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waifu claim thread >claim >discuss >minimum rp/erp

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 163
Thread images: 150
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waifu claim thread

>minimum rp/erp
>other rules
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Akiko lightning claim
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donut house.jpg
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Nope, not me
Damn.. I'm sorry to hear that Fran
Fuck soccer moms
Thank you!
I really love it
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Ah okay!
>how long?
Have fun!

Ooh okay! I hope the move is easy
Yeah, but I might go after next thread. Depending how tired I am

>I'm not a slut ;w;
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I wish to see dark images of your waifu
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evil shiro (5).jpg
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This is as bad as I get.
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best bastard lurking
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Still here, still lurking

Not much darkness here
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Claiming best waifu
And I know you know how much I love that picture!

Glasses I love glasses

I hope so too, were getting rid of a ton of stuff!
Thats fine I am just happy that I got to say hi and hug ya!
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Yep, if you work any customer service jobs you end up hating so many different things people do

Yeah, just tried and a bit down in the dumps, but that always happens after a panic attack.

Thanks for the pick mr up bae

Well, there isn't much of my day left...

It's always them or the soccer moms! The millennials are fairly chill, and the old men are generally pretty forgiving, though they may jokingly roll their eyes

I try man, I try

I know
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maxresdefault (1) (1).jpg
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>only waifu that matters
Aighr. Guess I'll go fuck myself

Looks like one of those dog toys where you put treats in then throw. Shit I'm bad at explaining things...

>I'm not a slut

Well... I kinda am. I lose my shit aroundnice digits


>buzz buzz
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>slice of life
OniAi has no real dark moments with Akiko
This is the best I can give you
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smoked all da kush.png
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Let's pretend i'm close to getting my degree in electrical engineering with a huge intrest in robotics and humanoids and currently developing on steps thowards them in my free time.
How much would a lonely neckbeard pay for a robot companion?
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Hello people, how's it going?


>Best idol claimed
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>Zizzposting confirmed
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Nice, nice
I'm happy I got to join too!

So, how do you feel about those quads

Oh that note I'm out for the night, goodnight everyone!
You came to the right place. I think if you were coupling the robot with VR then you are onto an absolute winner in the short term. (5/10yrs) you just have to beat the large crowd of weird fucks and the japanese to it
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Sure, here you go mang

Hey Asuka! Thinking of getting into modern with the most cancerous deck I could find

Actually a pretty cute gif
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Those quads redeem your claim though
>you can still go fuck yourself if you want

Hey everyone it's Prinz, the sleeping hugbox
I don't think an image this dark is legal on 4chan.
You monster

I declare this my favorite.
Taken straight out of the show.

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kagami (37).jpg
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>am i under arrest???
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Yep. Come with me you purple headed fuck
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Because this is Crapcom we're talking about, I'm going to say 3 months, 4 days, 1 hour and 47 minutes from now.
Difficult to decide on just one image, when there are so many fantastic options.
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Reminder that I finished painting!

Alright I'm gonna hit the sack, stay awesome anons and have a good night.

Please be gentle with Kagami... and don't mind the dubs he got.
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kagami (20).png
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s-she said she was eighteen, i didn't know she was underage!!!
Are you familiar with liquimetal coating land destruction decks? That's about the most cancerous thing I've ever run.

No hugs for me tonight
>why live
Goodnight Prinz, sleep well

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Yes, I know that pretty well
Hey Maki, how are you?
Mili went to surgery again
It looks nice!
poor tsukasa ;-;
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Goodnight Homu, sleep tight.

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nighty night homu!!!
>you might have to bail me out tomorrow....
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Goodnight beautiful

Demoted to singles because masturbates over drawings
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Inoue claimed
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Goodnight beautiful

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That's actually really good!


I thought this was a Christian image board!

That's not the problem here

In the heavy creature based meta at my game store, this will crush the hopes of many players.

Also, there is eggs. I played that for a while, but the sideboard hate can destroy it.

And someone actually pulled out a normal deck if playing cards and played solitare, and said he would join me in having no fun
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No problem I hate seeing my babe all frustrated and hurt. I will protect that smile

Have a great night!

Why did you change waifus??? I never asked this!
Claimed mine, she into some real hentai shit
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Doing pretty good. Had quite the eventful day. You?

Oh no what happened? Did they find something from the scan?
Thank you! I figured I'd make something I don't plan on posting elsewhere!

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Forgot pic.
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Got them mods in for swbf2 now. Bretty Goodman expect for the but of flooding. You?

Awwww ok prinz it's been sometime since I've seen you


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if only.gif
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yeah i think so as well
was a gif not an image but works i guess
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Headed to bed, goodnight everyone
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Thanks bae! You're Great

I may as well show off one of my Warhammer 40k models

Tomo is pretty cute


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Because I like Amatsu better
50% of marriages end up in divorce, friend
I can't complain
He didn't stay here for long so I don't know the details.. He got out of the hospital too early and my guess is that the wounds reopened...
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S2 when?

Goodnight ren
this weather is fucking awful.

>jen claimed
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Goodnight Renge.
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happy times.png
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Have warm, lengthy dreams of you and me Renge!
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Oh god 40k. You've got cash.

Evening, Jen!
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>had to go looking
>happens to be lewd
>darkest I could find without going 2lewd
Pretty good. About to go get some food.
The worst part about being evacuatedfrom wildfires is all the fucking food. I'm going to get so fat.

>how do you feel about those quads?


>you can still go fuck yourself

Will do

I'm gonna rough him up a bit
Don't mind the dubs? I never do. Uess double dubs.

Eew. Why would you go for an 18 year old... double digits is way too old...

Bug eyes gets it. 18 is nasty.

I don't. But i can't prove that to you.
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I'm gonna try and go to sleep now, goodnight.
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Have a goodnight Holst, see you later.
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I wish you luck.

Sleep well and long.
how are you?
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Uma is only and best wiafu

Fuck all your ugly japanese waifu.
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Daily reminder that Mr.Hands make the best puns. Hands down

Absolutely no one can outrun Emi. No one

It is impossible to lurk harder than Vigil.

Your life sucks. Drop out

Anyone can fall asleep better than galko. Even people who have family with stage 4 cancer.

No one has a more punchable smug face than Shinoa
Holstaur has the greatest milk. Fuck any other dairy cow.

Daily masturbation is healthy

> Praise the sun
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>I thought it had two seasons.
I'm probably retarded.

Sleep warm and well, Hols.
no not texas
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Hana Song claimed
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Same though, all stormy up here

Haven't added anything to it in a long time! Oh highschool, when you didn't have to pay any bills!


No jumping over the moon tonight

Oh it did.
This is what i get for not watching it fully.
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Small. You?

Oh fuck. I'm more into mtg, myself.
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Donut claimed
it's not stormy here, just very damp.
fine. finally got a decent sleep.
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Jesus. I guess that took a while to paint?
>tfw you have one that you cant find anything for
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gonna take a shower, ill be back!!!
Nah, it had 1 26 ep season (which those niggers cut down to 22 on Crunchyroll to hide the glorious incest ending) and the show ended with them having a secret wedding all by them selves then revealing that they made a promise that they were going to make that the one and only kiss ever.
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Nice, everything running smoothly? Damn more flooding, get that life jacket out.

It's all good here, forgot how much White Castle fucks up your stomach though.

Sleep tight.

Jesus Christ, why do unfortunate events keep happening back to back? Hope he's hanging in there.

The evac is still going? Goddamn. Kek, that sounds heavenly though, like a buffet everyday.

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No problem at all hun! Youre the best!

I was just asking I didnt mean for oyu to get all maaaad

Ugh playing drums strains my back

I'm here

it was way too hot today
>I wanna extinguish the sun
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Default filename.png
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forgot pic

>kill me
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Arby's? Or the other one?

Oh yuuko

Same man, EDH


The monolith probably took around 2 and a half hours, not counting the drying time in-between coats. Good thing I did is intentionally made a scheme that can be half-assed and look good

The infantry took 30 minutes each, hour for the HQs
Have fun getting all soapy and wet

You have any problems in life to talk about?
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But bruh the sun isn't fire
Throwing water on the sun would shorten its lifespan, but it would burn brighter
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Don't worry, ending wasn't worth the effort.

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You're welcome!

>life jacket
You mean floaties?
Swimming lessons anyone?

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I'm building 5 color Angels and Human Allies EDH. Because I hate myself.
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I know right?..
I'm sure he'll hang in here, he'll be back tomorrow.
I'm sure of it
I'm not mad, that was my standard answer to that question~
Gotta stretch that back friend!
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Best Shrine maiden.jpg
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then we get a lot of water
like a lot

or a foam extinguisher
I would but I dont hate people
>wash harder newfag
My scheme may have been a mistake. Think a metal base with light blue-grey panels and gold detailing. If I were at home Id show you.
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Ending was my favorite part.

Watching the community explode.
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she says 'what the fuck'.gif
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>not hating people
Hmmmmm at the moment not really other than me moving everything else is going alright, thanks for asking fran!

Oh okay haha I was worried I had irritated you, I do but then it hurts once again after I play for a little bit
Hiya Smuggles, what's new today?
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Nigga have you been paying attention
Throwing water equal the the mass of the sun would cause it's lifespan to be halved, but burn twice as bright
if i say i hate you will it change your mind?

>it's current year guys

no, you don't understand how much water we'll use
alternative solution

or light it on fire then put it out
Yeah fuck it, let's do that
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ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo

My decks are

Omnath mono green ramp/voltron

Sygg river guide merfolk tribal

Rith tokens

Ghoulcaller Gissa zombie tribal

Rakdos the defiler kamikaze

Mazirek voltron/reanimation

Alesha reanimation

Merieke no fun control

Pheldagriff group hug/secretly Dimir mill

Currently building actual Phenax mill control, but will probably build modern turbo fog first if I can get Fridays off for summer
Might look cool. I also decided that I hated working with metallic paint since I could never quite get it right

If you need any help, I've been to the therapist enough to mimic him
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Let's throw some mass in it until it gets so big it collapses on itself!
It's pretty hard to irritate me
>unless we're playing vidya
What if you keep your back as straight as possible while drumming?
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retarded planters peanut.png
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don't make me fuck you up, it's 2016, get over it, i'll fukn kill your head off
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ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo
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Daaaabs. How's the house business coming along?


Only if Miss Leah teaches me the breaststroke ;^)

That's a little reassuring but sadly we'll find out tomorrow.
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Not really. It takes a lot to get me to hate.
Im surprisingly not hate-filled or really violent.
White undercoat works better for metals.
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Pipe it up!.gif
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Haha alright, I remember going to therapists they never really helped me they just made me draw things

I do try that! But then I just lean over when I am getting into the beat

Crossing my fingers we get approved for the apartment and if we do then yay
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I'm Fabulous.jpg
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now we just need explosive water

>current year
>not checking your privilege

>just shoot me in the face already
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I'm going to be off to sleep.

Have a good day everyone.
First Get
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Got any sacrifices for him?

Well, terracotta is pretty nice, if only I could roll well I'd be set!

One of mine was actually pretty good, he mostly just drilled in ways to calm down. Solitare works supper well for it
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evil shiro (8).png
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you can check this
have warm lengthy dreams of you and your waifu kyouko!
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Miho claimed

Hows everyone's night/day going?
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>tangled hair edition
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How's the car?
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Why even play Reinhardt when people just run out in front of you?
Hiya Miho. Not going to bad, got my new tires. Waiting to get a response to see if a friend will put them on, or if I'm taking them to a shop tomorrow.
How are you?
Rainy as you can see. How are you?

I'm not getting the reference:(
So, who did you think about in the shower?

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I guess so..
I feel your pain Chuuni
My back hurts when I'm on the drops for too long while cycling
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It'd be a red wedding.jpg
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>your failure

hey there
my days great, now that i can relax

to bash peoples faces with a rocket hammer
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h-huh??? u-uhmmm somebody special....
What car have 2 and a truck?

Im doing ok. Just got back from a big car meet. And on the way home the driver side mirror fell off my truck CauseRust.jpg
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Oh shit. Forgot to tell you about the drunken Pathfindering.
>be me
>unarmored rogue
>bomb needs to be disarmed
>head over to it
>floating posessed corpse blocks me
>I proceed to tank the corpse by being hit a lot, deal damage every turn despite getting no flank bonuses / sneak attack and using only a single dagger because no gear beyond what I looted from previous assassins
>all while disarming the bomb
>it gets close to exploding before I disarm it
>it was a positive energy bomb
>mfw I saved the party and a noble family from being overhealed to death
>still do roguelike things the rest of the session like find a body double of one of the servants
>also messing with the party while invisible due to a wand I sleight of handed in my tux
>felt good man
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Well I am glad he helped you I went to 3 and they didnt really do much for me

Speaking of that when was your last ride? Was the wind with you?!?

It looks like it might rain here in the next few days. If it does, then I've got terrible luck.

Oh my, it just...fell off? No warning?
>Had that happen to my fisheye
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There's no reason you all shouldn't be right? Good luck man, crossing mine also.

Sleep well.

Just fine until I digested that White Castles.

Kek, the sign said call Miss Leah to register. Maybe she's the instructor :^)

Or maybe later tonight, that'd be better.
Was it megumin?

Sounds fun man, we came across a drider that isn't completely psychotic

Yeah, the others I went to were shit
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I'd claim Lucy from Elfen Lied, but my ex- already behaves like her... fuck.
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it wasn't.....that ship is gone now
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sadly not
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hey yui!!! how are you doing???
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That was 4 days ago, wind with me!
I'm planning on making a 3-4 hours ride in a few days. Maybe go to the a town nearby and back~
>off by one
That'd be good! But I think I'll be asleep if he comes by tonight
Up to anything lately?
Hello brown mugi!
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Oh yeah
Ever had 2 Reinhardt's crash into each other? Shit's fun
WE HAD A PALADIN THAT HIT ONCE WITH SMITE ACTIVE. ONCE. AND DEALT 9 DAMAGE. And I took over 70 damage. Because fuck that corpse.
>Im a rogue with 40 health when our tanks have 48 and 60+
>our paladin couldnt even hit when the corpse tried to fly away and I was flanking
>we are level 6
>fighter was yet to join due to not being physically at the session yet
Oh, it's one of those kinds. They shouldn't be too expensive to replace, right?
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Good, currently 4AM, gonna grab some breakfast soon.
What abut you?
Hi faggot.
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Why are like the majority of them bad??

Yessss! That sounds super cool actually, I hope you have a cool time riding the wind!
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oh well good morning!!!
what's for breakfast?!? and im doing good!
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Toast and a cup of tea.
That's how I roll.
Just a prank bro.
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Oh no!

Shit man. You got any Tim's? Nigger needs those

Shit man

I blame Freudian psychoanalysis, it's mostly bull shit

Night /waifu/
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You make it the gay Earth.
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It will be ok Yuuko-chan
Terrible luck? Kek please do take it. We have enough rain in April

>offbiwan kenobi
Fuck I did I not realize that?!
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Goodnight my bae I will see you later!
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it happens!!! it was fun while it lasted....
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I got next thread
New tires and rain is asking to lowside on the slightest lean! I don't plan on lowsiding anytime soon if I can help it!
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My legs will be kill for days!
I can't wait for it honestly, just waiting for the weather to clear out before I go for it
>Freudian psychoanalysis
I thought Freudian theory was pretty much dead by now..
Thank you!
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Never again.

Well I'm sure one of us will fill you in. Been searching for some jobs, lot of games coming out/ are out.

>Off one
kill me.

Sleep tight.

Lel, you were too busy putting on the floaties.
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