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any car fags?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 245
Thread images: 85
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any car fags?
What kind of cars
Subaru fag here
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Here's my car
inb4 Miata
There's a board full of em

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Corolla fag reporting.
>Subaru fag
A lesbian
Look, the new car everyone who's a weeb will drive. Muh initial d muh xavier wulf fanboy
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saw this really cool police car the other day
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>initial d
>op is a fucking nissan
>tfw no light blue/white panda sprinter trueno gt apex
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plus mine
Where do I buy vtec fluid for my bugatti
Lol if it's a forester then fuck yeah otherwise it's just some chronic masturbator teen degenerate
how did you guess

that's a 240sx

jap spec initial d s13s are silvias, 180sxs, or sil80s which are still 180sxs
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you're looking for >/o/
Why does every 12 year old think vw is cool?
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You are a Nager faggot and I shoot.
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My whip
And what make would you happen to enjoy?
2014 Audi A6 here... Just hit 5000 miles this past week.
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Left a meet earlier
I love everything about my Honda, and the compnay as a whole. Go ahead and jump to your conclusions. I loved vw forever and then I moved on.
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>tinted windshield
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Year do you drive that's so cool, butt nutz? A cum-face wagon?
100000 dollar car ok
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einer meiner
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mk1s are actually pretty nice
the guiguaro vws are top notch

it's the vaping stancebros who give it a bad name
Exactly the response I'd expect from a prissy audi "driver"
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Suck my cock hole, cum chin.
Agreed. There's nothing but that scum here in mn.
Lol no, I'm a white man so you can suck my cock
I have three

2004 350Z at 400hp
1992 RX7 from Japan
Just bought an S14 Kouki Shell
Nice. I really hate the sun
Honda makes exceptional vehicles and obviously they last forever, but they've always lacked character as far as looks go in my opinion.
Define "stancebro" please?
agree. which is why you dump a carbeurated 383 into it, weld some subframe connectors up and drive the piss out of it. nigger
I would literally stop to jizz over that car
Is t possible to switch the wheel to the left side?
The looks aren't. For everyone that's for sure. I have a 97 civic hx and everyone wants to race and it's like... not I have a baby under the hood. Not every civic is looking to fuck around.
not them, but here is my definition

stancebro is a person who:
lowers and applys negative camber to an extreme, where it is far beyond any functional use, hinders driving, and looks shit
How's your mullet coming along?
Thanks, I recently fucked up my front bumper AHAHA, fucking nismo bumpers aren't cheap, inside setup
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>inb4 holden faggotry.

suck my dick ausfags.
>tfw no post facelift r30 rs tarbo skyline
>your post
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I like rally.
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Muh rig
you obviously have no taste in automobiles.
Don't pretend like carbs are any good. If they were we wouldn't have moved to fuel injection. I bet your one of the guys who think manual is the only way to "drive" a car
Not bad, redneck out of 10
So are you a lesbian or are you a vapeboi?
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Everything is awful about that vehicle.

Excellent and sexy
Too much camber, tires stretched too far. Waiting for his death footage.
never said that carb performed better. just that the abstraction created through the introduction of electronically controlled faggotry coupled with the plastic dogshit components of modern automobiles is fucking disgusting. you're a faggot.

mechanical everything is better. end of story.
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Oh wow I was just trolling. All I know bout carbs is its in bread. Stay mad
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Not my pic, but I'm saving up for one, found one in my area, pretty mistreated, but it gives me opportunity to fix it, and build it from there, and it's dirt cheap cause it's been sitting out back some ghetto house for about 6 years
How's your wifes black boyfriend coming along, cuck?
He has barely any camber set you fool. I agree with the rest.
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It's one of many, I'll have you know.
No, mechanical isn't better you inbred peice of trash. Every modern super car is fuel injected, and most are automatic. Because it's better. Stay stuck in the 70s.
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ST focus here. my latest small plaything. your nissan drew me in... i miss my S13 from 2007

no wife/kids/etc
Why thanks? It isn't like it's yours.
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Fucking forgot the pic
>Straight to cuck insults
nice reading comprehension, faggot.
Sexy as fuck. Ls2?
No wife and you don't drive a rwd car?
Got a pic of the car you're interested in buying? also price nigga
Looks like 2.5°-3.0°. If the wheels are visibly tilted, you have to much camber. The only people who run anywhere near that are NASCAR and that's because they've been specially bred( for the most part) for just hitting high speeds while taking left handers.
Only hoons drive Holdens

Australian Fords are literally better than regular Amerifat Fords
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>using the projecting line
Ok so that would mean that you have the mullet, since you insulted the guy talking about a mullet.
I wouldn't be able to find the post, the seller took it down when we started talking, it's about 3.5k, I'm just broke as fuck, thing won't even drive right now, engine is 99% rust
I just grabbed a picture, I said this wasn't mine
you can think that yeah.
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Was just shitposting for the Honda-bro but here's a fun one.
>worked with a guy we called "jungle"
>let your imagination fill in the blanks
>he never got upset by the nickname and just rolled with it
>one day he shows up to work in a dart
>he used to drive a camaro
>ask him what the fuck he was thinking
>he says it has a turbo in it and his old camaro didn't
>"why didn't you just buy one."
>"I don't know how to install it."
>we all wince
>tell him to pop the hood
>there's no turbo be found
>we tell him he got scammed
>he gets pissed off and starts up the car
>starts revving the engine
>says he can hear the turbo just fine
>we're all fucking dying
>ask him where he got the car because he got scammed
>he said the sales guy said it was inside the engine so you just can't see it
You drive a marshmallow?
righto, not a GTR then.
those welds are cringe worthy.
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Thinking a econobox can be sporty. Nice try man.
For all I know it could be an r33, thing dosent have a rear bumper, and the rear lights are what give it away
Yeah but mows fucking fast.
see >>686543814
L76 but it's pretty much an LS2 with the active fuel management bullshit added and different heads.

needless to say the AFM stuff is disabled in the tune on this one... one of GM's dumber ideas on performance cars if you ask me.
I mean, if you are Emmett, it's still awful.

That 30psi gauge is funny as fuck too.
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STIfag here. Soon to be Cayman S fag.
Besides, it's some nigger trying to make a quick buck, chances are he's just retarded and lucky enough to not have it stolen yet
Jesus Christ, cant he sue dealership for misinformation?
Mate it's probably a piece of shit. 33 and 32 have same rear lights, 34 has different ones. IMO you found a money pit
Also where you live bruh? NZ?
He actually just ended up just taking the gutshot and kept the car. No fucking idea why, I don't think he even got positive equity on the Camaro.
Not entirely correct. supercars run quite a lot of camber, especially in the rear of the car, for the squat the car is doing under high speeds. It keeps the contact are of the tire much more even at higher speeds.
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Nope, I just like swooping into other people's shit
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My whip
Yeah domestic dealers can be pretty scummy. My dads a huge car guy/ knows his shit and says a few of the ones in my area hugely exagerrate their cars performance and bullshit you.
>came up behind an early 2000 something STI in my toyota shitbox on an open stretch of road
>flash my lights and pull along side him
>he looks at me
>I do the thumbs up/thumbs down and shrug
>he turns on his hazards and slows down
What the fuck man?
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Always wanted to own a Testarossa
Eh maybe he was high or something. You probably scared him.
You probably never will
If anybody looks me in the fucking eyes and "does the thumbs up/down", I'm going to assume you are autistic and do whatever I can to avoid being near you at high speed.
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My 93 Miata. Really need to learn a lot more about turbos. Once I think I've learned enough and I feel comfortable doing it, I think I'm going to sell my bike to boost it.
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Cavalier, everything JDM. Custom lowering springs, custom.camber kit, $300+ in plastidip
fast a
>inb4 jdm chevy
it was a Toyota in Japan faggots
Just buy an actual fast car. Turboing a nonturbo car usually leads to complication. Also Miatas are faggot cars.
God I can already tell your a huge faggot.
It's boring as hell man. I've only been in Washington for a few months and it seems like no one here wants to race. I even had a FRS bail out on me.
>autism meme
Sure but not everyone seems to see the light flash as a challenge. Most people seem to simply pull over around here. It's not like I'm fucking proud of having to literally wave people in fartboxest down, I just want to race around the passes here and no one seems interested.
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>in the rear

What the fuck are you talking about, anon? You need the negative camber in the front, not the rear.
what do you drive faggot?
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>it's a chevy
>it's jdm
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Suprising, STI/FRIkiddies are some of the most eager to race.
Pretty much every ricer esque car tries to race me where Im from.
Oh yeah? What do you drive faggot? I bet you probably drive a car bought for you by your parents faggot. At least I post my show vehicle on here for people to see and not just talk shit behind an anon board. Faggot
Time stamp or gtfo faggot
He really hurt your feelings that bad? Just admit your cars shit because it objectively is.
Says the puss without a car
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>It's JDM
>Left hand drive
Jdm gallo 24 swap, on all forged jdm internals, 90lb injectors,jdm cai,jdm header,jdm down pipe, jdm control arms, jdm maf, jdm icv
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Stage 2 if you wonderin
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Still a shit car.
Based STIs always putting shitty rice fags in their place.
It was coming off a ramp onto I-5 so I sped up to catch him. We have a lot of unmarked cop cars here so I can only assume that he thought that's what I was. The last person that wanted to race me was a girl driving a Jeep that caught me at a gas station out in Snoqualmie. Was pretty fucking hilarious but fun.
hat the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
takes picture where the car can't be seen. K. At least the OP posted one we can all see
Literally headlight and STI logo can be seen. Stop trying the ignore the obvious to make yourself feel better.
This fag didn't even catch the fast and furious reference
now we all know you just a hatin ass faggot
>a girl in a jeep

Are you trying to die?
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It's faggots like you that made JDM a joke.
>what do you drive
>a JDM F150
>well it's not actually from japan but I've got glorious nippon slaps on it so it's JDM
"Jdm" in the states makes itself look like a joke. Not even the Japanese agree that it is jdm
Idk the green wheels, replies of kek, and trying to shit talk someone with a timestamp STI are gonna garner alot o hate. Your acting like a man child throwing a tantrum because people dont like your shitty ass car.
She was really fucking aggressive but it felt like we were just having fun. She was giving me shit about a ricer being so far from coast so I started asking where her man was because clearly the jeep wasn't hers. Good times.
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That obviously an STI dumbass. Your just in denial because someone with a clearly better car called you out
Oh yeah of course not, you could directly import an RX7 right now and they'd snub their nose at it. Same as any import anywhere else in the world. It's just fucking annoying that every kid that does any degree of modding to their car is calling it JDM now.
Most the ricers around here get pissy when you beat em, usually try to tailgate the shit out of you even if theyre the ones who challenged you.
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People don't like my shitty as car? I'm the head of my car crew. Tell me this doesn't look better than any faggity sti that are identical to each other
>grorious nippin raicing machinu cannot ruse
Not surprising. Where are you? I lost quite a bit back in Texas because of all the straightaways. Here the turns help me out a lot because I can hug the corners and pull away quickly. My downhill game is pretty good but uphill I'm usually fucked. Whenever I lose if they pull over I offer to buy them something to eat or a drink. I'd rather get to know other people that want to race than be a poor sport. I know my car is a shitbox, but that's half the fun for me.
How low is that anon?
Calls out my car and expects me to sit there and take it when I've put more hours worth of work into mine than he ever did or will? Everyone can buy an sti and they all look exactly the same, but it doesn't count if you're still making payments
This 'JDM' scene needs to die already. I'm one for imports but fags are ruining it with this jdm this and jdm that shit. Especially when you still use Chevy badges
My sexy girl
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My two babies.

94 LT1 Formula Firebird
99 Metro
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my project
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>Head of car crew
You cant make this shit up folks
More of the bird?
oc of my friends gti
i have a trans am and an sti, both of which have a fair amount of work in them
Your two babies are shit
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>oxidized headlights
>fucked up bumper
>head of a crew
I know you're shitposting now.
You mean this isn't lelelele kewl mang?
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Paganis are superior
>Respectable good looking Rally Car
>Old Econobox trying too hard to be a sports car but end up ugly and obnoxious

Yeah gonna have to go with the STI.
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Here you go fam

Enjoying riding the bus eh?
Too bad you can't afford even one of the tires on this car.
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Needs more e30s. 1987 325e 2.7I conversion. 19lb injectors, m30 afm, sssquid chip. Lowered 1.6". Complete suspension refresh. Long tube headers. Bayern 15" rims. Vinyl wrapped satin black until I have money to get a good spray.
who drives a GTR with such skinny tyres
Mines Stage 2 as said before and I paid for it in full. Obviously Ive worked on it.

Wanna try to deny the fact that I would most assuredly destroy you in anysort of racing event?
Seeing as I'm 18 of course not also $21,000 tires they're insane. But one day, one day I'll have one. Or at least ride in one I guess
Like it man. Always enjoyed F-bodies.
Those fucking tires Jesus Christ. Stretched and rubbing on all 4 corners. Don't ride in this car unless you want to die, anon.
Thanks man, it needs a paintjob pretty badly but oh well. I'll do that eventually.
>friend of mine recently got married and wound up having twins
>had to trade his in for a shitty suv
Life is cruel.
What colors you looking at?
could be worse, mine sits with no front end awaiting a new engine
any honda fags?
Life is truly suffering, I'll never marry some bitch who will make me get rid of the only fun aspect of my life.

I was thinking of keeping the original color, but, I may go ahead and do a full black with the little trim pieces in gold.

Kek, mine's actually dead right now. The waterpump killed itself and pissed all over the distributor, I have it all taken apart and it's waiting for the parts.
Coulda had a Lancer
found the mullet
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What's up fellow e30 anon!?
84 325e, 5 speed conversion, 325es diff, full I conversion with resurfaced head, I gauge cluster and ecu,19lbs injectors,flow master exhaust, on 16" xxrs. Still a work in progress. Nice car though man!
I think the black with gold trim would work great anon
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She got him good man. Told him it was fine to keep his car and soon as they had kids told him they needed something better but she wasn't willing to sell her car. You're lucky man, you've got a good looking car. Don't let it go.
mines an older model so i dont have to worry about optispark, i suppose its a moot point when connecting rods poke out of the oil pan though
Maine, lots of good windy roads.
Usually just mexicans and vapekiddies who are bad sports. Always get the "Daddys car huh gringo?" Because im young, white, and dress fairly preppy.
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91 toyota supra Mk III, manual 5 speed turbo.
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Pic related.

Oh god.. That poor engine. You thinking of dropping in a stock replacement or going with an LS or so?

Thank you very much anon. I've always wanted those colors.

Oh man that sucks asshole... Poor guy, thank you so much.
Dad just got an E30 M3, wish I had pics to post.
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Yea, I've been working on this thing since 2014. Planning on getting a cam from Ireland engineering eventually. I got really lucky and picked up my car for 1400. Mechanically sound, no rust. It's been a great car for me. Have an annoying exhaust leak I need to button up though.
Jeezus how much did it cost? Those are a rare fucking unicorn to find these days.
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I've only ever been to Bangor on layovers. It seems like nice place, wouldn't have expect a lot in the way of beaner mobiles.
Most excellent.
I wish I had the money for something like that. Sadly I don't have 40k lying around for a car.
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74 beetle.png
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I got this thing going again after 30 years of sitting. Fun to drive despite no power and 4 wheel drums.
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Beautiful car anon, I've always had a thing for those.
i have a 400 i had from another project going into it under the l98 tpi setup, its running on a moates ostrich and has data logging. its a hold over until i can afford an ls setup, probably an iron 6.0 on boost with a t56
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He got it for a fucking steal, bout 24K.
Already has offer for 40K+

Btw found a pic, just had to crop him out hence shitty angle
these aren't for power, they're for driving to surf city with a surf-board shoved firmly up its ass and marajuana billowing out like it's a broke stove and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band easing its way through the smoky leather seats.

ya shiggy?
Nice dude! I picked mine up for around 800 and the previous owner didn't know why the idle was screwed up. Haha good ol' idle control valve issue with the m20 so I picked it up cheap.I also pushed in the diving board bumper in the front but haven't done the back yet. No rust here either. I have an m50 that I have laying around and am deciding on whether or not I should commit to swapping it.
I've been looking for an es lip spoiler, any chance you know where I can find on for a reasonable price?
Holy shit! Talk about a fucking steal!! I saw one go locally for 73k!!!!!!! What state are you in??
Fucking shit anon!
thanks, i had the choice between this one and a MK IV (both in mint condition) and i chose the mk III, there's a funny story behind it, this guy who owned a dealership used to stuff the cars he couldn't sell into a big warehouse and so, after he died he had all these cars from 60s to 00s, i got a really good because, who else but his daughter was selling them, convinced her both those were shit cars but with good mileage.
even better, its nigh impossible to find the manuals stock, because the Mk IIIs couldn't pass smog in the US until about 91' when they made them, then they were taken off the shelves and replaced with the MK IVs.

so, in short, i got a supra MK III with 50 miles for ~12k
Good find. I've tucked both my bumpers. I'm planning on keeping the old m20. Deciding wether or not to turbo it or just keep it a mostly stock dd. I sing know where you could get that lip. You could try the classified section on bimmerforums. Seems like I saw then maybe on bavauto or somewhere.
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I like my women like I like my exhaust pipes. If you can't fit a fist in em, they ain't worth shit.
Just did a turbo install, 89 325is, garret gt35r on 1 bar, ms2, 50 lb injectors, stage 3 clutch, and to top it off, PVC charge piping. (until I can get some real aluminum pipe)
PA, apparently its in good condition just high miles.
Guy inherited it and just wanted quick cash hence the steal.
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Jesus fucking christ you don't get much luckier than that. Good on you man, I envy you.

Nice I just had a TT install on my 350z, how does the pvs piping handle the boost????
That's why I'm so stuck man. I love the m20'men's torque and exhaust sound, but I don't like that they all kind of sound like they have bad valves. I've participated in some turbo m20 builds and definitely say if you have the money, do it, it's worth it and as long as you havehead studs and don't try to run crazy psi, the m20 will hold up.
thanks man! I'll try looking there!
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beetle 042016.jpg
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Too bad I live in Illinois

She cleans up real nice. This is with newly powder-coated rims and shined up hubcaps
... PCV.
Positive Crankcase Ventilation
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If I do go turbo I don't plan on going crazy. I'd like to make about 220 to the wheels.
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Let's say for conversation sake that one day I'm going to inherit a third of my mom's stocks and will be able to afford any car
Would there be anything wrong with getting one of these?
And does this model come with a pussy magnet?
Sounds like a pretty fun build! I just bought a ralco short throw for cheap($25), any thoughts/opinions on them
Would probably go with the coupe. Mercedes makes some of the best V8s out there.

Only thing is some of the Cs lines look kinda feminine to me.
Also if you want to talk about "pussy magnet" factor then chances are your only gonna pull the very superficial ones. The ones that tend to also be fucking nuts.

You really dont need car to impress girls man. Unless your actually ugly as hell dont consider sex appeal when getting a car, it makes you huge faggot.
Yea car fag jdm
honestly, it works great, as long as its wrapped in header wrap, you're fine
I haven't heard of them, but I am a fan of any short throw for the e30's. I use a Z3 shifter, and that works fine
What? He said PVC as in the piping and meant it too, the fuck you on about?
May need to try that sometime on one of my junkers..
turbo it. I did it, best decision of my life
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Toyota fag checking in
My cars just dont die
Poc related
Anybody got expirence with hydro E-Brakes? ... Like how good they work and how hard they are to install
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I'm not ugly, and I know plenty about sticking my dick in crazy
I just think it would help my cause showing up for a date in that thing
'13 Scion xB
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