Do you honestly believe in the "Big Bang"? There was absolutely nothing and then in a few trillionths of a second, all the matter and energy in the entire universe suddenly came out of nowhere?
Topkek! Think about it anon, it's so ridiculous.
It's only a theory. All religions are just as fucking stupid, if not stupider.
"I just stood there and walked away"
You're a master baiter, you know?
always right in the feels.
Beautiful words to live by.
try quantum physics faggot
that kind of blew my mind
all matter is like 99.99999999% nothing. the big bang was when all the something came out of something the size of a pea because that's all the space it takes up without all the extra space. eventually, it will all spread out into powder with no extra forces and collapse back into a pea. when you "touch" something, you're not even close to making contact; your empty space energy field is hitting another empty space energy field.
shh anon, take the bait quietly, this is a feels thread
Go back to /pol/, niggerfaggot.
actually, i think that the big bang is an inmense black hole after a supernova. Ad what we are living right now could be only a distorsion of the reality.
Yes, it is.
Just like how God created the entire universe in 7 days, even though time could not be measured, due to the fact that time is simply relative to our position to the closest star. Also, 7 days seems really long for God, who has unlimited power. Couldn't he just put time to a standstill and then create everything in a few trillionths of a second? Hey wait, that seems familiar, I wonder why...
>There was absolutely nothing and then in a few trillionths of a second, all the matter and energy in the entire universe suddenly came out of nowhere
I actually think that you post is a distortion of my feels thread
What do you think happened?
no rustling, only tears now
could be, because the universe is soooooooo infinite that all the posibilities could be right
Who are you to judge God's choices and decisions?
We clearly are created from a higher being aka God.
Everything you have in your room right now was thought up from materials already existing from Earth that God created for us.
Do you honestly think it is so far fetched to be a design of an all powerful being?
Fuck man created The Sims.... who says God didn't make Earth His version of The Sims?
the other thing that is infinite is the feels that will be felt tonight
feeeeeeeeels faggot
Mmme. Topham Kek.
no tears... only feels
this would have been a better video to go with "the big band" and "the big crunch". as much as i fucking hate you kids--when you're 39 you might find you fucking hate 20 year olds--i bet most of you missed it.
And who said that a god had to care about you to exist?
You're fuckin retarded. Noone said it was a fraction of a second. It was a couple million years.... the universe has be around for 100 of billions of years before man evolved to the point we are at today. Grow a fucking brain
I don't believe it, but maybe it did. Or maybe it didn't. Doesn't matter.
who needs god when you have feels
out of feels moving onto feminazi rage. Ya'll gunna feel all sorts of different feelings tonight
At least these guys have someone for taking the photo.
Look what you did. The faggot is back. Go to your room. No desert for you tonight.
Even maki-san knows this
We can actually prove the big bang up to 10^-32 seconds before it happened by reversing Einstein's theory of general relativity, it's just anything before that we can't prove because our laws of physics don't apply to singularity.
I mean, einstein could have been wrong in his theory of general relativity but we can physically observe the expansion of the universe up until the particle horizon on the universe. So we can pretty much say without reasonable doubt that the big bang pretty much happened. By observing background radiation we can prove the existence of a rapid and massive universal expansion
you.. you're just as idiotic as these bitches. please just shuddup
so where do you think that the universe came of? Big bang, big crush and god theories are all so fucking unbelievable
it came from taking the bait anon
outta feminazi lets move onto something more.. disturbing
The bigger question is why the fuck you havent killed yourself OP?
half this shit is tldr for me
go to school
Mother nature just swept them off their feet
out of that crap, moving to keks
Isn't that exactly what Christians believe except they add a magical man who was there first somehow?
Kek. This guy never stops.
Help me.
>Be me, last year.
>Finishing my Junior year
>Meet this Asian girl, not to hot but a cool person
>We really hit it off, she's into the same shit I am, so on and so forth.
>We spend all day in school (in the classes we had together, 6/10) hanging out in the back quietly talking.
>Summer comes. Summer passes.
>Spend all year falling in love.
>My school is on an advanced schedule, so I'm already on break.
>We go to a senior party, but I'm a beta faggot and she's got a clique, so she goes and hangs out with them.
>She gets into a debate over some weaboo shit but she's asian and grew up in Korea so I don't care.
>Shit gets heated
>Shit gets serious.
>That fucking nigger faggot mutherfucker pulls a knife.
>She gets really scared, and yells "Anon help!!"
>Gets knifed in the back. straight into several important things. Dies minutes later, in my arms
>This was about three days ago. The last tab I had open was a tutorial on tying nooses
read more about it
Christian here...where is scripture does it clarify God's concept of time as our 24 hour period. What is a day to the Lord? Why can't the big bang be man's way of interpreting the Lord's first "day" of work?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
I swear I see OP's post as the opening to a thread every day or two, what is that picture from though?
I must go my friends, but someone must take up my mantle and post titties, keks and rekts and defend all anons from bait. farewell
good night sweet prince
not sure what you are trying to reply here? sorry.
It was God Cumming
"Like I give a fuck"
It's the Ice Princess from Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D, how the fuck do you not know that?
>The mother pushes the baby to the people
At least there is still mothers left.
I think that was the point senpai
Simple, I never saw the movie.>>686549004
I don't even believe in the Big Bang but your explanation was retarded.
i think i rather see trap threads than this stupid shit
I didn't need this. God I was so terrible to my brother growing up
best thread in a while, i love you
I will always watch over and love you senpai.
Anon is a pussy. It's his own fault
Thank you brave anon, went on a feel train just now- from tears to sweaty palms at the heights, just wow tbh