whole process
its pretty metal, but not normal metal, but metal metal
So we took just a bit. He didn't take too much and neither did I. Something like a half line. It was weird watching ourselves acting wary.

Wait half hour, nothing, redose, this time with a full line. No euphoria. Getting pissed. I nod just very slightly for like 30 seconds. But no euphoria. Friend is getting rage-y. Starts talking about calling back our girl and beating her to death. Funny guy, but serious too.

He gives up and I do too and I put the shit away and we just chill for the rest of the night.

Few days later. He gets called in to go to this school he's been trying to get in. So he leaves a few days later, we get to say goodbye. Turns out they drug test you so to save the embarrassment, but to honestly just start his punishment sooner which is 40 days of being unable to leave the campus, he admits that he's gonna be dirty cuz of the dope that didn't work.

I get out of work a night later and I think about the bag. I rinse my nose out to make sure I get it in and hope that that was the problem last time. I'm hopeful but I also know that my nose never stopped a drug from working before.

Thanks. Writing on my phone taught me to be brief. It actually does good for prose.
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I don't make these drugs, I don't sell them, I just picked up knowledge about them because the black market economy surrounding them is fascinating. It seems like people extract DMT from some kind of bark. Much easier than needing lab infrastructure, I would think. LSD synthesis is well known, however a certain precursor is both hard to obtain and hard to gather. I never really looked into LSD synthesis so some googling will fill you in on why it's not more commonly synthesized.

It probably has something to do with how DMT affects the brain. I haven't read about it, but I do know quite a bit about modern LSD research. With LSD, brain activity is reduced in certain areas but the remaining activity is massively interconnected. LSD promotes a chaos in the brain, causing the brain to temporarily use alternative pathways for its functions. Psilocybin causes a massive 5-fold spike in BDNF during the experience, leading to heavily promoted growth of new pathways within the brain. LSD is thought to share this trait, which would explain why people often say they feel changed by having consumed either drug. This is just a simple overview of what goes on and doesn't scratch the surface of the psychedelic experience itself.
LSD is hard to manufacture, He never knew people who made it. He bought blotter art though, pretty dope to see. Although he never really sold LSD for profit, same with DMT because he believed out of principal those drugs are to be sold at a low price, purely for the experience. He had a friend who produced DMT though, but that's very easy to do.

Don't do it bro. Legit money is almost always superior. Dealing is only profitable at a high level. Low level dealing takes too much time, effort and bring fuckloads of problems.
why are you replying to >>686660138
like you are me?
yeah, ive read erowid... had anyone tried this? success in procuring all the ingredients?
Who cares? I felt like armchair posting about how drugs are produced. It's not like your friend is a magician either. How these drugs are made is typically open knowledge.

Yes. This is popular because it works great.
How the people at the high level have started it? Do you need to be a fucking millionaire already to become a "drug lord"?

LSD would be way up the chain, usually small groups of chemists. DMT is mostly made by people in college.
are you in the U.S? did you have success sourcing all the pre-cursors domestically without raising any flags? im weary about ordering some of that crap online... specfically the mimosa
So I happen to leave drugs in the elbow box of my car. It's that little compartment in the middle of the two front seats. I call it the elbow box because that's where my elbow rests. So I take out the shit and pull into a McDick's parking lot and go into the bathroom which is never occupied.

I blast the whole bag into my nose, varying between sniffs (flower-smelling pulls) and snorts (bump-of-coke type pulls) just to make sure all degrees are tested.

I go back to my car and sit there while I browse an opiate forum. And what the fuck, new post, an hour ago, warning people of my exact area of fent being pushed off as dope.

Fuck, what's this fent shit do? It gives you nods without the euphoria of dope. It's used as cut to give you extra nods while you're on shit. Basically. And it's supposed to be taken in a 1/20 ratio to dope or something like that because it's fucking legal. Did I just take about 2 lines worth of this stuff? Yeah I think I did.

Cont. Sorry for the cliffhangers, I fucking hate cliffhangers but they're popping up right on the text limit.

Yeah sorry buddy, my fault I'm a bit high. It looked to me like you answered it in my place but now that I re-read it it makes sense

Anyway one of the reasons LSD is so hard to manufacture is because it's created in anarobic enviroment, meaning any oxygin instantly kills the process. The equipment and knowledge needed is also an important factor to keep in mind. Other drugs are just the easier, more profitable options.

Most start up low. To make big bucks you'll have to invest big bucks too. The biggest money is made when dealers start working together. If a couple of dealers work together, they can invest ALOT of money, meaning a discount bulk price. That discount price is the profit margin.

For example: 3 dealers scramble 45K and buy 10 kilo. They manage to sell 10 KG a week at 5500 a kilo which means they have 10K profit in a week. If you supply the dealers, this is easy. They did this every week.
maoi's are required, the drug can get into your blood, but if it get destroyed by the monoamine oxidase in the brain its useless. Maois prevent that.
Would DMT be terrifying for someone whos never tried a psychedelic?
My dream has always been to become a drug dealer but I guess I'd be killed before I'd get to the top.
I just want to make some easy money
Do you have courage and a mind open to exploring new experiences that might be confusing or challenging to your belief system? That's the only way to answer your question about any psychedelic.
Listen to this man.
i took a tab of lsd once
i cant say it was a good time
but it was the only time that i got a hug from a girl other than my mom
it was a friend of a friends girlfriend that came over and she offered
she was on molly though
id say it was worth it
i didnt get trippy visuals and the walls werent bending or anything like id imagined
i stared at a blank tv though and i thought i was watching something for an hour but i wasnt
thats about the extent of it really
i had buddies who were tripping on shrooms but i wasnt feeling what they were feeling so i felt detached and just went on my own little journey in my mind
is that all there is to acid or should i take more next time
im 280lbs/127kg so is it an issue of body weight ratio or what
You say that because it's obvious you never were a big dealer. It's fuckloads of stress, fuckloads of work and even more problems. It's not "easy" money at all. You have to supply the supplychains, which means there is NO WAY you cannot be on time. You can not afford the supply chains to go dry. Forget free time, any fucking dealer who makes an appointment needs his stash. The stress when you're in a traphouse and there are's not easy money at upper level mate.

At low level it's even worse. Don't even get me started on that. Low-level customers are the worst. Anyway if you start dealing, the best way to make nice bucks is to invest as much as you can, don't ever use text/phonecalls (use encryption. preferably PGP). Always have a weapon somewhere.

Also, know that dealing is addictive. It's shitty, but easy money is addictive as fuck. In some way, you feel like you beat society.

But it has a price, like everything. Most if not almost all dealers are depressive fucks who threw their life away and were addicted to drugs at some point in life. I would strongly advise you to not start it man.
must have been a weak ass tab. Thats the problem with acid tabs, you never know how much is there, anywhere from 0(or worse)-500ug.
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ow what the fuck is wrong with me

>0(or worse)-500ug
FYI tabs almost never exceed 200µg. Darknet vendors are not to be trusted. Most people who buy LSD don't know anything about the dosage. Reason I know this is because in Holland people can actually test their dosage. 70-80µ is enough to get visuals. Above 180µq it's almost impossible to have a conversation. You can't see past few metres because of the overwhelming visuals. Lots of people overestimate their tabs because of darknet shenagigans. Peer review doesn't mean anything if not a single one of those peers tested their LSD
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The only way to explain my totally different experience is with an analogy, so here goes. It was like I met this sexy hot girl that fell in love with me at first sight, took me to her place, and fucked me for eight hours straight until I reciprocated her feelings. And then it was like we spent another eight hours in the afterglow where everything seemed awesome and nothing seemed impossible.

It was beautiful, terrifying, and it commanded my respect from then on.
i didnt say they were common, i just said thats the range thats possible. it would be stupid to put over 500 on a tab, thats why i ended it there.
Yeah. I have never really achieved anything in my life so I guess this urge to start dealing is related to that too. I want to live an interesting life and become rich and what could be a better "solution" than drug dealing?
It'd be nice if I could one day tell my grandchildren I used to deal drugs.

If I could start above the low level I'd start instantly.
and ive done (for certain 100%) 500ug at once, and i was basically immobile and blinded by visuals. But i did get to see during cev's shades of color that i have yet to see in the real world. they may just be the most beautiful color's ive seen in my life. I need to get some acid again
how long did your trip last?
Yeah this is why lots of h-chasers are dying. They're shooting up f.
start buying decent sized bulk form the DNM's, save your profit and reinvest until find the saturation to where you can sling all your product. After that, recruit some people you trust (with your life, literally) that share the same aspirations get then to do the slinging for you while taking in some good profit (you'd make more even with their cut since you can now sling more shit) but uh, if you get caught, you didn't here this form me, nor am i responsible for your actions.
14 hours or so. significantly longer than i was hoping for. but it was worth it.
That only works with a bong bruh, kek

You are lucky to be alive. Fent sellers are dangers to society.
Most people don't become rich by dealing, because it doesn't work that way long term. Only a couple that guy knew got really drug lord style rich, buying full-option BMW's and even a porshe with drug money just because another dealer bought a car too. He didn't really knew them well, he said it was a legit maffia-circle of Albanians who sold cocaine by the kilo's. One of those maffiaguys was his connect for weed. That guy had 80kilo ($400 000) of weed! Real mobsters with gunshot wounds, he didn't do business with them for long. He honestly got scared. He got 10 kilo's on debt, and every week they came and collect the money. If he missed 1 payment, he'd be dead. He found another connect and stopped dealing with those guys as soon as he could
Your to young to understand this shit kiddo, your iq isn't high enough to even experiment with drugs, you're an ape stay away from them. It is perfectly acceptable for normal people with high iqs
How do I find ketamine???
rob a veterinary office.
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The 4 times I've done acid we listened to black metal and went on fucking lord of the rings journeys through creeks and golf courses and forests in the middle of the night. We even raided an elementery school and destroyed their garden. It was top trip, friend.
Hello, my name is John. I'm addicted to Marihuana. Smoke 12 joints on a daily basis, I don"t have a job pls give me some money for food: PayPal [email protected] thx
that guy is a legit hero. USA government are CRIMINALS for jailings LSD vendors just because muh spooky LSD.

anyway, here is a story of a guy who thumbprinted LSD
It's abundant at a certain party scene
I've heard of him but I think it's likely his influence over the global supply of LSD was probably overestimated. See the Wikipedia article:
> Despite criticism for their methodology, the DEA contends that following their arrest there was a 90% drop in the availability of LSD worldwide.

Or maybe it was true at the time. It's been years since his arrest, clandestine chemists would inevitably sprout up to try and fill the demand Pickard could no longer supply. The bigger reason LSD might seem more scarce is because the Chinese made so many of those nasty 2-whatever tabs and dealers realized they had way fatter profit margins than you would get with LSD.
then after a few years of doing that, save up some money to recruit a few guys to do synth work, but the equipment, source the pre-curcers (difficult as fuck) only do synth work in a secluded place (like a country side house) to prevent people from getting suspicious and call the fuzz.only do dealer pick ups once a week under the cover of a house party. if done right, all you'd need to worry about is the fuzz trying to crack down on you. create a real business adulter the books to launder your drug income with your legit income. drug lord 101
this so much, you can source 100 tabs for 300 buck for 700 profit, but you could buy 100 nbome tabs for a third of that and get 900 in profit.
Is there anyway (to safely) make homemade LSD
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This is 30pounds worth. Rate?
Every person selling non-lsd as LSD should be hanged
Hows it made then, like even if its expensive I want to know
You need to have contacts, lab equipment and a PhD in organic chemistry to even start thinking of producing LSD
unless you are an organic chemist, can source DEA controlled precursers, have several thousand dollers worth of lab equipment (there is no getting around this for safe products), live in a secluded area since without a gas mask the lsd fumes will get you high along with anyone in the room. then no.
Anyone here actually bought from Alphabay on the dark web? im used to buying RC vendors from reddit but i've decided to step up my game and buy some legit MDMA, LSD, and DMT.
I completely agreed, when i was dealing i took the real chemical for a lesser profit rather than endangering someones life and sanity for 200 bucks.
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yep, so long as you buy from reputable vendors you'll be fine.
Damn, if only if only
I stopped smoking weed and now I have a job.
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I don't believe his story at all, sorry. IMO there is definitely some kind of upper limit to how much more intense the psychedelic experience can become before the dosage is just wasteful. Our minds are tied to a human body, after all. But that amount is probably way lower than a thumbprint dose.

Chocolate Chip Nutmeg Cookies baked at exactly 420 degrees for 24 minutes will yield one hit of LSD due to the combustion of the Myristicin into Lysergic Acid. Good luck!

What's especially shitty is that a few of the 2C drugs were studied and were found to be toxic. Something about a mildly radioactive metabolite that doesn't cross the blood brain barrier, formed after some of the drugs are broken down by the liver. If I could remember the name of the study I'd link it.
>hat a few of the 2C drugs were studied and were found to be toxic.

I've always wondered about the toxicity and neurological impact of 2C-B. I fucking loved that drug. I fucking hate the government for not allowing proper research on the consequences of taking these drugs.
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I was way way off, sorry. For anyone curious here's the study name. Seems like it is referring only to 25B-NBOMe, whatever that is.

"Metabolic Fate of Hallucinogenic NBOMes"

1 c. brown sugar
1 c. white sugar
1 c. oil
1 c. shortening (not butter)
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
4 c. flour
2 tsp. soda
4 tsp. cream of tartar
1 tsp. salt
1 (12 oz.) pkg. chocolate chips
1 c. nuts
Cream sugars, oil, shortening, eggs, vanilla and nutmeg. Stir in flour, soda, cream of tartar and salt. Add chocolate chips and nuts. Bake at 350 degrees 24 to 30 minutes. Makes 5 dozen large cookies.

Come on anon, you can't seriously expect it to be that easy lol
i feel sorry for anyone who believes that recipe
No, but the cookies sounded good lmfao
the recipe doesnt work, if you want to get high just eat a bunch of nutmeg, can't say it'll be fun, but it'll get you high.
Just make sure you bake them for 8 to 10 minutes, 24 to 30 is house fire territory

how much does dmt cost?
Nods are becoming scary. Hard to come out of, kind of like trying to pull yourself out of sleep paralysis, or a deep REM dream sleep. Keep drinking water, smoke some cigarettes, I should blow my nose right about now.

Start blowing out some crumbs. Good sign, at least some of it didn't go through. Head starts ringing. Ringing gets worse as the nods come on. The deeper I get into a nod the louder the ringing gets. I try really hard now to stay up because if I nod off I die. For some reason I start thinking about my little brother and his it'll feel for him to discover that I died in a parking lot. It was kinda weird, I don't really have an emotional connection with him but apparently there's something there.

This pretty much confirms that I've been fucked. The thread on the drug forum starts popping up with people saying to stay away from China. Fuck me. I drink some more water and go out to stretch. I'm realizing that the worst of the shit is over. Nods are fading away, ringing is over but head still hurts. Get back in my car and play some Primus because it felt very appropriate. Kinda was.

So I survive. I try to get a hold of my girl the next day, seeing if she's in town so I could see if she was aware that she woulda killed her two best customers, and if she did know I probably would've gotten my money back or fucked her up. But she never got back to me and I'm not as angry as I was.

Fucking work. Wouldn't give me the time to finish this. Lost a lot of my thoughts too. Anyways yeah there you go. East coasters who are trying to get into dope, be wary of "fire" shit being offered to you. Smell the powder before you take it. If it gets you high then it's probably fent. Just the odor itself would do that. Don't die. Fin.
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Ok her name is Hilary Craig . Who has her video?
Who got the percs???
I'm planning on an heroing on heroin (very ironical).
What dose would knock me out for good? I don't have much opiate tolerance and I weight 135lbs
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People have gone to war over it, people have died for it, people have killed for it. Pussy - the strongest drug of all time.
A gram might kill you nice and good. You could get a deal, too. One bundle (10 bags) for $80. One bag, $10 worth, is roughly 100mg, far as I know. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Ever heard communist music like this on LSD?

I heard it on full blast on headphones and I felt like I was in father Stalins holy halls.
I get pumped up listening to Of Mice and Men on LSD
Just don't be a pussy
Fucking kek
Is it possible to try Heroine once and never again? I used more than 20 illigicit substances in my life, but for some reason I'd love to try a gram of heroin and then never again.
Recovering addict here (4 months clean) NOT FUCKING WORTH IT, I tried to do that once and it slowed my heart rate down too much to where it almost stopped. Its a painless death from what I hear though. You fall asleep and never wake up. Do it at your own risk, but heroin wont make you happy. Theres ways to go clean man. Just saying.
yeaH duH

probably not tho lol
shit i feel that way when i listen to it normally, i feel like im god damn Lenin when i listen to it on acid.
Yeah, if you OD and kys
But seriously, it is possible, but can be hard to resist the urge to redose depending on who you are
I can get good stuff for about $70 a gram, less for shittier stuff
I didnt realize weed tolerance was a thing and i ended up smoking every weekend since feb, stopped for 2 weeks because I got caught. Last time i smoked was 2 weeks. I fucked up my tolerance and now im in the state where i have to realize this is real life
Fuck you, first of all get off your fucking high horse. Weed isnt even a drug compared to the shit I've been addicted to. What you're experiencing isn't shit so pull up your man pants and get over it.
don't think so, they look like a Mycena sp.
there is only one species with psilocybin
nice edge
Y r u so gay?
You definitely can. Only stories you hear are of weak people who give into the stigma. You don't hear the one about the guy who wants to chill out on a weekend, but you do see those dark and compelling "YouTube videos."
Sounds like he wants to kill himself.. So you're just helping him.
>Sounds like
He literally stated that this is his goal.
Exactly my point.

i came here cause threads like these used to be very interesting, but posts like this prove what age groups most of these people on here are.

whoever was talking about DMT. it is very hard to describe just how important and utterly life changing a trip can be. there is so much more to it then "getting high" and it is not "fun". it can be, but even a retard can tell that it is not something to fuck around with too often. EVERYONE that has done it has had their life changed significantly by it. It is the single most intense moment of your life if you inhale a strong dose.
Metal is even more metal

11/10 would opeth again
sabaton on acid is the shit, you become a solder fighting back the nazi invasion of russia, minus all the real death.
I'll give you a story on LSD:

I had tried LSD 3 times before - once with a good friend, I took around 100-150 ug and we both had a good time but it was rainy the whole day and I didn't get strong visuals at all. Had some thought loops and paranoia near the mid point but I had also eaten 9 cannabis chocolates so that's prob why. Good bonding experience.

The other time I took it indoors,half a tab to try and test it (it was my first time). Played GTA V and the graphics were so realistic. Very very slight visuals and serious body tension. Did a shitload of stretching to try and get rid of it. Fell asleep 12 hours later and had an LSD dream (really want one of these again) where I was in Alaska, a taxi came to pick me up, and I could hear very loud music. Never felt scared in that dream though, it was quite interesting really. It was the only dream where i've heard sound and remembered it.

But then, about 3 weeks ago, I tried LSD again. Took 4/5ths of a tab and hoped it'd be fun again, was planning on playing a load of games and chilling out, watching documentaries etc.

Boy, did that trip go badly.

It was the first time I had proper visuals. For the first 4 hours I felt OK. Then, I started to get really miserable. Visuals were starting to get crystally over my entire sight. My left arm has slight carpal tunnel symptoms, but on LSD these intensified 100x and it hurt like a fucking BITCH.

All I could think about, for 6 hours straight, was how fucked my life was. How lazy I was. How I was running my life into the ground. I felt like I needed to do something, but I was in my house with my parents indoors. Stayed in a downstairs room on my own for most of the trip. I felt like I was a total failure. It is my fault really, I didn't do any schoolwork, I am extremely lazy, and I've hated myself for a long time.

I could feel the unhealthiness of my body, all the fat etc. was uncomfortable.

After 6 hrs I went to my bedroom...
And tried to smoke weed to calm down and go to sleep. Took a big bowl of weed in my vaporiser and inhaled deep for 5 mins. It takes about 15 mins to kick in so I was thinking, yeah, this will fix it. This trip will be nice now with the weed.


My room literally turned 'evil'. Everything felt scary. It was like I was 4 years old in a dark place alone. Didn't feel like my home. The worst part was, that on acid, my vision is affected. I couldn't see anything, it was very dark. Normally I can see in the dim light from the streetlight outside but this was pitch black. Also, time had slowed extremely. I was listening to music and witnessed it go from normal speed to about 0.25x the speed when the high kicked in.

But this meant I'd have to deal with the fear and miserableness for 4x longer than normal, mentally.

I tried to distract myself with my phone, somehow didn't go crazy, and fell asleep after another 2-3 hours.

Worst drug experience of my life but also a very introspective one.

I feel like it has changed me permanently. That was the last time I will do powerful drugs without a proper mindset and setting.

420 blaze it
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